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Pedro Civera Coloma

Conceptos gramaticales
To be
To have
To do
Pronombres y adjetivos demostrativos
Haber impersonal
Some, any, no y sus compuestos
Pronombres y particulas interrogativas
Contables e incontables
El género
El plural
Formación de palabras compuestas
Funciones del nombre
La posesión
El artículo indeterminado
El articulo determinado
Both, neither, either
La comparación
Yet, still, already, during y ago
El imperativo
El presente simple
Be going to
El presente continuo
El pasado simple
El pasado continuo
El presente perfecto
El presente perfecto continuo
El pasado perfecto
El pasado perfecto continuo
El futuro simple
El futuro continuo
El futuro perfecto
El condicional simple
El condicional perfecto
Cuadro resumen de los tiempos
Tipos de oraciones
Las oraciones de relativo
Las conjunciones
Los verbos modales
May, might
Have to
Should, ought to
Will, would, shall
Cuadro resumen de los verbos modales
Say y tell
Make y do
Las exclamaciones
Las oraciones condicionales
La voz pasiva
El estilo indirecto
El gerundio
El infinitivo
Estructuras de interés
El causativo have
Verbos con preposición
Verbos y adjetivos con preposición
Cambios ortográficos
Verbos irregulares
Falsos amigos
Expresiones para la comunicación oral
Expresiones para la comunicación oral
Saludos y felicitaciones.
Para dirigirse a un desconocido.
Cuando no entendemos algo bien
Para preguntar la hora
Hablando por teléfono
Para agradecer algo
Expresiones de cortesía
Días de la semana
Días de fiesta
Meses del año
Puntos cardinales

Los colores
Signos del zodiaco
La hora
Números cardinales
Los números ordinales
Equivalencia de pesos y medidas
Paises y nacionalidades
La familia
La casa
La cocina
El cuarto de baño
El dormitorio
El salon
La ciudad
Partes del cuerpo
En la mesa
Frutas y verduras
Frutos secos
Medios de transporte
Actividades diarias
Actividades de tiempo libre
Complementos y joyeria
Tejidos y materiales
Adjectivos para la descripcion
Adjetivos para describir el caracter
La escuela
La oficina
Tareas domesticas
Tiempo atmosferico

Arboles, flores y plantas
Expresiones idiomáticas
Oraciones y villancicos

Paises y nacionalidades
Adjectivos para la descripción
Expresiones idiomáticas
Oraciones y villancicos
Para poder dominar una lengua extranjera es fundamental que estemos
familiarizados con la terminología gramatical de la Lengua Española, que como
todas las lenguas, está compuesta por un conjunto de signos que tienen sus
propias reglas.

Lenguaje. Facultad que nos permite


Lengua. Está compuesta por signos y reglas.

Habla. Uso que hacen los individuos de la


Norma. Establece las reglas de uso.

El lenguaje tiene varias funciones:


va Se transmite algo objetivo.

Expresiva Se transmite algo subjetivo

Apelativa Intenta provocar una reacción

Poética En ella se usan recursos lingüísticos y

literarios que cambian el sentido
del mensaje.


Partes variables Sustantivo.
Partes invariables Adverbio.
Sujeto. Para conocerlo preguntamos al verbo
Atributo. Aparece con verbos copulativo (ser,
estar, etc) se conce preguntado ¿qué
Complemento directo. Se conoce preguntando ¿qué es lo
Complemento indirecto. ¿A quién? o ¿para quién?

Complemento circunstancial. Modo: ¿cómo?

Lugar: ¿dónde?
Tiempo: ¿cuándo?

En oraciones pasivas. Fue escrito por

Complemento agente. él.

Es bueno que estemos conozcamos el significado de los siguientes


Lexema. Antes se le denominaba raíz.

Morfema. Nos informa del genero, número, etc.

Fonética. Estudia los sonidos.

Fonología. Estudia los fonemas.

Lexicología. Estudia el léxico o vocabulario de una


Fonema. Es la unidad más pequeña. La lengua

española tienen 24: cinco vocales y
diecinueve consonantes
División de las consonantes
según Oclusivas.
el modo de articulación. Fricativas.

División de las consonantes

según Bilabiales.
el lugar de articulación. Labiodentales.

Según su sonoridad se
clasifican Sonoras.
en. Sordas.

Morfología. Estudia la forma de las palabras.

Semántica. Estudia el significado de las palabras.

Morfema. Unidad lingüística que se añade al

lexema o raíz para formar una palabra.

Sintaxis. Parte de la gramática que se ocupa de

las reglas mediante las cuales se
combinan las unidades lingüísticas
formar la oración.

Sintagma. Es una o más palabras relacionadas

entre sí.

Oración. Unidad lingüística mínima, constituida

por dos sintagmas: el nominal y el
verbal que realizan la función de sujeto
y predicado.

Sujeto. Es la persona u objeto del que se dice


Predicado. Expresa todo lo que se dice del sujeto.

Oración simple. Tiene como núcleo del predicado un

solo verbo.

Sustantivo. Se refiere a nombres, Pedro come pan.
animales, cosas, etc.
Verbo. Indican las acciones que Comer, Bailar, Ir.
ealzan los sujetos.

Adjetivo. Califica al nombre. Inma es rubia.

Pronombre. Sustituye al nombre. Pepe es mi amigo, él

nunca me falla.

Adverbio. Modifica al verbo. Ella come mucho.

Conjunción. Une oraciones y Habla inglés y francés.

Pueden ser coordinadas
y subordinadas.

Determinante. Matiza al nombre. Mi hermana.

Un coche.

Preposicion. Relaciona palabras. Vive en Sax.

Artículo Puede ser determinado El libro es útil.

o indeterminado:
El, la, los, las
Un, una, unos, unas

Las oraciones pueden tener las siguientes partes:

Sujeto. Es quien realiza la Yo como a las 2.

Se conoce preguntando
¿quién? al verbo.

Verbo Indica lo que hace el Ella estudia mucho.

Complemento directo. Se conoce preguntando Ellos comen bocadillos.
al verbo ¿qué es lo

Indirecto. Se conoce preguntando Las cartas son para
al verbo ¿a quién o
para María.
quién ?

Complemento Se conoce preguntando Ayer vi a Juan.

Circunstancial de al verbo ¿cuándo?
Complemento Se conoce preguntando Me duele la cabeza
Circunstancial de
modo. al verbo ¿cómo? terriblemente.

Complemento Se conoce preguntando Se caso en Monóvar.

circunstancial de
lugar. al verbo ¿dónde?

adverbiales. Pueden aparacer al La vi esta mañana.
principio, en medio o al Esta mañana la vi.
final de la frase.

Atributo. Acompaña al verbo ser, Ella es guapa.

estar y algunos otros
como existir, parecer.

Persona. Hay tres en singular: yo, Él es Pepe.

Nosotros somos de
tú, él, ella y ello. Elda
Tres en plural: nosotros, Ellos son altos.
vosotros y ellos.
Genero. Puede ser masculino, Perico es alto.
femenino o neutro. Gloria es alta.

Número. Puede ser singular o Tengo un coche.

plural. Ellos tienen dos coches.

Determinantes. Pueden ser: posesivos, Mi casa.

demostrativos, Algunas personas
numerales, cardinales, Esta habitación.
partitivos, indefinidos .

Artículo. Pueden ser El libro es bueno.

determinados o Un libro es un buen
indeterminados regalo.
Pronombres. Pueden ser personales, La mias es rápida.
posesivos, rápida.
relativos, interrogtivos, ¿Quién vive aquí?
numerales, indefinidos. Algunos vendrán luego.

Verbo transitivo. Puede llevar Compro el pan cada día

complemento directo

Verbo intransitivo. No llevan complemento Viven en Aspe.


Verbo regular. Forma el pasado y el To play, played, played.

participio añadiendo la
misma desinencia. En
inglés “-ed”.

Verbo irregular. Forma el pasado y el Go, went, gone.

participio pasado de
otra forma.

Infinitivo. Es la forma verbal Cantar, comer, reir.

acabada en en “–ar”, “- To come, to play
er”, “-ir”. Must, can.
En inglés suelen llevar la
partícula to.

Participio de
presente. En inglés acaba en “- Playing, singing.

Participio de pasado. En castellano acaba en Comido, contado.

“-ado” “-ido”.

Modo. Es una caracteristica del

Puede ser: indicativo,
subjuntivo, imperativo y

Tiempo. Situa temporalmenta la Yo como.

acción. Presente, To comí.

pasado y futuro. Pueden Yo comeré
ser simples, continuos y Yo he comido.

Voz. Existen dos: activa y Ernesto vende piel

pasiva. Las pieles son vendidas
por Ernesto.

Afirmativas. Yo vivo en Elda.

Negativas. No como carne roja.

Interrogativas. ¿Eres de Villena?

negativa. ¿ No eres tú la prima de Olga?

Transitiva. Pepe come carne.

Intransitiva. Ellos viven en Logroño

Reflexiva. Ella se lava sola.

Reciproca. Pepe y Raquel se odian.

Impersonal. Llueve mucho en Letonia.

Enunciativa. Tengo mucho hambre

Nunca bebo café.
Interrogativa. ¿Cuánto vale el disco?
Exclamativa. ¡Qué bonito!

Imperativa. ¡Cállate ya!

Desiderativa. Ojalá llueva mañana.

Tipos de oraciones

Expresan cualidades del sujeto, y

Atributivas suelen
usar los verbos ser y estar.

Predicativas Expresanaccionesconverbos
predicativos. Pueden ser activas y

Transitivas Llevan complemento directo: Yo como

bocadillos de calamares.

Intransitivas No tienen complemento directo.

Reflexivas El sujeto realiza y recibe la acción.

Los sujetos realizan y reciben la acción
mutuamente: Ellos se miran.

Llevan sujeto gramatical.
Carecen de sujeto. Hace sol.
El sujeto recibe la acción verbal y el
verbo está en forma pasiva.
Pasivas reflejas
Tienen el sujeto en voz activa: Se
venden pollos de campo. ivas o
Pueden ser afirmativas o negativas.
Se utilizan para preguntar.
Expresan emociones.
Expresan mandatos y ruegos.
Expresan deseos.
Indican posibilidades o probabilidades.


Copulativas. Estudia y trabaja.

Adversativas. Estudia mucho sin embargo no aprueba.

Disyuntivas. Entra o sal.

Temporales. Mientras caminabamos ibamos cantando.

Modales. Debes hacerlo como dice la guia.

Consecutivas. Ha aprobado, por lo tanto se matriculará en


Condicionales. Lo haré si no te quejas más.

Causales. Puesto que lo sabe todo que conteste Manuel.

Finales. Iremos para que te revisen la vista.

Concesivas. Aunque no me gusta lo haré.

23 El verbo to be significa “ser” o “estar”. Comparte con to do y to have la
caractereristica de ayudar a formar otros tiempos verbales, por eso se
le denomina verbo auxiliar. Puede contraer con sujetos, demostrativos y
también con: who, where, how, etc.

I’m Peter. Peter’s here. That’s Manoli. Who’s that girl?

Yo soy Pedro. Pedro está aquí. Esa es Manoli. ¿Quién es esa


23 Las contracciones se suelen usar en las conversaciones.

24 Interviene en la formación de los tiempos continuos o progresivos.

25 Las formas negativas las hace añadiendo not y las interrogativas por
medio de la inversión, es decir, poniendo primero el verbo y luego el
sujeto. Esta estructura la comparte con el verbo to havecuano indica
posesión y con los verbos modales.


I am/I'm. I was. I will/ shall be.

Yo soy o yo estoy. Yo era o yo estaba. Yo seré o yo estaré.

You are/you're. You were. You will be.

He is/he's. He was. He will be.

She is/she's She was. She will be.

It is/it's. It was. It will be.

We are/we're. We were. We will/ shall be.

You are/you're. You were. You will be.

They are/they're. They were. They will be.

Are not contrae en
aren’t. Was not contrae en La contracción es ‘ll.
wasn Will not contrae en
Is not contrae en isn’t. ’t won’t.
Were not contrae en Shall not contrae en
weren’t shan’t.

Are you
from He is not from Elche Were they in the cinema?

¿Eres de Elda? Él no es de Elche. ¿Estaban ellos en el cine?


Para preguntar la edad. How old are you?

¿Qué edad tienes?

I am forty.
Tengo cuarenta años.

Indicar la profesión. I am a teacher.

Soy profesor.

La ideología. He is a socialist.
El es socialista.

El credo religioso. He is a catholic.

El es católico.

Formar los tiempos continuos. I am writing with a computer.

Estoy escribiendo con un ordenador.

I was swimming yesterday.

Estuve nadando ayer.

I will be walking on the beach.

Estaré caminando por la playa.

La formación de la voz pasiva. The book was written by Emilio.

Este libro lo escribió Emilio.

Este libro fue escrito por Emilio.

Para medidas. I am six feet tall.

Mido seis pies.

How big is the town?

¿Cómo es de grande el pueblo?

It is quite big.
Es bastante grande.

How wide is the river Vinalopó?

¿Qué anchura tiene el río Vinalopó?

It is 200 metres wide.

Tiene 200 metros de ancho.

How high is Bolón?

¿Qué altura tiene Bolón?

It is nearly 1.000 metres high.

Tiene casi 1.000 metros de altura.

How small is an atom?

¿Cómo es un átomo de pequeño?

It is very small
Es muy pequeño.

Indica tallas. I am size 8.

Gasto la talla 8

Con adjetivos. I am happy and you are right.

Yo estoy contento y tú tienes razón.

Unido a: Where’s the boy?

Where (¿Dónde?) ¿Dónde está el niño?
What (¿Qué?)

When’s your birthday?

Who (¿Quién?)

¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
Why, (¿Por qué?)
Con ciertas expresiones. I am right.
Tengo razón.

I am cold.
Tengo frío.

Contrae con demostrativos y That’s right.

adverbios. Así es.

How’s that?
¿Cómo es eso?

1) I ......................sure I will.
a - Am
b - Are
c - Is
2 I ...........
) ..... a teacher.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
3 Camar ..... in
) a .. Elda.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
4 Where...... you
) ..... from?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
5 How ......
) old .. you?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
6 It...... hot
) ... today.
a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
7 It.... a
) ... telephone.
a - Am
b - Are
c - Is
8 They..... student
) ... s.
a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
9 dog......................
) . white.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
10) The
houses......... old.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
11) ..... these books
... interesting?

a - Is
b - Are
c - Am

23 What........those people
doing? a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
24 The baby.......eating the
food. a - Am
b - Is
25 The window........open.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
23 Cats.........black or
white. a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
24 Don't .............cheeky.
a - Be
b - Have
c - Do
23 How old are you? I................
a - Have 20
years b - Am 20
years c - Have
20 years
24 That is Mr. Pedro Civera.
How .................he? a - Old is
b - Many years is
c - Many years
25 He ............in Madrid last week.
a - Was
b - Were
c - Be
23 ......they in the same class as you at Azorín
High School? a - Was
Were c -
23 Yes, they........interesting
books. a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
23 Manolo.......a
boy. a - Am
b - Is

24 I...........a
teacher. a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
25 Manuela.......t
all. a - Am
b - Are
c - Is
26 The tables........not
small. a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
27 ........the Plaza Mayor
very big? a - Am
b - Is
28 You.........the limit.
a - Are
b - Is
c - Am
23 I ...................
.tall. a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
24 My
nice. a - Am
b - Is
25 Horacio ......in Elche.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are

31) Juan Carlos and Clemente........friends.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
32) She.........36 years old.
a - Are
b - Is
c - Am
33) My sister.......happy.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
34) What......your name?
a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
35) How.............you?
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
36) Elda........in Alicante.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
37) My name........Pedro.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
23 I.........in the
classroom. a - Am
b - Is
39) Jose Pérez ....................a mechanic.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
40) My mother ..................very good.
a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
41) You.....................tall.

a - Is
b - Are
c - Am


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C
11. B 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B
21. B 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. B
31. C 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. A
41. B

23 Se traduce por tener. Puede ir acompañado de la partícula “got”. No se
produce alteración del significado si aparece o no, pero cuando aparece
el verbo puede ir contraido. Tampoco se usa en las respuestas breves.


I have/l've. I had. I will have.

To tengo. Yo tuve o yo tenía. Yo tendré.

You have/you've. You had. You will have.

He has/he's. He had. He will have.

She has/she's. She had. She will have.

It has/it's. It had. It will have.

We have/we've. We had. We will have.

You have/you've. You had. You will have.

They have/they've. They had. They will have.

Have + not contrae en Had + not contrae en

haven’t. hadn’t.
Has + not contrae en

I have a car.
Tengo un coche.

I have got a car.

Tengo un coche.


Indicar posesión. I have a white car.

Tengo un coche blanco.

I have got a white car.

Tengo un coche blanco.

Puede indicar otro tipo de actividades. I have breakfast at 7:45.

Ingest ión de alimentos tanto
sólidos Desayuno a las 7:45.
como líquidos.
I have a drink on Friday.
Me tomo una copa los viernes.

I have a bath and my wife has

Otros. a
Yo me baño y mi mujer se ducha.

We have a walk on Sunday.

Damos un paseo los domingos.

We had a good time there.

Lo pasamos muy bien allí.

Construcción de tiempos perfectos. I have been in New York.

He estado en Nueva York.

I have had a headache.

He tenido un dolor de cabeza.

I will have gone to Madrid.

Habré ido a Madrid.

Obligación. I have to go to Alicante tomorrow.

Tengo que ir a Alicante mañana.

You had better buy a new pair of

Combinado con better indica consejo. shoes.
Sería mejor que te comprases un par
La contracción es You’d better. de

La construcción causativo have, se I’m going to have my hair cut.

utiliza cuando alguien hace algún Me voy a cortar el pelo.
servicio para nosotros.

23 Con el significado de tener puede tener dos modos de hacer la forma

interrogativa. La segunda es más usada en inglés americano.
Have you got a car?
¿Tienes un coche?

Do you have a car?

¿Tienes un coche?

23 Utiliza de igual modo “do” para hacer la interrogativa cuando hace

referencia a usos idiomáticos.

Did you have a bath?

¿Te bañaste?

23I..........a white
car. a - Have
Has c
- Is
2) Mary.........a German boyfriend.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Are
3) We .....................a nice park near Sagasta Sqaure.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Is
4) My flat.......................seven rooms.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Having
5) My sister ...................a white car.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Haveen
6) Pepita ........three daughters.
a - Has
b - Haave
c - Having
7) My mother .......a lot of pictures.
a - Have
b - Has
c - Having
8) Susana.......two cars.
a - Is
b - Have
c - Has
9) Mr and Mrs García ........a house on the beach.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Haveing
10) You..................two dictionaries.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Jaf
11) My sister.....a new TV set and a DVD player.

a - Has
b - Have
c - Having
12) Elda......................six parks.
a - Have
b - Has
c - Having
13) ......................she got a boyfriend?
a - Has
b - Have
c - To have
14) We ......................three cinemas in Plaza Mayor.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Haven
15) Manuela ..............a cat.
a - Have
b - Has
c - Having
16) I........................to go to Madrid last month.
a - Have
b - Had
c - Must
17) Hey...........a look, Rocio Jurado is there with her husband.
a - Have
b - Take
c - Put
18) I'd rather ..............paella than gazpachos.
a - Have
b - Has
c - Had
23 "Do you have " a car and "Have you got a
car " are: a - The same
b - Not the same
c - It depends
20) I ................................a headache.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Is
21) She.................got a cold.

a - Is
b - Have
c - Has


1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. B
21. C

Se traduce por hacer. En presente tiene dos formas, “do” y “does”, esta
última se usa en la Tercera Persona del Singular (He, she, it). La forma del
pasado es “did”. Todas se usan como auxiliares para la forma interrogativa
y la negativa del presente y del pasado simple de los verbos no modales.
Recuerda que siempre que aparezcan, el verbo irá en infinitivo.


I do. I did. I will do.

Yo hago. Yo hice. Yo haré.

You do. You did. You will do.

He does. He did. He will do.

She does. She did. She will do.

It does. It did. It will do.

We do. We did. We will do.

You do. You did. You will do.

They do. They did. They will do.

Do not contrae en
don’t. Did not contrae en Will not do contrae en
Does not contrae en didn’t. won’t do.


Construir las formas He doesn’t eat meat. I didn’t go to the

negativas. No come carne. cinema.
Yo no fui al cine.
I don’t want to go to
No quiero ir al cine.

Did you go to
Construir las formas Do you love her? England?

interrogativas. ¿La quieres? ¿Fuiste a Inglaterra?

Does he speak
¿Habla valenciano?
Tiene también un uso He does love running. He did say what he
enfático. Le encanta correr. wanted to say.
Dijo lo que quería decir.


Otros usos idiomáticos. I did the shopping in Carrefour.

Hice la compra en Carrefour.

I do the washing up every night.

Friego los platos cada noche.

I never do the cleaning.

Nunca hago la limpieza.

Sometimes I do the cooking.

A veces cocino.

She hates doing the ironing.

Ella odia planchar.

Con la expresión “Yo también”. -I like María Callas.

Me gusta María Callas.

-So do I.
Y a mí también.

Con la expresión “Yo tampoco”. I don’t smoke.

Yo no fumo.

Neither do I.
Yo tampoco.

23 En inglés se hace necesario usar los pronombres personales, ya que de
no hacerlo y usar sólo la forma verbal existiría ambigüedad. En el
ejemplo: Go to London, no sabríamos quién va, podría ser yo, tú,
nosotros, nosotras, vosotros, vosotras, ellos o ellas.

24 En castellano no pasa lo mismo. Si decimos Vamos a Alicante, las

desinencias verbales nos sacan de dudas. Está claro que somos


I . Yo. Me. A mí, me. My. Mi. Mine. El mío. Myself. Me.

Yours. El
You . Tú. You. A ti, te. Your. Tu. tuyo. Yourself. Te.

His. Su de
He. Él. Him. A él, le. él. His. El suyo. Himself. Se.
(de él).
She. Ella. Her. A ella, le. Her. Su de Hers. El suyo. Herself. Se.
ella. (de ella).
It. Su de
It. Ello. It. A ello, le. ello. Its. El suyo. Itself. Se.
(de ello).
We. Nosotros Us. A nosotros, Ourselves.
o a Our. Ours. El Nos.
nosostras. nosotras, nos. Nuestro, nuestro.
You. A Yourselves.
You .Vosotros vosotros, Your. Yours. El Os.
o vosotras. a vosotras, os. Vuestro, vuestro.
Them. A ellos, Theirs. El
They. Ellos o a Their. Su de suyo. Themselves.
ellas. ellas, les. ellos, su de Se.

23 Los pronombres personales pueden funcionar dentro de la frase como

sujetos o complementos

Dale esto a
Ella es alta. ella.

You are a teacher. This is for you.

23 “I” siempre se escribe con mayúscula.

24 “You” se puede traducir por Tú, Vd, vosotros, vosotras y Vds.
25 “You” e “it” tienen la misma forma como sujetos que como complementos.

You are young.

Tú eres joven.

I love you.
Te quiero.

23 No utilizan preposición delante del objeto indirecto, pero sí, si

sigue al Objeto Directo.

She gave me a kiss.

Ella me dio un beso.

She gave a kiss to me.

Ella me dio un beso a mí.

23 El complemento Indirecto sin t o se coloca delante del

Complemento Directo

I gave Sarah a kiss.

Yo le di a Sara un beso.

23 El Complemento indirecto con t o se coloca detrás del

Complemento Directo

I gave a kiss to Inma.

Le di un beso a Inma.

23 It se usa generalmente para cosas y a veces también para bebés.

Look at the baby, it is smiling.

Mira al bebe, está sonriendo.

23 La diferencia entre un adjetivo y un pronombre posesivo es que el

adjetivo acompaña al nombre y el pronombre lo substituye.


Mi casa es grande. La mía también.

My house is big. Mine is also big.

 Los pronombres reflexivos indican:

He washes himself every

Acciones que recaen sobre el mismo morning.
sujeto. Se lava cada mañana.

Enfatizan. He himself can go.

Él puede ir solo.

Pueden ir precedidos de by, en cuyo I went to Madrid by myself.

caso significan “yo solo”, “tú solo..” Fui yo solo a Madrid.

Each other. “El uno al otro” They love each other.

Se quieren.

One Another. “A todos” They gave presents one another.

Se hacen regalos.

One. She is the prettiest one.

Ella es la más guapa.

I was the second one in the race

Fui el segundo en la carrera.



THlS este, esta, esto. THESE estos, estas.

THAT ese, esa, eso, THOSE esos, esas, aquellos,

aquel, aquella, aquellas.

23 Como adjetivos concuerdan con el nombre.

This man is my teacher of English.

Este hombre es mi profesor de inglés.

That woman is my wife.

Esa mujer es mi esposa.

These books are interesting.

Estos libros son interesantes.

Those girls are from Italy.

Aquellas chicas son de Italia.

Se usan cuando hablamos por This is Peter.

teléfono. Éste es Pedro.

En ciertas expresiones. That’s right.

Es correcto.

En presentaciones This is Mary, my friend

Ésta es María, mi amiga.

23Let me introduce..........
a - Me b
- Myself
c - Mine
2) I hope you enjoy..........stay.
a - You
b - Your
c - Yourself
sorry. a - I
b - Me
c - My
4) I will show .........the house.
a - Yours
b - Your
c - You
5) ..... name?
a - You
b - Your
c - Yours
What motto
6) is........... ?
a - Your
b - You
c - Yours
Peter and Mary ................house in
7) have Villajoyosa.
a - Their
b - They
c - Them
8) Sara is very happy with .........new doll.
a - She
b - Her
c - Hers
9) Oscar is at home playing with...............toys.
a - His
b - He
c - Him
10) Carlos is in Elche. .............works there in a shoe factory.
a - Him
b - He
c - His
11) ..................says that Isabel is her best friend.

a - She
b - Her
c - Hers
12) Felipe is very proud of ..................new car.
a - Him
b - His
c - He
13) Pilar and Paco are paying for...................new house.
a - Them
b - Their
c - They
14) Barbie has ...........hair blonde.
a - Her
b - She
c - Hem
15) The door is open because...............is very hot.
a - It
b - Its
c - Itt
16) .....................play tennis with their sons.
a - They
b - Them
c - Theirs
17) The girls are playing with ..................dolls.
a - Them
b - Their
c - They
18) María is pretty and..............is also very tall and slim.
a - She
b - Her
c - Hers
23 ...............doesn't like writing with a
fountain pen. a - He
b -
She c
- Me
24 ...............always play football in
Castelar Square. a - Them
Theirs c
- They
21) Pepe is poor but he says that...............is happy.
a - He

b - Him
c - Hers
23 The computer is old...........was
bought in 1980. a - It
b - Its
24 My sister is working with
..................new computer. a - Her
b - His
25 Excuse.......
a - Me
b - My
c - Mine
23 I am looking at..........
a - Your
b - You
24 Pleased to meet ............
Yours b
- Us
c - You
25 How do ............do?
a - You
b - Yours
c - Him
23 Help ..............,
Pepe. a - You
Yourself c
- Yours
24 Here ...........are.
a - We
b - Us
c - Our
23 Shut up and mind your
........business. a - Our
b -
Ours c -
24 ................Goodness.
a - My
b - Me
23 ...........sounds
great. a - I
That c
- Me
24 Give..........a ring when you get home
please. a - Mine
b - Me
c - My
25 Didn't .............say you wanted to
come with us? a - Yours
b - Us
c - You
26 Thank ......very much.
a - You
b - Yours
c - Youm
23 Please give ............a
hand. a - Us
b - We
c - Our
24 Give.............regards to your
family. a - Me
My c -
25 Let ........take a photograph
of you. a - Me
My c -
26 Let ...........introduce myself.
a - Me
c - My
23 I like............
a - She
b - Her
24 I play football with.........
a - He
Him c
- His
23 The book is............
a - My b
- Mine c
- Me
43) She is ..................secretary.
a - Me
b - My
c - Mine
44) I am................father.
a - He
b - His
c - Him
45) Inmita is ..................daughter.
a - Me
b - My
c - Mine
23 The dictionary is............
a - Me
b - My c
- Mine
24 The umbrella is..........
a - He
b - Her
48) He is..................teacher.
a - Our
b - We
c - Us
23 .........live in
Elda. a - Us
b - We
c - Our
50) If you work for......you will not have to suffer a boss.
a - You
b - Yours
c - Yourself
23 Many people nowadays live by.......
a - Them
Themselves c
- Their

52) We enjoyed ..........in our honeymoon.
a - Us
b - Ours
c - Ourselves
53) Help................Feel at home.
a - Yourself
b - You
c - Yours
54) The keys on the table are.........Mine are here.
a - You
b - Your
c - Yours
23 I am very proud of this town of......
a - Me
b - My c
- Mine
24 ........faithfully.
a - Your
b - Yours
c - Yourself
23 Maika is a friend of.........................
a - Me
c - Mine
58 It was a problem that made us arrive
) of......... late.
a - Hers
b - She
c - Her
59 I like swimming.
) -....... too.
b - My
c - Me
60 Visit......
) ..... when you come to Elda.
a - Us
b - Our
c - Ours
61 ...............
) ..... wife's name is Inma.
b - Me
c - My
62 ...............
) ...... father was the Mayor.
a - He
b - His
c - Him
23 She is ...................new teacher, her
name is Laura. a - Us
b - Our
c -


1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C
21. A 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. C
31. A 32. B 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. A 40. B
41. B 42. B 43. B 44. B 45. B 46. C 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. C
51. B 52. C 53. A 54. C 55. C 56. B 57. C 58. A 59. C 60. B
61. C 62. B 63. B

5888 Se usa para indicar que hay una o más cosas. Al formarse con el verbo
to be hace las formas interrogativas y negativas como el mencionado


There is a car. Is there a car? There is not a car.

