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International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2019

https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

Digital Literacy: A Survey Level Digital Literacy

Competence among University Students in
Diah Wardhani, Sri Hesti, Nindyta Aisyah Dwityas
Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract— Digital Literacy Competence is not yet mastered by the people of Indonesia. Understanding of
reading material and the ability to produce positive reading has not been successfully implemented. The purpose
of the study was to analyze the influence of parental roles on digital literac y competencies of the students of the
Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Mercu Buana. The concept of Interpersonal Communication by
DeVito (2013) was used in this study. The role of the family can be classified into four, namely: (1) modeling; (2)
mentoring; (3) organizing, and (4) teaching. Through survey methods and data analysis techniques with
correlation and impact testing, the results of the study show that the role of parents has an influence on digital
literacy competencies. The role o f parents as models, mentors, organizers and instructors in educating and
raising their children is highly recognized by their children. Meanwhile, the role of parents has not had a
maximum effect on improving student literacy digital competencies.
Keywords— The Role of Families, Digital Literacy Competence, Audiences.

I. INTRODUCTION Media literacy, information literacy and digital

Indonesia has not mastered the six basic literacy literacy are the three most prevailing concepts that focus
established by the World Economic Foru m in 2015. The on a crit ical approach towards med ia messages (Hobbs,
six basic literacies are reading literacy, nu meracy literacy, 2010). A wareness of the growing importance of digital
scientific literacy, d igital literacy, financial literacy, and literacy in today’s workplace coexists paradoxically with
also cultural and citizenship literacy(DeNard is & Hackl, apparent foot-dragging on the part of many universit ies in
2015). Forms o f high literacy mastery are the ability to assessment and amplification of these important
collaborate, crit ical thinking, creativity and competencies (Kahne, Lee, & Feezell, 2012). Th is newly
communicat ion skill(Briandana & Dwityas, 2019). Those emerging concept of "digital literacy" may be utilized as a
are the important aspects needed to win the global measure of the quality of learners’ work in digital
competition. environments, and provide scholars and developers with a
The low level of literacy which includes the more effective means of communication in designing
ability to access, understand and use information better user-oriented environments (Buckingham, 2008).
appropriately is caused by low read ing ability.The The purpose of this study is to reveal the digital
problem was also compounded by the low interest in literacy level of Indonesian university students
reading. The UNESCO survey shows that the Indonesian specifically in one of the private university in Jakarta, the
people’sinterest of reading was only 0.001 percent. That capital city of Indonesia. The results of this study can be
is, in one thousand people there is only one person who used as input for the development of the higher education
has an interest in reading (Source: news fro m Indo Pos curriculum in Indonesia.
May 19, 2016).
The highly increasing number of internet users II. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF THE
does not improve the digital literacy skills of the STUDY
Indonesian people. According to Hiller Spiers, media Literacy of Information and Communication
literacy or d igital literacy has three elements namely 1) Technology
finding and consuming digital content, 2) making digital Literacy of co mmunicat ion and co mmunication
content, and 3) communicat ing or sharing content technology according to Eu ropean Co mmunit ies (2007) is
(Education week, News Letter, Vo l. 36, Issue 12, the basic ability in using digital devices to take, assess,
November 8, 2016, Pages 5-6). store, produce, present, and exchange information, and to

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International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2019
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

