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~ A perennial plant resembling thistles


~ Beets take up little room and can be planted in early spring for a summer
harvest or late summer for a fall harvest.


~ The sweet fragrance of ripening cantaloupe in the garden is reason enough to

grow it, but the sweet taste is even better. Plant cantaloupe after all chance of
frost is passed in a warm, sunny location.


~ is delicious in a variety of dishes and attracts beneficial insects to the garden

with its tiny flowers.


~ These are the traditional peas eaten without the pods. Start them from seed in
early spring. They don’t tolerate hot, dry conditions.


~ French sorrel is a perennial green that is easy to grow.


~ Plant garlic in early spring. Purchase varieties adapted for your climate zone and
plant the cloves pointed ends up and 2 to 3 inches deep. Dig them up when the
tops die back.


~ Kale is a cool season vegetable that plants well from seed or a transplant. It is
successful as a spring or fall crop.


~ These mild-flavored cousins to onions are expensive to buy at the grocery store,
but easy to grow in the garden.


~ A staple of Southern cooking, okra thrives in warm, moist conditions, much like
eggplant and tomatoes.


~ Parsnips look like white carrots, but have a texture closer to potatoes. Use these
root vegetables in soups, stews or roasted.

~ Radishes are a good crop for the beginning gardener or even a child.


~ Shallots seem like a luxury item, but they are easy and inexpensive to grow.


~ Tomatillo plants resemble tomatoes–tall, gangly sun worshipers that take up

more than their fair share of the garden.


~ Winter squash, such as acorn and butternut squash, take up more room in the
garden than summer squash and require more time to mature.


~ Zucchini is actually a specific type of summer squash, so it is grown using the

same methods as summer squash.
ARTICHOKE - Artichokes are low in fat, high in fiber, and loaded with vitamins and minerals like
vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, phosphorus, and magnesium.

BEETROOT – Helps lower blood pressure. Researchers found that people who drank 8 ounces of
beetroot juice daily lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
CANTALOUPE - The fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and choline content in cantaloupe all support
heart health.
DILL - Dill is also a good source of fiber, folate (important for cell division and production of DNA),
calcium for healthy bones, riboflavin for cell function and development, manganese, and iron.

ENGLISH PEAS - Green peas contain a decent amount of heart-healthy minerals, such as
magnesium, potassium and calcium.

FRENCH SORREL - Sorrel is used for reducing sudden and ongoing pain and swelling
(inflammation) of the nasal passages and respiratory tract, for treating bacterial infections along with
conventional medicines, and for increasing urine flow (as a diuretic).

GARLIC - Garlic Is Highly Nutritious But Has Very Few Calories.

KALE - Kale Can Help Lower Cholesterol, Which May Reduce The Risk of Heart Disease.

LEEKS - Leeks have a sweet flavor, and can be eaten raw or cooked. A cup of leeks is low in
sodium and has almost no saturated fat or cholesterol.

OKRA - Contains beneficial antioxidants. Okra packs many antioxidants that benefit your health.

PARSNIPS - Parsnips are an excellent source of many important nutrients, packing a hearty dose
of fiber, vitamins, and minerals into each serving.

RADISH - Radishes can give your whole body an immunity boost. Mooli is also high on antioxidants
and anthocyanins, which means that it's quite good for your heart as well.

SHALLOTS - Shallots are particularly rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements. They also
contain phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and copper.

TOMATILLO - Some of the health benefits of tomatillos include its ability to reduce the chances
of diabetes, increase the health of your digestive system, boost the immune system, increase
cellular growth, increase energy levels, reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, improve vision
health, lower blood pressure, and can help in weight loss efforts.

WINTER SQUASH - Squash provides numerous health benefits that may help reduce the risk of
many diseases, including heart and respiratory disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis

ZUCCHINI - Zucchini contains zero fat, and is high in water and fiber. It also contains significant
amounts of vitamins B6, riboflavin, folate, C, and K, and minerals, like potassium and manganese.

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