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1.1 Background
The reproductive system is a system that serves to multiply. It consists of the testes,
ovaries and other genital parts. Reproduction or proliferation is part of ilmufaal (physiology).
Physiological reproduction is not vital to the individual's life and even though the reproductive
cycle of a human being stops, the human can still survive, for example, a human vasectomy of
his reproductive organs (testes or ovaries) or reaching menopause and andropouse will not die.

1.2 Purpose
1. Can know what is the reproductive system
2. Can know how the male reproductive system
3. Can know how female reproductive system

1.3 Problem Formulation

1. Knowing what is meant by the reproductive system
2. Knowing how the male reproductive system
3. Knowing how the female reproductive system



2.1 Understanding the Reproductive System

The reproductive system is a system that serves to multiply. Consists of the testes, ovaries
and other genital parts. Reproduction or proliferation is part of the physiology (physiology).
Physiological reproduction is not vital to the individual's life and even though the reproductive
cycle of a human being stops, the human can still survive, for example, a human vasectomy of
his reproductive organs (testes or ovaries) or reaching menopause and andropouse will not die. In
general, new reproduction can take place after the human reaches puberty or adult sex, and this is
governed by the endocrine glands and hormones produced in the human body. Reproduction is
also part of the body processes responsible for the survival of a generation. For the life of
reproductive living beings is not vital meaning without the process of reproduction of living
things is not dead. But if the living beings can not reproduce then the survival of the living
creatures is threatened and extinct, because it can not produce offspring (children) which is a
means to continue the generation

2.2 Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive Organs as well as secondary and primary features. Male reproductive organs
are distinguished into reproduction tools that appear from the outside and inside the body. Here
are the details:
a) Overseas Reproductive Organs
The penis consists of muscle tissues, soft spongy tissue, blood vessels and nerve tissue.
Its function is for copulation (the relationship between male and female genitals to facilitate the
cement into the female reproductive organs). The penis is covered by a thin membrane that will
be operated on when circumcised / circumcised. The testicles consist of a scrotum inside which
there is a pair of testes and other parts. Her outer skin is called a scrotum. The scrotum protects
the testicles and regulates the appropriate temperature for spermatozoa (sperm cells). The
scrotum is a sac that contains testicles. The scrotum amounts to a pair, the right scrotum and the
left scrotum. Between the right scrotum and the left scrotum is bounded by the bulkhead in the
form of connective tissue and smooth muscle (dartos muscle). Dartos muscle serves to move the
scrotum so it can shrink and relax. Inside the scrotum also tedapat muscle fibers derived from the
continuation of striated lurik muscle wall called muscle cremaster. This muscle acts as a
temperature regulator of the testicular environment in order to stabilize the condition.
The process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) requires a stable temperature, which is
several degrees lower than body temperature.

b) Inside Reproductive Organs

The reproductive organs in the organ are not visible from the outside, the explanation:
The testes are actually glandular glands, amounting to a pair and will produce sperm cells as well
as the hormone testosterone. The scrotum can maintain the temperature of the testes. If the
temperature is too hot, the scrotum expands, if the cold temperature of the scrotum shrinks so
that the testes are warmer. The testes (male gonads) are oval and lie within the scrotum sac. The
testes are a pair (testes = plural). The testes are in the left and right body parts. The left and right
testicles are limited by a bulkhead consisting of connective tissue fibers and smooth muscle. The
function of the testes is generally a tool for producing sperm and male sex hormones called
testosterone. Inside the testicles there are fine ducts called sperm-producing channels
(seminiferous tubules). The inner wall consists of epithelial tissue and connective tissue. The
epithelium diagram is:
c) Reproduction Channels (Expenditure Channels)
The reproductive tract means a sperm outlet or a small hole that connects the internal
organs. The outlet channel in the male reproductive organs consists of epididymis, vas deferens,
ejaculatory ducts and urethra. The epididymis is a long, winding channel that comes out of the
testes. Epididymis numbered on the right and left. The epididymis serves as a temporary storage
place for sperm until the sperm matures and moves toward the vas deferens. Vasa deferens, a
long and straight channel transporting sperm to seminal vesicles.