communicate and participate in collaborative networks Literacy is a transformation process where students need
through the Internet (Adeoye & Adeoye, 2017). to find, understand, evaluate, and use information in
According to Adeoye & Adeoye (2017). Literacy various forms to create for personal, social or g lobal
of info rmation and co mmunicat ion technology can be purposes (Buckingham, 2008).
measured through several indicators, as follows: 1) Information literacy can be measured through
Ability to use various digital devices to access several indicators, as follows Adeoye & Adeoye (2017):
informat ion, 2) Ability to use various basic software such 1) The ab ility to identify the informat ion needed. 2)
as Microsoft Office, 3) Ability to create images using Ability to choose trusted sources of information, 3)
online facilities, 4) Ability to produce music using online Ability to quickly get the info rmation needed on the
facilit ies, 5) Ability to produce videos using online med ia, 4) Ability to distinguish genuine news or hoaxes,
facilit ies, 6) Knowledge of designing websites, 7) 5) Ability to distinguish news facts or opinions, 6) Ability
Knowledge of various types of licenses that apply to to distinguish official sites or personal sites, 7) Ability to
online content, 8) Confidence in displaying video content access various information needed on the med ia, 8)
I made it online, 9) Knowledge of safe applicat ions / Ability to use various information obtained, 9) Ability to
software to download, 10) Ability to write co mments on return info rmation obtained to others, 10) Ability to bring
blogs, websites or forums, 11) Knowledge of in formation together various informat ion to be written back in their
that can be shared online, 12) Carefulness in making own language, 11 ) Ab ility to understand cata quotes
comments online, 13) Be careful when interacting online, online references using the correct format, 12) Ability to
14) Affection man How to protect privacy while doing write reference sources obtained from the internet in the
activities online, 15) Ability to protect yourself when correct format.
interacting online, 16) Ability to maintain ethics when
communicat ing online, 17) Balance time for activit ies III. RESEARCH METHOD
with and without digital devices. This is a descriptive study conducted to
determine the value of independent variable, either one or
Media Literacy more variab les (independent) without making
Media literacy is the ability to access, enjoy, comparisons or connecting with other variables(Vaishnavi
interpret, analyze, produce, and evaluate messages in all & Kuechler, 2015). Researchers use a quantitative
varieties and combinations of print, visual and digital approach with a survey method. Data collection is done
formats(Gilster, 1997). People who are media literate can by using research instruments as outlined in
use communication media to solve problems. They have questionnaire. Su rvey method or survey research is
critical understanding and information about how research that takes samples fro m one population and uses
individuals and organizations build med ia messages. a questionnaire as a basic data collection tool(Sugiyono,
Through this understanding, media literate indiv iduals can 2012).
assess their own relat ionships with the med ia, and provide
value and meaning to media use and media messages Population and Sample
(Christ & Potter, 1998). The population in this study were all active
Media literacy can be measured through several students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences,
indicators, as follo ws: 1) Ability to use information fro m University of Mercu Buana batch 2018 totally 405
various media, 2) Ability to understand the purpose of students. The reason for choosing the population is
messages presented by various media, 3) Ability to use because the purpose of this study is to develop teaching
devices (HP / tablet / laptop / computer, etc.) suitable for methods in accordance with the characteristics of Faculty
seeking information, 4) the ability to use the device of Co mmunication Science UM B Students. Sampling is
(cellphone / tablet / laptop / computer, etc.) that is done by using the Slovin pattern:
appropriate to use information, 5) the ab ility to use the
device (cellphone / tablet / laptop / computer, etc.) that is n = N
appropriate for making information(Hobbs, 2017). 1 + Ne2
n = number of sample
Information Literacy N = number of population
Information literacy is a set of abilities that e = signification (10%)
require individuals to recognize informat ion with the n= 405
ability to find, evaluate, and use effectively. In formation 1 + 405 (0.05)2

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International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2019
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

n= 201 sample is taken proportionally based on the number of

Fro m the calculat ion it is known that the sample students in the four program of study in the
of this study was 201 students. The composition of the Communication Science study program as follows:

Table.1: Sample Composition

Number of Active Students, Number of
Faculty/Study Program
batch 2018 % Sample
Faculty of Communication Science 5%
Broadcasting 143 35 71
Public Relations 153 38 76
Advertising and Marketing 62 15 31
Digital Communication 47 12 23
405 100 201

Data Collecting Technique (1) informat ion and communication technology literacy
In this study, primary data was collected using a (17 indicators); (2) media literacy (5 indicators), and (3)
questionnaire. Secondary data is carried out through informat ion literacy (12 indicators). The
literature review. operationalization of the concept in this study can be seen
Operationalization of Concept in table 4.2 below:
There is one variable in this study, Dig ital Literacy
Co mpetence. This variable has three dimensions, namely :

