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Annual Reviews


Ann. Rev. Entomol. 1989. 34:211-29

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

Robert J. Lamb
Agriculture CanadaResearch Station, Winnipeg,ManitobaR3T2M9,Canada


Humanshave used vegetable oil pressed from the seeds of the Brassica plants
knownas rape for thousands of years (29, 95), but only during the last
years have oilseed Brassica crops becomeinternationally important. The
small spherical seeds are harvested and crushed to separate the oil, which
makes up approximately 40%of the seed by weight, from the remaining
meal. Theoil has been used as a lampfuel, as a lubricant, and in the chemical
industry, but nowis most often used in cookingor the production of food. The
meal contains approximately 40%protein by weight. It has been used as an
organic fertilizer, but nowis most often blended in animal feed. Sales of this
byproduct contribute substantially to the value of the crop.
-The expandeduse of the crop, and the consequentincrease in production,
occurred whenplant breeders transformedthe chemistry of the seed. First the
fatty acid compositionof the oil was modified to reduce the level of erucic
acid, and then the levels of glucosinolates in the meal were reduced. Erucic
acid was a potential health hazard for humansconsuming the oil (28).
Glucosinolatesin the meal were repellent or toxic for somefarm animals (97).
The transformed crop is commonlyreferred to in Europeas 00 rape, signify-
ing the goal of reducingthe levels of erucic acid and glucosinolatesin the seed
to zero. In Canada it is knownas Canola®. Knowledgeof the effects on
herbivory of secondaryplant compounds such as the glucosinolates is critical
to our understandingof herbivore-plant interactions (54, 81, 11 l). Glucosino-
lates are antifeedants for manypolyphagousherbivores, but most insect pests

IThe author is employedby the CanadianFederal Government,and by reason of this fact, the
copyright coveting this paper is ownedby the Crownin tight of Canada.

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212 LAMB

of Brassicacrops use glucosinolates or their fission products as attractants or

feeding stimulants (32).
The dramatic change that occurred in the secondary plant compoundsof
oilseed Brassica crops interests entomologists and chemicalecologists. Also,
the enormousincrease in production offered a new environmentfor insects,
which provided entomologists with the opportunity to determine the ecologi-
cal characteristics of a new insect community.Nevertheless, entomologists
are interested in oilseed rape primarily because they need to control the many
insect pests that competewith humansfor the crop. The genus Brassica is in
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

the family Cruciferae, and manyof the pests that attack the oilseed Brassica
crops also attack other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbageand radish. The
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

commonpests of crucifers were described by Bonnemaison(12) before

oilseed rape became an important crop in Europe and North America.
Rape is an agricultural analog of soybeans, although the two herbaceous
crops are in different plant families. Both produceseeds that yield vegetable
oil and high-protein meal, and these competeon international markets. Both
are grownover large areas in North America,Europe, and other parts of the
world, although the oilseed Brassica crops grow better than soybeans in
cooler, shorter-season climates and less well at higher temperatures. The
plants differ in architecture, but both are sownin dense stands and growto a
similar height. Both crops harbor complexinsect communities. In general,
insect communitiesin crops have received less attention than insect com-
munities in natural habitats (111). As the entomologyof the oilseed Brassica
crops becomesbetter known,a comparison of the insect communityof rape
with the more thoroughly studied soybean community (58, 123) will
This review emphasizesthe relationships betweeninsect pests and the crop
and the agricultural impactof pests on the crop. Thus, it focuses on the plant,
its growth, responses to damage(80), and the wayinsects interact with the
plant to affect the agricultural commodity,rapeseed.
The Taxonomy and Origins of the Oilseed Brassica Crops
Althoughagriculture and the food industries treat rapeseed as a single com-
modity, the crop is a compositeof seed from two or three species (29, 95).
Asia, Brassica campestris and Brassica juncea are widely grown, but in
Europe, Canada, NewZealand, and Australia, Brassica napus and to a lesser
extent B. campestris are grown. These species are closely related. Brassica
juncea probably arose as a natural hybrid betweenB. campestris and Brassica
nigra, and B. napus arose as a natural hybrid ofB. campestris and Brassica
oleracea. The latter species is the source of most of our cruciferous vegeta-
bles. Brassica carnpestris is native throughout Europe, central Asia, and the
Near East and was probably domesticatedas a source of oil in central Asia or
Annual Reviews