Hay un coche. ¿Hay un coche? No hay un coche.

There was a boy. Was there a boy? There was not a boy.
Había un niño. ¿Había un niño? No había un niño.


There is. There was. There will be. There would be.

There are. There were.


There is someone waiting for you.

Hay alguien esperándote.

There are four biscuits on the plate.

Hay cuatro galletas en el plato.

Is there anything I can do for you?

¿Hay algo que pueda hacer por tí?

1) Crevillente is a very modern town. There.....................not many
old buildings.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
2) There.......................a photograph of the Mayor in the
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
23Excuse me, ..............there a restaurant
near here? a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
4) There........................five people in my family.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
5) There.....not a film in the camera.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
5888 How many cinemas…………………….. there in
Villena? a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
7) .................. there a concert next
....... Sunday?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
8) .................. there a bus from Alicante at
........ 7.00?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
There.......... two trains to Madrid every
. day.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
10) some computers in this
There....... University.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
11) ....
... there a nice park in Alicante?

a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
23 ................there a supermarket
near here? a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
13) There...........................two letters from the bank.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
14) There.............many people in the club now.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
15) There.................a parade next Saturday.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
16) There........a football match on TV tonight.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
5888 ..............there a swimming-pool in
your hotel? a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
18) There...............many restaurants in Benidorm.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
19) There.............a concert next June in Santa Pola.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
20) .....................there many people in the Festivities in Villena?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am


1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B

23 Expresan cantidades indefinidas.

I have some magazines from

Some. the
Se usa con oraciones afirmativas. Se library.
traduce por algo, algún, algo de. Tengo varias revistas de la biblioteca.

En interrogativas cuando la Do you want some chocolates?

respuesta que se espera es ¿Quieres bombones?

Have you any good book to lend

Any. me?
Se usa en oraciones interrogativas y ¿Tienes algún buen libro para
negativas. Se traduce por “nada”, dejarme?
“ningún”, “algún”.
I haven’t any money.
No tengo dinero.

No. I have no money.

Se usa en oraciones con el verbo en No tengo dinero.
afirmativa pero el sentido de la frase
es negativo.

5888 Los compuestos de some, any y no se comportan de la misma


Something. Anything. Nothing. Everything.

Algo. Algo, nada. Nada. Todo.

Somebody. Anybody. Nobody. Everybody.

Alguien. Alguien, nadie. Nadie. Todos.

Somewhere. Anywhere. Nowhere. Everywhere.

Algún lugar. Alguna parte, Ninguna parte. Todas partes.
ninguna parte.

Someone. Anyone. No one. Everyone.

Alguien. Alguien, nadie. Nadie. Cada uno.
Is there anybody who wants to come with me to Madrid?
¿Hay alguien que quiera venir conmigo a Madrid?

There is nothing more to say.

No hay nada más que decir.

1) I want..........water please.
a - Some
b - Any
c - Somebody
2) I want...........................ice.
a - Myself
b - Any
c - Some
3) I haven't got...........................pets.
b - Some
c - Any
4) I have.............................money.
a - Some
b - Any
c - Do
5) Do you
want.............................. bread?
a - Some
b - Both
c - Any
6) I
... coke.
a - Any
b - Three
c - Some
7) I
haven't ...............................
....... money.
a - Some
b - Any
c - Something
8) We
... matches.
a - Some
b - Everything
c - Any
9) We
... French wines.
a - Any
b - Some
c - Much
10) There
aren't................................. biscuits.
a - Some
b - Any
c - Anything
11) I
have........................... old pictures of
.. Elda.

a - Me
b - Some
c - Any

12) Are there.....................................letters?

a - Some
b - Any
c - No
13) Would you like .........................chocolates?
a - Any
b - Will
c - Some
14) Have you seen ................love film lately?
a - Some
b - Any
c - No
15) Have you got...........................brothers or sisters?
a - Any
b - My
c - Some
16) There are.....................................boys playing football outside.
a - These
b - Some
c - Any
17) Is there.........................................cinema in town?
a - Any
b - Some
c - Six
18) Is there .....................................swimming pool in Petrel?
a - Some
b - Any
c - Big
19) I've got ....................................books on computers
a - Any
b - Some
c - Me
20) I want...........................apples.
a - Somenody
b - Any
c - Some
21) They haven't........................relatives in Seville.

a - Some
b - Any
c - Theirs
23 Have you ........brothers or
sisters? a - Some
b - Any
c - No

24 ..............understands me.
a - Onebody
b - Nobody
c - Anyboby
5888 ...................sm
ells nice! a -
Something c -
5889 There's
...............like a siesta.
a - Nothing
Something c -
5890 is there .........we can do
to help? a - Anybody
b - Anything
c - Anywhere
5891 I would like to buy him
.........typical of Spain. a - Something
b - Nothing
c - Anything
5892 There is......milk in the fridge.
a - No
b - Some
c - Many
0 I want..........to
eat. a - Some
b -
Something c -
1 There is .......which is not very
clear in this. a - Something
Anything c
- Nothing
0 Would you like ..............more chocolates? I know they are
your favourite ones.
a - Any
b - Much
c - Some


1. A 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. B 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. C
21. B 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. A
31. C


All. All my friends came to my party.

Todos mis amigos vinieron a mi
Hace referencia a más de dos. fiesta.

Both. Both are 14.

Se refiere a dos. Los dos tienen catorce años.

Each and every day I sleep

Each. siesta.
Cada. Todos los días duermo la siesta.

Either you stay here or come

Either. with us.
O. O te quedas o vienes con nosotros.

Every. Every day I go running.

Cada. Todos los días voy a correr.

Neither. Neither of them are happy.

Ni. Ninguno de ellos está contento.

Neither…nor I neither like coffee nor tea.

Ni..ni. No me gusta ni el café ni el té.

None. None wanted coffee.

Ninguno de los dos. Ninguno quiso café.
Who. Who came yesterday?
¿Quién? Se usa con ¿Quién vino ayer?
Whom. Whom did you speak to?
¿A quién? Se usa ¿Con quién estabas hablando?
compañado por

The man with whom you spoke is Pepe.

El hombre con quien estabas hablando es Pepe.

Whose Whose car is this Ford Fiesta?

¿De quién? Se usa en la ¿De quién es este Ford Fiesta?
forma posesiva.

Which. Which is your favourite singer?

¿Qué o Cuál? ¿Quién es tu cantante favorito?

What What do you think of him?

¿Qué? Se usa cuando no ¿Qué piensas de él?
hay antecedentes.

How. How is your mother?

¿Cómo? ¿Cómo está tu madre?

How many. How many books do you read a year?

¿Cúantos? ¿Cuántos libros lees al año?

How much. How much is that CD?

¿Cuánto? ¿Cuánto cuesta ese disco?

How long will it take to go to Madrid by

How long. plane?
¿Cuánto tiempo? ¿Cuánto tiempo tardará en ir a Madrid en
How far. How far is Elche from Santa Pola?
¿A qué distancia? ¿Qué distancia hay entre Elche y Santa Pola?

How fast. How fast can you type?

¿A qué velocidad? ¿A qué velocidad mecanografías?
How often. How often do you play football?
¿Con qué frecuencia? ¿Con qué frecuencia juegas al fútbol?

Why. Why was he late?

¿Por qué? ¿Por qué llegó tarde?

When. When did you go there?

¿Cuándo? ¿Cuándo fuiste allí?

Where. Where do you live?

¿Dónde? ¿Dónde vives?

What kind. What kind of music do you like?

¿Qué clase? ¿Qué clase de música te gusta?

........do you spend your free
time? a - How
b - When
c - Which
........your phone number?
a - What is
b - Where is
c - How is
........do you live
with? a - Who
Where c -
........do you do on
Sundays? a - Where
What c
- How
........were you born?
a - Where
b - Which
c - What
..........sports do you
practise. a - Which
Where c -
..............do you live?
a - Where
b - Which
c - How
................says this is a
good film? a - Who
Where c -
He is the one ....is in London,
isn't he? a - Who
b - Which
c -
..............did you know it was my birthday
today? a - Where
What c
- How
What ........good idea!

b - Some
c - Few

Wow! ...........a
sight. a - How
Where c -
a - How
b - Where
c - Which
..................delicious sweets you have
in Elda. a - How
Where c -
…….. is Arguiñano?, -He is a marvellous cook, he came to Elda
in 1997. a - Who
b -
Where c -
We both realise ...........important it is.
a - How
b - Which
c - Where
! a - What
b - What
an c - How
Mercedes is ......................came to the party wearing the
red dress. a - The one who
b - What
c - One which
Juan, .........................did you have lunch with, last Saturday?
a - Who
b - Whose
c - Which
…….is Salvador? - The boy I met
yesterday. a - Who
What c
- That
.................came yesterday?
a - Who
b - Whom
c - Whose
opera a - Whom
b - Who
c - Whose
And this is ……..happened that
night. a - What
b -
Who c -
Is that book ..............you wanted to
buy? a - The one
b - That
Look at those boys, Mary....one is your
brother? a - Who
b -
Where c -
This is the Harley .........I want to buy.
a - Where
b - What
c - Which
............is this
pencil? a - How
Whose c
- Who
........father is the President of The Moros
Musulmanes? a - Whose
b - What
c - Which
.........wrote several books on grammar?
a - Who
b - Where
c - Which
……is the
restaurant? a -
Which c
- What
.........celebrate San Antón all
together? a - What about

b - Why don't we
c - How about
.........very nice car is a
Mercedes. a - What a
b - How c
- How a
........I arrive in Moscow I will send a
fax. a - As
When c -
......a pretty girl.
a - What
b - What a
c - How
girls. a -
b - What
a c - How
.........tall is the
cathedral? a - What
b - How c
- Where
..........silly of you is to say
that! a - What
b - How c
- What a
........long have you been studying
English? a - Where
b - How
........horrible weather you have in
England! a - What a
What c
- How
........paid the bill?
a - Where
b - Who
c - How
......did you see at the
fair? a - Where
b - Who
c - Whose
........is your favourite
film? a - What
Which c
- Who
.........happened when we
went? a - What
Where c -
..........does she want?
a - Where
b - What
c – Who

.......is this old

car? a - Whose
b - Who c
- Whom
.........did you give the
parcel? a - Whose
Whom c -
.........was that pretty girl who was with you in the
Plaza Mayor? a - Who
b -
Whose c
- Whom
.......came with Pepe?
a - What
b - Who
c - Where
….....did he say?
a - Who
Which c
- What
………..is this car?
a - Who
b - Whom
c - Whose
….......did you givethe first prize in the
contest? a - Whose
b - Who
c - Whom
..........a pretty
girl! a - What
b - How c
- What a
........stupid of
him! a - What
b - How c
- What a


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. C
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. A
31. B 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. B
41. B 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. B 49. C 50. C
51. C 52. A 53. B

Los nombres se pueden clasificar en contables e incontables.

Contables son aquéllos que podemos contar con la ayuda de un numeral.

Tienen forma de plural y pueden llevar el artículo a/an o the, some, few

One book. Two pencils. Three boys. Four cars.

Un libro. Dos lapiceros. Tres niños. Cuatro coches.

Los incontables no tienen plural, algunos de ellos pueden ser tanto

contables como incontables. Existe un cambio en el significado.

I bought a paper. Give me some paper to write.

Compré un periódico. Dame papel para escribir.

She has a new iron. This is made of iron.

Tiene una nueva plancha. Ésto está hecho de hierro.

Give me a glass. This is Bohemian glass.

Dame un vaso. Esto es cristal de Bohemia.

I drink coffee. Give me two coffees.

Bebo café. Dame dos cafés.

Algunos nombres incontables:

Butter. Help. News. Tea.

Mantequilla. Ayuda. Noticias. Té

Chocolate. Homework. Paper. Time.

Chocolate. Deberes. Papel. Tiempo.

Coffee. Hope. Physics. Toothpaste.

Café. Esperanza. Física. Pasta de dientes.

Cream. Hunger. Rubbish. Trouble.

Crema. Hambre. Basura. Problema.

Dirt. Information. Sand. Water.

Suciedad. Información. Arena. Agua.

Flour. Mathematics. Sky. Weather.

Harina. Matemáticas. Cielo. Tiempo
Food. Milk. Soap. Work.
Comida. Leche. Jabón. Trabajo.

Fun. Money. Wine. Silver.

Diversión. Dinero. Vino. Plata.

Furniture. Music. Sugar. Advice.

Mobiliario. Música. Azúcar. Consejo.


Many. I have many friends.

Muchos o muchas. Tengo muchos amigos.

Few. She has read few books.

Pocos o pocas. Ella ha leído pocos libros.

A few. I have a few good friends.

Unos pocos o unas pocas. Tengo unos pocos buenos amigos.

We have so many books that I

So Many. don’t
Tantos. know where to put them.
Tenemos tantos libros que no sé
dónde ponerlos.

He is alone, he has so few

So Few. friends.
Tan pocos. Está solo, tiene tan pocos amigos.

Too Many. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Demasiados. Demasiados cocineros echan a perder
el caldo.

There were too few to start the

Too Few. party.
Demasiado pocos. Había demasiado pocos para
empezar la fiesta.


Much. I don’t drink much coke.

Mucho. No bebo mucha Coca-cola.

Little. He eats little fruit.

Poco. Come poca fruta.

A little With a little milk please.

Un poco. Con un poco de leche.

So Little. He drinks so little water.

Tan poco. Bebe tan poca agua.
Too Much. They eat too much meat.
Demasiado. “más de lo
necesario”. Comen demasiada carne.

Too Little. They have too little money.

Demasiado poco. “menos de lo Tienen demasiado poco dinero.
They spend so much on clothes
So Much. that
Tanto. they never have enough money.
Gastan tanto en ropa que nunca
tienen suficiente dinero.


A lot of. We have a lot of books.

Mucho, muchos. Tenemos muchos libros.

We drink a lot of water.

Bebemos mucha agua.

Lots of. Lots of people came yesterday.

Montones de. Mucho, Mucha. Mucha gente vino ayer.

There are plenty of good books in

Plenty of. the
Mucho, muchos. library.
Tiene el matiz de “de sobra”. Hay muchos buenos libros en la
I don’t have to hurry, I’ve got
plenty of
No tengo que apresurarme, tengo
mucho tiempo.

Partitivos más utilizados con los nombres incontables.

A bar of. A bar of chocolate.

Una barra de. Una barra de chocolat e.

A bottle of. A bottle of wine.

Una botella de. Una botella de vino.
A can of. A can of coke.
Una lata de bebida. Un lata de Coca-cola.

A cup of. A cup of coffe.

Una taza de. Una taza de café.

A piece of. A piece of paper.

Un trozo de, una porción de. Un trozo de papel.

A tin of. A tin of tuna.

Una lata de. Una lata de atún.

A packet of. A packet of crisps.

Una bolsa de. Una bolsa de papas.

1) Only ....................live in the country nowadays.
a - Few
b - Little
c - Much
2) There is....................noise in this city.
a - Few
b - Many
c - Much
3) There are ........schools in Salinas.Only two.
a - Little
b - Few
c - Much
4) I'll have........................coffee.
a - Few
c - Any
5) In Petrel there are...................mountains.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Little
6) There's...........................................whisky in the bottle
a - Few
b - Little
c - Many
7) ....................good friends are better than many.
a - Little
b - Few
c - Much
8) I have .........................money left.
a - Little
b - Few
c - Many
9) I want..........................milk in my coffee please.
a - Some
b - Any
c - Few
10) I spend.........................time watching TV.
a - Much
b - Many
c - Few
11) We have to study.........................books.

a - Much
b - Many
c - Any

12) There are .................................desks in this class.

a - Much
b - Little
c - Many
13) Not ...................people smoke in this University.
a - Manys
b - Many
c - Fews
14) They pay Zidane .......................money.
a - Much
b - Many
c - Few
15) There aren't ..............................towns in Teruel.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Little
16) I didn't drink ............................wine yesterday.
a - Much
b - Many
c - Few
17) There are only ..........................people in the concert.
a - Few
b - Little
c - Many
18) I want to have ............................friends.
a - Little
b - Many
c - Much
19) Now I have.................................money.
a - Few
b - Many
c - Little
20) They asked me ...........................questions.
a - Many
b - Little
c - Much
21) I don't have ................................time.

a - Much
b - Many
c - Little
22) I'll try .............English tea.
a - Some
b - Many
c - Any

23) Don't ask me so ..........questions.

a - Many
b - Much
c - Less
24) How ..............shirts are you going to buy?
a - Many
b - Much
c - Often
25) I have .....time.
a – Little
b - Much
c - Yet
26) How ...........people are living in Villena?
a - Much
b - Many
c - Some
...............much is the English
book? a - How
b - Which
c -
28) I drink........................coke.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Few
29) My wife eats ..................oranges.
a - Many
b - Little
c - So
30) My brother has...................CDs.
a - A lot os
b - A lot of
c - Much
31) I study..........

a - Few
b - Many
c - Much
32) Is water in the bottle? No, there
there .................. isn't.
a - Many
b - Lot
c - Much
33) There
is ................. milk in the jug.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Lot of
34) We magazines and books about
have................. Elda.
a - A lot
b - A lot of
c - Lots
35) There boys waiting for you
are................... outside.
a - Much
b - A few
c - Fewing
36) I don't
eat.......................... meat.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Few
37) We
eat ............... fish.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Few
38) Lorenzo
has .................... money.
a – Much
b - Many
c – Few

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. A 10. A
11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A
21. A 22. A 23. A 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. A
31. C 32. C 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. A

Un gran número de nombres carecen de él, por eso tenemos la misma
palabra para masculino y femenino.

Teacher. Doctor. Student. Lawyer.

Profesor. Médico. Estudiante. Abogado.

Artist. Reader. Musician. Driver.

Artista. Lector. Músico. Conductor.

Otras palabras tienen una forma para el masculino y otra para el femenino
y neutro.


Father. Mother. Flower.

Padre. Madre. Flor.

Brother. Sister. Cat.

Hermano. Hermana. Gato.

Boy. Daughter. Door.

Chico. Hija. Puerta.

Otros tienen forma masculina y femenina


A male doctor. A woman doctor.

Un doctor. Una doct ora.

Actor. Actress.
Actor. Actriz.

Bachelor. Spinster.
Soltero. Soltera.

Boy. Girl.
Chico. Chica.

Brother. Sister.
Hermano. Hermana.

Bull. Cow.
Toro. Vaca.

Cock. Hen.
Gallo. Gallina.

Duke. Duchess.
Duque. Duquesa.

Emperor. Empress.
Emperador. Emperatriz.

Father. Mother.
Padre. Madre.

God. Goddess.
Dios. Diosa.

Horse. Mare.
Caballo. Yegua.

Host. Hostess.
Anfitrión. Anfitriona.

Husband. Wife.
Esposo. Esposa.

Lion. Lioness.
León. Leona.

Lord. Lady.
Señor. Señora.

Man. Woman.
Hombre. Mujer.

Nephew. Niece.
Sobrino. Sobrina.

Poet. Poetess.
Poeta. Poetisa.

Prince. Princess.
Príncipe. Princesa.

Son. Daughter.
Hijo. Hija.

Steward. Stewardess.
Auxiliar de vuelo. Azafata.

Tailor. Dressmaker.
Sastre. Modista.

Uncle. Aunt.
Tío. Tía.

Waiter. Waitress.
Camarero. Camarera.

Widower. Widow.
Viudo. Viuda.

 Curiosamente, “Baby” puede llevar el pronombre “it ” y los gatos y los

perros “he” o “she”.

Los países, los barcos y los coches se consideran femeninos y a veces se


Do you like my
car? ¿Te gusta mi

She is beautiful.
Es bonito.

La regla general es añadir ( -s).

Car. Cars. Book. Books. Pen. Pens.

Coche. Libro. Boli.

En los nombres que acaban en , s, z, ch, x, sh y o se añade ( -es)

Potato. Potatoes. Brush. Brushes. Box. Boxes.

Patata. Cepillo. Caja.

Kiss. Kisses. Pouch. Pouches. Church. Churches

Beso. Bolsa. Iglesia.

Bush. Bushes. Box. Boxes. Church. Churches.

Arbusto. Caja. Iglesia.

Sin embargo, las palabras de origen extranjero que terminan en “-o”

solamente añaden una “-s“.

Kilo. Kilos. Kimono. Kimonos. Piano. Pianos.

Quilo. Kimono. Piano.

Photo. Photos. Soprano. Sopranos. Solo. Solos.

Foto. Soprano. Solo.

Piano. Pianos. Radio. Radios.

Piano. Radio.

Tomato. .

Los nombres acabados en “-y” precedida de vocal siguen la regla general,

pero si la “-y” va precedida de consonante se transforma en “-i” y se
añade “-es”.
Toy. Toys. Boy. Boys. Monkey. Monkeys.

Juguete. Chico. Mono.

Lady. Ladies. City. Cities. Country. Countries.

Señora. Ciudad. País.

Hay doce sustantivos que terminan en “-f” o “-fe”, cuyo plural cambia
por “-ves”.

Wolf. Wolves. Thief. Thieves. Sheaf. Sheaves.

Lobo. Ladrón. Gavilla.

Loaf. Loaves. Leaf. Leaves. Half. Halves.

Barra de Hoja. Mitad.

Wife. Wives. Shelf. Shelves. Self. Selves.

Esposa. Estantería. mismo.

Life. Lives. Knife. Knives. Calf. Calves.

Vida. Cuchillo. Ternero.

Las demás palabras que terminan en “-f” o “-fe” añaden una “-s“.

Safe. Safes. Chief. Chiefs. Cliff. Cliffs.

Caja de Jefe. Acantilad
seguridad. o.

Existen plurales irregulares.

Man. Men. Woman. Women. Mouse. Mice.

Hombre. Mujer. Ratón.

Foot. Feet. Goose. Geese. Ox. Oxen.

Pie. Ganso. Buey.

Child. Children. Tooth. Teeth.

Niño. Diente.

Algunos animales o peces no cambian en plural:

Sheep. Deer. Trout. Cod. Squid. Mackarel.

Oveja. Ciervo. Trucha. Bacalao. Calamar. Caballa.

Salmon. Carp. Plaice. Duck. .
Salmón. Carpa. Platija. Pato. Perdíz.

Al igual que otras palabras como:

Aircraft. t. Hovercraft.
Aeronave. Nave Aerodeslizador.

Otros tan sólo tiene forma plural

People. Cattle. Police. Folk. Shorts. Jeans.

Gente. Ganado. Policia. Gente. Pantalone Pantalones
s cortos. vaqueros.
Pyjamas. Glasses. Scissors. Binoculars. Thanks.
Pijama. Gafas. Tijeras. Prismáticos. Gracias.

Trousers. Stairs.
Pantalones. Escaleras.

Algunos de los acabados en “-s” van siempre en singular.

Mathematic Gymnastic
s. s Politics. Phonetics.
Matemáticas Gimnasia. Política. Fonética.

Los nombres colectivos, police, crew, family, team , etc., pueden llevar el
verbo en singular o en plural, según el sentido que le demos a la frase:

Our police is very efficient. Our team is the best.

Nuestra policía es muy eficaz. Nuestro equipo es el mejor.

The police are looking for the Our team are wearing the new T-
thief. shirts.
La policía esta buscando al ladrón. Nuestra equipo lleva la nueva
Penny tiene dos posibles plurales. Pennies hace referencia a las monedas
y pence a la cantidad total.

I have 4 pennies. I paid 50 pence.

Tengo cuatro peniques. Pagué cincuenta peniques.

Las palabras compuestas formadas con preposiciones o adverbios forman

el plural en la primera parte del nombre

Maids of
Maid of honour. honour. Brother in law. Brothers in law.
Dama de honor Cuñado.

Las palabras que incluyen man o woman forman el plural modificando las
dos partes

Manservant. Menservants.

