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Mohd Idrus B. Ismail

and Redzuan B. Abu Hassan
Tinjar Province

\ he onshore Tinjar Province is a wrench- trending, with some NW-SE anticlinal structures

T related foldbelt in the Sarawak Basin

which covers largely the offshore
Balingian, Central Luconia , West Baram Delta,
and faults, including the Tatau Horst, the Arip
Pelagau Anticline , and the Dulit Range. The
regional framework resulted from the
SW Luconia, Tatau and W. Luconia provinces sou theasterly plate movements due to rifting and
(see Fig. 16.1) The Tinjar Province, which is opening of the South China Sea Basin from the
uplifted relative to the offshore provinces , is Late Cretaceous to the Middl e Miocene Ceg
separated from the offshore Balingian by the NE - Doust , 1981; Scherer , 1981; James , 1984 ) .
SW to ENE-WSW Anau Nyalau fault. The Upper Furthermore, part of its tectonic history was also
Eocene to Upper Miocene sedimentary sequences due to subduction of the South China Sea Plate
in the Tinjar Province were deposited after the under Borneo.
uplift of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Except in its northern part , the Tinjar
indurated sediments (Liechti et al. , 1960). Major Province is not well explored, and recent reviews
structures formed at the end of the Early Miocene of the onshore areas have excluded the Tinjar
and Late Miocene are dominantly NE-SW Province. Further north are the Balingian, Central
112'[ 114'[
D Pleistocene and Recent p.Labuan{J
D Neogene
D Palaeogene
Dacitic and andesitic lava
(Tertiary to Oualernary)

~~T;~ctoar;gu~~~~~~) lavas

o 50 kin





'; j
~- ... _ - I ~

,,' I .. '

-, -,

___ Nanga Merit

..: :: =~- -- ~ ~ -- - - -.,- /'

Fig. 16.1 Tectonostratigraphic stratigraphic subdivision in Ti njar Province based on structural characteristi cs arising from end- Early
Miocene and Late Miocene deform ations.
Tinjar Province

Luconia and West Baram Delta provinces. These Miocene in the north eastern part of the province.
contain sedim entary seque n ces of post- Late Early Miocene wre nch fau l ts dominate the
Eocene ages, and their producing h orizons are wes tern part of the Balingian Pro vince
the O li gocene - Lo wer Miocene (Cycles IIII) (Swinburn,1993), w hereas Late Miocene
clastics, Middle Miocene carbonates (Cycles IVN) deformation occurred in the eastern Balingian
a nd Uppe r Miocene deltaic sandstones Province (Dous t , 1981). However, the regional
re spectively. In the Tinj ar Province there are deformation was mainly attributed to the end of
wrench-related large complexly faulted anticlinal the Miocene phase (Liechti et al. , 1960) This
traps. The structural closures are associated with chapter describes the structural setting of
W -SE dextral faults and NNE -SSW sinistral petroleum accumulations in the Tinjar Province
faults with reference to the structural development in
The most comprehens ive structural both East and West Balingian provinces.
analysis of onshore Sarawak was based on air
p hoto and synthetic aperture radar (SAR)
acquired in 1990 by PETRONAS. The regional
da ta were interpreted in 1993 (Intera , 1993). EXPLORATION HISTORY
F u rther more the SAR interpretation was
calibrated with field checks (Tjia et al. , 1997). The The Anglo -Saxon Petroleum Company acquired
data shows many NE-SW anticlinal and synclinal the rights under the Sarawak Oil Mining Lease to
structures, NE-SW regional transform faults (e.g. explore the whole of onshore Sarawak in 1909.
Tinjar Fault) and NNE-SSW faults (e.g. Tubau The land exploration targeted several areas having
Fault) Domes (e.g. the Ulu Suai Dome) and NW- oil seepages around the Baram Delta. By 1910
SE-tr en ding anticlines were a lso mapped. the first oil field was discovered when the Miri-1
Wrench -related structures, formed during the well penetrated h ydrocarbon bearing intervals
Ea rly Mioce n e, were react ivated in the Lat e within Upper Miocene deltai c sands . Between the


M'SIA SHD !pess



... OIL

-¢- GAS

... OIL & GAS




o 20 40 60 80 100 km
IwwM ! ! IwwM

Fig. 16.2 Map of onshore well locations in Tinjar Province and Baram Delta, including 11 wells in Tinjar Province. None of the wells in the
Tinjar Province to date was drilled in the southwestern part which falls in the oil/gas trend of offshore Balingian Province.
Tinjar Province


Liang (L)
0 Tgh Begrih (Bg)
:::; VI
Bal ing ian (Ba)

w TI Be lait (Be)
zW IV Lambir (La)
:Ii III Sibuti (Si)
>- Te
s II Tangap (Tg) Subis Limestone Member (Si)
Setap (S)
Kakus Member (k)
W Nyalau (Ny)
I- Biban Sandstone Member (bs)
Tubau (Tu)

Buan (B)

U~ Tatau (Tat)

Bawang Member (Bw)

z Tb
0 Pel
0 c
w Pelagus Member (Pe l) g
6WW Ta
Pre I Metah Member (Mt)
<co '"
Kapit Member (Kt) '"

Layar Member (Ly)

Central Sarawak - Rajang -
Bali ngian - Tatau - Sibuti - Suai


D Mari n e
Predominantly non-calcareous

~ Predominantly calcareous

D Continental

I==l M ixed continental and marine

F -- Fault contact

Fig. 16.3 Generalised stratigraphic scheme of Central Sarawak. The I yalau Formation , the main outcrop in the Tinjar Province, consists of
shallow marine to paralic successions grading into marine clastics from SW to NE. It interfingers with the Set ap Shale FormatI on. Towards
the NE, the Lambir ancl Belait formations are posssible reservoirs.

