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English File
Workbook 1
Clive Oxenden
Christina Latham-Koenig
Paul Seligson
with Jane H udson


Paul Seligson and Clive O xenden are the

original co-authors of English File 1 (pub. 1996)
and English File 2 (pub. 1997).
©""" meet you Who were they? 40

m I'm not American, I'm Canadian!

Sydney, here we come! 42

m His name, her name

8 Girls' night out 44

Turn off your cell phones! 10 Murder in a mansion 46

On a plane P ractical E nglish 12 In a gift shop P ractical E nglish 48

Cappuccino and fries 13 jjj* A house with a history 49

When Natasha meets Darren... 15 A night in a haunted hotel 51


An artist and a musician 17 Nightmare neighbors 53

Relatively famous 19 New York, New York 55

At a hotel P ractical E nglish 21 On the street P ractical E nglish 57

Pretty woman 22 What does your food say about you? 58

Wake up, get out of bed 24 How much water do we really need? 60

The island with a secret 26 Trading vacations 62

On the last Wednesday in August 28 It's written in the cards 64

In a coffee shop P ractical E nglish 30 At a restaurant P ractical E nglish 66

© I can't dance 31
© The True False Show 67

Shopping - men love it! 33 5* The highest city in the world 69


© Fatal attraction? 35 “ Would you like to drive a Ferrari? 71

Are you still mine? 37 They dress well but drive badly 73

In a clothing store P ractical E nglish 39 im Going home P ractical E nglish 75

Before we met 76

I've read the book, I've seen the movie 78

My name's Bond. James Bond.
Ian Fleming, British writer

1 SAYING HELLO C o m p le te th e sentences. Use c o n tra c tio n s.

C o m p le te th e d ialogues.
1 A Hi, Karen This _ is James.
B Hello, James.

2 A Hi, I’m Marco, s your

B Isabella.

B Isabella!
Vm 4. 2 tourists.
3 A Hi, K enji.__________ are you?

B I’m fine, thanks. A n d _________ ?

A I’m OK, thank you.

evening. W hat’s your name?

_________ ’s Walter Harris.

A You’re in room 12.

2 G R A M M A R verb be [+], pronouns in room 4. 4 Wednesday.

a C o m p le te th e first c o lu m n w ith th e w o rd s in
th e box. T h e n w rite th e c o n tra c tio n s .

she are they is 1 are is are

Full form C ontractions

in a taxi. a teacher.


in room 603. 8 Hello. in my class.

Study Link Student Book p.122 Grammar Bank 1A

3 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word stress b P u t th e letters in o r d e r to m a k e days o f th e week.

a W rite th e w o rd s in th e c h a rt. 1 ARSAYDUT Saturday

m eet you fine two six m an 2 NYAUDS ____________

eight three nice in th an k w ait 3 H R D Y T U SA ____________

4 ODNYMA ____________
^-4® (% . '

5 DFARYI ____________
6 DSYEEAW ND ____________
fish tree cat boot train bike
7 EUASDTY ____________

More Words to Learn

W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords,
b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable in th ese words,
W ord P ro n u n ciatio n T ranslation
1 coffee 6 good-bye
ro o m noun /ru m / o r /ru m /
2 afternoon 7 e-mail
word noun /w ard/
3 eighteen 8 Internet
m orning noun /'mormr}/
4 thirteen 9 com puter
afternoon noun /aeftar'nun/
5 evening 10 hotel
evening noun /'ivmr)/
c P ractice say in g th e w o rd s in a a n d b.
good adjective /g o d /
im portant adjective /im 'p o rtn t/
4 V O C A B U L A R Y numbers 1-20
help verb /help/
C o n tin u e th e series.
try verb /trai/
1 five, six, seven, .eight_____ nine ten
check verb /tjs k /
2 six, eight, t e n , __________ ,
3 twenty, nineteen,
Study idea
4 five, seven, n i n e , .
To r e m e m b e r n e w w o rd s, y o u n e e d to test y o u r
5 one, four, s e v e n ,. m e m o ry .
1 Cover the Translation colum n and look at the words
Study Link I Student Book p.140 Vocabulary Bank in English. Say them in your language.
2 Cover the W ord colum n and look at the translation.
5 SAYING GOOD-BYE Say the words in English.
a C o m p le te th e w o rd s w ith a, e, i, o, o r u.

Can you answer these questions?

What's your name?

How are you?
What day is it today?
Is it Monday today?
□ Are you a teacher?

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To be or not to be, that is the question.
William Shakespeare, English playwright

I'm not American, I'm Canadian!

1 V O C A B U L A R Y countries and nationalities 4 Osaka and Kyoto are in China. (Japan)

C o m p le te w ith a c o u n tr y o r a n atio n ality .

5 We’re in room 104. (room 105)
1 Alice is from the United States. She’s A merican
2 D uncan is Scottish. He’s from Scotland
6 Tacos are from Italy. (Mexico)
3 Jun is from China. H e’s _____

4 My friends are Mexican. They’re from

7 You’re Canadian. (French)
5 Sandra is from Argentina. She’s _____
6 Toyota cars are Japanese. They’re from
8 Cam eron Diaz is Spanish. (American)
7 Spaghetti is from Italy. It’s __________

8 We’re French. We’re f r o m ___________

9 She’s from Korea. She’s b O r d e r th e w o rd s to m a k e q u e stio n s.
10 They’re Spanish. They’re from 1 your / ’s / nam e / W hat
W hat’s your name?
Study Link I Student Book p.141 Vocabulary Bank
2 she / Where / ’s / from

2 G R A M M A R verb be - and
3 United / from / they / States / the / Are
a C o rre c t th e sen tences.

4 seven / room / we / in / Are

5 vacation / you / Are / on

6 from / he / Japan / Is

c M a tc h th ese a n sw ers to th e q u e s tio n s in b.

a Yes, he is. 5>3

b No, I’m not. CH

1 Venice is in Greece. (Italy) c She’s from Thailand. D

Venice isn’t in Greece. I t’s in Italy. d No, we aren’t. EH

2 Sean C onnery is Irish. (Scottish) e Yes, they are. EU

f Andrew. EH

3 I’m American. (British) Study Link I Student Book p.122 Grammar Bank IB

3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N vowel sounds 5 INSTRUCTIONS
a W rite th e w o rd s in th e c h art. a M a tc h th e w o rd s a n d pictures,

Argen tin a twenty a irp o rt not

hotel w here are copy Japan
Mexico W ednesday h u n d red

car clock computer e gg phone chair
b '5
A rgentina , or*

a m atch S ] d circle ED g check I i

b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable in th ese w o rd s.
b underline G e cross out G h choose Li!
1 Spanish 6 Brazil
c complete EH f num ber ED
2 Japan 7 Portuguese
3 Japanese 8 Italy b C o v e r th e w o rd s. L o o k a t th e p ic tu re s a n d tr y to
r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s.
4 Germany 9 Italian
5 China 10 American
More Words to Learn
c P ractice saying th e w o rd s in a a n d b. W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rds.
W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation
4 V O C A B U L A R Y numbers 20-1,000 / ’pipl/
people noun
a W rite th e n u m b e r s in w o rd s. things noun /0igz/

1 27 twenty-seven quiz noun /kwiz/

2 33 difference noun /'d ifrans/

3 40 vacation noun /v ei'k eijn /

4 56 business noun /'biznas/

5 77 m usic noun /'m y u zik /

6 85 city noun /'siti/

7 100 delicious adjective /d i'lijss/


240 again adverb h ''gen/

9 677
10 1,000
b C o v er th e w o rd s. P ractice saying th e n u m b e r s
Can you answer these questions?

Study Link I Student Book p.140 Vocabulary Bank What nationality are you?
Where are you from?
What's the language in your country?
□ What's your phone number?
Are you on vacation?

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Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.
John F. Kennedy, former American president

C His name, her name

i O C A B U L A R Y personal information 3 G R A M M A R possessive adjectives

—r le :e th e w o rd s w ith a, e, i, o, o r u. T h e n w rite th e m a C o m p le te th e c h a rt.
in :n e c o rre c t place in th e fo rm below . Possessive adjective
Subject p ro n o u n
z jp code 4 _ - m ___ 1 _ d d r _ s s 7 _ d d r_ ss
2 f_ rst n _ m _ 5 c _ ty /c n try 8 l_ s t n_m__ your
3 _g_ 6 ph_n_ n_m b_r 9 s t_ d _ n t
The Toronto School we
application form

Al e s s a n d r a b C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith a possessive adjective.

2 &e\\ucci ? 1 Her nam e’s Susana.

2 ___________nam e’s Michael.
3 Porto Alegre / Brazil
3 We’re s tu d e n ts .___________ teacher’s nam e’s Richard.
4 _. No
4 I’m F re n c h .____________family is from Lyon.
5 30 5 It’s an Italian re s ta u ra n t.____________nam e is Luigi’s.

Rua Minerva, 6 6 A W hat’s ____________phone num ber?

B My cell phone number?
7 zip code 90110
7 They’re M ex ican .___________last nam e’s Gomez.
8 bellucci^hitmail.com
c O r d e r th e w o rd s to m a k e q u e stio n s.
9 555-3521 1 first / her / W hat’s / nam e
W hat’s her first nam e? Maria.
2 teacher / W here / from / your / ’s
2 P R O N U N C I A T I O N the alphabet
? The US.
a C ircle th e le tte r w ith a d iffe re n t vow el so u n d ,
3 he / student / Is / a

ei 4 you / old / How / are
? No, he isn’t.

train tree boot egg bike

? T’m 34.
5 nam e / spell / do / How / you / your / last
? L-O-W-R-Y.
© S 0 M Y
Study Link i Student Book p.122 Grammar Bank 1C
b P ractice saying th e letters.

4 PRONUNCIATION /sr/and/ao/ More Words to Learn
a C ircle th e w o r d w ith a d iffe re n t vow el so u n d . W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.

// W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation

Q I* bird th irty th e ir G erm an T hursday
Australia noun /o'streilya/

Canada noun /'kasnada/

owl thousand how you our
form noun /form/

letter (A, B, C . ..) noun /'letar/

b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable in th ese w o rd s.
international adjective /intar'naejsnl/
1 student 4 num ber
different adjective / ‘difrant/
2 address 5 Canada
fam ous adjective /'feim ss/
3 e-mail 6 Australia
think verb /0iqk/
c P ractice saying th e w o rd s in a a n d b. about adverb /s 'b a o t/

every adjective / ’evri/

a R ead th e in te rv ie w a n d w rite th e q u e s tio n s in th e
c o rre c t space. QUESTION TIME
Are you married? W hat’s her name? Can you answer these questions?
What-V your name? How old are you? What's your first name?
W here are you from? W here’s the language school?
What's your last name?
Are you a student?
b L o o k at th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s. W h a t d o y o u th in k
□ How old are you?
th e y m ean ? C h e c k y o u r d ictio n a ry .
Q What's your address?

Interview with Study Link MultiROM

a language teacher
W hat’s your name?
My name's Thomas, but people call me Tom.

I'm from Sheffield in the north of England, but now I

live in Lisbon, in Portugal. I'm an English teacher. I work
at a language school.

Yes, I am. My wife is Portuguese.

El__________________________ Z
Her name's Juliana. W e have two children. Laura is 5,
and Victor is 2. They speak English and Portuguese.

I'm 35.

It's in the center of Lisbon. It's a small school with

about 200 students.

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Mr. Watson, come here.
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor, to his assistant (the first telephone conversation)

Turn off your cell phones!

1 V O C A B U LA R Y common objects 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds

C o m p le te th e cro ssw o rd . a W rite th e w o rd s in th e ch art.

good coins here E urope we’re fo u r

b o ard co u n try eu ro h u n d red book enjoy

M H H B H B H iH I
b P ractice saying th e w ords.

c o M B
3 GRAM M AR a / an, plurals, this / that/ these / those
a W rite I t ’s + a /a n o r T h e y ’re.
1 I t’s an address book. 5 sunglasses.
2 They’re tissues. 6 ______umbrella.

8 3 newspaper. 7 ______coins.
4 ID card. 8 ______change purse.

10 n b W rite each w o rd in its p lu ra l fo rm in th e c o rre c t

c o lu m n .

com m atch sandwich family wallet

dictionary pen pencil country
city address

-s -es -ies

Clues down 4/ coins watches countries

Study Link Student Book p.142 Vocabulary Bank

c C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith this, that, these, o r those. b O r d e r th e w o rd s to m a k e sen tences.
1 don’t I I I know
I don't know.
1 That picture’s 2 do / How / it / you / spell

3 don’t / 1 / understand

4 you / it / Can / please / repeat

are my
friends, Mom. 5 in / English / How / you / say / do / vacaciones

6 rem em ber / 1 / d o n ’t

m an s my
More Words to Learn
English teacher!
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.

W ord P ro n u n ciatio n T ranslation

classroom noun /'klaesrum /

eyes noun /aiz/

4 I think
instructions noun /in'strA kJnz/
people are tourists.
pocket noun /'p a k a t/

happy adjective /'haepi/

w orrv verb /'w ari/

point verb /point/
5 W hat’s guess verb /ges/
It’s a newspaper. see verb /si/
please interjection /pliz/

Study Link I Student Book p.122 Grammar Bank ID

T J Ij 133 i -i

Can you answer these questions?
a C o m p le te th e sentences. What's in your bag?

1 Close the door. How do you spell coffee ?

Where's the stress in coffee ?
2 L to the teacher,
Is this your book?
3 O your books.
How do you say door in your language?
4 W _ in pairs.
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5 D on’t w
6 T ______ off your cell phone,

7 L______ at the board.

8 D on’t s Spanish.

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On a plane P ractical E n g lish
1 V O CA B U LA R Y drinks 4 READING
O r d e r th e letters. W h a t are th e d rin k s? a M a tc h th e w o rd s a n d p ictu res.

1 KILM milk phones baggage claim taxis restrooms

2 FEC O FE departures parking lot bar arrivals carts


1 restrooms
C o m p le te th e c o n v ersatio n s. W rite o n e w o rd in
each b lan k .
A W ould you like a drink, sir?
B Yes, a mineral 1 water , please.

A Ice and lemon?

B 2 J_____________ lemon.
A Tea o r coffee?
B Tea, 3 p _____
A Milk?
if A
7 8
B 4 y _________ , please,

A Sugar? b R ead th e dialo g ues. W h e re are they? W rite th e

n u m b e r fro m a.
B No, 5 t
1 A Two sodas, please.
B Ice and lemon? [7
2 A Good m orning. W here to?
C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith th e se w ords.
B Downtown, please.
Can Let’s Nice OK Welcome
A OK, let’s go. EH
A Hello. Are you Jack Horton? 3 A G ood-bye, Cathy. Have a good trip!
B Yes. Are you Min? B Bye, Paul. See you soon. 1
A Yes, I am. 1 Nice to m eet you, 4 A Look! Is that your bag?
B You too. 2_____________ to Korea. 3__ I help B No, my bag’s black. Ah, there it is!
you with your bags? 5 A Hi, it’s me.
A No. It’s 4____________ , thanks. B Where are you?
B My car’s in the parking lot. W ould you like a coffee first? A I’m at the airport. □
A No, thanks. I’m fine.
c U n d e rlin e five w o rd s o r p h ra se s y o u d o n ’t know .
B All right. 5 go- U se y o u r d ic tio n a r y to lo o k u p th e ir m e a n in g a n d
p r o n u n c ia tio n .

All I know is what I read in the papers.
Will Rogers, American comedian

1 V O C A B U L A R Y verb phrases 3 GRAMMAR simple present 0 and

C o m p le te th e v e rb p hrases. a C ircle th e c o rre c t answ er.

French d in n er TV in an apartm ent 1 A lot of American people (go) / goes to the movies.
a car a magazine to the movies glasses 2 They do n’t sm oke / doesn’t sm oke in coffeehouses.

1 cook dinner 3 We read / reads the newspaper o n the train.

2 drive 4 They doesn’t like / d o n ’t like children in restaurants.

3 speak 5 You lives / live in a house with a yard.

4 read 6 My father d o n ’t cook / doesn’t cook.

5 watch 7 In the US, cars stop / stops at crosswalks.

6 wear 8 The wom en do / does the housework in my family.

7 live 9 My m other watch / watches a lot o f TV.

8 go 10 Your children eat / eats a lot of French fries.

b L o o k at th e c h a r t a n d c o m p le te th e You c o lu m n .
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Tom Susan You

2 V O C A B U L A R Y irregular plurals drink tea X /

a C o m p le te th e c h a rt. eat pasta / X

Singular Plural watch TV in the evening / /

m an play the piano X X

N o w c o m p le te th e sentences.
1 Tom eats pasta.
wom en
2 T o m _____________ tea.

b C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith a w o rd fro m th e c h a rt 3 Susan and Tom

in a. _____________ TV in the
1 Her m other is a very n i c e person___ evening.
2 I have t w o _____________ My f i r s t _____________ is six 4 I _____ the piano.
years old. 5 Susan tea.
3 Many American drink coffee. 6 I ____________ television in the evening.
4 D on’t go into that restroom, David! It’s for 7 Tom and S u s a n _____________ the piano.
____________ ,n o t _____________ 8 I ____________ pasta.
9 I ____________ tea.

10 Susan pasta.
c C o m p le te th e sentences. More Words to Learn
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords,
W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation
popular adjective /'p a p y a b r /

incredible adjective /in 'k rsd a b l/

typical adjective /'tip ik l/

fantastic adjective /faen'taestik/

terrible adjective /'ts rs b l/

just (= only) adverb /d 3ASt/

everywhere adverb /'evriw er/
really adverb /'rili/
too adverb /tu /
1 I don’t smoke (not / smoke).
a lot of quantifier /ei lot sv/
2 My m other (study) English.
m anv quantifier /'m sn i/
3 T h e y _____ _ (not / go) to school,
4 She ____ (have) two children. Study idea
5 The restaurant _________ (close) at 11:00. 1 Use y o u r d ic tio n a r y to fin d th e m e a n in g , th e
6 W e __________ (not / have) a yard. g ra m m a r, a n d th e p r o n u n c ia tio n o f n e w w o rd s.

7 Her father (not / work). the pron jnciation

the stress is on the the grammar
Study Link I Student Book p.124 Grammar Bank 2A following syllable the translation
% 1
> T t r
4 PRONUNCIATION consonant sounds,-s incredible /in 'k re d o b l/ adj. increible

a W rite th e w o rd s in th e c h a rt.
2 L o o k at th e P r o n u n c ia ti o n c o lu m n above,
smoke w ork have does typical stand Say th e w o rd s tw o o r th re e tim es.
has TV drive like cooks w hen
Popular ... popular ... popular.
f % If
vase dog snake zebra leg witch

Can you answer these questions?

