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Submitted By

Ankit Bhoge (16IT1058)

Jinita Bhatt (16IT1010)
Prasad Ban(16IT1055)

Mrs. Anita Patil

Department of Information Technology

Dr. D. Y. Patil Group’s
Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology Nerul, Navi Mumbai
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai)


This is to certify that the project entitled `EVENT INFORMER' being submitted
(16IT1055) to the University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the award of the degree of ‘B.E.I.T’ in “Artificial Intelligence”.

Project Guide External Examiner Head of Department

(Mrs. Anita Patil) ( ) (Dr. Ashish Jadhav)


We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and
we here others' ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all
principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or
fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source in our submission. We understand
that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute
and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been
properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

Name and Roll No. of Students Signature

1. ANKIT BHOGE (16IT1058) ( )

2. JINITA BHATT(16IT1010) ( )

3. PRASAD BAN (16IT1055) ( )




The project “EVENT INFORMER” is creative work of m any minds. A proper

synchronization between individual is must for any project to be completed
successfully. One cannot imagine the power of the force that guides us all and
neither can we succeed without acknowledging it.

We would like to express our gratitude to Principal Dr. Mukesh D. Patil and Dr.
Ashish Jadhav, our Head of the department, Information Technology Engineering
for encouraging and inspiring us to carry out the project in the department lab.

We would also like to thank our Guide Mrs. Anita Patil, Department of the
Information Technology Engineering for her expert guidance, encouragement and
valuable suggestions at every step.

We also would like to thank all the staff members Department of the Information
Technology Engineering for providing us with the required facilities and support
towards the completion of the project.

Last but not the least we are thankful to our parents and friends for their constant
Inspiration, encouragement and well wishes by which we have made a challenging





We take great opportunity to present this Mini Project report on

“EVENT INFORMER” and put before readers some useful information
regarding our project.
We have made sincere attempts and taken every care to present this
matter in precise and compact form, the language being as simple as
possible. We are sure that the information contained in this volume
certainly proves useful for better insight in the scope and dimension of
this project in its true perspective.
The task of the completion of the project though being difficult was
made quite simple, interesting and successful due to deep involvement
and complete dedication of our group members.


Declaration …………….…….…………………………………………I
Preface …………………………………………………………………III
Table of Contents ………………...……………………………………IV
Table of figures ...…………………...……………………………….…V


Sr. Topic Page no.

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to AI 10
1.2 Problem Statement 10
1.3 Objectives 10
2 Literature Survey 11
2.1 Motivation 11
3 Proposed System
3.1 Introduction to proposed system 12
3.2 Hardware and Software requirement 13
4 Implementation
4.1 Code 14
5 Result 18
6 Conclusion and Scope
6.1 Conclusion 19
6.2 Future Scope 20
6.3 Benefit to society 20
7 References

1. Use case diagram for ChatBot……………………………………………………………12.
2. Seqeunce diagram representing design of chtabot…………………………………… ….14
3. Cmd1………………………………………………………………………………...……18
4. Cmd2…………………………………………………………………………………..…18
5. Chatbot……………………………………………………………………………19


Here in this Mini project Artificial intelligence, with Chatbot as headline topic. we
are having as a system which can give information about an event going on in
college. Here participants or the visitor will ask a certain question which they want
to know and through our chatbot, they will get answers to all of that. In this way,
we can let to know about our college and its festival even without a present in

1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction to AI
Artificial intelligence as the “copy of something natural (i.e., human beings)
‘WHO’ is capable of acquiring and applying the information it has gained through
exposure.” Many tools are used in AI, including versions of search and
mathematical optimization, logic, methods based on probability and economics.
The AI field draws upon computer science, mathematics, psychology, linguistics,
philosophy, neuro-science, artificial psychology and many others. Applications of
AI include Natural Language Processing, Gaming, Speech Recognition, Vision
Systems, Healthcare, and Automotive etc. An AI system is composed of an agent
and its environment. An agent (e.g., human or robot) is anything that can perceive
its environment through sensors and acts upon that environment through effectors.
Intelligent agents must be able to set goals and achieve them.

1.2 Problem Statement

Event informer consists of chat interface which will tell about no. of event
going in this festival or event. This information will include the time and place of
event the schedule of the event going to happen. Here through chat interface one
can questions about event and the chatbot will be trained to answer such question.
A chatbot that functions through machine learning has an artificial neural
network inspired by the neural nodes of the human brain. The bot is programmed
to self-learn as it is introduced to new dialogues and words.

1.3 Objectives
• To create chatbot which tell about information of event
• To understand the concept of chatbot
• To implement the AI and machine learning technique to solve real life

2. Literature survey
2.1 Literature survey
• A Tool of Conversation: Chatbot

IJSCE E-ISSN: 2347-2693 M. Dahiya

Chatbot is widely popular now-a-days and catching speed as an
application of computer communication. Some programs respond intelligently like
human. This type of program is called a Chatbot. This paper addresses the design
and implementation of a Chatbot system. We will also study another application
where Chatbots could be useful and techniques used while designing a Chatbot.

