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The health and beauty benefits of avocado seeds are so numerous that you’ll have to think
twice before throwing them away again
Avocados are a superfood that many people love to eat.

However, most of us throw away the large seed, not realizing that it is edible and offers many
health benefits. In fact, the seeds contain much higher antioxidant, fiber and phenolic content
than the flesh.you’ve been hearing about the goodness of avocado seeds and are just about to
dismiss the claim as a recent fad, hang in there.

South American folk medicine was clued in to the benefits of avocado seeds long before we
caught on. In places where the avocado originated, people have been using avocado seeds for
ages to treat everything from diabetes to dysentery – even snakebite.

And not just for health; avocado seeds are used for beauty and cosmetic purposes too, with
the seed powder used to treat dandruff and an ointment made from it used as a rouge-like
cosmetic. Thankfully for the skeptics among us, modern science has been able to back up
many of these uses.

Avocado seed decoctions are popular in South American cultures to treat diabetes, diarrhea,
kidney stones, and even snakebite. Add the antioxidant-rich seed powder to your smoothie to
lower BP and cholesterol, manage diabetes, and protect kidney and liver tissues.

👉Start with 1/2 tsp and limit daily consumption to half a seed. Apply the seed paste on your
skin to prevent UV damage and to cure fungal infections.
👉Before consuming the seed, which has a bitter and astringent flavor, remove the fine layer
of brown skin that covers it. Then, grate the seed or grind it into a powder using a coffee bean
grinder or a high-powered blender.
👉You can use the powder as a garnish in salads, soups or stews or simply add a spoonful of
it to your juice or smoothie recipe.
👉You can even use it to make an infusion by boiling 1 tablespoon of the powder in 2 cups
of water for 10 minutes, then allowing it to sit for another 5 minutes before drinking.


🌰Supports Weight Loss

The antioxidant-rich seeds help burn fat to aid weight loss. Their soluble fiber content lowers
your appetite and provides you a feeling of fullness for several hours. This prevents you from
eating calorie-rich snacks.

In addition, the pit contains calcium, magnesium and potassium that support overall health,
fitness recovery and weight loss.

👉For weight loss, make a smoothie with ½ of an avocado seed (ground), 1 green apple, the
juice of 1 lemon, ½ of a banana, ½ cup of spinach and 1 tablespoon of ginger.
🌰Reduces Inflammation

The antioxidants like catechins and procyanidins in avocado seeds help reduce pain, swelling,
and stiffness due to inflammation. Apart from having good antioxidant properties, the seeds
are also rich in anti-inflammatory properties.

Thus, the seeds are beneficial for reducing inflammatory diseases within the body, which
include acne, asthma, sinusitis, atherosclerosis, celiac disease, hay fever, inflammatory bowel
disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, interstitial cystitis, and even

👉Eat about 1 to 2 tablespoons of avocado seed powder daily. You can even use the avocado
seed oil to massage aching joints or muscles to reduce pain and soreness.
🌰Exfoliates Skin

Avocado seed powder also works as a natural exfoliant for your skin. It helps remove dead
skin cells, excess sebum and other impurities from the skin.

Buildup of dead skin cells makes your skin look older and even leads to acne by clogging up
your pores.

The antioxidants in avocado seed powder also help repair and nourish dry and damaged skin
and give it an incredible glow.

👉Mix 1 tablespoon of avocado seed powder with 1 teaspoon each of olive oil and
honey.Use this mixture to gently massage your body using circular motions.Wait 15 minutes
before taking a bath.Use this scrub once or twice a week.
🌰Makes Hair Shiny
Another good use of avocado seeds is making your own shampoo out of them. This
homemade shampoo will be free of toxic ingredients and help make your hair thick and soft.
It also helps reduce graying.

👉Wash and pat dry 3 or 4 avocado seeds.Grate the seeds using a grater.Add the grated
seeds to 6 cups of water and bring it to a boil, then simmer it for 20 to 30 minutes.Allow it to
cool, then strain it.Mix this infusion with ¼ cup of your herbal shampoo and store it in a
bottle.Use it to wash your hair as needed.
👉You can also massage avocado seed oil into your hair to make it strong and shiny.
🌰Can Treat Aches And Pains

Because the seed has a local anesthetic effect, along with an ability to reduce inflammation
and increase blood circulation, in folk cultures, its paste is used to reduce muscle pain and
even treat arthritis. The seed or its decoction is also placed in the tooth cavity to cure

🌰May Be Useful For Contraception

Some South American cultures like the Quechua and the Siyona-Secoya also use the seed
decoction as a contraceptive. They consider it safe to use as it does not cause permanent
sterility. 👉The decoction is made by boiling the seed in 4–5 cups of water for 15 minutes
till it turns bright red. It is then had during menstruation.
👉With regard to using avocado seeds for menstruation, traditional usage seems tricky.
While the Quechua and the Siyona-Secoya use it to stop menstruation, in some parts of
Colombia, the seed tea is used to bring on menstruation. So hold off on using the seed for this
particular effect.
🌰Eases Stomach and Bowel Problems

The antioxidants and fiber found in the seeds are great for your digestive system. In fact, the
seeds contain more soluble fiber than the flesh of the fruit.

The powder of avocado seeds can help prevent and relieve constipation naturally. It is even
beneficial for gastric ulcers, diarrhea, and other digestive issues.

