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28. A.

Oncologists are doctors

WRITTEN B. who specialize
C. in treating
EXPRESSION D. the cancer.
29. A. To skip meal
B. maximizes
C. the caloric effect
16. A. Many medications are safe and D. of the food we eat.
effective when taken alone 30. A. Wallow in disappointment
B. and ineffective or counterproductive B. over something
C. when taken in combination C. you did
D. with something else. D. is not productive.
17. A. Outside of written records, 31. A. The majority of scientific evidence
B. evidence of Philistines’ existence B. showed that, for a healthy adult
C. have survived
C. moderate quantities of caffeine
D. in pottery relics.
18. A. The obligations of the accountant to D. pose no significant in health risk.
the client 32. A. In 1964,
B. rested upon the agreed scope B. the African countries of Tanganyaki
C. of the engagement which, and Zanziban
D. in effect represents a contractual C. has united to form
agreement. D. a single country, now called Tanzania.
19. A. The man 33. A. The Gleaning Network,
B. gives an antidote so powerful B. an organizer in the United Kingdom
C. that any poison was made harmless C. is trying to reduce waste
D. after taking it. D. and solve farming problem.
20. A. I bought some 34. A. In many cities around the world
B. silver charming Victorian B. the number of homeless people
C. ornaments C. have become
D. at the flea market. D. a big problem.
21. A. The tale that was told 35. A. A team led by the government
B. in a low and mystery voice agency concerned
C. kept us on the
B. say that chemicals from the factory
D. edge of seats.
22. A. Researchers are learning to detect C. had contaminated sediment in the bay
changes D. and entered the food chain.
B. beyond the huge population 36. A. You should make sure
C. of bacteria, viruses, yeast cells and B. your body has get
other microbes C. the necessary vitamins and minerals
D. that thrive in the mouth. D. humans need.
23. A. Sit cramped 37. A. It is often said that
B. for a very long period of time B. lightning never strike twice
C. in dry conditions C. in the same place,
D. can affect our circulatory system. D. but this isn’t true.
24. A. You are not always in control 38. A. Public opinion polls have
B. of what goes in your mind, consistently
C. because only you can determine B. demonstrated the public’s willingness
D. what stays there. C. for “tradeoff” economic growth
25. A.The Philippines D. for environmental protection.
B. has accomodations 39. A. Money is not natural reward of
C. to suit everyone love,
D. from five-star hotels to simple hotels. B. that is why we called a man
26. A. As a mode of expository writing, mercenary
B. the narrated writing offers writers C. if he marries a woman
C. a chance to think and write D. for the sake of her money.
D. about themselves. 40. A. Finance statements
27. A. The novel was so popular B. are the formal reports
B. among teenagers C. prepared
C. to a point that a movie was made D. by accountants.
D. based from the story

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