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GEOPHYSICS. VOL. 46, NO. 11 (NOVEMBER 1981); P. 1508-1518, 21 FIGS.

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An introduction to the generalized reciprocal method

of seismic refraction interpretation

Derecke Palmer*

the depth of the refractor) expressed in units of time At the Geo-

ABSTR-ACT iogicai Survey of New South Wales, the computer program
The generalized reciprocal method (GRM) is a technique SEISSF (Hatherly, 1976) is used to compute and plot these pro-
for delineating undulatingrefractorsat any depth from in-line cessed data, as well as the original traveltime data.
seismic refraction data consisting of forward and reverse The interpretation stage begins with assignment of a refractor
traveltimes. to each arrival time from examination of the traveltime curves.
The traveltimes at two geophones,separatedby a variable This aspectof interpretation is common to all refraction interpreta-
distanceXY, are used in refractor velocity analysisand time- tion methods and is discussed in more detail elsewhere (Palmer,
depth calculations. At the optimum XY spacing, the upward 1980, chapter I I). The next stapc of interpretation is the deter-
traveling segments of the- rays to each geophone emer;w mination of refractor velocities, and where possible, optimum XY
from near the same point on the refractor. This results in values which are analogous to twice the migration distance with
the refractor velocity analysis being the simplest and the the delay time method. This information is used in constructinga
time-depths showing the most detail. In contrast, the con- time section (Paimer. 1980 chapter ii)). from which a rnigrated~
ventional reciprocal method which has XY equal to zero is depth section can be derived (Hathcrly, 1979. 1980).
especially prone to produce numerous fictitious refractor This paper introduces the refractor velocity analysis function,
velocity changes, as well as producing gross smoothing of the generalized time-depth, the optimum XY value. and the aver-
irregular refractor topography. age velocity. The GRM is then applied to two synthetic models
The depth conversion factor is relatively insensitive to dip which represent examples of the hidden layer and velocity inver-
angles up to about 20 degrees, because both forward and sion problems.
reverse data are used. As a result, depth calculations to an
undulating refractor are particularly convenient even when The velocity analysis function
the overlying strata have velocity gradients. Using the symbols in Figure I. the velocity analysis function
The GRM provides a means of recognizing and ac- tv is defined by the equation
commodating undetected layers, provided an optimum XY
value can be recovered from the traveltime data, the re- tV = (IA,' - fRX + tAB)/2. (0

fractor velocity analysis, and/or the time-depths. The The value of this function is referred to G, which is midway
presenceof undetected layers can be inferred when the ob- between X and Y.
served optimum XY value differs from the XY value cal- In routine interpretation with the GRM, values of tv calculated
culated from the computed depth section. The undetected using equation (I) are plotted against distance for different XY
layers can be accommodated by using an average velocity values. The inverse of an apparent refractor velocity V,l, is defined
based on the optimum XY value. This average velocity as the slope of a line fitted to the tv values for the optimum XY
permits accurate depth calculations with commonly en- (that for which the forward and the reverse rays emerge from
countered velocity contrasts. nearly a common point on the refractor), i.e.,

The generalized reciprocal method (GRM) (Palmer, 1974, 1980) It can be shown (Palmer, 1980) that
is a technique for processing and interpreting in-line seismic re-
fraction data consisting of forward and reverse traveltimes. v, = v,: cos 8,_,, (3)
The processing aspectsof the GRM are the computation of the when V, is the true refractor velocity and On 1 is the dip of the
velocity analysis function (from which the refractor velocity is refractor. It is usual to take VA as the true refractor velocity in
obtained) and the generalized time-depth (which is a measure of most situations.

