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Grade-8 Fourth Quarter NO.

The students should be able to:

Use a Punnet square to predict the results of monohybrid crosses. (Essenfeld, 1994)
The learners demonstrate an understanding of how cells divide to produce new cells and meiosis as
A. Content Standards
one of the processes producing genetic variations of the Mendelian Pattern of Inheritance.
B. Performance
The learners should be able to report on the importance of variation in plant and animal breeding.
C. Learning Competencies
Predict phenotypic expressions of traits following simple patterns of inheritance; S8LT-IVf-18
Write the LC code for each
The Punnet Square
(Monohybrid Cross)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
pp. 226
2. Learners Material
pp. 329-344
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)
Teaching Guide For Senior High School General Biology 2
B. Other Learning
Howser, R. & Hawthorne, C. (2013). Lesson: don’t be a square. Retrieved from:
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Everybody stand. (Students stand.)

Good morning Class. Good morning, Ma’am Albuera, Ma’am Bauyot

and visitor!

Before you take your seats, arrange first your

chairs and pick up the pieces of trash around (Students arrange their seats and pick up the
you. trash.)

A. Reviewing previous (Students take their seats.)

lesson or presenting You can now take your seats.
the new lesson
Before we begin our class, let me remind you of
our rules—the 3 R’s: be respectful, be
responsible, and be ready to learn. Are the rules Yes Ma’am.

Today, you will be learning a new topic. But
before that, let us recall first what you’ve
previously learned. What was our lesson John Paul: Our lesson yesterday was about
yesterday? explaining the significance of meiosis in
maintaining the chromosome number.

James: Meiosis is a type of cell division that

Right. Now what is meiosis? produces four daughter cells.

Yes, you’re right. Meiosis indeed produces four

daughter cells. Now, are those four daughter Jose: They’re not identical Ma’am. Each
cells identical or not? daughter cell is different from the other daughter

Correct. Also, the daughter cells produced in

meiosis are different from the parent cell. And
why is that? Alex: Because the number of chromosomes in
the daughter cells are half the number of the
chromosomes in the parent cell.

Very good. So if the parent cell has 46

chromosomes, how many chromosomes will
there be in the daughter cells? Rhea: 23 Ma’am.

Right. Now, why is it necessary for meiosis to

reduce the number of chromosomes in half? Khenor: Because meiosis help in maintaining the
chromosome number of organisms.
Yes. Now what will happen if the chromosome
number of daughter cells produced in meiosis is
not reduced in half? Yzalyn: The organism that carry it might will have

Abnormalities such as what? Julie: Down Syndrome Ma’am.

Very good. Down syndrome happens when

something went wrong during meiosis leading an
individual to have an additional chromosome.

Class, always remember that the process of

meiosis is very important for the perpetuation of

Are there any questions or clarifications about

our lesson yesterday? None Ma’am.


Let’s have an activity. This activity is called “Who

Are My Parents?” Some of you have pictures
under your chair. Now to the students with
B. Establishing a
pictures under their chair, get the picture and
purpose for the
come to the front. The ones who got pictures
with the same color of borders will stand beside
each other. You can now start. (Students who got pictures come in the front.)




Alex and Rhea, you both are carrying pictures of
children. Supposed the people in pictures with
red borders are married as well as the people in
pictures with blue borders, which do you think
will be the parent of the child in the pictures you
both are carrying?
Go beside your chosen parents.

Do you agree with the answers of Alex and

Rhea? Yes, Ma’am!

Why do you say so? Raniel: It’s because it’s obvious that the child
with the curly hair has parents with curly hair.
Same as the child with straight hair. It’s clear that
her parents have straight hair.
Thank you. Alex, do you agree with the answer
of Raniel? Why? Alex: Yes, Ma’am. I believe that the girl in the
picture I’m carrying has parents with curly hair.

How about you Rhea? Rhea: I also agree Ma’am. I also believe that the
little girl in the picture is the daughter of the
couple with straight hair.

Their answers are indeed correct. It’s no doubt

that the child with the curly hair have parents
with curly hair. Same with the child with the
straight hair.

Now, what if the parents look like this?

What do you think will their child’s hair be? Curly

or straight? We will answer that question later
on. Before that, this is our objective first.
Everybody read.
At the end of the period, the students should be
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
able to:
Use a Punnet square to predict the results of
Use a Punnet square to predict the results of
monohybrid crosses.
monohybrid crosses.