1920-1950'5, geological mapping , acquisition of drilled in 1952-53 (see Fig. 162) reached Middle
land gravity and seismic were conducted around Miocene (Cycles 1III) int erbedded shaks and
the coasta l areas. The belt between Suai and sandstones (see Fig. 16 .3) . The Suai- 3 w ell
Bulak was covered with 483 line-km of single- produced oil at a rate of 27 BOPD from a n
fold land seismic in 1952/53. Several wells were iso l ated channel sa ndston e. This well wa s
drilled in the onshore part of the Tertiary basin abandoned at total depth (TD) of 12 86 fe e t
around this coastal belt. The Suai 1-3 core holes within the Lower Miocen e after a gas blow out.
Tinjar Province

Selungun - 1 Suai - 5 Subis - 2

Maximum flooding surface

Sequence boundary


Maximum flooding surface

Sequence boundary



Fig. 16.4 Well correlation from Selungun-1, Suai-1 and Subis-2 showing the Subis Limestone. Due to erosion after strong uplift of the
structure, the Cycle II objective in Selungun -1 was never encoumered.

In 1955 three more wells (Suai-4, 5 and 6) were interbedded with a mixture of shale, sandstone
drilled n earby. These penetrated deeper into and calcareous sands. At well locations the
Lower Miocene (Cycles 1III) intervals comprising calcareous and argillaceous sands tone intervals '
the Subis Limestone, and interbedded sandstones s h ow only marg in a l r ese rvoir properties
and shal es (see Fig. 16.4 ). The limeston e (Porosity, 8-20%; permeability up to 2.8 mD) A
represent deep-marine and off-reef facies, whilst drill stem test (DST) within the reservoir intervals
the higher sec ti on are mi xed clastics and recovered only traces of gas and water.
carbonates comprising thinner, 30 foot limestone, Located about 25 km northeast from the
Tinjar Province

Suai wells, the other onshore well in the near stratigraphic nomenclature based on both rock
coastal areas in the Tinjar Province , Subis-2, was stratigraphy and tim e stratigraphy (based on
spudded in 1956. The Subis well encountered foraminiferal parame ters), was forma lised. The
severa l Lower Mioce n e int erva ls of thinner offshore Tertiary succession in the Sarawak shelf
limestone in a mixed carbonate- clastic sequence is class ifi ed into eight regressive cycles (Ho,
and two thick carbonate units of between 1200 to 1978). Limited subsurface onshore stratigraphic
4000 feet thickness. DSTs show that the amount penetra tion s and poor age con trol s make
of hydrocarbons at Subis-2 was insignificant. recognition of sedimentary cycles difficult , and
The final well , Selungun-1 , was drilled in hence th e formation terminol ogy cannot be
1956 in the area more towards Bintulu. The dispensed with. The Sarawak stratigrap hic
Selungun-1 well drilled into an anticlinal feature scheme and its approximate age correlation to the
and spudded into Oligocene (Cycle 1) shales, silts cycles is sh own in Figure 16.3.
and thin sands and 150-400 feet thick sh allow
marine and coastal plain sandstones. The porosity
of the sandstones varies between 3 to 10 %, but Formations
improves near the sur face to between 9 to 24%.
The former company, renamed Sarawak The Tatau Formation (Upper Eocene to
Shell Berhad (SSB) in 1958, resumed exploration Oligocene) unconformably overlies the steeply
activities around the coastal belt. In 1967 6-12 folded Bawang Member of the Belaga Formation
fo ld CDP stack seismic data in the area around at the Arip Pelagau Anticline. At its base , the
Suai were acquired in 1974 - in the area around Ta tau Formation consists of mainly medium to
Bungai. An aeromagnetic survey of all offshore fine grained sandstones and siltstones with some
Sarawak was extended landwards into a small belt intervals of marls, thick sh ales and intercalated
in the Tinj ar Province in 1965. limestone lenses. The formation is separated by
Since 1957 , the exploration company the Arip acid volcanics into a lower (Eocen e or
re linquished seve ral packages of its onsho re Tb) and upper (O li gocene or Tcd) part. The
Sarawak concession. As the deformed and least depositional environment for the form atio n is
acce ssible hinterland areas were cons idered littoral to neritic.
unprospect ive, these were th e first to b e Near Ta ta u an d the Ar ip - Pelagau
relinquished, including the Rajang Accretionary Anticline the Tatau Formation p asses gradually
Prism and the Dulit Range. Exploration activities up into the laminated marine shales of the Buan
continued in some of the the inland belt around Formation (Oligocene). Elsewhere , as at Bukit
Pandan Kakus , Ulu Su ai Dome and Kelabu Mersing, Buan Formation sh ales overste p the
Anticline (F ig . 165) but in 1971 this be lt , Tatau Fo rmation to uncon formably overli e the
including th e Grabit -Me ntebai Synclin e, was Belaga Formation. Tubau Formation shelfal shales
released under a second relinquishment exercise. and marls occur in the Tubau Valley, ranging in
Since 1960's, exploration moved offshore with age fr om Oligocene to Lower Miocene (Te ,.; to
several successes , including the discovery of the early Tes). Along the Jelalong river, and towards
Temana Field. Consequently onshore exploration the coast, th is formation merges into the
became limited. In 1976 She ll Signed the Oligocene-Miocene Setap Sh ale Formation.
Production Sh aring Con tract, relinquish ed the Similar ro cks occur in several of the onshore
remaining areas around the coastal belt of the wells (Subis-2, Selungun- 1 and Bulak Setap-3).
Tinjar Province , but retained those around the These intervals had been aSSigned to the Se tap
Miri Field. Several wells along th e Miri-Tudan Shale Formation . It has a conformable contact
trend in onshore Baram Delta were drilled , but with overlying Nyalau Formation.
subsequently the remaining contract area was Most of the ou t crops in the Tinj ar
relinquished. Province belong to the O li gocene -Miocene
Nyalau Formation (Cycles lIII) In the Subis-
Bintulu area the Nyalau Formation occurs as
interbedded offshore - subtidal - estuarine
STRATIGRAPHY AND sa nd stones, sa nd y sha les a nd sh ales with
STRUCTURE dis p ersed lignite band s and marls. In the
Se lun gun we ll the interval consis ts of Silty
Stratigraphic scheme sandstones , partly calcareous, grading into sandy
limestone. In the Tatau -Bintulu area, the lower
In 1960 a review of the stratigraphy of onshore part of the Nyalau Formation is distingUished as
Sarawa k , Saba h and Brunei was conducted by the Biban Sandstone Me mb er. This is of
Liec hti et al. (1960) and sub sequen tl y th e O li gocene - Miocene age (Tc d- Te ) and is
Tinjar Province