adjacent northwestern India. Brassica napus does not occur in wild pop-
ulations and was probably domesticated in southern Europe. The species
differ morphologicallyand chemically, and they growat different rates; these
differences complicatethe study of pests associated with the crops. Further-
more, the annual forms of B. napus and B. campestris are sownin the spring
in most of Canadaand in northern Europe, but in central and southern Europe
winter-dormant, biennial forms are sown in the late summer(29). The
differing phenologies of the two forms and the three species affect the
synchroniesof insect life histories with the crop.
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

The most serious pests of the oilseed Brassica crops are membersof the order
Coleoptera, particularly in Europe and North America (Table 1). On the
Indian subcontinent and in NewZealand aphids cause severe damage(67,
108), although in India pests from other orders are also important (10).
Asia, insecticides are applied to control aphids and the diamondbackmoth,
Plutella xylostella, in oilseed Brassicacrops (72), but relatively little has been
publishedon their pest status. Similarly, little has been publishedon the pests
of oilseed Brassica crops in South America,Australia, and Africa. Previously
unrecognizedpests are still being identified, For example,recent research on
Lygus bugs in Canadaindicates that these bud and seed feeders may cause
significant losses, althoughthe subtle nature of the damagehas causedit to be
overlooked (R. A. Butts &R. J. Lamb,unpublished data).
Manyof the important pests are as cosmopolitanas the crucifers themselves
(Table 1). They maynot be important pests wherever they occur, however.
The flea beetle Phyllotreta cruciferae is not usually a significant pest in
Europe(7), although it is the dominantflea beetle pest of oilseed Brassica
crops in Canada (19) and in India (10). Root maggots, Delia spp., are
significant pests of rape only in parts of Alberta, Canada(47) and in Finland
(118), although Delia radicumis a widespreadpest of other crucifers through-
out most of Europe and North America (12).
In Europe and Asia, where the use of cruciferous crops is an ancient
practice, most of the insect pests of oilseed Brassica crops are crucifer
specialists. Someof the pests in North America, such as flea beetles, root
maggots, and diamondbackmoth, are also crucifer specialists; these pests
were introduced from Europeor Asia and becamepests of cruciferous vegeta-
bles before oilseed Brassica crops were introduced. In North America,native
pests that are not crucifer specialists have also adapted quickly to the new
crop, as has one native crucifer specialist. The noctuid Mamestraconfigurata
was the first pest to devastate the crop over a wide area in Canada(129).
had previously been knownonly as an occasional pest of noncruciferous
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Tal~|e ! Important pests of oilseed Brassica crops

Plant Plant
organ form
Pesl attacked attacked Area Ref.

Bud, flower, pod, Annual Canada a
Lygus elisus
Annual Canada a
Lygus lineolaris Bud, flower, pod,
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

Bagrada cruciferarum Stem, leaf, pod Annual India 10

by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

Brevicoryne brassicae Leaf, stem, bud, Annual, biennial NZ/Australia 67

flower, pod
Lipaphis erysimi Leaf, stem, bud, Annual India 107, 108
flower, pod

Meligethes aeneus Flower Annual, biennial Europe 90, 122
Phyllotreta cruciferae Leaf, stem, pod, root Annual Canada, India 10, 19, 65
Phyllotreta striolata Leaf, stem, pod, root Annual Canada, Europe 7, 19
Phyllotreta undulata Leaf, stem Annual Europe 7, 118
Psylliodes chrysocephala Stem, leaf Biennial Europe 5, 112
Entomoscelis americana Leaf Annual Canada 41, 42
Ceutorhynchus assimilis Pod Annual, biennial Europe 37, 44
Ceutorhynchus quadridens Stem Annual, biennial Europe 45, 98,

