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AA Michael Time Travel 101 and Time Spirals Celia Fenn

Timeship Earth and the Nature of Time

The description of Earth as a "planet" (literal meaning "wanderer" in Space), seems
somehow dated. Earth is a "Timeship", a structure designed to move through Space
and create Time. We are the Time Travellers. We travel with and on the Earth and
we create Time on the Earth both individually and collectively.
Yes....you read that correctly. Time is not something that happens to us. We are not
caught up in an inevitable flow of something called time. Our work here is to create
Time as Conscious Creators and Co Workers with the Divine Creative Intelligence.
We create time by originating and participating in Timelines or Time Spirals. As we
originate or seed ideas/creations, we unleash electromagnetic energies that connect
with and interact with the electromagnetic energies of Nature and of others as we
form ideas and energy into matter and form. Using the Flower of Life Grid as the
Matrix for Life, Light and Energy are attracted into the Blueprint provided by the
Intention of the Timeline, and when the focus is held it then forms into Matter and
Manifestation. And as this occurs, a Timeline is created and the "illusion" of moving
through Time is also created.

Timelines, Time Spirals and Narratives

The way in which we work with Time is by creating and participating in Timelines or
Time Spirals. We call these "timelines" because in the old third-dimensional world we
became accustomed to the idea that time moved in a straight line from beginning to
end, with a start and and ending. It was finite and linear, and we perceived ourselves
to be finite and linear as well when we looked at the world from that perspective. But,
as we have awakened and begun to ascend our consciousness, we begin to
perceive that we are infinite in nature and that we move through time in Spirals which
are Circles of Light.
The pattern of seeding and opening through Spirals is prevalent in Nature and in the
Cosmos...it is the way that we seed, unfurl, open and experience in life. It is the
Master Pattern of Life.

So, as Conscious Creators of Reality, we have the power to access the Divine
Creative Flame in and through our Heart and to initiate Creation of Timelines or
This is a familiar process, and we do it through connecting with the Passion of our
Hearts, initiating a "seed" or Dream, and then focussing energy into the Form of
Manifestation of that Timeline/Spiral. We are all familiar with the process of Intention,
Focus and Manifestation, but now we can also see it as Time Creation, for it is only in
this way that we move through Time by creating Time itself.
That is why it is so powerful to be in the Place of the Heart and of "No Time", for
there you connect with the Divine Light of Creation and are empowered to initiate
Time Creation.
Once a Time Spiral is seeded, it then begins to unfurl, and as it does so it emits a
particular electromagnetic frequency which becomes the signature frequency of Time
Spiral. It then will attract or repel others depending on their frequency and their Time
Spiral Creations. When a Time Spiral has a particularly strong frequency, it will
immediately start attracting others to participate in the Time Spiral or Time line and to
become part of the Story.
For this is simply how we develop and create Time and Time Spirals, through the
creation of Stories or Narratives. The earliest Shamans were also storytellers who
kept the "wisdom" of the people, speaking or origins and futures as they created their
Time Spirals. They danced in the Dream Worlds and connecting with the Spirits of
Nature to assist in the health and energy of the Time Spiral of the People.
More recently, the media and politicians have sought to dominate the "narratives" or
stories of our being with ready made narratives that we are asked to consume. This
is because if we do not create our own narratives, then we will be drawn into the
Story or Narrative of another. Their energy will pull us into their Time Spiral and their
Creation, at the expense of our own. This is why it is so important to be aware of how
Time Spirals work and how we are empowered to be the creators and keepers of our
own, and to participate in Group Creations of our Choice and Frequency.
The issue of Frequency is important, for each Timelines emits its signature
frequency, and you can be pulled out of your own frequency or desired frequency if
you allow yourself to be entangled in the frequency of someone whose narrative and
frequency do not match your own or what you aspire to. Or, initially, you may be in
frequency resonance and then the frequency may change as the Spiral develops and
as more participants enter. At this point, you will have to choose whether to stay in
the Time Spiral or Jump the Spiral to something else. Many people have found
recently that quite suddenly they face the end of relationships or jobs because of this
type of sudden loss of resonance as the Time Spirals lose connection and focus. In
the past, when we were all more or less on the same frequency and Time Story, it
was not so noticeable, but now as we become empowered and able to initiate and
shift Time Spirals, we can immediately feel and see this phenomenon. Instead of
being upset, we should possibly see this as a mark that our Time Creations skills are
improving as we follow of Story and our Dream in the right direction, allowing nothing
and no one to pull us from our own Time Spiral and Frequency.

