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Distinguish the Unique Features of one communication

process to others.
s g n e m e s s a g e o
v e c v k f s t a t x g
c c n j g c g b a l x c
b j a d v y f v j e x e
d w c y e v d n b n v r
9 g r d n r f h g n w f
r f n f c c n n w a x f
e f e i o i r e k h x d
v i d x d r v c u c w t
i q g i i o j b s a v t
e h x r n r c y p f c n
c u r w g j n e n c e f
e o r l t d n t d l g l
r e n g f t o r f j e j
Sender is the individual who initiates a message and is also called the
communicator or source of communication.
Encoding is the process of turning thoughts into communication.
Receiver is the destination of the message.
Decoding is the process of turning communication into thoughts.
Message is defined as information conveyed by words (in speech or writing),
and/or other signs and symbols. A message (verbal or nonverbal, or both) is the
content of the communication process
Channel is the person who is interested in communicating has to choose the
channel for sending the required information, ideas etc.
Unique Features of Communication Process

Two-way communication is a form of transmission in which both parties involved transmit

information. Two-way communication is when one person is the sender and they transmit a
message to another person, who is the receiver. When the receiver gets the message, they send
back a response, acknowledging the message was received.

 Two friends talking with each other
 Talk between a nurse and patient.
 Teacher questioning to class and students giving answers.
 Bargaining between shopkeeper and customer.

Information sharing describes the exchange of data between various organizations, people and
technologies. There are several types of information sharing:

 Information shared by individuals (such as a video shared on Facebook or YouTube)

 Information shared by organizations (such as the RSS feed of an online weather report)
 Information shared between firmware/software (such as the IP addresses of available network
nodes or the availability of disk space)

Verbal communication is the process of exchanged of information or message between two or

more persons through written or oral words.
 Interview
 Phone calls
 Emails

Non-verbal communication is any information that is communicated without using words.

 Head Movements
 Posture/ Gestures
 Sounds
Goal-Orriented -defines that it is the transmitting of ideas in the way they dont lose value or
discriminate. Managers and leaders should communicate by engaging and motivating their
employees to be focused and to achieved to their given objectives.
 Set specific and measurable actions to achieve the goal.
 Communicate the goal clearly and openly.
 Predict possible challenges ahead.
 Ensure understanding.
 Use effective communication techniques.

Continous Process it is initiated from the sender and ends at the sender too indicating that
effective communication.

Pervasive communication is the fancy pants way of labeling CHAOS in communications.

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