The vas deferens or sperm duct (ductus deferens) is a straight channel that leads upward
and is a continuation of the epididymis. The vas deferens is not attached to the testis and the end
of the duct is present in the prostate gland. The vas deferens serves as a channel where the sperm
passes from the epididymis to the semen sac or seminal sac (the seminal vesicle). The ejaculatory
channel is a short channel and connects the seminal vesicles with the urethra. This channel serves
to remove sperm to enter the urethra. Urethra is a long canal channel of the ejaculatory duct and
is present in the penis

d) Male Genital Glands:

 Seminal vesicles.
Added a pair, located below and over the bladder. Is a place to accommodate sperm so
called a cement bag. Produce a yellowish sap that is rich in nutrients for sperm and is
alkaline. Serves to neutralize the acidic atmosphere in the female reproductive tract.
 Prostate gland
The prostate gland encircles the top of the urethra and is located at the bottom of the
bladder. The prostate gland produces sap that contains cholesterol, salt and phospholipids
that contribute to sperm survival.
 Cowper gland (bulbouretra gland)
Is a gland that channels directly to the urethra. Cowper glands produce alkaline sap

Disorders of the Male Reproductive System
 Hypogonadism
Hypogonadism is a decrease in testicular function caused by interference of hormone
interactions, such as androgen hormones and testosterone. This disorder causes infertility,
impotence and absence of signs of kepriaan. Treatment can be done with hormone
 Cryptoridism
Cryptorchidism is the failure of one or both testes to descend from the abdominal cavity
into the scrotum at the time of the infant. It can be treated with human chorionic
gonadotropin hormone therapy to stimulate tertototone. If it has not gone down too,
surgery is done.
 Urethritis
Urethritis is a urethral inflammation with symptoms of itching of the penis and frequent
urination. The organisms that most commonly cause urethritis are Chlamydia
trachomatis, Ureplasma urealyticum or herpes virus.
 Prostatitis
Prostatitis is a prostate inflammation. The cause can be bacteria, such as Escherichia coli
and not bacteria.
 Epididymitis
Epididymitis is a common infection of the male reproductive tract. The epididymitis-
causing organisms are E. coli and Chlamydia.
 Orchitis
Orchitis is an inflammation of the testes caused by parotitis virus. If it occurs in adult
men can cause infertility.

2.3 Female Reproductive System

It consists of external and internal organs, mostly located in the pelvic cavity.
External (until vagina): copulation function
Internal: ovulatory function, ovum fertilization, blastocyst transport, implantation, fetal growth,
The function of the female reproductive system is controlled by gondaotropin / steroid
hormones from thalamus hormonal axis - hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal ovary. In addition
there are organ / system ekstragonad / ekstragenital which is also influenced by reproduction
cycle: breast, skin of certain area, pigment and so on.

- Vulva
Appear from the outside (from mons pubis to perineal edge), consisting of mons pubis, labia
majora, labia minora, clitoris, hymen, vestibulum, orificium urethrae externum, glands in the
vaginal wall.
- Mons pubis / mons veneris
Fat layer in the anterior symphisis os pubis.
At puberty this area began to grow hair pubis.
- Labia majora
The subsequent fat layer of the pubic monsses downward and backward, many containing the
venous plexus.
Homolog embryologically with scrotum in men.
The uterine rotundum ligament ends at the upper limit of the labia majora.
At the bottom of the perineum, the labia majora together (on the posterior commissura).
- Labia minora
The thin folds of tissue behind the labia majora, have no hair follicles. There are many blood
vessels, smooth muscle and nerve endings.
- Clitoris
It consists of a capillary / glans clitoridis located in the superior part of the vulva, and corpus
clitoridis embedded within the anterior wall of the vagina.
Homolog embryologically with penis in man.
There is also a androgen receptor in the clitoris. Many blood vessels and nerve endings, very
- Vestibule
The area with the upper limit of the clitoris, the lower limit of the fourchet, the lateral boundary
of the labia minora. Derived from the urogenital sinus.
There are 6 holes / orificium, namely orificium urethrae externum, introitus vaginae, ductus
glandulae Bartholinii right-left and ducts Skene right-left. Between fourchet and vagina there is
fossa navicularis.
- Introitus / orificium vagina
Located at the bottom of the vestibulum. In the girl (virgo) is covered with a thin layer of the
hymen, hymen, intact without tears.
Normal hymen is a small hole for menstrual blood flow, may be crescent, round, oval,
cribiformis, septum or fimbriae. As a result of coitus or other trauma, hymen can tear and the
shape of the hole becomes irregular with tears (eg fimbriae). The shape of the postpartum hyper
is called parous.
Corrunculare myrtiformis are the torn hymen remains visible in women having given birth.
An abnormal hymen, such as a hollow primer (hymen imperforate) closes the total vaginal
opening, causing menstrual blood to accumulate in the internal genital cavity.