/s/. Cats. /z/ Windows. /iz/ Houses.

lo lo
Cuando s nombres Cuando s nombres Cuandolosnombres
acaban en s, z, x, ch,
acaban en consonante acaban en consonante ss, ...
sorda.. p, t, k,
f sonora o vocal. b, d, g, v,
m, n, l, r, w, j
1) El plural de dish es........
a - Dishes
b - Dishs
c - Dishen
2) Las palabras acabadas en vocal "+ y " como boy, hacen el
a - Añadiendo s
b - Cambiando la "y " por i y añadiendo s
c - Añadiendo -es
3) Las palabras "glass, dish, church, fox y buzz " hacen el
a - Añadiendo -s
b - Añadiendo -es
c - Añadiendo -ies
4) What are you.........?
a - Hobby
b - Hobbies
c - Jobis
5) What .......have you visited?
a - Country
b - Countries
c - Cantris
6) I want two ......................of Fanta.
a - Glass
b - Glassves
c - Glasses
7) I like tomato ..............
a - Sandwiches
b - Sandwichs
c - Sandwicheves
8) In the sea there are many .................
a - Fishess
b - Fishs
c - Fish
9) I bought three ............
a - Salmons
b - Salmon
c - Salmones
10) I like ...........................................
a - Potatos
b - Potatoes
c - Pototaves
11) I do not like...........

a - Mouses
b - Mouse
c - Mice

My penthouse has
two. a - Rooves
b - Roofs
c - Roofes
This tree has many ..................................................
a - Leafs
b - Leaves
c - Leafss
14) I use paper .......................................................
a - Handkerchiefs
b - Handkerchieves
c - Handkerchiefes
In the zoo I saw
four a - Sheep
b - Sheeps
I never go to ...............................................
a - Discoes
b - Discos
c - Discooes
In my kitchen there are
many a - Shelves
b - Shelfs
Europe has many different.............................

a - Countrys
b - Countries
c - Countris
I prefer ghost .............................
a -
Stories b
- Storyes
c - Storis
She has many .............................
a - Worries
b - Worrys
We always use silver ................
a - Knives
b - Knifes
c - Knifs
The forest has many ...........
a - Deers
b - Deer c
- Deeres
Las palabras " kilo, photo, piano, solo, dynamo y magneto "
hacen el plural......
a - Añadiendo -s b
- Añadiendo -es c
- Añadiendo -ves
Las palabras "glass, dish, church, fox y buzz " hacen el plural........
a - Añadiendo -s
b - Añadienod -es
c - Añadiendo -ies
Sheep, deer, swine, fish, trout, salmon, aircraft hacen el
a - Añadiendo -es
b - Esa misma forma les sirve para el
plural c - Añadiendo -s
The police ........coming very soon.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Be
This mountain is more that
1500 ..........high. a - Foot
Foots c -
Which .................are you from?
a - Country
b - Countri
c - Kantry
She gave him four .........of
bread. a - Loafs
b - Loaves
The indians had many.......
a - Chiefs
b - Chieves
c - Cifs

My favourite.........were a ball and the
Scalextrix. a - Toys
Toyes c
- Tois
In the Tarzan films there are many.........
a - Monkeis
b - Monkeys
c - Mankis
A famous English king had six........
a - Wifes
b -
c - Wivess
We always buy three.......of bread in
Perete. a - Loafs
b - Loaves
c -
All of us have two.......
a - Feet
b - Foot
c - Foots
The plural of goose is...
Gooses b
- Geese c
- Gees
The plural of mouse is...
Mouses b
- Mice c -
The plural of carp is...
a - Carps
b - Carpe
diem c - Carp
The plural of partridge
is a - Partridges
Partdrigess c
- Partridge
Para decir que hay muchos peces en el mar diremos......
a - There's a lot of fishes in the
sea b - There's a lot of fish in the
c - There are a lot of fishes in the sea
I like........................with cream.

a - Strawberries
b - Strawberryes
c - Strauberries
Before my daughters were born I visited
many....................with my wife. a - Countries
b -
Countryes c -


1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. C 12. B 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. A
31. A 32. B 33. B 34. B 35. A 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. C 40. B
41. A 42. A

Algunos nombres surgen de la combinación de dos palabras.

Adjetivo + nombre. Handful. Puñado.

Nombre + nombre. Toothpaste. Pasta de dientes.

Ing + nombre. Washingmachine. Lavadora.

Pronombre + nombre. Shegoat. Cabra.

Verbo + nombre. Breakfast. Desayuno.

Preposición + nombre. Overwork. Exceso de trabajo.

Preposición + verbo. Income. Ingresos.

Todos los nombres pueden tener las siguientes funciones

Sujeto. María is a teacher.

María es profesora.

Predicado. María is a sociable woman.

María es una mujer sociable.

Complemento Directo. I saw a woman there.

Ví una mujer allí.

Complemento Indirecto. This present is for that woman.

Este regalo es para esa mujer.

Algunos sufijos nos pueden ayudar a identificar a los nombres.

-er. -er. -ee. -tion. -ist. -ism. -ness.

Profesiones. Cosas. Personas. Nombres Profesiones. Ideologías. Nombre.

Baker. Opener. Employee. Pollution. Violinist. . Hapiness.

Panadero. Abridor. Empleado. Contamina Comunism Felicidad.
ción. o

-ance. -hood. -ment. -tion. -ity.

Nombre. Nombre. Nombre. Nombre. Nombre.

Abundance Childhood. . Education. Ability.
Abundancia. Niñez. Envío. Educación. Habilidad.

Algunos sufijos nos pueden ayudar a identificar a los adjetivos o adverbios.

-al. -ic. -ive. -ful. -less. -ous. -ly.

Exclusive Hopeless Industrio

Practical. Historic. . Faithful. . us Friendly.
Práctico. Histórico. Exclusivo. Leal. Sin Trabajador Amistoso.

-ed. -en. -ant. -ive. -ible. -like. -worthy.

Irrelevan Trustworth
Excited. Wooden. t. Compreh Sensible. Childlike. y.
Excitado. De Irrelevant ensive. Sensato. infantil Fiable
madera e Comprensi

Algunos prefijos negativos.

Dis- Il- Im- In- Ir- Non- Un-

Dishonest. Illegal. Impolite. Invisible. Irregular. Non- e
Deshonesto Ilegal. Mal Invisible. Irregular. smoker. Impensable
educado. No

Algunos prefijos de los más usados.

Anti- Over- Pre- Semi- Super- Post- Under

Antibiotic Overdos Predictabl Semiprof Superna Postpone Undermi

. e e e t . n
Antibiótic Sobredosis . ssional. ural. Posponer. e
o Semiprofe Supernat Socavar.
sional. ural.

Es una construcción especial que se utiliza para indicar posesión. La
estructura del genitivo sajón es: Poseedor + ‘s + cosa poseída.

Normalmente la utilizamos con personas y rara vez con objetos.

Añadir apóstrofo y una “s “es la regla Peter’s bike.

general. La bici de Pedro.

Acabados en s, como nombre propio Pits’ car.

añade sólo “ ’ ”. El coche de Pit.

Plurales irregulares no terminados en A men’s club.

“s” o “-es” siguen la regla general. Un club para hombres.

Más de un sujeto. My brother and sister’s friends.

Los amigos de mi hermano y de mi
My brother’s and sister’s
Los amigos de mi hermano y las
amigas de mi hermana.

Algunas expresiones. A day’s break.

Un descanso de un día.

Today’s paper.
El periódico de hoy.

The car’s engine.

El motor del coche.

A stone’s throw.
A tiro de piedra.

Casas y tiendas. I went to my sister’s

Fui casa de mi hermana.

She was at the baker’s.

Estaba en la panadería.

Tiendas, hospitales e iglesias. He goes to his friend’s.

Él va a casa de su amigo.

He got married in Sant Louis’.

Él se casó en la Iglesia de San Luis.

I was at the dentist’s.

Yo estaba en el dentista.

Los plurales regulares acabados en “s” A girls’ school.

sólo añaden el apóstrofo. Una escuela de chicas.

This is the ..............,
isn't it? a - Balls' boys
b - Boys' the
ball c - Boys'
La casa de Manoli.
a - House's manoli
b - Manoli's house
c - The manoli's house
El coche de mi amigo.
a - The my friend's car
b - My friend's car
c - Car's my friend
La casa de los
Torres. a - The
Torres' house b -
Torres'ss house
c - The house of Torres'
Las obras de
Cervantes. a -
Cervantes' works
b - Cervante's works
c - The cervantes's works
El teorema de Pitágoras.
a - Pythagoras's the therom
b - The pythagora's theorem
c - Pythagoras's theorem
7) La madre de mi suegra.
- My mother-in-law's mother
- My mother's- in- law mother
- My mother's-in -law's mother
Vamos a casa de Clemente.
- We are going to Clemente's
- We are going to the Clemente's
- We are going to Clementes
Ella está en la pelu.
- She's at the hairdresser's
- She is at hairdresser
- She is the hairdresser


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. A


Los artículos preceden y detreminan a los sustantivos.

Su traducción es “un”, “una”. Tiene dos formas “a” y “an”.

Es invariable en género y número, por lo tanto la misma forma sirve para

masculino y femenino. Carece de plural. Se suele usar “some” para
expresar el significado de unos.

“A” se emplea con palabras que comienzan por sonido consonántico.

“An” va con las que comienzan por sonido vocálico.

Las palabras que comienzan por “h” muda como honest, llevan “an”.

Las palabras que comienzan por semiconsonantes como “university”

llevan “a”.

Hace las misma funciones que el artículo español. Designa personas y


Se puede usar con el sentido de “ un tal”

There is a Mr. Pérez waiting for you.

Hay un tal señor Pérez esperándote.


A house. An apple.
Una casa. Una manzana.

A car. An hour.
Un coche. Una hora.

A university. An honest person.

Una universidad. Una persona honrada.

A uniform. An honor.
Un uniforme. Un honor.

A union. An umbrella.

Un sindicato. Un paraguas.

A European. An MP.
Un europeo. Un miembro del Parlamento.

Acompaña a ciertos números y A hundred.

expresiones de cantidad. Cien.

A couple of hours.
Un par de horas.

Para indicar el precio de las cosas. It is 10 euros a kilo..

Cuesta 10 euros el kilo.

The woman had a nice house near

Usamos “a” o “an” cuando es la the
primera vez que hablamos de un beach. La mujer tenía una bonita casa
objeto. cerca de la playa.

I want a book but I don’t want

Cuando la referencia no está clara. an
English book.
Quiero comprar un libro pero no quiero
un libro inglés.

Con profesiones, religiones, e ideas I am a lawyer and he is a nurse.

políticas. Yo soy abogado y ella es enfermera.

He is a Catholic and I am a Jew.

Él es católico y yo soy judío.
He was a socialist and now he
is a
conservative. Él era socialista y
ahora es

Con enfermedades. Last week I had a terrible cold.

La semana pasada tuve un resfriado

My wife has a toothache.

A mi mujer le duele un diente

Con expresiones. As a rule.

Por regla general.
On a diet.
A dieta.

Con exclamaciones. What a pretty woman.

Qué mujer más guapa!

Con adverbios. Once a year.

Una vez al año.

“A” puede ser cambiado por “one” en algunos casos.

One morning I saw him here.

Una mañana le vi aquí.

Es parte invariable de la oración y va tanto con nombres en singular como
con nombres en plural. Se puede traducir por: el, la los y las. Tiene dos
pronunciaciones según vaya precediendo a vocales o consonantes.

The girl. The girls. The car. The cars.

La chica. Las chicas. El coche. Los coches.


Ríos. The Nile.

El río Nilo.

Mares. The Black Sea.

El mar Negro.

The Atlantic Ocean.

El Océano Atlántico.

Montañas. The Alps.

Los Alpes.

Islas. The Canary Islands.

Las Islas Canarias.

Desiertos. The Sahara.

El desierto del Sahara.

Países en plural. The Netherlands.

Los Países Bajos.

Cosas únicas. The Universe.

El Universo.

The Sun.
El Sol.

The Moon.
La luna.

The Earth.
La Tierra.

Con instrumentos musicales. I play the piano.

Yo toco el violín.

Junto a un adjetivo hace referencia a The blind.

un colectivo, a un tipo de personas. Los ciegos.

The rich.
Los ricos.

The poor.
Los pobres.

The British.
Los británicos.

Water is in my opinion the best

Con los superlativos. drink.
El agua es en mi opinión la

También con algunas expresiones. He was in the navy.

Él estuvo en la marina.

The police.
La policía.

I went to the Post Office.

Yo fui a la oficina de correos.
They were in the radio this
Ellos estuvieron en la radio ésta

I went to the cinema last Sunday.

Yo fui al cine el pasado domingo.
I have spent very good moments
the theatre.
Yo he pasado muy buenos momentos
en el teatro.

Con fechas se lee pero no se escribe. 30th November is my birthday.

El día treinta de noviembre es my

cumpleaños. Esto debe leerse
November the thirtieth o the
thirtieth of November.

Con algunas palabras modifica el In hospital.

significado En el hospital. (hospitalizado)
Bed, class, court , college, church,
hospital, market
, prison, university, In the hospital.
town. En el hospital. (de visita)

Junto a las palabras Republic, State, The United Kingdom.

Kingdom. El Reino Unido.

The Arab Republic.

La República Árabe.

Con cosas únicas. The moon isn’t red.

La luna no es roja.

Con contables en singular hace The orange is an excellent fruit.

referencia a la totalidad. La naranja es una excelente fruta.

Con los adjetivos pasa lo mismo. The rich also cry.

Los ricos también lloran.

The blind.
Los ciegos.

Con apellidos. The Barrymore.

Los Barrimore

The Parker.
Los Parker.


Con días de la semana. I play tennis on Monday.

Yo juego al tenis los lunes.

Meses. In July I go to San Juan beach.

En el mes de julio voy a la playa de
San Juan.

Estaciones y fiestas. Easter is a great holiday.
Pascua es una gran fiesta.

Idiomas. Italian is very romantic.

El italiano es muy romántico.

Meses, estaciones, semanas, años. On Monday

El lunes
Colores. Red is my favourite colour.
El color rojo es mi color favorito.

Deportes, actividades y juegos. Swimming is good for you.

La natación es buena para ti.

I don’t play cards.

Yo no juego a las cartas.

Lunch, breakfast and supper are

Comidas. the
meals of the day.
La comida, el desayuno y la cena son
las comidas del día.

Expresiones. At night.
Por la noche.

At dawn.
Al anochecer.

At sunrise.
Al amanecer.

Cuando nos referimos al sentido Wine is good for you.

general de algo. El vino es bueno para ti.

The wine from Pinoso is the best.

El vino de Pinoso es el mejor.

Con las partes del cuerpo. Wash your hair.

Lávate el pelo.

Canales hechos por el hombre. Suez canal.

El canal de Suez

Con las palabras “bed”, “school”, He is in bed.

“hospital”, “prison”, college”, El está en cama.
Con las comidas. I have lunch at home.
Como en casa.

Con “ver la tele”. I never watch TV.

Nunca veo la tele.
Doctor Ferreira no The doctor
Con personas. Ferreira.
El doctor Ferreira.

boy. a - An
b - The
c -
Today I
ate..........apple. a -
- Any
My sister is
..........doctor. a - An
c - Something
Mr. García is...........honest
man. a - A
b - An c
- Both
I like drinking .........coke.
a - An
c - Many
Is he
........architect? a
b - An
Is Salinas............big
city? a - A
b - An c
- These
I went to the swimming
pool.......hour ago. a - An
- The
He has ........cat.
a - An
c - Many
I want to be
........lawyer. a - Some
c - An
Do you like .......English language?

b - The
c - Some
He's ........engineer.
a - An
c - Some
I would like to be
........lawyer. a - A
b - An c
- Some
What ........................relief to get
rid of him. a - An
c - Some
They only cost 30 euros ...........hour.
a - An
c - The
I never listen to...radio at
night. a - A
The c
.......moon goes round the
Earth. a - A
The c
My father-in-law likes
watching......TV. a - A
The c
Why don't you eat..........breakfast?
b - The
Tabarca is........island near Santa
Pola. a - The
c - An
Tomás lives in........country.
a - The

Before......lunch we played
ATAJOS. a - The
.......capital of Spain is Madrid.
a - The
...........Vinalopó is the only river we
have. a - -
The c
........USA is a very big country.
b - The
I would like to live
near........sea. a - -
The c
.......wine is good if you drink
properly. a - -
The c
........wine from Rioja is my
favourite. a - -
The c
......policemen have a hard life.
a - The
My mother-in-law is always with........telephone in
hand. a - The
I didn't learn to play .......guitar in don Emilio's.
b - The
.............rich also
cry. a - -
- The
......French drink more wine than we
do. a - -
c – The

......women like going to the hairdresser more

than men. a - -
The c
Pepe had an accident so he is in ......hospital.
b - The
I went to.......hospital to vist my friend Enrique who had a
heart attack. a - The
Sarah goes to......church every Sunday with my wife.
b - The
He was in........prison because he killed a
cat. a - -
- The
I studied at......Alicante University wih Bryn
Moody. a - -
The c
Vladi has gone to........work now.
a - The
I prefer to
stay...........home. a -

Before .......work we go
running. a - A
- The


1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. B 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. C
21. A 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. A
31. B 32. C 33. C 34. A 35. A 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. A 40. C
41. C 42. B


Both. Both Peter and Sarah like confetti.

Ambos. Tanto a Pedro como a Sara les gustan los confetis.

We both like jazz.

A los dos nos gusta el jazz.

Both of the children have been to Paris.

Los dos niños han estado en París.

The children have both been to Paris.

Los dos niños han estado en París.

Give me both.
Dame los dos.
Both….and. I like both the film and the book.
Tanto como. Me gusta tanto la película como el libro.

Both of them. Both of them are happy.

Ellos dos. Los dos son felices.

Ninguno. Neither of them came to my party.
Ni. Ninguno de los dos vino a mi fiesta.

-I don’t like coffe.

A mí no me gusta el café.

-Neither do I.
Ni a mí tampoco.

O…..o. Either you come with me or go with him.
O vienes conmigo o vas con él.

Neither....nor. I like neither coffee nor tea.

Ni….ni. No me gusta ni el té ni el café.

All. All the students were happy after the exam.

Todos. Más de Todos los estudiantes estaban contentos después del
dos. examen.

None. None of my friends wanted to buy my car.

Ninguno. Más de Ninguno de mis amigos quiso comprar mi coche.
Most. Most of them are from Canada.
La mayoría, la Los dos son de Canadá.
mayor parte.

Each. Each student must buy a dictionary.

Cada uno. Cada estudiante debe comprar un diccionario.

Todos y Every citizen paid the taxes.
cada uno Todos los ciudadanos pagaron los impuestos.

No. Nada. I have no money now.

Ahora no tengo dinero.

Los adjetivos tiene la misión de modificar al sustantivo y normalmente le

A red car.
Un coche rojo.

A beautiful woman.
Una mujer guapa.

Al ser en inglés parte invariable, sólo tiene una forma para masculino,
femenino, singular y plural.

I have a red car.

Yo tengo un coche rojo.

She has a red dress.

Ella tiene un vestido rojo.

My daughter wears red shoes.

Mi hija lleva zapatos rojos.

They have red skirts.

Ellas tienen faldas rojas.


Detrás de los verbos copulativos: be, She is nice.

look, sound, t a s t e, appear, seem, Ella es agradable.
get , feel, stay, fall, etc.
You look beautiful.
Tú tienes buen aspecto.

He feels strong.
Él se siente fuerte.

Algunos adjetivos siempre llevan I am interested in politics.

preposición. A mí me interesa la política.

Los participios de presente y pasado He is tired.

pueden hacer las veces de adjetivos. El está cansado.

He is tyring.

El cansa. (es un pesado)

Los adjetivos que se colocan delante A beautiful song.

de los sustantivos se llaman Una canción bonita.

Principal, sheer, chief y main. son The main road is closed today.
atributivos. La carretera principal está cerrada

Afraid, awake, asleep, ashamed, She is still alive.

upset , alive, alone, asleep son Ella está todavía viva.
predicativos y van detrás.

El significado de l a t e y early We caught an early plane to

depende London.
de su posición. Cogimos un vuelo temprano para

They were early at the party.

Ellos llegaron temprano a la fiesta.

Algunos nombres pueden funcionar como adjetivos.

A gold chain.
Una cadena de oro.

A leather case.
Una maleta de piel.

Muchos adjetivos son reconocibles por sus terminaciones.

-Y -Al -Ial -Ous -Ary -Ic

Happy. al Industrial. Famous. Voluntary. Economic.
Feliz. Profesional. Industrial. Famoso. Voluntario. Económico

-Ful -Ive -Ent Ible -Able -Ed -Less

Competiti Profitabl Limited

Careful. v Urgent. Legible. e. . Useless.
Cuidadoso. e Beneficioso.
Competitivo. Urgente. Legible. Limitado. Inútil.

Los siguientes prefijos indican lo contrario del adjetivo que acompañan.

Un- In- Dis- Il- Im- Ir-

Unhappy. n Dishonest. Illegible. Impatient. Irregular.
Triste. t Deshonesto Ilegible. Impaciente Irregular.

Otros prefijos también nos indican que estamos delante de un adjetivo.

Auto- Bi- Extra- Hyper. Inter-

Extraordina Hypersensiti Interchangeable

Automatic. Bisexual. ry ve .
Automático Bisexual. . Hipersensible Intercambiable.

Mono- Multi- Pre- Super- Ultra-

Multilingual Predominan Superstitiou

Monochrom . t. s. Ultrasonic.
e Multilingüe. Predominante Supersticioso. Ultrasónico.

Los adjetivos pueden estar formados por dos palabras unidas por un guión.

De calidad suprema.

Libre de impuestos.

Cuando aparecen varios adjetivos en una frase el orden debe ser el


Opinión. Dimensiones. Color. Origen. Material.

Cheap. New. Blue. French. Plastic.

Barato. Nuevo. Azul. Francés. Plástico.
Cualidad. Tamaño. Forma. Edad. Color.

Famous. Big. Round. Old. Blue.

Famoso. Grande. Redondo. Viejo. Azul.

Puede ser de igualdad, inferioridad y superioridad.


As... As. I am as tall as you are.

Tan como. Yo soy tan alto como tú.
En los puntos va el adjetivo.
He is not so intelligent as his
So.....as. brother
No tan como. Mike.
Él no es tan listo como su hermano

Los monosiíabos y bisílabos añaden “-er” en el comparativo.

Los monosílabos acabados en una consonante precedida de una única

vocal, duplican la consonante. Como en fat . Fatter .

Si acaban en “-y” se sustituye por “i”.


Tall. Taller. The tallest.

Alto. Más alto. El más alto

He is taller than you.

Él es más alto que tú.

Big. Bigger . The biggest.

Grande. Más grande. El más grande.

My car is bigger than

Mi coche es más grande
que el tuyo.

Happy. Happier. The happiest

Feliz. Más feliz. El más feliz.

He is happier now.
Él es más feliz ahora.

Algunos adjetivos de dos sílabas y todos los que tiene más de dos usan
more ...than y the most.


The most
Comfortable. More comfortable. comfortable.
Cómodo. Más cómodo. El más cómodo.

Interesting. More interesting. The most interesting.

Interesante. Más interesante. El más interesante.


“-Er”. I am taller now.

Ahora soy más alto.

It is more interesting than the

More….than. film.
Es más interesante que la película.

Comparativo + and +
comparativo. I am getting fatter and fatter.
Cada vez me estoy poniendo más

The+comparativo,the + The richer, the sillier.

comparativo. Cuanto más rico, más tonto.


The .....est con adjetivos de una o

dos The richest people in Elda.
silabas. Los más ricos de Elda.
Se utiliza in para lugares y periodos

The + most + adjetivo con los de The most beautiful girl in town.
dos o

más silabas. La chica más guapa del pueblo.


Less + adj + than. She is less intelligent than Rose.

Ella es menos inteligente que Rosa.

The least important of all his

The least + adjetivo indican novels.
inferioridad. La menos importante de sus novelas.


Busy. Less busy. The least busy.

Ocupado. Menos ocupado. El menos ocupado.

Algunos hacen la comparación de forma irregular y no siguen reglas
Good. Better. The best.
Bueno. Mejor. El mejor

Bad. Worse. The worst.

Malo. Peor. El peor.

Little. Less. The least.

Poco. Menos. El menos.

Much / Many. More. The most.

Mucho. Más. El más.

Far. Farther. The farthest.

Lejos. Más lejos. Lo más lejano.

Old. Elder. The eldest.

Viejo. Más viejo. El más viejo.

Elder y eldest se utilizan cuando hacemos referencia a miembros de una

misma familia.
My sister Berta is elder than me.
Mi hermana Berta es mayor que yo.

