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Meeting with support staff

1. What make you happy with the university?

Pleasant work atmosphere, career, remuneration
2. Union / association of support staff
Staffing Alumni, KORPRI
3. Benefits
4. Performance evaluation
The university has developed a remuneration system for support staff based on
performance in doing their specific job and their attendance records using Employee
Performance Target (Sasaran Kinerja Pegawai [SKP]). Support staffs will get remuneration
based on their performance on those aspects. Support staff with excellent performance will
also be rewarded. The university provides appreciation (awards) for excellent support staff.
5. Recruitment
The mechanism of selection and recruitment of support staff are as follows: 1) Determining
the position and criteria; 2) Arranging the recruitment committees, recruitment schedule,
and recruitment implementation; 3) Announcement of registration and acceptance; 4)
Exams; and 5) Announcing the selection result. Information related to support staff
recruitment is made publicly available through the university’s website and other media
6. Development of support staff (degree and non-degree training; training need identification,
training plan)
training on archive management, information systems, asset management, service
excellence, e-letter, foreign languages
7. Upgrade skills
gymnastics, futsal, badminton, fun walk, as well as religious activities, especially in Ramadan
month. The faculty and the university also organizes other activities for support staff, such as
benchmarking and outbound.
8. Measuring the quality of service
designing the questionnaire, how to fill, feedback, the use of result
9. Facilities in the work place
FEB has a support staff room. The building area of FEB 2 consists of 7395 m2 five-stories
building of 8000 m2 FEB 2 area, consisting of lecture rooms, a reading room, office room,
canteen, prayer rooms, toilets, and parking area.
10. Fire evacuation (how often training, safety care, who take care)
Jika ada sesuatu yang menimbulkan kebakaran alarm akan langsung berbunyi, lift akan mati
seluruh orang diarahkan dari tangga, kemudian air akan turun dari langit-langit
11. Regulation for the use of facility including laboratory
Lewat bagian umum jika diluar jadwal yang sudah di jadwalkan
12. Admission process of students
Entrance to Management Study Program UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta through three
schemes, namely: (a) SNMPTN - National Entrance Selection of State Universities - where
applicants are assessed based on their achievements in high school; there is no writing
acceptance test for this scheme (http://snmptn.ac.id); (b) SBMPTN - Joint Entrance Selection
of State Universities - where applicants are assessed before entering based on their
performance on the National Higher Education Entrance Examinations held jointly by some
state universities (http://www.sbmptn.ac.id); (c) SPMB Mandiri - where applicants carry out
acceptance tests held by UIN Jakarta (https://spmb.uinjkt.ac.id/).
13. The use of technology in services
Wiifii, AIS, Journal, Komputer khusus untuk mengisi menganai akademik
14. Bandwich, internet access
Sekitar 100

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