Pieris brassicae Leaf Annual India 10
Diacrisia obliqua Leaf Annual India 10
Mammestraconfigurata Leaf, pod Annual Canada 1~-, 129
bPlutella xylostella Leaf Annual India, Canada, 10, 72, 93

Dasineura brassicae Pod Annual, biennial Europe 44, 112,
cPhytomyzahorticola Leaf Annual India 10, 101
Delia radicum Root Annual, biennial Canada, Europe 47, 73,

Athalia proxima Leaf Annt~al India 10, 53

aR. A. Butts & R. J. Lamb,unpublisheddata.

bp. xylostella = P. maculipennis.
¢Alsoidentified as Phytomyza
Annual Reviews


crops (124). Similarly, Lygus bugs have a wide host range in North America
(39, 109); although they are associated primarily with noncruciferous crops,
they nowalso attack Canola (R. A. Butts &R. J. Lamb,unpublished data).
Another native pest, the chrysomelid beetle Entomoscelis americana, ex-
panded its host range from native crucifers to cruciferous vegetables and
subsequently to Canola (124).

Pest Damage in Relation to Crop Growth and Structure

Insects attack the roots, stems, leaves, flower beds, flowers, pods, and seeds
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

of oilseed Brassica plants (Table 1). The impact on yield of the various kinds
of damageis best understood in the context of plant growth and the com-
ponents of yield.
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

PLANTGROWTH Oilseed Brassica crops have small seeds (2.0--5.5 g per

1000 seeds), which are usually sownat a depth of 2-3 cm (29). A pair
cotyledons emerges4-7 days after seeding. The seedling quickly producesthe
first pair of true leaves and then a rosette of broader leaves. At this stage, a
biennial crop enters dormancyuntil spring. The annual crop continues to the
next growthstage, whichconsists of rapid elongation of the stem, often to a
height of 1 m or more(116). As the stem elongates, flower buds are produced
first in a racemeat the tip of the mainstem and subsequentlyon side branches,
or axillary racemes. The pale-yellow, four-petaled flowers soon open, be-
ginning at the base of each raceme(78). Whena flower is fertilized, its petals
drop and a cylindrical pod (silique) forms. Each mature pod contains 15-40
spherical seeds, which vary in color from yellow to dark browndependingon
the cultivar. Aspodsform, the leaves begin to senesce, first at the base of the
plant. Podson different parts of a plant matureat different times, so the ripest
mayopen and drop their seed prior to harvest. The duration of the growth
period maybe as short as 70-80days for B. campestris, but this period varies
considerably depending on the species, cultivar, growth lbrm, and environ-
ment (25, 56, 79). Harper &Berkencamp(48) have provided a numerical
for the growth stages of B. napus.
The yield of the crop depends on plant density, the number of pods
producedper plant, the numberof seeds per pod, and the average weight of a

PLANTDENSITY Oilseed Brassica crops effectively compensate in seed

yield for variation in plant density (40, 79). Reductionsin plant density from
200to 40 plants per mz result in a loss in yield of only 20%or less (79). Plants
in sparse populations grow larger and produce more pods and more seeds per
plant than densely seeded crops. Thus, pests that kill seedlings, such as the
flea beetles, maynot have as great an impacton yield as the plant mortality in
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a damagedfield indicates. The yield loss resulting from seedling mortality

dependson the proportion of the seedlings killed and also on the distribution
of mortality. Damageto surviving seedlings, however, mayhave a greater
impact on yield than the loss of seedlings. For example,an insecticide applied
for flea beetle control, which permits a higher seedling survival, results in
loweryields than one that is less effective at preventingmortality but protects
the surviving seedlings for a longer time (62).

