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SULIT 2 4541/2 (PP)

Section A

Q no. Explanation Marks
1 (a) (i) Magnesium / Mg 1 1
(ii) Chlorine / Cl2 // Naphthalene / C10H8 1 1
(iii) Potassium iodide / KI 1 1
(b) (i) solid 1 1

At least the particles are drawn in 3 columns and 3 rows in a

closely packed arrangement with identical sizes. 1 1
(c) Magnesium / Mg 1 1
(d) (i) T1oC / T1 1 1
(ii) The heat lost to the surroundings is equal to / (is balanced
by) the heat released …. 1
…. during the formation of the force of attraction between
particles 1 2
(iii) The speed of the particles’ movement is decreasing // 1 1
Movement of particles becomes slower.

Total 10
2. (a) A (chemical) formula that shows the simplest (whole no.)
ratio of each atoms of the element in a compound. 1 1
(b) (i) Number of moles of atoms /mol / mole 1 1
(c) (i) Method II 1 1
(ii) Copper is a less reactive metal (than hydrogen) // Copper is 1 1
positioned lower than hydrogen in reactivity series
(iii) To allow air/oxygen to enter the crucible // to let magnesium 1 1
burns / reacts with oxygen completely)
(d) (i) 33.31 – 32.29 g // 1.02 g 1 1
(ii) [1.02 / 24] mol // 0.0425 mol 1 1
(iii) 33.99 – 33.31 g // 0.68 g 1 1
(iv) [0.68 / 16] mol // 0.0425 mol 1 1
(v) MgO 1 1

Total 10

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SULIT 3 4541/2 (PP)

Q no. Explanation Marks
3. (a) Group 1 / alkali metals 1 1
(b) / 2,8,8,1 r : 2:8:8:1 1 1
(c) 1. Potassium atom has more number of shells // potassium
atom has bigger size than sodium atom // attractive forces
between nucleus of potassium atom and valence electrons
are weaker. 1
2. Potassium atom can loss / release electron easier. 1 2
adp for the word ‘atom’
(d) (i) 2Na + Cl2 2 NaCl
Correct formulae of reactants and product 1
Balance equation 1 2
(ii) Ionic bond 1 1
(iii) + -

Na Cl

- enough no. of shells & electrons for both of ions
1 2
- correct charges and labels of ions

Total 9

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SULIT 4 4541/2 (PP)

Q no. Explanation Marks
4. (a) Cell X : Electrolytic cell / Electrolysis cell 1
Cell Y : Daniell cell / Voltaic cell / Chemical cell 1 2
(b) Cu2+, SO42-, H+, OH- // or names of the ions
All ions must be stated 1 1
(c)(i) Remains unchanged / not change 1 1
(ii) Cu2+ + 2e → Cu 1 1
(iii) Types of electrode / use active electrode 1 1
(d) (i) Chemical to electrical 1 1
(ii) Becomes thinner / (zinc plate) dissolved 1 1
(iii) Greater (voltmeter) reading (obtained). 1 1
r : Increase
(e) [draw an arrow from S to P trough the external circuit]

A 1 1


Cell X Cell Y

Total 10

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SULIT 5 4541/2 (PP)

Q no. Explanation Marks
5. (a)(i)
Titration Set 1 2 3
Final reading of
12.55 25.05 37.50
burette/ cm3
Initial reading of
0.00 12.55 25.05
burette/ cm3 1 1
Volume of
sulphuric acid 12.55 12.50 12.45
used/ cm3
All of the volume values must be stated in two decimal places
(ii) The average volume of sulphuric acid
= 12.55 + 12.50 + 12.45
3 1
= 12.50 cm3 1 2
(b) (The moment) when the colour of phenolphthalein / solution
change from pink to colourless 1 1
(c) Sulphuric acid completely ionizes / dissociates in water //
degree of ionization is 1 // sulphuric acid produces high
concentration of hydrogen ion in water // 1 1
Ethanoic acid partially ionizes in water // degree of
ionization is less than 1
(d) H2SO4 + 2 KOH  K2 SO4 + 2 H2O
Correct formulae of reactants and products 1
Balance equation 1 2
(e)(i) Number of mole sulphuric acid = (M x V)
= 1.0 moldm-3 x 12.50 cm3
1000 cm3dm-3 // 1 1
= 0.0125 mol
(ii) From the equation,
1 mole of sulphuric acid  2 moles of water
0.0125 mole of sulphuric acid  2 x 0.0125 mole
Number of moles of water produced = 0.025 mole 1

0.025 mol KOH = MB x 25.00

Concentration of KOH , MB = 1.0 mol dm-3 1 2

OR, use MAVA / MBVB = a/b …

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SULIT 6 4541/2 (PP)

Q no. Explanation Marks
(f) Sulphuric acid is a diprotic acid, for every molecule of sulphuric
acid two H+ ions will be produced when added with water. // 1 1
Nitric acid is a monoprotic acid, for every molecule of nitric
acid one H+ ion will be produced when added with water.

