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1. What is a natural number?

Natural numbers are the numbers used for counting.

That is, the numbers shown on the following number line : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

A natural number is less than other when is on the left at the

number line. There is a

disagreement on
The set at N has an infinite number of elements. the definition of
Its is often named using the letter N, so that N = { 0,1,2,3,…} Numbers”, can
mean either
1, 2, 3 .. or
0, 1, 2, ,…
2. The negative numbers
There are situations that can not be expressed with natural
numbers, because when we express a certain amount we need to indicate the
direction in relation to the origin. In these cases, we use negative numbers.

• The second floor of a subterranean garage , - 2

• A submarine which is sailing 700 m below sea level , - 700 m
• He is 400 eur overdrawn, - 400 eur
• The temperature in Siberia has risen 25ºC below zero , -25ºC

3. The integer set

The integer set is formed by:
• The positive numbers1, written with no sign or a plus sign in front of them.
• Zero ( is neither positive nor negative)
• The negative numbers written with a minus sign in front of them.

Or natural number without zero

Elisa Lozano Latorre , IES Bernardo de Balbuena 1


It is represented by Z, so Z = {...,-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,.......}

The integer set doesn't have a beginning or an ending and it has infinite and can
be represented in the following number line:

4. What is a fraction?

A fraction (from the Latin fractus, broken) is a number that can represent part of
A fraction is written as two integer numbers, one over the other, separated by a
bar . The top number is called the numerator, the bottom number is called
denominator. The denominator tells us how many equals parts the whole is
divided into, and the numerator tells us how many parts we have.

We read the numerator, and then the denominator with the ordinal. You can use
plural if you have more than one part. When the denominator is 2 or 4 you have
to read “half” or “quarter”. If the fraction is larger than 10 you can use “over”

1/3 2/3 1/2 3/2 ¾ 4/11

One Two One Five Three Four over
third thirds half halves quarters eleven

Elisa Lozano Latorre , IES Bernardo de Balbuena 2


5. The rational set (EXTRA)

Rational number are numbers that can be written as a fraction where both the
numerator and denominator are integers.

Integer number can be weiten as a fraction if you write 1 in denominator.

6. Decimal numeral system

We use decimal numbers in situations in which we look for more precision than
natural numbers provide. Remember that when we write numbers, the position of
each number is important: If we move left, each position is 10 times bigger (from
units, to tens, to hundreds..) and if we move right, each position is 10 times
smaller (from hundreds, to tens, to units)

But what if we continue past units? What is 10 times smaller than units?

When you divide the unit relating to the base of ten, you can use the decimal
notation (decimal units) to represent these quantities.

• A tenth is each of the parts obtained by dividing the unit into ten equal
• A hundredth is each of the parts obtained by dividing the unit into a
hundred equal parts, that is, a tenth into ten parts.
• A thousandth is each of the parts obtained by dividing the unit into a
thousand equal parts, that is, a tenth into a hundred parts or a hundredth
into ten parts.

tenth hundredth thousandth

1:10 1:100 1:1000
0,1 0,01 0,001

Elisa Lozano Latorre , IES Bernardo de Balbuena 3

We must write a decimal point (not a comma) , so we know exactly where the
units position

7. Fractions and decimal numbers

Notice that fractions and decimals represent the same things, numbers that are
not integer.
! !
Example: = 0.5 = 0.333 … ( recurring digits)
" '

8. Irrational numbers ( EXTRA)

Irrational numbers are numbers that can’t be written as fractions, examples of

these are ones such as and . If we try to write these numbers as decimals
they go on forever, with no recurring digits.

9. Real numbers (EXTRA)

Real numbers are all the numbers in the number line , all of the rational and

irrational numers.

Elisa Lozano Latorre , IES Bernardo de Balbuena 4

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