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the changing profession

“Words with Friends”:

Socially Networked
Reading on Goodreads
lisa nakamura
but the balance is quickly changing, especially in the world of aca-
demic publishing (Striphas xii). While many lament the loss of the
p-book’s materiality, texts have become more lively as a result of
digitization: textual-production platforms like blogging let writers
and readers interact with each other and create intimate social re-
lationships. As Kathleen Fitzpatrick found while writing her book
Planned Obsolescence using CommentPress, an online platform that
enables readers’ commenting, writing can become a more social and
creative process when done in dialogue with readers. his turn to
the social in writing parallels a turn to the social in media generally.
Thus, it makes sense to evaluate not how far our devices are tak-
ing us from paper—the answer is already pretty far—but rather how
digital media are creating new social valences of reading.
However, the book’s new form persists in dominating conversa-
tions about the future of reading. he publishing industry insists
that reading’s new platforms and apparatuses are central to or deter-
mine the reading experience, in an attempt to suture it to a discourse
of futurity, as part of a still-fetishized culture of product innova-
LISA NAKAMURA is professor in the De- tion. his is a tendency that we must resist. Not only are incessant
partment of American Cultures and the hardware upgrades bad for the earth and our budgets, but the noisy
Department of Screen Arts and Cultures
launches of the iterations of the Kindle, Nook, iPad, and other tab-
at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
She is the author of four books on digi-
lets for reading distract us from digital reading’s more extensive al-
tal media and identity, including Digitiz- terations to the ways we read. Like social media generally, digital
ing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet reading is migrating toward a service-based rather than hardware-
(U of Minnesota P, 2008), winner of the based model of consumption, which is why online social networks
2010 Association of Asian American like Goodreads are important sites of study for literary scholars.
Studies Book Award in Cultural Studies,
People who study reading today must be interested in how the use
and Race after the Internet (Routledge,
of digital reading devices has transformed reading and discourse
2011), coedited with Peter Chow-White.
Her new monograph, entitled Workers about it, but focusing on the devices themselves is short-sighted. It is
without Bodies, is about race, gender, still more likely that you will be asked “What are you reading?” than
and the hidden labor of social media. “How are you reading?” or “What are you reading on these days?”
© 2013 Lisa Nakamura
238 PMLA 128.1 (2013), published by the Modern Language Association of America
128.1 ] Lisa Nakamura 239

Of course, reading platforms matter, for on those platforms—and not just people but

the changing profession

they permit or restrict reading options. he “friends,” as the points on our social graph
devices that we use inlect what we are read- online are now generically known. Vinh
ing—the catalog of books available for pur- concludes, “Social media, if it’s not already
chase on the iPad difers from those on the obvious to everyone, is going to continue to
Kindle. However, recommendations from change everything—including publishing.
other users trump advertising as the favored And it’s a no-brainer to me that content con-
vector for consumption, as Amazon and other sumption is going to be intimately if not inex-
recommendation-based retailers learned long tricably linked with your social graph.”
ago. Books have always been a means of social Goodreads, the largest social network site
networking, and such networking is charac- “for readers,” with over six million users, does
teristic of a generation of users that the popu- everything that Vinh says digital-reading tech-
lar press has dubbed “digital natives” and nologies need to do and more. It ofers all the
“millennials” and David heo Goldberg calls conventions of social networking—an in-box,
“Webbies.” For Webbies “network incessantly, notiications, and a status ticker. Classiied as
independent of place,” and reading should a social cataloging site, it links promiscuously
now be viewed not as antithetical to social to other social networks—Facebook, Twitter,
networking—solitary, private, outside capi- Gmail, Yahoo!, and Hotmail—and automati-
tal—but as commodiied and digital (453). cally generates invitations to existing friends
Digital-media pundits have proclaimed on these networks (see ig. below). Goodreads
that the future and present of media are so- is an exemplary Web 2.0 business: it is grandly
cial, as industries, advertisers, and our friends imperial, inviting participants to comment,
are networked seamlessly and intuitively. buy, blog, rank, and reply through a range of
Publishing is no diferent. E-books are more devices, networks, and services. Like Facebook
ephemeral than p-books, and those that can’t (and unlike Myspace), it is a tightly controlled
leverage social networks are likely to fail.1 visual regime, less quirky corner bookstore
Khoi Vinh, design director for the online New than sleek megastore; as Wai Chee Dimock
York Times from 2006 to 2010, eloquently notes of Facebook, Goodreads is visually and
makes this now commonsensical claim in his “procedurally bland” (734).
popular blog Subtraction. He writes that the Ambitiously mobile, Goodreads has apps
New Yorker’s iPad version is a failure not be- for the Android, iPhone, and iPad, and its
cause of an ungraceful or unworkable tran- iPhone app sports a barcode reader to facili-
sition from the static page to the dynamic tate users’ entering of books into their virtual
screen—the apparatus is not to blame—but bookshelf. The pleasure of scanning paper
because it is “an impediment to my normal books from a home bookshelf into the iPhone
content consumption habits. I couldn’t email,
blog, tweet or quote from the app, to say
nothing of linking away to other sources—for
magazine apps like these, the world outside
is just a rumor to be denied.” According to
Vinh, the iPad’s “full-screen, single-window
posture” mimics the form of the codex at
the expense of digital reading’s real payoff:
enhanced kinds of annotation and of con-
nection and interactivity with other plat-
forms and, most important, with the people
240 “Words with Friends”: Socially Networked Reading on Goodreads [ PM L A