Presentedat the 50th AnnualInternationalSEG MeetingNovember18, 1980, in Houston. Manuscript receivedby the EditorJuly 29, 1980
*GeologicalSurveyof New SouthWales, GPO Box 5288, Sydney,N. S. W. 2001. Australia.
OO16-8033/81/l lOI-1508$03.~. 0 1981Societyof ExplorationGeophysicists. All rightsreserved.
Generalized Reciprocal Method of Seismic Refraction 1509

The generalized time-depth The depth conversion factor

The generalized time-depth tG in seismic refraction interpreta- For plane layering between the forward and reverse arrival
tion corresponds(but is not identical) with the one-way traveltime times, equation (4) can be shown (Palmer, 1980) to reduce to
in seismic reflection methods. Using the symbois_uEFigurci , tire n-1

generalized time-depth at G is defined by the equation tG = 2 ZJG/Vjn, (5)

tG = [tAY + tBX - (tAA + xy/v121/~. (4)
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The term VA is the apparent velocity determined from the velocity

function. Vj, = 2Vj/(COS O-jn + COS pj,). (6)

Vjn is the depth conversion factor. For zero dips, it is equivalent

Similarities between the GRM and other methods
to the A function of Meidav (1960, p. 1049-1051), the depth
For the special case of XY equal to zero, equation (I) reduces conversion factor of Hawkins ( 1961, p. 807, 808), twice the G
to equation (7) of Hawkins (1961, p. 809). It is similar to the factor of Stulken, (1967, p. 312), and twice the variable W of
minus term in the plus-minus method (Hagedoorn, 1959). The Chan (1968).
velocity analysis formula quoted by Scott (1973, p. 275) is a least- A major advantage of the GRM is that the depth conversion
squares fit of data values which are mathematically similar to factor is relatively insensitive to dips up to about 20 degrees
equation (I), but with a zero XY value. (Palmer, 1980), because both forward and reverse data are used.
Several special cases of the generalized time-depth can be de- As a result the horizontal layer approximation can be used, i.e.,
rived, depending upon the XY spacing used.
For XY equal to zero, the conventional time-depth [Hagiwara Vj, ^- VAVj/(Vf - Vj2)1’2. (71
and Omote. 1939. p. 127: Hawkins. 1961. p. 807, equation (3); The_ velocities used in equation (7) are those calculated from
Dobrin, 1976, p. 218, equations (7.35), (7-36)] is obtained. It is equation (2).
similar to the plus term in the plus-minus method (Hagedoorn, The insensitivity of the depth conversion factor to dip angles
1959; Hawkins, 1961, p. 814) and to a term in the method of makes the GRM an extremely convenient method for dealing with
differences [Heiland, 1963, p. 549, equation (9.68)]. For the caf- irregular refractors, including those overlain by a layer within
culation of the conventional time-depth. no knowledge of the re- which the velocity varies continually with depth (Palmer, 1980,
fractor velocity is required. chapter 5).
For XY selected such that the forward and reverse rays emerge
from near the same point on the refractor, a result similar to the The optimum XY value
mean of the migrated forward and reverse delay times (Gardner, The determination of the optimum XY values is probably the
1939, 1967; Barry, 1967) is obtained. Although the delay time most difficult and the most important aspect of the GRM. At this
method is generally consideredto be valid for dips up to 10 degrees, stage,there are two distinct approachesto determining the optimum
it is in fact sensitive to dip angles as small as 5 degrees (Palmer, XY value.
1974). Not only does the generalized time-depth overcome the
errors related to dip, but it also conveniently includes separation (I) Direction calculation of XY values.-The first approach
of geophone and shotpoint delay times, migration, and con- to determining optimum XY values is the direct calculation from
vergence corrections into a single operation. the seismic velocities and thicknessesusing the formula
Other methods similar to the GRM include Hales’s method II 1
(Hales, 1958; Woolley et al, 1967) and McPhail’s method XYoptimum 2 2 C ZjG tan iJn, (8)
(McPhaii, 1967). ,, = 1