👉Include avocado seed powder in your diet to help your digestive tract perform at its prime.
It will also ensure proper functioning of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.
🌰Lowers High Cholesterol
It is a known fact that the pulp of avocados is a good source of monounsaturated fats that can
help reduce high levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol) and raise high-
density lipoprotein (HDL or ‘good’ cholesterol) levels.

The seeds also possess cholesterol-lowering properties. They contain nourishing oil, rich in
antioxidants that have the ability to lower high cholesterol levels.

In addition, the seeds are one of the best sources of soluble fiber, which is good for overall
heart health.

A 2008 study published in Current Atherosclerosis Reports highlights the positive effects of
soluble dietary fiber on LDL cholesterol and the risk of coronary heart disease and other
cardiovascular diseases.

📌A 2013 study published in Current Pharmaceutical Design notes that avocado seeds are a
good source of bioactive phytochemicals that may help lower high cholesterol and high blood
pressure as well as boost your immunity.
🌰Fights Cancer

Avocado seeds also possess cancer-fighting properties. They contain flavonols, a class of
flavonoids that include compounds like quercetin, kaempferol and myricetin, which work as
powerful antioxidants to help prevent and reduce tumor growths.

Plus, the healthy fat in avocado seeds can wipe out leukemia stem cells, while leaving healthy
cells unharmed. In a 2013 study published in Pharmaceutical Biology, researchers found that
extract from avocado fruit and seeds caused leukemia cells to self-destruct.

A 2015 study published in Cancer Research notes that avocatin B, a lipid derived from
avocado fruit, is a novel compound with cytotoxic activity in acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
It helps reduce primary AML cell viability without any effect on normal peripheral blood
stem cells.

🌰 Lowers High Blood Pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure, or hypertension, should never throw away the pit
after eating an avocado. Avocado seeds are very high in potassium, which is a good
vasodilator. This nutrient helps relax the tension of blood vessels and arteries, thus lowering
high blood pressure.

Potassium also lessens the effect of sodium, which in turn regulates blood pressure. A 2005
study published in Hypertension notes that increased intake of potassium-rich foods has the
same lowering effect on blood pressure as potassium chloride.When your blood pressure is at
an optimum level, it indirectly reduces your risk of heart disease and strokes.

🌰Delays Aging Process

The seeds can even delay the aging process. The powerful antioxidants fight off free radicals,
which cause huge damage to healthy skin cells. This in turn accelerates skin aging and
promotes wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, fine lines and sagging skin.

👉The oil made from avocado seeds increases collagen in your skin, which is important for
youthful, firm and smooth skin.
👉Use avocado oil to massage your body to accelerate new skin cell generation and promote
circulation in the body. This will help reverse aging and keep you looking young for years.
🌰Strengthens Immunity

Avocado seeds have strong antioxidant properties. In fact, the seeds contain more than 70
percent of the antioxidants found in the entire fruit.

Antioxidants keep free radicals at bay, which in turn boosts your immune system and keeps
you safe from bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

A 2004 study conducted at the National University of Singapore and published in Food
Chemistry concludes that avocado seeds, among other fruit seeds like those in mangos,
tamarinds and jackfruits, have an even greater level of antioxidant activity than the more
commonly eaten parts of the fruits.

👉Include avocado seed powder in your smoothie or juice on a regular basis to strengthen
your immune system and protect yourself during the cold and flu season.
🌰Lowers Blood Pressure

Herbalists in Nigeria recommend mixing the seed powder into soups, paps, and puddings to
treat hypertension or high blood pressure. And science is now being able to back this use.

When taken in the right dose, avocado seed extract can lower blood pressure.

A study on rats with high blood pressure found that water extract of avocado seeds can
reduce blood pressure by reducing the total cholesterol levels, LDLs, and the triglycerol
levels, and increasing the HDLs or the “good cholesterol.”
But the helpful effect of the seed extract depends on the dose as a high concentration of
antioxidants in the seed can cause hypothyroidism, which in turn increases the cholesterol

🌰Has Anti-Diabetic Effects

In South American cultures, avocado seed decoction or hot-water extract is used to manage
diabetes. A 2013 study concurs, adding that the hot-water extract of avocado seeds can even
protect liver, pancreatic, and kidney tissues. But for it to be able to manage diabetes
effectively, the seed extract must be taken orally for a prolonged period of time.

Avocado seed extract can lower diabetes and protect liver, pancreatic, and kidney tissues.

The anti-diabetic effect of avocado seeds is due to its calcium, magnesium, potassium,
sodium, zinc, and chromium content. These elements regulate key enzymes involved in the
formation of glucose and help the body use existing glucose better, thus fighting diabetes.
The seed also contains other glucose-lowering antioxidants like flavonoids, saponins,
steroids, tannins, and alkaloids.

🌰 Has Anti-Fungal And Anti-Bacterial Effects

Traditionally, avocado seed has been used in its countries of origin as a treatment for parasitic
and fungal infections. Modern research attributes this to the various natural anti-fungal plant
chemicals like phytosterols, triterpenes, fatty acids, furanoic acids, and flavonol dimers in it.

Avocado seed extract can be as potent as or even more so than a standard dose of
streptomycin when it comes to treating certain fungal and bacterial infections.

A study also compared the potency of avocado seed extract on disease-causing fungi and
bacteria (including those that cause typhoid, gonorrhea, and pneumonia) with a standard 30
mcg dose of the antibiotic medicine streptomycin. In a few cases, depending on the medium,
avocado seed extract worked better than streptomycin, thanks to these plant chemicals.