- Vagina
Tubuloidal tubular cavity begins from the edge of the cervix uteri in the dorsal cranial portion to
the vulva in the ventral caudal section. The area around the cervix is called fornix, divided into 4

quadrants: the anterior fornix, the posterior fornix, and the right and left lateral fornix. The
vagina has a ventral wall and an elastic dorsal wall. Coated with layered epithelium, changing
following the menstrual cycle.

Vaginal function: to excrete uterine excretion in menstruation, for birth canal and for copulation
(copulation).The upper part of the vagina is formed from the Mulleri duct, down from the
urogenital sinus. Clinical inner boundaries are anterior, posterior and lateral fornices around the
cervix uteri. The Grayenbergh point (G-spot), a sensory region point at about 1/3 of the anterior
wall of the vagina, is very sensitive to vaginal orgasmic stimulation.


The area between the bottom edge of the vulva with the front edge of the anus. The borders of
the pelvic diaphragm (m.levator ani, m.coccygeus) and the urogenital diaphragm (m.perinalalis
transversus profunda, m.constrictor urethra).

Perineal body is the rapian median m.levator ani, between the anus and vagina. Perineum
stretches in labor, sometimes need to be cut (episiotomy) to enlarge the birth canal and prevent


 Uterus
A muskular organ is shaped like a pear, coated with peritoneum (serosa).
During pregnancy serves as a place of implication, retention and conceptual nutrition.
At the time of delivery in the presence of uterine wall contractions and uterine cervical
opening, the contents of conception are excluded.
Consist of corpus, fundus, cornu, isthmus and cervix uteri.
 Serviks uteri
The lower part of the uterus, consisting of pars vaginalis (bordering / penetrating the
inner wall of the vagina) and supravaginal pars. Consists of 3 main components: smooth
muscle, connective tissue (collagen and glycosamine) and elastin. The outer portion
inside the vaginal cavity is the portio cervicis uteri (wall) with the external ostium uterine
hole (outside, the vaginal direction) coated with the cervical mucosa squamous epithelial
epithelium, and the internal uterine ostium (in, cavum direction). Before delivery
(nullipara / primigravida) the small round externum ostium hole, after ever / birth history
(primipara / multigravida) transverse shaped. The cervical position leads to caudal-
posterior, as high as spina ischiadica. Cervical mucosal glands produce cervical mucus
mucus containing carbohydrate-rich glycoproteins (mucin) and solutions of various salts,
peptides and water. The thickness of the mucosa and viscosity of the cervical mucus is
affected by the menstrual cycle.

 Corpus uteri
Consists of: the outermost layer of serosa / peritoneum attached to the intra-abdominal
ligament ligament in the intra-abdomen, the middle of the muscular / myometrial layer is
a three-layer smooth muscle (from the outside to the direction of longitudinal, woven and
circular muscle fibers), and in the lining of the endometrium lining the wall cavity uteri,
thicken and collapse according to the menstrual cycle due to the influence of ovarian
hormones. The position of the intraabdominal corpus is flat with flexion to the anterior,
the uterine fundus is above the urinary vesica.
The proportion of the size of the corpus to the uterine isthmus and cervix varies during
the growth and development of the woman (figure).
 The uterine ligament
Ligamentum uterium, ligamentum rotundum uteri, cardinale ligament, ligamentum ovarii,
ligamentum sacrouterina propium, infundibulopelvicum ligament, ligamentum
vesicouterina, ligamentum rectouterina.
 Uterine vascularization
Particularly from the uterine artery branch of the internal hypogastrica / illiaca artery, as
well as the ovarian artery branches of the abdominal aortic branch.
 Salping / Tuba Falopii
The embryologic uterus and tuba are derived from the Mulleri ducts. A pair of left-right
tubes, 8-14 cm long, serves as the path of ovum transport from the ovaries to the uterine
Tubular wall consists of three layers: serosa, muscular (longitudinal and circular) and
mucosa with ciliated epithelium.
Consists of pars interstitialis, pars isthmica, pars ampularis, and pars infundibulum with
fimbria, with characteristic cilia and different wall thickness in each part (picture).
 Pars isthmica (proximal / isthmus)
Is a part with the smallest lumen, there is a uterotuba sphincter transfer control
gamet.Pars ampularis (medial / ampulla) \
The place where fertilization is common is daera
 Mesosalping