FIG. 1. Summary of the model and the raypath parametersused in the calculationof the velocity analysisand generalizedtime-depth functions.
1510 Palmer

where In many cases, improved field procedures are sufficient to re-

solve the inherent ambiguity of single traveltime curves (see
‘J n
= Sin-l(Vj/V,). (9)
“Ambiguities concerning the important refractor,” Hawkins,
Hence an optimum XY value can be calculated for any seismic 1961, p. 810).
velocity versus depth section, such as that computed from refrac- Unfortunately, an increase in the number of shotpoints is not a
tion traveltime data using any interpretation method. solution to all problems of ambiguity, such as the hidden layer
(2) Observation of XY values.-The second approach is the (Soske, 1959). The hidden layer problem occurs where energy
from a refractor of higher seismic velocity arrives at the surface
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inspectionof the traveltime data, the amplitudes of seismic traces,

or the refractor velocity analysis and time-depth functions. before energy from an overlying refractor. The hidden hyer or
A method familiar to many refraction seismologists is the masked layer thickness can vary between zero and a maximum
estimationof the separationof distinctive featureson the traveltime theoretical thickness which is terrncd the blind zone (Hawkins
curves of forward and reverse shots [see Woolley et al, 1967, and Maggs, 1961, p. 526).
p. 280, (f)]. This separation is taken as the optimum XY value. The blind zone is more than a measure of the maximum error
Another method is to equate the optimum XY value with the in depth calculations causedby hidden layers. The blind zone is a
distance at which the critical reflection occurs (Grant and West, necessaryconsequenceof the basic characteristicof the refraction
1965, p. 108; Layat, 1967, p. 179). At the critical reflection. method in which arrivals from a decpcr layer overtake those from
marked increasesin reflection and refraction amplitudes generally a shallower layer or part of a shallower layer. It represents the
occur. zone in each layer where the velocity distribution which is deter-
However, these methods are not considered to be as reliable as mined in the upper part of the layel is extrapolated. The example
the inspection of the velocity analysis and time-depth functions of Hagedoom (19.55. p. 329-332) emphasizes the significance
calculatedfor a range of XY values (see Palmer, 1980, chapter 6). of the blind zone because it demonstratesthat even when hidden
With nonoptimum XY values. the velocity analysis functions can layers are absent, the velocity distribution in the blind zone still
indicate refractor velocity changeswhich vary with the XY separa- cannot be obtained accurately by extrapolation from the upper
tion, in both magnitude and sign. These fictitious velocity changes part of the layer.
usually occur with an irregular refractor topography. The XY The use of second and later events has been advocated, but
value, for which the velocity analysis function is the simplest, even with this approach many ambiguities can still exist (Palmer,
correspondsto the optimum value. 1980, chapter 7).
Nonoptimum XY values also result in smoothing of the time- Another type of undetected layer is the velocity inversion prob-
depths for irregular refractor topography. The XY value for which lem (Domzalski, 1956. p. 153-155; Knox, 1967, p. 207-211;
the time-depths show the most detail correspondsto the optimum Greenhalgh, 1977). An inversion occurs when a layer has a lower
value. seismicvelocity than the layer above it, and as a result, no critically
The determination of optimum XY values by inspection of refracted head waves can be generated. In general, depth calcula-
velocity analysis and time-depth functions will be demonstrated tions can be subject to unknown but often large errors becauseof
in the examples to follow. this problem.
The existence of these two basic approachesof computing and Drillholes with either lithological or velocity logs, or average
observing optimum XY values makes the GRM a unique and ex- velocities from seismic reflection \urveys, can help minimize
tremely powerful interpretation method. If thedepth section is to errors caused by undetected layers. However, when these data
be consistentwith the traveltime data, the computedand observed are not available, it may still bc possible to accommodate un-
XY values must agree. If these values do not agree, then un- detected layers by ensuring that the observed and calculated
detected layers are indicated. optimum XY values agree. This can be achieved by adjusting
thicknesses or velocities of one or more layers until agreement
Undetected layers
occurs. While this method usually results in the total depth to the
While advanced interpretation routines recognize the existence important refractor being more accurate, it may downgrade the
of irregular refractors, it is still commonly assumed that the geologic significance of overlying refractors by introducing layers
velocity stratification can be unambiguously inferred from the which may be the sum or average of several layers, and which
traveltime curves. This assumption constitutesprobably the mos’ may be out of sequence.
serious shortcoming of the refraction method (Hagedoorn, 1959 Alternatively, an average velocity based on the observed XY
p. 164-166; McPhail, 1967, p. 260). value can be used.


FE. 2. In this model, the second layer would not normally be detectedusing normal seismic refraction field procedures.Accordingly, it pro-
vides a searching test of any interpretation routine.
Generallzecl Reciprocal Method of Seismic Refraction 1511

Table 1. Traveltime data.

