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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

November 16, 2010

Pastor’s Notes
As I write this, we are 10
days from Thanksgiving.
Let’s see…for what am I
thankful? First of all, I am thankful for a
God that will come down in the midst of
His people and remind us of His love for us.
I was overwhelmed with the Holy Ghost’s
words Sunday Morning, “I LOVE YOU”. I
really believe that was for somebody that might have wondered if the Lord could really
love them. Truly, God loves us, in spite of our faults, failures and blunders…….yes, He
even loves us though we might have sinned. But He loves us enough to point out the
errors in our lives so that we can get them under the blood!!!! Secondly, I am thankful
for a church that goes with the flow. The Bible says that the “foolish things confound the
wise”. How “foolish” did it seem for us to be calling people from our cell phones while
church was going on? What do you think the people on the other side must have
thought? Would God care enough about me to have people from the church call me and
pray with me over the phone while church is going on? YES!!!!! I believe that seeds
where planted Sunday that will come to harvest in the not so distant future!!!!! Thirdly,
I’m just thankful for my church!!!!! If I have failed to tell you lately, I LOVE YOU!!!!
You are the absolute best!!!!! I’m so blessed to be part of the Woodruff Church of God.

I’m so thankful that God continues to open doors!!!!! Tuesday

afternoon, I’ll be speaking to a group of teachers called “Teachers
For Christ”. They stay after school to have someone share the
Word of God with them and challenge them. What a blessing and
what a privilege the Lord has given our church to minister to our

Then Wednesday morning, some of our folks will

be serving breakfast to the Fellowship of Christian
Athletes. It’s not too late to come be a part. We’ll
be meeting at 6:15 AM at Woodruff 1st Baptist
Church. Park in the side parking lot that is closest
to their Dining Room area. I’ve also been asked to
speak to this group of Athletes. Please pray that
the Lord will direct and move on the hearts of
teachers and students during these opportunities.
Please don’t forget to prayerfully consider whether the Lord would have you to have your
name be placed on the roster of candidates for the Church Administrative Board. The
following are the qualifications to serve: 1) A loyal member of the church, adhering to its
teachings, 2) Baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues,
3) Faithful in tithing, 4) A regular church attendant, 5) One who works in harmony with
the local, state, and general church’s program and reflects a cooperative attitude toward
the progress of the church. The sign up sheet, as well as the qualifications and
duties/responsibilities, are on the small table in the lobby. You will also notice that there
is an exception to serving. “No persons living in the same household can serve on the
Church Administrative Board at the same time. If more than one person from the
same household gets votes to be elected to serve, the person with the highest number of
votes will be elected to serve.” .You have until the last Sunday of November to sign up.
All names on the list will be verified for their eligibility and then a time in December will
be given to vote for the Board. Please be in much prayer about being willing to serve and
who you should vote for to serve. These people will be instrumental in helping us forge
ahead towards the future the Lord has destined for us.

BABY DEDICATION is planned for this Sunday, during the AM service. Please
understand, that baby dedication is a very spiritual thing.
It is an act of presenting the baby to the Lord with the
understanding that the one’s presenting the baby will be
responsible for the spiritual nurturing and upbringing of
the baby. For that to happen, the people bringing the
child to the Lord need to be believer’s themselves (are at
least one of them). I hope you understand. Please make
sure that you meet the criteria before committing to this.
Once you know that the spiritual side if covered, make
sure you contact the church office (476-2977) by
Thursday at 12:00 PM and leave the proper information to our secretary.

Special Thanksgiving Service…..Tuesday,

November 23rd at 7:00 PM. As is our custom, we
will move our Wednesday evening service that week to
Tuesday evening. We will have a one hour service of
Thanksgiving. Last years service was WONDERFUL.
Mark your calendar, invite your friends and family and
come and thank God for all His many blessings!