Ascension, Time Travel and the New Multi-Dimensional Light Body

Image by Alex Gray

The primary prerequisite for Time Travel and Time Spiral Creation is an active Light
Body that can access Higher Dimensions of Light and integrate incoming Light
Codes which are simply new templates for creation.
This is the whole significance of Ascension and the Activation of the Light Body.
When you are working with a seven chakra Energy System centered in the Solar
Plexus/Mental energy, you are only able to initiate and generate finite timelines that
end in disaster. This is very clear in our world today when people are struggling
desperately with the "old model mentallly generated timeline", which simply leads
them into a future of disaster and generates a signature electromagnetic energy of
Fear and Anxiety. And, even those of us who have left behind this way of being are
sometimes affected by these energy signatures that are given off by the dominant
third-dimensional Timelines of Earth.
When the Light Body is activated, the center of balance moves to the Heart and the
Thirteen Chakra energy system includes access to the Higher Dimensions and the
Cosmic and Galactic Spirals or Time Spirals. You have access to Cosmic Creation
Codes and you are initiating Time Spirals from the Center of Compassion and Love.
The Energy signature of such Time Spirals will be Love and Creation and a more
graceful and infinite relationship with Time Creation.
The activation of the Light Body will also enable you to shift and jump Time Spirals
both individually and as a Group. This is an important skill as it enables "teams" of
Light Warriors to enter Timelines and Time Spirals to raise their frequency and shift
their direction to harmonize with the direction of Evolution of the Earth within the
Galactic Community. Group Time Spiral jumps are authorized by the Galactic and
Solar Councils in consultation with the Earth Keeper Council and the Council of
Elders. We have just experienced such a Jump in the last few months, as teams of
Light Warriors jumped Time Spirals in order to shift frequency.
Initially this is not easy. The Physical Body suffers a form of electromagnetic "shock"
or distress, which some have termed "ascension symptoms". This is not about
"clearing blocks" as such, it is about allowing your body to recalibrate to the new
frequency so that you can accomplish your mission on this Time Spiral. When you
enter into a different frequency, using your "Time/Frequency Recalibrator" in your
Pineal Gland, your body takes quite a frequency hit, and unless you are grounded
and strong you will experience physical distress. This can include dizziness, nausea,
anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, ungroundedness, loss of memory and feelings of
being alienated and lost. When you are aware of what you are doing, you can "land"
in your new Time Frequency and get your bearings pretty quickly.
At the moment, as we embark on Time Travel 101, we are only doing small Time
Jumps in the region of Earth and initiating and jumping timeline within the Earth
Timeship Frequencies. But, as we become more skilled and as our physical being
becomes more accustomed to the shifts, we will become Cosmic Star Travellers and
Shamans, learning how to jump the Frequencies to other realities beyond the Earth.
It is important to understand that when we Time Travel we use our Time Travel
machine, which is our Pineal Gland in collaboration with the Soul Star Chakra and
the Higher Chakras. We don't actually go anywhere, we change frequencies. What
that means is that we exist in the Eternal NOW moment but we can access
whichever frequency of reality that we choose, as we become more skilled. Most
people think of Time Travel in third dimensional terms as moving to another place,
when in reality it is a change of Frequency on a particular Time Spiral.
Frequency shifts, Time Jumps and other forms of Time Travel are only possible with
the Ascended "equipment" that includes an active Pineal Gland connected to the
PituitaryGland and that harmonizes into the Hormonal System to bring the body into
alignment with the Frequency Signature of the Time Spirals. The Higher Chakras
must also be aligned to create smooth jumps into higher frequencies and Time
And, most importantly, you need to be aware enough to perceive when the Time
Spiral has shifted and the Narrative has changed. And empowered enough to cope
with the New Narrative as you unfurl and unfold your own narrative and Time Spirals
within the greater Narrative and Time Spirals of Timeship Earth.
An accomplished Time Spiral Jumper, even at the level of Time Travel 101, will be
able to move between Narrative and Time Spirals, doing what needs to be done,
while still maintaining their own Balance and Equlilibrium. Remember, there is not
just one "reality", each Time Spiral has another "version" of reality that co-exists
withion the larger Frequencies of Earth Reality.
The New Earth: The New Time Spiral and the New Narrative of Multi-