ROOTS Minor insect damageto roots that does not interfere with their
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

transport and anchoring functions maynot be important. In Canada, larvae of

Phyllotreta spp. are abundantroot feeders (19), yet only about 5%yield loss
results from densities of 1600 larvae per m2 (17). Root maggots, Delia spp.,
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

commonlytunnel the surface of rape taproots, sometimessevering the root

and killing plants (73), but the impact of these pests on yield has not been
quantified. Fusariumfungi invade the tunnels and maybe a factor in plant
mortality (46).

STEMS Stems provide an important photosynthetic surface, especially when

seeds are developing (99), in addition to supporting leaves and transporting
nutrients. Danmgeto leaf petioles and stems by Psylliodes chrysocephala
reduces yield (30), but the nature of the damagein relation to the functions
stems has not been described. One consequence of damageto stems by P.
chrysocephalais higher than normallevels of winter plant mortality in fields
with heavy infestations (18).

LEAVES The photosynthetic activity of leaves produces muchof the assimi-

late neededby oilseed Brassica plants until they flower. Later, the stems and
then the pods gradually replace the leaves as the important photosynthetic
organs (99). Thus, defoliation at the beginning of flowering may be
important source of loss, but leaf loss becomesless significant as the crop
matures (26, 94, 117). In Canada, the bertha armyworm,M. configurata, is
the major defoliating pest. It prefers leaves to stems or pods and growsmore
rapidly and larger when fed leaves (13). However, larvae consume94%
their food in the last two instars (8), which are reached at the end of the
floweringperiod (15). By this stage, leaf feeding by larvae has little impact
yield; however,the larvae also attack pods, which does result in yield loss

BUDSANDFLOWERS Because oilseed Brassica plants may abort up to

50-60%of their flower buds and flowers, they can compensatefor damageto
these organs by retaining buds or flowers that wouldotherwise be aborted (78,
115, 135)..Low or moderate levels of damageto buds and flowers caused by
Annual Reviews


pollen beetles, Meligethes spp. (90, 113, 115, 122, 137), E. americana(41),
and Lygus bugs (R. A. Butts & R. J. Lamb,unpublished data) have little
impact on yield. In fact, such damagemaybenefit the plant by reducing
shading of the photosynthetic surfaces by flowers (117). Although such
benefit has not been confirmed, low levels of bud damageby Meligethes spp.
have beenshownto increase yield slightly (90). There is a limit to the extent
to which compensationcan occur, however,and yield loss resulting from high
levels of Meligethes damageto buds and flowers is commonin Europe (90,
113,122). Inability to compensate
fully is in part a result of damageto the tips
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

of the mainshoot and side branches rather than just a loss of buds (90). The
damageprobably also causes a loss of assimilates destined for seed produc-
tion, because somedamagedplots yielded less than protected control plots
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

although the former had more pods (90).

PODSDamage to young pods may be compensated in the same way as

damageto buds and flowers (135). However,as plants and pods mature and
seeds develop, the plants’ capacity to compensatefor pod loss declines (78,
135). Furthermore, pods are important photosynthetic organs later in the life
of the plant (99). Thus, loss of expandedpods as occurs when plants are
attacked by bertha armyworm can cause a substantial yield loss (14).