Total 11
6. (a) (i) X : Copper(II) carbonate 1
Y : Sulphuric acid (solution) 1 2

Salt crystal

[ Functional diagram]- Filter paper must be seen clearly 1

[ Label] 1 2

(b) (i) 1. Blue solution is formed 1

2. Copper(II) carbonate dissolves 1
3. The effervescence occurred
Any two observation 2
(ii) To ensure all sulphuric acid react completely. 1 1
r : acid finished react
(iii) Crystal / salt is formed 1 1
(iv) Carbon dioxide gas 1 1
r : CO2
(c) Neutralisation 1 1
a: reaction between acid and base

Total 10

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SULIT 7 4541/2 (PP)


Q No. Explanation Marks
7. (a) (i) Electron arrangement of argon atom is 2.8.8 1
Has 8 valence electrons / outermost shell is occupied by 8 1 2
electrons //has achieved stable/ octet electron arrangement

(ii) Group 1 1
Electron arrangement of lithium atom is 2.1, sodium atom 2.8.1
and potassium atom 1
Has 1 valence electron // has same valence electron 1 3

(iii) Period 3 1
Electron arrangement of sodium atom is 2.8.1, magnesium atom
2.8.2 and aluminium atom is 2.8.3 1
Have 3 shell occupied with electrons // same number of shell
occupied with electrons 1 3

(b) (i) 1. electron arrangement of carbon atom is 2.4 1

2. electron arrangement of chlorine is 2.8.7 1
3. sharing electron 1
4. to achieve octet electron arrangement 1
5. carbon atom contributes 4 electron and chlorine contributes 1 1
electron // diagram
6. one carbon atom combine with 4 chlorine atom // diagram 1 6


Cl C Cl


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SULIT 8 4541/2 (PP)

Q No. Explanation Marks
(ii) 1. electron arrangement of oxygen atom is 2.6 1
2. electron arrangement of sodium atom is 2.8.1 1
3. to achieve octet electron arrangement 1
4. sodium atom donate 1 electron to form Na+ // diagram 1
Oxygen atom accept 2 electron to form O2-
5. electrostatic force between sodium ion and oxide ion 1
6. to form a compound with formula Na2O // diagram 1 6
+ 2- +

Na O Na

Total 20
8. (a) - Nucleus is at the centre of the atom. 1
- Atom contains one proton and one neutron //
proton number =1 and nucleon number = 2 1
a : 1 number of proton
r : has 1 proton number, 1 number of nucleon
- electron moves around the nucleus // electron is located 1
outside the nucleus
- electron is negatively charged // the electron has -1 charged. 1
- electron arrangement is 1 1
[any 4 points] 4
note : adp ‘atom’ for ‘element’

(b) (i) - The same number of proton // same value of proton number 1
- The same number of electron // the same number of valence
electron 1
r : electron number / same valence electron
- The same chemical properties. 1
- Different number of neutron // different nucleon number 1
r : number of nucleon , neutron number
- Different physical properties 1
a : comparison of any specific physical properties
[any 4 points] 4

(ii) 3 1
1 H r:
- state correct symbol of element for isotope H-3 ; H 1
- state correct of proton number (1) and nucleon number (3) 1 2
(c) At t0 – t1
- element X is in liquid state 1
- the particles / molecules arrangement are closed but not in
orderly manner // not very closely pack 1
- the kinetic energy increases (as temperature increase) 1 3
r : the particles move faster

At t1 – t2
- element X in (the mixture of) liquid and gas states 1
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SULIT 9 4541/2 (PP)

Q No. Explanation Marks
- some particles are (quite) closed to each other and 1
- some are further apart / away and arranged not in orderly. 1
- the (kinetic) energy content is constant / maintained. 1 4

At t2 – t3
- element X is in gas states 1
- the particles are far apart / away from each other (and not
in orderly at all). 1
- the (kinetic) energy increase 1 3

* If candidate draw the particle arrangements, must show all 3

diagrams to differentiate. Lost points of energy change (if not
Total 20

No Explanation Marks

9. (a) (i) 1. Name of reactants and product // 1

Reactants : hydrogen gas and oxygen gas
Products : water

2. Physical states of reactants and product // 1

Hydrogen and oxygen are gas while water is liquid.