Do you smoke?
b C ircle th e w o r d w h ic h e n d s in /iz/. Do you live in an apartment?

1 lives works (^dance?) Do you like soccer?

washes □ Do you read a newspaper every day?

2 drinks likes
Do you wear glasses?
3 drives finishes plays
4 watches cooks speaks Study Link MultiROM

5 reads stops kisses

6 catches eats goes

P ractice saying th e w o rd s in a a n d b.

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It's relaxing to go out with my ex-wife because she already knows I'm an idiot.
Warren Thomas, American writer

1 G R A M M A R simple present D o n g a n d R achel are n e w frien d s. T h e y go o u t fo r

coffee. C o m p le te th e q u e stio n s.
a C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s w ith D o o r Does.
1 Do____ you live in a house?
2 ____________ your parents work in an office?
3 ____________ your sister have a dog?
4 ___________ you speak Japanese?

5 ____________ your m other drive a BMW?

6 ____________ James play the piano?
7 ____________ your father smoke?
8 ____________ they have lunch at home?

9 ____________ Ann do hom ew ork on the weekend? R So, D ong, 1 where do you live

10 you go on vacation every year? D In Seoul. In a small house.

with your parents?
b O r d e r th e w o rd s to m a k e q u e stio n s.
D Yes, and my sister. W hat about you?
1 with / Do / live / your / you /m o th er
3_________________________ any brothers and sisters?
Do you live with your mother?
R I have a brother. He’s 19.
2 W here / have / does / lunch / Kate
D 4_____________________ work?

R No, he’s a student.

3 go / do / to / movies / W hen / you / the
D W hat about you ? 5 work?

R In a store downtown.
4 listen / you / in / the / the / Do / to / radio / m orning
D 6__________________ your job?

R Yes, I like it a lot.

5 they / W here / soccer / do / play

Study Link I Student Book p.124 Grammar Bank 2B

6 she / Does / French / study
2 PRONUNCIATION consonant sounds
7 brother / the / work / his / Does / hotel / in / a C ircle th e w o rd w ith a d iffere n t s o u n d .

key country cook (^center^) coffee

8 friends / W hen / do / play / your / tennis

# girl get Germany golf go

9 have / do / W hen / lunch / you S i-

shower she fish glasses Russia

10 work / in / office / Do / an / they

b P ractice saying th e w o rd s.
3 V O C A B U L A R Y common verb phrases

W illiam is 42. He the newspaper and

Who's the watches TV on weekends. He works in an office and

best boyfriend 8_______________a BMW. He lives in a big house and

9______________ the piano.

for Aisha?
David is 30. He 10 the electric guitar.
Aisha is 29. She wants to find a boyfriend. He " ______________ fast food, but he 12 soda.
She lives in Montreal, and she He 15_______________ soccer all weekend in the park.
2______________ in a hospital. She 3____________

to New York on vacation. She 4______________ Dino is 26. He's Italian, but he 14___ in Canada.
TV, but she 5_______________ to classical music. He 15_______________ medicine. He 16 _ four
She 5_______________ Italian food in her kitchen languages. He to the movies on Saturdays.
at home. He 18_________ going to restaurants.

. . . J

a C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith a verb in th e c o rre c t fo rm

More Words to Learn
read go (x2) study drive work not watch W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s
play (x3) not eat live (x2) listen speak
cook not like drink W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation
friends noun /frsn d z/
b R ead th e tex t again. W h o w o u ld b e th e b est b o y frie n d
boyfriend noun /'b oifren d/
fo r A isha - W illiam , D avid, o r D ino?
girlfriend noun /'g a rlfrsn d /
glass (of water) noun /glass/
superm arket noun /'s u p a rm a rk a t/
a M a tc h th e w o rd s a n d p ic tu re s.
north, south, /n o r0/ / s a o 0/
east, west nouns /ist/ /w est/
cook verb /k u k /
late adjective /leit/
Let’s m eet... /lets m it/

Can you answer these questions?

Where do you live?

What languages do you speak?

a ask CD d cover the text ] g think CU Do you have a car?

b answer e test a partn er h copy □ What sports do you play?

What food do you like?
c say □ f role-play
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b C o v er th e w o rd s. L oo k at th e p ic tu re s a n d t r y to
r e m e m b e r th e w ords.

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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when he grows up.
Pablo Picasso, Spanish painter

An artist and a musician

1 V O C A B U L A R Y jobs
a C o m p le te th e cro ssw o rd .

Clues across Clues down -I

Kfcgffivgafcft JIBtgBil %JSJBWSSOTS

b W rite er o r or. d C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith th e se w ords.
1 soccer play_e X 3 act 5 doct at (2x) with (2x) in (3x) of for (2x)
2 m anag 4 wait 6 police offic__
1 My sister works for the government.
c C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith th ese w o rd s.
2 I w o r k _______three other people.
just lonely draw every day in a h u rry 3 I’m 16, and I’m school.
stressful vacation
4 They w o r k _______a hospital.
1 Artists are people w h o ____draw and paint pictures. 5 Maria w o r k s ______ an office.
2 I don ’t have breakfast when I’m ____________ 6 Her brother w o r k s _______a newspaper.
3 David has 28 days o f _____________ every year. 7 Jack w o r k s ______ home.
4 My father drinks four cups o f c o ffee _____________ 8 My boyfriend studies e c o n o m ic s college.
5 My boyfriend has a v e r y _____________ job. 9 Maria earns a l o t money.
6 People who work at hom e are s o m e tim e s_____________ 10 Do you w o r k ______ a computer?
7 I _____________ have a sandwich for lunch.
Study Link Student Book p.144 Vocabulary Bank

2 G R A M M A R a / an + jobs 3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N consonant sounds
a Circle the co rrect form . T h e n com plete the answ ers a W rite th e w o rd s in th e ch art.
w ith a, an, o r - . T h e n m atch th e questions a n d answers,
China shop p h o to you chair Germany
1 W hat do /(aoes)he do? 0 job file England university drink person
2 W hat do / does they do? □
3 Is / Does she a housewife? □
t g
4 W hat do / does you do? □
parrot flower chess jazz yacht singer
5 Is / Are they politicians? □
6 Where do / does she work? □ shop

7 Do / Does they study at a university? CJ

8 W hat does / do she do? □ b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable in th ese w ords.
a She’s Q hairdresser. 1 journalist 4 pilot 7 salesperson
b In a hospital - she’s ______ nurse. 2 politician 5 musician 8 housewife
c He’s _______actor. 3 hairdresser 6 engineer 9 student
d No, they’r e doctors.
c P ra ctic e saying th e w o rd s in a a n d b.
e I’m lawyer.
f No, she’s _ journalist, More Words to Learn
g They’re _ engineers. W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
h Yes, they’r e ____ students. W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation

b W h a t’s m y job? R ead th e texts a n d c o m p le te th e factory noun /'faektsri/

sentences. hands noun /haendz/

other adjective /'Adar/

"I work inside and outside, and I work
during the day or at night. I drive a car or earn verb /srn /

a motorcycle, and sometimes I walk along relax verb /ri'laeks/

the street. I don't earn a lot of money. I norm ally adverb /'norm ali/
wear a uniform."
together adverb /ts 'g e d s r/
H e 's ____________________________________
inside adverb /in' said/

outside adverb /a o t's a id /

"I work in an office with a computer
or outside with other people. I speak It depends /it d i'p en d z/

other languages, and I sometimes travel

to different countries. I don't wear a
uniform. I work for a newspaper."

S h e 's ___________________________________ Can you answer these questions?

What do you do?

"I wear a uniform, and I work with Where do you work or study?
other people. I have special qualifications, What does your father do?
but I don't earn a lot of money. I work What does your mother do?
during the day or at night, but I don't In your country, what jobs are well-paid?
work outside. I work in a hospital."
Study Link MultiROM
S h e 's ___________________________________

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want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law.
Martin Luther King, American civil rights activist

1 G R A M M A R possessives c L o o k at th e s in th ese sentences. W rite a lette r in th e

a O r d e r th e w o rd s to m a k e sen tences, box: A = possessive, B = is.

1 house / M iam i / sister’s / in / M y / is 1 My father’s apartm ent is downtown. E

M y sisters house is in M iami. 2 His nam e’s Robert.

2 works / her / in / Barbara / store / bro th er’s 3 Phillip’s brother is an actor. □

4 My son’s wife likes animals. □
3 Japanese / H er / car / boyfriend’s / is 5 His brother’s very nice. □
6 Clare’s children work in Chicago. □
4 father / you / Do / know / Jennifer’s 7 O ur m oth er’s 50 today. □
8 Their father’s an engineer. □
5 from / girlfriend / Brazil / b ro th er’s / is / My Study Link I Student Book p.124 Grammar Bank 2D

6 daughter’s / bank / in / friend / O ur / works / a 2 V O C A B U L A R Y the family

a C o m p le te th e c h a rt.

7 job / stressful / Is / Tom’s / very

8 m oney / m o th er / lot / earns [ o f / Susan’s / a i #
grandm other grandfather

b C o rre c t th e sen ten ces. A d d a n a p o s tr o p h e ( ’).
1 M artha is m y brothers girlfriend.
M artha is m y brother’s girlfriend.
2 This is my parents car.
This is m y parents’ car.
3 Do you know Kathys brother ?

4 The wom ens restroom is over there. b C o m p le te th e senten ces.

1 My m o th er’s sister is my . aunt
5 I think this is that womans bag. 2 My b ro th er’s son is my _
3 My father’s brother is my
6 O u r teachers wife is French. 4 My m o th er’s father is my
5 My uncle’s son is m y ___
7 We have coffee in the Teachers Room at 10:00. 6 My sister’s daughter is my

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3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N consonant sounds More Words to Learn
W rite th e w o rd s in th e ch art. P ractice saying th e m . W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.

book housewife th in k b ro th e r nurse this W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation

matches three m en builder nephew have relatives noun /'rslstiv z/

possessions noun /p a'zejn z/

B shoes noun /Juz/
L V 7 ----

hat noun /haet/

bag th u m b m other m onkey nose house
cap noun / kaep/
Which? pronoun /w itj/
Who? pronoun /h u /
How manv? quantifier /h a o 'm sni/

The Rainforest Children QUESTION TIME

John Allen is 43 years old, and he has four children: two Can you answer these questions?
daughters and two sons. John is a plant scientist, and he lives
How many brothers and sisters do you have?
with three of his children in the South American rainforest. Their
Where do your grandparents live?
"house" is a group of tents near the River Orinoco in Venezuela.
John's wife and one of his daughters prefer to live in London.
D What's your mother's first name?
Do you have any cousins?
John's children don't go to school because John is their
Do you live in your parents' house?
teacher. He teaches them everything he knows, including how to
survive in South America. Study Link MultiROM
The children don't know how to use a PlayStation™, but they
can all drive, even his 9-year-old son, Simon. At night they drive
their car 50 yards from the kitchen tent to the bedroom tent
because there are a lot of wild animals in the area. They spend
their free time playing and reading books, and in the evening Complete each sentence with one word.
they listen to the news on the radio. They don't have a TV or a
Hello, Gary. H o w _______________ your mother?
CD player. In the summer the children's friends come from
My girlfriend's from Paris. S h e 's______________
London to visit. When they go home, they tell their parents
Martin's English, a n d _____________ wife's American.
incredible stories of their vacation in the Venezuelan rainforest.
□ Please_______________ off your cell phone.
That man four different languages.
a W rite T (T ru e) o r F (False). A _____ you smoke?

1 John is a biology teacher. F B No, I don't.

Q Her father's _ engineer.
2 John’s four children live in Venezuela. ___
My sister's__ is my niece.
3 They live in a house. ___

4 John teaches the children in a school. ___

5 The children don’t play com puter games. ___
6 Simon doesn’t drive. ___
7 They d o n ’t watch TV. ___
8 The children’s friends visit with their parents. ___

b L o o k at th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s. W h a t d o y o u th in k
th e y m ean ? C h e c k y o u r d ictio n a ry .

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2 11At a hotel P r a c t ic a l E n g lis h

1 V O C A B U LA R Y hotel words 4 READING

C o m p le te th e w o rd s. a M a tc h th e h o te ls a n d th e guests. W rite th e n u m b e r s
in th e boxes.
1 A lawyer and his friend want to spend a weekend in
Oxford to walk, talk, and play golf.

2 A company director wants to have a two-day meeting

in Oxford with managers from other European offices.
3 A family with a dog wants to travel to Scotland, but
they want to stay the night in Oxford because their
journey is too long for one day.
1 the reception 4 the f. f.
2 the e _______ 5 a d_ room Hotels in Oxford
3 the b 6 as room

C om plete the conversation w ith a phrase fro m th e box.

Here you are. 1 have a-reser-vati o nr It’s OK.

Non-smoking, please. That’s right. Where’s the elevator?

A Good evening, m adam.

Hinksey Hill Top, Oxford 102 St Clements, Oxford
B Hello, i I have a reservation. My nam e’s Melissa Grant. 0X1 5BG 0X4 1AR

A For two nights? 14 double rooms, 9 double rooms,

6 single rooms 1 single room
B Yes. 2_______________________________
Parking lot Restaurant
A Can I see your passport, please?
Restaurant Parking lot
B Just a m om ent. 3_______________________________ Bar Television

A Do you want a smoking or non-sm oking room? Cable / satellite television Pets welcome

B 4_____________________________________ Near golf course Near highway

A Here’s your key. It’s room 212 - on the second floor.

The Randolph
B Thank you. 5_______________________________
Beaum ont Street, Oxford 0X1 2LN
A It’s over there. Do you need help with your bags?
7 suites, 63 doubles, 39 singles
B No, thanks. 6_______________________________ Conference center

24-hour room service

3 SO CIAL ENGLISH Cable / satellite TV

C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith th e m issin g w o rd s. Parking lot

A 1 Would you like another drink?
50 miles from airport
B No, 1 2 h _____________ to go now. It’s late. Sorry.

A 3T OK. It’s no problem. 4 S

b U n d e rlin e five w o rd s o r p h ra se s y o u d o n ’t kno w .
you tomorrow. Use y o u r d ic tio n a r y to lo o k u p th e ir m e a n in g a n d
B Yes, 5 g_______ . Sleep well. p r o n u n c ia tio n .

Soccer? It's the beautiful game.
Pete, Brazilian soccer player

Pretty woman

1 V O CA B U LA R Y common adjectives 2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds

a C o m p le te th e cro ssw o rd . a C ircle th e w o rd w ith a d iffe re n t vow el so u n d .

cheap study high com b red

niece blue dry book pen
eat new big slow me
(w ear) do wife no wet

b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable in th ese w o rd s.

1 beautiful 3 expensive 5 ugly

2 em pty 4 difficult 6 dirty

c P ractice saying th e w o rd s in a a n d b.

3 GRAMMAR adjectives
O r d e r th e w o rd s to m a k e senten ces.
1 has / boyfriend / rich / Cathy / a
Cathy has a rich boyfriend.
2 expensive / drives / Jack / car / an

3 lipstick / wears / Helen / red

4 a / house / live/ parents / in / very / My / big

5 Saturdays / a / 1 / lunch / cook / o n / big

b W rite th e colors. 6 don’t / days / like / 1 / wet

1 red + green = brown

2 black + white - ____________ 7 very / ’s / My / grandfather / old

3 red + yellow = ____________

4 white + red — ____________ 8 children / hair / have / Paula’s / black

5 blue + yellow - ____________

Study Link Student Book p.146 Vocabulary Bank Study Link Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 3A

4 V O C A B U L A R Y appearance, very
a M a tc h th e p ic tu re s a n d th e sen ten ces. W rite th e
le tte r in th e box.
1 He’s very tall and he has short, dark hair. [e]
2 H e’s heavy, w ith long, dark hair. [ I
3 She’s old an d heavy with short, blond hair. [ |
4 She’s young, tall, and she has dark hair. [j
5 He’s young. He’s tall and thin with short hair. J
6 She’s short and thin, and she has long hair.

b C o m p le te w ith an e x p ressio n fro m th e box.

I’m cold. I’m hot. I’m sad. I’m angry.

I’m tired. I ’m thirsty. I’m hungry. I’m happy.

1 My friend is very late. J ’m angry .____

2 It’s 2°C. _________________

3 It’s my birthday! _________________
4 It’s 85°F. _________________
5 It’s time for lunch. _________________
More Words to Learn
6 My boyfriend doesn’t love me. _________________
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s.
7 I want a glass of water. _________________
W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n Translation
8 It’s very late. _________________
president noun / ’prezadant/
Student Book p.146 Vocabulary Bank airline noun /'erlain /

clothes noun /k lo o z/

5 READING m oon noun /m u n /

hair noun /her/

Who is the perfect Bond girl? good-looking adjective /g o d 'lo k iq /
There are 20 Bond films in the "Bond, James Bond" exhibition at
pretty adjective /'p riti/
the Science Museum in London. In these films, James Bond has
41 girlfriends, but they are all different. Some have brown hair, feel verb /fil /
some have blond hair, some have dark hair, and some have red separate verb /'ssp ra t/
hair. But experts now know exactly what type of girl James Bond
another determiner /a'nAftor/
likes. They say Bond's typical girlfriend has brown hair and
Adapted from a website

brown eyes. She is tall (1 m 70), thin and, of course, very

beautiful. And who is the perfect
Bond girl? They say it's Diana ^ jS S S S |^ S K 3 p P I
Rigg in the film On Her Majesty's Can you answer these questions? _j
Secret Service. K ^ ‘ Jh ^ H L m f k
S i Is your apartment big or small?
E l Are you tall or short?
C h e c k ( / ) th e c o rre c t boxes. j|§ What color hair do you have?
James Bond likes girls w ho... fU Are you hungry?

a are rich □ d are beautiful □ g are thin □ Q j Are restaurants cheap or expensive in your country?

b are short □ e have blue eyes □ h are heavy □ M M m m MuttiROM

c are tall □ f have brown eyes □

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m 5^ i
3 o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.
Jean-Paul Sartre, French philosopher

1L i ' VVake up, get out of bee1 ■■ ■ ■


1 GRAMMAR telling the time 3 V O C A B U L A R Y daily routine

W rite th e tim es. a C o m p le te th e p h ra se s w ith go, get, take, o r have,

1 I t’s twenty to six.

1 get dressed breakfast 9 to bed

2 to the gym 6 to work 10 up
8 3 shopping 7 a shower 11 to work

4 a coffee 8 hom e 12 dinner

Study Link I Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 3B
b C ircle th e a c tio n w h ic h y o u u su a lly d o first
2 PRONUNCIATION the letter o 1 get dressed /(^take a shower^)
C ircle th e w o rd w ith a d ifferen t vowel so u n d . 2 get up / wake up
P ractice saying th e w ords.
3 make dinner / have dinner
4 sleep / go to bed
5 go hom e / get hom e

not school no slow 6 start work / get to work

(^home) two son 7 have lunch / have breakfast

shop food m other com b 8 have dinner / have a coffee

job hot from brow n Study Link I Student Book p.147 Vocabulary Bank

4 G R A M M A R the time, daily routine 5 W hat
a C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith have, go, take, o r get. She has dinner and watches television.
6 W hat t i m e _____________ ___________
She goes to bed at 10:30.
A housewife's life is very 7

stressful - or is it? No, she doesn’t. She goes to bed late.

