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Arranged by
Group 6

1. Ahmad Effendri
2. Eldha kumalasari
3. Retno wulandari


One day in a hospital in Rs enggal saras precisely in the jasmine ward there was a 21-year-old
patient named Nn R.he had been treated for 1 day with complaints of diarrhea and weakness.
Eldha nurse come to the room patient…

Eldha :Assalamualaikum
Retno :waalaikumsalam
Eldha :Mother,I am Eldha, I,am the nurse who is taking care of this morning,is
this true with Mrs.Retno?
Retno :yes sus correct
Eldha :oh yeah Mrs,what kind of call do yo prefer?
Retno :just retno,so you can get along better
Eldha :okay Mrs.Retno,today I will take care of you from 07.00-14.00 this
afternoon,so if there are problems or complaints,you can inform me.
Retno :oh yeah fine sus
Eldha :mother,how do you feel today?
Retno :alhamdulilah,sus has improved now
Eldha :yes,thank god,Mrs,then what did you complain about today?
Retno :yes the sus that l complained about at this time l still felt weak and still
had diarrhea sus and diarrhea more than 7 times sus
Eldha :yes,Mrs,the doctor will visit here soon,Mrs,to check on your condition
today morning
Retno :yes sus
Eldha :l will just stay there Mrs,in an hour I will come here o give medicine to
my mother
Retno :yes,sus is good

Nurse eldha left the room and returned to the nurse station,a few minutes later the efendri doctor
came to visit the patient.
Effendri :good morning sus
Eldha :morning also doctor
Effendri :are there any new patients in this room sus?
Eldha :there is a dock
Effendri :alright,take me to the patient,l’ll check it out

Eldha nurses took the ephemeral doctor spat ial retno

Eldha :good morning Mrs
Retno :morning sus
Eldha :here is an efendri doctor who will check you
Retno :yes sus
Effendri :what are your complaints now?
Retno :I’m still weak because I still have diarrhea,this morning I already chapter
9 times the dock
Effendri :ok Mrs,to find out more diagnoses it is better to do laboratory
examination on the mother’s faces
Retno :yes,l understand,doc,thank you
Effendri :yes Mrs,excuse me first,have a good rest
Eldha :well Mrs.,this is the stool pot for the mother’s stool Mrs
Retno :yes sus,thanks you very much
Eldha :you’re welcome,l hope you get better soon
I say goodbye Mrs,Assalamualaikum
Retno :waalaikumsalam.

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