SEEDSFeeding damage to developing seeds may be compensated for by

reduced natural abortion of seeds (94) and possibly by an increase in the size
of surviving seeds, although neither has been documented.Seeds are some-
times larger in defoliated plants (26), but this type of compensationhas not
been observedconsistently (94, 135). Plants do appear to compensatefor seed
damageby larvae of the weevil Ceutorhynchus assimilis and by the pod
midge, Dasineurabrassicae, but through an increase in the numberof pods
(115). However,this compensation maybe for loss of pods resulting from
pod damagecaused by adult weevils rather than for seed loss to larvae. The
level of compensationoften is not sufficient to prevent yield loss. Determin-
ing the degree of compensation for seed loss is difficult because of the
intimate relationship between seed growth and pod development (94). Fur-
thermore, in Europe D. brassicae depends on pod damage by adult C.
assimilis for oviposition sites (112).
Damagethat kills plants or damagethat has immediate effects on the
numberof racemes, flowers, pods, or seeds is more easily quantified than
damagethat has lasting effects on the growth or developmentof the crop.
Manyof the pests that cause well-defined damageto particular plant organs
also have effects that cannot be explained in terms of the physiological
characteristics of plant growth and componentsof yield. For example, the
yield losses causedby flea beetles (62) are not all due to the seedling mortality
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they cause, nor do the losses of buds and flowers by Meligethes spp. fully
account for the loss in yield (90). Similarly, aphid damagehas a complex
series of effects on the plant that are not yet fully understood(67).
Froman agronomicpoint of view, the return to the producer depends not
only on the yield, but also on the harvestability and quality of the seed. Pests
such as Phyllotreta spp. (17, 62), C. assimilis (121), and Meligethesspp. (90)
affect the harvestability and quality of the seed by delaying the maturation of
damagedplants and causing the crop to mature unevenly. Slowing maturation
delays harvest, which increases the probability of frost damagewhere the
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

growingseason is short (62). Whenthe crop matures unevenly, seeds of the

most matureplants are lost whenpods ripen, open, and drop their seed before
harvest. Furthermore, the amountof chlorophyll in the harvested seed in-
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

creases becausethe late-maturingplants are harvested before all their podsare

ripe, reducing the quality of the crop (14, 62, 90, 121). Insect damagecan
also reduce the oil content (90, 108, 121) and increase the glucosinolate
content of seed (68).

Brassica Chemistry in Relation to Insect Pests

Oilseed Brassica plants produce glucosinolates, a group of more than 70
compounds characteristic of the Cruciferae and a few other plant families (57,
97, 130). The glucosinolates are secondary plant compounds(81), and
knowlittle of their metabolic function in the Cruciferae (97). Theyor their
fission products, however, mayfunction as antifungal agents (82), feeding
deterrents, or toxins for someinsect herbivores (11, 31) and as antifeedants
toxins for somewild vertebrate herbivores (103) and somefarm animals (97).
The glucosinolates are hydrolyzed by myrosinases to yield volatile
isothyiocyanates, particularly when plant tissue is damaged(130). Most
insects that attack the Cruciferae are attracted, stimulated to feed, or stimu-
lated to oviposit by allyl isothiocyanate or its parent glucosinolate, sinigrin
(33, 34, 51, 77, 86, 119, 120). Althoughthey are attracted to and confined
crucifers as hosts, someinsects find certain fission products of glucosinolates
toxic (2). Cruciferousplants probablyevolved glucosinolates and their fission
products as defensive chemicals;insects that specialize in attacking crucifers
are thought to have evolved ways to minimize the toxic effects of these
chemicals and to have then adopted the glucosinolates as cues for the
identification of their hosts (32).
Only a small proportion (approximately 12) of the knownglucosinolates
occur in the genus Brassica (50), but these mayproduce a complexarray
volatile fission products (27, 59, 132). Interestingly, allyl glucosinolate,
which yields the commonlyused insect attractant allyl isothiocyanate (23,
34), is not found in B. napusand B. campestris (55, 59, 102). It occurs as
significant componentof the glucosinolates in B. juncea and B. oleracea
(102). Nevertheless, manyof the insects that attack oilseed mustard and the
Annual Reviews


cruciferous vegetables and that are attracted to allyl isothiocyanatealso attack

B. napus and B. campestris (Table 1; 12). Presumablyother volatiles pro-
duced by B. napus and B. campestris serve as attractants and feeding stimu-
lants, although these have not yet been identified. The volatile cues produced
by oilseed Brassica crops and related crucifers are likely to be very complex.
Not only are many volatile chemicals produced, but the composition of
volatiles varies rapidly over time with the growthof the plant and to a lesser
extent varies with the plant part assayed (27, 55, 59, 102). The analysis
volatiles emanatingfrom Brassica plants has not yet revealed the diversity of
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