• How to Build a Chatbot: Chatbot Framework and its Capabilities

ACM New York, NY, USA ©2018; By: Chen Wei, Zhichen Yu, Simon Fong

A great deal of recent research was focused on social and assistive

Chatbot, and its technology has been evolving over time. Following this direction,
a Chatbot Framework is established in this paper, discussing about the relevant
technologies. Following this, we describe the capabilities of the Chatbot and
discuss about the technologies. The entire Chatbot framework will be presented
afterwards, as well as the supporting set of modules. Our analysis of this
framework shows that the framework that is based on some theoretical designs
could be practically implemented to satisfy the required capabilities in the industry.
Through our analysis, we show that the capabilities are also feasible.
2.2 Motivation
The basic motivation behind this mini project is nothing but to make aware about
the event going on the campus. When there is certain going on in our college
consider TechFest for example, we have so many committees organizing so many
event here there might confusion for the participant from outside the college to find
the exact location of event, who are all organizing it, what the charges or winning
prize for that, also a detail information about games in the event was a confusion.
So, we wanted sum up all these mess to be answered using AI and machine

3. Proposed System
3.1 Introduction to Proposed System
A chatbot is a program designed to counterfeit a smart communication on a
text or spoken ground. But this paper is based on the text only chatbot. Chatbot
recognize the user input as well as by using pattern matching, access information
to provide a predefined acknowledgment.

Fig.1 : Use case diagram for ChatBot

By using this we can build chatbot which can be used to provide details of event.
When the input is bringing into being in the database, a response from a predefined
pattern is given to the user. A Chatbot is implemented using pattern comparing, in
which the order of the sentence is recognized and a saved response pattern is
acclimatize to the exclusive variables of the sentence. For example if some asked
“where is event Neon Cricket?’ it should response “Neon Cricket is in 606.”

3.2 Hardware and Software requirement
For Creating a efficient chatbot one must consider following points:

A. Selection of OS
Windows is used for this project because it is user friendly. It is also robust.
B. Selection of Software
Eclipse software is used for programming in java. Because it contains basic
workspace and it is mostly used for java applications.
C. Creating a Chatbot
For creating a Chatbot, a program has to be written. Java programming
language is used for programming. The Chatbot is created in such a way to
help the user, improve the communication and amuse the user.
D. Creating a Chat
The chat is created using a pattern that is known to the user and could be
easy to understand. Chat dialog box show up to create conversation. This
dialog box is created using java applets.
E. Pattern Matching
It is a technique of artificial intelligence used in the design of a Chatbot. The
input is matched with the inputs saved in the database and corresponding
response is returned.
F. Simple
The design of a Chatbot is very simple. It just answers to the questions
asked by the user, if the question is found in the database.
G. Conversational and Entertaining
The Chatbot responses are a way known to the user. The conversation
follows a Basic English language and interacts in an easy to read manner.
The conversation between the user and the Bot is entertaining. It is like
talking to other person.

Fig. 2 : Seqeunce diagram representing design of chtabot

4. Implementation
4.1 Code

from chatterbot import ChatBot

from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
import os

print("Old database removed. Training new database")
print('No database found. Creating new database.')

english_bot = ChatBot('Bot')
for file in os.listdir('data'):
print('Training using '+file)
convData = open('data/' + file).readlines()
print("Training completed for "+file)


from flask import Flask, render_template, request

from chatterbot import ChatBot
from chatterbot.trainers import ChatterBotCorpusTrainer
import os

from chatterbot import ChatBot

from chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer

file= open('saved_conversations/'+str(filenumber),"w+")
file.write('bot : Hi There! I am a eillie chatbot for official Elixir techfest of RAIT-


app = Flask(__name__)

english_bot = ChatBot('Bot',
'import_path': 'chatterbot.logic.BestMatch'


def home():
return render_template("index.html")

def get_bot_response():
userText = request.args.get('msg')
response = str(english_bot.get_response(userText))

appendfile= open('saved_conversations/'+str(filenumber),"a")
appendfile.write('user : '+userText+'\n')
appendfile.write('bot : '+response+'\n')

return response

if __name__ == "__main__":

5. Result




6. Conclusion and Scope
6.1 Conclusion
A chatbot is one of the simple ways to transport data from a computer
without having to think for proper keywords to look up in a search or browse
several web pages to collect information; users can easily type their query in
natural language and retrieve information. General purpose Chatbot must be
simple, user friendly, must be easily understood and the knowledge base must be
compact. Thus these will help students to get information about the event and
about college easily available at fingertips. This might help in providing
information to the students who are willing to take admission in our college.

6.2 Future Scope

Chatbot is a rudimentary form of artificial intelligence software that can
mimic human conversation. The Chatbots can be analyzed and improved. The
information necessary for further education after graduation can be stored in the
data base and can be retrieved any time by querying the bot, which might help in
students to plan what to do after graduation easily. These bots can also be used to
learn different kinds of language. The language that has to learnt can be stored in
the database and can be learnt by asking questions to the bot. This chatbot will be
implemented at official Techfest of RAIT-ACM student chapter (“ ELIXIR”)

6.3 Benefit to Society

This chatbot application will help students to let know about their college
and different kind of event and the activities going in college which might grow
interest of them to attend college. By getting the information about college those
who are planning to take admission in this college will be easy to get information
about the college and to direct through college itself not from external sources.
This might help in building college reputation.


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