🌰 Helps With Diarrhea And Bladder Problems

The Mayans used avocado seed decoction to treat bladder problems and the grated seed as a
condiment in their cooking sauces. The decoction of the seed has been, and still is, used in
folk medicine to treat dysentery and diarrhea. It is also anti-inflammatory for the liver. Also
known to function as a diuretic, it can eliminate uric acid and treat kidney stones.

🌰Helps The Skin Against Sun Damage

Avocado seed extracts have also been found to reverse or manage the skin damage and
inflammation caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV rays can cause skin
cancer by DNA damage. But the unique lipid molecules and polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols
(PFA) in avocado stop the condition before it progresses to cancer.

Avocado seed extract can prevent skin damage caused by UV rays.

📌As far back as 1989, the United States had patented an oil-based composition made from
grated avocado seed, sulfur, castor oil, cod liver oil, peppermint spirit, orange water, and
camphor for the treatment of dry scalp and dry skin conditions. The mixture was to be
applied on the affected area for a substantial period of time and then shampooed or washed
off for best results.
👉In traditional medicine, the seed powder is used to cure dandruff and the seed oil is used
to treat skin eruptions.
📌📝 :Have Avocado Seeds In Limited Quantity

Having discussed the benefits, let’s now address the topic of a raging debate: should you at
all have avocado seed? Isn’t it supposed to be poisonous? The California Avocado
Commission claims that avocado seeds contain elements unintended for human consumption,
but does not mention which elements.

They could be possibly referring to persin, because of which avocado is toxic to certain
animals. But persin is not toxic to human beings. The seeds also contain certain chemicals
that can break down into cyanide, which is harmful, but the amount is too low to cause any

📌It’s Not Toxic Unless You Overdose

A 2013 study finds that the seed can be toxic when eaten in large amounts – large being the
operative word here – but doesn’t cause any genetic damage. The researchers also go on to
say that they hope the seed and its extracts could be used in food, cosmetic, and
pharmaceutical material.

⭕️ Are Avocado Seeds Safe To Eat?


The seed of avocados is where most of the nutritional benefits are. It contains 70% of the
fruit’s antioxidants that help regulate your intestinal functions along with polyphenols, the
same ones that are associated with green tea. The seeds are also very high in fibers! Just keep
in mind that the idea of eating the avocado seed is a recent one and there are not many
experiments done on the subject of the long-term effects of eating avocado Seeds.

✔️✔️Another study recommends that you should have it to lower your cholesterol and gain
benefits from the antioxidants which are present in higher quantities in the seed than in the
fruit flesh.
✔️✔️Have no more than half the seed in one day. High doses may have an abortion-
inducing effect.

Let’s not dismiss eating avocado seeds as a passing fad. Modern science has been able to
back up many of these folk uses through animal studies and in vitro studies using avocado
seed extracts.

From anecdotal evidence, we see that the benefits are many and the risks few, which include
stomach upset and allergic reaction.

❌❌If you have latex allergy, please do stay away from both the fruit and the seed.

✔️✔️And to avoid stomach problems, start with a small dose of this bitter seed, say half a
teaspoon. In fact, half the seed should be your maximum daily limit, anyway. High doses
might also have an abortive action.
☕☕Use Avocado Seeds In Tea Or In Smoothies

👉Smoothies: Dry it or dehydrate it in the microwave oven and grind it into a powder. Mix it
into smoothies or use as garnish for salads.👉Avocado seed tea: Put chunks of the seed in a
tea infuser and pour boiling water over it. To mask the bitter taste of the seed, add honey or
other natural sweeteners.
⭕️How Often Can I Drink Avocado Seed Tea?


Similar to anything, it is better to have it in moderation, even healthy foods. Eating or

drinking a lot of avocado seeds can result in constipation because it is high in tannin.

👉And As Face Mask And Shampoo

Face mask: Dry it and grind it and mix with mashed banana, avocado pulp, and olive oil to
make a quick DIY face-exfoliating mask.
👉Shampoo: Boil grated avocado seed in water. Let it cool. Strain it and mix it to a small
portion of your regular shampoo for soft, thick hair. The saponins in it have soap-like
⭕️ Will Eating Avocado Seeds Interact With Any Medication?


It is always better to double check with your doctor or holistic health practitioner before
introducing a new item to your diet. Start with small quantities and monitor how you feel. If
all goes well, you can start increasing quantities or have it more regularly.

❌❌foods. Eating or drinking a lot of avocado seeds can result in constipation because it is
high in tannin.
Apple consumption has been the subject of quite a few studies on colorectal cancer risk
reduction. Other cancers that apple constituents have been studied to kill in pre-clinical
research include:

1 LIVER CANCER: apple juice, apple pectin and apple peel has been experimentally
confirmed to kill liver cancer

2. BREAST CANCER: apples have been found to both prevent and to suppress mammary
cancers in the animal model.

3. MULTI-DRUG RESISTANCE CANCER: carotenoids extracted from apple have been

found to inhibit drug resistant cancer cell line proliferation.

4. ESOPHAGEAL CANCER : An apple-derived procyanidin has been found to suppress

esophageal cancer.

