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Assignment No.

Total Marks: 20
Semester: Spring 2019
Due Date: 24/07/2019
CS506 – Web Design and Development

Uploading Instructions:
 It must be complete NetBeans IDE project folder (which should contain complete source code, html files,
Java files and builds etc.). After finalizing, compress it with Zip or RAR format and submit it at VU-LMS
within due date.
 Your assignment should be in .zip /.rar format. Other file formats will not be accepted.
 Save your assignment with your ID (e.g. bc000000000.zip).
 No assignment will be accepted through email.

Rules for Marking:

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

 The assignment is submitted after due date.

 The submitted assignment does not open, execute or file is corrupted.
 You are not allowed to use any other software except NetBeans IDE for this assignment development.
During evaluation, all assignments will be checked on NetBeans IDE. If submitted code is unable to execute
on NetBeans IDE, then zero will be awarded and no excuses will be accepted in this regard.
 Your assignment is copied from internet, handouts or from any other student (strict disciplinary action will
be taken in this case).
 Do not put any query on MDB about this assignment, if you have any query then email at cs506@vu.edu.pk

Assignment No. 03
Total Marks: 20
Semester: Spring 2019
Due Date: 24/07/2019
CS506 – Web Design and Development

Problem Statement:
You are required to deploy a simple web application using Tomcat Server, named HealthCare for a typical
medical treatment center. In which administrator, after login, will view patients detail, doctors detail, schedule
appointments and at end, logout from system. All activities will be done with the help of a backend database
using MS Access.

Detailed Description:
Admin should be able to login by using "admin" as username and "vu" as password. By considering it, you
need to develop an html page (index.html) which should contain a form as shown below;

Fig. 1: Sample Login Page (index.html)

Now, write a Java Servlet (LoginServlet.java) that will receive the information submitted from client side
(index.html), verify the input values; whether entered values are correct or not. If authentication is invalid
then print back the message "Invalid Username or Password".

Fig. 2: Invalid Authentication

If admin login information is correct, jump to welcome page (welcome.html), which should contain a form
with having following options;
1. View Patients
2. View Doctors
3. Schedule Appointments
4. Logout

Assignment No. 03
Total Marks: 20
Semester: Spring 2019
Due Date: 24/07/2019
CS506 – Web Design and Development

Fig. 3: Sample Welcome Page (welcome.html)

Here, Java Servlet (WelcomeServlet.java) will serve the client; if patients view button is clicked, all information
about patients should be fetched from database and will display in a table by using a Java Servlet

Fig. 4: Patients Information

When view button from doctors section is clicked, a table containing information about doctors should be
shown by using a Java Servlet (DoctorsServlet.java), after fetching appropriate information from database;

Fig. 5: Doctors Information

Assignment No. 03
Total Marks: 20
Semester: Spring 2019
Due Date: 24/07/2019
CS506 – Web Design and Development

Button schedule appointments should be bound to schedule the appointments by matching patients' diseases
with doctors' specializations from database and display to user by using a Java Servlet

Fig. 6: Scheduled Appointments

Admin can sign out from system by pressing logout button. In this case, developer information (student id,
name and email address) should be displayed via an html page (info.html);

Fig. 7: Sample About Us Page (info.html)

Required Stuff:
Html Pages:
Java Servlets:
Java Classes:

Assignment No. 03
Total Marks: 20
Semester: Spring 2019
Due Date: 24/07/2019
CS506 – Web Design and Development

DatabaseHelper.java (must contain all database related code)
Database file:
BSxxxxxxxx.accdb (must be same as your own VU student id)

Fig. 8: Folder "assets" under web directory

Important Things to Implement:

 You can use same MS Access database and Java classes as provided in previous assignments.
 You need to put database file in assets folder under web directory along with html pages; as shown
above, in figure no 8.
 You'll have to use ucanaccess driver to connect to MS Access database. In this case, you are suggested
to view the following video tutorial.
 Java classes must have proper Data Members and Member Functions along with Constructors, Setters
and Getters etc.
 For fetching data from database, you'll need to use proper SQL queries and then create appropriate
Java class object/s.
 Need to make sure that exceptions are managed properly throughout the program.
 All given images in this document are just for reference purpose only; you will be making your own
pages/interfaces. It is not required to be exactly the same.

Good Luck

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