Many people think that housewives have a very stressful life. More Words to Learn
We ask two, Maggie and Eve, about their typical day. W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s
W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation
Eve Standish is from Houston,
cup ( o f coffee) noun /kAp/
expert noun / ‘e k s p a r t/
"1 8 up at ten o'clock and
9 fruit and orange juice for sam e adjective /seim /
breakfast. Then I 10 a bath invite verb /in 'v a it/
and get dressed. At 11:30, I meet
ride verb /ra id /
my friends downtown. First, we
pick u p verb /p ik Ap/
11_______ a coffee, and then we
,2_______ shopping. We usually guide noun /g a id /
,5_______ lunch at about one m o re quantifier /m or/
First Maggie Macallan, from o'clock in a restaurant in town. In
all quantifier hV
Quebec, Canada. the afternoon, we sometimes
because conjunction /bi'koz/
"1 1 get up at 7:30, and I make 14_______ to the gym. When I

breakfast for my children. Then I 15_______ home, I 16_______ a

2_______ dressed and take the drink with my husband. In the Study idea
children to school. Then 13_______ evening w e 17 to the theater 1 Use a h ig h lig h te r p e n to h ig h lig h t
shopping. I go to the supermarket or to a nightclub. I normally w o rd s th a t are difficult to
and buy food and things for the 18 to bed very late." r e m e m b e r (in y o u r S tu d e n t
B o o k a n d W o rk b o o k ).
house. When I 4_______ home, I
make the beds and clean the 2 C o v er th e W o r d c o lu m n (abo v e) a n d test y o u r
house. 15 a shower before m e m o ry . W h ic h w o rd s are d ifficult fo r y o u to
I pick up the children from school at
re m e m b e r? H ig h lig h t th e m .

four o'clock. In the evening we

6_______ dinner and watch
television. I 7_______ to bed at QUESTION TIME .

10:30 because I'm very tired."

Can you answer these questions?

What time do you get up?

b W rite q u e s tio n s a b o u t M aggie o r Eve. What do you have for breakfast?

Where do you have lunch?
1 W hat t i m e ____________ does Maggie get up
She gets up at 7:30. How do you get to work or school?
What time do you go to bed?
2 ________________Does Eve have breakfast_______________ ?
Yes, she does. She has fruit and orange juice. Study Link MultiROM
3 ______________________________________ in the morning?
No, she doesn’t. She takes a shower in the afternoon.
4 W h e r e _______________________________________________?
She meets her friends downtown.

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The man who works and is not bored is never old.
Pablo Casals, Spanish cellist

The island with a secret sSSlllli

1 GRAMMAR adverbs of frequency b W rite th e a d v e rb o f fre q u e n c y in th e c o rrec t place in

th e sentence.
a C o m p le te th e You c o lu m n in th e c h a rt. T h e n
c o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith a verb a n d a n a d v erb 1 Tom rides his motorcycle to work, (sometimes)
o f frequency. Tom sometimes rides his motorcycle to work.

always / / / v V
2 My boyfriend is late, (never)

usually y y y y
often / / / 3 The children walk to school, (usually)
sometimes / /
— •

hardly ever /
4 I’m hungry, (always)
never -
Steffi Robert You -- - - - •

eat fruit and 5 Teachers are stressed, (often)

/ / / / / / /
- - — •

play sports or
/ / / 6 I see my uncle and aunt, (hardly ever)
— , •
be relaxed / / / / / / / /
7 Professional soccer players are rich, (usually)
drink alcohol / / / /
----- . _._ t
be sick / / / /
8 Pilots sleep in hotels, (often)
1 S teffi sometimes eats fruit and vegetables.

2 S h e __________________ sports or exercises.

Study Link I Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 3C
3 S h e __________________ relaxed.
4 She alcohol.
2 V O CA B U LA R Y "Okinawa" reading
5 She sick.
C o m p le te th e senten ces.

6 Robert fruit and vegetables. stay at hom e popular m eat unusual beach
7 H e ___ sports or exercises. sunset rk e busy take my time

8 H e ___ relaxed. 1 Chinese people eat a lot of rice

9 He alcohol. 2 The secretary is v e r y _____ - she has a lot of work.
10 He _ sick. 3 That restaurant i s ________ because the food is good.

4 The opposite o f usual i s _____________

11 I _ fruit and vegetables.
5 I like t o ____________ ! I d on’t like to be in a hurry.
12 I _ sports or exercises.
6 In the sum m er, I go to t h e _____________ every day.
13 I _ relaxed.
7 I love the when the sky is orange and red.
14 I alcohol.
8 Vegetarians d o n ’t e a t _____________
15 I sick.
9 I don’t want to go out tonight. I want to
W h o lives t h e O k in a w a w ay?

3 V O CA B U LA R Y time words and expressions 4 PRONUNCIATION the letter/?
a A n sw er th e q u e stio n s. a M a tc h th e w o rd to th e p ro n u n c ia tio n ,
1 half e a /hir/
n u s
2 high □ b / 'a u s r /

3 how □ c /hai/
4 hour □ d /'h ari/

□ e /hasf/
6 here □ f /'hsepi/
□ g /'h a rd li/
□ h /h a o /

In w h ic h w o rd is th e h not p ro n o u n c e d ?

b P ractice saying th e w ords.

More Words to Learn

W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords,
1 How many minutes are in an hour? sixty
W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation
2 How many months are in a year?
island noun /'a ib n d /
3 How many days are in a week?
mile noun /m ail/
4 How many seconds are in a minute?
vegetables noun /'v£d3t3blz/
5 How many weeks are in a month? fruit noun /fru t/
6 How many hours are in a day? (un)usual adjective /'yu3u3l/

7 How many days are in June? traditional adjective /tra 'd ijn l/

8 How many weeks are in a year? (un )healthv adjective /'helGi/

sick adjective /sik/

until conjunction /an'til/

b C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith o n e w o rd .
a long time h b q taim /
1 Nurses sometimes work all week and on weekends.
Nurses sometimes w o r k every. day.
2 Jon usually goes on vacation in March, May, and July. STION TIME p.Tjn r -3l v j ;
i s -3

Jon usually goes on v a c a tio n ____________ times a year. Can you answer these questions?

3 I have English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. How often are you in a hurry?

I have English classes twice a _____________ How often do you exercise?

How often do you go to English class?
4 Katia goes shopping on Friday.
How often do you eat meat?
Katia goes s h o p p in g _____________ a week.
How often do you go to the movies?
5 Liz takes her dog for a walk at 7:00 a.m. and at 6:00 p.m.
Study Link MultiROM
Liz takes her dog for a w a lk _____________ a day.
6 I buy a new pair of sunglasses in the summer.

I buy a new pair of sunglasses once a _____________

Study Link I Student Book p.148 Vocabulary Bank

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Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
Hector Louis Berlioz, French composer

On the last Wednesday in August

1 V O C A B U LA R Y the date b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable in th ese w ords.

a C o n tin u e th e series. 1 January 5 May 9 September

1 January, February, _ March April 2 February 6 June 10 October

2 May, July,_________ 3 March 7 July 11 November

3 September, October, 4 April 8 August 12 December

4 March, J u n e ,______ c P ractice saying th e w o rd s in a a n d b.

5 spring, summ er,
6 first, s e c o n d ,__ 3 G R A M M A R prepositions of time
7 sixth, e ig h th ,__
a W rite th e w o rd s in th e c o rre c t co lu m n ,
8 fifth, t e n t h , ____
February Novem b er 5th 5f30 the weekend
b C o m p le te th e c h art. Sunday the m orning the fall
Friday afternoon September 22nd night
1/1 2 /M 7/4 10/31 12/25 3 o’clock 2010 lunchtime noon 1966

Day Date You say... jn on at

Valentine’s Day 2/14 February fourteenth February November 5th 5:30
Christmas Day
US Independence Day

New Year’s Day

Study Link I Student Book p.148 Vocabulary Bank b C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith p re p o s itio n s o f tim e .

"My name is Nunzia Manfredini and I work for

2 PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word stress
a publicity agency. I usually get up 1 at
a W rite th e w o rd s in th e c h a rt.
six o'clock2 Mondays, Wednesdays, and
first second iioH- July April Fridays because I have my English class before
Novem ber n in th M ay August th ird
start work.3 Tuesdays and Thursdays

get up later. I go to work by train, but4_____

Fridays I drive my car, so I can visit my mother5 the afternoon

When the class finishes6 quarter to nine, I go to my office.

I have lunch7 two o'clock. Then I work until about seven

o'clock.8 the summer, I work different hours because9_____

June 15th we change to the summer schedule. It's very hot in Rome

10 August, so most people go on vacation!"

Study Link I Student Book p.126 Grammar Bank 3D

4 READING More Words to Learn
a M a tc h th e q u e s tio n s to th e p a ra g ra p h s . W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.

W here do people stay? W here is it? W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation

How do people get there? W hen is it? b irth d a v noun / ‘bsrB dei/
W hat is the Kum bh Mela bathing festival?
the beg in ning noun / 6 o b i ’gm ii]/

the m id d le noun / d 9 'm id i/

favorite adjective /'fe iv ra t/

c o n tin u e verb /k o n 'tin y u /

w a n t verb /w a n t/
change verb / t j e i n d 3/

also adverb /'o ls o u /

d u r in g preposition /'d o n g /

in fron t o f preposition /in frAnt 3v/

Can you answer these questions?

When's your birthday?

When's your mother's birthday?
The Kumbh Mela bathing festival What's your favorite month?
□ What's your favorite season?
] W hat is the Kumbh Mela bathing festival?
When do you usually relax?
The Kumbh Mela bathing festival is a ceremony for
Hindus where they celebrate their religion. They go to Study Link MultiROM
the River Ganges to clean their bodies. Millions of
Indian people take part in the ceremony, and it is
impossible to move in the streets near the river.

2 ______________________________________________
The festival takes place in one of four cities in India. Complete each sentence with one word. 2&3
The cities are Ujjain, Haridwar, Nasik, and Allahabad.
Jim ______________ like dogs, but he likes cats.
3 ______________________________________________ ______________ your boyfriend live near here?
The Kumbh Mela does not happen on a fixed date,
Nurses always_______________a uniform.
but it takes place every three years, in April or May.
My husband is my uncle.
The exact dates depend on the stars.
I want a drink. I'm
4 ______________________________________________
We get up at half _ six.
There are special trains that take people to the
Kumbh Mela from all over India. During the festival Q A H ow __________ do you go to English classes?

the trains are very full. B Twice a week.

They go to bed late the weekend.
5 ______________________________________________
People usually stay at camps where they eat and
sleep. The food is vegetarian because Hindus do not
eat meat or eggs.

b H ig h lig h t five w o rd s y o u d o n ’t know . W h a t d o y o u

th in k th e y m ea n ? C h e c k y o u r d ictio n ary .

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In a coffee shop ■
P ractical E n g lish

1 V O C A B U L A R Y coffee and snacks 4 READING

C o m p le te th e w o rd s. a Read th e d e s c rip tio n s o f th e coffee shops.
1 cappuccino

2 f__________ c _____ Coffee shops

3 e _________
4 c__________ c _____
Battery Park is more than a coffee shop - it also serves a
selection of fruit juices, snacks, and homemade desserts.
5 b _________ Customers can sit inside on comfortable sofas in the
winter or outside on the terrace in the summer.

a C o m p le te th e m issin g w o rd s in th ese phrases,
Apart from its excellent coffee, you can try a variety of
1 Do you have any desserts? eastern and western food here. The menu isn't

2 Here y are. Thanks. expensive and the desserts are delicious.

3 To g— Q CAFE PO P
4 How m is that? This stylish coffee shop serves all kinds of hot and cold
5 C _____ I have an espresso, please? drinks and some fantastic snacks. However, its most
interesting feature is the decoration - the walls are
6 Regular, p
covered with pictures of pop stars from the 90s.
7 A chocolate chip c , please.
P u t th e se n te n ce s fro m exercise a in th e d ialo g u e
Kafka's coffee shop is part of a bookstore, so you can
below . W rite a n u m b e r in e a c h box.
take a book from the shelves and sit in a comfortable
A Next, please. B I_5J
chair to look at it. The coffee is great, and snacks are
A Regular or large? B □ also served.
A Anything else? B □
A Brownies or chocolate chip cookies. B □
B □ This coffee shop is famous for its desserts and ice
A To have here or to go?
creams, and they do a very special breakfast. However,
A Here you are. B □
it's very expensive, so only come here if it's your
A T hat’s $3.40, please. B □
birthday or if a friend is paying!

In w h ic h coffee sh o p can y o u .. .
C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith th e se w ords.
1 .. .read a book while you drink your coffee? d
sorry over free welcome worry 2 .. .enjoy your coffee in the sun? □
A Thanks for the coffee, Alan.
3 .. .spend a lot o f m oney on your coffee? □
B You’re 1 welcome .
4 ...have food from different countries? □
5 ...see pictures of famous musicians? □
A Look, there’s a 2__________table 3__________ there,
B Oh no! The coffee. It’s all over your shirt! U n d e rlin e five w o rd s o r p h ra s e s y o u d o n ’t know .
Use y o u r d ic tio n a r y to lo o k u p th e ir m e a n in g a n d
I’m really 4_________
p r o n u n c ia tio n .
A D on’t 5__________ It’s OK.
Can't act, slightly bald, also dances.

r \ ' | Said after Fred Astaire's first audition

AJ 1can't dance

1 GRAMMAR can / can't (ability) 3 V O CA B U LA R Y more verb phrases

a W rite a se n te n c e for each p ic tu re . a C o m p le te th e cro ssw o rd .

Clues across

1 He can’t play the guitar.


b W rite a q u e s tio n fo r each p ic tu re . T h e n w rite y o u r answer:
Yes, I can. o r N o, I c a n t. ------------------------------------

Your answer
play the guitar

16 asm

Clues down

Study Link I Student Book p.128 Grammar Bank 4A 5

2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

2 'J n d e rlin e th e stressed words,
1 A Can you speak G e rm a n ? 4 W here can I buy a newspaper?

B Yes, I can. 5 A Can your father cook?

I I can’t find the keys. B No, he can’t.

3 She can sing. 6 My sister can’t swim.

b Practice saying th e sentences.

b C o m p le te th e sentences. More Words to Learn
tu rn off call help see W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
hear play buy run W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation

1 I buy _ a newspaper every day. advertisement noun /aedvar'taizm snt/

2 I _ a taxi when I’m in a hurry. (pop) star noun /sta r/

3 He wants t o __________a movie this evening. m ap noun /msep/

4 Please _ _ _ the TV w hen you go to bed. (TV) channel noun /'tjaenl/

5 Please me. I d on’t understand this. program noun / verb /'p ro o g raem /

6 I often chess with my nephew. creative adjective /kri'eitiv/

7 I want to ________ in the Boston M arathon this year. athletic adjective /aeO'lstik/

8 My g ran dm o ther’s 92. She can’t __________very well. practical adjective /'prsektikl/
follow verb /'fa lo o /
Study Link I Student Book p.149 Vocabulary Bank
need verb /nid/

4 G R A M M A R can / can't (other uses)

Study idea
a M a tc h th e senten ces.
1 L o o k at th e P r o n u n c ia tio n c o lu m n in M o re
1 Can you tu rn on the light? 03 W o rd s to L e a rn . R e m e m b e r t h a t th is m a r k (') =
2 Can you speak m ore slowly? □ th e stress is o n th e n e x t syllable.
3 Can you look for my keys? □ 2 U n d e rlin e th e stre sse d syllables in th e W o rd
4 Can you help me with this window? c o lu m n . P ractice saying th e w o rd s.

5 Can you hurry, please? D 3 R e m e m b e r to u n d e r lin e th e stress w h e n y o u

6 Can you tell me your nam e again? D w rite d o w n n e w w o rds.

a I can’t open it. d I can’t find them,

b I can’t see. e I can’t understand you.
c I can’t rem em ber it. f I can’t wait.
Can you answer these questions?

b W rite a se n te n c e w ith can o r can’t fo r each p ictu re. Can you play a musical instrument?
Can you drive?
Can you dance well?
What sports can you play?
Can you take good photos?

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1 Can you open the door, 2 You


pass the sugar? 4 I

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People who say money can't buy you happiness
don't know where to go shopping.

Shopping - men love it!

1 G R A M M A R like (+ verb + -ing) 2 P R O N U N C I A T I O N /rj/

a W rite th e v e rb + -in g in th e c o rre c t c o lu m n . P ractice saying th e se sen ten ces w ith th e /rj/ so u n d .

wart come take get dance find 1 I hate going to the bank.
buy run swim draw give stop 2 Thanks for buying me the pink dress.

verb + -ing 0 + -ing double consonant

+ -ing 4

w a itim
3 V O C A B U L A R Y free-time activities
a W rite th e verb.

ride read -take g° talk play

b L o ok at th e c h a r t w ith th e resu lts o f a class survey. 1 take photos your umbrella the dog for a walk
C o m p le te th e sentences.
2 _______ hom e to bed shopping
© © = love © = don ’t like 3 _______ chess com puter games the guitar
W omen M en
© = like © © = hate 4 _______ a map music a book
watch soccer © © ©© 5 _______ to a friend on the phone fast
dance at parties © © 6 _______ a horse a motorcycle a bike
buy presents © © ©
b C o m p le te th e activities w ith a v e rb + -ing.
have lunch with their m other ©© ©
exercising listening watching playing reading
play chess © © dancing shopping going m eeting using

1 W omen hate watching soccer.

Men love watching soccer. Top 10 free-time activities
2 W omen ___________________at parties. 1 watching TV

M e n __ at parties. 2 friends

3 Women presents. 3 a computer

M e n __ presents. 4 to the movies

4 Women lunch with their mother. 5 a book or the

M e n __ lunch with their mother.
5 W omen chess. 6 so cce r(o r
another sport)
M e n __ chess.
7 to music

8 at a nightclub

9 (at the gym)

Study Link I Student Book p.128 Grammar Bank 4B 10 for clothes ^


Center Parcs is the perfect family holiday.