5. STOMACH CANCER: One of the ways in which apple constituents prevent stomach
cancer is through their inhibition of Helicobacter pylori, one of the main infectious agents
linked to both ulcer and gastric cancer. But apple procyanidin has also been studied for its
ability to directly induce programmed cell death within stomach cancer cells.
Health Benefits of Lemongrass The health benefits of lemongrass is tremendous due to its
superior anti-microbial,anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer properties. Traditionally
used to ease a particular respiratory problem which includes laryngitis and
also sore throats, lemongrass has gained an identity because of its anti-pyretic property that
decreases higher fevers.

1.High Blood Pressure:

Lemongrass contains the content of potassium. Potassium is very useful to maintain the level
of blood pressure. Drinking one glass of Citralife lemongrass herbal tea daily is very effective
to reduce high blood pressure.

Lemongrass possesses anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-hypercholesterolemic properties that
support healthy cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that the regular consumption of
lemongrass has shown significant results in sustaining healthy levels of triglycerides and
reducing the LDL cholesterol in the body. This helps in preventing the accumulation of lipids
in the blood vessels and promotes the unobstructed flow of blood in the arteries and prevents
various cardiac disorders such as atherosclerosis.

3. Headache and migraine relief:

Probably the most typical therapeutic purposes of lemongrass typically are for headache
relief. Now it’s been shown to be a minimum of competitive with aspirin – only safer. A 5
year research of plants utilized in traditional medicine lately documented in Evidence-based
Complementary as well as Alternative Medicine which lemongrass exhibits similar activity to
aspirin for treating headaches as well as migraines.

4.Type-2 Diabetes:
Lemongrass has been proven beneficial in treating Type-2 diabetes. Studies have shown that
the citral present in lemongrass helps to maintain optimum levels of insulin and improves the
tolerance of glucose in the body. Purifying and cleansing effect of lemongrass tea help to
cleanse/detoxify the pancreas and improve its functions, thus lowering blood sugar level in

5. Cold and Cough:

If you are suffering from fever, cold and cough then the simple home remedies is lemongrass.
Lemongrass ‘Kadha’ is given to patients who are suffering from the cold. Lemongrass is very
good detoxifier and diuretic and relieves in fever. It is very useful remedy in Cold and Cough.
Lemongrass tea is also effective in cold and cough.

6. Stomach Ache and diarrhea:

Lemongrass is primarily taken like a tea to treat digestive problems, diarrhea as well as
stomachache. It calms the muscles of the stomach as well as gut, reduces cramping pains as
well as flatulence as well as being ideal for children.

7. Weight loss:
Drinking lemongrass tea helps to melt fats in a detoxifying manner. The diuretic effect helps
carry out the wastes in high volume, effectively and quickly, resulting in weight loss.

8. Arthritis, Gout and Sprains:

Lemongrass is perfect for individuals struggling with arthritis difficulties. Patients struggling
with conditions just like bone related problems as well as osteoarthritis are extremely
benefited by utilizing lemongrass.

9..Skin Care:
Lemongrass has been treasured as a skin tonic and makes an effective cleanser for oily or
acne-prone skin, due to its astringent and antiseptic qualities. Regularly drinking lemongrass
tea helps to improve acne problem, eczema and psoriasis. Lemongrass also an antimycotic
that means it is very useful to remove fungus infection on the skin.
Many skin experts are used lemongrass as short-term solution in skin firming treatment.

10. Constipation:
It will help in throwing out the poisonous materials through the body and is also the perfect
cleanser for the pancreas, liver, colon, bladder as well as kidney. It is simple on the stomach
and also helps with appropriate digestion of food.

11. Proven Beneficial to Cope with Acne and Pimples:

It’s got restorative as well as regenerative qualities and therefore traditionally used in treating
acne as well as pimples. Since it helps you to clean up the body of toxins, additionally, it
flushes away the grime and dirt through the skin.

12. Protect from Cancer:

According to the research Lemongrass is very effective in liver cancer. According to the
“Journal Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology” lemongrass oil prevent from growth of
breast cancer cells. Researcher found that a drink with one gm lemongrass could cause cancer
cells to commit suicide through apoptosis.
13. Anemia :
Because of its high-content in iron, that is required for the synthesis of hemoglobin (the
protein in red cells accountable for carrying oxygen through the entire body) lemongrass is
effective for a number of kinds of anemia, particularly those caused by an iron deficiency.

14 Painkillers(Anti-inflammatory and anti-septic)

Lemongrass is proven to be an excellent analgesic that can help to provide relief from all
sorts of inflammation as well as irritability associated with aches and pains. In case you have
toothache, muscle ache, joint pain or even almost every other pain, just be sure you munch on
lemongrass for immediate rest from pain.

15. Gastritis or Heartburn:

A warm mug of lemongrass tea can be very soothing when having gastritis or acid
indigestion. Drinking the tea therapeutically will gradually reduce the recurrence of both
gastritis and heartburn.

you can soak okra in water for 24 hours and drink it?

As you know, Okra is a very common vegetable around the world. Commonly known as
“Lady Finger”, okra is a nutritious and healthy vegetable.

It might even be your favourite soup but it can do better than just serve as food on your table.
You can get a lot of nutrients and health benefits from okra water.

