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“The researching like tool for to be better teachers”

Firstly, we have to create an atmosphere for defining what is researching? Is it only a

method, is it solving problems or a necessity for the educational work? Therefore, I want to

contemplate the next question, Why do not the teachers investigate? After that, I want to say

that investigate is not only, verify statistics information, looking for the samples, or solves

problems. The investigative act is a process that involves several elements that it must follow

steps for getting in the goal an objective of some problem that had been observed before,

during and after of you be here and it grews up the needs for giving a good outcome as soon

as it is possible.

Monereo, C (2013), describes that the teachers can be getting excellent benefits when

the researching is taken into account from we are at university like students until we to be

university teachers. But, it means that the benefits are not only economics besides academics

goals, famous recognition and it is enrichment intellectual for the persons who start to

investigate from an early moment.

Secondly, Aristotle whom the scientific method is said that the people knew through

of sense, for that the people knew perceptive knowledge. However, the consequences when

the person who does researching can have outcomes always good and it can improve the life
quality in the study group. In addition, the investigative act requires some parameters like

time, identify the problem, population, being the researching an exit.

Finally, the investigative act helps to the students, teachers and, researchers improve

the practice, professional development, sense of professionalism, recognition internal and

external, quality of life and of course motivation of teacher and learners. The invitation to do

and take part in hotbeds of research of university because is a task and moral compromise that

each student or teachers should start if you do not do it. So, we like future teachers have to

investigate during whole educational work because the human being needs socialize more

every day with them, but they need development his or her competences for that learning and

teaching process share good compatibility and acceptable relation inside the spaces where it is

given. The teachers that do not investigate are named to fail. For that reason, is the

opportunity for taking into accounts all advice of academics teachers and researchers for

realizing a reliable investigative act and do not stop for researching.

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