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V. Some Morphological Differences of the Sesame Flower (S. mdicum L.)

N a previous paper8 in which color
I differences in sesame flowers were
discussed it was pointed out that
2. Internal pubescence vs. its ab-
sence.—Near the foveola of some varie-
ties is found a small brush of plant hairs;

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many structural differences also existed. these are absent in other varieties. The
These are too numerous to describe in number of hairs varies from one to ap-
detail, but their principal characteristics proximately 50 per flower, but the num-
will be the subject of the present paper. ber for any given variety is relatively
Material for this study consists of 35 constant. The ease of classification of
varieties of sesame with numerous hy- this character in segregating populations
brids between many of them. The off- made possible the determination of seven
spring of crosses of varieties from wide- different qualitative factors for the pres-
ly separated geographical regions have ence or absence of hair. Second genera-
expressed many characters not.found in tion ratios of 3:1, 9:7, 13:3, 15:1, 1:3,
either parental phenotype. The expres- 7:9 and 1:15 have been confirmed by
sion of some other characters was F 3 and F 4 populations.
changed by transferring the genes re- 3. Tubular flower vs. split flower.—
sponsible for them to other genotypes. In contrast to the usual tubular flower,
The study of this wealth of material has a type with five petals completely sepa-
been extremely useful in preparing a rated has been isolated. It is structural-
linkage map for sesame and also in ex- ly sterile because the absence of the tube
plaining certain cases of sterility and permits the style to curve upwards there-
semi-sterility among varieties. by separating the stigma from the an-
Description of Characters thers. Application of pollen, however,
results in seed set. In the F2 progenies
The extreme variation in the sesame studied, recessive duplicate genes have
flower revealed by an intensive «tudy of been found responsible for "star" flower.
different varieties makes the selection of Other types of split flower occur in
a typical flower difficult. The most fre-
which the tube may be opened by divi-
quently appearing type is shown in Fig-'
ure \AA and is described in Bailey's sion of the two dorsal petals, or along
Cyclopedia1. one side, or near the base. All of these
types have been isolated in pure lines.
Some of the variations of this typical Segregations of normal to split flower
flower as seen in our breeding plots are recorded in different F 2 generations are
described below: 3:1, 9:7, 1:3.
1. Foveola vs. absence of foveola.— 4. Open flower vs. closed flower.—
The typical sesarne flower has a small Ordinarily about seven o'clock in the
V-shaped pit in the petal, which forms morning, the lip of the lower petal of
the base of the floral tube. Neither the the flower bends downwards, leaving an
origin nor the purpose of this small in- opening in the floral tube. Some lines
dentation is known at this time, but it have been isolated in which the tube re-
is useful in a genetical study of the flow- mains closed. There are three different
er because of its relation to color distri- types of closed flowers:
bution and to certain morphological
A. Lip normal, but remains closed.
characters. A few plants without this
B. One half of flower tube, including lip,
foveola occurred and have been selec- remains green instead of becoming violet
tively bred to give pure lines. in color.
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Figure 14
A—"Normal" sesame flowers on day of opening. The curvature in the center of the vertical
portion of the flower tube is the U-shaped foveolar indentation. B—Portion of flower with the
dorsal part of corolla removed, showing tuft of flat hair near foveola as compared with ab-
sence of this hair. C—"Star" flower, with petals separated. D—Extra enations on exterior of
the corolla, a characteristic associated with non-shattering seed capsules. E—Flower with fused
stamens, as compared with normal flower (Z7), and flower with extra tissue on inside of corolla
Langham: Genetics of Sesame 349
C. Tips of petals become necrotic the day progeny with similar type flowers. In
the flower should normally open. crosses between this and ordinary flow-
A and C are recessive and B are domi- ers the complete U dominates in Fi gen-
nant in Fi hybrids with normal flowered eration and classification is difficult in
types. The F 2 generations have not yet the second generation, although the de-
been studied. fective types occur in approximately 25
5. Extra citations on the exterior of per cent of the progeny.
the corolla tube vs. wild type.—Flowers 11. Single vs. double lip.—Selections
with these extra growths have been iso- in which the majority of the flowers
lated three times and in each case the have an extra petal in the base, giving