compounds suggested by analysis of extracted plant tissues, but has clearly

demonstrated that the amount and probably the type of volatiles varies
considerably betweenintact and damagedfoliage (35, 132). Becauseof their
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

diversity, provenbiological activity, and limited distribution in the plant

kingdom, glucosinolates have been emphasizedin research on the chemical
cues for the insects that attack crucifers, but other plant chemicalssuch as
flavonol glycosides also stimulate feeding, and cucurbitacins and cardeno-
lides are feeding inhibitors for someof these insects (85, 87, 88).
Pests of oilseed Brassica crops such as the aphid Myzuspersicae (84, 104),
the bertha armyworm,M. configurata (129), and Lygus bugs (39, 109) are
polyphagous. Whenfeeding on B. napus, M. persicae excretes high con-
centrations of glucosinolates, whereasanother aphid, Brevicorynebrassicae,
whichis a crucifer specialist, excretes lower concentrations of these chemi-
cals and retains themin its body(133). Brevicorynebrassicae has a glucosi-
nolase system, which hydrolyzes glucosinolates (75). The mechanismsthat
allow other generalist herbivores that do not exhibit these adaptations to
exploit the oilseed Brassica crops are not known. Sinigrin and ethyl
isothiocyanate are mild feeding deterrents for the polyphagousLyguslineolar-
is (49), but this species attacks Canolain Canada(R. A. Butts &R. J. Lamb,
unpublished data). Obviously, not all polyphagousherbivores are deterred
from attacking oilseed Brassica plants by glucosinolates and their fission
The glucosinolates and their fission products are antifeedant or toxic for
domesticated animals such as fowl and hogs (97). The presence of glucosino-
lates limited the utility of rapeseed mealuntil plant breeders producedculti-
vars with very low levels of the aliphatic glucosinolates in the meal(29). The
cultivars with low glucosinolate levels in the seeds also have lower levels of
the aliphatic glucosinolates in the youngfoliage, although the indolyl gluco-
sinolates are still present at higher levels (131). Changingthe chemical
composition of oilseed Brassica crops could conceivably affect their
attractiveness, palatability, or toxicity to crucifer specialists or potential
polyphagous pests. However, although virtually the whole crop area in
Canada(28) and a large part of the crop area in Europehave been converted
low-glucosinolate types (110), no changes in the insect pests have been
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reported that can be attributed to the introduction of the newcultivars. In

studies of individual pests, no consistent differences in the feeding responses
or damagelevels have been detected for the low- and high-glucosinolate
cultivars (1,43, 64, 71, 133). Althoughglucosinolate levels are nowat very
low levels in the seeds of somecultivars, levels in the foliage differ (102,
131), whichmaypartly explain the continuedattraction of crucifer specialists
to the crop. Nevertheless, the low-glucosinolate seeds are no moresuitable as
food for polyphagous insects that attack seeds than seeds of the high-
glucosinolate cultivars (74). One observed effect of the transition to low-
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

glucosinolate cultivars has been an apparent increase in mortality of deer and

hares that feed on rape foliage in Europe(103). The increased mortality
deer results from increased palatability and hence increased consumptionof
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

