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 Hye - good morning – madam - beloved friends - hope you’re in pink - give speech -
eating balance diet - food selection habits - repair and maintain health - have
nutrients – carbohydrates – fats – proteins – fiber - enough quantity - lack of
nutrients – malnutrition - digested by the body - generate energy - stimulate growth -
basic necessity - can continue life - towards better


 Carbohydrates - contains carbon elements – hydrogen – oxcygen - same ratio -

categorized according to the number of sugars - provide energy in the body - brains
and nerves - egg white – grain – bread – legumes - specialized products - type of
carbohydrate – monosaccharides - simple molecular order - is glucose - in fruits –
vegetables - maintain high blood sugar - after eating - delay hunger
 Fats – lipid - saturated fats - unsaturated fats - less substance - need to be derived
from food - essentials for body - have three functions - flavoredaromas in a sense of
food - a sense of satiety because of slow – limiting - helps food become soft – butter
– oil – cheese - chocolate
 Proteins - organic compounds - chain amino acids - differentiating proteins
fromcarbohydrates and fats - assisting body building - maintenance of body tissue -
contributing energy - examples of proteins – meat – fish – cheese - egg
 Fiber – containing ten or more monomers - digested and absorbed in small intestine -
two types of soluble fibers and insoluble fibers – soybeans – fruits - vegetables
 A lot of the importance of practicing balanced nutrition - magnification is more perfect
- from physical aspect - the body receiving all the nutrients can perform the task more
perfectly - the human physical will be better - than humans who do not care for
 Giving enough vitamins - the human body is more resistant to disease - not pain -
has a prosperous life
 Able to control obesity rates - take a small - but nutritious nutrition - control diet
makes one’s body less fat - facilitate exercise - able to exercise - have a balanced
diet in life
 Mental development of a person is undisturbed by the substance of making a person
not intelligent - unbalanced diet - making humans fail to think - solve the problem -
versus which practices a balanced diet - makes the human mental aspect stable -
 Like to eat fast - instant noodles - carbonated drinks – burger - can not cater for
substances in the body - the pyramid suppresses diet select a balanced diet - sorted
according to the same nutrient value


 – need to take all the above – food interests – not only individual – socities – avoid
chronic illness – must change the way nutrition – guaranteeing a lif of prosperity –
daily activities run smoothly – the government has a balanced diet – compulsory
campaign for one family – can live a quality life – capable of producing a healthy –
physical and mental society – capable of being a developed nation – good generation
of other countries – active in sports – years to come

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