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plant differed from the others in that the two lips and usually two foveoli, have
seed capsules were indehiscent in con- been made in segregating populations of
trast to ordinary sesame. This valuable certain hybrids.
mutant form behaves as a simple reces- 12. Single vs. multiple flowers.—Se-
sive.6 lections have been made in which dou-
6. Extra tissues on the inside of the ble flowers occur frequently. The flow-
sesame flower vs. wild type.—Ordinarily ers may be nearly separated, or fused
the five petals are smoothly joined to at different angles. Triple and other
form the corolla tube; the borders of multiple forms occur in these same
adjacent petals unite edge to edge. A lines.
new type of flower in which adjacent 13. Large, normal, and small flow-
petals, particularly the lower ones, dou- ers. — The average flower is approxi-
ble inward and unite with extra tissues mately two and one-half centimeters
on the inside of the tube, has been iso- long and one centimeter in diameter.
lated in a pure line. But flowers three and one-half centi-
7. Fused filaments vs. separate fila- meters and others one centimeter long
ments.—Usually the filaments are com- with a corresponding variation in diam-
pletely separated one from another, but eter have been isolated. The size of the.
new lines have been obtained by selec- flower segregates as a multiple factor
tion among hybrids in which several or character in hybrids.
all of the filaments are fused. This type 14. Thick, normal, and thin petals.—
is recessive to the normal. The flowers of some varieties are so thin-
8. Flattened vs. curled lip.—A type walled that they become soaked by a
of flower in which the lip curls down- heavy dew, while others are so thick
wards instead of remaining straight, oc- they are quite firm to the touch. The
curred in a variety from Brazil. It is most common flower type is between
recessive in Fi generations and difficult these two extremes.
to classify in F2. 15. Wide, normal, and narrow fove-
9. "Rough" foveola vs "smooth".— ola.—In the study of color distribution
By looking in profile at the foveola of in the sesame flower, a wide foveola is
some varieties, the elongated cells in the desired because the limits of the differ-
pit of the foveola have a brush-like ap- ent pattern factors are more easily deter-
pearance, while in others the surface is mined than in narrow types. Individual
smooth. In crosses between the two plants in which flowers with a broad
types smooth is dominant and segre- foveola were obtained in a variety from
gates as a simple Mendelian factor. China. The narrow type occurs in a va-
10. Defective foveola vs. normal riety from Nicaragua.
foveola.—In some segregating popula- 16. Reduced lip of the petal vs. nor-
tions individual flowers occurred in mal lips.—In a variety from Brazil cer-
which the foveola does not form a com- tain types were isolated in which the tips
plete U, but rather a portion of it, or a of petals were shortened and the lip
split U. Seeds from these plants give hardly existed. In this type natural
350 The Journal of Heredity
crosses are reduced because the bees can- of a detailed study of genetics of flower
not find a resting place to enter the flow- type in order to facilitate plant breeding
er. Reduced petal segregates as a simple with this crop. The results presented
recessive in F2 generation. were obtained from a study of approxi-
Discussion mately fifteen thousand segregating pop-
The morphological differences in the ulations.
sesame flower described in this article Summary
occurred in breeding plots in which
many varieties, hybrids and selections 1. Brief description of some morph-
were under study for commercial use. ological differences occurring in the

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The importance of flower type in the sesame flower are given.
percentage of natural cross-pollination, 2. The relation of the differences to
dehiscence of seed pod, relative fertility the sesame breeding program are dis-
and other factors demonstrate the need cussed.