1) This is ......than this?
a - Long
b – Longer
c - Longest
2) How.............are you?
a - Tall
b - Talling
c - Tallest
3) Isabel is ...........................than last year.
a - The thinnest
b - Thiner
c - Thinner
4) Everybody says that Jorge is ..............................than his
a - More clever
b - The more clever
c - The most clever
5) Alicante is .......................................................than Elda.
a - Hotting
b - Hottest
c - Hotter
6) I am .............................teacher here.
a - The oldest
b - Older
c - Olderest
7) This park is ...............................................than the one in
a - Nicer
b - Niceer
c - Nicest
8) This sweater is ...........................................than the one we saw
a - Old-fashionest
b - Old-fashionedest
c - More old-fashion
9) A Mercedes is .....................................than a Seat Marbella.
a - Most expensive
b - More expensive
c - Expensiver
10) He's ......................................................than he was a year
a - Healthier
b - Healthiest
c - Healthiere
11) Do you think English is ..............................than French?

a - More difficult
b - The most difficult
c - Difficulter
12) He eats a lot - he's getting ......................
a - Fatting
b - Fatter
c - Fattest
13) I think that Pilar is ..................................than Manoli.
a - More mature
b - The most mature
c - More maturest
14) He was the..................person I have ever met.
a - The most dishonest
b - More dishonet
c - Most dishonest
15) My mother was getting ................
a - Redder and redder
b - The more redest
c - Most red
16) A bed is ..........................a sofa.
a - More comfortable than
b - The more comfortable
c - The comfortablest
17) I think that Harry Potter's books are
.....................................than the films.
a - More interesting
b - The most interesting
c - Interestinger
18) Have you got a ........................size?
a - Biggest
b - Bigger
c - Biger
19) My exam was ..........................................than I had thought.
a - Badder
b - Badding
c - Worse
20) Now I have ...............................time than when I was single.
a - Less
b - Lesser
c - Mucher
21) My neighbour María is ................................now that she has a
new kitchen.
a - Hapiest

b - Happier
c - Happyer

22) This exercise is .......................................than the previous

a - Easier
b - Easyer
c - Easiest
23) Mari Carmen is ........................................than her sister.
a - Politest
b - More polite
c - The more polite
24) It is .....................................to walk after having dinner.
a - Better
b - The good
c - The gooder
25) When I was young Agustina was the
.......................................swimmer in Elda.
a - Fastest
b - Fatesr
c - The ffasterest
26) Sarah is ..........................................in the class.
a - Tallest
b - The tallest
c - The taller
27) Paco was the................................of my friends.
a - Craziest
b - Crazier
c - Crasiest
28) This is ........................................book I have ever read.
a - The goodest
b - The bester
c - The best
29) Barcelona is .....................................than Madrid.
a - Farer
b - Farest
c - Further
30) You should eat ....................................chocolate.
a - Littler
b - Less
c - Littlest
31) Home.......home.
a - Good

b - Sweet
c - Nice
I was ..........cross with
him. a - So
b - As
Do you have to have the music
..........loud? a - As
b - So
c - Some
He's the ...........person I know.
a - Meanest
b - Mean
c - Meaner
You'll need it when it gets ..........
a - Coldest
b - Colder
c - Colding
I'd ............say goodbye to you
now. a - Good
Better c
- Best
I don't mind, .......................the hours are reasonable and the
pay is good. a - Long so
b - As long
as c - As long
That sounds .........................!
a - Exciteing
b - Exciting
c - Excite
He is as busy ............a
bee. a - So
The c
- As
That is the ............compliment you can pay to a girl
like her. a - Great
b - Greater
c - Greatest
So they have the ............of both worlds.
a - Best
b - Betteer
c - Goodest
42) The ..........he starts Spanish lessons the better.
a - Soon
b - Soonest
c - Sooner
43) They are ............than pears.
a - Big
b - Biggest
c - Bigger
44) I was .................sorry that I felt ashamed.
a - So
b - As
c - So as
45) Everything is ........wonderful in Spain!!
a - So
b - As
c - As so
46) The place I was the museum of Moder
enjoyed ............. Art.
a - Most
b - More
c - Little
47) This quick test than the one we did
is................. yesterday.
a - Easiest
b - Easier
c - More easy
48) My mother's dress
is....................... than my aunt's.
a - Longer
b - The longest
c - More long
49) Loli was ill, but now she ...........................
a - Looks best
b - Looks better
c - Is best
50) You have to be
much ..................... when you use this.
a - More careful
b - Carefuler
c - Carefulest
51) The Vinalopó
is .................... river in Elda.
a - The longest
b - Longer than
c - Longest than
52) Many people say Barcelona football team is .............than Real
a - Better
b - Best
c - Good
53) This pullover is too big. I need a ...........one.
a - Smallest
b - More small
c - Smaller
54) All these children are nice, but ours are ................
a - Niecerest
b - Nicer
c - Nicest
55) I think he is the ......................in the class.
a - Good
b - Better
c – Best

56) I think that "The Pillars of the Earth " is .........book I have read in
my life.
a - The best
b - Best than
c - The better
57) This film is ........I have ever seen in my life.
a - Baddest
b - The worst
c - The most bad
58) What a pity he is in Almeria. I wish he lived ...............
a - Most near
b - Nearer
c - Nearest
59) She is very pretty but my girlfriend is ........
a - Prettier
b - Prettiest
c - The pretty
60) I am .............tall as Paco Cabrera.
a - As
b - So
c - So as
61) I am .............than last year.
a - More and more fat
b - More fat
c - Fatter

You'd ..........buy a better
car. a - Best
b -
Better c
- Good
My .......sister is married.
a - Older
b - Elder
c - Oldesr
Novelda is.......than
Monóvar. a - Far
b - Further
Pepe is .......rich as
Manolo. a - So
b - As c
- Than
I am not......tall as a basketball
player. a - As
b - So c
- Than
The.........of a party is having to tidy the
house. a - Bad
b - Worse
c - Worst
She is.................now than when she
was 28. a - Prettyer
Prettier c
- Prittier
There are...............books in Martin
Fierro for us. a – Most expensive
b -
Expensive c -
You must buy these……….. pills.
a - Good
b - Gooder
c – The good
She loves ...........
a - Tall
b – The tallest
c - Tallerst
72) They drank..........................bottle of whisky.
a - The most expensive
b - Expensiver
c – The expensiver
73) They said he was a ...................teacher.
a - Bored
b - Boring
c - Borerst
74) I was .....................because the film was boring.
a - Boring
b - Borest
c - Bored
75) In a couple we will be .........
a - Richer
b – The rich
c - Riching
76) They serve ..................coffee in town.
a - Badder
b - Gooder
c – The worst
There are always ……….................. trees in
the park. a - Greener
Greenest c
– Gren

78) All the Chinese have .................smiles.

a – Lovelier
b - Lovely
c - Lovlyest
79) Peter felt ..................of what he had done.
a - Ashamed
b - Ashamer
c - Ashamest
80) The porter is a..................man.
a - Happier
b - Happiest
c - Happy
81) Felipe was the....................President.
a - Form
b - Formerst
c - Former
82) His .....................brother works in Perú.

a - Elder
b - Old
c - Older
83) The ..................part of the book is not good.
a - Major
b - May
c - Most of
He is a lonely man, he feels............
a - Aoner
b - Alone
Parents are happy when their children are..............
a - Aleppest
b - Aslepper
c - Asleep
Sometimes she drives me.............
a - Madder
b - Mad
c - Madest
87) I found a ................bottle on the beach.
a - Broker
b - Brokenest
c - Broken


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. A
21. B 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. B
31. B 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. B 39. C 40. C
41. A 42. C 43. C 44. A 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. B 50. A
51. A 52. A 53. C 54. B 55. C 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. A
61. C 62. B 63. B 64. B 65. B 66. B 67. C 68. B 69. B 70. A
71. B 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. A 76. C 77. A 78. B 79. A 80. C
81. C 82. A 83. A 84. B 85. C 86. B 87. C

Aunque la gramática inglesa es bastante simple, tiene partes que
presentan cierta dificultad como las preposiciones. Por ejemplo, para
decir “en”, se pueden emplear “in” , “on” y “at ”. Por lo tanto se les
debe prestar mucha atención.


Puntos concretos. We stopped at the zoo.

Paramos en el zoo.

He was at the station.

Él estaba en la estación.

I was at home and my wife was at a meeting.

Yo estaba en casa y mi mujer estaba en una

Cafés y restaurantes We'll eat at MacDonald's, in San Juan Beach.

Comeremos en el MacDonald’s de la Playa de San

I was at school and then at university later on I

Sitios donde se estudia worked
o trabaja. at IBM.
Fui al colegio, luego a la universidad y
trabajé en IBM.

He was at a meeting, then at the theatre and

Nombres de later at
a concert and at a lecture, afterwards at a
actividades de grupo match
and finally at the cinema.

Él estaba en una reunión, luego fue al teatro,

después a un concierto y a una conferencia,
después a un partido y, finalmente, al cine.

Con el número de la I lived at 35 Príncipe de Asturias.

calle Yo vivía en la calle Príncipe de Asturias 35.

Horas I wake up at six.

Me levanto a las seis.

Navidad y Pascua At Christmas I buy many presents and at

Easter I go to

the beach.
En Navidad compro muchos regalos y en Pascua voy
a la playa.

Expresiones At present I’m reading a novel.

Ahora estoy leyendo una novela.

He died at the age of 81.

Él falleció a la edad de 81 años.

At night. At sunrise. At noon. At sunset.

Por la noche. Al amanecer Al mediodia Al atardecer

At this
At first sight. At midnight. moment. At last.
A primera vista. Al mediodia En este momento. Al fín.

At the bus-stop. At the office. At the top. At work.

En la parada del En la oficina. En la parte de En el trabajo.
autobús. arriba.

At the
At the station. At least. bottom.
En la estación. Al menos. En la parte de

Otros. It was love at first sight.

Fue amor a primera vista.

She is always at home.

Ella siempre está en casa.

At least it is a very good book.

Al menos es un buen libro.

At present they are working a lot.

En este momento están trabajando mucho.

They were at war.

Ellos estuvieron en guerra.

The boss is at work

El jefe está trabajando.

 ON

Algo que está tocando We have a house on the river.

o cercano a una línea, Tenemos una casa al lado del río.
o algo parecido a una
Benidorm is on the coast.
Benidorm está en la costa.

Elche is on the road to Murcia.

Elche está en la carretera de Murcia.

Cuando algo está The keys are on the table.

tocando una Las llaves están en la mesa.
They fish on the lake.
Ellos pescan en el lago.

The new picture is on the wall.

El nuevo cuadro está en la pared.

I saw her on the plane/on the train/on the

Con transportes bus.
públicos, caballos, Yo la vi en el avión, tren, autobús.
motos y bicicletas.
Con pisos. I live on the second floor.
Yo vivo en el segundo piso.

Días. I study French on Monday.

Yo estudio francés los lunes.
On St. Valentine’s many people buy
El día de San Valentín mucha gente compra

Expresiones. The train arrived on time.

El tren llegó en punto.

He is on a business trip.
Está de viaje de negocios.

The soldier is on duty.

El soldado está de servicio.

He came on foot.
Vino a pie.

The house is still on sale.

La casa está todavía en venta.

On the other hand, I don’t like it.

Por otra parte no me gusta.

On the whole, It was a very good play.

En resumidas cuentas, fue una buena obra.

Páginas. On page 26 you will find the exercises.

En la página 26 encontraréis los ejercicios.

 IN

Cuando algo está My friends are in the cuartelillo.

dentro de algo. Mis amigos están en el cuartelillo.

The bottles are in the fridge.

Las botellas están en la nevera.

Con países. I live in Spain.

Yo vivo en España.

Con regiones. They are in the Sahara.

Ellos están en el desierto del Sahara.

Con grandes islas. We spent the summer in the Canary islands.

Ellos pasaron el verano en las Islas Canarias.

Partes del cuerpo. I have a pain in my stomach.

Me duele la barriga.

Con coche, taxi y I saw him in a new Mercedes.

avioneta. Yo le vi en un nuevo Mercedes.

Con algunos lugares. In bed.

En cama

In hospital.
En el hospital.

In court.
En el juzgado.

In church.
En la iglesia.

In prison.
En la cárcel.

Nombres de calles. I lived in Onesimo Redondo street.

Yo viví en la calle Onésimo Redondo.

Partes del día I read the paper in the morning.

Yo por las mañanas leo el periódico.

Meses. I got married in October.

Yo me casé en el mes de Octubre.

Años. I met my wife in 1982.

Conocí a mi mujer en el año 1982.

Estaciones. I go to San Juan beach in summer.

Voy a la playa de San Juan en verano.

Siglos. In he l9th century people did not wear jeans.

En el siglo XIX la gente no llevaba pantalones

Períodos de tiempo. Spain was very rich in the Middle Ages.

España era muy rica en la Edad Media.

Expresiones. He is always in a hurry.

Siempre tiene prisa.

In any case, you can come.

De cualquier manera puedes venir.

He was in danger.
Estuvo en peligro.

They are in love

Están enamorados.

Everything is in order.
Todo está en orden.

In other words, I love you.

En otras palabras, te quiero.

I will tell you in private.

Te lo diré en privado.

She was in tears

Estaba llorando.


Aboard. I was aboard a yatch.

A bordo. Estuve a bordo de un yate.

About. I was talking about music.

Sobre. Estuve hablando de música.

Above. Above all I love my family.

Por encima de. Quiero a mi familia por encima de todo.

Across. I walked across the park.

A través de. Caminé a través del parque.

After. After the meeting I went to the doctor.

Después. Después de la reunión fui al médico.

Against. It was against the public opinion.

Contra. Todo fue en contra de la opinión pública.

Along. I found many good people along the way.

A lo largo de. Me encontré mucha buena gente a lo largo del

Among. I found a letter among the books.

Entre. Entre los libros encontré una carta.

Around. I travelled around the world.

Alrededor de. Viajé alrededor del mundo.

At. I was at the zoo.

En. Estuve en el zoo.

Before. Before eating I read the press.

Antes de. Antes de comer leo el periódico.

Behind. There was a mouse behind the door.

Detrás de. Había un ratón detrás de la puerta.

Below. The temperatures were below zero.

Por debajo de. Las temperaturas estaban por debajo de cero.

Beside. I was beside the Mayor at the table.
Al lado de. Estuve al lado del alcalde en la mesa.

Between. Between you and me there is magic.

Entre (2). Entre tú y yo hay magia.

Beyond. I live beyond the road.

Mas allá de. Vivo más allá de la carretera.

By. “Hamlet” was written by Shakespeare.

Por. Shakespeare escribió Hamlet .

I always travel by plane.

Siempre viajo en avión.

He comes everyday by bus

Él viene todos los días en autobús.

He did it by chance.
Lo hizo por casualidad.

By far he is the best.

Él es el mejor con mucho.

You must learn this by heart

Debes aprenderte esto de memoria.

He did it by mistake.
Lo hizo por error.

He got me by surprise.
Me cogió por sorpresa.

Down. Go down the street.

Abajo. Ve calle abajo.

During. During the summer I have a great time.

Durante. Durante el verano me lo paso muy bien.

Except. Except for the price, I like it very much.

Excepto. Excepto por el precio me gusta mucho.

For. I have lived in this flat for 20 years.

Durante, desde, hace. He vivido en este piso durante veinte años.

From June to September I go swimming to the

From. salt
Desde. lake.
Desde Junio a Septiembre voy a nadar al lago de

In front of. She was sittting in front of me.

Delante de. Estaba sentada delante de mí.

In. I was in Greece in 1992.

En. Estuve en Grecia en el año 1992.

Into. I went into a taxi.

En, Subí a un taxi.
Dentro de.
Near. There was a disco near my house.
Cerca. Había una discoteca cerca de mi casa.

Next to. I live next to the theatre.

Al lado de. Vivo al lado del teatro.

Of. The son of Peter and Mary is tall.

De. El hijo de Pedro y María es alto.

Off. Tabarca is off the coast of Santa Pola.

En frente y separado. Tabarca está en frente de la costa de Santa Pola.

On. My keys are on the table.

En. (Sobre). Mis llaves están en la mesa.

Onto. I jumped onto the car.

En. (indica
movimiento) Salté sobre el coche.

Opposite. I live opposite the cinema

Enfrente de. Vivo enfrente del cine.

Out of. Please go out of the class.

Fuera de. Por favor sal fuera de clase.

He was out of control.

Estaba fuera de sí.

At the moment he is out of work.
Ahora no tiene trabajo

Out of sight out of mind.

Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
Over. There is a bridge over the Vinalopó river.
Sobre. Hay un puente sobre el río Vinalopó.

Past. I walk past your house in the morning.

Por al lado de. Paso por al lado de tu casa por la mañana.

Round. We went round the park.

Alrededor. Fuimos alrededor del parque.

Since. She hasn’ t written to me since last January.

Desde. No me ha escrito desde el pasado mes de Enero.

Through. He came in through the gate.

A través de. Entró a través de la puerta.

Till. Til now I’ve lived in Monovar.

Hasta. Hasta ahora yo he vivido en Monóvar.

To. I go to Sax every Saturday.

A. Voy a Sax cada Sábado.

Towards. The WC is towards the end.

Hacia. El aseo está hacia el final.

Under. The children are under the table.

Debajo de. Los niños están debajo de la mesa.

Until. Until I was ten, I lived in Petrel.

Hasta. Hasta que tuve diez años viví en Petrel.

Up. They are up the stairs.

Arriba Ellos están arriba de las escaleras.

Upon. It was upon a cushion.

Sobre Estaba sobre un cojín.
One upon a time a little rabbit called
Once upon. Perico….
Hace Érase una vez un pequeño conejo llamado Perico..

With. I was with him in the military service.
Con Estuve con él en “la mili”.

Within. It is within two kilometres.

Dentro de. Está antes de dos kilómetros.

Without. I can’t live without you.

Sin. Yo no puedo vivir sin ti.

Existen en inglés una gran cantidad de adjetivos que siempre van
acompañados por una preposición.

To. With. About. At. Of. For.

Married Angry
to. with. Worried Good at. Proud of. Ready for.
Casado Enfadado about. Bueno en. Orgulloso de. Listo para.
con. con. Preocupado

Sorry Ashamed Suitable

Polite to. Satisfied about. Bad at. of. for.
Educado with. Triste por. Malo en. Avergonzado Adecuado
con. Satisfecho de. para.

Happy Surprised
with. at. Afraid of.
Feliz con. Sorprendido Temeroso de.
1) I will meet her.................the station.
a - At
b - In
c - On
2) Please hang it................the wall.
a - On
b - At
c - In
3) This happened ...................Saturday.
a - On
b - In
c - At
...................the past things were
4) different.
a - On
b - At
c - In
5) My grandmother was always.................home.
a - At
b - In
c - On
6) You must change ................Albacete.
a - In
b - On
c - At
7) I prefer to stay ........the right hand side.
a - In
b - On
c - At
8) Please look...............the mirror.
a - At
b - In
c - On
9) We live ...................the second floor.
a - In
b - On
c - At
10) Monforte is .................the road to Alicante.
a - On
b - In
c - At
11) He always pays.................cash.

a - On
b - In
c - At

Arenales del Sol is .................the

coast. a - On
b - In
c - At
He is very good .............music.
a - In
b - On
c - At
I will see
you........Monday. a - In
b - On
c - At
I saw
a - In
b - On
c - At
I heard it........Radio
Elda. a - In
b - On
c - At
He is always ......a bad
mood. a - In
b - On
c - At
......the moment things are very
different. a - In
b - At
c - On
.......Christmas we eat a lot of nougats.
a - In
b - At
c - On
........Christmas day we eat
relleno. a - In
b - On
c - At
He was ........the Navy.

a - In
b - On
c - At
They were......both sides of the
road. a - In
b - On
c - At
She drives ........full
speed. a - At
b - In
c - On
The house is ........good
condition. a - In
b - At
c - On
It was always........my mind.
a - In
b - On
c - At
My grandmother died........the age of
80. a - At
b - In
c - On
........present they are very busy.
a – In
b - On
c - At
Most people ............Elda prefer to go to the
beach. a - In
b - On
c - At
Please don't speak................the same time.
a - At
b - In
c - On
I don't
work............Sunday. a
- In
b - On
c - At
I wake up.........8.00.
a - At

b - In
c - On
Aida was
born.......1934. a - In
b - On
c - At
I run..............night.
a - In
b - On
c - At

My daughters play with me

.........home. a - In
b - On
c - At
I look at the stars..................night.
a - At
b - In
c - On
My birthday is
.......November. a - On
b - In
c - At
The book is.......the table.
a - On
b - In
c - At
The coke is.........the
kitchen. a - In
b - On
c - At
I am writing .........the
blackboard. a - In
b - On
c - At
The chocalates are ............the
box. a - On
b - At
c - In
I am.................Spain.
a - For

b - From
c - Foreign
42) They are .............the theatre now.
a - At
b - On
c - In
43) The train arrives......................Victoria station.
a - At
b - In
c - On
44) Please tell me..........................once.
a - In
b - At
c - On
45) I waited for half an hour, and .......................last he came.
a - On
b - In
c - At
46) He is sitting...........................an armchair.
a - In
b - On
c - At
47) The picture is .......................the wall.
a - At
b - In
c - On
48) I put my hands ..................my pockets.
a - On
b - At
c - In
49) The shop is ........................Juan Carlos I street.
a - In
b - At
c - On
50) We go to church ......................Sundays.
a - At
b - In
c - On
51) It is .............................the foot of the page.
a - At
b - On

c - In
52) .....................my opinion, it is a very good book.
a - In
b - At
c - On
53) He is...........................the garden.
a - On
b - In
c - At
54) I am living .................a hotel near here.
a - In
b - On
c - At
55) The milk's .......................................the fridge.
a - In
b - At
c – On

56) They sat ...........................the wall.

a - On
b - At
c - In
57) They made the film ....................Petrel.
a - In
b - At
c - On
58) I saw them ......................................the station.
a - In
b - At
c - On
59) Mary's not here - she's....................the office.
a - On
b - In
c - At
60) They were sitting ............................the floor.
a - In
b - On
c - At
61) The ham is...................................the shelf in the kitchen.
a - On
b - In

c - At
62) The money's.....................................my pocket.
a - At
b - On
c - In
63) They are all......................................the garden.
a - At
b - In
c - On
64) The papers are................................my desk.
a - In
b - At
c - On
65) They are all.....................................the car.
a - On
b - At
c - In

66) He's not..........................................work today.

a - On
b - In
c - At

67) I'll see you ........................................Monday.

a - In
b - At
c - On
68) I met him .........................................the holidays.
a - At
b - In
c - On
69) I'll pick you up..........................eight o'clock.
a - At
b - In
c - On
70) I'm going home.................................four.
a - On
b - In
c - At
71) They came to visit us ....................my birthday.
a - In

b - At
c - On
72) I can work ................the morning.
a - At
b - In
c - On
73) Did you have a good time ......................Christmas?
a - In
b - At
c - On
74) School finishes ..................................three o'clock.
a - On
b - In
c - At
75) We arranged to meet ..........................Seven.
a - At
b - In
c - On
76) I'll meet you............................the station.
a - At
b - In
c - On
77) He's still..........................................school.
a - At
b - In
c - On
78) That picture....................the wall was painted by Vladi Monzó.
a - In
b - At
c - On
79) He's................................................the building somewhere.
a - On
b - At
c - In
80) You could phone me.....................work.
a - On
b - In
c - At
81) Why don't you stay........................home?
a - At
b - In

c - On
82) He'll be...........................................prison for robbery.
a - In
b - At
c - On
83) I'm studying law..............................University.
a - In
b - On
c - At
84) Is he...............................................hospital?
a - In
b - On
c - At
85) I'll see you......................................the meeting tomorrow.
a - At
b - In
c - On
86) We're meeting...............................7.00 on Tuesday.
a - At
b - On
c - In
87) We usually go .................................holiday to Tabarca.
a - At
b - On
c - In
88) What are you doing.........................Christmas?
a - On
b - In
c - At
89) I don't sleep much.............................night.
a - In
b - On
c - At
90) What about going to see 'Hamlet "....................the 15th.
a - At
b - In
c - On
91) I’ll wait for you............the airport.
a - At
b - In
c - On

My wife is........the
kitchen. a - In
b - On
c - At
I was .......the station.
a - In
b - On
c - At
The water is..........the
fridge. a - On
b - In
c - At
They are........the floor.
a - In
b - On
c - At
The book is ..........the
table. a - In
b - On
c - At
My mother
is.........home. a - On
b - In
c - At
My house is..............the road to
Sax. a - In
b - On
c - At
a. a - In
b - On
c – At

The TV is…
a - In
b - On
c - At
Come ........., let's go and watch
TV. a - On
b - In
c - At

102) ...........the
Teresa's phone.
a - In
b - On
c - At
103) Please hurry .............
a - Down
b - In
c - Up
104) .........
...... last.
a - At
b - In
c - On
105) a
Hold ...................... moment.
a - In
b - At
c - On
106) It's always better to try new clothes ..........
a - On
b - In
c - At
107) .........cash.
a - In
b - On
c - At
card. a - By
With c -
109) I have to be..............home. I must study.
a - At
b - In
c - On
110) Would you like to come ............a concert with me?
a - To
b - From
c - At

111) Come ..............about ten o'clock.

a - At
b - In
c - On
I was sitting .........the garden reading the news
about Elda. a - At
b - In
c - On
I'll ring ..............a pizza.
a - For
b - From
c - To
There was a very beautiful woman ...................the crossroads
near Castelar Square.
a - In
b - On
c - At
What .......a T-shirt?
a - Around
b - About
c - Again
Yes I went ........a tour in
Mexico. a - On
b - In
c - At
The car is .............sale
now. a - In
b - On
c - At
I'm really looking ...............to the
concert! a - For
b - Forward
c - Up
They are .................High
School. a - At
b - In
c - On
That depends .....your
grades. a - On
b - In
c - At
I intend to get a job
........weekends. a - In
b - On
c - At
It looks great ......!

a - On
b - In
c - At
123) This is celebrated ......the fourth Thursday of November.
a - On
b - In
c - At
124) We can have a picnic ..................the beach.
a - In
b - On
c - At
125) He's 10 and he's mad ................Harry Potter.
a - In
b - At
c - On
126) He is the expert ......................computers.
a - In
b - On
c - At
127) How ..............going out for a drink.
a - Around
b - Aside
c - About
128) I'll bring you a present ........the journey.
a - In
b - Up
c - On
129) I'm really looking ..........to visiting Berna.
a - Forward
b - For
c - Fast
130) We look ............him as one of the family.
a - On
b - In
c - At
131) Can I pay ........credit card?
a - With
b - By
c - As
132) I must go ...........a diet.
a - On

b - At
c - In
133) If you don't know the meaning of the word look it ........in the
a - Up
b - For
c - Forward
134) Perhaps I should give ............smoking.
a - Up
b - At
c - On
135) Many are open ........the public.
a - Up
b - To
c - In
136) It's great while you are .....................holiday.
a - On
b - In
c - At
137) Where did you park the car? It's .............Pedrito Rico Road.
a - In
b - On
c - At
138) Tommy, don't sit on the floor, sit..................the chair.
a - On
b - In
c - At
139) Where is the supermarket? It's ...............Dahellos Road.
a - In
b - Into
c - On
140) Inma, please sit.....................the chair.
a - On
b - By
c - At
141) They arrived ................Elda yesterday.
a - In
b - On
c - At
142) I was listening to the news .........................TV when the
baby began to
a - On

b - In
c - At
We waited a couple of hours......the
airport. a - At
b - In
c - On
We play tennis.......the club every
Monday. a - In
b - On
c - At
We were.......theatre last night.
a - In
b - On
c - At
I studied ........don Emilio's school from 1968
to 1975. a - In
b - On
c - At
I met her ..........a lecture.
a - On
b - In
c - At
She studied........Oxford.
a - On
b - At
c - Of
She lives.....Oxford.
a - In
b - On
c - At
We live......the
frontier. a - On
b - In
c - At
Elda is ......the road to
Albacete. a - In
b - On
c - At
All the pictures are......the
wall. a - On
b - In

c - At
I live ......the second
floor. a - In
b - At
c - On
I was born......Elda.
a - On
b - In
c - At

We have a house......the
coast. a - In
b - On
c - At
I met her..........the
croosroads. a - At
b - In
c - On
I lived ......a desert island like Robinson Crusoe for a
month. a - On
b - In
c - At
I always travel ..........the plane.
a - On
b - At
c - In
I met her......the
bus. a - On
b - In
c - At
I found a
wallet.......taxi. a - In
b - On
c - At
I studied
Shakespeare.........college. a -
b - In
c - On
We arrived .......France in 1990.
a - At
b - In

c - On
We arrived ........Paris in
1991. a - At
b - On
c - In
I live........1 Plaza Mayor.
a - In
b - On
c - At
.......the weekend we go to
Rabosa. a - At
b - In
c - On
......lunch time we drink coke.
a - In
b - On
c - At
......the age of 11 I went to
Alicante. a - In
b - On
c - At
......the beginning of the book I didn't like very
much. a - In
b - On
c - At
........first sight I fell in love with her.
a - At
b - In
c - On
We became
friends.......last. a - In
b - On
c - At
We go
a - On
b - In
c - At
........Christmas day my family come
home. a - In
b - On
c - At

........the morning I never drink
coffee. a - At
b - In
c - On
.......1998 I got married.
a - In
b - On
c - At
I like going to the
mountains......spring. a - In
b - On

.......the Middle Ages many cathedrals were

built. a - On
b - In

I'll be back.......five
hours. a - In
b - On
c - At
Trains in Spain now
arrive........time. a - In
b - On
c - At
You must be ......time for the
plane. a - In
b - On
c - At
In the USA everybody works.......nine to
five. a - For
b - From
c -
Holidays in Spain are.......July to
September. a - For
From c
- At
All the trains come......Alicante.
a - From
b - For
c - Up
183) We are going .................the cinema tonight.

a - At
b - To
c - In
They went .......the
car. a - In
Into c -
We all ran ....................the church because it was raining cats
and dogs. a - In
Into c -
When we go to Madrid we always go......train.
a - By
b - On
c - In
The safest way to travel
is.......road. a - On
b - In
c -
We got.......the bus at 8.00.
a - In
b - On
c - By
I go to
work........foot. a -
b - On
c - By
Most students at the University work ......part time jobs such
as Tele Pizza and so on.
a - As
b - On
c - In
A car came.......the right.
a - For
b - From
c - By
A lorry crashed.......my
car. a - Into
b -
Up c -
.......Christmas Eve we have dinner together.
a - In
b - At
c - On
Everybody in Elda is looking.......to the Moors and Christians
festivities. a - For
Forwards c
- Forward
My factory passed ........the hands of my uncle.
a - In
b - Into
c - To
The shop opened......the public in
1989. a - At
b - For
c - To
She is always
worried........money. a - Around
b - Aside
c - About
You must always look........
a - Ahead
b - Head
c - Heading
......Lent people many people don't eat
meat. a - At
b - On
c - In
She won't be back......the end of May.
a - As
b - Until
c - At
In the middle ....................August we organise
many BBQs. a - From
b - Of
c - On
People .......the beach should drink water all the time.
a - In
b - On
c - At
I couldn't play tennis because I had to look...........my
daughter. a - For

b - After
c - Up
I went for a walk........Castelar
Square. a - About
b - Afloat
c - Around
Antonio Poveda gave a lecture.................Roman
culture. a - For
b - Of
c - On
The girl........the window is María.
a - By
b - In
c - On
You should send the letters
......advance. a - On
b - At
c - In
My father-in-law arrived...........Alicante airport from Italy
yesterday. He went to Lineapelle.
a - In
b - At
c - On
The tickets for the opera must be booked well........advance.
a - In
b - On
c - At
Sarah has a room ........her own and so does
Inmita. a - Of
From c
- For
You must be very good if you want to get........one these
college. a - In
Into c -
It will depend....................the amount of money.
a - In
b - On
c - At
We always play
badminton......weekends. a - On

b - In
c - At
Why don't we prepare a BBQ........San Juan
beach. a - On
b - In
c - At
My friend is mad......books.
a - In
b - On
c - At
He told her to shut......her
mouth. a - Up
b - At
c -
My house is ..................the
cinemas. a - Near
b - Near of
c - Near
The park is......................the
hospital. a - Next
b - Next to
c - Next about
Sol y Nive is.....................the
bookshop. a - Opposite
b - Opposite of
c - Off opposite
Jesús Ángel is.......Palencia
a - From
b - On
c - At


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. B
21. A 22. B 23. A 24. A 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. A 30. B
31. B 32. A 33. C 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. A 38. A 39. B 40. C
41. B 42. C 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. A 47. C 48. C 49. A 50. C
51. B 52. B 53. B 54. A 55. A 56. A 57. A 58. C 59. C 60. B
61. B 62. C 63. B 64. C 65. C 66. C 67. C 68. B 69. A 70. C
71. C 72. B 73. B 74. C 75. A 76. A 77. B 78. C 79. C 80. C
81. A 82. A 83. C 84. A 85. A 86. A 87. B 88. C 89. C 90. C
91. A 92. A 93. C 94. B 95. B 96. B 97. C 98. B 99. A . B
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
. A . B . C . A . C . A . A . A . A . A

111 112 113 114 115 116 118 119 120
. A . B . A . C . B . A 117. A . B . A . A
121 122 123 124 125 126 128 129 130
. B . A . A . B . C . B 127. C . C . A . A
131 132 133 134 135 136 138 139 140
. B . A . A . A . B . A 137. C . A . A . A
141 142 143 144 145 146 148 149 150
. A . A . A . C . C . C 147. C . B . A . A
151 152 153 154 155 156 158 159 160
. B . A . C . B . B . A 157. A . A . A . A
161. A 162. B 163. C 164. C 165. A 166. C 167. C 168. C 169. A 170. C
171 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 180
. A . B . B . A . A . B 177. A . B . A . B
181 182 183 184 185 186 188 189 190
. B . A . B . B . B . A 187. C . B . B . C
191 192 193 194 195 196 198 199 200
. B . A . C . C . B . C 197. C . A . A . B
201 202 203 204 205 206 208 209 210
. B . B . B . C . C . A 207. C . B . A . A
211 212 213 214 215 216 218 219 220
. B . B . A . A . B . A 217. A . B . A . A
Son modificadores de adjetivos, adverbios y oraciones. Con el verbo ser y
los verbos defectivos, se colocan detrás. Algunos se forman añadiendo
“– ly” al adjetivo, otros como: fast , hard, l a t e, early tienen la misma
forma que los adjetivos.