Distance Station Hidden layer Velocity inversion

Cm) number example example

0 0 Shot 88.6 Shot 91.2

46.0 14.6 50.6 19.2

zz 66.5 47.0 73.6 51.6 78.2
I 48.0 72.7 52.6 77.3
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:: 1.5 49.0 71.7 53.6 76.3

80 8 50.0 70.8 54.6 75.4
8.5 51.0 69.8 55.6 14.4
; 52.0 68.9 56.6 73.5
95 Z.5 53.0 67.9 57.6 12.5
loo 54.0 66.9 58.6 71.6
105 ii.5 55.0 65.9 59.6 70.6
110 II 56.0 65.5 60.6 70.3
115 11.5 57.0 65.6 61.6 70.4
120 12 58.3 65.7 62.7 70.6
125 12.5 60.2 65.8 64.2 70.7
130 13 62.0 65.0 66.1 69.7
135 13.5 63.8 64.0 68.0 68.7
140 14 65.7 63.0 69.7 67.7
145 14.5 67.5 62.0 71.5 66.7
150 15 68.6 61.0 73.2 65.7
155 15.5 69.6 60.0 74.2 64.7
160 16 70.6 59.0 75.2 63.7
165 16.5 71.6 58.0 76.2 62.7
170 17 72.6 57.0 77.2 61.7
175 17.5 73.6 56.0 78.2 60.7
180 18 14.6 55.0 79.2 59.7

240 24 86.6 Shot 91.2 Shot

The average velocity differ by less than a factor of two) and provided there is good
contrast with the refractor velocity (i.e., the refractor velocity is
The use of an average velocity above the refractor permits depth
at least twice that of the overlying layers). When these conditions
calculations without defining all layers. It can also be useful in
do not occur, it is still possible to obtain reasonably accurate
accommodating undetected layers. The method described below
depths by subtracting the effects of well-defined layers from the
usesthe observed optimum XY value and is analogousto the deter-
time-depth using a partial summation with equation (5) and from
mination of stacking velocity from normal moveout (NMO) mea-
surementsin reflection processing. the observed XY value using a partial summation with equation
(8). The average velocity and total thickness then apply to the re-
An expression for an average velocity can be obtained by re-
placing the terms containing the seismic velocity of each layer maining layers (Palmer, 1980).
in equations (5), (7), (8), and (9) with the average velocity Vand MODEL STUDIES
combining them so that the depth terms are excluded. The result-
One of the most searchingmethodsof assessingthe performance
ing expression is
of the GRM is to apply the techniques to data generated by wave-
v = [v;zxY/(xY + 2tcV;)1”2. (10) front construction with a fully defined model.
A major advantage of this average velocity is that a depth to Elsewhere (Palmer, 1980) models with very irregular refractor
the refractor is not required, unlike the methods of Hawkins surfaces, refractor velocity variations, irregular ground topo-
[1961, equation (5)] and Woolley et al (1967, p. 279-280). graphy, and overburden with linear increasesof velocity with depth
In routine interpretation, the calculation of time-depths using have been used. For this publication, two models which are
equation (4) and refractor velocities using equation (2) present examples of the hidden layer and velocity inversion problems will
few problems. Therefore, if an optimum XY value can be ob- be used. The traveltime data are presented in Table 1.
served, then an average velocity can be obtained with equation
Hidden layer example
(10). The total thickness of all layers can then be computed by
the following equation The first example is a three-layer case (Figure 2) in which the
second layer would probably not be recognized on first arrival
.P.- 1
traveltime data (Figure 3), particularly at the shallow end of-the
2 Zic = tcV/COSi, (11)
j=l _ profile.