VI. Some Genetic Variations in Plant Color in Sesame

4. Purple, green, and yellow leaf tips.

H I S is a preliminary report of a
study on inheritance of color dif- —When the tips of the first pair of true
ferences in the sesame plant. Some leaves are barely visible between the
of these plant characters are related to cotyledons, they may be purple, green,
flower color and to seed color. The com- or yellow. Both the purple and the yel-
plete relationship between foliage, flow- low change within a day or so to green
er, and seed will be discussed in a fu- and the classification must be made at
ture article. the proper time. In all cases studied to
date, purple dominates green or yellow.
Seedling Colors Two types of purple have been ob-
1. Albino seedlings. — For the past served : one which is independent of
six years a few albino seedlings have whether the plant germinates in the sun
been observed in commercial plantings, or in the shade and another which germi-
but it was impossible to isolate this char- nates green in the shade and purple in
acter without testing thousands of plants the sunlight. These are complementary
in an effort to find the heterozygous dominant genes and one is linked with a
form. This year, however, one line from virescent. Classification is simple.
an individual plant selection segregated Among many F2 progenies from nu-
green and white seedlings in the ratio of merous crosses, green leaf tip dominates
3:1, and a heterozygous strain is now yellow in some cases, and yellow is domi-
available. nant in others. Two complementary
2. Virescent seedlings.—In spite of dominants have been isolated for green
the fact that sesame is approximately leaf tip (yellow leaf tip being recessive
96 per cent self pollinated2'8, virescent in these cases). Yellow leaf tip segre-
seedlings are found frequently. Those gates as a simple dominant in certain
observed in our breeding plots are sim- other crosses.
ple recessives and three have been dem- 5. Purple stem.—The color of the
onstrated to be genetically distinct. seedling stalk immediately below the
3. Pale yellow. — There is extreme cotyledons may be purple or green. Pur-
variation in the degree of color in sesame ple stem is dominant to green and segre-
plants, ranging from pale yellow to dark gates sharply in the F2 generation. Seed-
green. One of the yellow types segre- lings with the combination of purple leaf
gates as a simple recessive but the oth- tip and purple stems, green leaf tips and
ers are difficult to classify in segregating green stems, purple tip and green stems,
populations due to intermediate grades. have been found, but the combination of
Langham: Genetics of Sesame 351

Cp X Gp

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Op Gp Op
Figur. 13

The tips of the first pair of true leaves may be purple, green, or yellow as they emerge
between the cotyledons. Later the purple and yellow varieties turn green, so that the character
can only be recognized during a brief period.

green tips and purple stems has not yet This type in which the color is localized
been recorded. in dots, occurred in a variety from Bra-
zil and in our Selection No. 5. It is re-
Plant Colors cessive to green stem and also to purple
6. Purple stems and leaf petioles.— and bronze.
Two types of purple have been encoun- 9. Green stem and leaf petiole.—As
tered : can be seen from the above discussion
a. Develops in the shade or in the sunlight. green acts as a recessive to purple and
Determined by a simple dominant gene. bronze, and as a dominant to dotted
b. Develops only in the sunlight Dominant
complementary genes differentiate this stem. The combination of the flower
purple from green. color known as flake and green stem has
All of these genes for purple are es- not yet been found; but the flower color
sential for the expression of the flower smear occurs in combination with green
color known as flake.8 stem and bronze stem, but not in purple
7. Bronze stem and leaf petioles.— or dotted.
This color is usually faint and is visible 10. Mottled leaf. — This character
only in the young leaves and stems of was described in a previous paper4 and
the nearly mature plants. It is deter- consists of yellow blotches in the green
mined by a simple dominant. leaves of nearly mature plants. It is a
8. Dotted stem and leaf petioles.— simple recessive.
352 The Journal of Heredity

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Figure 16

Green and virescent cotyledons represent an allelic pair, with green dominant.' In F , a
3:1 segregation of green and yellow is observed.

Discussion care is exercised in classification, all

Most of the seedling and plant colors these characters are useful in a genetical
described in this paper can be easily study of sesame. They are particularly
classified in segregating populations, if valuable in reference to flower and seed
color. A complete discussion of the re-
care is taken to make the observation at
lations of the three will be made at a
the proper stage of growth and under future date.
favorable conditions of light. Purple
leaf tips, for example, are visible just as Summary
they emerge between the two cotyledons, 1. Brief descriptions of seven seed-
but a day or so later they cannot be dis- ling colors and five plant colors are given.
tinguished from green. Bronze stems 2. The mode of inheritance of most
may be confused with green stems un- of these is discussed.
less classification is made in the later 3. The importance of the time factor
development of the plant. If proper in making classification is emphasized.

