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Inquiry Training Model

Unit II
Inquiry Training Model

J. Richard Suchman
Inquiry Training Model

• All knowledge is tentative

• There is no one answer
• All of us inquire when confronted with a
problem or puzzles
Inductive inquiry

Discovery learning

Problem solving
Inquiry Training Model

✤Children are very curious in nature

✤Engage in inquiry process
✤Explore and analyse themselves
Inquiry Training Model
✤Encounter with the problem
✤Data gathering process
✤Formulating explanation
✤Analysis of the inquiry process
Inquiry Training Model
principle of reaction
✤Asking questions to rephrase invalid
✤Pointing out invalid statement
✤Neither approving nor rejecting student
✤Encourage interaction among students
Inquiry Training Model
Social system

✤Equal participation of teacher and

✤Encourage student for the inquiry
✤Learn the principle of inquiry
✤Teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil interaction
Inquiry Training Model
Support system
✤A set of confronting materials
✤Te c h n i c a l u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f t h e
intellectual processes and strategies of
✤The resource materials bearing on the

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