👉1.Treats Diabetes
Okra contains insulin-like properties, which are beneficial for the treatment of diabetes. Okra
water helps to reduce the sugar level in the blood. Ensure you consume okra water regularly
to control diabetes.
👉2.Treats a Sore Throat And Cough
Okra water can be very effective when it comes to treating a sore throat and cough. Everyone
feels so much of discomfort when there are constant soreness and itchiness in the throat. Okra
contains antibacterial properties that help to reduce this soreness.
👉3.Improves The Immune System
The immune system helps the body fight against various diseases, such as cold and flu. Okra
water contains high amounts of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to improve the
immunity power of a person.
👉4.Strengthens The Bones
This health benefit of okra water helps to strengthen the bones. The folate present in it offers
great benefits during the pregnancy for both the mother and the child. It increases the density
of the bones resulting in stronger and healthier bones, preventing osteoporosis.
👉5.Treats Diarrhoea
Diarrhoea can be a life-threatening disease if it is not treated for a long period of time. It
causes a huge loss of water from the body, leaving one completely dehydrated. Okra water
helps to replenish this lost water and various other minerals in the body. All you need to do is
drink just a glass and you’ll be fine.
👉6.Relieves Constipation
Ever felt the pain of constipation and the sense of a bloated body? Very disgusting, right?
Well, okra water is here to your rescue. The same soluble fibre, which regulates cholesterol,
helps in providing relief from this condition as well. Okra water is a natural laxative and
contains fibre that helps to ease the bowel movements.
👉7.Treats Anaemia
Okra water helps the body to produce more red blood cells, which helps to treat anaemia.
Okra water contains many vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, magnesium,
etc., which help in producing more red blood cells in the body.
👉8.Reduces Asthma Attack
Okra water has powerful benefits and can help to curb asthma attacks. Asthma attacks can be
deadly and happen just about anytime without any warning. It is always better to prevent it
rather than curing it. Drinking okra water every day helps in preventing these attacks.

Too much of anything is bad, therefore, no matter the purpose for you using it, always
remember moderation is key.
List of Common Health concerns and first aid home remedy


Get unripe pawpaw, unripe pineapple, ginger, lime orange and Lipton tea.
Cut into pieces, boil with fermented corn water for one hour.
Take one glass cup 3 times daily for one week.
Get 7-8 unripe plantain, peel them, cut
them to pieces and pound. Put everything inside a plastic container, fill it with one gallon of
Allow it to ferment for three days.
Take one cup 2 times a day for one week.
Get some seeds of mango, cut it into pieces and keep under the sun to dry. Grind to powder.
Put one spoon of the powder into a glass cup of water, stir it and drink. Once in a
day for 3-4 weeks .
Get 5 seeds of English pear (Avocado pear), cut into pieces and dry under the sun, grind to
Mix with a glass of honey to form paste.
Take one spoon,3 times daily until the 6 days.
Take three teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of sugar, add half spoon of dry gin.
Drink all as a single dose.
Get 4 seeds of English pear
(Avocado pear), cut into pieces, dry under the sun and grind into powder.
Put a teaspoon of this powder into your prepared palp and drink.
Once daily for 2 weeks.
👉7. PNEUMONIA: Get a handful of garlic, grind to extract the
juice. Drink a spoon and use the juice to rub the chest and back.
Get about 10 pieces of bitter cola, grind to powder, add half cup of original honey.
Take 2 spoons thricedaily for 4 days.
Get 20-23 pieces of bitter cola, ginger of
equal quantity and 3 bulbs of garlic. Grind everything and add a
bottle of original honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one
Grind 6 bulbs of big onions, add one original
bottle of honey. Take one spoon thrice daily for one month.
👉ALTERNATIVELY; get a handful of bitter leaf and scent leaves,
squeeze out the water in them, add lime(orange)juice, grinded
garlic and small potash. Take half glass of it twice daily for one
Get 2 pieces of aloe-vera,cut into
pieces and put it in a container. Add one bottle of original honey
and a glass of water. Take half cup of it,2 times daily for one
Get some leaves of
Cochorus Olitorus(Vegetable Leaf),squeeze out the water and
give it to the woman under hard labour.She will deliver the
baby instantly.
Get 4-5 cola, ginger and garlic
,cut them in pieces .Mix it with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily for 3 days.
Get some corn silk, boil with lime orange
juice. Drink half cup of it daily for one week and also embark on
physical exercise.
Mix a native soap with ground potash,
add lime orange. Apply the mixture after bath.
Get 3-4 pieces of cola, ginger and garlic, cut
into pieces. Mix everything with lime orange juice. Take 2
spoons daily until, it is over.
Get some quantity of dry pawpaw leaves
and cashew leaves, boil with water and drink half cup daily for
one week.
Add 3 spoons of honey into a glass cup of milk. Take all at bedtime for one week.
Grind 12 bulbs of onions and 12 bulbs of
garlic together. Get 3 bottles of honey, mix together.
Take 2 spoons thrice daily for 2 weeks.
👉23. TEETHING PROBLEMS IN CHILDREN : Get a mixture of lime
juice and honey; let it be of equal quantity. The child should take one teaspoon twice daily
until the problem is over.
Get large quantity of guava leaves,pound,add water and filter.
Drink one glass cup thrice
per day for 1 week. As you are taking that, eat carrot and cucumber daily for 2 weeks.
Get 3 bulbs of Okro,slice them; get
the dry seed of it, ferment everything with soda water for 2 days. Take half cup daily for one
Get 6 bulbs of white onions, grind and
extract the juice. Mix the juice with honey. Take 2 spoons thrice
daily for one week.
Get 3 pieces of bitter cola, some
ginger and garlic, grind and add lime juice .Take 2 spoons twice
daily for one week.
Get one onion, small garlic and ginger, grind all. Mix with palm kernel oil. Give the child to
and use the mixture as cream for the child.
Rub the affected the area with pure honey
Get one bottle of olive oil and one bottle of
honey. Mix together and warm it for few minutes. Use the
mixture to wash your hair.
Grind bird pepper, unripe pawpaw seed and
mix with lime orange juice.
Use the mixture to rub the head, hair
will start growing in the affected area.
Get some quantity of pumpkin leaves and
garden egg leaves, squeeze out the liquid, add milk. Drink it for three days; your blood will
be boosted.
Apply the aloe-vera gel to the affected eyes
every night until the problem is over.
Eat small quantity of ginger
continuously for one week.
Get some okro bulbs, cut it into pieces and
pound. Add small water and honey and drink thrice in a day.
Kindly like, share for others to benefit.

