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EC6205: Advanced Digital Communication

M. Tech. (Signal Processing), Aug 2019
Instructor: Birenjith P. S.
Assignment 1

1) The set of finite-energy signals limited to [− T2 T2 ] forms a vector space with a basis
2πjkt t
e T rect | −∞ ≤ k ≤ ∞ .
Show that this basis is an orthonormal basis.

2) (a) Define zero-mean jointly Gaussian random variables (b) Define zero-mean Gaussian (ZMG)

3) Suppose we define for x ∈ R

Z x
2 2
erf(x) = √ e−t dt
π 0
Z ∞
2 2
erfc(x) = √ e−t dt.
π x
(a) Prove the identity
erf(x) = 1 − erfc(x).
(b) Let X ∼ N (1, 2). Write down an expression for the probability P (X ≤ 1) in terms of erf(·),
erfc(·) or a comibnation of both.

4) (a) Establish that the process Z(t) = (t + 1)X with X ∼ N (0, 1) a ZMG process. (b) Is the energy
of a sample function z(t, s) of Z(t) finite? (Justify your answer.)

5) Let Z(t) be a ZMG process with the following representation:

Z(t) = Zk gk (t) (1)

where {gk (t) | 1 ≤ k ≤ n} is a collection of orthonormal finite-energy signals, and Zk ∼ N (0, σk2 )
form a collection independent Gaussian random variables with mean 0 and variances σk2 .
(a) Establish that the energy of any sample function z(t, s) of Z(t) (as in (1)) is finite.
(b) Let Z(t) be passed through an LTI filter of impulse response h(t), and let W (t) be the output
of the filter. Show that W (t) is ZMG.
(c) Let Vi = hZ(t), gi (t)i , i = 1, 2, . . . , n. If Z(t) is white with power spectral density SZ (f ) = N20 ,
then show that
E[Vi Vj ] = 2
0 i 6= j

6) Show that a matched filter matched with a signal s(t) time-limited in [0 T ] maximizes the output
instantaneous SNR measured at t = T .

7) Let {φi (t), i = 1, 2, . . . , N } be an orthononormal

R T functions representing a set of signals {sm (t), m =
1, 2, . . . , M } time-limited in [0 T ]. Let rj = 0 r(t)φj (t)dt where r(t) is the received signal when
a signal is tranmsitted over an AWGN channel with power spectral density N20 . Show that (a) ri
and rj are independent when i 6= j (b) Var(ri ) = N20 , i = 1, 2, . . . , N

8) Use Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure to obtain an orthonormal basis for the subspace
spanned by four signals as given below. Represent each signal using the obtained basis functions.
Draw the signal constellation.

9) Consider a binary digital communication system with

A 0≤t≤T
s(t) =
0 elsewhere
transmitted for bit 1 and no signal for bit 0. Let Eb = A2T be the average energy spent on a bit.
Derive an optimal ML decoder for an AWGN channel with noise psd N20 . Compute the average
probability of error as a function of SNR per bit (Eb /N0 ) when messages are equally likely.

10) In an orthognonally M -ary signaling scheme (with M = 2k ), show that symbol error probability
r !
PE ≤ M Q
2 /2
where Es = kEb is the energy spent on a symbol. Use the bound Q(x) ≤ e−x to show that
PE → 0 as M increases whenever Eb /N0 > 2 ln 2.

11) A digital communication system over an AWGN channel employs BPSK modulation, and a cor-
relation reciever. The bit 0 is mapped to +1 and bit 1 is mapped to −1. The correlation values
computed are (0.2, 1.2, −0.76, −0.3, −1.2, 1.2, 2). What is the decoded string of bits?

12) A band-pass communication system employs binary signaling with two orthogonal signals. Let s1 (t)
and s2 (t) be the equivalent low-pass signals corresponding to bit 0 and bit 1. The recieved signal is
down-converted to low-pass domain to obtain r` (t). The carrier phase is not tracked at the receiver.
An optimal reciever computes the tuples (hr` (t), s1 (t)i , hr` (t), s2 (t)i) for a sequence of received
bits, and obtains the values (0.5 + j, 1 − j), (0.3 − 0.4j, 1.2 − j), (0.7j + 0.8j, 2), (1, 1 − 0.5j), (1 −
0.3j, 0.8 − 0.2j), (1, 1), (−0.5, 1 + 2j). What is the decoded string of bits?

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