Le gend:
1 Dulil Range S Tatau Horst 11 Grabil Syncli ne
2 Tinjar Fa ult 7 Pandan Kakus Subbasin 12 Ulu Suai Dome
3 Tubau Faull 8 Ulu Sok Ant icli ne 13 Kolabu Anticline
4 Bukl! Marsi ng U ne 9 Bakong Anticline 14 Aajang Accre tionary Pr ism
5 Ari p Pelagau Anticline 10 Mentage i Sync line 15 Mlf i - Tuden Trend

o 50 km
""""'I ............


Legen d :
,;¥' Syncline
c ;:- ~~~~e~;
. / Anticline

;{' ~~I~rse .:::::::- Sub-basin ,

partic ularly
Normal offshore
/ fault

/"" Unspecified

112 E

Fig. 16.5 Structural map of the Tinjar Province and sub -provinces (modified after Leichti , et. ai, 1960) and the offshore Balingian Province.
Offshore oi l and gas fields are shown.

predomina ntl y fine to m edi um gra in ed reefoid grow th and foraminiferal open shoal
sandston es, with some siltstones interbeds and limestone. The Nyalau Formation grades up into
contains calcareous nodules. Limestone beds and the Sibuti Formation (Lower-Middle Miocene).
calcareous sandstones in the Nyalau Formation This consists of inner n eritic clay-shales with
are present as th e Oligocene (Tcd) Sarong minor siltstones and limestone.
Limeston e and Bekuya t Limes tone. Th e 250 to The Sibuti Formation grades up into the
500 feet thick limestones are included within the Lambir Formation (Middle Miocene). Thi s
Biban Sandstone Member. In the Pandan Kakus con sists of alternating inner neritic to littoral
and Ulu Suai areas several intervals of massive sandstones and shales, succeeded by clay shales,
sandstone, laminated clays and brackish shales marls , thin lim estone len ses and ca lcareous
and li gni t es, a ttr ib ut e d to int erd istribut ary sands to nes. Sandstones with so m e impure
environments, are deSignated the Kakus Member lignite layers occur in the uppermost intervals in
(Lower-Middle Miocene, Tes to Tf,) : the Grabit Synclin e. The Lambir Formation
The Lower to Middle Miocene (Te,.; to grades up into the Belait Formation towards the
Te 5, and possibly Tf,), Setap Shale Formation Dulit Range.
consists of littoral to inner n eritic clay- shales and The Belait Formation (Middle to Upper
Silty clays . Th ese inte rva ls are occaSionally Miocene, Tf,) consists of intervals o f thick
interbedded w ith sands tone s, calca r eous bedded, barren, massive , sometimes pure white,
san dston es and thin to mod erate ly th ick and medium to coa rs e gra in ed sandstones
limestones (5 -400 feet) This interval laterally interbedded with claystones. The fo rmation is
inte rfin gers w ith the Nya lau Formation. The the time stratigraphic equivalent of the Lambir,
boundary of this formation with the overlying Miri and Tukau forma tions.
Be lait and Lam bir formations is mo st ly
conformable and diachronous , alt h ough an
occasional unconformable contact , described as Structure
insignificant, has been observed in some places, as
in the Paroh anticline. Five sub -prOVinces have been recognised in the
The Nyalau Formation grades into the Tinjar Province based on SAR data (Tj ia et al. ,
Tangap Formation (Oligocene-Lower Miocene) to 1997) (see Fig. 16.5) Structural styles in the
the north of Subis. The inner to outer neritic of Tinjar Province are believed to result from two
m arls and shales include the Subis Limestone phases of deformation in wren ch-fault systems.
Member. The limestones comprise coral-algal Major structures were formed at the end of the
Tinjar Province