The church office will be closed Wednesday - Friday during the week of Thanksgiving!
We will be on call should you need us!
Just a few dates for you to mark you calendar with for the month of December:
His Story - Dec. 11th at 7:00 PM & Dec. 12th at 6:00 PM
Children’s Christmas Program - Dec. 18th - 10:30 AM
Christmas Family Fellowship - Dec. 18th - 6:00 PM CLC Building

Typically, during the Christmas Season, our church is called upon to help
families/children with Christmas. Sometimes, it is families from within our Van
Ministry, sometimes it is from people who don’t come here, and sometimes we’ve been
able to help people inside the church. If you would be willing to sponsor a family or a
child, would you call the office and leave your name. Should that need arise, we’d love
to have people that feel the Lord has directed them to do so. Thank you in advance for
your willingness to do this!!!!

PRAYER LIST: Wanda Jackson, Stanley Sykes, Larry Laster, Brian Arnold, Cindy
Cooper, Wanda Brown, Kimberly Terry, Sandy Hylton, Donald Patterson, Linda
Volkman, Richard Griffin, Joseph Young, Adger Crawford, Kim Williams, Helen
Collins, Allie Ruth Richards, Twanna Browning, Bill Cheatham, Margaret Easler, Rene
Cartee Vasquez, Lillian Caldwell, Arthur Harris, Tammy Morrow, Bryce Morrow, Kathy
Richards, Bill Thomas, Curtis Thackston, Leon Freeman, Josh Cline, Villa Moseley,
Arlene Hughes, Roy West, Shut Ins, Those in Nursing Homes.

EXTREME KIDZ’ NEWS: FUNDRAISER….Let us do your holiday baking. The

children need volunteers to bake a cake, pie, or other holiday goodies to be sold
December 18th from 9:30 - 12 Noon in the CLC. Please see Donna Burdette, Deanna
Burgess, or Ramona Letourneau to donate your goodies.

T-Shirts with the Extreme Kidz logo are now available for only $10 each, and all sizes are
available in either white or gray. See Donna Burdette to order yours.

NO drama or praise and worship practice on Sunday….there will be Christmas play

practice each Sunday until the play is presented.

CHILDREN’S BOARD will meet Sunday at 4:30 P.M. in the CLC. All members of this
board need to be present for important discussion.

F.R.E.E.D. 12-Step Addiction Group will meet Tuesday at 6:30 P.M. Contact John or
Jeanne Nemitz for more information at 476-2819.

“HIS STORY” SET UP will begin Saturday, November 20th at 9:00 A.M. ANYONE
who would like to help will be welcome. You are needed ! ! !

We have anew order of “His Story” t-shirts available, and they are now available in
children’s sizes. Price is $10 each, so see Todd or Vickie Porter to purchase yours.

The choir should wear “Thanksgiving” colors this Sunday, November 21st.
Youth Drama practice will be Sunday at 4:30 P.M.

* Greeters - Curtis and Betty Culpepper

* Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan
* CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
* Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
* Usher Team # 1 - Robert Sloan, Larry Young, Michael Brown,
Dennis Crocker, Rick Priester, and Brian Arnold
* Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard, Marion Simmons, and John Nemitz
* Nursery - Wednesday - Lori Crocker
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Pam Strickland
P.M. - Annette Richards
* Van Drivers (Wednesday only) - Garren Burdette and Kathy Arellano
* Music - Wednesday - Amy Arnold
Sunday A.M. - Brad Burnett
P.M. - Pam Garrett
* Praise Team - Gold

JUST GIVE IT TO GOD By: Michael Osborne

When you feel the tension mounting……….From the trials of each day
When gloomy clouds are drifting…..Don’t worry, start to pray
Do not let your worries……..Keep holding you back
Just give them to God…..When the devil attacks
For the sweet calming peace…And the strength that you need
Is one prayer away….That will help you succeed
So do not be anxious…By what you cannot control
Just give it to God….As each trial unfolds
He’ll guide your footsteps….Cover you by His grace
Carry your burdens….Anytime, any place
For one simple prayer…..Is all that you need
To help find your way……And to help you achieve
For greater is He…..That lives within us
Than the ways of the world………If only we trust
So when you face trials….and the stress of each day
Just give it to God…He’s just one prayer away Amen

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,
let your request be made known to God” Philippians 4:6

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