app, hearing its gentle “bing,” and viewing and publicizes a reading self. Cruising a book-
the changing profession

the vividly colored book covers as they pop shelf at a party is a licensed form of surveil-
up in an expanding palette of readerly acqui- lance. he immateriality of electronic books
sition provides the psychic payof of shopping poses a challenge to this aspect of literary
without the cost. Goodreads user profiles and domestic culture, for, as Striphas writes,
feature virtual bookshelves to be displayed “e books attempt to make bookcases—and
to friends, creating a bibliocentric as well as hence the way of life with which they are asso-
an egocentric network of public reading per- ciated—irrelevant” (182). Goodreads addresses
formance. he site’s slogan, “reading is more this lack by inviting users to ill their virtual
fun when shared,” emphasizes these and shelves with images of books for others to see,
other pleasures of readerly sociality. While digitizing the bookcase as well as its books.
Facebook ofers up our list of friends as visual Users sometimes refer to the role of digi-
evidence of our social graph, letting us create tal devices such as Kindles and Nooks by
and display our connections, Goodreads fore- creating bookshelves with titles like “read on
grounds reading as a spectacle of collecting. my kindle” or “audiobook.” Yet the reading
Early digital-media theorists prophesied apparatus takes a backseat to the site’s main
that electronic reading would engender new purpose: to provide users with familiar tools
forms of textual consumption and pleasure that encourage them to perform their iden-
based on random- access or hypertextual tities as readers in a public and networked
narratives in which readers could navigate forum . Like other virtual communities,
at will. As Fitzpatrick notes, however, this Goodreads has both an oicial terms-of-use
did not come to pass, because hypertextual agreement and informal community policies
reading is disorienting and oten frustrating. and customs that govern use of the network.
She reports that her students were not fans of It also features tools that let users gauge taste
electronic literature (97), and Lev Manovich’s compatibility with other users, as on Last.fm,
critique of hypertext’s false interactivity is the popular site for streaming and recom-
as valid today as it was in 2000.2 Goodreads mending music. And it is not uncommon for
invites users to navigate not in books but in popular Goodreads reviewers with many “fol-
its catalog, to create new catalogs, and to en- lowers” to admonish prospective “friends” to
joy other people’s collections. When I have use these tools before requesting a friendship.
asked others what they’ve been reading, I’ve Goodreads is both a literary network and a
oten received links to Goodreads lists. he fan community, and its design, features, and
three bookshelves that all users start with user conventions relect this hybrid purpose
are entitled “read,” “currently-reading,” and and heritage. Users lag reviews that describe
the conveniently shopping-list-like “to-read,” book plots in detail as “spoilers,” and indi-
thus organizing books around a temporality vidual proiles can be “followed,” à la Twitter,
of consumption rather than genre, nation, so that notices of new postings can be part
electronic or analog form, or language. of the news feed. Data about how popular
Goodreads shelves remediate earlier read- each book is can be found at the top of its
ing cultures where books were displayed in page, and reader tastes relect the traditional
the home as signs of taste and status. As Ted literary canon more closely than one might
Striphas writes in he Late Age of Print: Ev- expect. On 12 December 2011, for example,
eryday Book Culture from Consumerism to Gary Shteyngart’s popular Super Sad True
Control, books displayed in bookcases have al- Love Story had 8,143 ratings, 2,054 reviews,
ways been sites of public display and sharing, and an aggregate rating of 3.43 (out of 5), and
a form of public consumption that produces Elizabeth Bowen’s more obscure but comfort-
128.1 ] Lisa Nakamura 241

