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This portion presents and interprets the data gathered relative to socio-demographic
characteristics and The Perception on CSS NCII subject of Grade 10 Students of Porais High
School. The discussions below were the finding based on the sequence of the objectives of the
problems in Chapter I.

Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

The socio-demographic characteristics was described in terms of sex.

Table 2. Socio-demographic characteristics of the Respondents

Characteristics Frequency Percentage%
Male 48 4211%
Female 66 5789%

Table 2 shows that 57.89% or 66 of the respondents are Female and 42.11% or 48 of the
respondents were Male. It was inverted that there were more Female respondents that Male
Perception on CSS NCII subject of the Respondents
The following tables represents the statements pertaining to the perception of the
respondents on CSS NCII subject.
Table 3. Perception on CSS NCII subject of the Respondents
Indicators Mean Description
1. I have interest in CSS Subject. 3.38 Undecided
2. I want to use computer. 4.059 Moderately Agree
3. I use computer regularly. 3.37 Undecided
4. I want to troubleshoot computer. 3.1 Undecided
5. I want to enhance my ability in this subject. 3.15 Undecided
6. I want to learn more about CSS. 3.55 Moderately Agree
7. I want to continue this course on college. 2.61 Undecided
8. I am a good technician. 2.48 Moderately Disagree
9. I want to identify a parts of computer. 3.53 Moderately Agree
10. I want to learn on how to Install Windows. 3.68 Moderately Agree
11. love networking. 3.4 Moderately Agree
12. I know how to make a LAN cable. 2.97 Undecided
13. I am an expert on computer. 2.83 Undecided
14. I can identify some parts of computer. 3.4 Moderately Agree
15. I love CSS subject. 3.1 Undecided
Total 3.24 Undecided
Legend: 4.20-5.00 - Strongly Agree
3.40-4.19 - Moderately Agree
2.60-3.39 - Undecided
1.80-2.59 - Moderately Disagree
1.00-1.79 - Strongly Disagree

Analysis of the Data

The statement “I want to use computer” got the highest mean of 4.059 and described as
Moderately Agree. While the statement “I am a god technician” got the lowest mean of 2.48 and
described as Moderately Disagree. However, there are 8 out of 15 statements got a description of
Undecided. Overall, the average weighted mean is 3.14 which is described as Undecided.

This portion summarizes the findings of the study, the conclusions based on the given
results and the recommendation for the solutions of the study.

The focus of these study was to describe the Perception on CSSNCII Subject of Grade 10
Students of Porais High School. This study included indicators such as: Socio-demographic
Characteristics namely: sex, this described the Perception on CSSNCII Subject of Grade 10
Students of Porais High School.

More specifically, this study established the Perception on CSSNCII Subject of Grade 10
Students of Porais High School.

Descriptive statistics like mean, frequency distribution and percentage were used to
describe The Perception on CSSNCII Subject of Grade 10 Students of Porais High School.


1. Majority of the respondents was Female, but only a little higher than Male respondents.
2. I want to use computer is the highest mean among indicators. On the other hand I am a
good technician receive the lowest average mean.


Based from the findings and conclusion of the study the following measure are hearby

1. Since many of the respondents were female mostly they can’t be a good technician,
students should train and learn more about the CSS NCII subject.
2. Teachers should motivate the students to choose the CSS NC II subject in Senior High
3. Since the school have more computers, the school must promote the CSS NCII subject to
their students advocate them to pick/choose this subject.

Perception on CSS subject of Grade 10 students of Porais High School


Name: (optional)


1. SEX: Male Female

II. Learning Style

Directions: Answer the following comments honestly by checking the number according to the

degree of acceptance. Respond to the comments using the following scales:

5-Strongly Agree 4-Moderately Agree 3-Undecided 2- Moderately Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

INDICATOR 5 4 3 2 1

1. I have interest in CSS Subject.

2. I want to use computer.

3. I use computer regularly.

4. I want to troubleshoot computer.

5. I want to enhance my ability in this subject.

6. I want to learn more about CSS.

7. I want to continue this course on college.

8. I am a good technician.

9. I want to identify a parts of computer.

10. I want to learn on how to Install Windows.

11. I love networking.

12. I know how to make a LAN cable.

13. I am an expert on computer.

14. I can identify some parts of computer.

15. I love CSS subject.

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