low-glucosinolate rape foliage, which still has an unidentified toxic factor




The insects living in oilseed Brassica crops represent a communitythat

interacts with other agricultural and nonagricultural habitats. The most strik-
ing feature of the rape habitat, particularly in Europeand Canada,is the recent
enormousincrease in its size. In Englandin 1971 about 5000ha were planted
in the south-central part of the country, but by 1984the crop covered 260,000
ha spread over muchof the country (69, 134). In Canadain 1950 rape was
grownon a few hundred hectares in Saskatchewan,but by 1979 a peak of 3.4
million hectares was reached, spreading across the three prairie provinces
(65). The explosion in the numberof Brassica plants has had a major impact
on the insects associated with them. Before the oilseed Brassica crops became
the dominantcrucifers in these areas, the crucifer specialists fed on vegetable
crops, weeds, or scattered native plants. The density of weed and wild
crucifers in and aroundagricultural land is difficult to estimate, but the area
devoted to cruciferous vegetables is known.In England the area devoted to
rape is at least five times greater than that planted with Brassica vegetables
(134), and in Canadathe difference is muchgreater. Initially the oilseed
Brassica crops probably formeda sink for cruciferous insects (134), but the
densities of pests have respondedto the increasing food resource; thus pest
problems have becomemore and more serious on the oilseed Brassica crops
and have overflowedonto other cruciferous crops as well (69, 134). Further-
more, the introduction of the oilseed Brassica crops has changedthe temporal
availability of cruciferous hosts (134), particularly in areas whereboth sum-
mer and winter forms are grownin adjacent fields (89, 122).
The spatial relationships between oilseed Brassica crops and adjacent
communitiesaffects the pests of rape, but this subject has received little
Annual Reviews


attention. Somepests use host plants in habitats other than rape fields (21, 22,
38) and overwinter in other habitats (20, 128), but the importanceof these
alternative habitats in the pest dynamicsis not known.Rapefields are usually
muchlarger than those of vegetable crops, particularly in Canada, where
Canola fields of 100 ha are common.In small-scale experimental studies,
crucifer monoculturessupport higher densities of insect herbivores and suffer
moredamageper unit area than small patches of crucifers or polycultures (6,
100, 114). Onthe scale of commercialproduction, however,larger rape fields
lose less yield per unit area to flea beetles than smaller ones (65).
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

Little is knownabout the diversity and structure of the arthropod com-

munities in rape, although manyof the individual pests have been studied and
manyof the predators and parasites of these insects have been identified. The
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

biomassof arthropods was found to be lower in a winter rape field than in a

meadow(83). The densities of general predators such as spiders are low
rape fields because they must reinvade the large fields each season (131a).
Somespecialized predators use the sameolfactory cues as their hosts to locate
the host habitat (96), and thus maybe less affected by spatial characteristics
the crop or temporalvariation in its availability. Interactions betweenherbi-
vores are beginning to be identified. For example, as mentionedabove, D.
brassicae is dependenton pod damageby C. assimilis for oviposition sites (3,


Withthe recent increase in the area devoted to the oilseed Brassica crops in
Europe and North America and the increasing importance of pests to crop
production, muchresearch has been conducted on methodsof reducing losses
in yield due to pests. Insecticides are applied to control the most important
pests: aphids (24, 67), M. configurata (129), Phyllotreta spp. (65, 118),
chrysocephala(4), Meligethesaeneus(90, 122), and C. assirnilis (121). Pests
that attack the early growth stages of the crop are usually controlled with
systemic insecticides applied as seed dressings or in-furrow granules (4, 65,
67, 118). Pests that attack at the time of stemelongation or later require one
(121, 129) or more(122) foliar sprays. In somecases pesticide applications
for one pest also reduce the damagecaused by secondary pests (7). Pesticide
resistance, pest resurgence, and outbreak~ of secondary pests have not yet
been reported to result from insecticide applications for control in rape.
Phyllotreta spp. in Canadaand M. aeneus in parts of Europe can cause
severe damageannually over wide areas, and insecticides are applied routine-
ly to control these pests. Other pests are more sporadic (66), and economic
thresholds in conjunction with pest monitoring have been used to minimize
the use of insecticides (105). For example,in the control of M. configurata,
an economicthreshold for larvae was developedin caged field trials (14, 15)
Annual Reviews

222 LAMB

and then verified in commercial fields (16). An area-wide pheromone-

monitoring system was devised to warn of pest outbreaks (125), and larval
samplingmethodswere tested that mayenable farmers to assess pest densities
efficiently in individual fields to determine if control is necessary (127).
Economicthresholds have also been defined for M. aeneus (90), C. assimilis
(36, 121), and flea beetles in Finland (7). Pest monitoring and economic
thresholds are not effective tools for flea beetle control in Canadabecausethe
invasion of the newly emerged crops is sudden and weather dependent.
Seedlingmortality can reach high levels before farmers are able to assess pest
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

derisities or apply insecticides (61).