There are four of them in England and you
can do almost anything you want there.

Adapted from a website

If it's exercise you want, you can go walking or cycling
through the forest. There are also adventure sports
like windsurfing. If you're a team player, you can play
basketball, tennis, or soccer. But if you prefer quieter
activities, you can do tai chi or yoga in the gym, or go
swimming in the numerous swimming pools. And if More Words to Learn
you don't like exercising at all, you can learn to paint
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords,
in the art class or just sit in the cafe and relax.
Word Pronunciation Translation
Center Parcs isn't only for adults; children enjoy it as
store noun /stor/
much as their parents. Mothers and fathers can relax
in the sauna or play golf while babies and small shop verb / noun /Ja p /

children play with their friends in the Time Out dubs. hobbv noun /'h a b i/

There is something for everyone at Center Parcs. toys noun /toiz/

try on verb /trai a n /

decide verb /d i'said /

a W rite T (tru e ) o r F (false). possibly adverb /'p a sab li/
1 There is only one Center Parc in England. today adverb /ts'd e i/
2 Center Parcs isn’t only for children. ___ some quantifier /ssm /
3 Center Parcs is in the city. — everything pronoun /'evriGiq/
4 Center Parcs is only good if you like sports. ___

b C heck IZI th e activities p e o p le d o at C e n te r Parcs, QUESTION TIME

1 riding bikes □ 6 soccer □
Can you answer these questions?
2 painting □ 7 shopping □
Do you like shopping?
3 learning a language □ 8 yoga □ How often do you buy clothes?

4 doing housework □ 9 swimming □ Do you like going to the supermarket?

5 relaxing □ 10 windsurfing □ □ What do you hate doing during the week?

□ What do you like doing on the weekend?

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A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.
Woodrow Wyatt, American writer

1 GRAMMAR object pronouns c C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th ese w o rd s.

a C o m p le te th e c h a rt. he him she she her they they them

Subject p ro n o u n s Object p ro n o u n s

I me David, Anna, Peter,

you and Vicky are all

he friends. 1 They live

she together in a big

It apartment, but

we 2 have som e

you problems. David loves

they Anna, b u t3_______

doesn't love 4________

b C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith o b je c t
Anna loves Peter, b u t 5 doesn't love 6 David and Peter don't
p ro n o u n s.
like Vicky, and 7 doesn't like 8________
1 I love you. Do you lo v e me ?

2 I work with John. I have lunch with

Study Link I Student Book p.128 Grammar Bank 4C
every day.
3 Can you speak m ore slowly? I can’t 2 V O C A B U LA R Y "love stories" reading
u n d e rs ta n d ______ a C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th ese w o rd s.
4 She lives near me. I often s e e ______
leave fall in love go out together meet come back get m arried
on the bus.
5 She doesn’t like my sisters. She never
speaks t o ______

6 This music’s terrible. I h a t e ______

(Do you love me ?
7 A W hat do you think o f these boots? y About 75% of people 1 fall in love_____
with a friend from school.
B I don’t l i k e very m uch.
¥ 15% of people 2_______________________a new
8 I want to talk to you about partner when they go away on vacation.
something. Can you c a ll______ V 30% of couples3_______________________for a

tomorrow, please? year or more before they start living together.

9 We arrive at the airport at 8:00. Can V Only about 1 0 % 4_______________________to

this person.
you m e e t there?
V Sadly, 2 5 % 5 their first
10 Excuse me, I have a problem. Can husband or wife in the first two years.
you h e l p ? V About 5% 6______________________
because they can't find another partner.

b M a tc h se n te n ce s a - h to th e p ic tu re story.

C usic. ..th e food o f love

a After the concert, they go out to dinner together,

More Words to Learn
b Two students meet at music school in Toronto.
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e words,
c They live together in Australia.
d Five years later, he goes on vacation to Sydney He goes Word Pronunciation Translation
to a concert at the Sydney O pera House, and she is one storv noun /'stori/
o f the singers.
life (p i lives) noun /laif/
e She doesn’t write to him.
interesting adjective /'intrastii]/
f They fall in love and go out together.
impossible adjective /im 'p a sab l/
g He asks her to m arry him and she says, “Yes.”
h W hen they finish music school, she goes hom e die verb /dai/
to Australia. sell verb /sel/
forget verb /far'g et/
3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N /i/and/i/ stay verb /stei/
rieh builder police spring key leave w ithout preposition /w i'd a o t/
green politician thin niece city cheap
in the end /in 59 end/

W rite th e w o rd s in th e ch art. P ractice saying th e words.

Can you answer these questions?

D Do you like romantic movies?

What's your favorite movie?
What do you think of horror movies?
□ What do you think of Tom Cruise?
What do you think of TV shows in your country?

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Elvis Presley, American singer

1 V O C A B U L A R Y music b C o m p le te th e sentences w ith a possessive adjective

(m y, your, etc.) o r p r o n o u n ( m ine, yours, etc.).
C o m p le te th e w ords.
1 I like listening to r ock______ music in my car. 1 Boy Give it to me.

bars? It’s mine .

2 Do you like going to k
3 Record companies don’t like people who d ____________ Girl It’s n o t ____

music from the Internet. It’s dog! Give it

4 Michael plays the piano in a j _____________band. to me.

5 It’s very expensive to go to some pop c _____________

6 Why is Karl in that group? He can’t s _____________ 2 It’s not cat.

7 You need to learn to r ____________ music before you It’s ___ is

can write it. black.

8 Kim doesn’t like going to nightclubs, and she hates 1970s

d _____________ music.
3 Teacher Whose is this? Is it
9 W hen I listen to a song, I like to read the 1_____________
J im ?
10 My sister plays the violin in an o _____________
Boy No, Sir. It’s ______
11 W hich i____________ do you play? The cello.
Girl O f course it’s not
It’s ______
2 G R A M M A R possessive pronouns
a C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s a n d an sw ers in th e ch art.
4 A Are these coats?
B Yes, they’re
Thanks very m uch.

Study Link I Student Book p.128 Grammar Bank 4D

Possessive Possessive 3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N rhyming words

W hose...?
adjective pronoun
a M a tc h th e w o rd s th a t rh y m e .
Whose piano is that? It’s m y piano. I t’s mine.
aunt see wear wait near eat hot water
Whose keys are those? They’re your keys. They’re
1 hate wait 5 daughter
? It’s his wallet.
? They’re her books. 2 meet 6 key

? It’s o u r car. 3 hair 7 not

? They’re your coats. 4 here 8 can’t

? It’s their house. b P ractice say in g th e w o rd s.

4 READING More Words to Learn
a M a tc h th e q u e s tio n s to th e p a ra g ra p h s . W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e words,

W hat language? When? Why? Who? Where? Word Pronunciation Translation

head noun /h sd /

group noun /g ru p /

lyrics noun /'lin k s /

concert noun /'k a n s a rt/
similar adjective / ‘simalar/

download verb /'d a o n lo o d /

still adverb /stil/
tonight adverb /ta 'n a it /

slowlv adverb /'slo o li/

W hat kind of...? /w A t k aind av/

The Eurovision Song Contest takes place in May QUESTION TIME
every year. Before the final competition, people in
each country choose the song they want to Can you answer these questions?
represent their country.
What kind of music do you like?
Can you play the guitar?
The idea of the contest is to promote pop music
Do you go to karaoke bars?
from all of the different countries and to give an
□ How often do you buy CDs?
opportunity to new singers and composers.
Where do you like listening to music?

Only members of the European Broadcasting Union Study Link MultiROM

can participate in the competition. Singers don’t
have to have the nationality of the countries they
represent. For example, in 1963 the singer Nana
Mouskouri represented Luxembourg, although she CAN YOU REMEMBER...? FILES
is Greek. Since 1986, singers must be over 16,
after a 13-year-old from Belgium won the Complete each sentence with one word. V 3& 4
competition the year before.
The children_______________ cereal for breakfast.
H e _______________ eats meat. He's a vegetarian.
In the first years of Eurovision, only the United Is your birthday_______________ the summer?
Kingdom, Ireland, and Malta could sing in English. Now
Kim comes from a ______________ family. His father has
there are no rules about languages, so groups can
sing in their own language or in English if they want a Rolls-Royce.
to. Today almost all the contestants sing in English. Jim's a good musician. He play six


The competition is always in the country where the I hate up early in the morning.
last year's winner came from. The country with the Tim loves Rebecca, but she doesn't love
most winners is Ireland, and many Eurovision □ A Is this pen yours? B Yes, it's _______
singers have become very famous, for example Abba
and Julio Iglesias.

b G uess th e m e a n in g o f th e h ig h lig h te d words,

C h e c k y o u r d ictio n a ry .

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41 In a clothing store P r a c t ic a l E n g lis h

1 V O C A B U LA R Y clothes
W rite th e w o rd s.
1 a shirt 4 aj
2 p 5 j-
3 s_ 6 as


O rd e r th e w o rd s to m a k e q u e stio n s. a R ead th e text,
A Can I help you?

B Yes / size / this / is / what / sweater SHOPPING 0 TOKYO

1 Yes, what size is this sweater? 1 Tokyo is a great place to shop for clothing and for
A Let’s see. It’s a m edium . electronics. Ginza is the best area for exclusive designer
clothing. Akihabara is a good area for computers,
B a / have / you / small / Do
phones, and cameras. The Nakamise Shopping Arcade
2____________________________ is a great place to buy traditional souvenirs.

A Yes, this one is small. 2 There are usually big

B Thanks, on / can / it / 1 / W here / try sales in July and
December in Tokyo.
3 T h a n k s .________________________
The most popular
A The fitting room s are over there, sales are for designer
clothes, but that is not
B It fits, it / H ow / is / m uch
all that's on sale. You
4 It fits .______________________ can find toys, food,
A It’s $59.99. electronics, and even
wedding kimonos
B credit cards / take / Do / you
on sale!
5 ________________________
3 Stores open between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m., and they
A Yes, of course. close between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. Most of the stores
are also open on weekends and holidays.

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH 4 You can't leave Tokyo without going to one of its many
flea markets. You don't have to buy anything because
C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith o n e w o rd in each b la n k .
it's fun just to look at the variety of things for sale.
A It’s my birthday today. You can also go to the 100-yen stores. You can find
B Oh! 1 Happy Birthday! chopsticks, fans, kites, and paper for $1.

A 2 W ___________ you like to have dinner with me tonight?

B I’m sorry, I can’t... I’m 3 b ___________ tonight. b M atch the questions below to p arag rap h s 1-4
A Oh. T hat’s too bad. 4 H about Friday night? A Where can you buy cheap souvenirs?
B Yes, great. B When are Tokyo’s stores open? □
A There’s a new Vietnamese restaurant downtown. C When are the sales? □
We can go there if you want. D Where are the main shopping areas in Tokyo? □
B T hat’s a good 5 i___________

My life is a simple thing that would interest noDody. it is a
known fact that I was born, and that is all that is necessary.
Albert Einstein, German scientist

Who were they?

1 G R A M M A R was / were 4 the Beatles / from the US? X

a C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith w as, were, w a sn ’t, o r

w eren’t.

5 John McEnroe / soccer player? X

6 Matisse / composer? /

7 Picasso / b o rn / Spain? /

8 Greta Garbo / actress? /

A W ho’s that?

B It’s William Shakespeare.

A Why 1 was he famous?
9 Tolstoy and Cervantes / painters? X
B He 2________ a writer.
A 3 he Scottish?
________He 5
B No, he 4 ______ English. He
10 Nelson M andela / bo rn / Brazil? X
6________ b o rn in Stratford-upon-Avon.
A And 7 he married?
B Yes, he 8 His wife’s nam e 9 Anne.
c C o m p le te w ith p re s e n t o r p a st fo rm s o f be.
A And 10_ they happy?
1 Today is Monday, so y esterd ay was Sunday.
B I do n’t know.
2 A H i . ________ your sister at home?
b W rite q u e s tio n s a n d answ ers.
B No, she S h e _________here this m orning,
1 M ozart / from / Germany? /
but now she at work.
Was M ozart from Germany ?
3 My b o o k s ______ here on my desk this m orning.
No, he wasn’t.
W h e r e ________ they now?
2 Colum bus and Magellan / explorers? /
4 J o n ________ b o rn in Canada, b u t his parents
Were Columbus and Magellan explorers?
born in Singapore.
Yes, they were.
5 My b o s s _________angry today because I ____ very
3 Virginia W oolf / writer? /
late for work yesterday.

Study Link I Student Book p.130 Grammar Bank 5A

2 VOCABULARY word formation More Words to Learn
a M ak e n o u n s fro m th ese w o rd s. W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e words,
1 invent an inventor Word Pronunciation Translation
2 write w orld noun /w arld/

3 politics statue noun /'staetju/

4 compose soldier noun /'so o ld 3 ar/
5 music war noun /wor/
6 paint battle noun /' baetl/
7 lead village noun / 'vilid3/
8 act great (= im portant) /greit/
9 science adjective
10 dance already adverb /ol'redi/

against preposition /s'g e n st/

b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllables, e.g., an inventor.
(on the) left /left/
c P ractice saying th e w o rd s in a. ( opposite right)

d C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith was / were a n d a n o u n

fro m a. Study idea
1 Galileo was a scientist T ry to re m e m b e r w o rd s w ith o th e r w o rd s o r phrases:
2 The Wright brothers were inventors 1 rem em ber words with their opposites, e.g., left / right

3 Frida K a h lo _______ 2 rem em ber words in phrases, e.g., on the left

4 Gustav Mahler

5 Jimi H endrix _ QUESTION TIME

6 The Bronte sisters
Can you answer these questions?
7 G a n d h i_________
Where were you born?
8 Fred Astaire Where were your parents born?
9 Gregory Peck and Clark Gable Were you at home at 6 o'clock yesterday?
Who were you with?
How old were you on your last birthday?

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Clark G
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To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.
Aldous Huxley, British writer

Sydney, here we cornel

1 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings b O rd e r th e w o rd s to m a k e q u e stio n s.

a U n d e rlin e th e w o rd w h e re -e d is p r o n o u n c e d /id /.
1 booked checked wanted walked
2 painted arrived turned traveled
3 asked waited looked worked
4 called played landed listened

5 danced watched helped started

6 worked decided followed lived

b P ractice saying th e w ords.

1 after / Peter / match / tired / Was / the

2 G R A M M A R simple past: regular verbs
A Was Peter tired after the m atch?
a C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith a verb, first in th e
affirm ativ e a n d th e n in th e negative. B Yes, he was.
2 you / night / W here / last / were
book show help -walk play
paint study work A ____________________________________

B I was at home.
1 Yesterday S a m walked to work, but he
3 they / concert / late / the / Were / for
didn’t walk home.
A __________________________________
2 I Chinese at school, but I
B No, they weren’t.
G erm an and Spanish.
4 did / land / the / Where / plane
3 The teacher __________ m e with the exercise, but
A ____________________________
s h e _______ my friend.
B At the airport.
4 B ill_______ basketball when he was young, but
5 did / college / your I in I brother / W hat / study
h e ________ soccer.
A ____________________________________________________ ?
5 They the tickets but they
B Biology.
a hotel.
6 Was / tall / boyfriend / very / your / first
6 We the living room , but we
A ____________________________________________________ ?
the bedroom .
B No, not really.
7 The salesperson ____________last Saturday, b u t she
7 didn’t / the / you / wait / Why / for / bus
on Sunday.
A ____________________________________________________ ?
8 I the photos to my sister, but I
B Because it was too cold.
them to my brother.
8 time / work / did / W hat / arrive / Sandra / yesterday / at
A ____________________________________________________ ?

B At ten o’clock.

c C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s a n d answ ers. 3 V O CA B U LA R Y past time expressions
C ircle th e c o rre c t answ er.
1 She wasn’t here Clast n ig h p / yesterday night.
2 My son was born ago two years / two years ago.

3 They traveled to the US last m o n th / the last m onth.

4 Did you call me last m o rn in g / yesterday morning?
5 The plane landed two h o u rs ago / two ago hours.
6 M ark arrived in Taipei the last July / last July.

7 I stayed with him before two weeks / two weeks ago.

8 Isabella booked the tickets yesterday afternoon /
last afternoon.

More Words to Learn

1975 1985 432* 2001 1969 1925 1945 W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d t r y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
Word Pronunciation Translation
1 when / Wall Street Crash / happen teenager noun / ’tineid39r/
When did the Wall Street Crash happen? trip noun /trip /
It happened in 1929 flight noun /flait/
2 when / the Second World War / end lucky adjective /'1a ki/

worried adjective /'w arid /

It ended i n ____________ book (a ticket) verb /b o k /

3 when / Neil Armstrong / land / on the moon show verb /Jo o /

arrive verb /a'ra iv /

He landed on the moon in land verb /laend/

so conjunction /s o u /
4 when / cell phones / first / appear

They first appeared in TIME

5 when / John Logie Baird / inuent the television Can you answer these questions?

Did you study English yesterday?

He invented the television in Did you watch TV last night?

Did you travel by plane last year?
6 when / George Harrison / die
s Did you cook dinner yesterday?
Did you start learning English a year ago?
He died in
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7 when / Bill Gates / start Microsoft

He started Microsoft in

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Girls just want to have fun.
Cyndi Lauper, American singer

1 V O C A B U L A R Y go, hove, get 2 G R A M M A R simple past irregular verbs

a C ross o u t th e w ro n g ex p ressio n . a W rite se n te n ce s in th e past.
1 GO to the beach out swimm ing a bus 1 Robert wears a tie to work, (yesterday)
2 HAVE lunch a sandwich for a walk a drink Robert wore a tie to work yesterday.
3 GET dressed a good tim e up a letter 2 They do their hom ew ork together, (last night)
4 GO to bed a taxi away to school

5 HAVE breakfast a drink a good time 18 years 3 Helen doesn’t go shopping, (last week)
6 GET shopping h om e a newspaper a taxi
4 We meet in the restaurant, (last night)
b Fill in the blanks in th e sto ry w ith went, had, o r got.

