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Juniors – Seniors

Writing Task 1
+describing line graphs
[1 line graph – 1 paragraph]
+Introductory sentence
The given line graph(s)
…….+place + time.
(…){restate the title in different
ways} the number of/the rates
of/the percentage of
e.g. [birth rates] -> the number
of babies who were born every
year (the number of babies
The given line graph reveals the
number of babies born every
year in China and in the USA
between 1920 and 200.
First, [at the beginning] …..
First, in 1920, the number of
babies born in China stood at
….per cent. This number/figure
Second, at the beginning of a
period of ….years, the number
of babies born in the USA stood
at …
{*}In general, the two line
graphs prove that ….
This ends my report.
Academic expressions
[increase](v, n) rise, growth
(grow), climb {climb up to…per
{undergo, experience (v)}
e.g. This figure then underwent
a slight increase.
[decrease] (v, n,): fall, drop,
-reach its peak at ….per cent.
-get to its highest point at ….per
-peak at …per cent.
-fall, drop to its lowest point at
…per cent. [plunge to] (v)
-remain (v) stable/steady
(remain unchanged)
-stay at the same/its level at …
per cent
-sharp – sharply
-rapid – rapidly
-considerable – considerably
-exponential – exponentially
-marked – markedly
-dramatic – dramatically
+gradual – gradually
+slight – slightly
+modest – modestly
[fluctuate (v) – fluctuation]
{in the United Kingdom, in
The given line graph reveals the
number of people over 16 who
were unemployed in Britain
between ….and …..
In May, 2003, the number of
….stood at 5.1 per cent.
There was a sharp rise in the
price of oil.
Part 1
[Personal information]
[names] [spell] how would you
spell your name?
[from] ……, a tourist city in
1-Tell me about your
hometown? What do you like
most about your hometown?
[location, {in the mountains}, it
is ….kilometers from HCM City.
….it’s a small city with the
population of …..] what I love
most about my city is that….
[its cool weather] [that it is
always cool and mild]
-I’d say mostly because of its
weather, which is always cool as
I’ve just mentioned and because
of its beautiful [natural]
landscapes. We have ….[lakes,
valleys] and we also have a lot of
favorable hotels, good

Has your hometown changed

much in recent years?
-I’d say yes but not much.
Mostly, the population has
increased, there have been
more tourist destinations. And
certainly, the pollution rates
have also been increasing.
[free time]
Well, I don’t have much free
time. I am now working as
a…and I have been taking
courses of English so I usually
have free time at weekends
about ….hours. I often watch
television, going out with my
friends, reading, playing …
Have your leisure activities
changed much since you were

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