Well-plannedinsecticide applications are economicallyjustified, but never-
theless costly. A number of alternative control measures have been in-
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

vestigated for the important pests of oilseed Brassica crops, Trap cropping is
an effective control for M. aeneusin Finland (52). In Canada,fall cultivation
contributes to the control of E. americana(42) and M. configurata (126).
Biological control of Phyllotreta spp. has been attempted in Canada(139).
Host-plant resistance is being investigated for aphids in India (9, 76) and for
Phyllotreta spp. in Canada(60, 63).


The entomologyof the oilseed Brassica crops is in an early stage of develop-

ment (70). The recent enormousexpansion of the crop area has led to the
establishment of a new agricultural ecosystem with a novel pest complex.
Although many of the pests of this crop are also well-known pests of
cruciferous vegetables, their status in rape was previously unknown. A
consensus is only nowbeing reached on which insects are the primary pests.
Furthermore,the drastic difference in scale and in value per unit area between
rape and the cruciferous vegetable crops assures that the ecology of the pests
and the strategies adopted to control themwill be substantially different. The
oilseed Brassica crop has been qualitatively dynamicas it has becomees-
tablished and has expanded. The three Brassica species vary spatially and
temporally in their dominance,as do the annual and biennial forms of the crop
in certain parts of Europe. As the crop has becomeestablished there has been
a major transformation in the composition of the secondary plant compounds
of the crop, which is still under way. This dynamiccrop has provided many
challenges and opportunities for entomological research.
The future is sure to bring newentomological challenges as plant breeders
and agronomists continue to transform the crop. At the moment,research is
under way to develop hybrid Canola (106). If a suitable commercialmethod
of producing hybrid seed becomesavailable, the yield per unit area will
increase substantially and the economicsof pest control will be transformed
accordingly. Furthermore, the hybrid plants maygrow more vigorously and
Annual Reviews


may compensate better for insect damage. Research is also under way to
develop B. juncea as a Canola crop for North America. Production of B.
juncea could extend the crop into the hotter and drier areas of the North
American prairies, a new habitat for many crucifer pests. The chemical
characteristics of the crop will continue to change as plant breeders tailor
cultivars to the oilseed markets. The ability to modify the glucosinolate
content of foliage through plant breeding opens up the possibility of develop-
ing a rape crop lacking the attractants and feeding stimuli used by the
cruciferous pests. However, muchmore needs to be learned about the orienta-
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 1989.34:211-229. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org

tion cues and feeding stimuli used by these insects before this goal can be
achieved. Mixed cropping systems of field peas and Canola are being tested in
Canada because they are thought to have agronomic advantages and because
by CLEMSON UNIVERSITY on 04/06/09. For personal use only.

the seed of the two crops can be readily separated. This practice is likely to
have a substantial effect on the pest complexin Canola if experinaental results
on pest densities in polycultures (6, 100, 114) are borne out.
The insect pests of oilseed Brassica crops are sufficiently important that
continued research will be demanded to minimize the damage they cause.
Because of the cropping area involved and the annual requirements for large
amountsof insecticides to control the pests, there will be a concerted effort to
discover alternative methods of control. Given the intimate relationship be-
tween many of the pests and the host plants, and given our increasing
knowledge of the secondary compounds of the Brassicas plants, the chemical
aspect of the insect-plant relationship will undoubtedly be the starting point
for develbping alternative control measures.

I thank C. E. Shearer for helping prepare a bibliography on the crop and its
pests and for checking the manuscript. L. Burgess provided many of the
references and advice as the project developed. R. Bodnaryk, P. Pachagoun-
der, and W. J. Turnock provided useful comments on the manuscript.
This paper is Contribution No. 1317, Agriculture Canada Research Station,

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