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#1 Five years and six months.


Nice to meet you. I'm Läyeh and this is my first video story
about... Walking on a fine rope beyond the abyss.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking about a mom's statement:

Your life is a stairway, and you should celebrate when you go

I hate to admit it, but she is right. There's no way to skip

these stairs. What she didn't tell me is the space between
their steps. Sometimes it's too small, sometimes it's the
longest one.

For five years and six months, I was trying to be perfect, but
why sometimes I felt like a fish out of water? Why I had the
sensation of walking in circles? Someone above us, aka God,
told me I was at the wrong stairway.

I decided to take the risk and choose another one. I like it,
but there's a huge abyss between one step and another. I'm
using my stone cross to keep my equilibrium when passing by
this fine rope. I can't look back, I can't look down, and I
know I can die. I can see the light on the other side, but is
it real? I guess so.

#2 Intellectual Ego.


It begins when I was 9. I wanted to be taken seriously, so I

said the most innocent and serious thing: I want to be a
judge. I've always loved fashion, music and visual arts. But I
learned that it doesn't make a good reputation among my
family. So I let it die.

Actually, it began when I wrote my first word: I was 2 and

facing many suspicions about my skill. Nobody could accept
that my IQ test was high. But I confess that all those
compliments about my intelligence caressed my ego... I wanted
to dominate the world and be taken seriously. But heck no...
The age acted like a wind turbine in my sand castle. I try to
let the artist die, but she resisted and tried to come out in
my adolescence... And then I killed the artist when I decided
to be an intelligent person.

And when I finally woke up from this intellectual delirium...

The intelligent girl was dead and buried. Now I was an
unoccupied and fearful woman. Fear of losing the lost
reputation, maybe, I don't know... This soap opera had six
seasons. Six years of bad reputation, a many limited menus of
options and many losses... Until having a perfect idea.

#3 Prince Charming


Perfect ideas can be easily destroyed by wind turbines, just

like my intellectuality. I had to leave something behind and
face the consequences. And the intellectual girl died.

The rebirth of the artist hasn't been so simple and

celebrated. Actually, it has been seen as a tremendous loss of
sanity. A pursue a romantic happily ever after. My version?
It's a paradox. I've never read fairy tales, I've never liked
them. I love empiricism.

Instead of wanting approval from society... I decided to screw

everything up and be faithful. The great idea demands 120% of
myself, many escape sequences from the comfort zone, a little
bit of courage and lots of fool.

The results are growing in an invisible plan. No one touches

or sees, but they are there. In its eighth month. The clock is
ticking, I know... May the best win.

#4 10,000 feet


One day, I had to talk about it. Sometimes I feel like an owl.
Sometimes I feel like a butterfly. But I only have the aerial
experience from airplanes. Less than I wanted, I confess. But
too uncomfortable. I remember that moment when the airplane's
leaving the ground. "Fasten seat belt", they say. Everything's
really uncomfortable inside me. But I can't express into words
how relieving is this experience. I feel like leaving my
problematic life behind and beautifully throwing myself into
the unknown. The airplane's flying, but I feel like being
attached to a chair. This metaphor is my life. I heard in the
church that no one feels their grandiosity coming. No one
knows when they're flying in safety because they feel terribly
bad in their seats. But do they feel relieved when leaving the
ground? Do they like to throw themselves into the unknown? Is
it my path of glory or prelude of a mayday? Fasten seat belt.

#5 Obstinate!


I’m the creator of Envis (it means obstinate in Swedish) or

ePDI. Don't call me founder and CEO, please! It's still too
early for it. I try to be realistic. Remember, this is my
slackline adventure! From now on, take my hand and walk around
my mental roads, I'm your guide.

The year was 2014, and I was feeling totally depressed and
useless. Do you like to hear no from everyone else around you?
I was feeling like trying to marry a married man. A fish out
of the water. My personal life... was also on a collision
course. I went to many undesirable places just to understand
what the heck was happening to me. Until falling on my knees
and praying for an answer before giving up.

The answer came seven days after my claim. A person who

accidentally turned my head to the other side. Me, an
entrepreneur? Me? I'm an intellectual being. I love my books,
I'm shy, I've never worked in sales, and I was virtually
impeded of running a business if I wanted to work for any
governmental entity.

But divine will works in mysterious ways... I went on vacation

with this idea running through my head. What could I do? How
could I run a business? Then I saw the light: I could start
selling my art in an original way. Bang! I gave birth to

Seven months after starting this nano business, a very dearest

cousin comes in town, with very advanced and fresh ideas about
everything. It was delightful to talk about anything with her.
Some months after this return, she plants another
entrepreneurial seed in my head.

I was very informal but never thought about using my formal

education to create something. How could I start doing it?
How? I imagined initially to work with international
consulting for businesses. B2B, huh? However, many of my
"mental prototypes" let myself dissatisfied because it wasn't
exactly what I was looking for. But it was so different from
everything I planned to my life that...I felt stimulated to go
on, not to give up. There was no way back. Take it or leave
it. I decided to take it.