Table.2: Operationalization of Concept

Variabel Dimention Indicator Scale
Digital Information 1. The ability to use various digital devices to access Likert
Literacy and information 5 = Strongly
Competence Communicatio Agree =
n Technology 4 = Agree =
Literacy 3 = Doubtful =
2. The ability to use various basic software such as 2 = Disagree =
Microsoft Office 1=Strongly
3. The ability to make pictures using online facilities Disagree
4. The ability to produce music using online facilities
5. The ability to produce videos using online facilities
6. Knowledge of designing websites
7. Knowledge of various types of licenses that apply
to online content
8. Confidence displays video content that I made
9. Knowledge of applications / software that is safe to
10. Ability to write comments on blogs, websites or
11. Knowledge of information that can be shared
12. Caution in making online comments
13. Caution in online interactions
14. Understanding of how to protect privacy when
conducting activities online

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International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2019
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

15. Self-protection in online interactions

16. Ability to maintain ethics when communicating
17. Balancing time for activities with and without
digital devices
Media Literacy 1. The ability to use information from various media
2. he ability to understand the purpose of the message
presented by various media
3. Ability to use the device (cellphone / tablet / laptop
/ computer, etc.) that is suitable for finding
4. Ability to use the device (HP / tablet / laptop /
computer, etc.) that is appropriate for using
5. The ability to use the device (HP / tablet / laptop /
computer, etc.) that is appropriate for making
Information 1. The ability to identify information needed.
2. The ability to choose trusted sources of
3. The ability to quickly get the information needed
on the media
4. The ability to distinguish news or hoaxes.
5. The ability to distinguish news facts or opinions.
6. Ability to distinguish official sites or personal sites
7. The ability to access various information needed
on the media
8. Ability to use various information obtained
9. The ability to share information to others
10. Ability to compile various information and rewrite
with their own language.
11. Ability to understand how to cite online references
using the correct format
12. The ability to write reference sources obtained
from the internet in the correct format

Validity and Reliability Reliab ility has various terms, such as reliability,
The validity and reliab ility tests were carried out reliability, discrepancy, consistency of the main ideas
in two stages, firstly carried out to test the instruments in contained in the concept of reliab ility is the result of a
this study in the form of questionnaires, and both the reliable measurement. The measurement results can be
validity and reliability tests for all questionnaires that had trusted only if in several times the measurement of the
been filled in by the study sample. same subject group obtained relatively the same results,
Validity as long as the aspects measured in the subject have not
Validity test is done by calculating the correlation changed.
between each statement with a total score using the Instrument reliability testing in this study using
"product mo ment" correlation technique formula. Data is Cronbach alpha. If the reliability value o f questionnaire is
processed using SPSS. The results are compared with the α <0.60 then the questionnaire is not reliable while if the
table values of the r product moment values. questionnaire value α is ≥ 0.60 then the questionnaire is

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International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2019
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

