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This year is the Loreto Year of Justice. This is one of our core Loreto values to which we feel
a strong connection; just as Mary Ward recognised in her time, we also see many cases of
injustice in our world at local, national and global levels and as young, educated people, we
know there is much we can do to bring about positive change.
In order to turn our ideas surrounding justice into actions, we have devised the school theme
for this year, alongside our fellow Councillors. Our school theme for justice in 2018 is…
‘With open hearts, we welcome all to the table’
We speak a lot in our school community, about the importance of having right relationships;
for us right relationships are at the heart of justice. Right relationships are built upon showing
respect towards other people, different groups and even to our natural world. Mary Ward
talked about the necessity of bearing a strong heart in order to create such right
relationships; a heart that is transformed by love, open to change and welcoming of every
new interaction.
This idea of welcome and inclusion, also part of right relationships, feeds into the image of
the table which is associated with a sentiment of gathering, be it for a meal or an executive
meeting where people of power sit and make decisions that influence the world. This table
brings to mind images of Mary Ward’s open circle of friends, a powerful symbol of inclusion.
Today, the universal need for such inclusion is seen in our ongoing pursuit of equality, where
all the world’s people are represented and given a seat at the table. Our Loreto education,
inspired by the Loreto sisters as instigators of change and doers of justice, also encourages
us to ensure that we, as powerful women, are able to take our seat at this table too.
This theme resonates with us because we see each word as a diving off point to encourage
us not to be passive in the face of injustice. We very much look forward to working with you
all throughout the year to give this theme life and meaning, but until then, we encourage you
all to think about how you personally connect with justice and what this theme means to you
in bringing it about, whatever your year level or place in our school. It is with pride that we
say the Loreto Year of Justice is already off to a wonderful start.
We pray the Justice Prayer, written on the Student Leaders Retreat by the Captains of
Australian Loreto Schools 2018;
Creator God, source of all life,
we marvel at the beauty and excellence within everything you have created.
In our difference, you made us and love us.
Through our search to seek and understand the message of your son Jesus, we open
ourselves to belong to the Kingdom of God.
Free our minds to recognise the needs of the world, locally and globally.
Give us the wisdom and the conviction to realise that through right relationships with you and
each other, we have the power to bring about a more just world.
May we give generously and willingly, without expecting anything in return, as we challenge
all that leads to injustice.
We pray that our God who liberates, empowers and motivates, will be with us as we work for
justice with the gifts of humility and compassion.
Enable us to be disciples of your love and peace.
Following the example of Mary Ward, assist us in being ‘seekers of truth and doers of
Hear our prayer which we ask in Jesus name.

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