Charcoal is one of the most disregarded products at home. We only see the need for it when it
is time to set fire for Banku.
However, if you really need first aid, charcoal is something you need to have on you all the
time. You might not know this but it is one of the most medicinal products you can have at
home due to its poison extraction ability.
In case you never gave it much attention, this is the time to do so. Here are *13* benefits of
charcoal you never thought about.

1. *#Preventing_Odour*.
Does your shoe smell bad? Just get some charcoal & put it in them. Do you have any bad
smell in your room? Drop some charcoal where you suspect the smell could be coming from.
Does your fridge or freezer smell? Put a piece of charcoal in it. Do you have strong body
odour? Just make a powder out of charcoal & use.
Charcoal is very good at getting rid of bad smell. Ever wondered why your parents always
scooped out the ash from the coal pot to pour in the hen coop or toilet before sweeping? That
was to get rid of the odour.

2. *#Keeping_Food_Fresh*.
If you want your vegetables to be fresh all the time, just make a solution out of charcoal &
leave your vegetables in them. Thank us later.

3. *#Removing_Toxins_From_Food*.
These days, people complain about the use of fertilizers on plants & vegetables, making them
unwholesome & poisonous. If you have charcoal, you don’t need to worry about this. All you
need to do is leave the vegetables in a charcoal solution overnight & it’ll take care of the
toxins. If you suspect any food contains too many chemicals, just drop them in a charcoal
solution for some hours & you’re good to go.

4. *#For_Teeth_Whitening*.
If you want to whiten your teeth, pay no attention to all these adverts on whitening chemicals
& technology. Just get yourself some charcoal & grab hold of a plantain stalk. Make a
powder out of the charcoal, mash the tip of the plantain stalk, dip it into the charcoal powder
& brush your teeth with it for a week.
5. *#Restoring_Soup_That_Went_Bad*.
Did your groundnut soup or palm nut soup go bad? No need to worry about pouring it all
away. Just put it back on fire & drop a piece of charcoal in it. This will extract all the bad
taste & smell & restore the soup to its fresh state.

6. *#Detoxifying*.
Do you have a hangover out of a drink out with friends the previous night? Just have some
charcoal with you & chew on it. To make it more effective, make a nice solution out of it &
drink. You’re good to go.

7. *#Neutralizing_Alcohol*.
If you mistakenly did some wild mixing & feel it can knock you out, just add some charcoal
to the mixture & your problem is solved. Or if you took in too much alcohol, just drink some
charcoal solution & you’re good to go.

8. *#Healing_Wounds*.
Do you have a situation where someone’s wound has become so infected to the state doctors
are saying they have to cut the affected area? Don’t stress over it, get a large amount of
charcoal powder & pour it on the wound. This will extract all the poison from the wound &
also help it heal faster. If you have a cut & you want to treat it fast, just get some powdered
charcoal & pour on it.

9. *#Water_Filtration*.
Do you feel your water is contaminated? You don’t need all these products on the market.
Charcoal can do better, just drop some amount of it in it. Don’t worry about the colour, it is
safe, you can even chew on charcoal. It is far safer than eating chicken from KFC.

10. *#Skin_Cleansing*.
Do you have pimples, acne or any skin disease you really want to get rid of or do you want a
very smooth face or skin? All you need is charcoal. Make a thick solution out of it & smear it
on your body & leave it on for some hours before taking your bath. It will leave your skin
smooth & fresh.

11. *#Stain_Removal*.
Do you have some stubborn stain in your kitchen, washroom or on your tiles? You actually
need charcoal to get rid of it. I know you’re imagining how this black stainy product can
actually remove stains right? Just try it, it works like magic.

12. *#Getting_rid_of_a_Bloated_Stomach*.
If you ate or drank something & feel bloated, charcoal is the best solution to get rid of the

13. *#Gets_Rid_of_bad_Cholesterol*.
Making a solution out of it & drinking helps eliminate all the bad cholesterol you have stored
in you.

14. *#Ulcer_Treatment*.
Charcoal can treat all ulcers. Just make it a habit to always chew some.
Dates are ones of the healthiest fruits you can consume, as they are rich in beneficial
ingredients that treat various health issues, including hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, and
high cholesterol.

They also accelerate the metabolism.


1- Dates prevent diarrhea

Dates are high in potassium, which prevents diarrhea by the healthy bacteria and thus
relieving the belly flora and the intestines.

2- Dates regulate cholesterol

Dates cleanse blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots, so they effectively
regulate the unhealthy cholesterol or LDL.

