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Genesis Creation Scene's Handy Omission

Of Adam & Eve's Mitochondrial DNA Acquisition

Written By Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn
Copyright © 2019 Marvin Thomas Cox
DBA: Marvin Thomas Cox Flynn
All Rights Reserved

If Eve was truly created from one of Adam's ribs, then, her DNA had to have
been identical to Adam's, with, both, possessing no paternal Y-DNA from any father
short of God, Himself, which, if true, would have made them the Son and Daughter of
God as virtual reality, literal, Creation Scenario versions of God incarnate to be
likened unto that which was claimed and alleged of Jesus. Yet, even Jesus required a
mother's mitochondrial DNA (mt-DNA) in order to make him a human man who was
also alleged to have been God incarnate. For, unless such a wildly incredulous
theory is true, then, neither Adam, nor Eve possessed Paternal Y-DNA, for there was
no human father who sired them and no human mother by whom they were given
birth, as the closet thing that Adam had to a mother was a handful of dirt, which
metaphorically may tend to allude that the Earth (Mother Earth?) itself was his
mother, with God pounding sand, and poor Eve (women singled out for blame in
several overtly conspicuous instances in the Bible) supposedly come to existence via
the maternal ingredients of a surgically removed rib robbed from the chest of a
sleeping unawares Adam which truly is that purest of nonsense of which fairytales
are made of ...
The above question serves to spawn another curious question: Where did Eve
come by the mitochondrial DNA, necessary for her genetic makeup, in order to pass
that DNA on to her sons and daughters? She could not have attained her
mitochondrial DNA through Adam, for Adam, himself, possessed no mitochondrial
DNA, possessing neither father, nor mother — unless one truly does consider the
Earth as the mother of that very first alleged man, with God pounding sand in his
hand ...
Better check your shoes folks, 'cause we done stepped off into to some deep
religious ass bullshit, heretofore, concealed by the mysticism of deceit and treachery
of lie after lie, after lie ...
(Written May 22nd, 2019)

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