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Remember some points to generate

Viewer on your Short Films
Rajasthan Film Festival Follow
Oct 23 · 3 min read

Nowadays, Getting people to watch our short film is not an easy task. I have seen
continuously Many short filmmakers struggle to get views for their short films. If
you don’t have a lot of subscribers or if you are a beginner, it’s pretty tough.
Channels spend money into marketing to get “millions of views”, others use their
connections, subscribers or partners to promote their videos, Short Film Festival in

Some points to generate Viewer | Short Film Festival in

Before publishing your film online, I strongly recommend you send your film to a
couple of film festivals and if you win, that can be used as a great selling point when
you upload the film. This article focuses on steps you can follow to get more views
that require a lot of patience.
Focus on Quality

This is the most important thing and the only part where you have control. Work
hard to make an awesome short film. Good films keep viewers watching, sharing and
wanting for more, resulting in more views. Content is not well enough, there is no
point in spending time marketing the film. So spend a good amount of time in pre-
production. Read out the script to your friends, get feedback, re-write. Re-write till
you are satisfied with the script.

Video Optimization (Video SEO)

If you successfully shot and processed an amazing film, it’s time to put it out to the
world. In this article, I’ll be focusing on YouTube, but you can follow the same steps
for Vimeo or any other video publishing platform.

Video SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is about getting your film ranked high on
search results, both on YouTube and Google. Recognization is an easy task to do, yet
incredibly important and most of the filmmakers don’t take this seriously. A wholly
optimized video will get views automatically through YouTube’s recommended video

You can optimize videos on YouTube by editing the Title, Video Description, Video
Tags and the Video Thumbnail.

Regional Film | Short Film Festival in India

Title — If you are a beginner you can follow the following name delegation —
“Short Film Name | Short Film”.

Assuming that your film won at some film festival, you can use the following naming
convention — “Short Film Name” | Award Winning Short Film.

Feel free to play around with the title, but ensure you mention your film name and
never include false information.

Video Description — The Most important thing is description should tell the
viewers ever ything they need to know, from the synopsis to cast and crew
information, and all the extras or relevant information in between.

Short Film Festival in India, Some of the details you can include are:
● Synopsis

● Share Links to your social media channels(Facebook, Twitter, etc…)

● If you are a regular short filmmaker, tell your viewer to subscribe.

Video Tags — Video tags are the most important keywords that describe your video
and which help YouTube to ser ve your video to people when they search with terms
similar to your video tags. Know about Video tags are also used for recommended
videos which I mentioned earlier.

Video tags not shown to the audience. So, many of them include words that aren’t
related to their film to get views. If we are used many keywords in content so its like
keywords overloading, This is called keyword stuffing and YouTube hates keyword
stuffing. Initially, you might get some views, but later YouTube’s algorithms will
catch you and YouTube will stop ser ving your film in that fake tag search. I’ll discuss
this in another article.

Video Thumbnail — All are considered this point, This is the first thing someone
notices when they see your video in a search result, so use it to grab their attention
and make them click on your video. YouTube gives you 3 images from your film to use
as your thumbnail, but it’s always good to use a custom made thumbnail. This will
give you more creative freedom.

Short Film Festival Short Film Regional Film Film Festival


Rajasthan Film Festival

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