3-Dates regulate blood pressure

Dates are high in potassium and contain no sodium, so they are perfect in the case of
hypertension. Moreover, 5-6 dates contain 80 mg of magnesium, which boosts the blood flow
and is spread through the blood vessels. To reduce blood pressure, you need about 370 mg of

4-Dates for anemia

These fruits are a rich source of iron, so they are extremely useful in the case of anemia,
pregnancy, and for children. 100 grams of dates daily will provide 0.9 mg of iron, which is
about 11 % of the recommended daily intake of iron.

Iron has a beneficial effect on the red blood cells and hemoglobin and helps the oxygen flow
through the blood.

5-Dates prevent strokes

The high potassium content in these fruits enhances the nervous system and prevents strokes.
Hence, the daily intake of 400 mg of potassium successfully prevents strokes.
6-Dates for heart health
Soak the dates in water during the night, and in the morning eat them or add them to your
smoothie to support heart health.

7-Dates soothe constipation

Dates are extremely useful in the case of constipation. You should keep them in some water
overnight, and then drink the water in the morning to help digestion, and use their mild
laxative properties.

8-Dates help weight loss

The consumption of dates on an empty stomach will help you control your body weight, as
they contain no cholesterol


Think twice ,next time you make rice, and about to throw away the water💧! It turns out Rice
water is one of the cheapest ways to pamper your skin and hair! While the world gushes over
creams and potions sold in a bottle, Asia’s easiest and well-kept secret is literally all you need
for a glowing skin and lustrous hair.🙆 Rice water – which is nothing but water in which rice
has been left to soak/boil for a while – contains benefits galore, and adding it to your personal
care regime will only enhance your skin and hear health in the most natural and chemical-free
way. Rice water has many healing and beautifying effects on the skin deriving from the many
vitamins and antioxidants it contains:

The Chinese village of Huangluo, home to native Red Yao women, is in the Guinness Book
of Records as the ‘world’s longest hair village’. The women here boast long, lustrous and
healthy hair that is consistently maintained. The villagers believe that it is a symbol of luck,
longevity and prosperity. So what is the secret to their fabulously-maintained hair? An
ancient but extremely simple Chinese remedy – rice water! This magic potion, used as a
natural shampoo and rinse for centuries now, clearly works wonders. In fact, women usually
don’t start graying until they’re almost eighty years old! But China doesn’t hold monopoly
over rice water. Around 1,200 years ago, women in Japan – especially those at the Imperial
Court – used rice water to rinse their hair as well as wash their face. This solution was highly
acclaimed and termed ‘Yu-Su-Ru’. Geishas especially used it, to keep their skin smooth,
even-toned and supple. Even Korea (which has now seen a revival in traditional beauty
techniques) and other South East Asian countries like Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia
have a history of using rice water as a key beauty supplement.

🎆How do you make and store rice water at home?

There are two very simple ways to make rice water at home.

1) In a large vessel, soak a cup of uncooked rice in double the amount of water, and leave for
about half an hour. Strain the water into a bottle – this is rice water.
2) In a cooker, boil rice in twice the amount of cooking water that you normally use for
cooking. When it is half cooked, strain out the water into a bottle, and use as rice water.

Storage: Rice water should be stored in a jar, vessel or bottle with a lid at room temperature
in a dry place. It can be consumed immediately, or over 4-5 days. The older the solution, the
more concentrated, so you may need to dilute it with water with each passing day. Rice water
should be thrown away after 5 days, and fresh batch whipped up.

Tip: It is preferable to use organic rice, clean filtered water, and rinse the rice thoroughly
before use to get rid of any topical pollutants and pesticides. White rice is preferred over
brown or red rice – since the water from the former has more extensive benefits.

🎆What does it contain, and how often can you use it?

Rice water has a multitude of components with nutritional value for the skin and hair. Around
16 percent of these are proteins, the building blocks essential to cell health. Triglycerides and
lipids each make up 10 percent of the rice water composition, while starch (an extract still
used in Japanese cosmetics), is present at 9 percent. Carbohydrates, inositol, phytic acid and
inorganic substances are other components in rice water. This is what you get when you boil
an average handful of white rice in two cups of hot water, and strain out the residue liquid.

👉Rice water 💧can be used twice a day everyday as a skin toner, once a day in a skin mask
or as a facial rinse. It can also be used as a shampoo as often as you shampoo your hair, or as
a final rinse.
🎆How to use on your skin:

👉Wash your face as you normally do and pat dry your skin with a towel. Use a cotton pad
soaked in rice water to completely saturate your skin, as you would do with any skin toner.
Let your skin air dry and then apply your moisturiser. Repeat twice a week for best results.

It acts as an astringent on the skin, tightening poresIt nourishes and protects skin due to
vitamin E it contains.It helps the production of collagen, preserving skin elasticity. It inositol
content helps promote cell growth and regeneration. It acts as an antioxidant to protect
against free radicals and aging. It protects the skin from UV-damageIt helps heal acne and
cools redness. It helps treat eczema


Over the years, various studies have been testimony to the fact that rice water, part of Asia’s
culinary legacy, is also part of its beauty legacy. And for good reason. There are several
benefits to using rice water for the skin.

1) It soothes skin conditions in sensitive skins, including acne and pimples. In 2002, a study
from the Department of Toxicology at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium determined
that patients with skin conditions like inflammation, rashes and dermatitis benefitted greatly
from taking a bath in rice water twice a day. So people with sensitive skins, rejoice! It is the
most natural astringent you can ever imagine, thanks to its high starch content, and is good
for people suffering from chronic acne and pimples as well.