Refractor velocity analysis
i= sin-‘@/VA). (12) In Figure 4, the velocity analyses [equation (I)] for XY values
It can be shown (Palmer, 1980, chapter 8) that the errors in from zero to 30 m are shown. Computer program SEISSF
depth calculationsusing the average velocity method are generally (Hatherly, 1976) was used to compute and plot these points. Also,
less than a quarter of the errors for the blind zone, provided the to avoid confusion by overplotting of points for various XY values,
seismic velocities of the overlying layers are similar (i.e., they different, fictitious reciprocal times have been used. This results




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50 2

46 i

40 5





+ IS


FIG. 3. Traveltime curves for the model shown in Figure 2. The times for the deepest layer were obtained by wavefront construction.

in simple vertical displacements which can be easily corrected in

later interpretation stages(Palmer, 1980, chapter 9). Furthermore,
the apparentrefractor velocity determined with equation (2) is not
It can be readily seen that the set of points for each XY do not
lie on a single straight line. In fact, for zero XY, the conventional
reciprocal method, it is possible to infer the existence (from the
changes in slope of lines through the points) of both a higher
velocity and a lower velocity zone which are not present in the
original model.
It can also be seen that the deviations of the points from the
straight line change from negative for zero XY to positive for the
30-m XY. However, if the velocity analyses points were plotted
for the updip direction, rather than the downdip direction as shown
[i.e., if the first two terms on the right-hand side of equation (1)
were reversed], then the signsof the deviations would be reversed.
These deviations occur in the vicinity of the change in depth to
STRTION NU~IBER the 5000 misec refractor and indeed are a result of this change.
No such deviations would be observed if the refractors were
FIG. 4. Velocity analysis functions calculated with the traveltimes planar.
from the deepestlayer, for a range of XY values from 0 to 30 m. The
dashedlines are the loci of where the points cease to be collinear. Optimum XY values
The intersection of the two lines on the left-hand side indicates
that 10 m is the optimum XY value, while on the right-hand side In Figure 4, it can be seen that the points for a 1.5-m XY are
a value of 20 m is indicated. the best approximation to a straight line. However, even for this
Generalized Reciprocal Method of Seismic refraction


++ +++++++++++o 15 9
++++++++++++ ::
+++ +++++++++sm 20

+++++++++++ FIG. 6. Depth section calculated from time-depths with a zero XY
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++ 25 4
++++++++++ ++++++++++ ,om 2 value and assuming that all layers can be detected. Considerable
++ 30 smoothing of the refractor surface is obvious.
++ ++++++++ im,


+++++++++ 20m
++ 10

++++++++ 25m
++++++++ 30m

FIG. 5. Time-depths calculated with the traveltimes from the deep-

est layer for a range of XY values from 0 to 30 m. The reader can
obtain an appreciation of the improvement in detail with optimum
and near optimum time-depths by plotting the loci of the edges of
the sloping surface for various XY values. This sloping surface
has the smallesthorizontal expression in the time-depths for a 15 m
XY value.

FIG. 7. Depth section calculated from time-depth with a 10 m XY

set of points, it is still possible to recognize both positive and value and assuming that all layers can be detected. The improve-
negative deviations. Therefore, it can be concluded that this XY ment, particularly around the left-hand edge of the sloping surface,
value represents an average value. Such an average may in fact can be observed.
be the only value which can be recovered from routine field data.
Nevertheless, depth sections to be discussed below verify that
even this value can improve the accuracy of interpretations.
It is likely that the positive and negative deviations destructively
interfere for the sets of points for 10, 15, and 20 m XY values.
The following method is one approach to determining optimum
XY values on either side of a major structure in the refractor.
The first and last major deviations from the straight line are
determined for XY values away from the optimum. For this
example, the points where the deviations are greater than one-half
millisecond are selected. These points on adjacent lines in Figure 4
are joined, and the XY value where the line through the positive
deviations intersects the line through the negative deviations is
selected as the optimum value. These lines are shown dashed in
Figure 4, and they indicate that the optimum values either side
FIG. 8. Depth section calculated from time-depths with a I.5 m XY
of the sloping refractor surface are !O m and 20 m. value and assuming that ail layers can be detected. This depth
section provides the best definition, if only one XY value is used
Generalized time-depths
for the whole model.
In Figure 5, the time-depths are shown for XY values from 0
to 30 m. As in the case of the velocity analysis, the computer
program SEISSF was used with different reciprocal times to pre-
vent overplotting of points for different XY spacings. The simple
model used here does not facilitate a full appreciation of the
benefits of the time section (Palmer, 1974; 1980). However, the
reader can obtain an appreciation of the improved detail from
time-depths calculated with optimum and near-optimum XY
values, in the following way. Three straight lines are drawn
through each set of tinie-depths: one each through the horizontal
portions, and one through the sloping portion. This sloping por-
tion has a minimum horizontal expression for the set of time-
depths with a 15-m XY value.