5 We do n’t have dinner at hom e, (last night)

6 Jane gets up early, (yesterday m orning)

7 He buys a newspaper at the station, (yesterday)

8 I leave hom e at 7:00. (yesterday)

Last month Jane, a journalist from New York, 1 w ent

to the Hamptons for the weekend. She booked a hotel on 9 She sees her friends after work, (last night)

the Internet, and on Friday she 2_______________ the bus to

the coast. It was very late when she arrived, so she just 10 Bob can’t come to dinner, (last week)

3______________ a ham and cheese sandwich and

4______________ to bed. The next morning she b C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s in th e dialogue.

5______________ up early and looked out of the window - it A Where 1_d id you go last night?
was raining! She took a shower and 5_______________ dressed. B I went to that new jazz club in town.
Then she 7_ out to buy a newspaper. Another A 2________________ good?
hotel guest _ an umbrella and asked her if she B Yes, it was great.
needed it. They to the newsstand together, A W ho 3_________ with?
and after that they __________ breakfast in a cafe. From B I went with m y boyfriend and some friends.
then on, Jane didn't think about the rain - she A W hat 4_______________ ?
______________a very good time in the Hamptons B I wore m y long jean skirt and a new top I b ought last
A W hat time 5 home?
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B We got hom e at about 3:00 in the m orning. 4 P R O N U N C I A T I O N simple past: irregular verbs
A 6________________ a taxi home? a C ircle th e w o rd w ith a d iffere n t vow el so u n d .
B No, my boyfriend has a car.

A Did 7________________ a good time? 1 ,0

B Yes, we had a really great time. You can come with us
next time, if you like. swam cost bought ate met

A It depends. 8________________ the jazz club expensive? (came) wrote saw m ade left

B No, not really. sang got heard said fell

sat hot called paid knew
Study Link I Student Book p.130 Grammar Bank 5C
b P ractice saying th e w o rd s.

a R ead th e story.
More Words to Learn
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d t r y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s.

THE WRONG BUS Word Pronunciation Translation

m a k e u p noun /'m e ik A p /
A Japanese businessman right bus until they stopped
had a big surprise last at a bar and everyone got pie noun /p a i /
Sunday when he got the off. They asked Mr. Kajiyama wine noun /w ain /
wrong bus to the airport to join their party and so he
and missed his flight. followed them into the bar. dress noun /d rss/
Zenko Kajiyama, 32, went When he looked at his watch fashions noun /'fcejnz/
to Waverley station in he saw it was too late and
literature noun /'lita ra tja r/
Edinburgh, Scotland, to catch that he had missed his
the bus to the airport. He had plane. At first he was very great (= fantastic) /g reit/
a meeting the next day in worried, but then he decided adjective
London, and he wanted to to stay in the bar. He had a
o p e n / closed /'o o p a n / /k lo o z d /
catch the evening flight. drink and danced to the
When he saw a silver bus music with the other
marked Club Class he got on members of the party. In the pay for verb /'pei far/
it. Unfortunately the bus was end, he went back to the
especially adverb /I'sp e ja li/
for people going to a house of one of his new
Adnpinl li01n .1 wrl>Mi<

birthday party. friends, and he slept on the

The people on the bus sofa. The next morning he
helped Mr. Kajiyama with his took a taxi to the airport and
bags and found him a seat. flew to London, but he was
Can you answer these questions?
He thought he was on the too late for his meeting.
Did you go out last Saturday?
What did you do?
b M a r k th e se n te n ce s T (tru e ) o r F (false).
Did you have a good time?
1 Mr. Kajiyama wanted to catch the bus to London. F
What did you have for dinner last night?
2 He wanted to go to a party in London. What did you wear yesterday?

3 The Club Class bus didn’t go to the airport. Study Link MultiROM
4 Mr. Kajiyama went to the bar.

5 He didn’t catch his plane.

6 In the end, he enjoyed the party.
7 He slept in the airport.
8 He didn’t go to his meeting in London.

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r : i ' i
Elementary, my dear Watson.
Attributed to Sherlock Holmes (but he never said it)

VJDU Murder in a mansion

1 P R O N U N C I A T I O N simple past verbs 8 The game was a disaster. O u r t e a m _________

a M a tc h th e verbs w ith th e s a m e vow el s o u n d . 9 I __________she was Italian, but she was Spanish.

drove could m ade said learned bought had lost 10 I looked everywhere, but I find my glasses,

1 came made 5 saw Study Link I Student Book p.154 Irregular verbs
2 left 6 spoke
3 G R A M M A R simple past
3 taught 7 took
a R ead this p o lice re p o rt. C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith
4 ran 8 heard
th e sim p le p a st fo rm o f th e verbs in th e box.
b P ractice saying th e w ords.
be (x2) arrive leave n o t want see can’t
go not ru n look open find take
2 V O C A B U L A R Y irregular verbs
a C o m p le te th e base fo rm a n d p a st fo rm s o f th ese
irre g u la r v erbs. Use a, e, i, o, o r u.
Base form Past Base form Past
b e g in beg.Sn P -t P -t
c_m e c_m e r_ng r_ n g
d r_ n k d r_ n k s_t s_t
d r_ v e d r_ v e w _ k e up w _ k e up

g -v e g -v e w _n w _n
Police re p o rt : bank robbery
kn_w kn_w w r_ te w r_ te

We 1_arrived . a t the bank a t 9:36 in the

b C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith th e sim p le p a s t fo rm
o f th e v erb s in th e box. evening, and we our police car

buy find h ear m ake get n o t take outside. The bank 3 ________ closed and all the
can’t g° lose m eet think lights 4_________ off, but we 5__________through

1 He got up in the m iddle of the night because the window. We 6 ________ a person inside the

he heard a noise. bank. A t first we 7__________ see who it was, but

2 I Sally at a party last week. then he 8__________the door and came out - it

3 They a new car two days ago. was Steven Potter. He 9__________ away - he just

4 We _ to bed very late last night. walked slowly to his car. Then he drove away. The

5 Karen dinner yesterday. It was pasta, next morning, we 10__________ to his house a t
as usual. 6 : 0 0 a.m. We 11_________ him in bed. He
She was sick, so s h e ________ her dog for a walk 12__________ to speak to us, so we ’3_________ him
this m orning.
to the police station.
7 W hen we arrived in Paris, we a cheap
hotel near the station.
b C o m p le te th e q u e s tio n s w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e More Words to Learn
v erb s in p a re n th e se s.
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
Word Pronunciation Translation
m a n sio n noun /'m a e n jn /

millionaire noun /m ily a 'n e r/

library noun /'la ib r e r i/

m u r d e r noun / 'm s r d a r /

asleep adjective /s 's lip /

dead adjective /d e d /

h a p p e n verb /'h aep an /

PO LICE OFFICER W here i were you at everybody pronoun /'sv rib A d i/
about 9:30 yesterday evening? (be)
so m e b o d y pronoun /'sAmbAdi/
STEVEN PO TTER I was at a movie. It started at 9:00.
nobodv pronoun / 'n o u b A d i/
PO W hat movie 2______________________________ ? (see)
SP I can’t remember. It wasn’t very good.
PO H m m . Very interesting. And who QUESTION TIME
3_______________________ to the movie with? (go) Can you answer these questions?

SP My girlfriend. What time did you get up yesterday?

the movie? (like) Where were you at two o'clock?

Where did you go after lunch?
SP Yes, she thought it was very good.
□ Did you go out in the evening?
PO W hat time 5____________ the movie
0 What time did you go to bed?
SP At about 10:30.
PO And what 6_______________________ after you left
the movie? (do)

SP We went to a restaurant - La Dolce Vita, on State

Complete each sentence with one word. 4&5
A _______________ your daughter swim?
PO La Dolce Vita? I know it. Very good spaghetti. W hat
B Yes, but not very well.
time 7___________________ the restaurant? (leave) Do you lik e ______________ to the gym?
SP At about 12:00. We help them and they h e lp _______________

PO T hat’s very late. 8 hom e □ A Whose car is this?

B It 's _________________ We boughtitlastweek.
after that? (go)
W h e re _______________ you born?
SP No, we went to a nightclub - Flanagans. Then we
I _______________ go out last night. I was very tired.
went home. Did you a good time at the party?
PO How? 9___________________________ a taxi? (take) W e ___ to a really good restaurant last night.

SP No, we took a bus.

PO And what time 10_ to bed?(go)
SP At about 4:00 a.m. Can I go hom e now? I’m tired.

PO No, I’d like to ask you some m ore questions...

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P r a c t ic a l E n g l is h

1 V O CA B U LA R Y shopping 4 READING
W rite th e w o rd s. a C o m p le te th e text w ith th e se words.


1 postcards 3 am 5 b
2 a m ____________ 4 T -___________ What do visitors
to Mexico take
2 BUYING A PRESEN T home as a
souvenir? We
O rd e r th e d ialo g u e.
visited a lot of
A Next, please. W souvenir ' shops.
B No, thanks. Just the mug. □ in Mexico City,
A It’s $5. □ and this is what
we found.
B How m uch is a large mug? □
Hot chocolate
A These mugs are very cheap. □
Mexicans love their hot chocolate, and tourists seem
B How m uch are the T-shirts? [2
to love it, too. You can buy it in bars and powder, and
B Red, please. □ mix it with milk at home. And w hy not buy a hand-
A Red or blue? □ painted 2_______________ or a mug at the same tim e?
And to have with your hot chocolate, what about
B Oh! They’re very expensive! □
some Mexican 3_______________ or some traditional
A Here you are. Anything else? □
bread or candy?
A They’re $30. □
Postcards and pictures
B OK. Can I have a mug, please? □
Postcards and pictures of famous sights are very
4_______________ souvenirs. The Floating Gardens? The
3 SO CIA L EN G LISH pyramids? You can 5_______________ all these and a lot
of other places, too! Tourists also buy postcards or
C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith th e se w ord s.
copies of paintings by Frida Kahlo or Diego Rivera.
believe Com e look nice problem
Relax time Wow Other souvenirs
People also 5_______________ shopping in the Zona
A Hi, Sally. 1 Wow ! You 2 great. Nice dress! Rosa. Souvenir shops are full of mugs, postcards,

B Here’s a little present for you. T-shirts, silver jewelry, and pottery.

A T hat’s v e ry 3 of you. O h no, it’s broken.

B I don’t 4_______it! I’m sorry, Carl. b U n d e rlin e five w o rd s o r p h ra s e s y o u d o n ’t kn o w .

A No 5_______ W hat time did you make the reservation for? Use y o u r d ic tio n a r y to lo o k u p th e ir m e a n in g a n d
p r o n u n c ia tio n .
B For 8 o’clock. 6 on. It’s 7 to go. It’s late.
A 8______ , Sally. We have time. We can get a taxi.
If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
Allison Pearson, British writer

A house with a history

1 V O C A B U L A R Y apartments and houses 2 G R A M M A R there is / there are

a W rite th e r o o m . a C o m p le te w ith th e c o rre c t f o r m o f there is / there are a n d , if
office hatt dining room necessary, a, som e, o r any.
bedroom living room kitchen A Could you give me some m ore inform ation about the house?
garage bathroom
B O f course. W hat do you want to know?

Where do you usually... A i Is there a yard?

1 ... take off your coat? In t h e hall____ B Yes,2___________________ large yard, with a swimm ing pool.

2 ... take a shower? In t h e ____________ A Oh, very nice! And how m any bedroom s 3__________________ ?

3 . have dinner? In the B Three, I th in k ...y e s ,4 three bedrooms.

4 . use a computer? In the A And 5______________ dining room?
5 . park your car? In the _ B No, 6_______________ . But 7 big kitchen.
6 . make lunch? In t h e __ A 8 shelves in the kitchen?
7 ... watch television? In the B No, 9 But io__________ cupboards.
8 ... sleep? In t h e _________ Do you have any m ore questions?

b C o m p le te th e crossw o rd . A Yes. The fu rn itu re... 11__________ arm chairs in the

living room?
1 2 1
[m C H A .
B No, I’m sorry. 12 armchairs, but

Study Link I Student Book p.l 51 Vocabulary Bank

b W rite th e se n te n ce s in th e p lu ral. b U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable. W h ic h tw o w o rd s are
n o t stressed o n th e first syllable?
1 There’s a towel on the floor.
1 carpet 4 fantastic 7 bedroom
There are some towels on the floor.
2 m irror 5 fireplace 8 inform ation
2 Is there a plant in your living room?
3 cupboard 6 sofa

3 There’s a key in that door. c P ractice saying th e w o rd s in a a n d b.

4 Is there a restroom in this restaurant? More Words to Learn

W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s.

5 There isn’t a window in this room. W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation

price noun /prais/
paintings noun /'p ein tiq z/
c C ircle th e c o rre c t fo rm .
real estate agent noun /ril I'steit 'eid33nt/
plants noun /plaents/
large adjective /'la rd 3 /
quiet adjective /'k w a ist/

local adjective /'lo o k l/

original adjective /3'rid33nl/
rent verb /ren t/
draw verb /d m /
' ( § ) / There's a very nice h o u se .2 There's / It's a large
yard, and 3 there are / they are some trees in the yard. Study idea
I think 4 there are / they are apple tre e s.5 There's / It's
Irre g u la r v erb s
a living room, with a big blue sofa. In the kitchen,6 there
1 W hen you learn new verbs, check in the dictionary to
aren't / they aren't any shelves, b u t7 there are / they
see if they are regular or irregular in the past tense.
are some cupboards.8 There are / They are very old,
2 If they are irregular, write IRR next to the verb in your
but the fridge and stove are new. And the bathroom's
vocabulary notebook, and write the simple past form
fantastic - 9 there isn't / it isn't very big, but 10 there's /
next to it, too.
it's a shower and a bathtub!
L........................................................ - ............................................................................................................................ - ............J
3 Look up rent and draw in your dictionary. W hich one
is irregular? W hat’s the simple past form?
Study Link I Student Book p.132 Grammar Bank 6A

3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N /5/ and /er/, word stress QUESTION TIME

a C ircle th e w o r d w ith a d iffe re n t so u n d . Can you answer these questions? j

How many bedrooms are there in your house or apartment?

Is there a study?
A c
Is there a computer in your living room?
brother thirsty here engineer □ Are there any plants in your kitchen?

(^think^) thing hair wear Is there a sofa in your bedroom?

then that where near Study Link MultiROM

together thanks stairs here

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The past is a ghost, the future a dream, and all we ever have is now.
Bill Cosby, American comedian

A night in a haunted hotel ■ -

1 V O C A B U L A R Y prepositions of place 2 G R A M M A R there was / there were

C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith th ese w o rd s. a C o m p le te th e text. Use was, w ere, w a sn ’t, o r w eren ’t.

over -m between on in front of

in behind next to under across from

I went on vacation to Greece last month. I stayed in a really nice hotel

- there 1 were two swimming pools outside! There 2___________

a small beach in front of the hotel. There 3____________ any cars on the

road, but there 4___________some buses and a lot of tourists. There

5____________a restaurant in the hotel, but there 6____________ some

very nice restaurants in the town. There 7___________a waiter named

Manolis - he was very friendly. There 8____________a big window, so I

could see the ocean. In the evening, when there 9____________ any

people on the beach, it was very beautiful.

b C o m p le te th e dialogue.
A Did you have a nice vacation in Greece?
B Yes, it was great. The hotel was really nice.

A Was it? 1 Was there a swimm ing pool?

1 There’s a big t a b l e in the room. B Yes, 2____________________ two swimm ing pools.

2 There’s a small t a b l e ____________ the door. A Two swim m ing pools! Wow! W hat about your room?

3 There’s a black d o g ____________ the table. B 3___________________ a big bed, but 4__________

4 A cat is s ittin g ______________the fireplace. television. 5____________________ a m inibar and a beautiful

sofa next to the window.
5 There’s a ghost s ittin g _____________the woman.
A 6___________________ any other Canadian tourists?
6 A nother ghost is s ta n d in g _____________ the
woman. B No, 7____________________ B u t 8_____________________ some
Italians and som e Americans.
7 There are some glasses_____________ the
cupboard. A 9___________________ a restaurant in the hotel?

8 There are some p la te s _____________the table. B No, 10____________________ B u t 11_____________________some

nice restaurants in the town.
9 There’s a p ic tu r e _____________ the fireplace.
10 There’s a s o f a _____________ the two armchairs. Study Link I Student Book p.132 Grammar Bank 6B

3 READING 4 P R O N U N C I A T I O N silent letters
a R ead th e a d v e rtise m e n t. a C ross o u t th e silen t c o n s o n a n ts .
1 gftost 6 could
2 island 7 write
Castle for rent 3 comb 8 half
4 listen 9 cupboard
5 white 10 hour

Practice saying th e w ords.

More Words to Learn

W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
Word Pronunciation Translation

This beautiful 17th-century castle in ghost noun /g o o st/

southern France has 60 acres o f land. centurv noun /'se n tfsri/
The ow ners live in the east w ing o f the castle priest noun /prist/
and rent the rest o f the building to tourists.
guest noun /g sst/

nervous adjective /'n arv ss/

In front of the main entrance to the castle there's a
rose garden and a pretty fountain , which is lit up at frightened adjective /'fra itn d /
night. In the garden there's a heated swimming pool strange adjective /s tre in d y
with a wonderful terrace for sunbathing.
believe verb /bi'liv/
There's room in the castle for 20 people to sleep.
e,o back verb /g o o baek/
There are 10 bedrooms on the first and second floors, all
of which have a television, and there are six bathrooms.
spend (the night) verb /spend/
There's a large formal dining room on the first floor,
where eight people can eat, and there's a dining area ■

outside, where all 20 guests can have dinner together. QUESTION TIME
I 1 IWI Sa ■
For relaxing in the evening, there's a large living room
Can you answer these questions?
Adapted from a website

with sofas and armchairs. Downstairs there's also a study

and a very spacious kitchen with doors to the garden. Where's the TV in your house or apartment?
What building is across from your school?
The house is cleaned twice a week and there is a
How many people were there in your last English class?
babysitting service.
Was there a good movie on TV last night?
Was there a festival in your town last month?

b R ead th e a d ag ain a n d a n s w e r th e q u e stio n s. Study Link MultiROM

1 How old is the castle?

2 W ho lives in the castle?

3 W hat two things can you do in the garden?
4 How many bedroom s are there?
5 Where can 20 guests eat together?
6 How often do people come to clean the house?

c G uess th e m e a n in g o f th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s.
C h e c k y o u r d ictio n a ry .

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Don't throw stones at your neighbors if your own windows are glass.
Benjamin Franklin, American politician

1 V O C A B U L A R Y verb phrases b L o o k at th e p ic tu re o f a p ark . W h a t are th e p e o p le

C o m p le te th e te x t w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th ese verbs.

argue move bark cry talk have watch play


My neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, are terrible. They

1 argue all the time and their dog 2____________all day. They

have a three-month-old baby who 3____________ every night,

and Mr. Jackson 4___________the violin early in the morning.