ably canonized The Death of the Heart had online bookstores, and libraries (a link to

the changing profession

816 ratings, 103 reviews, and a rating of 3.62. WorldCat, as a nod to the world of nonretail
Scholars looking to study reading cul- book cataloging and consumption). By sub-
ture “in the wild” will be rewarded by a close mitting our favorite book titles, readerly hab-
study of Goodreads. Lively, provocative, and its, ratings, comments, and replies (or “UGC,”
oten surprisingly personal conversations sev- user-generated content) to our social network
eral screens long can occur among “friends” of readers, we are both collecting and being
and strangers using books as pretexts for ex- collected under a new regime of controlled
change. I was assigned to read he Death of consumerism. Goodreads shares its data
the Heart in a college course on the novel, with its partners, although, as it stresses in
and I admire the book more than any other its privacy policy, the data are not personal.
because it resisted and continues to resist my As Striphas writes, “[A] society of controlled
best eforts at understanding. he novel gener- consumption is premised on the transforma-
ated a fascinating thread of vernacular liter- tion of the consumer from subject to object
ary criticism on Goodreads. Many reviewers of capitalist accumulation” (183). Goodreads
remarked on the novel’s incisive critique of the and other Web 2.0 services are successful not
class system in England and supported their because they have accomplished this task but
claims with citations and skillful close read- because we are unaware of it. his tight in-
ings of particular passages. Many provided tegration of readerly community with com-
more affective responses: “this is a shatter- merce is an absolute given, an indispensible
ingly vivid novel. I think about it all the time”; feature of reading in the digital age, so banal
“I can’t believe Portia, the child of this story. as to be unremarked on. As Goldberg writes,
And, MATCHETT [the maid]! And, the adults Webbies are more like moderns than they
here—ARGH.” Others ofered insightful char- are like ancients in this way: “hey are radi-
acter analysis: “hey are rather horrid snobs cally promiscuous, inheriting capital’s vora-
who hate everything, and never say what ciousness and, as such, prone or at least easily
they mean.” he virtual form of these literary available to commerce. So Webbies pay defer-
conversations seemed to invite information ence to virtual community, to participation,
about where and how the book had been con- to co-creation and re-creation” (452).
sumed; several users remarked that they had Goodreads turns the reader into a worker,
been steered to this and other books through a content producer, and in this it extends
a book club, a college course, or a BBC movie the labor of reading and networking into
adaptation. Goodreads hosts its own conver- the crowd.3 In some of print’s earlier ages,
sations for newly released or popular books, books cost money, but talking about them
oten featuring the author in a live chat; many with friends was free. Today books are free
comment threads have the tone of a book club, through Google Books and Internet Archive
and users oten mention how their physically and, much to the consternation of publishers,
copresent clubs discussed a book. through torrent sites like Pirate Bay and Me-
Goodreads is an amazing tool, a utopia dia Fire, but we pay to create readerly com-
for readers. But by availing ourselves of its munities on social networks like Goodreads.
networked virtual bookshelves to collect and We pay with our attention and our readerly
display our readerliness in a postprint age, capital, our LOLs, rankings, conversations,
we have become objects to be collected, by and insights into narrative, character, and lit-
Goodreads and its myriad commercial part- erary tradition.
ners. he description of each book ofers the W hereas Striphas’s work shows us
option to “get a copy” at Barnes and Noble, how digital books are still commodities,
242 “Words with Friends”: Socially Networked Reading on Goodreads [ PM L A
the changing profession

