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What’s the Difference: SMS Queue

Management App and Waiting Line

Management Systems?

SMS Queue Management Apps and Waiting Line Management Systems are synonymous, both
aim to achieve optimal customer flow, however, SMS queuing management apps and customer
waiting line management system can be fundamentally different in design and effectiveness.
Why it matters, it’s estimated Americans spend 37 billion hours waiting in line annually. Wait
time is directly affected by the waiting line system in use. sms queue system

According to the technology blog Automate the Wait! SMS queue management apps, such
as QueueMobile achieves optimal customer flow-through through “virtual queuing”. SMS queue
management software eliminates the physical waiting line by creating virtual queues using
interactive SMS messaging and digital displays of the wait order across multiplequeues.
Customer queue management systems that use SMS queuing are purely digital queue
management software system. Advanced mobile queuing applications, such as QueueMobile, go
beyond the virtual waiting to include digital workflow efficiencies, creating a seamless customer
journey across multiple departments.

Waiting Line Management systems can be Customer Queue Management Software such as
electronic queuing systems, using just digital signage to signify to customers in line, the next
open service desk. Ideal for retail. Take a ticket system is a common waiting line management
system using numbered tickets to maintain order and fairness for services that require a longer
wait, such as a deli counter. Waiting line management systems and queue management systems
are designed to organize the wait, maintaining a sense of fairness, through the order of the wait,
usually first come, first serve, examples include grocery stores and bank. Common physical
waiting lines, which often double for crowd control, is stanchions and rope posts, examples
include the “velvet rope” at a Hollywood premiere, or perhaps an art exhibit.
Before SMS queue management apps organizations had little choice in how they could manage
long queues and maintain customer satisfaction. Fewer attendants might be inexpensive, at least
in the short run, but often incurring longer wait times and greater customer dissatisfaction,
costing the organization customers in the long run. Typically providing a high level of service is
costly, requiring more man-hours, however with SMS queue management apps the additional
cost of the software is the only expense, the number of attendants can remain the same,
according to Social Mobile Trends. Customers still have to wait but not standing in line. When
customers are waiting without standing in line they tend to spend more money. SMS queue
management systems generate a return on investment, unlike traditional waiting lines.

Learn more visit QueueMobile.com

Queue management system

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