Early Miocene and in the Late Miocene (Tjia et in the southeastern part of the Tinjar Province,
al., 1997). Previously the deformation history of is bounded on the east by Tinjar Fault, a major
the Tinjar Province was mainly attributed to a transcurrent fault in Sarawak. Movement
Late Miocene regional event (e.g Liechti et al., along the Tinjar Fault, a dextral NE-SW trending
1960). The Early Miocene wrenching is related wrench fault, was active in the Early Miocene,
to southeasterly directed movements as a result and was reactivated in the Late Miocene. The
of Late Cretaceous-Miocene spreading and structures consists of two NE -SW trending
opening of the South China Sea Basin. The Late tight shale-cored folds, sharply bending to
Miocene wrenching is related to the southwards a NW - SE trend, the NW-SE Tinjar Fault
movement of the South China Sea Basin , and NNE -SSW-trending Tubau Fault. This
which resulted in several N-S transform faults is a sinistral wrench fault that was active in the
such as the Morris Fault , Jerudong Line and Late Miocene in the opposite part of the Dulit
Tubau Fault. Range.
Sub -provinces 1 and 3 are related to The sense of movement of the dextral
Early Miocene deformation. Sub -provinces 2 Tinjar Fault was deduced from a number of
and 4 show deformation during the Early and tension fractures that are left stepping around
Late Miocene. Several NE-SW trending several folds , near Tinjar Fault. NE-SW trending
transpressional structures in East Balingian faults are left lateral offsetting one anticline near
Sub-province have large amplitude anticlines the sinistral Tubau Fault.
with cutting cross faults and flanking reverse Tjia (1996) proposed that the Dulit
faults (Doust , 1981). Sub-province 5 is related to Syncline became refolded during the post-
Late Miocene deformation. However , th e Belait deformation (Late Miocene-Early
structural patterns are different from the rest of Pliocene) and developed into the right angle or
the Tinjar Province, and are interpreted as a dog-leg pattern of the Sekiwa-Dulit ridges.
conjugate fault system. The deformation operated by detachment
The sedimentary section in the Tinjar tectonics that was facilitated by strike-slip motion
Province is mostly Oligocene to Middle Miocene along the Tinjar , Dengan , Tubau and another
in age (Nya lau , Setap Shale formations ). NE-SW, hitherto unknown zone of weakness,
Outcrops in the Sub-province 1 are older, and just north of Bukit Selika. The term "frame-
include Upper Eocene-Oligocene outcrops of the folding " was used for this phenomenon. The
Tatau and Buan formations . detachment of the Belait from older sequences
was lubricated b y shales of the Setap Shale
Sub-province 1

Sub-province 1 forms an area of convergent Sub-province 3

wrenching in the western part of the Tinjar
Province. Lat e Eoc e ne and Late Miocene Sub -province 3 is a large wrench fold zone
movements along the northward-opening fan of that was deformed and faulted along a few NW-
dextral wrench faults produced a zone of strong SE dextral wrench faults in the southern part
transpression and uplift of the Upper Cretaceous of the Tinjar Province (see Fig. 165) The
-Lower Miocene sediments . This sub-province movement along the NW-SE wrench faults,
contains a number of structural elements, the which are occaSionally WNW-ESE and almost
Arip Pelagau Anticline (see Fig. 165) , the Tatau sub-parallel to the Bukit Mersing Line , was
Horst , NE-SW trending anticlines and NW-SE active during the Early Miocene. There
dextral wrench faults. The NW-SE aligned Arip- are NW-SE wrench faults and NE-SW
Pelagau Anticline is wedged tightly between NW transpressional structures. The large NW-SE
SE faults in Tinjar Pro vince and the thrust trending anticlines (see Figs. 16.6a , 166b) ,
foldbelts in the south along the Bukit Mersing which are often cut b y several NW-SE faults
Line. showing right lateral offsets, are up to 15 km
long and 5 km wide. The smaller anticline
which lies in the orientation of NW-SE major
Sub-province 2 wrench faults is considered to be a drag fold (see
Fig. 166c) The sub-province, which is less
Sub-province 2 , mostly made up of the Dulit uplifted than both sub-provinces in the east and
Range (see Fig . 16 .5), shows two distinctive west, also forms an E-W trending, Pandan-Kakus
structural trends that are at right angles to Sub-basin containing a relatively thick Oligocene
each other. The Dulit Range, which is located - Middle Miocene sedimentary section (see Fig.
Tinjar Province