Modificando adverbios. He writes quite quickly.

Escribe bastante deprisa.

Modificando adjetivos. It is very cheap.

Es muy barato.

Modificando frases. Perhaps they will win.

Quizás ganen.

I am just going to sleep for half an hour.

Voy a dormir media hora.

He runs fast.
Él corre rápido.

Los adverbios de lugar y tiempo se suelen colocar al principio o al final de

una frase.

Yesterday I bought a CD.

Ayer compré un CD.

I will go tomorrow.
Yo iré mañana.

Los de lugar suelen preceder a los de tiempo

I met Pilar at Castelar yesterday.

Me encontré a Pilar ayer en Castelar.

El comparativo y superlativo lo hacen igual que los adjetivos.

Soon. Sooner. The soonest.

Pronto. Más pronto. Lo más pronto.

Quickly. More quickly. The most quickly.

Rápidamente. Más rápido. Lo más rápidamente.

Con los tiempos compuestos se coloca delante del verbo principal.

They have nearly finished our
swimming pool. Ellos casi han acabado
nuestra piscina.

Already, just , now y then, pueden ir entre dos formas verbales.

I have already seen her.

Ya la he visto.

I have just come back from India.

Acabo de regresar de India.

Los de frecuencia: always, never, usually, sometimes, se colocan entre el

sujeto y el verbo, pero cuando es el verbo to be, se colocan detrás.

I never drink coffee.

Nunca bebo café.

I always go to Alicante in the summer.

Siempre voy a Alicante en verano.


Often. Away. Fast. Enough. Yesterday.

Con Fuera. Rápido. Suficiente. Ayer.

Frequently. There. Well. Very. Daily.

Frecuenteme Allí. Bien. Mucho. Diariamente.

Sometimes. Near. Slowly. Almost. Last week.

A veces. Cerca. Lentamente. Casi. La semana pasada.

Always. Here. y Hardly. Tomorrow.
Siempre. Aquí. Sin duda. A penas. Mañana.

Never. Rather.
Nunca. Bastante.


Where. When. How. How far. How long. often.
¿Dónde? ¿Cuándo? ¿Cómo? ¿A qué ¿Cuánto ¿Con qué
distancia? tiempo? frecuencia?
Why. Which.
¿Por qué? ¿Cuál?

Ojo con enough, pues puede tener dos posiciones:

I have enough money.

Tengo suficiente dinero.

I am rich enough to buy a car.

Soy lo suficientemente rico como para comprar un coche.

Recuerda RICH ENOUGH MONEY. Enough lleva delante a los adjetivos y

detrás a los nombres.

El orden de los adverbios suele ser modo, lugar y tiempo.

I walk fast there in the morning.

Yo ando allí rápido por la mañana.

Muchos adverbios tienen la misma forma que los adjetivos.

A fast motorbike
Una moto rápida.

A motorbike that runs fast.

Una moto que corre rápida.

1) That's .............
a - Enough
b - Enougher
c - Enoughing
2) It's not ..........................long.
a - To
b - Too
c - As
3) It's .........fair.
a - No
b - None
c - Not
4) In the USA there are ...........public and private universities.
a - Both
b - All
c - Every
...............is the
University? a - Where
b - When
c - Whom
............all cars here are
automatic. a - Nearly
b - Near
c - Close
7) It says .......diving!
a - Not
b - No
c - Any
I. a - So
b - As
c - Some
I suppose .......
a - As
b - So
c - So as so
10) My wife feels ..........nervous about driving in England.
a - Too
b - To
c - Tooth
11) There is ...........a variety of things.

a - Such
b - So
c - Very
That girl
............................pretty. a
- As
b - So
many c -
alcohol. a - Either-nor
b - Neither-
nor c -
They went he cinema…..
a - Now
b – Yesterday
c - Tomorrow
15) ¿Cuál es la correcta?
a - The house is big enough
b - The house is enough big
c - The house enough big
¿Cómo se denominan a los siguientes adverbios: almost, only,
nearly, enough, far, just, quite, rather, so, too, very, etc?
a - De frecuencia
b - De grado
c - De modo
......Horacio and Pepe go to Elche on Monday.
a - All
b - Both
c - None
This wine is........Rioja or Ribera del
Duero. a - Either
Neither c
- So
We ..................speak Valenciano nor
French. a - Either
Neither c
- Nor
I ....................smoke nor drink wine.
a - Neither
b - Either
c - So
21) His French is very.....
a - Well
b - Good
c - Better
My daughters are
.......sleeping. a - Quietly
b - Quiet
c - Quieter
They prepare the gazpachos......
a - Perfect b
- Perfectly c
- Perfecting
My friend Tomás is a
.........driver. a - Carefully
b - Care c
- Careful
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were.......married until they got a
divorce. a - Happy
Happily c
- Hapili
He is always very......and sends me a Jabugo ham on November
the 30th. a - Kindly
b - Kaind
c - Kind
She is very......in English.
a - Fluently
b - Fluent
c - Fluents
We never speak..........about our
friends. a - Badder
b - Badly
c - Worse
Inma likes Nesquick because it melts.................
a - Quick
c - Quicker than
She never has.........to buy what she needs.
a - Money enough
b - Enough money
c - Enough monei
Everybody has ..........to make the
beds. a - Now

b - Yesterday
c - Best
There are.......good and bad methods of learning a
language. a - All
Neither c
- Both
Everybody spent the afternoon...
a - Happier
b - Happy
c - Happily
It was.............understood by all the
students. a - Easy
b - Easily
c - Easier that
It had been .........decided that a Ford Fiesta was the
best option. a - Quick
b -
Quicker c -
The party was.........planned.
a - Wonderfully
b - Wonder
c - Wonderful
........it is not very clear if you are entitled or not to inherit
the money. a - Legally
b - Legal
c - Legaly
I don't think so......
a - Personally
b - Personal
c - Personaly
He drives..........
a - Fast
b -
Fasting c -
We always arrive...............
a - Early
c - The earlier
My parents work..............
a - Hard
b - Harder than
c - The hard
42) María Callas sang ....................
a - Beautifully
b - Beautiful
c - Beatifuler


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. B 20. A
21. B 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. B
31. A 32. C 33. C 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. A 40. A
41. A 42. A

Yet. I haven't finished the job yet.
Va al final de la oración en No he acabado el trabajo todavía.
interrogativas y negativas. Con el
pretérito perfecto, aún, todavía. Have you seen her yet?
¿La has visto ya?

Still. My sister is still working .

Va detrás del verbo to be. Todavía. Mi hermana está todavía trabajando.
Va entre sujeto y verbo en
afirmativas I still love her.
e interrogativas Todavía la quiero.

Do they still live in Sax?

¿Viven ellos todavía en Sax?

He still hasn’t paid.

Va detrás del sujeto en negativas. Da Él todavía no ha pagado.
Already. This car is already too old.
Va detrás de to be. Este coche es ya demasiado viejo.

Already. He has the tickets already.

En posición final enfatiza. Él ya tiene las entradas.

I have already bought the

Already. grapes.
Se coloca entre el auxiliar y el verbo Ya he comprado las uvas.
en afirmativas e interrogativas.
Have you already bought the
¿Has comprado ya los libros?

During the summer I go to Santa

During. Pola.
Indica un período de tiempo dentro Durante el verano voy a Santa Pola.
de otro.

Ago. I went to Elche two days ago.

Se coloca al final de la oración. Fui a Elche hace dos días.
1) He is ..........in bed. He has been sleeping all night long.
a - Yet
b - Still
c - Already
2) She is ................waiting for the bus.
a - Yet
b - Still
c - Since
3) They ..................go to the mountains although they are 80.
a - Still
b - Yet
c - Already
4) Have you done your homework...................?
a - Still
b - Yet
c - Already
5) I am .............working there but I will change very soon.
a - Still
b - Yet
c - Already
6) Has he come..............?
a - Yet
b - Still
c - Already
7) They are.....................playing football.
a - Yet
b - Still
c - Already
8) He has.....................come back from school.
a - Already
b - Yet
c - Still
9) I' ve worked in Elche ...................six years.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
10) l lived here in San Francisco ...................three months.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
11) I've worked in the same factory ...................1970.

a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
12) He's been abroad ...................five years.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
13) I studied French .............twelve years.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
14) I' ve known her ..............1982.
a - Ago
b - Since
c - For
15) I've lived in Elda ...................I was a child.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
16) We have not been in Rome ...........we were married.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
17) I've known them ................years.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
18) We have been painting the room ...........2 months.
a - Ago
b - Since
c - For
19) I studied Italian ........a couple of months.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
20) She has been working here ...................she left school.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
21) I have been working in the restaurant ................six months.
a - For

b - Ago
c - Since
22) He has been in prison..................nine years.
a - Ago
b - Since
c - For
23) I haven't been to Tabarca .................I was at the University.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
24) I haven't seen my friend María ...................several years.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
25) We lived in Villena ........................1950.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
26) I have been writing a novel .................seven years.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
27) They have been going to England ...................1983.
a - Since
b - Ago
c - For
28) Horacio has been waiting for his wife......................8 o'clock.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
29) Pepica has lived in Salinas........................................she was ten
years old.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
30) They are married. They got married six months ........
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
31) My sister has been reading a book ...........................a long
a - Ago
b - For

c - Since
32) I've been swimming every Friday ............................I was
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
33) She is in London now. She arrived there four days ................
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
34) Clemente has been writing an article ........................September.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
35) Ana has been working in Elche..................................9 o'clock.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
36) Rosi has been buying
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
37) Maríano has been playing tennis ...............................he was
a - Ago
b - Since
c - For
38) Jesús has been working in this project..............October.
a - Since
b - Ago
c - For
39) She's been in London .....................Monday.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
40) It is raining. It started an hour ...............
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
41) He has been ill .........a long time.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago

42) Manolín has lived in Aspe ..................................15 years.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
43) That old house has been empty .............many years.
a - Ago
b - Since
c - For
44) Pili is in her office. She's been there ..............7 o'clock.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
45) The bus is late. We've been waiting .........................20
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
46) Tere is here. She has been in Majorca ..........6 months
a - For
b - Ago
c - Since
47) I know Pepe. I first met him two years ..............
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
48) I have a camera. I have it .............................................1985.
a - Since
b - Ago
c - For
49) Laura is studying Medicine ............................1987.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
50) I've been learning English.............................January.
a - For
b - Ago
c - Since
51) My brother's been working in Alicante ................2 years.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago

We've been trying to buy a
house..................years now. a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
I've only been cycling to work......................two
months. a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
Haven't you done it ....................?
a - Ago
b - Yet
c - For
It's very early, are you in bed
…..? a - Yet
b - Already
c – Still

We haven't seen the new Harry Potter film ...

a - Yet
b - Already
c - Still
It's late and Juan is ...........in bed.
a - Already
b - Still
c - Yet
It's very late and your brother is......
a - Still in bed
b - Still in the
bed c - Already in
How long has Pepe been in hospital? ........seven
days. a - Ago
b - For
It rained a lot.......the night.
a - For
b - Since
c - During
........our stay in London we visited many
museums. a - Since
During c
- For

He ...........works in the same
company. a - Still
b -
For c -
Are they.........waiting for the
doctor? a - Still
b - Yet
c - Already
I haven't read the book about Garzon......
a - Yet
b -
c - Already
I haven't written my Christmas cards......
a -
Still b
- Yet
c - Already
My ford fiesta is.........very old.
a - Already
b - Still
c - Yet

I ................know the
answer. a - Still
b - Already
c - Yet
The leathers came five minutes...
a - Since
b - For c
- Ago
It's at least five months ......I met her for the
last time. a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
I haven't finished........
a - Yet
b - Already
c - Still


1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C
31. B 32. A 33. C 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. B 38. A 39. B 40. A
41. A 42. B 43. C 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. C 48. A 49. C 50. C
51. A 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. A 56. A 57. B 58. A 59. B 60. C
61. B 62. A 63. A 64. A 65. B 66. A 67. B 68. C 69. A 70. A

Se usa para dar órdenes y hacer sugerencias o consejos. Carece de forma


Infinitivo sin t o. Do not + Inf sin t o.

Go home. Don’t drink too much.

Ve a casa. No bebas demasiado.

Come here.
Ven aquí.

Let’s go home, it’s late.

Vayamos a casa es tarde.


Do go home.
Vete a casa ya.

El imperativo puede servir para hacer sugerencias, invitaciones, ruegos.

Do se puede usar con el verbo to be

Do be quiet.
Estáte quieto.

Don’t be cruel to her.

No seas cruel con ella.

Si utilizamos you indica irritación.

Don’t you go.

No se te ocurra ir.

El imperativo de la primera persona de plural se hace con let’s. La

negativa con let’s not .

Let’s go.

Let's .......
a - Thinks
Thinking c
- Think
..............that music down
please. a - Play
Turn c
- Put
Let's ..............a good restaurant, I am very
hungry. a - Finding
b - Found
c - Find
Why don't we go to the beach
and ..............a swim. a - Have
b - Has
c - Had
Let's .........home.
a - Went
b - Go
c - Gone
a - Come
b - To come
c - Comes
Manolo, .................go to the disco
tonight. a - Let us
b - We
let's c -
We let
Pepita, ...down here.
a - Sitting
b - Sits
c - Sit
........here at
once. a - Come
b - Coming
c - To cime
…….the room before
7.00. a - Clean
b - Cleaning
c - Cleans
a - Her
b - She
c - Hers
a - Him
b - He
c -
Let's......go to the cinema, it's better a
disco. a - Not
b - No c
- None
......a girlfriend who share your hobbies.
a - Choose
b - To choose
c - Choosing
......your mouth close all the time, only answer if the teaches
asks you. a - Keep
b - To keep
c - Keeps
Please.......................on the lights.
a - To switch
b - Switch
c - Switching
Don't forget ...............the
letters. a - Posted
b - To
post c -


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A
11. A 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. A 16. B 17. B

Equivale al presente de indicativo. Se forma con el sujeto más el infinitivo. La
tercera persona del singular, ( he, she, e it ) añaden “-s” o “-es”. Las reglas
ortográficas que aprendiste en la formación del plural son las mismas que
se aplican en este caso a los verbos. Los verbos que terminan en “-ss”, “-
sh”, “-ch”, “-“x, “-o“ añaden “-es” en la tercera persona del singular:

AFIRMATIVA Sujeto + Inf sin to I play tennis.

Yo juego al tenis.

He, she, it añaden (s) o He kisses his mother.

(es) Él besa a su madre.
He watches TV
Él ve la tele todos los

Sujeto + do + not + Inf

NEGATIVA sin I don’t like cocido.
to. No me gusta el cocido.

He, She, It usan does. He doesn’t love her.

Él no la quiere.
He doesn’t want to
Él no quiere venir.
He doesn’t read
Él no lee mucho.

Do + not contrae en We don’t smoke.

don’t. Nosotros no fumamos.

Does + not contra en He doesn’t cook.

doesn’t. Él no cocina.

INTERROGATIVA Do + S + Inf sin to. Do you love me?

¿Me quieres?


I never go to the university by

Indicar hábitos o costumbres. car.
Yo nunca voy en coche a la

Para indicar verdades universales. The sun rises everyday.

El sol sale todos los días.

The play begins at 8 and ends at

Para planes futuros. 10.30.
La obra comienza a las 8 y acaba a
las 10.30.

Para contar historias, cuentos,

chistes, A waiter asks a couple.
acontecimientos deportivos, etc. Un camarero le pregunta a la pareja.

Colombus discovers America in

En el llamado presente històrico. 1492.
Colón descubre América en 1492.

Horarios. The plane leaves at 7.00.

El avión sale a las 7.00.

Con refranes. Time flies.

El tiempo vuela.

Se suele usar con adverbios o frases adverbiales tales como

Always. Never. Often. Occasionally. Every day.

Siempre. Nunca. Con Ocasionalmente. Cada día.
Frequently. On Sundays. Sometimes. Seldom. In winter.
Frecuentemente. Los domingos. A veces. Rara vez. En invierno.


He always goes to Benidorm in summer.

Siempre va a Benidorm en verano.

She never tells me what to do.

Ella nunca me dice lo que tengo que hacer.
We play football every day.
Jugamos al fútbol todos los días.

Cuando un verbo termina en “-y” detrás de una consonante, cambiamos la

“-y” en “-i”, y añadimos “-es”.

I copy, he copies.
Yo copio, él copia.

I try, he tries.
Yo lo intento, él lo intenta.

Sin embargo, los verbos que terminan en “y” detrás de una vocal siguen la
regla general.

I play, he plays.
Yo juego, él juega.

I obey, he obeys.
Yo obedezco, él obedece.

Debido a su significado, algunos verbos usan siempre la forma habitual al

no admitir las formas continuas.

I love you.
Te quiero.

She likes me.

Me gusta

I believe you.
Te creo.

I ......................like
liver. a - Does
b - Doing
c - Do not
...........you like to go to the
cinema? a - Does
b - Do
c - Are
What........your brother do?
a - Do
b - Does
c - Is
Where .........you
live? a - Is
b - Do c
- Does
What languages ........you
speak? a - Does
b - Are
c - Do
He............to the University.
a - Goes
b - Go
c - Is go
The Harry Potter film.........150
minutes. a - Takes
b - Take c
- Taking
My wife.............at Azorín High
School. a - Teaches
b - Teach c
- Is tiching
Sometimes he.......his girlfriend who is stuying in
England. a - Missing
Misses c
- Miss
There.......not sharks in Tabarca.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
11) We........friends during our holidays.

a - Visiting
b - Visit
c - Is visiting
12) In summer, my daughter ...........her friend Rocío.
a - Miss
b - Misses
c - Is missed
13) Laura ........magazines at night.
a - Reading
b - Read
c - Reads
14) The Maths teacher never.......late.
a - Come
b - Comes
c - Is comeing
15) He............the best player in Elda.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
16) I ...............................living in Elda.
a - Likes
b - Like
c - Liking
17) Mike .........potatoes and tomatoes in his cottages.
a - Grow
b - Grows
c - Grounig
18) Where........?
a - Does he lives
b - Does he living
c - Does he live
19) Which car ................................at the moment?
a - Are you haveing
b - Do you have
c - Is having you
20) What ..........................................for a living?
a - Does you do
b - Do you do
c - Do you does
21) I ...............................that this President will win again.
a - Does not think

b - Do not
c - Do not think
22 He ......... most of the homework with his
) .... mother.
a - Does
b - Doing
c - Do
23 I ...................
) ....... like Opera, I prefer Jazz.
a - Dis
b - Do
c - Do not
24 You ................................
) ............ know him.
a - Don
b - Do not
c - Does
25 I .....................
) ........ enjoy the film.
a - Does
b - Do not
c - Am
26 I .....................
) ........ want to study French.
a - Does
b - Do
c - Do not
27 Teresa ..............................
) ............ smoke.
a - Do
b - Does
c - Did will
28 My
mother ...........................
) ...... wear glasses.
a - Do
b - Does
c - Does
29 Pepi.....................
) ......... swim very fast.
a - Do
b - Does
c - Do
30 ..................
) ....... you like football?
a - Does
b - Do
c - Are
) ...................Pepe read the paper?
a - Do
b - Does

c - Is
32) Julia...........................drink wine.
a - Do
b - Does
c - Does not
33) The doctor ...................................smoke at all.
a - Do
b - Does not
c - Are
34) Vladimir.......................................run a lot.
a - Does not
b - Do not
c - Is not
35) My sister.......................................travel much.
a - Does do
b - Does not
c - Are not
36) José Luis.......................................visit his relatives very often.
a - Does not
b - Do not
c - Is will
37) I ............................eat meat.
a - Do not
b - Does not
c - Will do
38) Where ...................................?
a - Do he lives
b - Does he lives
c - Does he live
I ...............................…..........much of him
as a writer. a - Does not think
b - Do not
think c -
40) I ............................to the swimming pool every day at 5.00.
a - Going
b - Goes
c - Go
41) I think he ................................too hard at the moment.
a - Works
b - Is working
c - Does working

42) ............................what he's saying?
a - Do you understand
b - Does you understand
c - Did you understand
43) I can't answer the phone right now, I .................................a
a - Am haveing
b - Am having
c - Having
44) Excuse me...........................................Italian?
a - Speaking
b - Does you speak
c - Do you speak
45) They ...............................television very often.
a - Does not watch
b - Do not watches
c - Do not watch
46) Somebody...............................to us.
a - Is listens
b - Listens
c - Is listening
47) She..........................to go home now.
a - Is wants
b - Is wanted
c - Wants
48) How often ........................................a magazine?
a - Do you read
b - Does you read
c - Did you reads
49) I'm sorry, I ............................................
a - Am not understand
b - Does not understand
c - Do not understand
50) Peter.............................................National Geographic?
a - Does you reads
b - Do you reads
c - Do you read
51) What time ......................................work every day?
a - Does she finishes
b - Do she finish
c - Does she finish

52) They.............................................lots of beer in Great
a - Drinks
b - Drink
c - Drinking
53) He ..............to the University.
a - Goes
b - Go
c - Going
54) The film ..........................................sixty-one minutes.
a - Taking
b - Takes
c - Take
55) Elia...........................at Azorín High School.
a - Teach
b - Teaching
c - Teaches

56) Sometimes he ...............................his girlfriend.

a - Misses
b - Misse
c - Missing
57) It ..................................always sunny in Alicante.
a - Are
b - Is
c - Were
58) We ...........................friends during our holidays.
a - Visiting
b - Visit
c - Are visit
59) Manolo and Ana ......................the festivities a lot.
a - Are like
b - Like
c - Liking
60) I .......................................................living in Elda.
a - Likes
b - Is like
c - Like
61) I ..............................to the San Juan Beach every July with my
a - Goes
b - Go
c - Going

62) Malena ........................................a lot of icecreams.
a - Eating
b - Eats
c - Eat
63) I'm ........I will.
a - Sure
b - Suring
c - Here
I ...........like kidney
pie. a - Don't
Doesn't c
- Has
..........you like
bacon? a - Does
b - Do
c - Are
............you like
hamburguers? a - Does
b - Is
c - Do
67) Don't ...............to him.
a - Listened
b - Listen
c - Listening
68) What do you do for a .............?
a - Living
b - Live
c - Liver
69) What does your father ...........?
a - Do
b - Does
c - Doing
70) You really .........celebrate Christmas.
a - Do
b - Does
c - Not
71) I ............you like it.
a - Hope
b - Hopes
c - Hoping
72) I ..........hope you've got everything now, Pepe.

a - Did
b - Do
c - Does
Everyone ...........paella and ham in
Spain. a - Loves
b - Love
74) 5.900 ...............insurance and unlimited mileage.
a - Including
b - Includes
c - Include
Juan, ...........................champagne on
Christmas day? a - Are you going to drink
b - Drink
you c - You
76) Every day he ....................after he finishes at the office.
a - Is going to run
b - Run
c - Runs
77) How much money ........................you spend on clothes ?
a - Do
b - Don't
c - Does
78) She usually ...................fresh bread every day.
a - Buys
b - Bought
c - Buying
79) Ismael ..............20 Kms a week.
a - Run
b - Ran
c - Runs
80) Oscar always ...................tennis
a - Play
b - Plays
c - Is play
81) It ..............a lot in winter in Bocairente.
a - Snows
b - Is snowed
c - Is snowing
82) What ..............you do on Monday evening?

a - Don't
b - Do
c - Does
83) I want you to .................to my party.
a - Came
b - Coming
c - Come
84) I can't .......chocolate.
a - Resist
b - Resisting
c - Resisted
85) I ................................a letter to my friend once a month.
a - Write
b - Writing
c - Am write


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. B 12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. B
21. C 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. B
31. B 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. C
41. B 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. C 47. C 48. A 49. C 50. C
51. C 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. B 60. C
61. B 62. B 63. A 64. A 65. B 66. C 67. B 68. A 69. A 70. A
71. A 72. B 73. A 74. A 75. A 76. C 77. A 78. A 79. C 80. B
81. A 82. B 83. C 84. A 85. A

Su estructura es Sujeto + Be + Going t o + Inf sin to.

Básicamente se usa para indicar acciones planeadas en un futuro cercano.

Cuando se tiene intención de hacer I am going to visit my friend.

algo. Voy a visitar a mi amigo.

Para predecir algo. It’s going to rain.