. sections
FIG. 9. Depth section calculated from time-depths with a 20 m
Figures 6 to 9 present depth sections in which it has been XY valtie and assuming that all layers can be detected. This depth
assumedthat first arrival refractions have been recorded from all section provides the best definition around the right-hand edge of
interfaces, including the 2000 misec layer (i.e., it is not a hidden the sloping surface.
1514 Palmer

FIG. 10. Depth sec- 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16

tion calculatedfrom L ,
time-depths with a
zero XY value and XY=O V=lOOOm/s
assuming that the -‘-‘-.-‘- -.- -
second layer is -.-.- _. -.-
hidden. The aver- ___---_________\
age velocity of 1000 --.-.- -._.- _._ ‘\
Q -\. _. JBlind Zone Limits
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misec would be --.- -.- -._-_=

g 5000m/s \ .___________----
readily recovered
from the travel-time -I
data. w

6 7 6 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 16
FIG. Il. Depth set- E 0 I !
tion calculatedfrom w
time-depths and an z
average velocity z -lo XY=lOm B=ll79m/s
with a 10 m XY -
value. These results g -20 _______----_________
give the best depth
calculations possi- ;z
ble with the GRM 5 -30 t 5000m/s ‘~____________________
to the left of the y
sloping surface. w

FIG. 12. Depth set- cl

p 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16
0 I #
tion calculated with w T
time-depths and an f
average velocity z -lo XY ql5m V=l344 m/s
with a 15 m XY - t
value. This depth 5 -20
sectionprovides the _
best definition, if I-
only one XY value is E -30 500 0 m/s --
used for the whole tj
model. W

g o T 6, 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16
, To ;

FIG. 13. Depth sec-

tion calculatedfrom id -10 -10 g
time-depth and an z V= 1459m/s
t XY = 20m t
average velocity z z

with a 20 m XY - -20 ---__--__----------_ -20 -
value. This depth z .‘
section highlights
0 t ifi

the tendency of the r

5000 m/s
c-___--_____________ _ -30 z
average velocity >
overestimate y -40 I l-40 2
gpths. W

layer). This has been done to permit an appraisal of the resolving However, as discussed above, the detection and definition of
power of the GRM under ideal conditions. all layers is not automatic with the refraction method.
Perhaps the most striking feature of these figures is the con- In Figures 10 to 13, depth sections are shown in which it has
siderable smoothing of the depth section with zero XY. The depth been assumed that the 2000 m/set layer has not been detected.
sections computed with optimum and average XY values are In Figure 10, the depth section has been calculated using a con-
significantly better. This example, as well as others elsewhere. stant velocity of 1000 misec in the overburden layer. However,
indicate that it is not essential to calculate time-depths, and there- the XY values calculated for this depth section arc 7 and 9 m,
fore depth sections using the exact XY value, for every geophone which differ significantly from the observed values of 10 and
location even when there are substantial changes in refractor 20 m. Also, the mean of the calculafcd values, 8 m, is about half
depths. An XY value within about 50 percent of the optimum still the observed average value of I5 m. Clearly this comparison of
results in adequate definition, provided all seismic velocities are calculated and observed values has established the existence of
known. Time-depths using optimum XY spacing, on the other undetected layers.
hand, can improve definition around features of particular interest. The previous method of coping with this situation was to cal-
Generalized Reciprocal Method of Seismic Refraction 1515

0 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 I9 20 21 22 23 24
0 I L I1 I 11 1 11 11 1 ' 1 ’ “1

g IO-
1000 m/s
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FIG. 14. This mode! is an example of a velocity inversion. with the second layer be@ undetectableusing normal seismic refraction field

