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Selenium Quiz for Web Automation Testing Example: Python sockets


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Selenium Quiz | By Meenakshi Agarwal

Selenium Webdriver is the most preferred tool for automated testing of web applications. It has  evolved
from Selenium RC to now Selenium 3.0 to keep up with the market trend. Here is the best Selenium quiz
with some most relevant and the latest questions to test your acquaintance of this subject.

With the help of Selenium, we can simulate actions on websites like a real user does. It provides a rich
set of APIs that we can use to capture a full business workflow for testing the functionality of any web
application. Thus, it helps in reducing a lot of manual testing efforts and has  now  become a W3C
standard. It can even work as a cross-browser automation tool for web application testing.

Also, with the rise of online startups, the requirement of web test automation tools like the Selenium
Webdriver is growing at a fast pace. Hence, it is important for us to cover this topic in detail. The
readers who can spend more time learning Selenium should refer to the latest set of  Selenium interview
questions  from our blog.  It could be a great resource for all Software test engineers.

However, in this Selenium quiz, we’ll focus on how to use Selenium APIs, Web-drivers for various
browsers, handle HTML objects, and different locators. We hope that it’ll be fun for you all to attempt this
interesting online test.

Web Automation – Selenium Quiz

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1. Question 10 points

Which of the following commands is used to print a string value or a variable in Selenium IDE?

1. print

2. display

3. echo

4. printf

2. Question 10 points

Which one is not the WebDriver’s expected condition?

Note: WebDriver’s ExpectedConditions class is used to test expected conditions.

1. textToBePresentInElement()

2. frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt()

3. elementToBeClickable()

4. titleIs()

5. isAlertPresent()

3. Question 10 points

What are the WebDriver methods to manage web-based alerts?

1. accept()

2. getText()

3. dismiss()

4. sendKeys(String stringToSend)

5. ignore()

4. Question 10 points

Which of the following languages is supported by The Selenium Web Driver?

1. ASP

2. Perl

3. PHP

4. Cobol

5. Question 10 points

Which of the following components is not the part of Selenium suite?

1. Selenium RC

2. Selenium IDE

3. SeleniumGrid

4. Selenium Web

6. Question 10 points

What are the different navigation methods of WebDriver?

1. back()
. bac ()

2. moveto()

3. forward()

4. goto()

5. refresh()

7. Question 10 points

Which of the following WebDriver methods is used to select the option at a given index?

1. selectIndex()

2. selectedByIndex()

3. selectByIndexes()

4. selectByIndex()

8. Question 10 points

Which of the following WebDriver methods is used to clear all selected entries?

1. deselectAll()

2. deselect_All()

3. dselectAll()

4. dselect_All()

9. Question 10 points

Which of the following exceptions is not an ideal candidate to ignore via  FluentWait?

1. NoAlertPresentException

2. ElementNotVisibleException

3. TimeoutException

4. NoSuchElementException

10. Question 10 points

Which type of exception is handled during compile time?

1. Checked

2. Error

3. None of the above

4. Unchecked

11. Question 10 points

WebDriver’s Actions commands are  <… complete the sentence … >?

1. commands that allow you to store values to a variable.

2. commands that directly interact with page elements.

3. commands that sends key strokes to browser.

4. commands that verify if a certain condition is met.

12. Question 10 points
Which of the following are the major changes that Selenium 3.0 brought in?

1. Selenium 3.0 no longer supports RC APIs.

2. Updates Chrome driver to work with Marionette/Wires.

3. Safari driver will get native support from Apple on MacOS (Sierra or later).

4. JRE 8.0 is the minimum requirement to run Selenium 3.0.

5. No out of the box support for Firefox Webdriver after 47.0.1. Use Geckodriver for newer

13. Question 10 points

Which of the following commands is not a type of assertion in Selenium IDE?

1. WaitFor

2. Assert

3. Wait

4. Verify

14. Question 10 points

Which one is not the correct type of locater?

1. XSD

2. DOM

3. ID

4. Name

5. CSS

15. Question 10 points

Which of the following steps is not mandatory to launch Firefox in Selenium 3?

1. caps.setCapability("marionette", true);

2. WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

3. driver.get("http://www.google.com");

4. DesiredCapabilities caps = new DesiredCapabilities();

5. System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "geckodriver path");

16. Question 10 points

The Selenium RC is used <… complete the sentence …>?

1. To run tests in different browsers (except HtmlUnit) on different OS.

2. To create tests with little or no prior knowledge in programming.

3. To test a web application against Firefox only.

4. To run a huge test suite, that can be executed in distributed environment.

17. Question 10 points

Which of the following parameters is not required to initialize Fluent wait?

1. The frequency to check the success or failure of a specified condition.
2. The maximum amount of time to wait for a condition.

3. Expected condition to wait.

4. Exception classes to ignore while waiting.

18. Question 10 points

What type of Wait objects keep alive until the WebDriver object dies?

1. Explicit Wait

2. Fluent Wait

3. Implicit Wait

4. All of the above

19. Question 10 points

What is the similarity between WebDriver’s close() and quit() methods?

1. closes the active web browser window.

2. closes all opened web browser windows.

3. None of the above.

4. does not accept arguments.

20. Question 10 points

What are the types of exceptions thrown in web driver?

1. ElementNotSelectableException

2. NoElementFoundException

3. ElementNotVisibleException

4. NoSuchElementException

5. StaleElementReferenceException

21. Question 10 points

What can be used to test Flex/Flash applications using Selenium?

1. Xebium

2. FlexUISelenium

3. SeleniumFlex

4. FlexUI

22. Question 10 points

Which of the following OS is not supported by Selenium IDE?

1. Windows

2. Mac OS X

3. Unix

4. Solaris

5. Linux

23. Question 10 points

Q p

Which of the following features does Selenium IDE support?

1. Test in multiple browsers

2. Test against Firefox only

3. Record and Play

4. Export recorded tests to scripts

5. Parallel testing using Selenium Grid

24. Question 10 points

Which of the following statements won’t hold true for Selenium 3.0?

1. In Selenium 3, all the major browser vendors ship their own WebDriver implementations except

2. In Selenium 3, all the major browser vendors ship their own WebDriver implementations except

3. In Selenium 3, all the major browser vendors ship their own WebDriver implementations except

4. In Selenium 3, all the major browser vendors (Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla) ship a
WebDriver compatible to their browser.

25. Question 10 points

Which of the following WebDriver commands is used to check the presence of a web element?

1. isElementExist

2. isElementPresent

3. verifyTextPresent

4. verifyElementPresent

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Note: You can find all the answers towards the end of this quiz. Please click here to download Selenium Webdriver.

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The rise of online startups is contributing to the growth of web test automation tools like Selenium
Webdriver. Also, it is quite easy to integrate Selenium with programming languages like Java and Python.

If you like to use Selenium with Python, then reading the below tutorial would be worthy of your time.

➡ Must Read –  Selenium Python Tutorial

Next, we hope that all the software developers  and test engineers would benefit from the quiz. They will
appreciate us for our  continuing efforts to share knowledge. We want to assure them that we’ll keep
coming with new quizzes on important subjects and will update the earlier  ones as well.

Please support us in our online training drive by sharing this post with  your friends and on social media
platforms (facebook/twitter).



Selenium Testing Quiz – Updated WebDriver Quiz Part2 – 20
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