Then Mrs. Jackson gets up, and they 5____________loudly

about everything. In the evening, they often 6____________their

furniture around and they 7____________TV late at night. And

on weekends, they often 8____________ noisy parties!

2 G R A M M A R present continuous
a C o m p le te th e d ialo gu e.

A W hat i are you doing (you / do), Grandma?

B I 2_____________________ (look) at the neighbors.
1 The dogs barking.
A W h a t 3______________________ (they / do)?
2 - -
4_____________________ (Mrs. Jackson / watch) TV?
3 __________________________________________________
B No, she 5______________________ (move) the furniture.
4 _____________________________________________
A And 6_____________________ (Mr. Jackson / play)
5 ____________________________________________
the violin?
6 —
B Yes, he is. Oh, look! Some people
7 __________________________________________________
7_____________________ (arrive). I think they w ant to
8 ________________________________________
have a party. Mr. Jackson 8
(open) the d o o r... Study Link Student Book p.132 Grammar Bank 6C
3 READING 4 P R O N U N C I A T I O N verb + -ing
a R ead th e tex t a C ircle th e w o rd w ith a d iffe re n t s o u n d

Noisy neighbors I
drinking (^writing) swimming giving

( p m eeting reading speaking hearing

i /A*a a o ^ talking
W > *»
walking moving calling

. , g | playing having raining painting

knowing going doing closing

Do you have problems w ith your neighbors? living buying finding riding
W ell, imagine the problems the people of Pilton
in Somerset, England, have. Every summer over
150,000 people travel to their village for the b P ractice saying th e w ords.
annual Glastonbury pop music festival.

Every year, for three days, the village is full of people of More Words to Learn
all ages who leave cans and papers all over the streets.
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s.
The music plays until the early hours of the morning and
W ord P ro n u n c ia tio n T ranslation
you can hear people talking and singing all night. The
quiet country village becomes a nightmare to live in, and neighbor noun /'n e ib sr/
some residents are even thinking of moving to another violin noun /vaia'lin/
baby noun /'beib i/
The pop fans who go to Glastonbury usually sleep in
noisv adjective /'noizi/
tents in a field, but last year Mr. Jam es Findlay, a resident
of Pilton, found two people asleep in his yard in the friendlv adjective /'frsn d li/
morning. Mr. Findlay said, "I don't want to stop the choose verb /tju z /
Glastonbury Festival. I just want the fans to enjoy the
argue verb /'a rg y u /
festival without disturbing normal village life."
cry verb /k rai/
bark verb /b a rk /
b C h e c k 0 th e p ro b le m s th e villagers o f P ilto n have
move verb /m uv/
w ith th e ir te m p o r a r y n e ig h b o rs.
1 □ Their dogs bark.
2 . They throw their trash on the street. QUESTION TIME
3 C They listen to loud music.
Can you answer these questions?
4 Their babies cry all night.
What are you doing now?
5 LH They make a lot of noise. Are you listening to music?
6 EH They go into other people’s yards. What are your parents doing?

7 CH They watch TV late at night. Are you doing this exercise at home?

Do you have noisy neighbors?

8 They break things in the village.
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c G uess th e m e a n in g o f th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s.
C h e c k y o u r d ictio n ary .

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I want to wake up in the city that never sleeps.
Fred Ebb, American songwriter

York, New York

1 G R A M M A R simple present or present continuous? 2 V O C A B U L A R Y town and city

a C ircle th e c o rre c t fo rm . a C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith a
w o rd fro m e ach box.
1 A W hat do you do /(W h a t are you doingj) here?
B I’m waiting for a friend. police a rt departm ent sports
shopping train travel
2 Do you walk / Are you walking to work every day?
3 Barbara isn’t here. She buys / ’s buying a present for her daughter. center station store agency
4 I go / ’m going to work now. See you later. station mall gallery

5 It rains / ’s raining a lot here in the winter.

6 A W here’s Laura?
B She’s on the phone. She’s talking / talks to Paul.

Does your baby cry / Is your baby crying at night?

8 My husband watches / ’s watching soccer three times a week.

b C o m p le te th e sentences. Use th e sim p le p re s e n t o r p re s e n t c o n tin u o u s .

1 W hat t i m e _______does he start (he / start) work every day?

2 David’s in the bathroom . H e _________________________ (take) a shower.

3 A W here’s Sally? 1 Where can you see paintings?

B S h e _________ (do) her homework. In a n art________ gallery___
4 Peter and Clare _________(not / like) their neighbors. 2 Where can you visit different stores?
5 My p a r e n ts ___ ________ (look) for a new house right now. At a _________________________
6 Lisa u s u a lly __ _________ (cook) dinner during the week. 3 W here can you get a train?
7 I ____________ (watch) a show on TV. Can you call me later? At a _________________________
8 My husband __________ (go) to bed very late - usually at 4 W here can you book a vacation?
midnight. At a _________________________
9 W e ________ (not / want) to drive to Florida. It’s 5 W here can you talk to a police
too far away! officer?
10 A W h e r e __ (you / go)? At a _________________________
B To the bank. See you later. 6 Where can you buy clothes for all of

Study Link I Student Book p.132 Grammar Bank 6D the family?

In a _________________________
7 Where can you play basketball?

At a _________________________
b C o m p le te th e puzzle. More Words to Learn
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w o rd s.
Word Pronunciation Translation
ship noun /JV
line noun /lain/
trip noun /trip /
passenger noun /'pc£sand33r/
building noun /'b ild iq /

view noun /vyu/

subway noun /'sAbwei/
around preposition /s 'r a o n d /
busy adjective /'bizi/

T hat’s too bad! /Saetz tu bced/

Can you answer these questions?

What kind of books do you read?

What are you reading now?
What do you usually wear?
What are you wearing now?
What's the main tourist attraction in your town?

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Complete each sentence with one word. 5&S
My grandparents____________doctors. They died
before I was born.
____________they book their vacation on the Internet
last summer?
Study Link I Student Book p.152 Vocabulary Bank
W e _________ pizza and sodas for lunch yesterday,

□ i see the end of the movie because I fell asleep.

3 PRONUNCIATION h ! There two bathrooms in my new house.

a U n d e rlin e th e /a / s o u n d . There many people at the beach yesterday -

1 m useum 6 ago it was very cold.

□ Listen! The neighbors a r e _________ noise again.
2 palace 7 refrigerator
A ____________you staying at a hotel or with friends?
3 carpet 8 garage
B We're in a little hotel downtown.
4 sofa 9 tom orrow
5 kitchen 10 parent

b P ractice say in g th e w ords.

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0 \ On the street P r a c t ic a l E n g l is h

1 V O CA B U LA R Y directions 4 READING
C o m p le te th e w o rd s a n d p hrases. a R ead th e in f o r m a tio n a b o u t g e ttin g a r o u n d L o n d o n

X .
> <ph
Getting around New York City
r .y -
— as
By subw ay
The New York subway is enormous and can take you
everywhere quickly. However, the stations are hot and
uncomfortable in the summer, and the system can be
on the com er. 6 tu rn r confusing for tourists, who often get on the wrong
train. It can also be very crowded during "rush hour"
at the t 7 gos_
(7:00-9:00 in the morning and 5:00-7:00 in the
1 ___________ a
3 at 8 gop the
By bus
4 a_ f. station The buses give you a

5 turn 1 good view of the

sights, but if traffic is
bad, your trip can take
2 A SKIN G FOR D IR EC TIO N S a long time. Before
C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith th ese w ords, you take the subway
or the bus, you
exactly Excuse near say first
should first buy a Metrocard. A Metrocard is a plastic
tell way W here’s
card that people use on both buses and the subway

A 1 Excuse m e .2 in New York City.

Barton Street, please?
B Sorry, I don’t know. By taxi or car
Taxis are great but expensive. Driving in New York,
A Excuse me. Is Barton Street 3 here?
especially Manhattan, is not recommended - it's
C Barton Street? I know the name, but I d o n ’t know almost impossible to park, and New York drivers have
4____________ where it is. Sorry. a reputation for being aggressive.

A Excuse me. Can you 5_____________ me the

6____________ to Barton Street? b A n sw er th e q u e stio n s.

D Yes. Turn right at the traffic light. Then it’s the 1 W hen is the subway usually very busy?

7____________ street on your left. 2 W here is a good place to sit to see the sights?

A Sorry, could you 8_____________ that again? 3 W here can you use Metrocards?

4 W hat is the problem with taking a taxi?

3 SO C IA L EN G LISH 5 W hat is the reputation of New York drivers?

M atch th e p hrases. c M a tc h th e h ig h lig h te d adjectives to th e ir m ean in gs,

Let’s ask that man. a I’m only joking, very big enormous
2 You were right. b He probably knows the way. very good ____________
Excuse me. We’re lost. c It was the house on the corner, full of people ____________
4 D on’t be angry. d Could you help us? difficult to understand

If it tastes good, it's bad for you.
Isaac Asimov, science fiction writer

What does your food say about you? 11

1 V O C A B U L A R Y food 2 G R A M M A R a / an, some / any

a C o m p le te th e crossw ord. a W h a t d id M a rk a n d Jan b u y 1 some _ meat
w h e n th ey w e n t s h o p p in g
2 appCe
yesterday? W rite a, an, o r
som e in th e spaces. 3 _ cheese
4 _ mitfc
5 _ 6 u tte r
6 .... Banana
7 p in eap p le
8 oranges
9 onion
10 tom atoes
Ite — 3

b W rite th e se n te n ce s in th e affirm ativ e o r negative.

1 There’s some rice in the cupboard.
There isn’t any rice in the cupboard.
2 I ______________________________________________
I didn’t eat any fruit yesterday.

3 I
I didn’t have an egg for breakfast.

4 T h e r e ________________________
There isn’t any sugar in this coffee.

5 We have some vegetables in the garden.

W e ________________________________
b W rite th e w o rd s in th e c o rre c t c o lu m n . 6 There
apples cake carrots pineapple There weren’t any sandwiches in the fridge.
onions grapes chocolate m ushroom s
7 There was som e good fish at the supermarket.
peas potato chips bananas cookies
T h e r e ____________________________________________
Vegetables Snacks Fruit
8 I had a salad for lunch.
I _____________________________________________________________________________________________

c C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith a, an, some, o r any.

A I’m going to the supermarket. Would you like anything?
B Yes, can you get 1 some milk and 2 bottle o f watei

Study Link I Student Book p.153 Vocabulary Bank A But there’s 3 milk in the fridge.

B No, there isn’t. I drank it this m orning. And we need More Words to Learn
4 bread for sandwiches tomorrow. Oh, yes - do W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
we have 5 cheese? I’d like to make 6______ Word Pronunciation Translation
pizza this evening. (shopping) basket noun /'baeskst/
A Yes, I think there’s 7_____ cheese in the fridge. And spaghetti noun /spo'geti/
there are 8 tomatoes, too. dish noun /diJV
B And I’d like 9 onion too, please. I d o n ’t think ingredients noun /in 'g rid isn ts/
we have 10_______. Oh, and we need 11______ eggs.. luxury noun /'U k ja ri/
missing adjective /'misir)/
Study Link I Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 7A
countable adjective /'k a o n ta b l/

3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N the letters eo uncountable adjective /A n'kaontobl/

Circle th e w o r d w ith a d iffere n t s o u n d . P ractice

saying th e w o rd s. Study idea
1 Try to connect new words with other words in English
m eat breakfast te a or in your language, e.g., shopping basket - basketball.
2 Look at the words in More Words to Learn. Can you
connect them to any other words?
^ b read healthy ice cream

. „ - p j eat great steak

Can you answer these questions?

4 READING D What do you usually have for breakfast?

□ What do you drink with your dinner?
a M a tc h each “f o o d fact” to th e p a r a g r a p h w h ic h
What's your favorite food?
explains w h y it’s false.
What vegetables don't you like?
A Eating too m uch sugar can make you addicted. □
B Beer is good for your hair. □ What do you drink when you go out with your friends?

C Eating fruit at the end of a meal is very healthy. □ Study Link MultiROM
D Putting salt in water will make it boil faster. E

Food facts...or are they?

1 Many cooks Putting beer on When people eat a Fruit is quite
always put salt your hair is not lot of sweet difficult to digest.
sum- into water m a good idea. things, it isn’t If you eat it at the
before putting in the pasta. The only result is a shower because their body really needs end of a meal, it can stay in
Many say that this helps the that smells like a bar and sugar. It’s because they like the your stomach for a long time.
water boil more quickly, but hair that looks terrible. It is ta ste , and they often have a This means that you can feel
this isn’t true. In fact, salt impossible for the beer to lot of sweet things like cakes very uncomfortable if you’ve
makes water boil at a higher make your hair more and cookies in their cupboards. just eaten a very big meal.
temperature, so the water beautiful, believe me, so Sugar is not a drug and eating The best time to eat fruit is
boils more slowly. don’t try it. it is just a bad habit. between meals.

b G uess th e m e a n in g o f th e h ig h lig h te d w ords.

C h e c k y o u r d ictio n a ry .

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Human beings are 70% water. With some people, the rest is collagen.
Martin Mull, American actor and writer

How much water do we really need?

1 P R O N U N C I A T I O N /w /, /v /, and / b /
a W illiam , Vera, a n d B re n d a are th in k in g a b o u t th e
p re se n ts th e y w a n t fo r th e ir b irth d a y s . W illia m
w a n ts p re s e n ts th a t b eg in w ith /w /, Vera w a n ts th o se
th a t b e g in w ith /v /, a n d B re n d a w a n ts th o se th a t
b e g in w ith /b /. W h a t p re s e n ts d o th e y each w ant?

2 He

3 She

William Vera Brenda

4 He

b P ractice saying th e w ords.

2 G R A M M A R how much / how many?, quantifiers

a C o m p lete th e questions. T h e n com plete th e sentences.

5 She

1 He doesn’t eat many cookies.

6 She

b R ead a b o u t th ese re c o rd s in c o m p e titiv e eating, 4 V O C A B U L A R Y "water" reading
C o m p le te th e sen ten ces w ith th ese w o rd s.
tivc eating tem perature at least sweat contain
experiments in fact m yth
Alina Baden ate 46 hot dogs in
11 minutes. 1 W hen you’re hot, you sweat to reduce your body heat.

George Willis ate 128 chicken wings 2 We don’t always need to drink a lot of water. __________
in 28 minutes. sometimes one liter a day is OK.
3 T h e ____________ in M adrid in August is very high.
Nikolai Cohen ate 10 hamburgers in
11 minutes. 4 Scientists are d o in g _____________ to find a cure for the
com m on cold.
John Edwards ate almost 2 gallons of ice
5 Candy and c h o co la te _____________ a lot of calories.
cream in 14 minutes.
6 Some people say you need to d r i n k _____________ two
Gustav Sajer drank 6 liters of milk in
liters of water a day.
j « | 3 minutes 29 seconds.
7 It’s a _____________ that coffee and soda make you
Barbara Beard ate 11 pounds of fruit
(bananas and apples) in 9 minutes 15 thirsty - it’s just not true!
More Words to Learn
W rite q u e stio n s.
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
1 H ow many hamburgers did Nikolai Cohen eat?
Word Pronunciation Translation
liters noun /'litors/

Six liters. tap noun /taep/

lose verb /luz/
Almost two gallons. agree verb /o'gri/

probablv adverb / ‘p rab o b li/

A hundred and twenty-eight.
like preposition /laik/

Eleven pounds, a bottle o f... /ei 'b a tl sv/

of course /ov kors/
Forty-six. m ore or less /m or or les/

for example /far ig'zsem pl/

Study Link I Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 7B

• -v ! ’• f e w e s t •f

3 V O C A B U L A R Y drinks i
T I I t / I 1
; /

1 1 M l C jr.-r

W rite th e n a m e s o f th e d rin k s.
Can you answer these questions?

How much water do you usually drink?

How many cookies do you eat a week?
How much television do you watch?
How much money do you spend on clothes?

How many very good friends do you have?

1 apple iuice 4 6

5 7 Study Link MultiROM

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To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.
Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish writer

Trading vacations

1 G R A M M A R be going to (plans) C o m p le te th e d ialo g u e. Use going to.

A So, where 1are you
a O r d e r th e w o rd s to m ak e sen ten ces.
going to.go (go) on
1 going / She / vacation / enjoy / ’s / the / to
She's going to enjoy the vacation.
B We 2____________
2 to / aren’t / We / a / going / stay I in I hotel
_____________ (travel)

around Europe by
3 going / They / to / go / ’re / swim m ing
That sounds great.
4 ’m / 1 / go / cam ping / going / to
W hich countries 3_________________________ (visit)?

B Italy first, and then Croatia, Greece, and Turkey.

5 you / to / Are / trip / for / going / pay / the
A W here 4_________________________ (sleep)?
B Well, we 5_________________________ (not / stay) in hotels! We
6 isn’t / see / the / He / to / going / pyramids
d on’t have m uch money. We can sleep on the train. The only

problem is that it 6_________________________ (be) very hot.

b C o m p le te th e sentences. Use g o in g to.
A And where 7________________________ (go) after Italy?
1 W hat t i m e are f/iey going to leave (they /
B After Italy we 8________________________ (get) the train to
leave) tomorrow?
Zagreb. Then Makiko 9_________________________ (come)
2 We (try) the local
hom e, and I 10________________________ (go) to Greece. I
want to visit Athens. Then I 11 _______________________
3 They (have) dinner
(spend) a week on a Greek island before I go to Turkey.
with their friends this weekend.
I 12_________________________ (not / get) hom e until the end
(you / stay) at an
of August.
expensive hotel?
5 T h e y _________ (not / get Study Link I Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 7C
m arried) until next year.
2 P R O N U N C I A T I O N word stress
(they / see) the
a U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllable in th ese w o rd s.
Statue of Liberty?
H o w m a n y are n o t stressed o n th e first syllable?
7 H e _____________ (meet) a lot of
1 couple 4 weather 7 nightlife
2 hotel 5 m useum 8 vacation
8 S h e __ (not / go) on
3 campsite 6 restaurant
vacation this year.
b P ractice saying th e w o rd s.