2) It keeps your skin safe from the sun

Rice water is a natural sunscreen, protecting from the harmful effects of UV rays. In addition,
rice water can be used to treat sunburns. Just apply it on sun-damaged skin, and it will help
your skin recover faster. It also helps tighten open pores. A dermatological study on patients
with atopic dermatitis claimed that taking a 15 minute bath with rice water twice a day could
improve the condition significantly.

3) It is an anti-ageing solution
Skin texture is greatly improved, and elasticity is restored by using rice water, especially in
the case of dry and dehydrated skin. Rice water is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
flavanoids and phenolic compounds. In addition, it contains ferulic acid and allantoin, all of
which are necessary for skin function.

4) It improves the complexion

One of the key functions of rice water is brighter skin and an even skin tone. If you dip a
cotton ball in fermented rice water and massage it into your face, it really works wonders.
You’ll find sunspots, pigmentation, hyperpigmentation and freckles lightening.
👉Soak a cotton pad in rice water and apply it on your clean face like a toner. Applying this
concoction on your face promotes cell growth and stimulates blood flow. This natural skin
toner keeps you skin smooth and bright.

6) It protects against skin cancer

Not only does it promote cell growth and regeneration, keeping your skin supple and smooth,
it also has antioxidants, which keep various skin cancers at bay and also act as an anti-ageing

7) It benefits the skin on your body, not just your face

You can use it as a bath soak – just add two cups of rice water into regular water that’s in
your bath rub, and finish up with a few drops of lavender essential oil. Soak for about half an
hour to reap the skin benefits of rice water all over the body, while the lavender lulls you into
a comfortable sleep-like state.

8)For pores:
Washing your face with rice water will reduce the size of the pores.


How to use on hair.
👉Wash your hair as you normally do and rinse them well. Work in some rice water in your
hair, leave for a 2-3 minutes and rinse well with water. Repeat once or twice a week. If you
need to use extra conditioner, use a leave-in one after you towel-dry your hair.

Rice water is an excellent hair conditioner. Studies have shown that it contains the
carbohydrate inositol, which stays inside hair, even after rinsing, offering continuous
beautifying and protective effects:

Increases hair elasticity,Reduces surface friction,Strengthens hair,Helps restore damage,Make

hair shiny and manageable

1)For healthy and shiny hair:

After washing your hair with shampoo, apply some rice water to
your hair. Allow it to stay for a few minutes and then rinse it off.
The proteins in this rice water will strengthen your hair shaft and
leave it smooth and shiny.

2) Say goodbye to frizzy hair

In 2010, a study was published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, where
researchers clearly stated that using rice water as a hair treatment offered several benefits
including improved elasticity, texture and lesser friction and frizz. This is largely due to the
presence of inositol, a carbohydrate.
3) It is a chemical-free hair cleanser
Using it as a shampoo to wash out your hair may not be as convenient as a store bought
shampoo, but it comes without chemicals and preservatives, and you don’t even need to
follow it up with a conditioner. 3) It balances your scalp’s pH levels
Rice water keeps your hair’s natural oils intact and its pH levels are similar to that of the
scalp! For added benefits, a few drops of your preferred essential oils can be added to rice
water, and this mix can replace your regular shampoo.


1) It is good for stomach-related ailments

Including rice water in your diet is beneficial in more ways than one. It can cure a number of
ills such as stomach infections, gastric problems and nausea. It improves gut health
drastically, which in turn reflects on the outside, giving you smooth and radiant skin.

2) Rice water is good for babies

Rice water is also used extensively across Asian cultures for babies who are weaning off
nursing, to settle their stomachs.

3) It keeps the body healthy

Drinking up rice water is a natural cure for eczema, fever and other bacterial infections. It is
full of energy, with a low-cal but high-carb way of providing your body with the boost it
needs to get through the day effectively.

4) For a probiotic face mask, take half a cup of curd and mix 2 tsp rice water into it. Let it sit
for ten minutes. Then apply all over face and neck, and leave on for 10 minutes. Wipe with a
wet washcloth and pat dry. This pack has anti-ageing and skin firming benefits.

5)Mix half a cup of rice water with half a mashed banana in a blender. Add a few drops of
castor oil and apply all over face, including a very thin, careful layer under the eyes. Dip
some cotton wool in a teaspoon of rice water and slowly remove the pack. Once every inch of
the paste has come off, splash water on your face and pat dry. For tired and dull looking skin,
this pack is ideal.
6)Here’s a real treat! This antioxidant scrub will have your skin glowing in no time. Add 2
teaspoons of cocoa powder to a tbsp of rice water and mix well. Scrub this into the skin in
slow upward strokes. Then rise well and pat dry with a towel

👉What are the cons?

Rice water is not a miracle cure, but a slow, healing process. While you’ll see visible benefits
using it for a few days or even weeks, to reap its real benefits means making a lifestyle
change. It’ll need to be a part of your daily routine just as much as eating breakfast or
brushing your teeth. Also, try to get certified organic white rice, since non-organic versions
may have extensive traces of dirt, pollutants, bacteria and pesticides that you are privy to,
resulting in skin problems like eczema and so on. Since the product is homemade, it doesn’t
contain preservatives. So you’ll need to keep an eye out for when it’s going bad and quickly
make a new fresh batch every couple of days.

Apart from all this drinking rice water everyday will boost your
overall health including your skin health too; so think twice
before you throw away rice water!

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