100 100

T T 96
t t



FIG. IS. Traveltime curves for the model shown in Figure 14. The times for the deepest layer were obtained by wavefront construction
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II ++++++++++ i‘t++++++ 15m 35

40 1 t+++++++++

i‘t++++++ 2Om i 40

‘ ++++++ 25m
+ _
+++++++ 30lll

FIG. 17. Time-depths calculated with the traveltimes from the

deepestlayer for a range of XY values from 0 to 30 m. The reader
can observe the improvement in detail with optimum and near-
FIG. 16. Velocity analysis functions calculatedwith the traveltimes optimum time-depths by plotting the loci of the edgesof the sloping
from the deepest layer, for a range of XY values from 0 to 30 m. surface for various XY values. This sloping surface has the small-
est horizontal expression in the time-depths for a 20 m XY value.
The dashed lines are the loci of where the points cease to be
collinear. The intersection of the two lines on the left-hand side
indicates that 1.5m is the optimum XY value. while on the right-
hand side a value of 25 m is indicated.

FIG. 18. Depth 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

section calcu- 20 6
6 7

lated from time- rx T

depths with a L
x -10
zero XY value
XY=O 9=2000 m/s
and an average z t
velocity of 2OOtl
mlsec. This is z ________-__________~
the value which A
would be the - -30 \‘
G .________________-___
most likely re- >
coveredfrom the -3 -20
-40 1
traveltime data. w

5000 m/s

FIG. 19. Depth 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

section calcu- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
En ,
fated from time- ,,,
depths and an E
average velocity z -10 XY = 15m 5 = 1343m/s
witha15m - F I
-20 g

XY value. The g -20
depths show b--
good agreement r -30 !gj
with the Ieft- 5 -30 - W
hand side of the w ,__-------_-- ____-__-
5000m/s ii
model. ii

20 6 7 8 9 ,O I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0 E
FIG. 20. Depth g -I o XY = 20m ii q 1457m/s -10 g

section calcu- z
lated from time- f; _20 -20 -
depths and an
average velocity ‘__------_----_-----_, E
z- -30 ‘\
with a 20 m XY -30 r
value, (I .______-__--_-___- __._ (I
y -40 5000mh 2,
::’ r -40
Generalized Reciprocal Method of Seismic Refraction 1517

12 13 14 15 16 17 16
CO 6, 7 6 9 10 11 a 0 E
K cc
+ I--
FIG. 21. Depth g -10 ii=1542 m/s -10 g
XY = 25m
section calcu- Z
lated from time- 5 -20 -
depths and an _ -20 z
average velocity 6 ----.
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with a 25 m XY r -30 ‘\
value. cr . ‘x.
y -40
.L____ __ __ _ _-______--