Now let’s have an activity. I have here

scrambled letters.

e n e t i c s g
C. Presenting
of the new lesson.
e g n e

a e l l e L
g t e n o P e y

p e h n t O y p e

All you need to do is to arrange the scarmbled

letters to form words related to our discussion
today. The words you will form are actually
familiar to you since we discussed those
previously. Now who’d like to try?
e n e t i c s g
g e n e t i c s

e g n e
g e n e

a e l l e l
a l l e l e

g t e n o p e y
g e n o t y p e

p e h n t o y p e
p h e n o t y p e

Very good class. You’ve arranged the scrambled

letters correctly. Now let’s talk about the first
word formed—genetics. Now what is genetics?
Rodolfo: Genetics is the study of heredity and
Correct. Genetics explain how offspring get
some of their parents’ features but not others. By
the way, who is the father of genetics?
Angelo: Gregor Mendel.
Right. He was known for his study on pea plants.
Now, the second word is gene. What is a gene?
Maxel: Gene is the unit of heredity.
Very well. Our gene carry information about
living things, particularly our traits. What are
traits by the way? Yzalyn: Traits are characteristics that are
inherited from parents.
Correct. Next word is allele. What is an allele?
Chloey: An allele refers to a member of a pair of
genes that determine our traits.
Correct. Every individual have two alleles since Jennifer: Our mother and our father.
they come from whom?

Right. One allele is from our mother and one

from our father. The combination of our allele
could be:
AA Aa aa
Josephine: Dominant Ma’am
Capital letter stands for what type of allele?
Angelo: Recessive Ma’am.
How about the small letter?

Correct. Now, If the allele combination AA are Denver: Dominant allele, Ma’am.
together, which allele will be manifested?

Right. How about the combination Aa? Which Arabella: Still the dominant allele, Ma’am.
allele will be manifested?

Indeed. In every combination that has a

dominant allele, the allele that will always be
expressed is the dominant one. The dominant
will mask a recessive one.

How about the aa combination? Which will be Ivan: The recessive allele Ma’am.

Right. The only time that the recessive allele will

show is when there is no dominant allele

Let’s move on to the next word—genotype. What Samantha: Genotype refers to the pair of allele
is genotype? of an organisms.

Correct. AA, Aa, and aa are genotypes. They

are the genetic make-up of organisms.

Now let’s move on to the last word—phenotype. Alex: Phenotype refers to the physical
What is phenotype? appearance of an organism.

Right. Everything you see to an individual is

Now that you already are very familiar with the
basic concepts of genetics, let’s now go back to
the parents with the curly hair and straight hair.
Again, what do you think will be the hair of their (Students’ answers vary.)
child? Curly or straight?

Well, it’s not that easy to determine the type of

hair of the child if the parents have different
variations of trait. When two parents with
different traits mate, it is referred as monohybrid

In the picture, they differ in types of hair. But

there is a way for us to know what will be the
possible type of hair their child will have and that
is through the use of Punnet square.

A punnet square looks like this:


Punnet square is a diagram tool used to predict

trait inheritance. It shows all the possible
combinations of genes. By the way, always
remember that each box in the Punnet square is
equal to 25%. Now let’s use this square to
predict the possible traits of their offspring.

Curly hair= H
Straight hair= h

Let’s assume that:

Alleles of the curly-haired father is Hh.
Alleles of the straight-haired mother is hh.

I will fill first the first box and you will continue
the rest. Understand?

H h Father

h Hh H h

h Hh hh

h Hh hh
Very good. It seems you know how to fill it. Now
let’s try to study the outcomes.

Possible Offspring:
Genotype Phenotype
25%= ___Hh __= curly hair
25% = ________=________
25% = ________=________ Possible Offspring:
25% = ________=________ Genotype Phenotype
25%= __Hh__ = curly hair
Now you continue the rest. 25%= __Hh__ = curly hair
25%= __hh__ = straight hair
25%= __hh__ = straight hair

Janrey: 50%

What is the probability of their child having curly Janrey: By adding the two 25% since there are
hair? two Hh.

How did you get that? Bb Jean: 50%

Bb Jean: By adding the two 25% since there are
two hh.
Right. How about the straight hair?
How did you get that?