Goodreads shows us how social network- berg discusses the counterculture bible The
ing about books has become a commodity, Whole Earth Catalog, which not only embod-
a business that lays claim to all user content, ied “random access” (and foresaw the World
admits no liability, and reserves the right to Wide Web, according to Fred Turner’s won-
terminate user proiles and data for any rea- derful cultural history of early computing’s
son or no reason. Our carefully maintained hippie values) but also functioned like a social
Goodreads bookshelves, some of which con- network or a Web 2.0 company because it was
tain thousands of books, can be abruptly a recommendation engine (Turner 327). As
disappeared. As the cyberpunk author Bruce Shamberg wrote, the contents of he Whole
Sterling put it in a dark and gloomy keynote Earth Catalog exemplified the new form of
lecture at the 2009 Reboot conference in media because “people write about and rec-
Copenhagen, it is less the digital bookshelf, ommend books and methods they’ve used
library, book club, or virtual coffeehouse themselves” (Shamberg and Raindance Cor-
that social networks refer to than the high- poration 24). Shamberg did not anticipate that
tech favela that is social networking. Built the social media we would come to use to or-
on “play labor”—the recreational activity of ganize parties, put up pictures of protests, or
sharing our labor as readers, writers, and lov- broadcast ourselves would also be engines of
ers of books and inviting our friends from the capital. Indeed, a persistent theme of Guerrilla
social graph to come, look, buy, and share— Television is the importance of sustainability
Goodreads efficiently captures the value of as a necessary part of any media ecology.
our recommendations, social ties, affective Goodreads uses algorithms to rank and
networks, and collections of friends and evaluate books and organize them into ego-
books. Goodreads bookshelves are unlike centric networks. Seen in this light, it’s a
real bookshelves not because the books are folksonomic, vernacular platform for liter-
not real but because they are not really ours. ary criticism and conversation—that most
Computers have been part of the ecology esteemed of discursive modes—that is open
of reading since well before the Kindle. As the to all, solving the problem of locked- down
media activist and counterculture guru Mi- content that pay-to-read academic publish-
chael Shamberg wrote in his manifesto Guer- ing reproduces. On the other hand, open
rilla Television in 1971, people “see more and access to a for-profit site like Goodreads
more books being sold and conclude that, de- has always exacted a price—loss of privacy,
spite television, print is still very much alive. friction-free broadcasting of our personal
his is true. But as a psychological environ- information, the placing of user content in
ment, print is dead. . . . Rather, electronic re- the service of commerce, and the operation-
ality is what’s shaping print. Books manifest alization and commodiication of reading as
this in both internal style and form.” Sham- an algocratic practice.
berg, a student of Marshall McLuhan’s, was Goodreads makes reading promiscuous,
mistaken in predicting the rise of “staccato networked, and above all social. A commenter
anthologies and random access books, espe- on Shteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story
cially magazines” as the “central print form” used the update feature of reviews to record
and the demise of the “ponderous and linear every time he laughed out loud while reading
developmental novel” (Shamberg and Rain- it. his way of sharing the pleasure of read-
dance Corporation 29). However, his claims ing is surely as efective as writing an eloquent
about the “electronic morphology” of the analysis. Yet, as Goodreads’s terms of use re-
catalog as an ascendant literary form describe mind us, “[y]ou are solely responsible for
virtual bookshelves like Goodreads. Sham- your User Content that you upload, publish,
128.1 ] Lisa Nakamura 243