Va a llover.

She is going to get married

Conunfuturorelativamente next
inmediato. Sunday.
Se va a casar el próximo sábado.


Al igual que todos los tiempos continuos, está formado por to be e “-ing”.

Sujeto + Am, Is, Are

Afirmativa. + I am reading.
Verbo + Ing. Estoy leyendo.

Sujeto + Am, Is, Are +

Negativa. Not I am not cooking.
+ Verbo + Ing. No estoy cocinando.

Am, Is, Are + Sujeto Are you listening to

Interrogativa. + me?
Verbo + Ing. ¿Me estás escuchando?


Acciones no acabadas que se I am paying my flat.

encuentran en proceso. Estoy pagando mi casa.

I am reading a good book.

Estoy leyendo un buen libro.

I'm playing golf with my

Acciones planificadas. friend
Eduardo next Sunday.
Voy a jugar al golf con mi amigo
Eduardo el próximo domingo.

Quejas sobre acciones que se They are always complaining

repiten. and
asking for more.
Siempre se están quejando y

I’m staying at a hotel because

Situaciones temporales. I’m
having my house built.
Estoy viviendo en un hotel porque
están construyendo mi casa.
Suele ir acompañado de expresiones como:

Now. At the moment. Right now.
Ahora. En este momento. Justo ahora.

1) The dog......now.
a - Is barking
b - Is barks
c - Barking
2) Rocío ............the potatoes.
a - Is cutting
b - Is cutted
c - Is cuts
3) Marta..................in the street.
a - Is danced
b - Is dance
c - Is dancing
4) I..................to my mother's house.
a - Am go
b - Are going
c - Am going
5) Isabel...............a chocolate cake.
a - Is eating
b - Is eat
c - Is ate
6) We..................a film on Tele Elda.
a - Are watching
b - Are watched
c - Watcheing
7) You..................too much.
a - Are work
b - Are working
c - Are worked
8) I am .................my composition.
a - Coeing
b - Doing
c - Duing
9) María Teresa................a new book.
a - Are writing
b - Is writeing
c - Is writing
10) Someone ...............................can you open the door?
a - Ring
b - Is ringing
c - Are ring
11) I ..................................a shower.

a - Am having
b - Has
c - Has having

12) Be careful, a lorry ...............................................very fast.

a - Come
b - Comeing
c - Is coming
13) Can you speak up, please? My elder daughter................a terribe
a - Is making
b - Taking
c - Is makeing
14) I ................................at the moment.
a - Am smoking
b - Smokeing
c - Smoking
15) He is ......................of getting married soon.
a - Think
b - Thinking
c - Thought
16) All this noise ....................................................your
grandmother now.
a - Annoys
b - Is annoying
c - Annoyed
17) He .....................................fat.
a - Get
b - Is getting
c - Gets
18) Carol ..........................................................................a lot of
icecreams lately.
a - Are eating
b - Is eating
c - Eat
19) We.....................................to the new restaurant next month.
a - Are going
b - Go
c - Will go
20) We ..................................chess in the new tournament.
a - Are going to play
b - Plays
c - Would plays
21) They ................................her at the airport tomorrow

a - Meet
b - Are meeting
c - Meets
22) I ...................................a Harley in November.
a - Am driving
b - Is driving
c - Driving
23) I ..............................him a María Callas CD for his birthday.
a - Give
b - Giving
c - Am giving
24) The new teacher.................................at seven.
a - Come
b - Is comeing
c - Is coming
25) We ...........................some money to charities.
a - Gives
b - Are giveing
c - Are giving
26) You .................................................a motorbike if you pass your
a - Has have
b - Are having
c - Has
27) They ...........................to Majorca with all their friends.
a - Are going
b - Goes
c - Are go
28) He ...............smoking next year.
a - Give
b - Is giveing up
c - Is giving up
29) I ..........................her a new Polo for her birthday.
a - Buys
b - Am buying
c - Buy
30) My friend ...............................................next summer with
his family.
a - Is coming
b - Come
c - Coming
31) I ............................lunch with him in La Sirena .
a - Have

b - Am having
c - Has
32) My friend....................................a party next Saturday.
a - Is celebrating
b - Is celebreteing
c - Is celebrate
33) María José and Marcial ..............................married next week in
Santa Ana's.
a - Get
b - Are getting
c - Are geting
34) The King............................................Elda during the
a - Is visiting
b - Is visitting
c - Is visit
35) We ........................................the car on Sunday.
a - Cleans
b - Are cleaning
c - Are cleanning
36) Mike .................................................a new book.
a - Write
b - Is writing
c - Is wrtitteing
37) I ............................with the new boss tomorrow.
a - Eat
b - Eating
c - Am eating
38) The sun ...............................................this afternoon.
a - Shine
b - Is shineing
c - Is shining
39) The waiter ..............................................a bottle of Rioja
a - Bring
b - Bringed
c - Is bringing
40) Alejandro Sanz ...............................................a new album in
a - Release
b - Is releaseing
c - Is releasing
41) The weather forecast says it .....................................this
a - Rains
b - Is raining
c - Would rain
42) Teresa and Horacio .........................................friends for dinner
a - Has
b - Are having
c - Haveing
43) My wife...............................................a party for our
a - Prepare
b - Is prepare
c - Is preparing
44) He .....................................a new CD now.
a - Listens
b - Is listening
c - Are listening

45) Horatio ..........................................a shower at the moment.

a - Is has
b - Is having
c - Has
46) I .....................a good CD.
a - Am listening to
b - I am listen
c - Listening
47) I .........................................................how to get to Alicante.
a - Am explaining
b - Explains
c - Does explain
48) He ......................................the violin in another orchestra.
a - Play
b - Is playing
c - Playeds
49) I can't, I .....................................a shower.
a - Am have
b - Am having
c - Am has
50) Sarah, be quiet I ............................on the phone.
a - Talk
b - Am talks
c - Am talking
51) A motorbike .............................................................very
a - Comes
b - Come

c - Is coming
52) These children .........................a terribe noise.
a - Are make
b - Are makeing
c - Are making
53) He is .....................of buying a house.
a - Thinks
b - Thinking
c - Think
54) This music .................................................................your
a - Is annoying
b - Annoy
c - Annoyeind
55) My friend Juan ............................................fat.
a - Are getting
b - Getting
c - Is getting
56) We ..............................................................to the new
a - Going
b - Are going
c - Goes
57) My sister ...........................................................a chocolate cake
for my birthday.
a - Make
b - Is making
c - Is makeing
58) I ..........................tennis lessons in summer.
a - Takes
b - Is taking
c - Am taking
59) She .................................with us next April in Cazorla.
a - Is fishing
b - Fishes
c - Fish
60) They ................................her at the airport tomorrow
a - Meet
b - Are meeting
c - Meet
61) The football match ................................at 6:00.
a - Starts
b - Are starting
c - Is start

62) I ................................her a new watch in the party.
a - Give
b - Gives
c - Am giving
63) We ....................................some books to the Public Library.
a - Are giving
b - Gives
c - Giving
64) The children ............................................their holidays in
a - Are going to begin
b - Is beginning
c - Begins
65) She.........................to visit us in May.
a - Is comeing
b - Comed
c - Is coming
66) They .................................to Alpera with all their friends.
a - Are go
b - Are going
c - Is going
67) He................................................smoking next year.
a - Is give up
b - Is giveing up
c - Is giving up
68) I ..........................her a diamond ring.
a - Am buy
b - Am buying
c - Am buyed
69) Pepe and Manolo ...................................in Plaza Mayor at
a - Meeting
b - Is meeting
c - Are meeting
70) Calixta and Marcial ...................................married next week.
a - Are get
b - Are getting
c - Are geting
71) He ...............his girlfiend a lot at the moment.
a - Misses
b - Miss
c - Is missing
72) I ...............................the grass on Sunday.

a - Am cuting
b - Am cutt
c - Am cut
73) They ...............................the cuartelillo .
a - Are clean
b - Are cleaning
c - Are cleaned
74) I like ..........................................fresh air in the mountains.
a - Breathes
b - Breathing
c - Breathed
75) I'm............for a cup of tea.
a - Dyeing
b - Dieing
c - Dying
76) You are ....................me a lot.
a - Annoying
b - Annoy
c - Annoys
77) I'm .........to report a traffic accident.
a - Ring
b - Ringing
c - Rang

78) He likes ........and cycling.

a - Swim
b - Swimming
c - Swims
79) They'll drive you crazy .............questions about your family.
a - Asks
b - Asking
c - Asked
80) No, I ............................to have anything to eat today.
a - Am no going
b - Don't go
c - Am not going
81) What ..................wine or beer? Wine, please.
a - You drink
b - Are you going to drink
c - Drinks you
82) The sun is......today

a - Shineing
b - Shining
c - Shaining
I am ............a Spanish omelette for the
picnic. a - Makeing
b - Making
c -
I like..........everyday in La Ciudad
Deportiva. a - Swim
b - To swim
She hates...........the plates
a - Washing
b - Wash
c - To wash
It is worth.........the Shoe museum, Castelar Square and taste the
chocolates of Totel.
a - Go b
- To go c
- Going
........to write in English is not easy at the beginning.
a - Have
b - Having
c - To have


1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. A
21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A
31. B 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. C 38. C 39. A 40. C
41. B 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. B 49. B 50. C
51. C 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. C 56. B 57. B 58. C 59. A 60. B
61. A 62. C 63. A 64. A 65. C 66. B 67. C 68. B 69. C 70. B
71. C 72. A 73. B 74. B 75. C 76. A 77. B 78. B 79. B 80. C
81. B 82. B 83. B 84. C 85. A 86. C 87. B

Los verbos que acaban en “-e“, la sustituyen por “-ing“ excepto dye.

Have. Having.

Come. Coming.

Live. Living.

Practise. Practising.

Dye. Dyeing.

Cuando el verbo acaba en “-ie” la “-i” se convierte en “-y”.

Die. Dying.

Lie. Lying.
Mentir, poner la mesa, poner huevos.

Cuando los verbos acaban en “-y” siguen la regla general, es decir,

añaden “–ing”.

Try. Trying.

Study. Studying.

Play. Playing.

Buy. Buying.


Ciertos verbos no se suelen usar en los tiempos continuos. Son los

denominados verbos de los sentidos.

Believe. Feel. Appear.

Creer. Sentir. Aparecer.

Consider. Smell. Belong to.

Considerar. Oler. Pertenecer.

Depend. Love. Have.

Depender. Amar. Tener.

Doubt. Fear. Like.

Dudar. Temer. Gustar.

Guess. See. Forget.

Adivinar. Ver. Olvidar.

Hope. Taste. Owe.

Esperar. Probar. Deber.

Imagine. Want. Cost.

Imaginar. Querer. Costar.

Prefer. Sound. Know.

Preferir. Sonar. Saber.

Realise. Dislike. Own.

Darse cuenta. Disgustar. Poseer.

Remember. Doubt. Wish.

Recordar. Dudar. Desear.

Suppose. Hear. Seem.

Suponer. Oír. Parecer.

Think. Hate. Possess.

Pensar. Odiar. Poseer.


Equivale al imperfecto y el indefinido y se usa con acciones concluidas. Los
verbos regulares lo hacen de la siguiente forma:

Afirmativa. Sujeto + Inf sin t o + Ed I played chess.

Los acabados en “-e” Jugué al ajedrez.
I loved her.
Yo la quería.

Sujeto + Did not , + Inf

Negativa. sin I didn’t go out.
to No salí.
Did + Not contrae en
din’t .

Did + Sujeto + Inf sin t Did you buy the new

Interrogativa. o. CD?
¿Compraste el disco?


Afirmativa. S+ 2 columna de la lista I ate the cake.
de verbos irregulares. Me comí el pastel.

I bought a new house.

Compré una nueva

Negativa. S+ Did + Not + Inf . I didn’t eat the cake.

No me comí el pastel.

Interrogativa. Did + S + Inf. Did you eat the cake?

¿Te comiste el pastel?

Para formar el pasado de un verbo regular se añade “-ed” al infinitivo.

Yo trabajé

You worked.

Tú trabajaste.

Los verbos monosílabos, y los bisílabos que terminan en consonante, con

acento en la última sílaba, duplican la consonante final:

Stop, Stopped Admit, Admitted Prefer,

Parar. Admitir. Preferir.

El verbo travel es una excepción, pues acentúa en la primera sílaba.


Si el verbo termina en “-e” sólo se añade “-d”.

I lived in Petrel but now I live in Elda.

Yo viví en Petrel, pero ahora vivo en Elda.

Los verbos que terminan en “-y” detrás de una consonante cambia la “-y”
por “-i” al añadir la “-ed”:

Try, Tried. Cry, Cried. Carry, Carried. Study, Studied.

Intentar. Llorar. Llevar. Estudiar.

Acciones que se completaron en el We went to Paris last year.

pasado Fuimos a Paris el año pasado.

Acciones consecutivas I bought a car and went to Paris.

Compré un coche y fui a Paris.

Puede ir acompañado de expresiones temporales del tipo:

Ago. Yesterday. Last winter. In 1984.

Hace. Ayer. El invierno En 1984.

I went to Paris when I was five years old.

Fui a Paris cuando tenía cinco años.

Con did, do, does el verbo va siempre en infinitivo. Por lo tanto las
formas interrogativas y negativas del presente siempe y pasado simple
siempre llevarán el verbo en infinitivo.

1) I ..........................dancing lessons every summer, but now I

a - Take
b - Took
c - Taken
2) She ................................with me to Petrel two days ago.
a - Comes
b - Came
c - Is caming
3) They ...........................to Disneyland Paris last April.
a - Went
b - Goes
c - Will go
4) The food ............................................horrible.
a - Am
b - Was
c - Are
5) Last summer the weather ......................................worse than
in England.
a - Is
b - Was
c - Will be
6) The French ...................................Spanish very bad in the
a - Speaks
b - Spoke
c - Speaking
7) We ............................Tarifa last summer.
a - Visited
b - Visits
c - Vistting
8) Sarah ......................a present for her friends in her last visit to
Terra Mítica.
a - Is buy
b - Bought
c - Buys will
9) Inmita ..........to a swimming pool in the evenings when she was
3 years old.
a - Went
b - Go
c - Wenting
10) When we lived in Alicante my wife ...........................her mother
every night.
a - Phone
b - Phoned
c - Phones will
11) My aunt ...........................................gazpachos in the
a - Ate
b - Eat
c - Will eats
12) Pepi .............................to Alicante to buy some new clothes.
a - Go
b - Went
c - Go will
13) We ...........................her in the market buying meat last
a – Saw
b - Sees
c - Seeing
14) I ..............................to her and I told her everything.
a - Spoke
b - Speaks
c - Speaking
15) We.....................................a lot in England last summer.
a - Enjoying
b - Enjoys
c - Enjoyed
16) I ...............................in love with her when I saw her.
a - Fall
b - Fell
c - Fallen
17) Mr. García.....................................a new computer for his
a - Bought
b - Buy
c - Buying
18) Lady Hernández...............................her old boyfriend in a
a - Met
b - Meeting
c - Meets
19) Manuel ..................................the lesson when I explained it.
a - Understands
b - Understood
c - Undertsanding
20) Marisa ..............................your boyfriend in Petrel last night.
a - Saw
b - Sees
c - Seen
21) I ...............................more than ever last summer.
a - Swim
b - Swimming
c - Swam
22) They .................................to Alicante when they were young.
a - Will go
b - Goes
c - Went

23) She.........................in the opera with me.

a - Were
b - Was
c - Be
24) We ............................many museums in Japan.
a - Seen
b - Saw
c - Seen
25) The doctor ...........................................us hat it was nothing
a - Tolds
b - Telling
c - Told
26) My wife and I .....................................in Madrid at 12:00.
a - Arriveds
b - Arrived
c - Arriving
27) We ............................to buy the house but it was too
a - Tryes
b - Tried
c - Tryed
28) She ................................it was hotter than in Alicante.
a - Finds
b - Founding
c - Found
29) They ..........................all the night during the Festivities.
a - Dances
b - Dancing

c - Danced
30) The bus ...........................................in every city.
a - Stopped
b - Stopping
c - Stops
31) It ................................................during the festivies
a - Rained
b - Raining
c - Raineing
32) They ............................to dinner but she feel ill.
a - Has come
b - Came
c - Will come
33) I ........................................................Valle the Elda last
a - Read
b - Were reading
c - Red

34) They ..............................to the cinema at 9.00.

a - Goes
b - Wenting
c - Went
35) My parents ...................................................me some money when
I got
a - Giving
b - Gaven
c - Gave
36) Before I ................................they had come.
a - Went
b - Go
c - Will go
37) When we.....................everything was ready at the party.
a - Arrived
b - Arrives
c - Am arriving
38) We .................................the present until you rang us.
a - Saw
b - Did not see
c - Will saw
39) The girls .....................................................a present for
their parents.
a - Bought

b - Was buy
c - Was buys
40) I .......................................................French before studying
a - Studied
b - Studyied
c - Studies
41) We............................................with him the night before.
a - Eats
b - Ateing
c - Ate
42) We .......................................your friends that you were out.
a - Tells
b - Told
c - Was teeling
43) We.............................in Telepizza and Telefónica until I decided
to quit.
a - Invested
b - Nvesting
c - Invest
44) We .......................................all morning in Rabosa.
a - Walked
b - Walking
c - Was walking
45) I ..........them yesterday.
a - Took
b - Take
c - Taken
46) You .........them in the kitchen this morning.
a - Left
b - Leave
c - Leaves
47) That was the first place I .................
a - Look
b - Looked
c - Looking
48) I didn't ..........you.
a - Recognize
b - Recognised
c - Recognising
49) what time did you .......................to the cinema last night?
a - Go
b - Went

c - Going
50) Lázaro. ........................in time yesterday.
a - Arrived
b - Goes
c - Arrives
51) Mr. Martínez ......................for a loan, but then, he won the
a - Asked
b - Asking
c - Askeing
52) When did you ..................your summary of English grammar for
Pedro ?
a - Finish
b - Finishes
c - Finished
53) Did you ..................in the San Silvestre race last year?
a - Run
b - Runed
c - Running
54) There ..................only a little coffee in the cup.
a - Had
b - Was
c - Were
55) I was going to write but the computer ...............down.
a - Break
b - Breaks
c - Broke
Mary, ..........................to the Costa Brava
last year. a - Went
b - Go c
- Goes
......you born in Elda ?
a - Had
b - Are
c - Were
58) The shop was open this morning. It ...at 4:45.
a - Open
b - Was open
c - Opened
59) I ...............at the University from 1980 to 1985.
a - Studied
b - Studyed
c - Studyed

I ...............at the traffic light because it
was red. a - Stoped
b - Stopped
c - Stoppeed
She.......the big bags in our last travel.
a - Carryed
b - Carried
c - Carryeed
We........because it was getting
late. a - Hurryed
b -
Hurried c
- Hurred
The thief........he had robbed all the
jewels. a - Adnited
b - Admitted
c - Admitedd
I ................to London in 1987.
a - Go
b - Went
c - Gone
I..........my friend Javi last
Sunday. a - See
Seen c
- Saw
He ...................arrive late
yesterday. a - Do
b - Does
c - Did


1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. B 20. A
21. C 22. C 23. B 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. A
31. A 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. C 36. A 37. A 38. B 39. A 40. A
41. C 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. A 49. A 50. A
51. A 52. A 53. A 54. B 55. C 56. A 57. C 58. C 59. A 60. B
61. B 62. B 63. B 64. B 65. C 66. C


Sujeto + Was, Were +

Afirmativa. Ing. I was reading Time.
Yo estaba leyendo la
revista Time.

Sujeto + Was, Were +

Negativa. Not I was not sleeping.
+ Ing. No estaba durmiendo.
Was, Were + Sujeto + Were they playing
Interrogativa. Ing. chess?
¿Estaban jugando al


Para hablar acerca de lo que estaba I was reading when she came.
sucediendo. Yo estaba leyendo cuando ella llegó.

I was reading a novel while she

Cuando dos acciones estaban was
ocurriendo al mismo tiempo. watching TV.
Yo estaba leyendo una novela
mientras ella estaba viendo la tele.

En descripciones. I was riding a car and then...

Estaba conduciendo cuando…

Cuando hablamos de dos acciones pasadas, la más larga se expresa con

pasado continuo y la más corta en pasado simple

It was raining when I went to bed.

Estaba lloviendo cuando me fui a la cama.

Para indicar que una acción sucedió después de otra, usamos el pasado
simple en ambos casos.

Yesterday I got up and had a shower.

Ayer me levanté y me duché.

Puede ir con expresiones temporales del tipo:

All night. The whole day. The whole For a long time.
Toda la noche. Todo el día. afternoon. Durante mucho
Toda la tarde. tiempo

1) My wife .................................................a bath when her

mother phoned.
a - Was having
b - Were having
c - Was to have
2) Inma .................................................to the radio when I came
a - Was listen
b - Was listening
c - Were listening
3) Mike ...............................in the sofa reading a magazine.
a - Sit
b - Were siting
c - Was sitting
4) We ....................................in Almansa when my son was born.
a - Was living
b - Were living
c - Living
5) It ................................................dark, so we went home.
a - Get darker
b - Got darking
c - Was getting
6) The dog .....................................when a cat appeared.
a - Was runing
b - Was running
c - Were runing
7) They ...............................in a karaoke when their friends
a - Was singing
b - Were song
c - Were singing
8) I ......................................................when my mother came.
a - Wrote
b - Was writing
c - Were writing
9) I .........................................................when the phone rang.
a - Gotting dress
b - Was getting dressed
c - Were get dressed

10) The alarm
clock............................................... but I couldn't stop it.
a - Ringing
b - Rings
c - Was ringing
He ......................................................
............ TV when his girlfriend came.
a - Were watching
b - Was watching
c - Watching
..... and it began to snow.
a - Riding
b - Were riding
c - Roding
She...................... the food before she
... served it.
a - Tastes
b - Taste
c - Was testing
14) Yesterday
they .................................................. siesta when I phoned.
a - Was sleeping
b - Sleep
c - Were sleeping
We ...........................
..... tennis when she came.
a - Plays
b - Were playing
c - Wil play
She .......................... letters before you
..... rang.
a - Was writing
b - Were writing
c - Writes
I .............................................
......... the press an hour before.
a - Were reading
b - Reads
c - Was reading
I ..........wondering if you would like to
marry me. a - Be
b - Is c
- Was
19) I was ................of going abroad.
a - Think
b - Thinking
c - Thinks


1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. C
11. B 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. B

Este tiempo, al igual que el resto de los tiempos perfectos, hacen
referencia a acciones ya acabadas, aunque también se use para
acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y todavía tienen continuidad en
el presente.

Como todos los tiempos perfectos, se forma con el verbo to have y el

Participio Pasado.

Afirmativa Sujeto + Have, Has + I have played tennis.

Participio Pasado. He jugado al tenis.

I have eaten paella.

He comido paella.

Sujeto + Have, Has not I have not played

Negativa + chess.
Participio Pasado. No he jugado al ajedrez.

I have not eaten

No he comido

Interrogativa Have, Has + Sujeto + Have you played golf?

Participio Pasado. ¿Has jugado al golf?

Have you eaten

¿Has comido pulpo?


Acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado I have eaten paella.

He comido paella.
pero se desconoce o no interesa el
momento exacto en que ocurrieron.
I have visited Paris.
He visitado Paris.

Acciones que se han repetido en el He has visited Madrid many times.

pasado. Ha ido a Madrid muchas veces.

Con just, indica que la acción ha I have just seen my wife.

ocurrido recientemente. Acabo de ver a mi mujer.

Con ever. (alguna vez) Have you ever been to Rome?

¿Has estado en Roma alguna vez?

Con always. I have always liked the country.

Siempre me ha gustado el campo.

Con already. We have already finished.

Ya hemos acabado.

For y since suelen acompañar a éste tiempo para referirse a acciones

que empezaron en el pasado y que continuan hasta el momento

How long have you been

How long. Se utiliza para preguntar wearing
por la duración. glasses?
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que llevas

For. I have lived in Elda for 40 years.

