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Exam : set Paper Science And Technology - II Marks :

Date : 01-Sep-2019 Chapter: Time :

Q.1) Fill in the blank and rewrite the completed statements 2

1) The world’s largest organization engaged in environmental activities is  …………. .

2) Habitats of  …………. and   ………….are under threat in Assam.

Q.2) Write Short Notes ( any two ) 4

1) Write short note on the effects of radioactive pollution.

2) Write a note on the given diagram.

3) Write a note on the given diagram.

Q.3) Complete the given flow chart / table / diagram 2


Q.4) Give scientific reasons ( any one ) 2

1) Earth is the largest ecosystem.

2) E-waste is hazardous in nature.

Q.5) Answer the following ( any two ) 6

1) Reorganize the following food chain. Describe the ecosystem to which it belongs.
Grasshopper - Snake - Paddy field - Eagle - Frog

2) Why do human beings have an important place in the environment ?

3) Paddy is cultivated on large scale in various states of South India. Paddy fields are frequently attacked by grasshoppers.
Similarly, frogs are also present in large number in the mud of paddy fields, to feed upon grasshoppers and snakes are also
present therein to feed upon their favorite food-frogs.

i.  What will be the effect on paddy field, if the frog population declines ?
ii. If the frog population declines, number of which consumers will decline and which will increase ?
iii.What will be overall effect on that ecosystem ?
Q.6) Answer the following in detail ( any one ) 5
1) Complete the given Chart

A. Identify the following symbols and state their significance  :

B. How can biodiversity be conserved ?
Q.7) State True or False 2
1) Human existence is totally impossible without the existence of nature.

2) Manas Sanctuary is under the threat due to dams and indiscriminate use of water.

Q.8) Multiple Choice Questions (Activity) 2

1) Environment Conservation Act was enacted in ............... .
a. 1980     b. 1986     c. 2000     d. 1972

2) In a food chain autotrophic plants are present at the ……………….. level.

a.  Tertiary nutrition          b.  Secondary nutrition          c.  Producer         d.  Apex

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