the changing profession

display, link to or otherwise make available limited set of paths to other texts. his limitation is hid-
den from the reader, who tends to focus on the options
(hereinater, ‘post’) on the Service, and you
ofered rather than those denied. Worse, it encourages
agree that we are only acting as a passive con- users to “mistake the designer’s mind for their own,” cre-
duit for your online distribution and publica- ating both false consciousness and false interactivity (61).
tion of your User Content” (sec. 2). Now more 3. And behind this labor of sharing reading lies an-
than ever, literary scholars must bring their other type of hidden work: book-warehouse picking.
Digital bookselling is a more exploitative business than
skills to bear on digitally networked reading. many Amazon consumers realize. he Huington Post
Researchers who are versed in reading’s many writer Bianca Bosker asserted in 2010 that conditions in
cultures, economies, and conditions of recep- Amazon factories were harsh and that worker productiv-
tion know that it is never possible for a read- ity was extensively tracked with a degree of exactitude
previously unimaginable but now immanent in all jobs.
ing platform to be a “passive conduit.” For
reading has always been social, and reading’s
economies, cultures of sharing, and circuits
of travel have never been passive.
In his essay “he Future of Writing,” the Bosker, Bianca. “Inside the Lives of Amazon .com Ware-
house Employees: Long Hours, Long Walks, and
Czech Brazilian media theorist Vilém Flusser
Heavy Liting.” he Huington Post. Huington Post,
writes, “hus, in fact, we may discern, at pres- 2011. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.
ent, two possible futures of writing; it will ei- Bowen, Elizabeth. The Death of the Heart. 1938. New
ther become a critique of techno-imagination York: Mod. Lib., 1984. Print.
(which means an unmasking of the ideolo- Dimock, Wai Chee. “World Literature on Facebook.”
PMLA 126.3 (2011): 730–36. Print.
gies hiding behind a technical progress that
Fitzpatrick, Kathleen. Planned Obsolescence: Publishing,
has become autonomous of human decisions) Technology, and the Future of the Academy. New York:
or it will become the production of pretexts New York UP, 2011. Print.
for techno-imagination (a planning for that Flusser, Vilém. “he Future of Writing.” Writings. Ed. An-
technical progress)” (69). Let us hope that dreas Ströhl. Trans. Erik Elsel. Minneapolis: U of Min-
nesota P, 2002. 63–69. Print. Electronic Meditations 6.
reading’s digital future will include the kind
Goldberg, David Theo. “Praise the Web.” PMLA 126.2
of critique and unmasking of the techno- (2011): 448–54. Print.
imaginary’s hidden ideologies that readers Juhasz, Alexandra. Learning from YouTube. Cambridge:
and writers deserve. MIT P, 2011. Video book.
Manovich, Lev. he Language of New Media. Cambridge:
MIT P, 2001. Print.
Montfort, Nick, and Ian Bogost. Racing the Beam: he At-
ari Video Computer System. Cambridge: MIT P, 2009.
Print. Platform Studies 1.
NOTES Shamberg, Michael, and Raindance Corporation. Guer-
1. Older reading platforms (like the irst-generation rilla Television. New York: Holt, 1971. Print.
Kindle) may be worth studying because they were so Shteyngart, Gary. Super Sad True Love Story: A Novel.
quickly obsolescent. As Montfort and Bogost demon- New York: Random, 2010. Print.
strate in R ac ing the Beam, the irst volume of MIT Press’s Sterling, Bruce. “On Favela Chic, Gothic High Tech, and
series Platform Studies, the Atari video computer system Where We Are Heading.” Reboot: he Best of the Re-
can tell us a lot about why early video games looked the boot Festival. Reboot, 2011. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.
way they did and thus why video games look the way Striphas, Ted. he Late Age of Print: Everyday Book Cul-
they do now. Literary studies will increasingly converge ture from Consumerism to Control. New York: Co-
with platform studies as academic and trade books are lumbia UP, 2011. Print.
published only in digital formats. Juhasz’s Learning from Turner, Fred. From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart
YouTube, for example, has an ISBN but is categorized as Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digi-
a “video-book” and cannot be read on paper. tal Utopianism. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2006. Print.
2. As Manovich writes in he Language of New Me- Vinh, Khoi. “My iPad Magazine Stand.” Subtraction.
dia, hyperlinking restricts readerly choice by creating a N.p., 27 Oct. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2012.

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