166b). The sub-basin is located in the south and of the folds is controlled by the shear
measures about 18 km long and 8 km wide. Most zone. These structures include a major NW-SE
of the areas exhibit deformation mainly in Lower dextral wrench fault NNE -SSW minor faults ,
Miocene sediments. Only a small northeastern elongated synclines (e.g. the Mentebai, Ulu
part of this sub-province, within which is the Ulu Bok and Grabit synclines), transpressional
Suai dome (see Fig. 16.5) which has N-S long anticlines (e.g. the Ulu Bok and Bakong
axis and E-W short axis may ha ve been anticlines), and broad NE-SW synclines (e.g. the
reactivated by Late Miocene wrench movement. Jelalong Syncline) in the south. The orientation
Strong uplift in the southern part of the fold zone of the fractured sandstones in the shear zone
exposed the Beku ya t and Sarong limestones is 290 ° (Fig. 167b). Transpressive NE-SW
(Oligocene-Lower Miocene). synclines and narrow zones of anticlinal uplift
are situated north of the shear zone. Their
arrangement is en echelon with a dextral
Sub-province 4 sense. The cores of the anticlines are composed
of the Nyalau and Setap Shale formations
Sub-province 4 contains a wrench foldbelt in the (0 ligocene- Lower Miocene). To the south of
northeastern part of Tinjar Province which the NW-SE shear zone is the broad Jelalong
developed due to Early Miocene NW-SE dextral syncline ( Fig. 16.7b) . It is 45 km long and 25
wrench faulting (Fig. 165) , and to Late Miocene km wide. The NE-SW trend of the syncline bends
reactivation associated with NNE-SSW sinistral NNE-SSW near another possible shear zone
wrench faulting. The structures include NE-SW which is at its eastern limit that coincides with a
folds , NW-SE dextral wrench faults , NNE-SSW narrow N-S trending (OlOO) zone of steep beds.
sinistral wrench faults and possible rhombohedral It is thought that these structures
basins. Earl y Miocene deformation is more resulted from shearing that locally developed
prominent in the southwest. The NE-SW wrench conjugate faults within a system of a regional
anticlines are cut by NW-SE dextral faults with N-S Late Miocene left lateral motion (Fig. 16.7b).
displacements of up to 5 km, measure about 14- The ma x imum principal stress is oriented
28 km long with wavelengths of about 6 km (Fig. 3350. The conjugate faults de veloped close
16.6d) The Late Miocene structural compression, to basement inhomogeneities across the
which is stronger towards the northeastern part Tinjar Fault at Dulit Range. Furthermore , Tjia
of the sub-province, resulted in NE-SW striking (1996) concluded that the Setap Shale Formation
structures cut b y NNE - SSW sinistral faults. acted as a zone of detachment near the Dulit
These usually have flat crestal areas and steep Range.
flanks. Tight folds and compression with low-
angle reverse faults were observed in outcrops
(Tjia et al., 1997). Furthermore certain parts of
Sub-province 4 underwent both Early Miocene HYDROCARBON
and the Late Miocene deformations which
resulted in superposed structures. In the
Balingian Province the Temana structure TYPES
(Doust, 1981) underwent deformation during
both times. Fault -bounded rhombohedral-
shaped basins in the southwestern part of the Hydrocarbon Occurrences
onshore measure 24 km long by 12 km wide. In The principal reservoir plays in the Tinjar area
the Balingian Province are several depreSSions are the Oligocene-Lower Miocene (Cycles IIII)
(Fig. 16.5). clastics. These occur in the southwestern part
of the Tinjar , and are only partially tested by
the Selungun-l well (Fig. 16.2) Due to the uplift
Sub-province 5 at the core of the anticline, only Cycle I was
encountered. Hydrocarbons indicators in the
Sub-province 5 consists of a wrench fold zone southwestern part include oil stained sandstones/
in the eastern part of Tinjar Province that residual oil traces (Rahdon , 1974; Tjia et
was deformed in the Late Miocene (Fig. 165). al.,1997). Other occurrences support the
This sub-province of Oligocene to Upper presence of h yd rocarbon expulSion in the
Miocene sediments is different from the rest of southwestern part of the province, where
the Tinjar Pro vinc e since the Late Miocene carbonaceous matt e r , believed to be heav y
deformation is associated with a NW-SE h ydrocarbons , fills cracks which are up to
dextral wrench fault (Fig. 16.7a). The distribution 2 metres in length and at right angles to coal
Tinjar Province

beds (Rahdon , 1974 ). The stains represent (see Figs. 16.6a and 16.5). The y occur in
immature to mature oils based on geochemical various parts of the Pandan Kakus Sub-prOVince
signatures (see Table 16.1). and Kelabu anticline. The NW -SE drag folds
Oligocene -Lower Miocene carbonates (see Fig. 16.6b) are occaSionally found
along NW-SE transcurrent faults. Large
TOC (wt. %) 2.1 8 NW-SE structural complexes (see Fig 16.6c)
5, (mg HC/g rock) 0.46 in the Pandan Kakus Sub -basin are
compartmentalised by NW - SE fau l ts into
52(mg HC/g rock) 50u rce 4.65
se veral fault blocks cutting the central part
PI Pa ra meters 0.09 and the western flank. Individual fault
HI 213 blocks may be prospective , although shallow
sandy intervals and struct u ral faulting
Tmax (OC) 430 reaching the surface are the major risks .
VRo(%) 0.54 Figure 16.8 shows the trapping model
for hydrocarbons in reservoirs within
CPI 0.99
basinal parts and over areas of structural highs,
Tm/Ts 16.70 based on similar examples in the Balingian
Cn Hopane 225/(225 + 22R) Maturity 0.59 Province .
Late Miocene (end Cycle V) traps
C" Hopane 205/(205 + 20R ) Pa rameters 0.47
are formed b y elongated NE-SW anticlines.
MPI1 0.61 These are compartmentalised by NE-SW
% Rc 0.77 faults, and are characterised by flat to gently
dipping crests and steep flanks (see Fig. 16.6d)
Table 16.1 Selec ted geochemical data of the oil-stained (Tjia, 1996). These traps have been drilled in
sandstone in the Tinjar Province.
Selungun, Suai and Subis. The Tiban structure is
(Cycles IIII) are secondary objectives occurring as yet undrilled. Similar traps in the East
mainly in the northern part o f the province. Balingian Sub -province have been described
Minor gas shows were encountered in the (Doust , 1981).
Cycle II limestones in several of the Suai and Superposed Late Miocene/ Early Miocene
Sub is wells. traps are formed by elongated anticlines
Th e Lambir Formation clastics are cut by two sets of wrench faults - one right
secondary plays in the northeastern part of the lateral NW-SE fault and the other left lateral
province. Oi l in the sha ll ow clastics of the NE-SW fa u lt (see Fig. 16.6e). Several of
Lambir Formation were encountered in the Suai 3 these anticlines occur around Bintulu, where
wells (Fig. 16.2) in the northern parts. the faults are commonly develope d on the
eastern noses , and the zones of complex fault

