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Music in Youth


How music can affect 14-24 year olds today.

What are you hoping to achieve through choosing this topic?

We are trying to raise awareness for the various effects music can have on
teenagers and young adults. We can highlight both the positive and
negative effects it has and why it is more important now, than in previous

Factual programme concept

For the factual programme concept, we have decided to talk to Roxy

Deacon, who works as a Safeguarding Officer with troubled teens. Luckily she
is available for an interview. Other people we considered were a
nurse/doctor, or a music teacher, but both of these would be difficult to get
hold of considering our school doesn’t have a music department and
doctors are very time-restricted. If we can, an interview with a musician could
be an option though. Mrs Deacon will be able to give a female’s perspective
on the topic of how music can affect teens, as she has seen it first-hand. B-roll
could include shots of people listening to music, gangs, or even young adults
seemingly vulnerable and emotional. To appeal to both males and females,
it would help to include a variety of people in the b-roll footage, showing that
everything said applies to both genders.

The interview could consist of a few questions asking for her views on the
subject, and learning about her experience with 14-24 year olds and how
music could have helped them, or possibly even influenced them to do
something they regret, as part of a gang. Outside of the interview, the
programme could include a presenter giving facts about the positives music
can have on teens. This is an efficient way to get the message across.
Additionally, we could ask a number of students whether or not music has
helped them in some way.
Animation concept

For the animation concept I need to film for 30 seconds at 16-24 photos
per second or 480-720 images overall. My idea consists of a stop-motion
drawing on a whiteboard in a well-lit environment. The narrative shows a
boy and girl crying, sitting on a bench. The girl, who puts some earphones on,
starts to get less and less tears. An over the shoulder shot shows ‘Happy’ by
Pharrell Williams is on. Subsequently the boy sitting next to her is still upset. The
girl will then give the boy an earphone, so they both start smiling. A final
message can be shown on the screen: Feeling stressed? Music makes you

This can appeal to both boys and girls, and 14-24 year olds as this age range
can relate to feeling stressed. It is a simplistic concept with no dialogue or
narration, except the words shown on the last few seconds. The sound could
change drastically, as it goes from sad to happy, giving the audience a
good idea of the changing of emotions.

Short film concept

For the short film concept, I need to produce 3-4 minutes of content. I think
the idea should be based around someone who is having trouble at school
and as a result asks for help with stress by a teacher. The teacher can’t give
much advice but tells the student that listening to music is proven to be more
effective than traditional forms of therapy.

The rough concept gets the message across and is almost a mix between the
interview and the animation, making it perfect for the theme of music in
youth. The majority of 14 to 24 year olds are students, therefore this story will
relate to them. The rest of the short films can follow his recovery process and
how he gets out of the dark stage of his life. Footage of him listening to music,
laughing with friends and generally being happier will help fill the 4 minutes.

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