The connective tissue of the fallopian tubes (as well as the mesenteres of the intestine).

 Ovary
The oval-shaped endocrine organ, located within the peritoneal cavity, is a pair of left-
right. Coated mesovarium, as connective tissue and path of blood vessels and nerves.
Consisting of the cortex and the medulla. The olarium functions in the formation and
maturation of the follicle into an ovum (from primordial germ epithelial cells in the outer
layer of the ovarian epithelium in the cortex), ovulation (ovulation), synthesis and
secretion of steroid hormones (estrogen by the internals of the follicle, progesterone by
post-ovulatory corpus luteum). Associated with Falopian tube infundibulum pars through

fimbriae attachment. Fimbriae "captures" the ovum released at the time of ovulation. The
ovary is fixed by the ligamentum of the proprietary ovaries, the infundibulopelvicum
ligament and the mesovarium connective tissue. Vascularization of the inferior
abdominal aortic branch towards the renal artery.

C.Hormones Reproductive Hormones

1. Estrogen
Estrogen is produced by the ovaries. There are many types of estrogen but the most
important for reproduction is estradiol. Estrogen is useful for the formation of the
characteristics of sexual development in women that is the formation of breasts, curves,
pubic hair, etc. Estrogen is also useful in the menstrual cycle by forming the thickness of
the endometrium, maintaining the quality and quantity of the cervical and vaginal fluids
making it suitable for sperm penetration.
2. Progesterone
This hormone is produced by the corpus luteum. Progesterone retains the thickness of the
endometrium so it can receive implantasizygot. Progesterone levels continue to be
maintained during the early trimester of pregnancy until the placenta can form HCG
3. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone GNRH
It is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus in the brain. GNRH will stimulate the
release of FSH (follicl stimulating hormone) to be chlorophyzed. When estrogen levels
are high, then estrogen will feed back to the hypothalamus so that GNRH levels will be
low, vice versa.
4. FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone)
These two hormones are called gonadotropoin hormones produced by pituitary due to
stimulation from GNRH. FSH will cause maturation of the follicle. From the mature
follicle will be released ovum.Kemudian this follicle will be the corpus luteum and
maintained for a certain time by LH.
5. LH (Luteinizing Hormone) / ICSH (Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone)
Produced in anterior pituitary chromophyll cells. Together with FSH, LH functions to
trigger the development of follicles (gastric cells and granulosa cells) and also trigger
ovulation in mid-cycle (LH-surge). During the luteal phase of the cycle, LH improves
and retains the post-ovulatory function of the luteum luteum in producing progesterone.
The release is also periodic / pulsative, the levels in the blood vary in each phase of the
cycle, the short-term half-life (about 1 hour). Work is very fast and short.



Male and female reproductive systems are different. In male reproduction have the penis
and testicular glands to produce sperm, the maturation of sperm cells is characterized by wet
dreams at the age of puberty. In the female reproductive system has a vagina and ovary to
produce an ovum. The maturity of eggs atuovum marked menarche at the age between 13-16
years. If there is a meeting between sperm cells and ovum cells there will be a pregnancy that
will develop into a fetus.

1. For Students
It is hoped that this paper can increase students' knowledge in providing midwifery services and
can apply them in everyday life.
2. For Health Officers It is hoped that this paper can improve the health service especially in
midwifery so that it can maximize us to provide health education in the care.
3. Knowledge of sex & sexuality should be owned by all people. With the knowledge that is
expected the person will be able to keep the reproductive device not to be used freely without
mengaahuidampaknya, Knowledge given should be easy to understand, right on target.





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