Very good.

To determine whether you really know now how

to use a Punnet square to predict the outcomes
of a monohybrid cross, let’s have a group

There will be 3 groups. Now look at the color of

your name tags. The ones with the yellow-
D. Discussing the new
colored name tags are the members of group 1.
concepts and
The ones with the orange-colored name tags are
practicing new skills
members of group 2, and the ones with the
green-colored name tags are the members of
group 3.

This is your task:

I. Objective:
After performing this activity, you should be able to:
a. Use a Punnet square to predict the result of a
monohybrid cross.

II. Material/s: Pentel pen

III. Procedure:
1. Read and analyze the problem.

A man with brown eyes married a

woman with blue eyes. If B=brown eyes and b=blue
eyes, what will be the possible color of the eyes of
their child?

2. Fill the Punnet square below.

B b
b Bb bb

b Bb bb

3. Complete the following:

Possible Offspring:
Genotype Phenotype
25% = _______=_____________
25% = _______=_____________
25% = _______=_____________
25% = _______=_____________

IV. Posing questions

1. What is the probability of their child to have brown

2. What is the probability of their child to have blue

You will fill the punnet square to predict the color

of the eyes of the offspring of the brown-eyed
man and the blue-eyed woman. Of course, you
will also answer the posing questions

Group 1, you will stay at the right side, Group 2,

stay in the middle, and Group 3, stay on the left
side. Are my instructions clear?

Now go to your group.

(Teacher gives the worksheets, activity sheets,
and the pentel pen.)
Yes, Ma’am.
You are given 5 minutes to do that. You can
start now.

E. Discussing the new

concepts and
practicing new skills
Your time is up. Post your worksheets in the
Group 1, present your output. Group 1

I. Objective:
After performing this activity, you should be able to:
a. Use a Punnet square to predict the result of a monohybrid cross.

II. Material/s: Pentel pen

III. Procedure:
1. Read and analyze the problem.

A man with brown eyes married a woman with blue

eyes. If B=brown eyes and b=blue eyes, what will be the possible
color of the eyes of their child?

2. Fill the Punnet square below.


B b
Bb bb

Bb bb

3. Complete the following:

Possible Offspring:
Genotype Phenotype
25%= _Bb_ = brown eyes
F. Developing mastery 25%= _Bb _ = brown eyes
25%= _bb _ = blue eyes
(Leads to formative 25%= _bb _ = blue eyes

assessment 3) IV. Posing questions

1. What is the probability of their child to have brown eyes?

The probability of the man and the woman’s child
having brown eyes is 50%.

2. What is the probability of their child to have blue eyes?

The probability of the man and the woman’s child
having brown eyes is 50%.

Group 1 representative: Good morning everyone.

This is our output. The result of the cross
between the man with the brown eyes and the
woman with the blue eyes is Bb, Bb, bb, and bb.
The possibility of their child having blue eyes will
be 50% and the possibility of their child having
How can you say that Bb represent the physical brown eyes is also 50%.
appearance that is brown eyes?
The dominant allele is brown eyes which is
represented by a capital letter B while the
recessive allele is blue eyes which is
represented by small letter b. Since Bb is a
combination of dominant allele and recessive
Right. When recessive and dominant alleles go allele, we concluded that Bb represents brown
together, the dominant will always be the one eyes.
that is expressed. How about bb? Why can you
say it represents blue eyes?
The recessive allele is blue eyes which is
represented by a small letter b. Since bb involve
the combination of two recessive alleles, it is
obvious that the trait to be expressed is the blue
Correct. As long as the recessive allele is not eyes.
combined with a dominant allele, it will be

Now how did you come up with that probability

of 50% that the child of the brown-eyed man and
the blue-eyed woman will have brown eyes?
The alleles Bb represent brown eyes. Each box
in the punnet square is equivalent to 25%. Since
there are two Bb found in the Punnet square, we
just added 25% with another 25%. That was how
Very well. How about the probability of the child we came up with the value that is 50%.
of the brown-eyed man and blue-eyed woman
having blue eyes? How did you come up with
It’s just the same with how we came up with the
brown eyes. The alleles bb represent blue eyes.
Each box in the Punnet square is equivalent to
25%. Since there are two bb found in the punnet
square, we just added 25% with another 25%.
That was how we came up with the value that is
Very good Group 1. Now let’s proceed to group 50%.