Se emplea con períodos de tiempo. Hace 40 años que vivo en Elda.
Desde hace.
She has had the same car since
Since. 1987.
Nos remonta a un punto concreto en Tiene el mismo coche desde 1987.
el pasado. Desde o desde que. I have been wearing glasses
Llevo gafas desde octubre.
1) My sister ............................................a chocolate cake for my
a - Has made
b - Has be made
c - Has been makeing
2) He has never ................................................ "Gone with the
wind ".
a - Seen
b - See
c - Saw
3) I have ..........................................................paella every Saturday
for years.
a - Ate
b - Eat
c - Eaten
4) They have just ............................................around Spain.
a - Travel
b - Traveled
c - Travelled
5) He
has ....................................... Diet Coke since he was at
..... University.
a - Being drinking
b - Been drunk
c - Been drinking
6) Flavio
has ...........................................
. his girlfriend.
a - Forgave
b - Forgive
c - Forgiven
7) My mother
has ........................................ in Petrel all the morning.
a - Be
b - Been
c - Was
8) Their friends
have ....................................... a new job in Elche.
a - Finded
b - Founded
c - Found
9) Toni
has ........................................... fireworks for the summer
.... party.
a - Buyed
b - Bought
c - Boughting
10) Cayetano a new house for his family.
has ..........................................
a - Build
b - Built
c - Boughts
11) Mario
has ......................................................
.. for the beers in the bar.

a - Payed
b - Paid
c - Paying
I ..............................................
for this moment since I was a
.......... child.
a - Have wait
b - Have been waiting
c - Have being waiting
We .........................
... in this house since 1997.
a - Lived
b - Have being living
c - Have been living
He .....................
.. in Terra since 1999.
a - Is invested
b - Is invest
c - Has been investing
He ....................
.. a book for a long time.
a - Writes
b - Is wrote
c - Has been writing
Lucas ........................................
since last summer in this
......... project.
a - Has been working
b - Has working
c - Had been working
I ...........................................
......... this question many times.
a - Have answered
b - Has answer
c - Had answering
They .......................... in the same house since they got
.... married.
a - Have living
b - Have lived
c - Has lived
We ................................
..... a single match this year.
a - Haven't played
b - Hasn't play
c - Have play
They ........................
..... a lot with this teacher.
a - Has learnt
b - Have learnt
c - Have learned
We.................................. many good films, but this is the
....... best one.
a - Has see

b - Has seen
c - Have seen
22) I ......................................................a new TV set this week.
a - Have buy
b - Have boughted
c - Have bought

23) We .................................. "El Cid " many times in summer.

a - Have climbt
b - Have climbed
c - Have climbing
24) He ...............................some shoes for his brother.
a - Has bought
b - Has buy
c - Have bought
25) They ..............................the news in Hello magazine.
a - Have readed
b - Have read
c - Have readt
26) He has.................................................on weight since he got
a - Puts
b - Put
c - Putting
27) Pepe has......................................a new apartment in Santa
a - Buying
b - Boughted
c - Bought
28) Mari Puri has.....................................all the chocolate cakes in
the fridge.
a - Ate
b - Eating
c - Eaten
29) Our new neighbours have ............................with us about their
a - Speaken
b - Spoken
c - Speaking
30) My brother-in-law has...................................football in
a - Plays
b - Played
c - Playeding
31) I have.............................four faxes today to the Consellería.
a - Sent
b - Sended
c - Sented
32) He .................................his book yet.
a - Had finished
b - Has finishing
c – Hasn’t finished
33) Pepe.................................since last summer in this book.
a - Has being working
b - Has been working
c - Has be working
34) Mary ......................................an affair with John since she
got her divorce.
a - Has been having
b - Have being having
c - Has been haveing
35) The neighbour's children ...................a terrible noise since we
moved here.
a - Has been making
b - Have being making
c - Have been making
36) Olga ..........................................a picture of her daughter for
a month.
a - Have being painting
b - Has been paint
c - Has been painting
37) Javi....................................................a lot of money in Russia
since 1995.
a - Has being making
b - Has been making
c - Has be making
38) Fermina....her journey since she knew that we were also going
a - Has be preparing
b - Has being preparing
c - Has been preparing
39) We...........................................football this morning in "La
Sirmat ".
a - Has being playing
b - Have been playing
c - Had be playing
40) Alberto Navarro .................................his last book for over
fifteen years.
a - Has been writing
b - Has be writing
c - Has being writing
41) l have ..........my first marathon at the age of 42.
a - Runing
b - Run

c - Runed
42) I..........................Antonio Maestre since we went to don Emilio's
a - Know
b - Have known
c - Has been knowing
43) I..........................a lot with these quick tests.
a - Has learnt
b - Have learnt
c - Have learning
44) They.........................................................me that she has won
the lottery.
a - Have tell
b – Has told
c – Have told
45) We .......................................to move to a bigger house.
a - Have decided
b - Has decided
c - Will decided
46) How long have you ....................there?
a - Be
b - Being
c - Been
47) He's ..............
a - Arrived
b - Arrive
c - Arrives
48) I've just....................to the manager.
a - Speak
b - Spoke
c - Spoken
49) Have you ...........my glasses?
a - Seen
b - See
c - Saw
50) Have you .............in the bedroom?
a - Looked
b - Look
c - Looking
They have just ......................
a - Disappeared
b - Disappear

c - Disappeareing
52) There has ........a car crash in Juan Carlos I street.
a - Be
b - Was
c - Been
53) What ................happened to him? he looks very sad.
a - Is
b - Has
c - Have
A little boy called Jaime .………….....been
here. a - Is
Have c -
55) You have ........a great help to all of us, thanks a lot.
a - Been
b - Be
c - Was
56) I've .............the CD, but I prefer to see them live.
a - Bought
b - Buy
c - Buys
57) I've often ............them on TV, but this is something else!
a - Seen
b - See
c - Saw
58) Well, I've ..............packing.
a - Finished
b - Finish
c - Finishing
59) He has ...........teaching me Spanish.
a - Been
b - Be
c - Was
60) Jaime has never ..................late before.
a - Come
b - Came
c - Comes
61) The Sax train ...........................It’s been half an hour late.
a - Arrived has just
b - Has just arrived
c - Has arrived just

-“Have another chocolate”. -No, thank you very much
indeed, .............too much.
a - I've
eaten b - I
c - I ate
Hello, darling, have you ..........................dinner yet?
a - Cooked
b - Cooken
c - Do
My daughter hasn't ....................from
school yet. a - Comed
b - Coming
c - Come
It was nice to see him again. I .........him for
ages. a - Haven't seen
b - Haven t
see c - Saw
................you done your homework?
a - Have
b - Has
c - Have to

It ...........for ages in
Almeria. a - Doesn't rain
b - Did rain
c - Hasn't rained
-Where is Clemente? -He ......to the
bank. a - Is
b - Has gone
c - Has went
I ..........to London since 1993.
a - Haven't been
b - Haven't gone
c - Haven't go
"Tres Superhombres en Tokyo " was the worst film I've ever ......
a - See
b - Saw
c - Seen
I.........a cigarette since last Christmas.
a - Haven smoked
b - Haven't smoked

c - Hasn't smoked
72) All flights to Madrid...........because of the fog.
a - Has been cancelled
b - Have been cancelled
c - Cancelled
73) He has...................to bed because he was a little tired.
a - Go
b - Went
c - Gone


1. A 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B
11. B 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. B
21. C 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. B 27. C 28. C 29. B 30. B
31. A 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. A
41. B 42. B 43. B 44. C 45. A 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. A 50. A
51. A 52. C 53. B 54. C 55. A 56. A 57. A 58. A 59. A 60. A
61. B 62. A 63. A 64. C 65. A 66. A 67. C 68. B 69. A 70. C
71. B 72. B 73. C


Como todos los tiempos continuos, indica acciones en proceso.

I have been reading

Afirmativa. Sujeto + Have, Has + the
Been + Ing. paper.
He estado leyendo el

Sujeto + Have, Has not I have not been

Negativa. + cooking.
Been + Ing. No he estado

Have you been

Interrogativa. Have, Has + Sujeto + walking?
Been + Ing. ¿Has estado dando un


Indica acciones muy recientes que She has been swimming.

acaban de terminar. Ella ha estado nadando.

He has been crying

Él ha estado llorando.

I have been waiting for half an

Acciones que empezaronen el hour.
pasado y que todavía continuan. Llevo esperando media hora.

He has been working the whole

Puede ir acompañado de expresiones day.
como: the whole day, all week, etc. Ha estado trabajando todo el día.

Sujeto + Had +
Afirmativa. Participio I had seen her.
Pasado. Yo la había visto.

Negativa. Sujeto + Had not + I had not gone.

Participio Pasado. Yo no había ido.

Had + Sujeto + Had she been with

Interrogativa. Participio you?
Pasado ¿Había estado ella

Equivale al pluscuamperfecto. Es el tiempo más remoto en el pasado.


Acciones que ocurrieron antes que When I had finished all my work,
otra. I went to the swimming pool.
Cuando hube acabado mi trabajo
me fui a la piscina.

Suele usar expresiones del tipo:

Since. For. Till. Until

Desde. Desde hace. Hasta.

When. Before. By the time. Always.

Cuando Antes. Para cuando. Siempre.

Expresa acciones que habían estado ocurriendo en el pasado hasta un
momento concreto.

Sujeto + Had been +

Afirmativa. Ing. I had been sleeping
Había estado durmiendo
la siesta.

Negativa. Sujeto + Hadn't been + She had not been

Ing. reading.
Ella no había estado

Had you been

Interrogativa. Had + Sujeto + Been + working?
Ing. ¿Habías estado

We had been studying until her mother came.

Habíamos estado estudiando hasta que vino su madre.

Sujeto + Will + Inf sin t
Afirmativa. o. I will go with you.
Iré contigo.

Sujeto + Will not , + Inf

Negativa. sin I will not pay for that.
t o. No pagaré eso.

Will + Sujeto + Inf sin t

Interrogativa. o. Will you marry me?
¿Te casarás conmigo?

Se puede usar shall en la primera persona del singular y del plural, aunque
su uso queda cada vez más restringido a la expresión de ofrecimientos.
Se puede usar will en todas las personas de singular y plural. Tanto shall
como will contraen en “-‘ll”.


En sugerencias. Shall we go to the cinema?

¿Vamos al cine?

En promesas. I will buy you the car.

Te compraré el coche.

Determinaciones. I will go with you.

Iré contigo.

Énfasis. I will never do it again.

No lo volveré a hacer.

Predicciones. They will win the match.

Ellos ganarán el partido.

Lógicamente, indica acciones que I will buy a Harley next year.

ocurrirán. Me compraré una Harley el año que

Con advertencias y condiciónes. If you don’t hurry, you’ll be late.

Si no te das prisa llegarás tarde.

Don’t drink too much or you’ll

Para expresar deseo o rechazo ante get
algo. drunk.

Ofrecimientos. I'll help you with your exercises.

Te ayudaré con los ejercicios.

Indica planes para el futuro, también hace referencia a acciones que se ve
que van a ocurrir.

I’m going to visit my mother.

Voy a visitar a mi madre.

It’s going to rain.

Va a llover.

1) She ..................................with us next April in Cazorla.
a - Will go fishing
b - Would go fishing
c – Went fishing
2) She .................................to Petrel next week.
a - Is moving
b - Is moved
c - Is going to moving
3) We.........................................a new computer for the
a - Are buy
b - Are going to buy
c - Will buys
4) I .......................................................in Aspe tomorrow.
a - Will be
b - Will is
c - Will am
5) I ......................................................my cousin in Madrid next
a - Visited
b - Will visit
c - Visit
6) They ...........................a new road in 2007.
a - Build
b - Will build
c - Builded
7) She .................................in the team next year.
a - Played
b - Playing
c - Will play
8) I .............................with them to Toledo next March.
a - Will go
b - Go
c - Went
9) They ...........................back at 8.00.
a - Is
b - Was
c - Will be
10) He .................................her in Alicante in 2005.
a - Will marry
b - Married
c - Would married
11) I ....................................to the Yelmo Cineplex cinemas

a - Went
b - Go
c - Will go

12) I .............................all my friends to a paella next Saturday.

a - Invite
b - Will invite
c - Would invite
I..........with you if you
pay. a - Will eat
b - Would eat
c - Had eaten
14) I will ........you your room.
a - Shows
b - Show
c - Showing
15) I won't .............long.
a - Be
b - Have
c - Do
16) I'll .......the waiter if they have Coke instead of Pepsi.
a - Asks
b - Ask
c - Asking
17) He will ........you a parcel for me.
a - Brings
b - Bring
c - Brought
18) We will ......immediately.
a - Come
b - Comes
c - Cam
19) I will ...............the car tonight.
a - Wash
b - Washed
c - Washing
20) Next Sunday I ....................play tennis with Eduardo.
a - Was played
b - Will plays
c - Am going to play
21) How .......................you go to Sax tomorrow?

a - Does
b - Shall
c - Will
-Where.......tonight? -Why don't we go to the new
Mamma Luna? a - Shall we go
b - We going c
- Go can we
We ..................go to Madrid to see Beauty and the Beast
next month. a - Will
Would c -
If you can't water the plants, I ........do it for you.
a - Would
b - Will
c - going
......you look after my daughters while I go to buy the
paper? a - Will
b - Must
c - Need
I..........send a letter as soon as I arrive.
a - Have
b - Will
c - Would


1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C
21. C 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. 28. 29. 30.

Expresa acciones que con seguridad tendrán lugar en el futuro.

Sujeto + Will be + Inf

Afirmativa. sin I will be driving to
to + Ing. Alicante.
Estaré conduciendo
hacia a Alicante.

Sujeto + Will not + Inf I will not be eating

Negativa. sin there.
t o + Ing. No estaré comiendo allí.

Will + Sujeto + Be + Inf Will you be studying

Interrogativa. + in
Ing. Elx?
¿Estarás estudiando en
What will you be
Suele ir acompañado de doing at
expresiones temporales 7 o’clok tomorrow?
como: At 7 o’clock, this ¿Qué estarás haciendo
time next mañana a las 7?
Indica acciones que habrán acabado en el futuro. Normalmente son
suposiciones o presunciones.

Afirmativa. Sujeto + Will have + I will have eaten.

Participio Pasado. Habré comido.

Sujeto + Will have +

Negativa. Not I will not have eaten.
+ Participio Pasado. No habré comido.

Will + Sujeto + Will

Interrogativa. have + Will you have eaten?
Participio Pasado. ¿Habrás comido?

I will have read the book next month.

Habré leido el libro el próximo mes.

Puede ir acompañado de referencias temporales

Tomorrow. In the year 2050. Next week.

Mañana. En el año 2050. La próxima semana.

The day after

Soon. tomorrow. In the next year.
Pronto. Pasado mañana. El año que viene.

In the future. In a month. At 7 o’clock.

En el futuro Dentro de un mes. A la siete en punto.

This time next year: By 8.30.

A esta hora el año que Para las 8.30.
1) Barcelona............against Manchester United in June.
a - Will be playing
b - Will play be
c - Will be played
2) Everybody..........at Christmas.
a - Will have eat cocido
b - Will be eating cocido
c - Will cocido be eating
3) I .................................a new car by 2005.
a - Will buy be
b - Will have bought
c - Will have be buying
4) She .................5 kilos with this new diet.
a - Will have lost
b - Will have loose
c - Will have losted
5) I..................my first novel in 2007.
a - Will have written
b - Will have write
c - Will have wrote
6) We ................our house by 2018.
a - Will have pay
b - Will have be payd
c - Will have paid
7) My mother............her new portrait next week.
a - Will have paint
b - Will be paint
c - Will have painted
8) We.............the cuartelillo in September.
a - Will be bought
b - Will have bought
c - Will be buy
9) My friend ............his lecture in February.
a - Will have given
b - Will have gave
c - Will have give
10) I ........................................................in a new office next year.
a - Will be working
b - Will working be
c - Will have working
11) They ...........................in La Sirena next Saturday.

a - Will be having dinner
b - Will dinner have
c - Will be dinner
I..........to Berlín in
August. a - Will flying
b - Will flying
be c - Will be
13) We .....................................our daughter next Christmas.
a - Will visitt
b - Will visitting
c - Will be visiting
14) They ................................for you at the airport.
a - Will be waited
b - Will be waiting
c - Will be wait
15) I .......................................................some new books
a - Will be buying
b - Will buying be
c - Will bought
16) She...........................in the new disco next Saturday.
a - Will dancing
b - Will dancing be
c - Will be dancing
17) It...........in Madrid.
a - Will be snow
b - Will be snowing
c - Will snow be
18) I ......................tennis this evening.
a - Will be playing
b - Played
c - Will be play
19) I hope I ...................................................the report on
a - Will have finished
b - Will finished
c - Will be finish
20) By this time next year they .............................a lot with that
a - Will learnt have
b - Will have learnt
c - Will have learn
21) We ............................all the beer before winter.
a - Will drank

b - Will be dranking
c - Will have drunk
22) He ...............................many countries in April.
a - Will have seen
b - Will seen
c - Will be seen
23) I .............................everything before 12:00.
a - Will eaten
b - Will have eaten
c - Will be ate
24) My friend ..........................................before Christmas.
a - Will be come
b - Will come be
c - Will have come
25) Juan ...............................................a new computer in June.
a - Will have bought
b - Will bought
c - Will be boughting
26) His friends ........................................the new baby on Monday
a - Have will visit
b - Will have visited
c - Will visited
27) The teachers .....................................all the exams this
a - Will have corrected
b - Will be correct
c - Will correcting be
28) Tomorrow my secretary ......................all the memos.
a - Will have typed
b - Will types
c - Had typed
29) By twelve o'clock they will ...................studying English for two
a - Have
b - Been
c - Have been
30) By the end of the year I will .........twenty books.
a - Have written
b - Had written
c - Writing
31) We..........by nine o'clock tomorrow night.
a - Will have finished
b - Will finished

c - Finish


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. A
11. A 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. B
21. C 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. A
31. C

El condicional se forma igual que el futuro, anteponiendo al infinitivo la
partícula: would o should.

La partícula should sólo se usa en inglés muy formal. Normalmente se

emplea para expresar consejos o advertencias.

Puede contraer con el sujeto: I would en I’d

Afirmativa. Sujeto + Would + Inf sin I would go with you.

t o. Yo iría contigo.

I’d go to the cinema.

Yo iría al cine.

Sujeto + Would not +

Negativa. Inf I would not pay that.
sin t o. Yo no pagaría eso.

I wouldn’t buy it.

Yo no lo compraría.

Interrogativa. Would + Sujeto + Inf sin Would you marry me?

t o. ¿Te casarías conmigo?


Sujeto + Would + I would have gone

Afirmativa. Have+ with
Participio Pasado. you.
Yo habría ido contigo.
Negativa. Sujeto + Would not/ I would not have paid
won't + Have+ that.
Pasado. Yo no habría pagado

Would + Sujeto + Would you have

Interrogativa. Have+ married
Participio Pasado. her?
¿Te habrías casado con

Afirmativa. Sujeto + Inf. I live in Elda.

3ª p. ( He, She, It ) He kisses her.
añade She washes up every day.
“-s” o “-es
Negativa. Sujeto + Don’t o I don’t like coffee.
Doesn’t + Inf She doesn’t smoke.
Interrogativa. Do o Does + S + Inf? Do you love me?
Does he go to school?
Usos. Acciones habituales. I get up at 7.45.
Verdades universales. Snow is cold.
The match starts at 6.00.
Acciones en el futuro The train leaves at 6.00.
sujetas a un horario.
Otros. Le suelen acompañar: every day, always, usually, often,
never, generally, etc.


Afirmativa. S + Be (am, is, are) + I am reading.

Negativa. S + Be + Not + Ing. She is not smoking.

Am, Is, Are + S +

Interrogativa. Ing? Are you running?

Usos. Acciones en proceso I am readind a book.

Planes futuros. I am playing tennis
Acciones repetidas.
He is always talking.

Le suelen acompañar: at present , nowadays, now, at

Otros. the
moment, etc.


S + Have (have o has)

Afirmativa. + I have played tennis.
Participio pasado I have eaten paella.
I have not washed the
Negativa. S + Have + Not + dishes.
Participo pasado. I have not seen her.
Interrogativa. Have o Has + S + Have you been there?
Participo pasado?
Usos. Acciones acabadas I have read the book.
de las que no se dice
cuando sucedieron.
Otros. Puede llevar just , for, since, already, yet, etc.


Afirmativa. S + Vb. Regular + ed I played.

S + Vb Irr
( 2ªColumna). I ate.

S + Did + Not (didn’t)

Negativa. + I did not play.
Inf. I did not eat.

Interrogativa Did + S + Inf? Did you play?

Did you eat?

Usos. Acciones que I went to Barcelona.

I was reading the paper and
ocurrieron en el then
pasado. it began to rain.
A veces acompaña al
pasado continuo
Le suelen acompañar: last year, yesterday, two days
Otros. ago


Afirmativa. S + Be (Was, Were) + I was writing a letter.

Negativa. S + Was, Were + Not I was not writing a letter.

Interrogativa. Was, Were + S + Ing? Were you writing a letter?

Usos. Acciones en proceso I was painting the gate.

en el pasado. The girls were smiling.
En narraciones.
Para descripciones.


S + Have o Has + I have been learning English

Afirmativa. Been for
+Ing. 20 years.
S + Have o Has+ not
Negativa. + I have not been sleeping.
Been + Ing.
Have o Has + S +
Interrogativa. Been Have you been reading?
+ Ing?
Usos. Acciones que
comenzaron en el
pasado y todavía
continuan o acaban
de suceder, Resalta la
duración de la acción.
Otros. For y since le suelen acompañar.


Afirmativa. S + Had + Participio I had gone.

Negativa. S + had + Not + I had not gone.
Participio Pasado.
Interrogativa. Had + S + Participio Had she gone?
Usos. Acciones que
ocurrieron antes que
otra acción pasada.
Otros. Le suelen acompañar: when, before, by the time etc.


Afirmativa. S + Had + Been + Ing. I had been watching TV.

S + Had + Not + Been
Negativa. + I had not been watching TV.
Had + S + Been +
Interrogativa. Ing?. Had she been ironing?

Usos. Acciones que estaban

en proceso antes que
otra acción pasada


Afirmativa. S + Will o Shall + Inf. I will go.

Negativa. S + Will + Not + Inf. I will not go.

Interrogativa. Will + S + Inf? Will she come?

Usos. Acciones futuras.

Le suelen acompañar: tonight , tomorrow, next year, in
Otros. a


I will be reading Valle de

Afirmativa. S + Wil be + Ing Elda.

Negativa. S + Will + Not + Be + I will not be watching TV.

Interrogativa. Will + S + Be + Ing? Will you be working?

Usos. Acciones futuras en



Afirmativa. S + Will have + I will have arrived at 7.00.

Participio Pasado.
S + Will + Not + Have
Negativa. + I will not have finished.
Participio Pasado.
Interrogativa. Will + S + Have + Will she have paid?
Participio Pasado?
Usos. Acciones acabadas
en el futuro.


S + Will have + Been

Afirmativa. + I will have been working.
S + Will + Not + Have
Negativa. + I will not have been working.
Been + Ing.
Will + S + Have +
Interrogativa. Been + Will you have been working?
Usos. Acciones que estarán
finalizadas en el


Afirmativa. S + Would + Inf. I would go to London.

Negativa. S + Would + Not + Inf. I would not go to London.

Interrogativa. Would + S + Inf? Would you go to Lisbon?

Usos. Deseos en el presente

o en el futuro.

I would have gone to
Afirmativa. S + Would + Have + London.
Participio Pasado.
S + Would + Not + I would not have gone to
Negativa. Have London.
+ Participio Pasado.
Would you have gone to
Interrogativa. Would + S + Have + Paris?
Participio Pasado?

Usos. Lamentos sobre

acciones pasadas.

Podemos establecer dos grandes grupos: Las coordinadas y las

subordinadas. Las primeras son oraciones compuestas independientes
entre sí. En cuanto a las subordinadas una depende de la otra.

Los nexos más usados son los siguientes:

Copulativas. And. He is tall and intelligent.

Y. Él es alto e inteligente.

Both…and. They both teach French and Italian.

Tanto...como. Ellos dos enseñan francés e italiano.

Moreover. It rained a lot, moreover it snowed.

Además. Llovió mucho, además nevó.

I bought a ham; likewise did my

Likewise. neighbour.
De igual modo. Compré un jamón, al igual que mi vecino.

I have no money, besides I don’t want

Besides. to buy
Además. anything else.
No tengo dinero, además no quiero
comprar nada más.

Disyuntivas. Or. You can stay or come with us.

O. Puedes quedarte o venir con nosotros.

Either…or. They are either Italian or Greek.

O…o. Ellos son o italianos o griegos.

I neither like Wagner nor the Rolling

Neither…nor. Stones.
Ni...ni. Ni me gusta Wagner ni los Rolling Stones.

s But. I like Verdi but I prefer Puccini.
Pero. Me gusta Verdi pero prefiero Puccini.

Not only I read Valle de Elda but I also

Not only…but read
also. Vivir en Elda.

No sólo...sino No sólo leo Valle de Elda sino que también
también. leo Vivir en Elda.

Yet. She is pretty, yet nobody loves her.

Aunque. Ella es guapa, aunque nadie la quiere.

Although he is rich, he hasn’t many

Although. friends.
Aunque. Aunque es rico no tiene muchos amigos.

Causales. Because. I became rich because I saved a lot.

Porque. Me hice rico porque ahorré mucho.

For. She studies for being a lawyer.

Para. Estudia para ser abogado

As I had studied French I could

As. travelled
Como. alone.
Como había estudiado francés pude viajar

Since. Since they are adults they can go.

Puesto que. Ya que son adultos pueden viajar solos.

The recital was cancelled owing to

Owing to. lack of
Ya que, debido audience.
a. El recital se canceló debido a falta de

In order to be accepted you have to

Finales. In order to. pay first.
Para. Para que te acepten, debes pagar primero.

They voted so as to elect the new

So as to. President.
Con el fin de. Votaron para elegir al nuevo presidente.

In case. I have an insurance in case I need it.

En el caso de Tengo un seguro por si lo necesito.
que. Por si.

He eats a lot of oranges for fear of
For fear. getting a
Por miedo a. cold.
Come muchas naranjas por miedo a coger
un catarro.

Consecutiva He won the pools so he bought a new

s. So. house.
Por eso. Ganó las quinielas y por eso se compró una
nueva casa.

He has many friends therefore he is

Therefore. never
Por lo tanto. alone.
Tiene muchos amigos y por eso nunca está

He is boring, which is why he’s always

Which is why. alone.
Esa es la razón Es aburrido, esa es la razón por la que
por la que. siempre está solo.

So…that. I bought a present so that you liked it.

Para que. Compré un regalo para que te gustara

s. As. He is as intelligent as his sister.
Como. Él es tan inteligente como su hermana.

As…as. He is not as honest as his brother.

Tan como. Él no es tan honrado como su hermano.

So…as. He is not so tall as me.

No tan como. Él no es tan alto como yo.

Petrel has nice parks, similarly Elda

Similarly. has nice
Del mismo
modo. museums.
Petrel tiene parques muy bonitos, de igual
modo Elda tiene museos muy bonitos.
Modo. As. As a pianist she is the best.
Como. Como pianista el es el mejor.

Like. He eats like a lion.
Como. Come como un león.

Although I prefer to stay I have to go

Concesivas. Although. now.
Aunque. Aunque prefiero quedarme tengo que irme.

Though. Though he is ill, he never complains.

Aunque. Aunque está malo, nunca se queja.

Even though he is rich he never shows

Even though. off.
Incluso. Aunque es rico, nunca presume.

Even if. Even if it rains I will go.

Incluso si. Incluso si llueve iré.

However. I liked it, however, I didn’t buy it.

Sin embargo. Me gustó, sin embargo no lo compré.

No matter if you love her, she doen’t

No matter. love
No importa. you.
No importa si la quieres, ella no te quiere.

In spite of having lived in France she

In spite of. doesn’t
A pesar de . speak French.
A pesar de haber vivido en Francia no
habla francés.

Despite. Despite all the efforts he didn’t win.

A pesar de. A pesar de todos los esfuerzos, no ganó.

s If. If you need me, phone me.
. Si. Si me necesitas, llámame.

When you want to visit us, let us

Tiempo. When. know.
Cuando. Cuando quieras visitarnos, háznoslo saber.

While. While I was in Italy I ate a lot of pasta.
Mientras. Mientras estuve en Italia comí mucha

Before I worked in Elda, I worked

Before. in
Antes. Crevillente.
Antes de trabajar en Elda, trabajé en

Since. I have lived here since 1962

Desde. Vivo aquí desde 1962

Whenever. Whenever he comes I visit him.

Cada vez que Cada vez que viene le visito.

Until. Until I found it I was sad.

Hasta. Hasta que lo encontré estaba triste.

Now. Now I am hungry.

Ahora. Ahora tengo hambre.

Once. Once I pay the house I will buy a car.

Una vez. Una vez que haya pagado el piso compraré
un coche.

No sonner… No sooner had they gone than I was

than. asleep.
Apenas. Apenas se habían ido me quedé dormido.

Finally. Finally I read the book.

Finalmente. Finalmente leí el libro.

In short. In short they will be here.

En breve. En breve estarán aquí.

This is the house where we lived until

Lugar. Where. 1996.
Donde. Esta es la casa donde vivimos hasta 1996.

Wherever she goes she buys some

Wherever. clothes.
Dondequiera Dondequiera que vaya se compra ropa.

Este tipo de oraciones suelen añadir información a lo que ya se ha dicho
en la oración principal.

Usan los siguientes pronombres relativos:

Personas. Who. This is the man who came here

Este es el hombre que vino ayer.

This is the man that came

That. yesterday.
Este es el hombre que vino ayer.

This is the book which I bought in

Cosas. Which. Martín
Este es el libro que compré en Martín

That. The house that I sold.

La casa que vendí.

Posesión. Whose. The boy whose bike is this is Mike.

El chico de quien es esta bici es Mike.

Lugar. Where. This is the school where I studied.

Esta es la escuela donde estudié.

Tiempo. When. This is the day when I was born.

Este es el día en el que nací.

Personas. Whom. The girl whom I loved.

Es la chica a quien amé.

The reason why I bought this is

Why. you.
La razón por la que compré esto eres

What. And this is what he said.

Esto es lo que él dijo.

This is the thing that we should

The thing that. do.
Esto es lo que deberíamos hacer.
That puede utilizarse en lugar de who o which en las oraciones de relativo
especificativas ( defining)

This is the girl that I love.

This is the girl who I love.
Esta es la chica a quien quiero.

This is the car which I told you.

This is the car that I told you.
Este es el coche que te dije.