Literature Cited
1. BAILEY. L. H. The Standard Cyclopedia -Science 103:2670. p. 280.
of Horticulture. Vol. I l l , pp. 3157. 1946.
2. LANCHAM, D. G. Circular Xo. 4, Insti- 6. (abstract). Genetics.
tuto Experimental de Agricultura y Zoolecnia 1946.
(Depto. de Genetica), Venezuela. 1943. 7. -Circular No. 18, Minis-
3. Jour, of Hcrei. 35:254- terio de Agricultura y Cria (Depto. de Ge-
256. 1944. netica), Venezuela. 1947.
4. Jour. of Hcrcd. 37:149- 8. Jour, of Hered. 38:221-
152. 1946. 224. 1947.
378 The Journal of Heredity
None of these investigators recorded It is worth noting that neither of these
nausea caused by P.T.C. in the amounts persons became sick at the time of chew-
used for testing, although some of their ing the paper, but that both did so while
subjects must have had far greater doses asleep two or three hours later. It is
than the two concerned in this note. doubtful if many adult persons tested
(From the unused portion returned, it with P.T.C. have been asleep within a
was calculated that those tested in this short time thereafter, as most such tests
family each had used about one-third of are made during working hours. Could
a square inch of the test paper. This sensitivity be heightened merely by in-
contained whatever amount of P.T.C. activity, by sleeping, or by recumbent
posture? Although this last suggestion

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was absorbed during immersion in a 0.5
per cent solution in acetone). Two per- seems far-fetched, it may be recalled that
sons tested by Blakeslee and Fox did one genetic character in man is mani-
become nauseated, but both had taken fested more readily in patients flat on
by mistake many times the proper dos- their backs than otherwise (asthma)
age of the actual crystals. Dr. L. H . and that another is suppressed simply
by lying down (urobilinuria).
Snyder (private communication) writes
that he has known people to complain As far as they go, these two cases in
that P.T.C. almost nauseated them, but one family only suggest that there may
never to the point of actually vomiting. be an extreme sensitivity to phenylthio-
carbamide and that it may be genetic.
It is easy to say that nausea is not
They are noted here merely so that other
unusual and that the occurrence of these investigators will be encouraged to re-
two cases in one family is merely a coin- port similar instances if they occur.
cidence, but it would be difficult to con-
vince the family concerned with that Literature Gted
argument. Obviously, the experiment 1. BLAKESLEE, A. F. and A. L. Fox. /.
should be repeated, but, while it is all Hered. 23:96-107. 1932.
very well for Haldane to drink dilute 2. Editor. / . Hered. 23:107-110. 1932.
hydrochloric acid, or for the writer to 3. FALCONEB, D. S. Ann. Eugen. 13:211-
gorge himself on chicken said to be load- 222. 1947.
4. HARTMAN, G. Ann. Eugen. 9:123-135.
ed with estrogenic hormones, there are 1939.
limits to the experimentation that one 5. SALMON, T. N. and A. F. BLAKESLEE.
may ask of a six-year-old child and her Proc. Nat. Acad. U.S.A. 21:78-83. 1935.
grandfather. 6. SNYDER, L. H. Ohio J. Sci. 32:436-
440. 1932.

