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NIM : 17.045




T.A 2018/2019
Task 1

1. Translate the conversation into a good English

Lulu : maaf, dapatkah anda tunjukkan kepada saya jalan menuju Rumah
Sakit pusat yang baru?

Nia : tentu, hanya kita-kira lima menit dari sini, pertama-tama sebrangi
ini, dan jalanlah terus pada perempatan jalan ini ada jalan Salemba. Rumah
Sakit pusat sudah dekat sekali dan berada di sebelahkiri anda. Anda pasti
akan menemukannya karena disebelahnya ada Universitas Indonesia.

Lulu :oh saya tahu. Terima kasih atas infonya


Lulu: excuse me, can you show me the way to the new central hospital?

Nia: of course, we only need about five minutes from here, first cross this,
and then continue at this intersection there is the Salemba road. The central
hospital is very close and is next to you. You will definitely find it because
next to it is the University of Indonesia.

Lulu: oh i know. thanks for the information

Task 2

1. Thermomete
thermometers are usually used by doctors and nurses to measure human
body temperature. The liquid used to fill the clinical thermometer is
mercury. Scale on clinical thermometers between 35 ° C and 42 ° C
2. Incubator
The incubator serves to incubate (grow) microorganisms such as bacteria,
fungi and other microbial cells under certain conditions. Regulated
conditions include air temperature, humidity or relative humidity (RH),
and other factors that affect the growth of these microorganisms.

3. Ultrasonography
Ultrasonography (ultrasonography) is used as a tool to diagnose parts of
the body that are awakened from fluid

Task 3
Medical care
Last week, I suddenly became really sick, and I was feeling a great deal of
pain in my side, so my father rushed me to the emergency room at the nearest
hospital. I started feeling a strong pain in my side, and there wasn’t any sign
that I was getting better. We didn’t feel that we needed to call ambulance
because we lived so close to the hospital. When we arrived, my dad helped me
into the emergency room, and the doctor on duty realized I had appendicitis. I
was quickly admitted to the hospital. A nurse took my vital sign while my dad
filed out all the necessary paperwork. Soon thereafter, I was prepared for
emergency surgery. The surgery didn’t last that long, but I FELT SORE
1. Why they didn’t call an ambulance?
2. Why the writer went to the hospital?
3. What is the name of the writer sick?
1. The author did not call an ambulance because he felt his house was too
close to the hospital so he did not need to call an ambulance, he was
immediately escorted by his father
2. Because the author feels pain on the side of his body
3. The name of the author's disease is appendicitis

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