AND SEAL Reservoirs
Cycles I and II clastics and limestones
Trap Styles
The N yalau Formation (Cycles IIII) is the
Over 40 NE-SW oriented structures have main potential reservoir in the so uthwes tern
been mapped in Sub-provinces 3 and 4 (see part of Sub-provinces 3 and 4. The reservoirs
Fig. 16.5). Due to structural complexities and consist of offshore marine-sub tidal to estu arine
erosion of the reservoir, Sub-provinces 1 and 2 clastics. The upper part is preserved in
are the least prospective. There are also Early the Pandan Kakus area. Near Bin tu lu t he
Miocene (end Cycle II) , Late Miocene (end Cycle reservoir grades into distributary channel
V) and superposed Late Miocene/ Early Miocene and in terdis tri bu tary sands tones, s il ty .
traps . sandstones and shales/coals interbeds. Porosities
Early Miocene (end Cycle II) traps are and permeabihties are between 12-30% and <1
formed by NE-SW elongated anticlines , to 1210 mD. The Kakus Member (Cycle II)
occasional small NW -SE anticlines , and large has higher porosity and permeability. Porosity
NE -SW structures . NE-SW to E-W anticlines reduction is caused by calcareous cementation ,
are often structurally compartmentalised b y compaction and authigenic quartz.
NW-SE dextral fau lting and oblique faulting Due to thicker overl ying shales
Tinjar Province

(a) 0 10 20 km

(d) 0 10 20 km


(e) 0 10 20 km
(b ) 0 10 20 km
I I Legend :

0 Lead
"- Fault

Vitrinite Reflectance
0 0.3 - <0.4
0 0.4 - <0 .5
0.5 - <0.6
20 km
(e ) 0


I 0 0.6 - <0 .7

Fig. 16.6 SAR images of the Tinjar Province. a) End Cycle 11 anticlinal structures having major NW-SE faults on its western flank and
interpreted as wrench related, is also faulted oblique to axis and plunges to the SE. b) Rhombohedral basin cOnLaining end - Cycle II large
anticl ines, which are moderately folded. These anticlines are bounded and cut by NW-SE strike-slip faults and NE-SW extensional faults.
Fault compartmentalisation could be a positive factor in trap/ seal capacity for this trap type, c) Symmetrical, small anticline which are
associate d wi th drag along major NW-SE transcurrent fault and has NW -SE trend. Such trap types a re a lso found in ot her
tectonostratigraphic provinces such as in West Balingian, d) End- Cycle II anticlinal structures are symmetrical to asymmetrical, elongated
structures with flat to gentle core and steep flanks. These are often broken by large wrench related NE-SW faults and shows SW plunges.
Other areas with such structures include East Balingian Province, e) Mixed end- Cycle II/Cycle V anticlines are cut by two se ts of wrench
related fault systems- NW-SE (right lateral) and NE-SW (left lateral). In the superposed structures, both ENE and SW structural plunges are
seen, and a rhombohedral basin is present to the south. Also plot of vitrinite renectance data on the SAR shows that mature shales and
organic matter have been sampled close to the rhombohedral basin.

preserving the objective section, the Nyalau Cycles III and IV clastics.
Formation in the rhombohedral basins could
have better potential. Major accumulations have The Lambir Formation (Cycle III) is regarded as a
been found in several major depressions close to secondary reservoirs play in the eastern part of
the boundary between the West and East the province. The formation consists of shallow
Balingian sub-provinces , comprising the Central marine to paralic sandstones. Porosities and
Balingian Sub-basin, Acis and North Acis sub - permeabilities range between 5-25% and <1 to
basins (see Fig. 165). 450mD. Porosity reduction is by ca lc i te
Lower Miocene (Cycles II1I) carbonates cementation, and quartz cementation. Th e
are another play type in the northeastern part of Lambir Formation probably underlies the Belait
the province. The Suai and Subis wells tested off- Formation in the Mentegal, Ulu Bok and Grabit
reef carbonate facies. Synclines (see Fig. 16.7).
Tinjar Province

~&d~~-=. ,,
Sch ematic stress elipse ,
fo r sub provin ce 5


~ 290 0

~ 0;=155 0 o
20 40 km

Subprovince 5


Fig. 16.7 SAR image (right) and interpretation (left). Structural patterns in Sub-province 5 comprise a) major NW-SE faults interpreted as
dextral wrench fault , and NNE-SSW minor faults, b) elongated synclines (in yellow), c) transpressional anticlines and d) in the south,
broad NE-SW synclines. Model for the area north of the Tinjar Knee involves N-S lateral motion, local stresses and shearing with
development of conjugate faults and compression . The maximum principal stress is oriented 335 0

Seal prone (Type II) and gas prone organic matter

(Type III), as suggested by the HI values of 21 9 -
Seals in the Tinjar Sub-provinces 3 and 4 are the 475 . A plot of Hydrogen Index against Tmax in
intraformational sha les in Nyalau and Lambir Figure 16.9 demonstrates the quality of selected
formations. Regional shales are largely absent. In coals and shales from the Nyalau Formation. The
the Balingian Province Lower Miocen e (Cycle II) percentage of oil prone kerogen s in the coals
intraformatio n al sh ales ar e importa n t in the ranges from a trace to 33%. Source facies are
Bayan Field, but generally Middle Miocene (Cycle only found in certain inte rvals of the Nyalau
III) shales form the regional seal. Formation. The occasional shale samples from the
shale source facies deposited ma inly in the
southwestern part of the Sub -provinces 3 and 4
show excellent hydrocarbon generating po tential
(S, up to 7.8 mg HC/g rock) Most of the shales
SOURCE ROCKS of the Nyalau Formation have fair to good organic
carbon r ichness (TOC up to 6.6 wt. %) b ut
Oligocene-Lower Miocene (Cycles IIII) sediments generally poor hydrocarbon generating potential
are th e m ain source rocks in the southwestern (S, < 2 mg HC/g rock, HI < 100) .
part of the Sub-provinces 3 and 4. These include The kitchen area is below the l ocal
coals and sh ales that were bo th depOS ited in depreSSion in the southwestern part of the
eith er in terdistributaries, or in the floodplains of province Figure 16.6d provides thermal maturity
the estuaries . Their equivalents are Cycles II and I data for several samp ling points, shOWing the
respectively. regional distribution of maturity for the Nyalau
Outcrop samp les fro m coal and shale Formation in the southwestern part of the
in tervals of the Nyalau Formation w ithin th e province, including these local depressions. In
Tinj ar Province h ave been analysed. The coals some of the depreSSions the specimens are in the
sh ow excellent organic carbon richness (TOe up early mature state with VRo: 0.62 -065%
to 78 wt. %) and excellen t hydrocarbon - The Se t ap Sh ale Forrna~ contains
gen erating po tential. Th e coals also contain oil- generally poo r source rock. The sh ales were
Tinjar Province

