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Development of one's mentality, eases a different perspective all throughout the exposure
of the social issues that may be the cause of someone's thinking to be empowered and developed.
The process of it's development may help the adults to make a better and rational perspective.
Learner's spend time thinking about a lot of happenings. In which these needs to be manifested when
you were young.

Cognitive development is a branch of neuroscience and psychology that deals with a

person's development in terms of processing informations, conceptual resources, perceptual skill,
language learning, and other aspects of the developed adult brain and cognitive psychology. Cognitive
development is defined in adult terms as the emergence of ability to consciously cognize and
consciously understand and articulate their understanding. In other terms, cognitive development is
also known as intellectual development. Cognitive development also means the enhancement of a
child's skill to think and reason. However, this enhancements happen differently in ages 6-12, and
ages 12-18.

According to Jean Piaget, a pyschologist that studies the cognitive development, made a
theory there are four different stages in cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational,
concrete operational, and formal operational stage. These first stage sensorimotor is from birth to 2
years, in this stage, behaviors lack a sense of thought and logic, the child will mimic the movements of
the surroundings. The second stage preoperational, from 2 to 6 or 7 years, is a stage where the child's
thought is ruled by priniciples like egocentrism, animism, and etc. Egocentrism is when a child will
only see a certain circumstance with his or her own understanding. And animism is when someone
gives a lifeless material and the other will give it a human-like feature. The third stage concrete
operational, from 6 or 7 to 12 or 13 years, is about the child's cognitive structure is determined by
reality, And the last stage formal operational stage, which is from 12 or 13 until adulthood, is the
stage where concrete examples aren't necessary because abstract thinking can be used. In this stage,
adolescents can already view themselves what they are in the future and can picture out their ne plus
ultra life.

Adolescents Stage has lots of things that needs to be tackled for it lays a vital role in
building a great foundation for the future. For there are lots discrepancy that teens have to encounter
due to their weak foundation of thinking which is part of a cognitive disorder. On the contrary,
cognitive development will help aide the lacking part of the development.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to develop the cognitive developments of the adolescents in Naga
National High School . Also, this study aims to spread awareness on how to embrace and
overcome the changes that the adolescents will experience on their development. The results of
this study will be the basis of the proposed Self Awareness Program.

This study will answer the following questions:

1. How the adolescents interpret on the things that they see?

2. What are the thoughts of the adolescents according to their stage?

3. What methods are going to be used for the changes?

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