#6 A heart beats.


After some months of studies and reflection, I found a chance

to refine my line of business, when a quarrel brought me a
"question-answer": "Do you know how hard is to establish
yourself abroad?".

It was early June, I was returning home after a very "hearty"

evening, and still not decided if I could start a business or
not. I just wanted to be independent and useful. But how? I
know all my knowledge wasn't accumulated in vain! I would like
to help practically my peers with all my accumulated
knowledge, especially now, when I reconnected myself with my
Christian roots and started to play a more active role in the
huge Catholic community.

How? Providing support to individuals who wanted to migrate,

so they could have a less traumatic experience. Supporting
migrants like a distant relative, and giving them some
realistic profile of the place they choose to live.

The first sketches were intriguing, I spent many Sundays

reading articles, listening to podcasts and watching videos to
make it useful to you. Some months later, I started whispering
the idea to some peers. It has suffered many modifications
since then, just like an embryo. And it will be more and more
modified until its birth.

After all this field study, I know that I need more than just
my will to bring this idea to life. I need people, more
reading Sundays, and ant work. Want to come in?
#7 The Grasshopper and the Ant


The fable describes a grasshopper that has spent the summer

singing while the ant worked to store up food for winter. When
the season arrives, the grasshopper finds itself dying of
hunger and begs the ant for food. However, the ant tells it to
dance the winter away then. I love this story. It teaches us
why hard work is the secret of success. To work today is to
eat tomorrow.

Although trying hard to be happy and sacrificing too much of

my life to do it, I feel I'm in my place. People will
understand me later. Now I'm losing many music festivals,
missing many friends and cool family members, just to dedicate
100% of my time to raise money and create this business, but
even if isn't the right way, I tried to do the right thing. I
know I'm not stealing no one's money to party like a rockstar.
I'm young, I know, but my 30s are coming. I hear it every
single time of my life. I have to stand my ground, and, who
knows, enjoy my years of ant work in grasshoppers' lands.

#8 Läyeh, you are my best friend.


I never heard this sentence. Never. I've always been in second

place, or the other friend. For years it has killed me softly,
until choosing to be spiritual. My best friend... has created
the mankind and the Universe. Always tells me which path is
the best one to follow. Period!

And then I fall into something I watched during my Sunday

Popcorn Session, a session created to watch entrepreneurial
videos. I'm here at DiploHeart... not to be my own boss, but
to make each of you my bosses. My best friends... It would be
too selfish to elect one human being to be my boss. One human
being to be my best friend. I'm yours, public domain. An
introvert who likes people. Period!

#9 In slow motion.

The day was Sunday. A very warm Sunday between rainy and fresh
days of Fall. Maybe I discovered the best and worst thing of
my inner self: I am a slow person. Obvious, too obvious to be
true, but...denied and undesirable. Blame an unhappy
combination of genetics with astrological hell. I was born in
a very decisive year for IT. Computers were portable, we had
CD players, we could travel the world with fast airplanes, and
I...am...too...slow. Constellation wasn't that friendly with
this premature baby girl, but I swear I can use it as an
advantage. Oh, my goodness, how could I deny my slow nature? I
love slow science, that one which intends to beat this fast-
paced and insomniac world. I appreciate ready-mades and and-
plays, but there's nothing better... than tailor-made! When I
hit stop on that documentary about minimalism, I fell in love
with the possibility of starting owning less and living more,
not necessarily wasting less. The project I follow to be
minimalist taught me to be patient...and slow-paced! And what
does it have to do with our DiploHeart? Bah, everything! If
I'm slow, I don't care if it will take almost one year to see
this app consolidated! Processes are very appreciated by me
because they won't be concluded in a single day or a single
week! One year has passed, and many things were done. In slow
motion. What an irony of destiny! I'm doing something to
simplify our lives... in slow motion. Will I arrive there?

#10 State of Art.


This is the last episode of this season one. Yesterday I was

someone in love with art, trying to be taken seriously. Today
I'm a very informal artist with the weirdest creations of the
world, looking for credibility and external peace. Tomorrow I
can have the double life I'm fighting for. Tomorrow I can
pitch my ideas to the world outside this screen. How? I must
be a performer. I must pick up my guitar, wear my best hat and
play the best songs ever in a crowded place, waiting for the
first coins. Wait, what? I won't go anywhere without you. I
will keep crying regretting my intellectual ego who ruled for
five years and six months. I will keep looking for my prince
charming in a very obstinate way, and feel all motion sickness
10,000 ft above the ground. With you, my best friends, I will
do ant work in slow motion to make this heart beat stronger. I
found out another disgusting thing from my other side: I need
the motivation to go further. Performers need fans to go
further. This motivation will never come from my mirror, fans
will never come from my head. It comes from Heaven, it comes
from you. I can't fill a stadium, I can't make anything happen
by myself. Art never dies. Be inspired by this artistic spirit
and unlock the door together with me. If we do it, be sure you
will watch, listen and live... many days of my life.

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