Data Analysis Technique given to 30 (thirty) 2018 students of the Faculty of

The data analysis technique used in this study is Co mmunicat ion Sciences. The second part of the test is
descriptive data analysis techniques and inferential data the validity and reliab ility test conducted to test the
analysis techniques. instrument that has been filled in by the study sample,
In this study, the measurement scale used is the namely as many as 201 (two hundred and one) 2018 batch
Likert scale 1 d. 5. There is no transformation on the students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences.
Likert scale because the Likert scale can be considered an
interval (Gho zali, 2010). The questionnaire was asked to Validity and Reliability Test Part One
the same respondent, in fact the correlation value between The instrument of this study consisted of one
the Likert scale and Gut man and Thotone correlation was variable, namely dig ital literacy co mpetency as an
0.92. So the Likert scale can be considered an interval independent variable with a number of 35 indicators.
(Ghozali, 2010).
Validity Test
Descriptive Analysis This validity test is done for each item in the
Descriptive analysis in this study was conducted to instrument. In this study, the validity test used is Pearson
analyze respondents 'data as well as respondents' product mo ment correlation with two-way testing (two
responses to research variables. Respondent data is tailed test). The results of processing are compared with
presented in the form o f a p ie chart while for respondent the table values of the r product mo ment values. The
responses will be presented as a percentage in the number of N for this valid ity test is 30 (df = n-2), so the r
frequency distribution table. table value with a significant level of 5% is 0.361 with a
significance level of <0.05. The total nu mber of indicators
General Description of Research Subjects in testing the validity of d igital literacy co mpetency
The research subjects were students of the Faculty variables is 35 points but because 6 indicators are
of Co mmunication Studies, Co mmunication Studies declared invalid, i.e. indicators with the codes "LTIK4,
Program, Field of Broadcasting Studies, Public Relations, LTIK5, LTIK7, LI3, LI5, and LI13" with r product
Advertising and Marketing Co mmunication and Digital mo ment values smaller than 0.361 and the significance
Co mmunicat ion, Un iversity of Mercu Buana batch 2018. level is greater than 0.05, the instrument is retested
The age range of students is between 18 dd. 24 years old. without including the indicators "LTIK4, LTIK5, LTIK7,
Based on data fro m the Indonesian Generasi Milenian LI3, LI5, and LI13". After the second test, which is on 29
Profile book published by the Ministry of Wo men's indicators, there are still three invalid indicators, namely
Empowerment and Ch ild Protection with the Central "LTIK8, LI7, and LI9", then retesting the instrument
Bureau of Statistics in 2018, the age of research subjects without including the indicators "LTIK8, LI7, and LI9".
falls into the millennial and generation Z categories. After the second test, all 26 indicators of digital literacy
Millennials are those who were born between 1980 dd. competency variables were declared valid.
2000. While generation Z, they were born between 2001
and 2010. Both of these generations already know and Reliability Test
have experience with gadgets, smartphones and other Reliab ility testing is done after all items in the
technological sophistication that are often referred to as instrument are declared valid. Instrument reliability
generation of digital natives. The main characteristic of testing in this study using Cronbach alpha. If the
this generation is marked by increased use and familiarity Cronbach alpha value is at least 0.6, then the instrument is
with co mmunication, med ia and digital said to be reliable (Ghozali, 2005).
technology(Wardhani, Hesti, & Dwityas, 2019). Th is
generation is a generation that involves technology in all Frequency Distribution
aspects of life, including the process of learning in Frequency distribution is carried out on the
college. characteristics of respondents as well as indicators on
each research variable, both med ia use, news needs and
IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION news satisfaction.
Instrument Testing Respondent Characteristics
In this study, instrument testing was carried out Characteristics of respondents, seen from the age
through validity and reliability tests on the variable level of the respondent, the sex of the respondent, parental
of digital literacy in two stages, namely the first stage was education, and the work of parents.

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International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2019
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

