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7/26/2014 How do geologic processes and climate change effect population?

by Neal Turner on Prezi

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How do geologic processes and climate

change effect population?
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by Neal Turner on 4 October 2012 • 1440

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Transcript of How do geologic processes and climate change

effect population?
How do geologic processes and climate change effect evolution?
Chapter 4.3 Geological processes affect natural selection Earth's tectonic
plates have drifted slowly atop the planet's mantle for hundreds of
millions of years. Climate change ice Catastrophes Science focus This
process has had 2 important effects on evolution
location of continents and oceanic basins greatly influence Earth's
2) This movement has allowed species to move, adapt, and and form
new species through natural selection. Also, earthquakes can cause
fissures in Earth's crust that can separate and isolate populations of
Volcanic eruptions affect evolution by destroying, reducing, or wiping out
outobox populations of species. Collisions between large asteroids and earth

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Related Searches have affected natural selection.

There have probably been millions of these collisions throughout earth's
Theses catastrophes have damaged ecosystems and species, but also
shifted locations of ecosystems and allowed for evolution to occur.
Throughout history, Earth's climate has changed drastically. At times, it
has been covered in ice, and other times, it has been hot and ocean levels
rose. Science focus Critical thinking
Control Environment, set 21% oxygen, grow plants, test life. These
changes effect biological evolution. Some species cannot survive in the
changing environment, and sometimes become extinct. Certain
temperature range
? Dependence on water
Website Design Rotation on its axis
Revolution around the sun
Checking Account Enough gravitational mass http://scijinks.jpl.nasa.gov/wild-weather-
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