3 V O C A B U L A R Y vacations b R ead th e tex t a g a in a n d m a tc h th e to u ris ts to
a v acatio n .
W rite th e ex p re ssio n s in th e c o rre c t c o lu m n .
1 A millionaire looking for som ething to tell his friends,
on vacation the sights in a h o tel shopping
2 A rich couple who like animals and hot weather.
to the beach at a campsite in a bed and breakfast
a show the Statue of Liberty 3 A strong, young scientist who enjoys cold weather.
4 A group of friends who want to forget about their
STAY GO SEE stressful jobs.
in a hotel
c Read th e tex t ag ain a n d label th e p ictu res.

a R ead th e ad v ertisem en ts,

*Four cOteam vacations*^.

* for the 21st century *

See a penguin
This is a once-in-a-lifetime vacation in the snow and ice of the More Words to Learn
Antarctic. You visit the isolated places the great explorers
W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords,
discovered, and you can see animals and birds you only normally
see on TV or in zoos. The trip starts in South Africa and finishes W ord Pronunciation Translation
in Western Australia. You travel on a Russian ship, Kapitan
couple noun /'kApl/
Khlebnikov, and the vacation lasts for just under a month.
m inute noun /'m in a t/
Go on a safari (see the) sights noun /saits/
This vacation is a safari with a difference. You travel by
campsite noun /'ksem psait/
helicopter over parts of Kenya, listening to classical music as
you fly. Then you sleep under the African stars in a luxury bed. nightlife noun /'n aitlaif/
There's another trip, this time in a hot-air balloon for two
disaster noun /di'zaestsr/
people, which gives you a second chance to see wild animals in
their natural habitat. The best moment is the Elephant Watch in boat noun /b o o t/
Samburu, where your experienced guide can tell you all about ideal adjective /ai'dial/
these amazing animals.
plan verb /plaen/
^ F|v high go camping verb / ’kcempir)/
This is probably the most expensive vacation in the world. You
can go on a flight into space and orbit the Earth in a spaceship
- if you have the money! The only problem with this vacation is
the six-day training course before you take the trip. You travel
60 miles above the Earth for between 30 and 90 minutes, and Can you answer these questions? j
you get a beautiful view of our green and blue planet.
Where are you going to go on vacation this year?

i t
Live like Robinson Crusoe What are you going to see there?
If you dream of life on a desert island, this is the vacation for What are you going to do there?
you. The island of Quilalea is off the coast of Mozambique, and Who are you going to go with?
the only inhabitants are turtles and a few tourists. You can live
How much is it going to cost you?
like Robinson Crusoe: watch the turtles, go fishing, or sail to
another island to have a picnic. Study Link MultiROM

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Love cannot save you from your own fate.
Jim Morrison, singer of The Doors

It's written in the cards

1 V O C A B U L A R Y verb phrases
C o m p le te w ith v e rb s fro m th e bo x . S o m e tim e s m o r e th a n o n e a n sw e r is possible,

be have get fall move meet

1 be famous 4 ______lucky 7 ______a lot of m oney 10 som ebody new

2 a surprise 5 in love 8 ______out of a house 11 a baby

3 m arried 6 ______ to another country 9 a new job

2 G R A M M A R be going to (predictions)

-O N iO M S
-T o n A ^ C

a L o o k at th e p ic tu re a n d w rite sen ten ces u sin g b W rite a le tte r in th e box: A = p la n , B = p re d ic tio n .

th ese verbs a n d be going to. 1 I’m going to buy some souvenirs in the gift shop. L4J

buy -eat take fall get drink make see 2 You’re going to be hot in that jacket. □

3 My cousin is going to get m arried in the spring. □

1 She’s
.. aeoine
?.... - to eat _her ice cream.
4 We’re going to be late if we don’t hurry. □
2 off his bike.
5 There’s going to be a beautiful sunset tonight. □
3 a taxi.
6 I think that factory’s going to close. □
4 some water.
7 They’re going to buy a new car. □
5 a movie.
8 I’m going to book a flight tomorrow. □
6 a photo.
7 a newspaper. ■dlffiHlfflHI Student Book p.134 Grammar Bank 7D
8 ______________________________ a sandwich.
P R O N U N C I A T I O N /u/, /u/, and /a/ More Words to Learn
M a tc h th e w o rd s to s o u n d s 1, 2, a n d 3. T h e n W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
c o n n e c t th e w o rd s th a t have th e sa m e so u n d .
Word Pronunciation Translation
surprise noun /ssr'p ra iz /
heart noun /h a rt/
ring noun /n g /
[D good student
voice noun / vdis/
love m oney
card noun /k a rd /
music cook
(I’m) sure adjective /fo r /

□ hungry book put verb /p o t/

new spaper lunch maybe adverb /'m eibi/

looking true soon adverb /sun/

P ractice saying th e w ords.

C o m p le te th e d ialo g u es b y u s in g th e p a irs o f
m a tc h in g w o rd s fro m exercise a. Can you answer these questions?

D What are you going to do this weekend?

Are you going to travel this year?
Are you going to get married this year?
What are you going to have for dinner this evening?
Are you going to start a new job this year?

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Complete each sentence with one word. \ 6& 7

There_______________ any cupboards in the kitchen,
but there are some shelves.
_______________ there many people at the soccer game
1 Does your husband make the dinner?
last night?
Yes, he’s a very good_________ cook
Oh no! The b a b y _______ crying again.
2 W hat are the m ost im portant things in life? □ She usually_____________ pants, but today she's
____________ a n d _____________ wearing a skirt.

3 W hat do you do? There's_______ _ milk in the fridge if you want it.
H o w _________ sandwiches do you want?
I’m a __________________________
B We're _ to visit our cousins this weekend.
4 Can I help you?
l i ! When _ you going to get married?
Yes, I’m ______ for a about Italy.
5 A lot of the things you read in the are
often n o t _____________
6 I’m _____________ W hat’sf o r ____

Practice re a d in g th e d ialo gu es.

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inn At a restaurant P r a c t ic a l E n g lis h

1 VOCABULARY AND READING c U n d e rlin e five w o rd s o r p h ra se s y o u d o n ’t know .

U se y o u r d ic tio n a r y to lo o k u p th e ir m e a n in g a n d
a L o o k at th e m e n u a n d a n s w e r th e q u e stio n s.
p r o n u n c ia tio n .
1 W hich is the best appetizer for somebody on a diet?
2 W hat main course can a vegetarian have?
3 Can you have fruit for dessert?
C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith o n e w o r d in each b la n k .
4 How many types of drinks are there?
A Good evening. Do you have a 1 reservationi_?
5 Do children pay the same as adults?
B Yes, a 2_____________ for two. My nam e’s John McGeever.

Seaview Restaurant Menu A 3____________ or non-smoking?

B Non-sm oking, please.

A Com e this way, please.
Soup of the day $4.50 Grilled low-fat goat cheese (V) $5.00
Smoked salmon $7.95
A Are you ready to 4____________ ?
B Yes, 5_____________ like the m ushroom risotto.
Mixed salad (V) $6.50 Seafood salad $11.25
C Chicken salad 6_____________ me, please.
Main courses_________________________________________
Fillet steak, served with French fries and carrots $14.75 A W hat would you 7_____________ to drink?
Summer vegetable omelette (V) $8.50 B An orange 8____________ , please.
Grilled tuna, served with a choice of fresh vegetables $13.25


Cheesecake $4.95 Selection of ice cream $3.50
C o m p le te th e d ia lo g u e w ith p h ra se s a-e,
Cheese and fruit $7.95
a Could we have the check, please?
Glass of wine (red or white) $6.50 Beer $525
b It was delicious.

Bottle of wine (red or white) $32.00 Soft drinks $2.00 c The same for me, please,
Coffee $1.50 d Nothing for me, thanks,
e W hat is there?
Set menu
$12.50 (see the board for today's choice) A Was the pasta good?

25% discount on children's portions Service charge is included B Yes, thanks. 1 b____
(V) vegetarian
W A I T E R Would you like dessert?

B Yes, please.2__________
b M a tc h th e w o rd s a n d th e d e fin itio n s.
W A IT E R Ice cream with chocolate sauce or fruit salad.
service charge ca a drinks
B The ice cream for me, please.
r i b reservations
set m enu □ W A I T E R And you, sir?
c reduced price
d soda
bookings □
W A IT E R Here you are. W ould you like any coffee?
e a limited m enu - you pay
discount □ a fixed price and B Yes, a cappuccino please.
everything is included
beverages □ f extra m oney you pay-for
W A I T E R Two cappuccinos. Anything else?
the waiter-s
soft drinks □ A No, thank y o u .5____________

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein, German scientist

The True False Show

1 G R A M M A R comparative adjectives 6 Olive oil is better for you than butter.

a W rite th e c o m p a ra tiv e fo rm s o f th ese adjectives in B u tte r _____________________

th e c o rre c t circle. 7 The sun is hotter than the m oon.
b eautiful dirty cold high wet cheap The m o o n ____________________
good dry hungry thin sad difficult
8 English is easier than Chinese.
bad comfortable far
C h in e s e ____________________
one syllable = + er 2 or more syllables
Study Link I Student Book p.136 Grammar Bank 8A
= more + adjective

1 2 P R O N U N C I A T I O N vowel sounds
1 or 2 syllables
a W rite th e w o rd s in th e c h art.
ending in y ^ + Z e r

worse slower drier easier

healthier dirtier m ore better
1 vowel + 1 consonant = colder cheaper higher shorter
double consonant + er



b W rite sen ten ces u s in g th e o p p o s ite adjective.

b P ra ctic e saying th e w o rd s.

3 V O C A B U L A R Y personality adjectives
C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith th ese w o rd s.

aggressive stylish generous quiet

careful serious- friendly
1 A Fiat is slower than a Ferrari.
A Ferrari is faster than a F ia t. 1 M ark reads lots of books about politics. He’s . s_eri_ous

2 M aria likes buying people presents. She’s ___________

2 The Pacific Ocean is bigger than the Atlantic Ocean,
3 Caroline wears really nice clothes. She’s -------------------
The Atlantic O c e a n _____________________________
4 Jeanine loves going to parties and talking to people.
3 G erm any is wetter than Tunisia.
She’s ____________
T u n is ia ______________________
5 Paulo argues a lot. He’s _____________
4 The Suez Canal is longer than the Panam a Canal.
6 Lana plans things for a long time before she does them
The Panama C a n a l ___________________________
5 Gold is m ore expensive than silver. She’s ____________
7 Ted never says very m uch. He’s _____________
S ilv er__________________________

4 READING d R ead th e tex t again. M a rk th e se n te n ce s T (tru e ) o r
F (false).
a W h a t d o y o u th in k are th e p e rfe c t co lo rs to p a in t
y o u r a p a r tm e n t o r h ouse? L o o k at th e c h a rt a n d 1 A blue bedroom helps you wake u p earlier. JE_
c o m p le te c o lu m n 1 w ith a c o lo r fro m th e box . 2 Green and white are dram atic colors. ___
blue red/orange green/white yellow 3 Red or orange in the dining ro o m makes
people eat and talk. ___
Rooms 1 My opinion 2 The expert’s opinion
4 A yellow office helps you work better. ___
Living room More Words to Learn
Dining room W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
Office Word Pronunciation Translation

m o sq u ito e s noun /m a 'sk ito o z /

b N o w re a d th e tex t a n d c o m p le te c o lu m n 2
(T h e e x p e rt’s o p in io n ) . D o y o u agree? sharks noun /Jark s/

tigers noun /'taig arz/

Perfect ad u lt noun / s 'd Alt/

colors, (m ake) jokes noun / d 300ks/

personality noun /p srsa'n aeb ti/

Perfect the Earth noun /orO/

harmony Mars noun /m a rz /

The color you paint the rooms in your house can make Study idea
you more comfortable. Follow the suggestions below to S ta rt a v o c a b u la ry n o te b o o k fo r n e w w o rd s y o u
create the perfect atmosphere to eat, sleep, work, and w a n t to learn .
relax in your own home. 1 Write a translation, and use your dictionary to check
the pronunciation.
The bedroom The dining room 2 Underline the stressed syllable.
The perfect color for a Red and orange are two colors
bedroom is blue. It is a very that can make you feel hungrier
relaxing color, and can make at mealtimes. They also
you feel happier and more encourage more interesting
positive about life when you conversation. But be careful!
wake up in the morning. Only use these colors in small
areas - a lot of red or orange
The living room
can make you feel aggressive.
The perfect color for an
elegant living room is green, The office
QUESTION TIME ________________
with some white. Don't use Yellow is a beautiful color that
dramatic colors like red, makes you feel happier and Can you answer these questions?
purple, and black because helps you to think, so it is a Is your country bigger than the US?
they don't help you relax. good color for this room. It
Is it hotter or colder than the US?
also makes dark spaces a
Is it wetter or drier than the US?
little brighter.
□ Is it safer or more dangerous than the US?
Is it cheaper or more expensive than the US?
c L o o k at th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s. W h a t d o y o u th in k
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th e y m ean ? C h e c k th e o n e s y o u d o n ’t k n o w in y o u r
d ictio n ary .

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The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.
Mark Twain, American writer

1 G R A M M A R superlative adjectives c C ircle th e c o rre c t a n sw e r to th e q u e s tio n s in exercise b.

a C o m p le te th e c h a rt. a(ThieNile) 5 a Chicago, US

adjective com parative superlative b The D anube b La Paz, Bolivia

colder the coldest c The Amazon c Edinburgh, Scotland

a A ndorra 6 a The Arctic Ocean
b M onaco b The Atlantic Ocean
c The Vatican c The Pacific Ocean
a India 7 a platinum
b Bangladesh b diam ond
c China c graphite
a M ount Everest 8 a The Sahara Desert
b M ont Blanc b The Atacama Desert, Chile
had c M ount Kilimanjaro c The Arizona Desert, US

d W rite su p e rlativ e
W rite th e q u e stio n s.
sentences. Use
1 W hat / long river / world? th e in f o r m a tio n
W h a t’s the longest river in the world? in th e c h a rt.

2 W hat / small country / world?

Hotel Size Popular Beautiful Price

3 W hat / crowded country / world?
Minerva, $250 per
24 rooms ©©© ©©©©
Rome night
4 W hat / high m o u ntain / world? Seine Palace, $210 per
36 rooms ©© ©©©
Paris night
Victoria Inn, $225 per
5 W hat / windy city / world? 18 rooms © ©©
London night
Rio Club, $180 per
60 rooms ©©©© ©©©
6 W hat / small ocean / world? Rio de Janeiro night

7 W hat / expensive m ineral / world? 1 big TTie Rio Club is the biggest.
2 small __________________________________

8 W hat / dry place / world? 3 popular __________________________________

4 cheap __________________________________
5 expensive __________________________________
6 beautiful __________________________________

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2 V O C A B U L A R Y the weather 3 P R O N U N C I A T I O N consonant groups
C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith a w o r d fro m th e box. a U n d e rlin e th e stressed syllables.

sunny wet hot snowing dry cold 1 the m ost difficult 5 the coldest
cloudy windy 2 the noisiest 6 the m ost crowded

3 the m ost expensive 7 the m ost beautiful

4 the fastest 8 the driest

b P ractice saying th e p h rases.

More Words to Learn

W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords.
Word Pronunciation Translation
oxygen noun /'aksid33n/
1 It’s hot 2 It’s
altitude noun /'aeltotud/
air conditioning noun /er k s n 'd ijn iq /
capital noun /'kaepatl/
geography noun /d3i'agr9fi/
climate noun /'k laim e t/

crowded adjective /'k r a o d a d /

boring adjective /'b o n rj/
imagine verb /i'maed39n/
surprisingly adverb /ssr'p raiziq li/
3 It’s 4 It’s

Can you answer these questions?

Who's the oldest person in your family?

Who's the tallest person in your family?
Who's the most intelligent person in your family?
Who's the best-looking person in your family?
Who's the worst driver in your family?

6 It’s
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5 It’s

7 It’s 8 It’s

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I'd like to live like a poor man, but with a lot of money.
Pablo Picasso, Spanish pcinter

1 G R A M M A R would like to / like c C h o o s e th e c o rre c t q u e s tio n .

a W rite th e c o n tra c tio n s . 1 A Do you like going for a walk?

1 He would like to see the movie again. W ould you like to go for a walk?

H e’d like to see the movie again. B No, not now. I’m tired.

2 She would like to do a parachute jum p. 2 A W ould you like a cookie?

Do you like a cookie?

3 They would not like to go skiing, B Yes, please. I’m very hungry.
3 A Do you like your neighbors?

4 I would like to learn Chinese. W ould you like your neighbors?

B Yes, they’re very friendly.

5 We would not like to work in a fast-food restaurant. 4 A W hat do you like doing tonight?
W hat would you like to do tonight?

6 H e would like to be lucky one day. B Let’s go to the movies.

5 A W ould you like to go to the beach?

7 You would not like to see that movie. D o you like going to the beach?
B No, I do n ’t. I don’t like the sun.

b W rite sen ten ces o r q u e s tio n s w ith w o u ld like. C ircle th e c o rre c t answ er.
Use c o n tra c tio n s .
1 he / be a teacher (-)
H e wouldn’t like to be a teacher.
2 you / be a ballet dancer (?)

3 w e / live in a big city (+)

4 I / learn how to fly a plane (+)

5 she / work for that com pany (-)

1 I’d like (to learn) / learning to dance salsa.
2 W hat does David like do / doing in his free time?
6 they / go to Chile on vacation (?)
3 Do you like cook / cooking?
4 W ould you like to come / com ing to dinner tonight?
5 I wouldn’t like to go up / going up in a hot-air balloon.

6 I don ’t like fly / flying.

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2 P R O N U N C I A T I O N sentence stress More Words to Learn
a U n d e rlin e th e stressed w o rd s. W rite tra n s la tio n s a n d tr y to r e m e m b e r th e w ords,
1 A Would you like to drive a sports car? Word Pronunciation Translation
B Yes, I’d love to. dreams noun /drimz/
A Why? weight noun /w eit/
B Because I love cars, and I love driving. height noun /hait/
2 A Would you like to ride a horse? experience noun /ik'spirisns/
B No, I w ouldn’t. adventure noun /ad'vent Jar/
A Why not? chef noun /Jef/
B Because I do n ’t like horses, jump verb /d 3 A m p /

b P ractice saying th e dialogues. last verb /leest/

suddenly adverb /'S A d n li/

3 READING including preposition /m'kludirj/

a R ead th e tex t a n d w rite a le tte r in each space.
W hich adventure experience...
1 ... can your family also enjoy? JB_
Can you answer these questions?
2 ... teaches you how to make your house
Do you like doing dangerous sports?
m ore comfortable? ___
Would you like to do a parachute jump?
3 ... helps you when you go to a restaurant? ___
What would you like for your birthday?
4 ... gives you a free meal? ___
Where would you like to go on vacation this year?
5 ... is not for people who don’t like alcohol? ___ Which countries would you like to visit?