Age of Respondents aspect shows the ability of respondents regarding digital

Age of respondents ranged from 17 - 29 years. literacy. The h ighest presentation ability was in med ia
Of the 201 respondents, the majority of respondents were literacy co mpetency, namely 83.3%, then communication
64% (129 students) aged 19-29 years. The Age Range is and information technology literacy, which was 74.8%
included in the millennial generation and the remaining and the lowest percentage was information literacy
36% goes to generation Z. competency which only reached 45.1%.
Gender of Respondents Literacy of co mmunication and informat ion
The gender composition of the sample was not technology is the basic ability to use digital devices to
determined. The majority of respondents in the study take, assess, store, produce, present, and exchange
(61%) were women. informat ion, and to co mmunicate and part icipate in
collaborative networks through the Internet (Adeoye &
Parents’ Educati onal Backgrounds Adeoye, 2017). In th is case, the majo rity of the 2018
The majority of respondents parents education is batch of Fiko m UM B students already have these
primary to secondary education, which is primary to competencies. Co mpetencies that still need to be
secondary education (elementary school until senior high improved are the ability to design websites, knowledge
school) of 60% and high ly educated (Dip lo ma in Masters) about software or applications that are safe to download,
of 40%. and the last is the ability to balance time in activ ities both
Parents’ Job with or without digital devices.
The majority of the respondent's fathers jobs were self - Regarding the time used by 2018 Fiko m UM B
emp loyed and private emp loyees, wh ich amounted to students in their activities with and without gadgets,
76.6%. While the majority of mothers jobs are Rianto (2018) stated that children born in the digital age
housewives, which is equal to 59.7% in this case, the were referred to as the generation of digital natives, they
majority of mothers have more time opportunities with did more act ivities using gadgets in their daily lives.
children. These conditions need to be a concern of various parties
including how universit ies can provide direct ion and
DISCUSSION debriefing to balance lifestyle better(Hobbs, 2011).
Nowdays, digital literacy co mpetencies are very Furthermore, the results of the research on media
important for students. The development of literacy in this study the highest level of competence in
communicat ion and information technology makes e- students of the 2018 class of UMB showed that students
resources become one of the main learn ing resources. have the ability to access, enjoy, interpret, analyze,
Fro m the results of research conducted by Adiarsi, produce, and evaluate messages in all varieties and
Stellarosa, & Silaban (2015) it was found that digital combinations of print, visual, and and digital. What still
literacy has a significant relat ionship with the quality of needs to be improved in media literacy is the ability of
use of e-resources, in the very high correlation category, students to understand the messages presented by various
mean ing digital literacy is a very decisive factor in the media.
high quality of use of e-resources. The final dimension of digital literacy
In Indonesia, the highest internet users are competencies, namely information literacy. In formation
students, which is 89.7% (APJII, 2016). It is hoped that Literacy itself is a transformation process in which
one of the priorit ies in the use of the internet by students students need to find, understand, evaluate, and use
is to support the learning process so that students are able informat ion in various forms to create for personal, social
to determine the information needed, access information or global needs (Natharius, 2004). This ability is very
effectively and efficiently, critically evaluate information, important for students to support their learning process.
synthesize selected informat ion into a knowledge base, Fro m the results of this study, informat ion literacy
use informat ion effectively to resolve an assignment, competencies ranked the lowest compared to the
understanding aspects of social, economic, legal issues dimensions of communicat ion technology and
that cover this information and using information informat ion literacy and the dimensions of media literacy,
ethically and legally (A merican Libra ry of Association, which only reached 45.1%. Th ings that still need to be
2000). improved by students related to informat ion co mpetence,
The results of this study, respondents' positive especially in the ability to identify the in formation
responses to aspects of digital literacy competency needed, the ability to choose reliable sources of
reached 67.9%. A positive response to the competency informat ion on digital med ia, the ability to d istinguish

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International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-4, Jul – Aug 2019
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

original news or hoaxes, the ability to return in formation SUGGESTION

obtained to others, the ability to rewrite in formation Based on the results, the student’s digital literacy
obtained with their o wn language, as well as the ability to competencies not on the maximu m level, especially in
cite online references using the correct format. terms of information literacy. The tert iary party in this
Mercu Buana University students are a generation case as an educational institution that nurtures students is
of digital natives where they learn quickly, process expected to be more optimal to specifically equip students
informat ion quickly, although in the end they cannot with dig ital literacy material. Fro m the findings of the
concentrate properly, because they are looking for research, debriefing can focus on key issues such as: (1)
informat ion quickly in a short time. This fast-paced the ability of students to understand the messages
generation tendency causes them to have more choice, presented by various media; (2) the ability to identify the
without wanting to read the full information (Hobbs, informat ion needed; (3) the ability to choose reliable
2017). Th is trend strengthens evidence of the low level of informat ion sources on digital media; (4) the ability to
informat ion literacy among these digital generation distinguish genuine news or hoaxes; (5) the ability to
generations. convey information back to others; (6) the ability to
The role of various parties in improving student rewrite information obtained in their own language; (7)
literacy co mpetencies is very necessary. Universities in the ability to quote online references using the correct
this regard as educational institutions that care for these format; (8) knowledge of software or applicat ions that are
students are expected to be more optimal to specifically safe for download; (9) ability to design websites; and the
equip students with digital literacy material. Fro m the ability to balance time in activit ies both with and without
research findings, debriefing can focus on the main things digital devices.
such as: (1) the ability of students to understand the
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https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijels.4434 ISSN: 2456-7620

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