1 -40 z

cuiate the maximum errors (Hawkins and Maggs, 1961) for an Unfortunately, examination of the time-depths in order to assess
intermediate layer with an assumed, or known velocity. In Fig- whether refractor velocity variations are a result of irregular re-
ure 10, the dashed lines are the maximum errors for a 2000 m/set fractor topography is not reliable, because the conventional
layer. Despite statements to the contrary (Green. 1962). these reciprocal method also smooths refractor topography. Therefore
maximum errors are all that can be determined in the absence of it is essential to compute velocity analysis functions for XY
any other data (Hawkins and Maggs, 1962). values ranging from zero to in excess of the likely optimum. This
Figures 11 to I3 show depth sections calculated from average practice permits the recognition and separationof refractor velocity
velocities based on 10, 15, and 20 m XY values and corresponding changeswhich are of geologic origin from those which are a func-
time-depth values of 17, 19.25, and 21.5 msec. tion of the XY value.
Let us consider the case when only an average XY value (in this Furthermore, the definition of refractors with time-depths using
case I5 m) can be recovered. It is clear that the depth section in finite XY spacings are more detailed than with time-depths using
Figure 12 is significantly better than that in Figure IO. a zero XY spacing, i.e., with the conventional reciprocal method.
If it is possible to obtain XY values for particular sections of a At this stage, it appears that XY values which differ from the
seismic refraction profile, then further improvements in depth optimum value by as much as 50 percent still result in acceptable
calculations are possible. This is the case with the left-hand side definition of the refractor topography provided, of course, all
of Figure 11 and the right-hand side of Figure 13. The right-hand layers are detected.
side of Figure 13 illustrates a shortcoming of the average velocity However, undetected layers are an inevitable phenomenon of
method, i.e., overestimating depths when velocity contrasts are the refraction method. First-arrival traveltimes are only recorded
large. For this example, it is shown (Palmer, 1980, chapter 8) for the upper part of each layer, and the measuredseismicvelocities
that an error of up to IO percent can be expected. are then extrapolated throughout the remainder of the layer. Be-
cause it has rarely been possible to recognize undetected layers
Velocity inversion example using existing seismic refraction interpretation methods, no
This same analysis can also be applied by the reader to the reasonableassessmentof their frequency of occurrence has been
traveltime data shown in Figure 15 for the velocity inversion possible.
model in Figure 14. The velocity analysis is shown in Figure 16, Accordingly it is recommended that the verification of the
and the time section in Figure 17. Optimum XY values of 15 m existence or absenceof undetected layers should be made a routine
for the left-hand side of the model and 25 m for the right-hand practice in all seismic refraction interpretation routines by com-
side can be determined. Also, an average value of 20 m can be paring the XY value obtained from examination of the velocity
recovered. analysis functions and time-depths, with the XY value obtained
In Figure 18, the depth section has been computed on the basis from computation from the interpreted depth section. If the
of the surface layer having a seismic velocity of 2000 misec depth section is to be consistent with the traveltime data, the
throughout. However, the XY values calculated from this depth computed and observed XY values must agree. When the com-
section are 37.5 and 45.4 m, which are clearly very different from puted and observed XY values differ, average velocities derived
the observed values. from the observed XY values can be used to overcome any unde-
In Figures I9 to 21, average velocities have been calculated fined layers.
using XY values of 15, 20, and 25 m, and time-depths of 19.3. Clearly, the successof the GRM depends upon the ability to
21.55, and 23.8 msec. The improvement in depth calculations determine optimum XY values. This in turn requires both accurate
when XY values, which are either optimum or near optimum, are arrival times and close geophone spacings.
used to form average velocities is readily apparent. I believe the necessaryaccuracy in arrival times is at least one-
half of a millisecond, and that this can only be obtained with the
digital processingof digitally recorded data, such as described by
Examples here and elsewhere (Palmer, 1974, 1980) demonstrate Hatheriy ( 1979, 1980).
the ability of the GRM to define complex models with consider- While the progressionto digital processingmay seem inevitable
ably more ease and accuracy than most existing interpretation to many, the use of small geophone spacings is not so obvious.
methods. The complexity includes not only irregular refractor Existing lore recommends geophone spacings that are much the
topography and seismic velocities, but also overburdens with un- same as the depth of the refractor. On the other hand, adequate
detected layer and velocity inversion problems. determination of XY values requires at least three geophone in-
When irregular refractor surfaces exist, the conventional tervals per optimum XY spacing.
reciprocal method usually indicates fictitious velocity variations. Examples elsewhere (Palmer. 1980) demonstrate that it is
1518 Palmer

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Downloaded 08/27/13 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; see Terms of Use at http://library.seg.org/

The GRM provides an integrated approach to seismic refrac- Hatherly, P. J., 1976, A Fortran IV programme for the reduction and
tion interpretationcognizant of the realities of the geologic environ- plotting of seismic refraction data using the generalized reciprocal
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ment. These realities include undetected layers and layers with ~ 1979, Computer processing of seismic refraction data: Bull.
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Comments by Peter Hatherly, Jamie McIntyre, Noel Merrick,
Heiland, C. A., 1963, Geophysical exploration; New York, Prentice-
and Stewart Greenhalgh were very helpful. Hall, Inc.
This paper is published with the permission of the Under Secre- Knox, W. A., 1967, Multilayer near-surface refraction computations,
in Seismic refraction prospecting: A. W. Musgrave, Ed., SEG, Tulsa,
tary of the New South Wales Department of Mineral Resources. p. 197-216.
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