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Treating Microbiota and/or the Barrier

Dig Dis 2013;31:388–390

DOI: 10.1159/000354707

Lecithin as a Therapeutic Agent in

Ulcerative Colitis
Wolfgang Stremmel Annika Gauss
Department of Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine IV, University Clinics of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

Key Words The Physiologic Concept

Mucus · Phosphatidylcholine · Lecithin · Ulcerative colitis
The outer surface of our body is covered by the skin,
which is a strong corneal layer whose function is to pro-
Abstract tect the inner organs from mechanical injury and irradia-
Lecithin [phosphatidylcholine (PC)] was shown to account tion. The inner surface consists of the mucosa, which pro-
for more than 70% of total phospholipids within the intesti- tects – among others – against the invasion of microbes.
nal mucus layer. It is arranged in lamellar membranes (sur- The essential component of the mucosal surface is the
factant-like particles) and establishes a hydrophobic barrier mucus, which is composed of a scaffold of mucins, a fam-
preventing invasion of the colonic commensal microbiota. ily of highly glycosylated proteins [1, 2]. They are nega-
In ulcerative colitis (UC), the mucus PC content was demon- tively charged and attract the phospholipid phosphatidyl-
strated to be reduced by about 70%, irrespective of the pres- choline (PC), which is another essential component of the
ence of inflammation. This may be of primary pathogenetic mucus [3–5] and synonymously called lecithin. PC is at-
significance allowing bacteria to enter the mucus and in- tached with the positively charged choline head group to
duce mucosal inflammation. Therefore, a new therapeutic the negatively charged carbohydrate side chains of mu-
strategy is being developed to substitute the missing mucus cins. The hydrophobic carbon chains bind to a counter-
PC content in UC. Indeed, a delayed-release PC formulation part fatty acid moiety of another PC molecule, thus form-
was able to compensate the lack of PC and improve the in- ing a bilayer. This typical arrangement appears as a lamel-
flammatory activity. In randomized controlled studies, de- lar layer within the mucus [6]. In areas of oxygen exposure,
layed-release PC was proven to be clinically and endoscopi- i.e. the lung, the fatty acid side chains of PC have to be
cally effective, which now awaits a phase III authority ap- saturated (mostly palmitic acid). In contrast, in mucus of
proval trial. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel the urogenital and gastrointestinal tract, the majority of
PC molecules contain a saturated as well as an unsatu-
rated fatty acid residue (palmitoyl, oleyl PC).
The PC bilayer creates a hydrophobic environment on
the surface of the mucus gel [7, 8]. In the lung, the PC
layer covering the inside of the alveoli and bronchioli is - 5/20/2015 3:14:00 AM

© 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stremmel

0257–2753/13/0314–0388$38.00/0 Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Innere Medizin IV
University of Tokyo