Image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

At the 2012 Portal on the December Solstice, Timeship Earth passed through a "zero
point" Timegate and embarked upon a new cycle of Frequency Evolution that was
termed the "New Earth". In this New Earth space, we are coming to understand that
the way we perceive our world has shifted from the limited third dimensional to the
unlimited and infinite multi-dimensional reality. In this reality, as we become aware of
the power and empowerment of our new multi-dimensional Body/Light Body
Complex, we will realize more and more how we can shift reality and fine tune
frequency by developing new narratives that will define our lives in new ways.
In order to do this, we have to be willing to release and let go of the old stories. This
will include most of the belief systems that defined our lives before the 2012 portal
and which were pushing us towards the "Timeline" ending in catastrophe and
disaster. We have to be willing to release our need to define ourselves as "victims"
and allowing ourselves to be manipulated by those who are adept at tuning in to the
shadow energy by turning our focus to violence, fear and poverty. We may discover
that some of the people we thought of as "lightworkers" may in fact be working with
this frequency because they have been urged to see the world as a place of conflict
over limited resources. The shift will be to embrace the idea and concept of the ability
of empowered Conscious Creators to focus the Diamond Light of Galactic Power and
create an alternative and higher frequency reality.
When we can accept that the Earth has multiple levels of reality and multiple Time
Lines/Time Spirals, we can see that Reality is not a coherent and seamless story. It
may appear that way because all our lives we have been socialized to see the
"magical" nature of reality in mundane ways and to align our lives with the dominant
third dimensional narratives. As children, we have no problem connecting with the
magical and the incoherent, but as we mature we are "educated" into accepting and
seeing only a predetermined coherence and "story" of our lives. When we drop the
need for coherent Timelines and accept simply that the "Universe is unfolding as it
should", we create the space for Miracles of synchronicity and for Time Jumps and
Leaps into different dimensions.
Many people were disappointed in 2012 when there was no immediate manifestation
of a New Earth with Paradise in a "ready made" state. But that Paradise World
already exists on another level of Frequency because we have intended and created
it in alignment with Divine Will. Our mission as Lightworkers is to bring the entire
Earth into that frequency. The New Earth is not a reserve for an "elite" group of
ascended beings, but rather a destination for the entire Earth and all who live on it.
This is the work of the Light Warriors and the Indigo Crystal and Diamond Beings
who are now incarnated, to jump the Timelines and raise the frequencies so that all
of them can unfurl and ascend into the frequencies of Higher Consciousness, Love
and Peace.
The Diamond Crystal Children who are coming to the Earth now in great numbers
are already "wired" for the Diamond Consciousness and ready to become Timeline
Jumpers and Time Travellers and Creators. They will have no difficluty in bending
time and shaping reality simply by focussing and forming light and matter thorugh
their multi-dimensional physical bodies. And because they hold this frequency, they
are making it possible for us to move into this level of Being and Perception.
In the last few months, they have enabled this process on the Earth together with the
Light Warrior Teams. In February, on the 2/2, the current Time Line of the Earth
Collective was shifted 90 degrees so that the Earth in essence moved away from the
straight line Timeline concept and onto a Spiral that would harmonize the Earth with
the Galactic Time Spirals and head us towards the "destination" of the New Earth of
Abundance and Peace. This shift caused immense pressure and turbulence in the
Collective Consciousness, with many people reporting symptoms of physical and
emotional distress. This was both from the radical shift in the Timeline and its
frequency, and also from the body needing to accustom itself to the new direction.
Shortly after that, there was a group Timeline Jump, where the Light Warriors did a
collective jump onto a Time Spiral that needed to raise frequency in order to align
with the new energies.
This collective Time Spiral Jump really was felt by many. The frequency of the
destination Time Spiral was actually much lower than what had been achieved by
each of the group individually, and so there was a fair amount of distress as Jumpers
had to try to calibrate themselves within the new frequency. The feeling may have
been of being pulled down or being attacked on the psychic level, or it may have
been of feeling old emotions of anxiety and depression and fear that are so prevalent
on this Time Spiral. Perhaps it is easier to understand that while it may look like life
continued as normal because your internal holographic projector kept running the
pictures of normalcy, you had in fact made a huge leap into another reality where you
could FEEL the changes with the inner eyes or intuition, and where you were asked
to draw the Light Sabre of the Warrior and venture forward in your Mission of Light! If
you are reading this, it is likely that you were either part of this Light/Time Warrior
team or were supporting them in some way. There are many Light Workers who are
not so concerned with Time Jumping, but more concerned with simply holding
frequency where they are at this time. All are contributing to the recalibration of
Frequency and Time on the Earth and the emergence of the New Earth reality
through a series of "Time Gates" or "Time Portals". The exciting thing about learning
to be a Time Traveller and to make the Jumps, is that in due time you will be able to
refine frequency so that you can make the jumps into Galactic and Cosmic
Frequencies as Star Shamans and Dream Walkers. This is what awaits us as we
learn to navigate the Time Spirals and create our own Time Spirals from the Heart of
who we Are. http://www.starchildglobal.com/channels-and-articles/time-travel-101/
Time Travel 102: Navigating Timelines
Posted by Celia Fenn on 25 May 2014