Postscript on the Diabetes-Non-Tasting Correlation

O E V E R A L interesting questions were raised by the correlation between diabetes
O melitus and inability to taste PTC, as reported by Terry and Segall in the
May 1947 issue of this JOURNAL. The authors suggested the possibility that non-
tasting diabetics may be genotypic tasters. Can it be that non-tasting in diabetes
is non-specific for PTC ? Have any tests been made to determine whether a lessen-
ing of taste acuity in general accompanies diabetes ? Has the possibility been ex-
plored that there may be a correlation between non-tasting and insulin ? The
following reply was received from the senior author.
TO THE EDITOR: saw, viz., 46 per cent of non-tasters
The data from which our paper was among the diabetics. All I have got, for
written contain no answers, I am sure, sure, from the present much larger num-
to these questions. I am no wiser as to ber of observations is assurance that the
those particulars than I was several undertaking was worth while.
years ago when, after testing 36 persons, I have not inquired how far out of
diabetic and non-diabetic, I saw what I bounds the following ideas may be with
Diabetes—PTC Postscript 379
respect to genotype and phenotype; but The difference is highly significant
I have thought that an experiment with statistically. All of the 57 "prediabetic"
alloxan and rabbits, white rats, or dogs, mothers were non-diabetic at the time of
might turn up something new. White delivery. All 57, it was discovered, de-
rats would be best because of rapid re- veloped diabetes later, but none before
production (and because they were 40 years old.
available to me in the Department of Dr. Best, of Toronto, has a chapter
Anatomy), dogs best for a better reason, in a new book entitled, Currents in Bio-
viz., their known susceptibility to dia- chemical Research, in which he says
betes. (page 431) in speaking of the possible

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I tested a few dogs (and even a few prophylactic use of insulin: "applica-
birds!) and found that, with one excep- tion will not be easy until the potential
tion, the dogs showed a strong dislike human diabetic can be recognized much
for PTC. The one exception was a very earlier than is possible at present." It
fat, very old, Cocker Spaniel bitch who is barely possible that PTC or the like
is much of the time under a veterin- might be of some service here.
arian's care. She does not object to the There is a diabetic woman here who
taste of any medicine he gives her. She says she can tell by a bitter taste in her
may be diabetic for all I know. mouth when she must take her shot of
Blakeslee et al (at Smith) made a insulin. Neither just before taking the
study on threshold recognition of the insulin nor at any time before or after
taste of P T C ; but, of course, without does she detect the taste of PTC.
any thought of diabetes.
Alloxan diabetes, they say, may be It looks as if the Negroes may con-
controlled indefinitely by insulin. If so, stitute a special case.
experiments could be devised.
There are exogenous factors in the P.P.S. As to the possibility that insulin
incidence of human diabetes. The Met- therapy (or diabetes itself) may change a tast-
ropolitan Life Insurance Company men- er to a non-taster, we may have to wait until
tions some of these in their pamphlet on the youngest diabetic known to be a taster is
old enough to have the trophic ulcers of the
diabetes and undertakes to give advice. disease. I have but one case to the point—a
In a 1945 number of the Nezv England patient who was a taster—and so remains.
Medical Journal, (233[13] :376-78), The following was contributed by a physi-
Dr. H. C. Miller presents some evi- ologist who knows some of them: "There are
dence for a "prediabetic state" operative, diabetics who do not take insulin; if they were
tested they would show a low I.Q." Projec-
in his cases, well before the appearance tion: Insulin is taken now by all diabetics
of the disease but not discovered un- smart enough to get it Wider use would tend
til long thereafter. Perhaps PTC might to preserve an unwanted mutant gene for sus-
help to identify such "prediabetics." Dr. ceptibility to diabetes, to lower I.Q. and to
more diabetes 1
Miller's data consist in the following It isn't insulin that makes smart diabetics
mortality rates for "prediabetic" and smart, it keeps them smart longer. If any con-
non-diabetic mothers at childbirth. trollable exogenous factor in the causation of
diabetes is found,* the use of insulin may be
Number Number Number expected to raise the I.Q. and decrease dia-
Status of of of of infant Mortality betes ! Therefore: On with surveys, experi-
mother mothers births deaths rate—%
Xon-diabetic 59 253 5 2.0
ment, and theory.
"Prediabetic" 57 264 22 8.3 M.GT.

•See the control chart for poliomyelitis in California (Rich and Terry: Public Health
Reports Vol. 61, No. 42. 1946). Also the report on diabetes in a New England town, J.A.M.A.
Sept 27, 1947. There are two other recent articles of some relevancy: 1) C. W. Jungablut:
Annals of Internal Medicine 26:1, 1947, and 2) M. B. Frank: Proc. Soc. Exp. Bio/, and Med.
62:1, p. 17, 1947. The first correlates blood group A3 with paralytic poliomyelitis, and the
second correlates it with filariasis.

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