Im Neuenheimer Feld 410

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E-Mail karger@karger.com
DE–69120 Heidelberg (Germany)
E-Mail wolfgang.stremmel @ med.uni-heidelberg.de
defined as ‘surfactant’. It facilitates the gas exchange and The reduction of mucus PC towards the distal colon
prohibits the entrance of microbes [9]. In the intestine, could support the fact that UC always starts in the rectum
the PC-containing structures are referred to as ‘surfac- and spreads to more oral parts of the colon – the lower
tant-like particles’ and prevent invasion of the commen- the PC content of mucus, the farther the extension of co-
sal flora of the colon [9]. In a healthy gut, there are 1 tril- litis.
lion bacteria per gram of stool which live in harmony with The reason for the low mucus PC content in UC is yet
the organism. No inflammation or ulceration occurs un- unexplained; it might be linked, though, to the pathogen-
der normal conditions, due in part to the hydrophobic esis of the disease. Most likely it has something to do with
barrier created by the mucus PC layer. a postulated active mucosal translocation mechanism for
PC, as PC and LPC species account for >90% of surfac-
tant-like particles in mucus [3]. Experimentally radiola-
Hypothesis of the Pathogenesis of Ulcerative Colitis beled PC was injected into the tail veins of rats, and its
recovery was examined in bile, jejunum, ileum and colon
It was shown that the mucus PC content in ulcerative [14]. The immediate and most efficient appearance of in-
colitis (UC) is significantly reduced as compared to con- tact PC was registered in bile and ileum, whereas in colon
trols. In fact, in rectal mucus specimens from UC pa- the secretion rate was negligible. One of the mechanisms
tients, PC was by ca. 70% lower compared to healthy con- by which PC moves from blood to ileal mucus may utilize
trols and even patients with Crohn’s disease [10]. More- a paracellular route of secretion through the tight junc-
over, in terminal ileum and transverse colon, similarly tion barrier [15, 16]. The low mucus PC content as a
low PC concentrations were detected [11]. As a result of pathogenetic feature of UC is most likely inherited and
PC subspecies analysis, it became apparent that mucus multifactorial, involving the various steps of the translo-
samples from UC patients contained higher proportions cation process across the intestinal mucosa or a disturbed
of saturated fatty acid side chains than samples from con- mucin scaffold of the mucus. By the radiolabeled PC in-
trols, even though absolute amounts were still low [11]. jection studies, it was further shown that ileal PC secre-
Of special interest was that the low PC content of mu- tion is stimulated by the luminal bile acid concentration
cus in UC was also observed when the patients were in [14]. It is conceivable that the bile acids serve as deter-
remission, as defined by the endoscopic appearance of gents which attract secreted PC, thus creating a luminal
‘mucosal healing’ [10, 11]. This indicates that a lack of sink. This could point to another biological function of
mucus PC in UC patients might be an intrinsic feature of bile acids which are primarily used in the jejunum for
UC. It was indeed shown that the surface hydrophobicity fatty acid solubilization to facilitate their most efficient
of the mucus gel was significantly reduced in UC com- absorption. However, after fatty acid absorption is com-
pared to control and Crohn’s disease samples [12]. It can pleted, bile acids travel all the way down to the terminal
be hypothesized that in most cases of UC, the reduced ileum where re-absorption occurs. During their passage
mucus PC concentrations are for a long time sufficient to through the ileum, they could assist in PC secretion. In-
maintain an – albeit labile – barrier. However, when yet deed, the cholestatic disease primary sclerosing cholangi-
undefined additional factors further suppress the PC con- tis, with reduced bile acid secretion, is often associated
tents, the remaining PC concentration may fall below a with UC.
critical threshold, and the commensal microbiota can at-
tack. These factors may be hormonal changes, environ-
mental influences, or, particularly, alterations to the com- The Therapeutic Consequences
position of the colonic flora towards colonies with higher
phospholipase activities [13]. The lecithin story provides two main strategies for
It was indeed shown that PC is predominantly secreted therapeutic intervention:
by the ileal mucosa [14]. It is suggested that the mucus (1) Due to the reduced mucus PC content, the com-
moves along the mucosal wall, from the ileum in an ab- mensal microbiota can attack. Therefore, it would be
oral direction, via the colon to the rectum. Accordingly, helpful to reduce the concentration of bacteria in stool,
the mucus PC contents decrease continually in the aboral and, in particular, to decrease bacteria expressing mem-
direction. This phenomenon is suggested to be aggravat- brane phospholipases. The reduction of the bacterial den-
ed by the exposure of PC molecules to bacterial phospho- sity can be achieved by topical acting antibiotics, e.g. neo-
lipases, which degrade PC to lysoPC (LPC) [13]. mycin or rifaximin. It has indeed been shown that rifaxi- - 5/20/2015 3:14:00 AM

Lecithin as a Therapeutic Agent in Dig Dis 2013;31:388–390 389

Ulcerative Colitis DOI: 10.1159/000354707
University of Tokyo
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min is therapeutically active in Crohn’s disease [17]. Even in the most difficult-to-treat population of ste-
Antibiotics which can selectively attack phospholipase- roid-refractory UC, 80% of the patients could be with-
carrying bacteria have not been developed. drawn from steroids, and 50% achieved overall clinical
(2) Another aim is to increase the mucus PC content remission [19]. A dose of 3 g was shown in a phase IIB
for re-establishment of an intact mucosal barrier. This study to be most effective, and, most importantly, signif-
concept has recently been followed by the development icant adverse events were not recorded [20].
of an oral delayed-release PC preparation, which prohib- Most recently, the results of the monocentric studies
its its absorption and enables substitution of missing PC were confirmed in a multicenter randomized clinical
in colonic mucus [18]. phase IIB trial [21]. Therefore, an authority approval
In a monocentric randomized controlled trial, it was phase III trial has been initiated.
shown that delayed-release PC leads to a more than 50%
improvement in 90% of active UC, and in most patients
even to clinical remission as well as endoscopic healing Disclosure Statement
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

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DOI: 10.1159/000354707
University of Tokyo
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