dep osited in the north in an open marine setting. Biomarker assemblages are characterized by the
Source rock studies have been carried out on b oth presence of moderately high TmlTs, moderate C 9
outcrop and subsurface samples of the Setap Shale ex!) h opane, low oleanan e, high bicadinan es, and
F o r ma ti on Th e d a t a sh ow that th e sha les C29 p r eference (Fig . 16. 11 ) . Genera lly , these
possess fa ir organic carb on rich ness and poor feat ures suggest that th e s ou rce roc k s were
h ydrocarb on gen eratin g poten tial. The samples deposited within a lower coastal plain setting with
contain Type III organic matter with potential to co n siderable terres trial o r ga ni c m atter
generate predominantly gas. All the Setap samples inputlhigher land-plant (resins)
a r e th er m all y i m m ature t o early m at ur e . T he Seta p Sh a le and th e Nya lau

.""- SE NW~

I+- Leads over structural high-.j 1. . 1----

. - - - Leads in depression --------1.~1
Possib le We ll Location Possible Well Location Possible We ll Locat ion

--------I '- ~
~U') E
Cij a. lL


Fig. 16 .8 Trapping model in Tinjar Province . Rese rvoirs in th e basinal parts and structural highs are bel ieved to be similar to the
hydrocarbon accumulati ons in offshore tectonostratigraphic provinces such as West Balingian Sub-province.

1000 formations in Cycle I at Selungun- l have poor to

Nyal au good organic carb on richness (TOC: 0.40-1.41
• (Coal s) Type I
900 - • Nyalau wt. %) . Since the analyzed sam ples from 769m to
• Setap 2212m ar e th erm ally ma tu re to pos t m a tu re
0.5% Vitrinite
800 - • Iso reflectance (VRo: 0.76-1.50 %, Fig. 16 12), the S2 values « 2
o I
m g H C/g rock) m erely indica te their residual
o I
f- 700- I
0> Type II
hydrocarbon potential. The HI's are gen erally less
"- I
tha n 10 0 , ind ica tin g th e ab ili ty to ge n e r ate
~ 600 -

. ,,', .
0> predominan tly gas . The kerogen types are mainly
.. 500 - Type III/IV of terrigenous origin.
~ More detaile d biom arker analyses sh ow
.!: 400 - I • tha t th e Nya lau Forma ti on coa ls an d sha les
• • I ·
d isplay ce rtain similari ties in th eir bi om ark er
I •
300 -

,. 1.2% Vitrinite
asse mbl ages mo d er ate to very h igh Tm/Ts,
moderate to extremely high C29 ex!) h opan e, trace
200 - T~ \ ,so/eflectance
to low oleanan e , m odera te to high bicadin anes,
an d C29 preference (Figures 16 .13 and 16.1 4) .
100 -
, .,
• • '-~~ These features are gene r ally ch aracterized as
a coas tal p la in (lower an d up pe r) depositi on al
400 420 460 I 480 500
setting with substantial terrestrial organic matter
1 Immat ure I Oil Window I Gas Window 1 input and also higher land-plant inputs (resins) .
The degree of the input (espeCially oleanane and
Tmax : deg C
bicadinan es) varies from location to location The
Fig. 16.9 Hydrogen Index against Tmax plot showing the quality b iom ark er assemb lages observe d in the r ock
of se lected Cycles VII coals and shales from the Nyalau and Setap
Shale form ations. extrac ts in th e Tinj ar Pr ovince also sh ow a
Tinjar Province

Figure a Figure b
1,000 40 ,---------------------,----------.
" t

.•i II

• 30


a: a:
Ol Ol
V. Good
'- 10 " 20
u 0 u
I Good I
Ol 5 II
E 0
~ 2.5
(f) (f)


ro (
@ shale

" ""
r.. C!l
• coal

0.1 0 -""---"-'--'='---'------=---'------'-------'
0,1 0,5 1 2 100 o 2 4 6 8
TOe (wt %) TOe (wt %)
f ig. 16.10 Sou rce pOlemia l summary d iagram (S \s I'UL ) I" l' the selecled Cyeles III I nKli, .tliel ,I!.dl" lrum the NY<ll<lll hl\'lll<lllllll

positive correlation with the biomarker characters The dominant play in the Tinjar Province
d isplayed b y the Balingian oils (see Balingian is the Oligocene- Lower Miocene Nyalau (Cycles
Province Chapter 14), IIII) The play occurs in the southwes t of the
In the Balingian Pro vin ce , Cycles 1111 Tinjar Province where the traps inclu de Lower
coals have oil an d gas po tential and shales h ave Miocene structural traps and su perposed Upper
" poor oil-prone potential. All th e best source rocks Mi o c en e/Low e r Mi ocene struct u ra l traps,
occur within lower coastal plain deposits, The
kerogens are Type III with some Types Ill/IV gas
prone , Some intervals of Cycle I in the D35 field Setap Formation
is lip tinitic, m/z 191