3. Number of moles of reactants and product involved in reaction. // 1

2 mol of hydrogen gas react with 1 mol of oxygen gas to
produced 2 mol of water 3

(ii) No. of mole of water produced = No. of mol of H2 used.

= 0.1 mol 1

No. of water molecules = 0.1 x 6.02 x 1023 // 6.02 x 1022 1 2

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SULIT 10 4541/2 (PP)

No Explanation Marks
(b) (i)
CH2 C2H4
Type of Carbon and hydrogen Carbon and hydrogen
elements 1
No of atom in 1 carbon atom and 2 2 carbon atoms and 4
element hydrogen atoms hydrogen atoms 1
Relative mass 14 28 1 3

(ii) [Experiment to determine the empirical formula of Y oxide]

Materials – 10 cm Y ribbon/strip, sand paper 1

Apparatus – crucible with lid, tongs, Bunsen burner, tripod stand,
pipe clay triangle, (electronic) balance 1 2

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SULIT 11 4541/2 (PP)

No Explanation Marks
Procedure :
1. A crucible with its lid is weighed.
2. Y strip is cleaned with sandpaper and is placed in a crucible. 1
3. The crucible, its lid and the contents are weighed again. 1
4. The crucible is heated strongly (until the Y lights up). As soon as
the Y starts to burn, the crucible is closed by its lid. 1
5. The heating is continued and the crucible lid is opened once in a
while // (open and shut in short of time. 1
6. When the magnesium tape is no longer burnt, the lid is
removed and the crucible is heated strongly (to ensure the
complete burning of the magnesium). 1
7. The crucible and its contents are left to cool to room
temperature and are weighed again. 1
Max marks for procedures is 5 5
Precautionary step:
The crucible and its contents are heated, cooled and weighed again
until a constant mass is obtained. 1 1
Tabulation of data:
Description Mass(g)
Crucible + lid a
Crucible + lid + Y b
Crucible + lid + Y oxide c 1 1
Calculation :
Mass of Y = b - a Mass of O = c - b 1

No of mole of Y = b - a no of mole of O = c - b
24 16
Simplest ratio r s 1

Empirical formula Yr Os 1 12

Total 20

10. (a) (i) Soluble salts : Potassium sulphate and zinc sulphate 1
Insoluble salt : Lead (II) sulphate 1

(ii) For K2SO4 : Potassium hydroxide and sulphuric acid (solution) 1

For ZnSO4 : Sulphuric acid (solution) and zinc (metal) / zinc oxide 1 4

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SULIT 12 4541/2 (PP)

No Explanation Marks
/ zinc carbonate

(b) [Experiment to prepare the dry soluble salt]

[Labelled diagram]
Salt solution

Evaporating dish

- functional diagram
- correctly labelled 1
1. Heat the solution/mixture until saturated solution / crystal is
formed. 1
2. Cool the mixture 1
3. Filter the salt crystals / solids. 1
4. Dry the salt by using filter papers. 1 6

(c) Acid A : hydrochloric acid / nitric acid / sulphuric acid.

Acid B : ethanoic acid / methanoic acid (or any organic acid) 1
(examples of acids must be named) 1
Acid A / HCl is a strong acid.
It dissociates/ionize in water completely // It has the high 1
concentration of H+ ions in water (that lower the pH value).
Acid B / CH3COOH is a weak acid. 1
It dissociates/ionize partially in water. // It has low concentration of 1
H+ ion in water (that higher the pH value).
Apply adp for ‘in water’ 1 6

(d) Ethanoic acid / vinegar / lemon juice. 1

1. weak acid 1
2. neutralise the alkali 1
3. does not produce too much heat 1
4. less/not corrosive 1
Choose any 3 reasons 4
Total 20



[Lihat sebelah
4541/2 (PP) © 2010 Hak Cipta JKD Kimia Daerah Kluang SULIT

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