6 ... is not for people who can’t swim? ___

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b L o o k at th e h ig h lig h te d w o rd s. W h a t d o y o u th in k
th e y m ean ? C h e c k w ith y o u r d ictio n ary .

Presents to remember Q Waterskiing

If you're a good swimmer, why not try waterskiing?
□ Wine tasting First, you do a quick training course on land. Then
This is the perfect experience for stylish people you're ready to practice in the water. This activity is
who want to know the difference between a really exciting, and your friends and family can

good wine and a bad wine. You can learn a lot have a good time watching, too.
about w ine and
how it is made with
the help of the □ Interior design tuition
experts ^and you can If you want to change the style of your
try some excellent house, but you don't know where to start,
wines. After this course this is the present for you. Professional
you will know which designers teach you how to use space,
wine to buy in the light, and color. They also help you be
supermarket and more creative by introducing your own
which wine to order in personal style into your designs. Lunch is
a restaurant. included in the course.

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It is totally impossible to be well dressed in cheap shoes.
Hardy Amies, British fashion designer

1 G R A M M A R adverbs b Make adverbs from the adjectives and complete the sentences.
i C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s w ith a n adverb. good careful hard
loud stylish happy
generous beautiful

The ideal partner...

1 .. .does h o u s e w o rk hap p ily

2 ...d a n c e s _____________
3 ...c o o k s _____________
4 ...dresses _____________
5 ...d r iv e s _____________
6 ...gives p re s e n ts ____________
7 ...w o r k s _____________
8 ...never s p e a k s _____________

c Circle the correct answer.

1 My brother’s a very (carefuT)/ carefully driver.
2 Frank cooks very good / well.
3 Elena wears very stylish / stylishly clothes.
4 He always speaks very aggressive / aggressively to me.

5 He’s very quiet / quietly. He never says anything!

6 She’s generous / generously. She gives nice presents.
1 The Germans are careful drivers.
7 My Korean is very bad / badly.
They d r iv e carefully___
8 Can you speak m ore slow / slowly?
2 The French cook perfect meals.

They c o o k _____________ Study Link Student Book p.136 Grammar Bank 8D

3 The British are very polite.

2 P R O N U N C I A T I O N adjectives and adverbs
They speak v e r y _____________
a Underline the stressed syllables.
4 The Brazilians are good at soccer.
1 badly 4 politely 7 completely
They play s o c c e r_____________
2 dangerously 5 carefully 8 quietly
5 The Japanese are very hard workers.
3 beautifully 6 slowly 9 stylishly
They work v e r y _____________
6 The Swedish speak beautiful English. b Practice saying the words.
They speak E n g lis h _____________

3 READING More Words to Learn
a Read the story, and put the pictures in the correct order. Write translations and try to rem em ber the words,
Word Pronunciation Translation
social life noun /'s o o jl laif/

crime noun /k raim /

shy adjective /Jai/
polite adjective /p s'la it/
elegant adjective / 's b g a n t/

steal verb /stil/

dress verb /dres/
everywhere adverb /'sv riw sr/
abroad adverb /s'b ro d /

almost adverb /'o lm o o st/

Rom an ce...w ith out a ring! TIME

A couple from Colorado, in the US, had a big surprise last
Can you answer these questions?
Saturday when they lost a $4,000 ring at the top of a mountain.
Derek Monnig, 33, bought the diamond ring for his Do you speak English well or badly?
girlfriend, Debra Sweeney, 34, to celebrate their engagem ent. Do you dress stylishly?
He wanted to ask her to marry him in a very romantic place, Do you drive fast or slowly?
so they walked slowly in the snow to the top of the Rocky
□ Do you speak quietly or loudly?
Mountains. They stopped and Derek said, "I have something
Do you play any sports very well?
for you. Honey, I love you. Will you marry me?"
Suddenly, he took the ring out of his pocket and started to Study Link MultiROM
put it on her fin g er. But the ring fell into the snow near
Debra's boots. They started to look for it, and other people
came quickly to help them, but they couldn't find it, so they
Adapted from a website

called the ski patrol. Seven more people came to help. They CAN YOU REM EM BER...? /FILES
spent two hours with them trying to find the ring. The next day,
the couple w ent back to the mountain with a metal d etecto r, Complete each sentence with one word. \ 7&8
but they never found it. Is th e re _______________ sugar in this coffee?
Debra wasn't too unhappy. "It's much better to lose the ring
H o w _______________ money do you have with you?
than the guy," she said. And luckily the ring was insured .
Who are y o u _______________ to go on vacation with?
I think is going to rain.

b W rite T (true) or F (false). His office is bigger _ ___________mine.

W h o 's _____________ tallest person in your family?

1 Derek and D ebra wanted to get m arried on top
of a m ountain. _il □ i like to do a parachute jump. I

don't like flying.

2 Derek had the ring in his pocket. __
My father drives v e ry __ . He never
3 The ring fell into one of Debra’s boots. __
goes more than 30 mph.
4 Seven people in all helped them look for the ring. __
5 They spent all day looking for the ring. __

6 The couple went back again with a metal detector. __

c Guess the m eaning of the highlighted words.

Then check your dictionary.

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1 V O C A B U L A R Y verb phrases 4 READING
Match the phrases. a Read the text about Chicago O ’Hare.
1 I’d like to a a taxi?
2 Could I have □ b check out.
3 Can I pay □ c help with your luggage?

4 Please sign □ d by credit card? Chicago O’Hare International Airport is one of the
busiest airports in the world, and 75 million
5 Do you need any i_ e your nam e here,
passengers pass through it every year. Below
6 Can you call me D f the bill, please? you can find four different ways of getting
to the airport:

Order the dialogue. O’Hare Airport is 18 miles (29 km) northwest of downtown Chicago
B O f course. D If you are planning to drive to the airport from downtown Chicago,
you need to take Interstate I-90 west to Interstate 1-190, and
B Room 223. EH
then follow the signs to O’Hare Airport. It takes approximately
A Yes. W hich room is it? CD 30-45 minutes to drive to O’Hare from downtown Chicago.
B No, b u t I had a drink from the minibar last night. _ > B Y TRAIN
A T hank you very m uch. Have a good t r i p . _ The Chicago Transit Authority offers 24-hour train service on the
Blue Line to O’Hare Airport from downtown Chicago. The trains
A Good m orning, m a’am. OH
run every ten minutes, 24 hours a day. The trip from downtown
B M orning. Can I have the bill, please? 12 Chicago takes about 45 minutes.

A OK, can you sign here, please? CD > B Y BUS/VAN

A Did you make any phone calls? EH Continental Airport Express offers pick-up service from most
downtown Chicago hotels. The vans will drop you off in front of your
B T hank you. Good-bye. EH
terminal. The fare is $18, and the trip takes about 45 minutes.

3 SOCIAL ENGLISH Call Checker Cab for a taxi to take you to O’Hare. The cost of a taxi
Complete the sentences with a phrase from the box. ride from downtown is about $40. The trip takes approximately
30-45 minutes, depending on traffic.
a good trip can we m eet 1’41-eati:
I'll meet you I’ll e-mail you I’m late

A O h no, I’m going to be late for m y train.

b How did the following people get to the airport?
B D on’t worry. 1 I ’ll call a taxi.
1 James went on the highway. ___ by car__
A 2 at the airport.
2 Sarah paid $40. -----------------
B OK. Where 3
3 Robert took the Blue Line. ___________
A At the inform ation desk at 7 o’clock.
4 Leo was picked up at his hotel. ____________

A S o rry 4 c U nderline five words or phrases you don’t know. Use your
B No problem. We have time. dictionary to look up their m eaning and pronunciation.

A Have 5____________ . And please write.

B 6____________________ next week, I promise.

0, beware, my lord, of jealousy! It is the green-eyed m onster...
William Shakespeare, English dramatist

1 V O C A B U L A R Y "jealous" reading b Write sentences.

Com plete the sentences with these words.

vacation brochure reply silence

fun pick up

1 I asked him a question, but he didn’t


2 A How did you find this hotel?

B I saw it in a _____________

3 I like walking in the m ountains - I love

t h e _____________
4 Could you those papers, please?
5 A Did you have a good time at the party
last night?

B Yes, it w a s _____________
1 Brazil She’s been to Brazil.

2 G R A M M A R present perfect 2 Australia They’ve been to Australia.

a Write the contractions. 3 Japan ______________________

1 I have not been to Thailand. 4 Thailand ______________________

I haven’t been to Thailand. 5 Canada

2 Tim has n o t been to a Japanese restaurant. 6 China

7 Malaysia

3 We have been to this city before. 8 Argentina

c Com plete the dialogue.

4 I have been to this club lots o f times. A Have you 1 been to the US?
B No, I 2____________ , but my wife has.
5 They have n o t been to New York. A W here 3 she been in the US?

B Only New York.

6 My girlfriend has been to Paris twice, A Has she 4______ . to Canada?

B No, she 5 . But we’d like to go there one day.

7 He has been to Peru. A And 6__ you been to Australia?

B No, I 7, . Have you?

8 We have n o t been to Mexico. A Yes, 1 8 . . I ’ve been to Sydney and Canberra.

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3 V O C A B U L A R Y town and city 4 PRONUNCIATION
Where have these people been? Com plete the sentences, Circle the w ord w ith a different sound. Practice saying
the words.

U opera stop concert (co u n tr^ )

. Q ]* T hursday m arket girlfriend person

^ jealous never break tell

She’s been to the 2 He’s been to the i_ city continent karaoke pick up
m arket b _____________
(1 ^ June G erm any travel agent angry

holiday hour hotel

h h a v e

More Words to Learn

W rite translations and try to rem em ber the words.
Word Pronunciation Translation
3 They’ve been to the 4 He’s been to the sports event noun /sports iV sn t/
t _____________ s _____________ continent noun /'k a n ts n a n t/

spa noun /sp a /

miles noun /m ailz/
silence noun /'saitans/
jealous adjective /'d38las/

exactlv adverb /ig 'zaektli /

somewhere adverb /'sAmwer/

5 She’s been to the 6 He’s been to the Study idea

h _____________ s__________c ___ Look back at the eight Study ideas in this workbook.
W hich ones do you do?

Can you answer these questions?

Have you been to work today?
Have you been to the supermarket today?
Have you been to a restaurant today?
Q Have you been to the movies today?
7 She’s been to the 8 They’ve been to the
Have you been to a friend's house today?
P ------------------- t _________ a ______
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Movies should have a beginning, a middle, and an end - but not necessarily in that order.
Jean-Luc Godard, French movie director

1 V O C A B U L A R Y past participles 3 G R A M M A R present perfect or simple past?

a W rite the past participles o f these irregular verbs. a Circle the correct form.
base form simple past past participle 1 I (d id n ’t m e e t)/ have never m et anyone nice at the party.
break broke broken 2 Miko w ent / has been to the movies last weekend.
buy bought 3 Did you read / Have you read any books by John Irving?
drive drove 4 Lucy’s a journalist. She m et / has m et a lot of
find found interesting people.
give gave 5 They started / have started to watch the movie, b u t they
lose lost fell asleep before the end.
make made 6 We didn’t see / haven’t seen the movie yesterday because
run ran the theater was full.
write wrote 7 I didn’t read / haven’t read any Terry Pratchett books.
I don’t like science fiction.
b Use p a st p a rtic ip le s fro m th e c h a rt to c o m p le te
th e sen ten ces. 8 Did you go / Have you been to that new restaurant

1 Debbie and Fernando have bought a new house. downtown last Saturday?

2 I’ve n e v e r _____________ a m arathon. b Com plete the dialogues with the correct form of the
3 Daniel h a s ____________ his girlfriend some flowers. verbs in parentheses.

4 John Grisham h a s _____________ m any bestsellers. A 1Have you read (read) any of the H arry Potter books?

5 Flave you e v e r _____________ your leg? B Yes, I have. M y brother 2___________ (give) them to

6 I’m going to be late. I’v e _____________ the car keys. me for my last birthday.

7 You’v e _____________ a lot o f mistakes. A W hich one 3___________y o u ____________ (like) best?

8 She’s _____________ some m oney in the street. B The first one. I 4___________ (read) it five times.

9 I’ve n e v e r _____________ a Ferrari.

A 5___________y o u ____________ (see) the new

2 P R O N U N C I A T I O N irregular participles Almodovar movie?

C ircle th e w o rd w ith a d iffe re n t vow el s o u n d . B Yes, I have. I 6___________(take) my boyfriend to

P ractice saying th e w o rds. see it last night.
A 7__________ (be) it good?
o B No, 1 8________________________ (not / enjoy) it.

given found left come taken known Study Link Student Book p.138 Grammar Bank 9B

written thought gave done made lost

(^seen) caught said drunk read broken
driven drawn sent got paid spoken

7 W hen was her daughter born?
8 Where did she write the first H arry Potter novel?
9 W hen did she win a book award?

10 How many people have read her books and seen the movies?

More Words to Learn

Write translations and try to rem em ber the words.
Word Pronunciation Translation
back row noun /baek r o o /

The richest woman in the UK is now soundtrack noun /'s a u n d tn e k /

Joanne Kathleen Rowling, the author of the autograph noun /'otagraef/
Harry Potter books. But life hasn't always bestseller noun /b sst'sstar/
been easy for her. /'v3r3n/
version noun
She was born on July 31st, 1965 and started writing at prefer verb /p ri'fs r/
the early age of six. At school, she was very quiet and
based on /beist a n /
didn't like sports much. Her favorite subjects were
English and Modern Languages. After school, she studied
French at Exeter University, and she later becam e a
bilingual secretary. She didn't enjoy her life as a QUESTION TIME
secretary, and when she was 26 she left the UK to teach
Can you answer these questions?
English in Portugal. She met and married a journalist and
Have you ever cried during a movie?
their daughter, Jessica, was born in 1993. The marriage
ended in divorce and Ms. Rowling moved to Edinburgh, Have you ever spoken to an actor?

Scotland. It was during this period that she started her B Have you ever slept in the theater?
first Harry Potter novel, which she wrote in a cafe while Have you ever seen a movie more than three times?
her daughter was asleep. Have you ever left a movie early?

She published H arry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Study Link MultiROM
in 1997, and in the sam e year she won one of the most
important book awards in Britain. Since then millions of
people have read her books in many different
languages, and millions have seen the Harry Potter CAN YOU REMEMBER...? FI LES
movies. Everybody knows who she is and everybody has
heard of the famous character she has created. Harry
Complete each sentence with one word. 8&9
Potter is possibly the most famous boy in the world. A lot of people like rock music. It's __
popular than classical music.
you like to go up in a hot-air balloon?

Siberia is the _____________ place in the world.

Read the text and answer the questions.
U Your English is good. You speak very
1 W hen was J. K. Rowling born?
I've n ever_______________ to the US.
2 How old was she w hen she started writing? you ever driven a Ferrari?

3 W hat were her favorite subjects at school?

4 W hat two jobs did she do before she became a writer?

5 W hy did she go to Portugal?
6 W hat does her ex-husband do?

Study Link I www.oup.com/elt/americanenglishfile/1

How to use your American English File 1 MultiROM

Grammar Quizzes At the end of each Workbook lesson, there is a Question

Time box. Can you answer the questions?
There is one Grammar Quiz for each File of the Student
Book. Each quiz has 20 questions - each time you do the
Study Link Use the MultiROM to listen to the questions,
quiz, the questions appear in a different order.
repeat them, listen again and answer them. Answer the
Study Link
questions again later for review.
Use the Grammar Quizzes to test your
grammar after each File of the Student Book. Do the
quizzes again later for review. Can you improve your lesson track lesson track
1A 2 5A 18
Vocabulary Bank IB 3 5B 19
1C 4 5C 20
These exercises review the words and phrases from the ID 5 5D 21
Vocabulary Bank pages of the Student Book. 22
2A 6 6A
2B 7 6B 23
Study Link Use the Vocabulary Bank section of the
2C 8 6C 24
MultiROM every time you complete a Vocabulary Bank
2D 9 6D 25
page in the Student Book. Test your memory and improve
3A 10 7A 26
your pronunciation and spelling.
3B 11 7B 27
3C 12 7C 28
3D 13 7D 29
The Sound Bank shows you how to pronounce all the 4A 14 8A 30
vowel and consonant sounds presented in the Student 4B 15 8B 31
Book. Each sound has five extra example words. 4C 16 8C 32
4D 17 8D 33
Study Link Use the Sound Bank to help you practice the 9A 34
sounds of English and learn the symbols that represent 9B 35
them in a dictionary. Improve your pronunciation and
become a better dictionary user.

Practical English
There is a Practical English section for each Practical
English lesson in the Student Book. Each section has two
activities - a “Listen and choose” activity and a “Listen
and repeat” activity.

Study Link Use Practical English to review and practice

the language in the Practical English lessons of the Student
Student Book
American ^ Motivating, real-world texts and tasks

English File get students speaking

Practical English lessons with
integrated video focus on everyday
Get everyone talking language
Illustrated Vocabulary Bank,
Fun, motivating lessons Cram mar Bank, and Sound Bank
Texts and activities use humor, intrigue, and a few provide extra reference and practice
surprises to spark conversation.
Workbook with MultiROM
Emphasis on communicative competence • Lesson-by-lesson reviews include
A balance of skills, vocabulary, pronunciation, and
grammar gets students speaking with confidence.
i extra pronunciation and listening
• Study tips focus students on how to
Mffiinimh integrates multimedia into the core lessons i learn
Icons in the Student Book and Workbook show A • MultiROM (self-study CD-ROM and
learners when to use the MultiROM and audio CD in one) includes grammar,
vocabulary, listening, pronunciation,
Website for better results.
and video activities

Teacher's Book
Full teaching notes and extra suggestions,
plus tips for mixed-ability classes
Reproducible language and
communicative activities for every
Video lesson, plus a song for every file
Fully integrated in the Student Book to bring
the Practical English lessons to life

Class Audio CD
Complete listening and pronunciation program
for the Student Book activities

Test Generator Workbook 1

Over 1,000 items that can be edited to create
Special features:
personalized tests
Ready-to-print quizzes and tests for each file, Study Idea p. 32
plus entry, mid-term, and final tests Question Time p. 25
Website More Words to Learn .7
Student website with interactive exercises
and games
Practical English p. 30
Teacher website with extra resources and
reference material

English Sounds Pronunciation Chart CEF

based on an original idea and design
O X FO R D by Paul Seligson and Carmen Dolz
ISBN 978-0-19-477418-5


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