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A woman aged 24 years, came kepuskesmas for consultation regarding

the use of the implant kb which is mounted for 3 years, during the first use of
the client feel comfortable, but after the last two months, clients often feel
pain in the area of the installed implant, clients are confused, wanted to take
off the implant clients but on the other hand also became concerned when
removing the implant would get pregnant again.
1. Forms of non-verbal communication that is shown by the nurses in the case
above, in order to clients understand the location of the implant and position
the pain experienced by the mother is, except?
a. Body language
b. Sign
c. Actions or deeds
d.Words written
2. Verbal communication is communication using words in writing and
verbal, has three functions except
a. Labeling referring to the naming or identifying
the business objects, actions, or
b. Interaction function emphasizes sharing ideas
and emotions, which can invite sympathy and
understanding or anger and confusion.
c. Through language, information can be passed
on to others, this is called transmission
functions of language
d. repeat ideas that have been presented
e. Evaluating the results of counseling to repeat
activities that have been done
3. Which is an example of the evaluation phase is the result ...
a. Good morning, I introduce Goddess midwife on duty at lunch today.
b. Is there anything I can help?
c. What complaints mother?
d. Yes, because the mother already understand, try to mention again
what I have described just now.
e. Thank you for your visit
4. The sensitivity of the observations of nurses to the above incident is the
most fundamental in fostering ..
a. effective communication
b. communication wise
c. unified communications
d. communication teraupetik
e. interpersonal communication
5. phase is a period of preparation prior to contact and communicate with
client called.
a. orientation phase
b. phase prainteraksi
c. working phase
d. termination phase
e. final termination phase

1. What is the principle of emergency nursing?
a. Time saving is life saving
b. Saving food is saving life
c. Saving life is time saving
d. Life syle is good
2. Mr.B suffers from mindset disturbances, to which department will Mr. B
a. Departement emergency
b. Department psychiatric
c. Department veterinary
d. Department family nursing
3. A mother wants to have her child examined for heat since 3 days ago,
accompanied by nausea, vomiting and red spots on the skin, where does the
mother check her child?
a. Department pediatric nursing
b. Departement emergency
c. Department psychiatric
d. Department veterinary
4. Family nursing is?....
a. a specialized field of care that focuses on public health needs,
aggregates, and on certain vulnerable populations.
b. The science of child care and scientific treatment of childhood
c. The science of elderly care and scientific medicine
d. Specifically nursing who care for people of all ages with mental illness or
mental stress, such as schizophrenia, bipolar, disorder, psychosis,
depression or dementia.
5. The following are nurse duties, except?..
a. Care giver
b. Advocacy
c. Health promotion
d. To be honest

1. A nurse works at...



C. market

D. House

2. A patient presents with pain, what the nurse did first ?

A. Give medicine

B. do the pain assessment

C.give an infuse

D. recommend to sleep
3. Which is the right answer about what the nurse does in the hospital...

A. Watching tv

B.take care of patient

C. Cooking with patient


4. How long the nurse usually works at the hospital in a day

A. 8 hours

B. 24 hours

C. 60 minute

D. 38 hours

5. Choose the wrong answer about the kinds of nurses...

A. Child nurse

B. Emergency nurse

C.dentist nurse

D. Cooking nurse

1. A nurse conducts the assessment to the patient, found data in the form of
cyanosis, Conjunctiva Anemis.

a. Clien data

b. Family data

c. Subjektif data
d. Objective data

2. When the patient has just come in the room, the nurse performs the assessment
starting from the whole body to know the condition of the client, the thing that the
nurse does is collecting the data in the form of

a. laboratory test

b. urine test

c. blood gas artery test

d. Physical examination

A 55- year-old man suffering from asthma bronchiale. Complain of

shortness of heart from the shortness of breath. From the physical examination it
was nasal lobe breathing and intercostal rectaction how is the right position
recommended by nurses ith the patient’s condition above?

3. What the nurse’s priority intervention in patients?

a. oxygen therapy

b. limit activities

c. limit liquids (drink less water)

d. diets hight in colories high in protein

e. positioning sleep with pillows propped up legs

4. what is the priority diagnosis in the case above?

a. ineffectiveness of thr airway clearance

b. impaired oxyganation fulfillment

c. activity intolarance

d. ineffective breath pattern

e. acute pain
5. the righ position for the management of the diagnosis above is

a. trendelenburg position

b. supination or pronationposition

c.semifowler position

d. SIMS position

e. postural drainage

1. Below that does not include parts of the human body

A. Frame system

B. Muscular system

C. Bloodstream system

D. Clothing system

2. One of the problems in the immune system is

A. Osteoporosis

B. Hypertebsion

C. Diarrhea


3. Symptom of DM is

A. Quick thirst

B. Stomach ace

C. Fever
D. Stool blood

4. One of the problem from blood stream system is

A. Dm

B. Tbc

C. Hypertension

D. Kidney failure

5. Caused of stroke is

A. Lost oxigen in brain

B. Fever

C. Lazy

D. Bloody urine

1. In dahliah room the nurse will conduct a study on ny A, the resulting data, the
patient says right abdominal pain. from the data above can be classified data?

a. subjective data

b. objective data

c. assessment data

d. patient data

2. In jasmine room, the nurse will conduct an assessment to Mr. N, the resulting
data, the patient looks pale. from the data above can be classified data?

a. subjective data

b. objective data
c. assessment data

d. patient data

3. The purpose of nursing diagnoses, except?

a. Problems where the client's response to health or disease status.

b. Factors that support or cause a problem.
c. Communicating the client's problem to the health team.
d. Communicating the nursel’s problem to the patient
4. What component of nurse diagnosis

a. Etiology and problem

b. Symptom and intervention

c. Intervention and diagnosis

d. Evaluation and symptom

5. The following includes nursing diagnoses compiled using agreed standards,


a. Nurses can communicate with terms that are generally understood.

b. Facilitating and accessing nursing diagnoses.

c. Identifying the main problems for the development of nursing orders.

d. As a method for identifying differences in nursing problems with medical


e. Enhancing nurse collaboration in defining diagnoses from nursing

assessment and intervention data.

1. An. Y 3 years old came to the emergency room 1 hour ago because of an
accident the patient looked in pain and cried at his feet. with the case above
using what measuring instrument to assess the patient?

a. Faces Pain Scale

b. Oucher Asian Boys and Girl

c. Numerical Rating Scale

d. Oucher African Amerika

2. In the expression of the location of pain that shows by crying loudly, able to
convey verbally to show, discomfort such as "Ouch", "Pain", trying to delay the
procedure because it is considered painful, showing general anxiety, touching
the area of pain, running away from the nurse. From the data above, who is
located in the location expression?

a. Neonates and babies

b. Toddler

c. Pre-school

d. School

3. In expression the location of pain describes pain and measures pain intensity,
shows rigid posture, shows withdrawal, delays to carry out procedures. From
the data above, who is located in the location expression?

a. Neonates and babies

b. Toddler

c. Pre-school

d. School

4. Mrs. Y age 65 years old BB: 60 TB: 160. Ny. Y said fever, fatigue, no appetite,
joint and bone pain by screaming and wanted any way to cure pain from the
data including the scale of what on the measurement of pain in numerical?

a. Scale 7

b. Scale 8

c. Scale 9
d. Scale 10

5. A Mrs. Y age 65 years old BB: 60 TB: 160. Ny. Y said fever, fatigue, no
appetite, abdominal pain by not being able to do activities, from the data
including the scale of what on the numerical pain measurement.

a. Scale 7

b. Scale 8

c. Scale 9

d. Scale 10

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