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Kely Johana Arias Gelvez

Jesica Patiño Gonzales

Sena virtual
regional valle of the cauca

Our distributor AZURITA BISUTERIA Y ACCESORIOS begins with a store located in the city of
Bogota, where it is sold directly to the consumer and then new stores are opened in other
cities of Colombia, such as Medellín and Bucaramanga. Finally, new markets will be opened
internationally, as well as the opportunity to learn about our hand-made accessories online.
The presentation of our products is displayed in the showcases and shelves one meter wide
by two meters in height to achieve a better sale.
The planimetry that will be used in our premises will be the following:
stan of different angles will be used for better visualization of the jewels.
Consent by this document of rental contract of a Commercial Stand, held by the BS
ACCESORIOS Company, with NIT N ° 901157508-2, domiciled for the purposes of this
contract in the Arboleda Campestre mz 21 office 53C. 1A Lot 2, represented by its General
Manager L&G INMOBILARIA, NIT N. 900840320-1 , at calle 3d #64-80. 1A Lot 2, District and
Province Santiago De Cali; who in the future will be called THE LESSOR; and on the other
hand, Bibiana Santamaria, identified with CC 29.544.525, of single marital status, Calle 24d
# 5-28, Cambulos neighborhood; who will be the LESSEE, under the following terms and
conditions: FIRST.- THE LESSOR, is a lessor of a commercial premises in avenue the Arboleda
Campestre mz 21 office 53C, divided into Row BStand 1 and Row C Stand 2SECOND .- THE
LESSOR, by this contract, it is advisable to rent two (2) stand, one in the FILA B, STAND 1,
and the other in the FILA C, STAND 2, for commercial use .TERCERO.- The contract will have
validity for one year the same that began to apply from June 12 to June 24, 2019, expired
which if the parties agree to renew the contract otherwise proceed to the delivery and
return of the stand. FOURTH.- The rental amount will be THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS,
for the days of the event for each STAND, which will be canceled at
the signing of this contract. FIFTH.- The commercial Stand is made of wood, without door,
with its furniture and in optimal conditions, which will be delivered under the same
conditions, otherwise the LESSOR will take care of the damages. SEXT. - THE LESSEE, is
prohibited from sublet, assign or transfer to third parties, which in any case must return to
their owners. EIGHTH.- The contracting parties declare that in the celebration of this
contract they have acted with complete freedom and knowledge of their facts and
obligations, we declare likewise to be satisfied with the content and signature of this
contract that we subscribe in the city of Angeles- California on May 10,

NIT N. 900840320-1

Kelly arias
1068245987 from Bucaramanga

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