Group 2, present your output. Group 2

I. Objective:
After performing this activity, you should be able to:
a. Use a Punnet square to predict the result of a monohybrid cross.

II. Material/s: Pentel pen

III. Procedure:
1. Read and analyze the problem.

A man with brown eyes married a woman with blue

eyes. If B=brown eyes and b=blue eyes, what will be the possible
How can you say that Bb represent the physical color of the eyes of their child?

appearance that is brown eyes? 2. Fill the Punnet square below.


B b
Bb bb

Bb bb

Right. When recessive and dominant alleles go 3. Complete the following:

together, the dominant will always be the one Possible Offspring:

Genotype Phenotype
that is expressed. How about bb? Why can you 25%= _Bb_ = brown eyes
25%= _Bb _ = brown eyes
say it represents blue eyes? 25%= _bb _ = blue eyes
25%= _bb _ = blue eyes

IV. Posing questions

1. What is the probability of their child to have brown eyes?

The probability of the man and the woman’s child
having brown eyes is 50%.

Correct. As long as the recessive allele is not 2. What is the probability of their child to have blue eyes?
The probability of the man and the woman’s child
combined with a dominant allele, it will be having brown eyes is 50%.

expressed. Now how did you come up with that

probability of 50% that the child of the brown-
eyed man and the blue-eyed woman will have
brown eyes? Group 2 representative: Good morning everyone.
This is our output. The result of the cross
between the man with the brown eyes and the
woman with the blue eyes is Bb, Bb, bb, and bb.
The possibility of their child having blue eyes will
Very well. How about the probability of the child be 50% and the possibility of their child having
of the brown-eyed man and blue-eyed woman brown eyes is also 50%.
having blue eyes? How did you come up with
50%? The dominant allele is brown eyes which is
represented by a capital letter B while the
recessive allele is blue eyes which is
represented by small letter b. Since Bb is a
combination of dominant allele and recessive
allele, we concluded that Bb represents brown
Very good Group 2. Now let’s proceed to group
The recessive allele is blue eyes which is
Group 3, present your output. represented by a small letter b. Since bb involve
the combination of two recessive alleles, it is
obvious that the trait to be expressed is the blue
The alleles Bb represent brown eyes. Each box
in the Punnet square is equivalent to 25%. Since
there are two Bb found in the Punnet square, we
just added 25% with another 25%. That was how
we came up with the value that is 50%.

It’s just the same with how we came up with the

brown eyes. The alleles bb represent blue eyes.
Each box in the Punnet square is equivalent to
25%. Since there are two bb found in the Punnet
square, we just added 25% with another 25%.
That was how we came up with the value that is

Group 3

I. Objective:
After performing this activity, you should be able to:
a. Use a Punnet square to predict the result of a monohybrid cross.

II. Material/s: Pentel pen

III. Procedure:
1. Read and analyze the problem.

A man with brown eyes married a woman with blue

eyes. If B=brown eyes and b=blue eyes, what will be the possible
color of the eyes of their child?

2. Fill the Punnet square below.


B b
Bb bb

Bb bb

3. Complete the following:

Possible Offspring:
Genotype Phenotype
25%= _Bb_ = brown eyes
25%= _Bb _ = brown eyes
How can you say that Bb represent the physical 25%= _bb _ = blue eyes
25%= _bb _ = blue eyes
appearance that is brown eyes?
IV. Posing questions

1. What is the probability of their child to have brown eyes?

The probability of the man and the woman’s child
having brown eyes is 50%.

2. What is the probability of their child to have blue eyes?

The probability of the man and the woman’s child
having brown eyes is 50%.

