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Anna (Mei) Zhang

HST 112


Betrayal of the Ideals of the Revolution

In the 18th century, France was under the ruling of Louis XVI an absolute monarchy

society. The society was divided into three estates that demonstrated a lack of equality and

individual rights. Therefore, the French Revolution begins with the downfall of Louis XVI and

the reaction to oppression. In response to the corruption of the government and the old regime,

the French Revolution begins with the intention of correcting the old traditions that generated all

the crisis. The downfall of the old regime was caused by many issues such as the rising of the

bourgeoisie and the ideas of the Enlightenment.1 Therefore, the Declaration of the Rights of Man

and the Citizen established as a foundation of the French Revolution to assimilate human rights

and laws into society. However, there are enemies inside and outside of France who are against

the Revolution, they opposed to the new system and tries to bring back the old regime (absolute

monarchy). During the hardest time in France, both Maximilien Robespierre and Napoleon

Bonaparte took advantage and gain power by giving promises to keep the ideals of the

revolution. However, through the increased of their power during the French Revolution,

Napoleon Bonaparte and Maximilien Robespierre betrayed the ideals of the revolution by

reneging on their promises.

Micheal Ebner, The Crisis of the ancient Regime and the Coming of the French Revolution, January 06, 2019

In 1789, Maximilien Robespierre was elected as the leader of the Committee of Public

Safety.2 During this time of period, the threat came from both inside and outside of France.

There are French people who are still loyal to the old system and regime, mostly the nobles who

benefit from the old regime. In addition, there are also enemies outside of France that are trying

to take control. As the leader of the Committee of Public Safety, Robespierre's responsibility is

to protect the revolution. Therefore, in response to all the threats towards the revolution,

Maximilien Robespierre begins the reign of terror period.

During the terror, Robespierre arrest and execute people who are opposing the revolution.

However, ordinary people will get kill just by verbally criticizing the revolution. This action

betrays the fourteenth article of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen which is

the right to freedom of speech and expression. In addition, the Terror cause approximately

40,000 people’ lives and majority of them were just ordinary, innocent people.3 Moreover,

Robespierre will appoint judges without voting, which also took away the rights of men.

Robespierre’s dictated France at this period, he took over the entire government and use force to

control people. During this time of period, people lived in terror and fear, people are monitor of

every single word they speak and action they make. When internal civil war and threats from

other countries was under control, Robespierre did not stop, he continue to arrest and execute

people. This leads to the downfall of Maximilien Robespierre, people finally realize that they

need to put a stop to this cruelty ruling and dictatorship.

Micheal Ebner, The French Revolution, January 21, 2019
National Assembly of France. "The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen." BlackBoard. January
2019. Accessed February 2019.

On July 28, 1794, Robespierre gave a speech, through this public speech he expresses his

reason for using terror, he explained the connection between virtue and terror, he states that

"Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is, therefore, an emanation of

virtue; it is not so much a special principle as it is a consequence of the general principle of

democracy applied to our country's most urgent needs."4 Due to internal civil war within France

and threats outside of France, Robespierre believes that political violence is necessary during a

war and when the country encounter an emergency situation, which is at this time of period.

Robespierre earns the trust of many France people, he quickly gains power and become the

dictatorship through "saving" France at its weakest time. He took advantage when the country is

in chaos and in need of leadership.

In 1795, using his military strategies, Napoleon Buonaparte becomes the commander of

the French army of Italy and bring a great victory for France. Furthermore, to gain popularities,

he will send back gold, silver, and art to self-promote. Although he was very arrogant, people

could not complain because he is bringing victory. However, the purpose of the battle was to

build up and further develop his dictatorship.5 In addition, through his promise of protecting the

ideals of the revolution Napoleon gained powers. Thus, as one of the most controversial

individuals in history, Napoleon protects some of the ideals of revolution but also betrays it in

varies way. Similarly, to Robespierre, Napoleon rise to power by taking advantage of France by

making false promises. He ignores the basic principles such as popular sovereignty, freedom of

Maximilien Robespierre. "On the Moral and Political Principles of Domestic Policy." BlackBoard. January 2019.
Accessed February 2019.
Micheal Ebner, The Napoleonic Era, 1799-1815, January 23, 2019

speech and expression. Moreover, he brought by hereditary monarchy by crowning himself as

the emperor. His dictatorship is also exposed through Madame de Remusat, the wife of

Napoleon's official. She stated that "The belief, or rather the error, that only despotism could at

that epoch maintain order in France was very widespread. It became the mainstay of Bonaparte,

and it is due to his to say that he also believed it. The factions played into his hands by imprudent

attempts which turned to his own advantage."6 Which indirectly admit that Napoleon betrays the

ideals of the revolution. He brought back hereditary monarchy by crowning himself as the

emperor. However, the purpose of the French Revolution is to destroy the old regime (monarchy

system) and bringing more freedom and opportunities for all of France people.

During Napoleon's era in 1804, he published the Napoleonic code, this civil universal

code became very famous and influential even to this day. The Napoleonic code consists of laws

that address some principles such as individual rights, property, education and family. However,

the code did not include the rights and equality for the women. Comparing to the men, women's

status in the family becomes very low. Women could not divorce their husband in a marriage,

only the men have the right to divorce their wife. This code increased the authority and power of

men in the family which bring injustice to the women. This greatly contradicts the ideals of the

revolution to bring equality to all people. However, many argued that women, in general, was

not included in the Declaration of Rights which indicate that Napoleon did not betray the ideals

of the revolution. However, this is not the end of what Napoleon executed that demonstrate his

betrayal of the revolution.

Maximilien Robespierre. "On the Moral and Political Principles of Domestic Policy." BlackBoard. January 2019.
Accessed February 2019.

In Napoleon's diary, he wrote, "My power proceeds from my reputation, and my

reputation from the victories I have won. My power would fall if I were not to support it with

more glory and more victories. Conquest has made me what I am; the only conquest can

maintain me."7 It demonstrates that Napoleon's rising power and popularity comes from all the

battle he won and that is why people support him. In addition, his one purpose is to gain more

power and support which why his words and actions contradicts each other. His word conveys

the message that he is protecting the ideals of revolution but in reality, his action does not seem

to support what he said. Napoleon did not protect any promised rights according to the

Declaration of Rights., he did things that seem like he was protecting it such as voting yes or no

against his policies, but people were just simply supporting him. Surprisingly, even though

Napoleon is a dictator, he still remains popular within the hearts of France people. However,

despite the fact that he is popular he's action still contradict with the ideals of the revolution. For

example, Napoleon deprived the freedom to religion and press by making Catholicism as the

state religion and arresting newspaper stations that are opposing him. People were not allowed to

worship other religion or criticizing his ruling, everything is in his control. Most importantly,

slavery got reintroduced under his ruling. The concept of slavery already indicates the fact of

taking away individual rights and equality.

Both Napoleon and Robespierre display their leadership and ideal to the public as ideals

of the revolution. However, their action does not go with what is said, their action completely

Maximilien Robespierre. "On the Moral and Political Principles of Domestic Policy." BlackBoard. January 2019.
Accessed February 2019.

contradicts the ideals of the revolution. The purpose of the revolution is to give more rights and

powers to the people in France. However, instead of giving more power, they took away powers

and rights. In varies way, Robespierre and Napoleon restrict and control the people of France.

The France people were still being oppressed during Napoleon's ruling and Robespierre's era,

which greatly betrayed the initial purpose of the revolution. Napoleon and Robespierre's ruling

was selfish, every decision they made was to benefit themselves. Their one and only purpose

were to gain more power and authority.

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