Image by Jean-Luc Bozzoli at www.eyewithin.com

Life on Timeship Earth has been remarkably tense and intense the last few week.
Surprisingly, the Solar activity has been relatively low, so it is safe to say that this
intensity is coming from another source. This source is our new relationship with
Time and our work as "crew" on Timeship Earth. In the last few weeks Time has
become a major source of conflict as the Earth Collective Consciousness decides
whether it will be "reverse engineered" back in time through Timeline manipulation, or
whether we will move forward and into a Higher Spiral of Conscious Evolution that
aligns us with the Divine Plan and the Divine Creative intelligence.
As we have ascended into Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness, it has become
important that we also understand the Fourth Dimension of Time and the way in
which we manifest and create on the New Earth Grids. Those who are masters of
this skill are known as Timeline Engineers. These ones are aware that time is not
linear and unidirectional. They know that time is fluid and that it moves in many
directions, including forwards and backwards. A person who understand the
Quantum nature of Reality, can then manipulate Time and Creation to serve their
own purposes if they so desire. A Conscious Creator who serves the Light will work
with the flow of Divine Intelligence and the upwards flows of Consciousness and
Manifestation. This is an easy process that brings Joy and Lightness, as you simply
find the Flow of Divine Light, or Diamond Light, and allow yourself to be a part of that
But, at this point in our current reality, there are many who are seeking to work
against the Divine Flow and for their own interests, and they are using their skill to
attempt to hold Timeship Earth from moving forward, and in fact are seeking to
reverse engineer time backwards so that the Future in fact becomes the Past, and
we are held in an orbit where we simply have to keep reliving the past over and over
again. This does not require a Time Machine, we are already in a Time Machine. All
it requires is control over consciousness and the ability to spin a Timeline or narrative
in the mass consciousness.
You may have noticed in the mass media recently, many references to the re-
emergence of the "Cold War" between Russia and the USA and Europe, as the
media tries to direct our consciousness back to the 1970s and to urge us to pick up
natratives and emotions that were part of the past. Then there is also the "re-
emergence" of "fascism" as we are directed back to World War 2 and the feelings
and emotions of that period, often without any real historical understanding, just
simply rhetoric and emotions. This is how reverse engineering is achieved. An
"unfinished" Timeline can be reactivated with new emotions and feelings, and the
Collective Consciousness can be redirected away from a forward and upward flow of
time, and into a backwards and circular flow of time.
This kind of reverse engineering of Time serves the purposes of those who do not
want to move forward, and who see no real future for themselves and their way of life
in a world that is not dominated by fear, conflict and lack. So they redirect attention
backwards in time to places where such fear and conflict and lack were most
apparent. So, in affect, the media is guiding us back into the fear and anxiety and
conflict of the past, even though it is mostly illusion.
This results in the rise of intense inner anxiety and stress in the Collective, in those
who are unaware that they are in fact being manipulated. Those who are un-
awakened imagine that Time is linear and have no real perception of how Timelines
or Time Spirals can be manipulated to create control over mass consciousness and
direct events where the "Engineers" want them to be directed.
So, at this time, many people are also dealing with feelings that are rising up that
relate to the past and fears that belong to the past. This also has the effect of
bringing up emotions and feelings from the personal past history again, as Timeline
reverse engineering also has the effect of redirecting your personal life back into the
past, so that you will reconnect with past fears and anxieties and traumas relating to
fear and lack.
So, you may be feeling as if you are going around in circles, because maybe you