Right. When recessive and dominant alleles go

together, the dominant will always be the one
that is expressed. How about bb? Why can you Group 3 representative: Good morning everyone.
say it represents blue eyes? This is our output. The result of the cross
between the man with the brown eyes and the
woman with the blue eyes is Bb, Bb, bb, and bb.
The possibility of their child having blue eyes will
be 50% and the possibility of their child having
brown eyes is also 50%.
Correct. As long as the recessive allele is not
combined with a dominant allele, it will be The dominant allele is brown eyes which is
expressed. Now how did you come up with that represented by a capital letter B while the
probability of 50% that the child of the brown- recessive allele is blue eyes which is
eyed man and the blue-eyed woman will have represented by small letter b. Since Bb is a
brown eyes? combination of dominant allele and recessive
allele, we concluded that Bb represents brown

Very well. How about the probability of the child

of the brown-eyed man and blue-eyed woman The recessive allele is blue eyes which is
having blue eyes? How did you come up with represented by a small letter b. Since bb involve
50%? the combination of two recessive alleles, it is
obvious that the trait to be expressed is the blue

Very good Group 3. Now let’s give everyone a

round of applause. The alleles Bb represent brown eyes. Each box
in the Punnet square is equivalent to 25%. Since
there are two Bb found in the Punnet square, we
just added 25% with another 25%. That was how
we came up with the value that is 50%.

It’s just the same with how we came up with the

brown eyes. The alleles bb represent blue eyes.
Each box in the Punnet square is equivalent to
25%. Since there are two bb found in the Punnet
square, we just added 25% with another 25%.
That was how we came up with the value that is

Since you already know how to predict the
outcomes of monohybrid crosses using Punnet
square, let me ask you a question. Why do you
think there is a need for us to predict outcomes?
Or to know the probability of a trait showing up? Khenor: For us to be informed of the possible
G. Finding practical traits that the offspring will have.
application of Good point. Now do you think diseases can be
concepts and skills passed on from parents to offspring? Samantha: Yes, Ma’am.
in daily living
Give me an example of a disease that can be
passed on by parents to offspring? Alex: High blood pressure Ma’am.

Right. What else? Jose: Diabetes.

Erich: Heart disease, Ma’am.

Correct. Now through predicting outcomes, we
could be informed of the probability of whether a
certain disease could show up in a child or not.
That could help a lot for early detection and
treatment of such disease.
To confirm whether you truly understand the
topic, I want you to complete the Punnet square.

A man with freckles married a woman without


F= with freckles
f= without freckles Father

Father F F
H. Making F F f Ff Ff

generalization and f
f Ff Ff

abstraction about
the lesson

What is the probability of the offspring to have Arabella: 100% Ma’am.

Is the answer of Arabella correct? Yes, Ma’am.

Why? James: The outcomes that are Ff, Ff, Ff, Ff all
have dominant alleles. As what’s been
discussed, when there is a dominant allele in a
combination, the dominant trait will always be
Very good. expressed.
For me to know whether you truly understand
our discussion for today, let’s have a quiz.

Directions: Fill the Punnet square below and Directions: Fill the Punnet square below and
determine the possible trait of the offspring if determine the possible trait of the offspring if
both the mother and father are heterozygous both the mother and father have freckles.
with dimples.
Key: D= with freckles
Key: d= without freckles
D= with dimples
d= without dimples Father

I. Evaluating learning D d

Father D DD Dd

D d
d Dd dd

Possible Offspring:
Genotype Phenotype
Possible Offspring: 25%= _DD = with dimples
Genotype Phenotype 25%= _Dd = with dimples
25% = _____ =_____________ 25%= _Dd = with dimples
25% = _____ =_____________ 25%= _dd = without dimples
25% = _____ =_____________
25% = _____ =_____________

J. Additional activities EXTEND:

for application or Get your notebook and copy your assignment.
In a ½ sheet of paper, define the following terms:
a. incomplete dominance
b. codominance
c. multiple alleles

Are you done? Yes, Ma’am.

Okay. That is all for today. Goodbye Class. Goodbye and thank you Ma’am Albuera, Ma’am
Bauyot, and visitor.


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
worked? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

Ocampo, P.,et al. (2013). Science: learner’s module. Philippines: Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
Religioso,T., et al. (2013). You and the natural science. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

Genotype – A part of the genetic make-up of an individual which determines one of its characteristics. (Rr, RR, rr)
Phenotype – Observable characteristics or traits (Round, wrinkled)
Dominant gene – Gene containing the dominant trait represented by a big letter (R)
Recessive gene – Gene containing the recessive trait represented by a small letter (r)
Heterozygous genotype – Possesses one of each gene (Dd = dominant + recessive gene)
Homozygous genotype – Possesses two similar genes (DD = dominant + dominant, dd = recessive + recessive)

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