Coals from the Meri t-Pila coa lfiel d o f

ce n tral Sarawa k was stu d ied by Wa n H asiah
(1997) who foc u sed on th e petrographic details
of the early generation of oil-like su bstances fro m
the precursor sub erinite (coal), The Merit -Pila
coalfie ld forms an east-west elonga ted , b lock-
faulted , erosional outlier of the Miocene Nyalau
Form ation wh ich rests u n conform ably on the
Eocen e Belaga Forma tion , Th e stu d y o f these
coals clearly demon strates the early generation of
liqUid h ydrocarbon fro m the maceral suberinite , R

and establish es a model for a possible pathway

Setap Formation
for which liquid hydrocarbon could be naturally Shale
mlz 2 17
expelled from coal source rocks

The main play typ es are a) Oligocene- Lowe r
Miocene (Cycles IlII) clastics, b ) Oligo cen e -
Lower Mio cen e limesto n es in the northeastern
so 000
part , and c) Lambir Formation in the eastern part
fig. 16. 11 Typical bi omar ker d istributions of the shale extract
of the province ,
from [he Setap Shale Formation ,
Tinjar Province

o '"
Oil Window
Nyalau Formation
mtz 191

2,00011 - "
(609.76m )

li 4,000ft -

t3 (1 219.51m )


Nyalau Formation

• Cool

6,00011 -
(lB29.27m )

(2429 .02m) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0. 5 0.6 1 1.2 1.6 2
VRo %
38.000 .,"'" 42.000 «6000 48.000

Fig. 16.12 Depth-vitrin ite reflectance relationship showing the

maturity profi le of the ana lyze d samples from the Selungun-l Fig. 16.13 Typica l biomarker distributions of the coal extract
well. from the Nya lau Formation.

Numerous structures are found in Sub-provinces

3 and 4 (see Fig. 166) Half of the 40 untested Nya lau Formation
m/ z191
leads are found in the southwestern part of the
Tinjar Province where possible rhombohedral
b as in s ma y be present. Th ese struc tures are
genera ll y sha ll ow , but Nyalau Formation is
thicker in the loca l depressions due to
subsidence. The factors th at determine the
success of this typ e of pro spect include a)
thickness of intraformational shales, b) amount of
fault throw and position of fault with respect to
structure and c) preservation of Oligocene -Lower
Miocen e (Cycles II/I) target intervals (see Fig
16.S). Porosities and permeabilities are good.
The d epositional p attern and structural trend
seen in West Balingian are believed to extend to
Nyalau Formation
the southwestern part of the Tinjar Province . In Shale
m/z 217
the 1970-S0's, drilling in East and West Balingian
led to the discoveries of several fields (Temana,
Bayan, D21 , DIS , D30 and D35) Oil migrated
laterally into structures on the flan ks of the local
sub -b asins from kitchens suc h as the Central
Balingian Sub-basin , and the Acis and North Acis
sub-basins (Fig. 165)
The clastic and carbona te plays in the
Tinjar Province are mutually excl usive In the
nort heas t , the p lay is in the Oligocene-Lower
Miocene car bonat es, where Late Miocene
Fig. 16.14 Typical biomarker distributions of the shale extract
structural traps are present. Drilling at Suai and from the Nyalau Formation.
Tinjar Province

Subis found sub-commercial gas shows

Hydrocarbon traps in the Lambir
Formation, a secondary play in the eastern part of
the Tinjar Province, is difficult to define without
seismic data. The traps are possibl y present
underneath the Upper Miocene sandy Belait
Formation in synclines (see Fig. 16.7a). Th e
presence of effective intraformational shales
separating the reservoir from the extensive and
porous Belait sandstones is critical to the success
of the Lambir Formation play. In the Balingian
Pro vince oil and gas have been found in the
Lower Cycle III reservoirs at Temana, D12 and
Patricia. Coals and coaly shales are present in the
northern and eastern part of Tinjar Province and
could provide internal hydrocarbon sourcing for
the play.
Extensive land seismic work is necessary
to explore for these three main play types in the
future. Seismic acquisition selectively over some
structu r es is critical to upgrade leads into
prospects for drilling. In addition , aerogravity in
the Tinjar Province was acquired in September
1998. Sequence stratigraphy may also be useful
in predicting the continuity of reservoirs in the

The Tinjar Province has been studied geologically
to find petroleum. Three main play types in the
province have been identified. There are nearly
40 leads in Sub-Provinces 3 and 4 within the
Oli gocene - Lower Miocene (Cycles IIII) main
clastic and limestone plays. The Lambir
Formation in the eastern part of the province is a
secondary pla y . The reservoirs in the main
Nyalau clastic play are the subtidal to estuarine
and interdistributary intervals. These are the
Cycles IIII eqUivalents of the hydrocarbon prolific
West Balingian Sub-Province. The interbedded
shales are genera ll y thick enough to act as
effective seals. Oils could migrate laterally from
kitchens in local depressions into structures on
the flanks of adjacent sub-basins. In the Balingian
Province such lo ca l depressions include the
Central Balingian , Acis and No rth Acis sub-
Current seismic coverage is too sparse to
develop leads into prospects. Further exploration
efforts should certainly include seismic and
potential field data acq uisition in order to
upgrade some of the leads.
Tinjar Province


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