Timeline Fractures and the Physical, Emotional and Mental Effects

I have recently been working with Archangel Michael on the information of how Time
is an important part of Creation and of being a Conscious Creator. More recently, the
Sirian Masters have made themselves known, with the request that I assist people to
understand more clearly the relationshp between Time and Creation on the Earth.
They urge us to understand that at the Fifth Dimension of Consciousness, Time is an
integral part of anything that we create. We can no longer afford to be naive in this
respect, but must be aware of how our consciousness and our creativity can be
directed by others if we allow ourselves to become part of a reverse engineered
narrative that will prevent us from moving forward and will direct us backwards into
the past and the recreation of past experiences. At the moment, we are in a situation
where our the Timeline is in the process of being fractured and splintered. Many of us
are still focussed on the ascending spiral of evolution and creation, while others are
now beginning to focus backwards towards the manipulated timeline. This means
that in terms of time creation, there is confusion and stress and tension as the two
narratives, forwards and backwards, pull against each other.
In the Quantum Reality this appears as two spirals of light energy that are
"competing" for the same space. Imagine the turbulence and chaos as these two
spirals clash and crash together. It creates turmoil and chaos on all levels. But these
spirals also involve the Elemetal energies, for we do not create alone on the Earth,
the Elementals are also part of the process.
So, we have entered a period of turmoil where even the Elemental energies are
being caught up in this chaotic clash of Timespirals as we decide whether to move
forward and upwards or backwards and round and around. It is for this reason that
we are seeing so much chaos and imbalance in Nature as well as in our own lives at
this time. The most evident effect on our physical body of Timeline fracture is
exhaustion, as you are pulled between the two "directions" of time creation. This
drains energy and also creates anxiety and depression. You may experience
sleeping difficulties,as your body may feel tense and stressed. You may, of course,
feel blocked and as if you are not able to move forward, for in effect that is what is
happening. On the personal level, you may be dealing with old fears and anxieties
that seem to be coming back again. And of course, for those who are younger and do
not remember the Cold War or World War 2 and its aftermath, there will be confusion
because they will not really understand what is happening with the energies "out
there". So, of course, becoming aware of what Timeline Engineering involves and
what it feels like, is the first step in taking back your power and consciously creating
according to the Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence.

Spiralling Upwards into the Light: Creating Forwards into the New Earth
The "natural" flow of time is upwards, with light and energy spiralling upwards
towards the Divine LIght. The Light Codes that contain the impulses and information
that will keep us online as Co-Creators with the Divine are constantly being impulsed
from the Divine Cosmic Heart and via the Galactic Center to our Sun. These Light
Cods are then impulsed to us and allow out Higher Consciousness to align our Body
and Light Body with the constant upward Flow of Divine Light and Evolution.
This upward movement can be disrupted by a "downward" movement that takes us in
the opposite direction and away from Divine Light and Evolution. And, in this case,
we can be held at a certain level that means that we will just spiral around and
around at the same level, moving neither forward nor backwards, but being held in a
kind of suspension at the same point of time, just recreating it over and over again.
I am sure that this is not what any of us wants for our lives or our Earth. We want to
keep flowing with the Divine Creative Intelligence and moving upwards towards the
Light of Compassion and Divine Love. To do this we have to ensure that we keep
aligned with and resonant with that Divine Flow. We have to keep our Intention and
our Creation focussed on the New Earth and the Creation of the New Earth.
The New Earth is the expression of Divine Will for the Earth. It is a Creation of Light
and Compassion where all Beings live together in Love and Harmony. It is a Creation
where Humanity and Nature live together in Harmony and Love. It exists in the
Future and is being created in the Present Moment by us as the Light Warrior and
Light Worker Teams.
In order to Manifest that Future we haveto keep our Intention and our focus on this
direction of creation. We also have to watch our thoughts and our emotions and our
actions. We have to ensure that we are living in the present moment, and that we are
not being reverse engineered into some past energy that can be manipulated into
war and conflict.
Archangel Michael talks often about the "New Shamanism" or 21st Century
Shamanism. This is where Light Workers become aware of the need for a closer
connection with the Earth, with Nature and with the Elements. When you are
manifesting and creating in harmony with Nature, you will not be pulled into and onto
Timelines that are created and dominated by those who seek only to use and control
nature for their own financial gain. The Elementals and the Nature Spirits are
standing by and waiting to assist us to create a world of Abundance and Plenty right
now. It is up to us to begin to listen and to work with them, wherever we are at this
moment in time, and as we create Time in harmony with Divine Will.
When speaking with people and even with Lightworkers, the biggest problem seems
to often be despair and apathy. " How can I really make a difference?". Well, we have
to really begin initiating our own Time Spirals that manifest a closer relationship with
nature and a deeper awareness of how our lives flourish and thrive when we include
nature in the equation.
Archangel Michael urges you to meditate on this topic and begin to feel and see how
you can make your own life a part of the upward spiral of Divine Light, no matter
where you live. Remember that as a Conscious Creator you don't have to be pulled
into and entangled with the timeline that is created by the "Engineers" who want to
keep you in the same space. You can move forward into a very different creation and
begin to experience the New Earth. Remember that the Indigo and Crystal children,
and the New Diamond Crystal Children, are Masters of Time Travel, and they are
here to help us to break through the reverse engineering and realign with the Divine
Flow of Light. http://www.starchildglobal.com/channels-and-articles/time-travel-102-

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