Las oraciones de relativo se dividen en:


Van entre comas. Añaden información extra que podría omitirse y no

alteraría el significado de la frase. No son imprescindibles para
comprender el significado. Se trata de una explicación.

Nunca llevan “that ” y nunca se puede omitir el relativo.

My wife , who is a teacher, reads a lot.

Mi mujer, que es profesora, lee mucho.


Son más frecuentes y no van entre comas. Definen al antecedente.

The woman who came is my wife.

La mujer que vino es mi esposa

Who, which y that se pueden omitir cuando no son los sujetos de la


The girl (who) he met is Mary.

La chica que conoció es María.

The CD (which) I bought is very good.

El disco que compré es muy bueno.


I did it according to his

According to. Según. instructions.
Lo hice según él me dijo.

After. Después. They came after I arrived.

Llegaron después de que yo llegué.

Although It rained a lot the

Although. Aunque. match
wasn’t cancelled.
Aunque llovió mucho, no se canceló
el partido.

And. Y. I like wine and beer.

Me gusta el vino y la cerveza.

As. Mientras que, así As he came I saw him.

como. Le vi mientras venía.

As a result. Como He became poor as a result of

consecuencia. spending too much.
Se empobreció como consecuencia
de gastar demasiado.

He behaves as if he doesn’t
As if. Como si. know me.
Él se comporta como si no me

As long as you study you can

As long as. Mientras que. play.
Mientras que estudies puedes jugar.

As soon as I found it I
As soon as. Tan pronto como. complained.
Tan pronto como lo descubrí me

As though. Como si. Act as though nothing happens.

Actúa como si no pasara nada.

She, as well as me, will go to

As well as. Al igual que. Madrid.
Ella, al igual que yo, irá a Madrid.

Because. Porque. We won’t go because it is very

No iremos porque hace mucho frio.

Because of her behaviour
Because of Debido a. nobody
likes her.
Debido a su comportamiento nadie la

Before. Antes. I read the paper before we eat.

Leo el periódico antes de comer.

But. Pero. It is expensive but I will buy it.

Es caro pero lo compraré.

Despite. A pesar. He came despite feeling bad.

Él vino a pesar de sentirse mal.

Either..or. o….o. We can either go home or to the

Podemos o bien ir a casa o al cine.

Even though it’s late you can

Even though. Aunque. watch TV.
Aunque es tarde, puedes ver la tele.

Except. Salvo. I will go except if I have to work.

Iré salvo que tenga que trabajar.

He doesn’t study and futhermore

Furthermore. Además. he
doesn’t work.
Él no estudia y además no trabaja.

He didn’t study, however he

However. Sin embargo. passed his
Él no estudió, sin embargo aprobó

If. Si. If he comes tell him to visit me.

Si viene, dile que me visite.

In case of fire ring the fire

In case of. En caso de. brigade.
En caso de incendio llama a los

In order to pass you have to

In order to. Para. study a lot.
Para aprobar debes estudiar mucho.
I went to London, moreover I
Moreover. Además. went to

Fui a Londres y además a Escocia.

Neither…nor. Ni…ni. I neither like coffee nor tea.

No me gusta ni el té ni el café.

I didn’t want to go,

Nevertheless. Sin embargo. nevertherless I
enjoyed the trip.
No quise ir, sin embargo disfruté del

Notwithstandin I like the shoes, notwithstanding

g. No obstante. they
are very expensive.
Me gustan los zapatos, no obstante
son muy caros.

Or. O. Phone or fax.

Telefonea o manda un fax.

Send us the money, otherwise we

Otherwise. De otra manera. won’t
send you the shoes.
Mándenos el dinero, de otra manera
no le mandaremos los zapatos.

Provided you pay I accept the

Provided. Siempre que. offer.
Siempre que pague acepto la oferta.

Since I have been invited I have

Since. Ya que. to go.
Ya que me han invitado, tengo que ir.

So as to. Para. I save money so as to buy a new

Ahorro dinero para poder comprar
una nueva casa.

Therefore. Por lo tanto. There is a concert next Monday,

therefore I’ll buy the tickets.
Hay un concierto el próximo lunes,
lo tanto compraré las entradas.

He is rich though not very

Though. Aunque. intelligent.
Aunque es rico no es muy
I went to England to learn
To. Para. English.
Fui a Inglaterra para aprender inglés.

Unless they pay we won’t send
Unless. A menos que. them
anymore shoes.
A menos que paguen no les
mandaremos más zapatos.

Until I noticed I liked opera I

Until. Hasta que. listened to
classical music.
Hasta que me di cuenta de que me
gustaba la ópera yo escuchaba
música clásica.

Whenever they feel like, they go

Whenever. Cada vez que. to
Cada vez que les apetece, van a

They stopped where they saw a

Where. Donde. light.
Ellos pararon donde vieron una luz.

Whereas. Mientras. He is shy whereas she is not.

Él es tímido mientras que ella no.

Whether you like it or not, we

Whether..or. Si…o. have to
Te guste o no, tenemos que irnos.

She is the most intelligent, yet

Yet. Sin embargo. she didn’t
win the contest.
Ella es la más inteligente, sin
no ganó el concurso.
Los verbos modales se llaman así al carecer de las mayoría de las formas
verbales. Se usan para hacer suposiciones, sacar conclusiones, hablar
de posibilidades y establecer conjeturas. No tienen todos los tiempos
verbales, por ejemplo, “must ” y “ought t o” sólo tienen presente. Can,
may, dare y need, tienen presente y pasado.

Can, could. May, might. Must. Ought to. Will, shall.

Poder. Poder. Deber. Deber. Auxiliares de
Would. Dare. Need.
Auxiliar del Atreverse. Necesitar.

Tienen una única forma para todas las personas en presente:


No llevan “-s” en la tercera persona del singular.

Van seguidos de Infinitivo sin t o.

I can ski.
He must study.

Hacen la negación y la interrogación como el verbo to be.

Can you ski?

No se construyen con to do, to have y to be.

Can she go?

No tienen imperativo, ni infinitivo, ni participio de presente ni de pasado

por lo tanto no forman tiempos continuos ni perfectos. Tampoco
aparecen en formas pasivas.

She can swim.

Ella sabe nadar.

He must study everyday.

Él debe estudiar todos los días.

Usan otros verbos para suplir sus carencias temporales, ya que no tienen
forma para todos los tiempos. No tienen participio ni infinitivo.

He was able to go.

Él pudo ir.

I had to go alone.
Yo tuve que ir solo.

I must not eat so much chocolate.

No debo comer tanto chocolate.

Can you tell me the time?

¿Me puede decir la hora?

 Van seguidos de infinitivo sin t o, a excepción de ought to, have to y

used t o.

I used to go to the disco.

Yo solía ir a la discoteca.

Sólo se usa en el presente, para el resto de tiempos se utiliza to be able
to. En algunos casos puede ser sustituido por to know how to. Se puede
traducir por poder o saber.

I can swim.
Sé nadar.

I know how to swim.

Sé como nadar.

l'll be able to go tonight.

Podré ir esta noche.

Will he be able to come in time?

¿Podrá venir a tiempo?

I have been able to finish it in time.

He podido acabar a tiempo.

Expresa conocimiento y capacidad I can play the violin.

física e intelectual. Sé tocar el violín.

I can read.
Sé leer.

Posibilidad. I can go with you.

Puedo ir contigo.

Tambien para dar y recibir permiso. Can I go with you?

¿Puedo ir contigo?

Puede indicar prohibición en la forma You can’t smoke here.

negativa. No puedes fumar aquí.

Deducción negativa. They can’t be at home.

No deben de estar en casa.

Habilidad. I can swim.

Sé nadar.

Ofrecimientos. Can I help you?

¿Puedo ayudarte?

Solamente se usa para el presente
de She can do it alone.
indicativo. Lo puede hacer sola.

Could se usa para el pasado y el I could go yesterday.

condicional. Pude ir ayer.

I could go tomorrow.
Podré ir mañana.

Sugerencias. You can come with us.

Puedes venir con nosotros.

El verbo to know how le puede sustituir

I know how to go.

Sé ir.

I could translate Italian at the
Indica habilidad en el pasado. age of 9.
Sabía traducir italiano a los 9 años.

Peticiones formales. Could I go with you?

¿Podría ir contigo?

Posibilidad. It may rain during the weekend.
Puede llover durante la semana.

Permiso. May I come in ?

¿Puedo pasar?

Prohibiciones. You may not stay here.

No puedes estar aquí.

Especulaciones. He may be in Italy.

Puede que esté en Italia.

Sugerencias. If I may say so I will buy it.
Si se me permite decirlo, yo lo

Expresa una posibildad más remota It might snow in Benidorm but I
que may. it.
Podría nevar en Benidorm, pero

He might be working in a new

Especulaciones. book.
El podría estar trabajando en un
nuevo libro.

Obligaciónes morales. I must visit my friend, he is ill.
Debo ir a visitar a mi amigo que está

You must visit the museum, it is

Consejos. one of
the best in Spain.
Debes visitar el museo, es uno de los
mejores de España.
He must be out because
Deducciónes. nobody
answers the phone.
Debe de haber salido, pues nadie
contesta el teléfono.

Prohibiciones. You must not come here again.

No debes volver a venir aquí.

Obligación normalmente impuesta. You have to drive with a helmet.
Debes conducir con casco.

I have to take an aspirin every

Para indicar costumbres. night.
Me tengo que tomar una aspirina
cada noche.

You don't have to stay if you

En negativa, indica que algo no es have
necesario. something to do.
No tienes que quedarte si tienes algo
que hacer.

Son prácticamente sinónimos.

You should go to the Yemo

Para dar consejos. Cineplex
Debería ir a los cines Yelmo Cineplex.

You ought to spend more time

Deberías pasar más tiempo con ellos.

I will buy a sandwich when I
Auxiliar del futuro simple. finish this.
Me compraré un bocadillo cuando
acabe esto.

Predicciones sobre el futuro. It will be sunny.

Hará sol.

Decisiones. I will buy a new car.

Me compraré un coche nuevo.

Ofrecimientos. I will do it.

Lo haré.

Peticiones. Will you pass me the salt?

¿Me pasas la sal?
Peticiones y ofrecimientos. Would you like to come with me?
¿Te gustaría venir conmigo?

Hábitos y rutinas en el pasado. In 1998 I would walk a lot.

En 1998 yo paseaba mucho.

Como a

I would go out to the cinema with my friends in the summer nights

when I was 6 Iba al cine con mis amigos en las noches de verano cuando
tenía seis años.

Es auxiliar de futuro, pero sólo para las primeras personas del singular y
del plural I, we.

I shall go.

Puede expresar cierta determinación We shall never surrender.

Nunca nos rendiremos.

Hábitos en el pasado. I used to sing in the shower.
Yo solía cantar en la ducha.

Los hábitos en el presente se pueden expresar con la estructura To be

used to +Ing.

I am used to reading.
Suelo leer.

Puede actuar como verbo modal o verbo ordinario.

Como modal no añade “-s“ en la tercera persona del singular y no admite

ni auxiliares en la interrogativa y negativa.

He needs a lot of money to get married.

Necesita mucho dinero para casarse.

Needn't se usa para indicar que no hay obligación.

You needn’t come tomorrow.

No es necesario que vengas mañana.

Need to indica necesidad.

I need to consult a good doctor.

Necesito consultar a un buen médico.

He needs to have more money to buy this car.

Necesita tener más dinero para comprar este coche.

Para la forma negativa e interrogativa hay dos opciones:

Need you buy so much?

Do you need to buy so much?

You needn't come with us.

No es necesario que venga con nosotros.

You don't need to come with us.

No es necesario que venga con nosotros.

Para el pasado sólo hay una.

You didn't need to wait for them.

No era necesario que les esperases.

1) You ..........................study everyday.
a - Can
b - Must
c - Are
2) The Town Hall ...........................................a new street to Alberto
a - Should dedicate
b - Shall dedicating
c - Should to dedicate
3) There's nothing in the fridge. They..............all.
a - Must have eaten
b - Must has ate
c - Must had eaten
4) You ............try everything.
a – Can to
b - Must
c - Need
5) you ..........the receipt here please?
a – Can
b - Musts
c - Shall
6) You ............cry, it's not worth.
a - Should not
b - Shaln't
c - Won't
7) I...........quit smoking.
a - Wills
b – Haves to
c – Have to
..........I speak to
Jorge? a - Cans
b - Can
c - Was
9) He ..........be very rich, he is driving an expensive car.
a - Is
b - Must
c - Should
10) We ........ be united.
a - Ought
b - Must
c - Had
11) He wasn't .........to see the driver.

a - Can
b - Able
c - May
12) Will we...........buy a dictionary?
a - Must
b - Have to
c - Can
13) That ........be enough.
a - Should
b - Cans
- Must s
I .........send him something for his new baby.
- Must
- Has to
- Have
15) We .............................send the photograph to you.
a - Will
b - Do
c - Did
16) I ...........like a window-seat please.
a - Will
b - Would
c - Can
17) Yes, I guess we ...........buy them now.
a - Shall
b - Should
c - Would
18) There's Marcelo and that ...........be his father.
a - Must
b - Has
c - Mays
19) People of your age ............not drink beer.
a - Shall
b - Will
c - Should
20) Girls, you ......................say those things about your friends.
a - Haven't to
b - Mustn't
c - Mustn
21) I........................write to Gema I haven't written to her for ages.
a - Must

b - May
c - Had
22) I think my brother ..................to come next month.
a - Cans
b - Could
c - Will be able
23) I don't speak Valenciano ..................you speak Castellano ?
a - Would
b - Can't
c - Are able
24) You ..................have a passport to travel to Petrel.
a - Needn't
b - Must
c - Can
25) Felix, the Maths teacher ..................correcting the exams
because he is not
a - Must be
b - Must has
c - May have
26) Michael was dictating too fast, so I ...............copy what he
a - Were able
b - Couldn't
c - Won't be able
Jesús you'd like to go to buy a new
computer, .............you? a - Would
Wouldn't c
- May
28) He ..............understand the problem if you explained it to
a - Would
b - Shall
c - Will
29) What ....................happen if we didn't go to work?
a - Will
b - Would
c - Must
30) The local Council ...........do something about those houses!
a - Must to
b - Have to
c - Must
31) When you come again, you .........visit The Plaza Mayor and the
a – Has to
b - May
c - Should
Come on, boys. We .........win them this
time. a - Must
b - Have
to c - Have
They didn't come to the meeting I suppose they ..........have
gone to the beach.
Must b
- Has
c - May
I didn't go to the concert I.............have
gone. a - Shall
Should c
- Must
This paella tastes very well. Lorenzo ...have
made it. a - Must
b - Had
c - Has
I haven't seen María Luisa since Christmas. She.................be
in New York. a - Must
b - Can
c -
He........to find the restaurant after asking two or three times.
a - Was able
b - Couldn't
c - Could
This book ..........at
home. a - Must be read
b - Have to be raed
c - Has to bee read
It .......snow in "El Cid " but it is not very
probable. a - May
b - Might c
- May be
It........rain tomorrow.
a - May
b - Must
c - Can
We........some money to buy a new fridge. Can we borrow
from you? a - Need

b - Must
c - May
You .......speak like this to your
parents. a - Shalls
Shouldn't c
- Shall
I would........to have a better bike.
a - Like
b - To like
c - Liking
Elda Shoes, .......I help
you? a - Need
b - Can
c -
I .....................buy the bread if you don't give me
the money. a - Must
b - Can't
c - Can
You ........teach me how to prepare a paella.
a - Ought
b - Must
c - Need
Your aunt is ill. We ........visit
her. a - Can
b - Should
to c -
You ......go to bed. You look very
tired. a - Should
b - Should
to c - Ought
We ought not to visit her.
She........study. a - Has
b - Must
c - Have
“Thou........not kill” is one of the ten commandments that
God gave us. a - Will
b - Shall
........we go to Panoramis?
a - Able to
b - Sahll
c - Shall
I promise that you ........have a motorbike if you pass all
your exams. a - Shall
Would c -
Students .........not use mobile phones during the lessons.
a - Will
b - Shall
c - Wont
No smoking.........be allowed in all the
premises. a - Will
Shall c
- Is
He ...........to have gone to Menorca instead of
Ibiza. a - Ought
b - Ouhgt
You.........to visit your grandmother more often.
a - Shall
b - Should
c - Ought
........you like to come with us to the
cinema? a - Will
b - Shall
c - Would
When my mother was young my grandmother ........look
after her. a - Used
Would c -
You........treat everybody with respect.
a - Has
b - Should
c - Will
If you.......see her tell her to phone
me. a - Should
b - Will
c - Would
You ........visit the dentist twice a
year. a - Would
Should c
- Shall
62) Why......you want to buy this? if it is of no use.
a - Shall
b - Will
c - Should
63) The man with the moustache and the golden watch........be his
a - Must
b - Can
c - Need
64) You ..................smoke in the classes, it is forbidden.
a - Must not
b - Must
c - Can
65) It .................rain tonight. It is very dark.
a - May
b - Mays
c - Mights
66) I .................................not go because I have not been
a - May
b - Mei
c - Can


1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B
11. B 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. A 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B
21. A 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. C
31. C 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. A 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. B 40. A
41. A 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. B 50. B
51. C 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. A 56. C 57. C 58. B 59. B 60. A
61. B 62. C 63. A 64. A 65. A 66. A

Can. Habilidades. I can swim.
Petición de permiso. Can I come in?
He can’t go now.
Could. Habilidad en el He could read Russian.
pasado. They could be in Tokyo.
I couldn’t buy the car.
You could try next year.
May. Posibilidad. It may rain tomorrow.
Permiso. May I come in?
You may not smoke here.
Might. Posibilidad remota. It might snow.
Will. Predicciones. They will come.
Decisiones. I will buy a Harley.
Would. Peticiones formales. Would you marry me?
I would play tennis when I was
Acciones pasadas. 10.
I would rather go to the
Shall. Peticiones formales. Shall I open the window?
Acciones futuras. I shall visit her.
Should Consejos. You should buy her a diamond.
Ought to.
Must. Obligación. I must study.
Prohibiciones. You must not go with that boy.
Have to. Obligaciones You have to drive on the right.
Be able to. Habilidades. He is able to make a cake.
Must, can’t have
+ Deducciones. They must have bought a new
PP. house.
They can’t have come here this
May, might Deducciones donde They may have gone.
Could, no tenemos mucha She could have seen her.
+ Have +
Participio seguridad.
You are going to need a lot of
Need. Necesidad. help.
Needn’t. Ausencia de You needn’t come tomorrow.
Son preguntas que sirven para confirmar una suposición. Tienen dos
partes, si la primera es afirmativa, la segunda será negativa. Si la
primera es negativa, la segunda será afirmativa. Las frases con
verbos auxiliares o defectivos forman la coletilla con el mismo verbo.

You are from Petrel, aren't you?

Tú eres de Petrel, ¿no es cierto?

You aren’t from Petrel, are you?

Tú no eres de Petrel, ¿verdad?

She isn’t from Sax, is she?

Ella no es de Sax, ¿verdad?

He has a Harley, hasn't he?

El tiene una Harley, ¿no es cierto?

You can swim, can't you?

Tú sabes nadar, ¿verdad?

She couldn't run fast, could she?

Ella no podía correr deprisa, ¿no es cierto?

Con los demás verbos se usan las partículas do, does, en presente.

You study every day, don't you?

Tú estudias todos los días, ¿no?

She plays golf, doesn't she?

Ella juega al golf ¿verdad?

You don't speak Chinese, do you?

Tú no sabes hablar chino ¿verdad?

She doesn't write very well, does she?

Ella no escribe muy bien. ¿verdad?

En pasado se usa did.

You went to Milan, didn't you?

Fuiste a Milán, ¿no es verdad?

She prepared a paella, didn't she?

Ella hizo la paella, ¿verdad?

En futuro se usa will y won't.

They will come tomorrow, won't they?

Vendrán mañana, ¿no es cierto?

They won't come tomorrow, will they?

No vendrán mañana, ¿verdad?

En condicional se usa would.

They would buy it if they could, wouldn't they?

Ellos lo comprarían si pudieran, ¿verdad?

She wouldn't buy it, would she?

Ella no lo compraría, ¿verdad?

Tienen el mismo siginificado, decir y contar. To tell debe ir acompañado de
un complemento indirecto, mientras que to say tan solo necesita un
complemento directo.

I told her your story

Le conté a ella tu historia.

I told your story to her.

Le conté tu historia a ella.

I said that I was going to move to Sax.

Dije que me iba a ir a vivir a Sax.

1) What did the teacher ........yesterday?
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Said
2) What did your mother .......to you?
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
3) Please ...............what happened?
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
4) I will never....................a lie.
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Count
5) Will you please ................us all the truth?
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
6) He didn't ...................anything.
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Count
7) Yesterday Mr García .......it was going to rain.
a - Say
b - Said
c - Tells
8) .........a joke.
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Count
9) You've ........me that at least six times today.
a - Tell
b - Tollen
c - Told
10) She is always asking you to .........her words in Italian.
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
11) My mother wants to see Sarah.................to come her at once.

a - Tell her
b - Let her
c - Let she

Did Pedro Civera ........anything about the

exams? a - Tell
Speak c -
........me what happened yesterday.
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
Don't..........you don't like good
wine. a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
I........my mother I wanted to be an
artist. a - Said
b - Told c
- Spoke
What did she........?
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
He.........that he wants to go to
Alicante. a - Tells
b - Says
Don't ........it to your friends.
a - Say
b - Tell
c - Speak
I.........my daughter a story every
night. a - Speak
b -
Say c
- Tell
She never..........lies.
a - Says
b - Tells
c - Speaks
21) We always...............the truth.

a - Tell
b - Speak
c - Say
I ...............them I was going to
Australia. a - Told
b - Tell

He........his wife he had had an affair with her

best friend. a - Said
b - Told c
- Spoke
.......me the truth please.
a - Say
b - Speak
c - Tell
They.......................that it was very cold in
Disneyland Paris. a - Said
Sayd c
- Told
He ...........to the waiter that the wine was not
very good. a - Told
b - Said
c - Sayd
a - Said
b - Say
c - Told
She always......us the story of her childhood in
Salinas. a - Tell
b -
Tells c
- Says
It is not easy to.........how it all began.
a - Say
b - Count
c - Speak
He ...........the secretary to send the
faxes. a - Told
b - Said
My mother ....... "Let's visit the cousins "
a - Said
b - Told
c - Sayd
I know two twin sisters in the Plaza Mayor who are
very difficult to...................one from the other.
a - Tell
b -
c - Mutter

Life is not easy. You can never..........what is going to

happen. a - Say
b - Tell
c - Knows
When I went to England, a friend .....................me
my fortune. a - Said
b - Told
c - Explaind
"It has been the best day of my life "......my sister.
a - Told
b - Said
c - Gueses
The teacher......to the class that they should
work more. a - Said
b - Told
c - Manded
It goes without........
a - Telling
b - Saying
c - Explainig


1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. B 18. B 19. C 20. B
21. A 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. A
31. A 32. A 33. B 34. B 35. B 36. A 37. B

Estos dos verbos comparten el significado de hacer y para cuyo uso no
existen reglas aunque to make tiene el matiz de fabricar, construir y to
do se emplea con un sentido más general. Por lo tanto se deben
aprender ciertas expresiones.


Everybody makes mistakes. I always do the ironing.

Todo el mundo comete errores. Siempre plancho.

He is always making friends. How do you do?

Siempre está haciendo amigos. ¿Cómo estás?

He makes a lot of noise. I do the cooking.

Hace mucho ruido. Cocino.

I´m going to make you my last

offer. We do business with Japan.
Te voy a hacer mi última oferta. Hacemos negocios con Japón.

His son is doing badly at

I make many telephone calls. university.
Yo hago muchas llamadas. A su hijo le va mal en la universidad.

I make the beds in the morning. He does well in his job.

Hago las camas por la mañana. Lo hace bien en su trabajo.

Make me a promise. I do the dusting on Tuesday.

Prométemelo. Quito el polvo los martes.

She is making coffee. My sister does the washing up.

Está preparando café Mi hermana lava los platos.

She made a fortune in Cuba. She did her hair yesterday.

Hizo una fortuna en Cuba. Se arregló el pelo ayer.

These shoes are made in Elda. She does the housework.

Estos zapatos están hechos en Elda. Ella hace las tareas del hogar.

They have made a lot of money. We do the shopping on Saturday.

Han hecho mucho dinero. Hacemos la compra el sábado.

They made a good choice. They did me a favour.

Hicieron una buena elección. Me hicieron un favor.

They made fun of the new pupil. This will do you good.
Se rieron del nuevo alumno. Esto te sentará bien.

They made us wait. This pill won’t do you any harm.

Nos hicieron esperar. Esta pastilla no te hará mal.

We made a complaint yesterday. I will do the cleaning.

Nos quejamos ayer. Haré la limpieza.

We made sure everything was

OK. Everyday I do the washing.
Nos aseguramos de que todo estaba Cada día hago la colada.

You have to make a decision. Englishmen do the gardening on

Tienes que decidirte. Sunday
Los ingleses arreglan el jardín los
You will have to make an effort. He doesn’t do any exercise.
Tendrás que hacer un esfuerzo. No hace nada de ejercicio.

Make arrangements, we are

going to She is doing up the house.
Paris. Está decorando la casa.
Haz los preparativos, nos vamos a

The Mayor made a good speech.

El alcalde hizo un buen discurso.

Make up your mind and buy the

Decídete y cómprate el piso.

They made love.

Hicieron el amor.

They made war.

Hicieron la guerra.

1) What is she.....................in summer?
a - Making
b - Does
c - Doing
2) Is there anyhing to.....................here in this city?
a - Do
b - Make
c - Making
3) I hate ........................the housework.
a - Doing
b - Making
c - Do
4) I am .........................my exercises now.
a - Doing
b - Making
c - Does
5) I always.....................my bed.
a - Make
b - Do
c - Doing
6) They were....................a fire yesterday.
a – Made
b - Making
c - Doing
7) If you want to................progress you have to study a lot.
a - Made
b - Make
c - Do
8) The first thing that you must.....................is your homework.
a - Do
b - Make
c - Does
9) I never..................coffee.
a - Do
b - Make
c - Does
10) I prefer...................the shopping.
a - Doing
b - Making
c - Diding
11) Elena always.....................the ironing.

a - Does
b - Makes
c - To make
12) You have to......................room for another desk.
a - Do
b - Make
c - Does
13) They always...................so much noise!!!
a - Make
b - Do
c - Does
14) He ............a very good speech in Novelda about Gaudí.
a - Made
b - Did
c - Do
15) Why don't we.....................a cake?
a - Do
b - Make
c - Does
16) They..................friends very soon.
a - Do
b - Make
c - Does
17) Hippies said. "...............love not war "
a - Do
b - Make
c - Does
18) I was................the washing up when my boss phoned me.
a - Doing
b - Making
c - Diding
19) It will ............you good to go to the beach.
a - Do
b - Make
c - Does
20) You must .........it for us.
a - Make
b - Makes
c - Made
21) I'm ..............the Christmas cake.
a - Making

b - Doing
c - Madeing
22) .................sure you have everything you need.
a - Is
b - Make
c - Do

23) All right, but .........sure you put plenty of suncream on or you
will get burnt.
a - Do
b - Are
c - Make
24) I'm going to ....................coffee.
a - Made
b - Do
c - Make
25) You should ......an effort now.
a - Make
b - Do
c - Made
26) People ...........a lot of money selling shoes to The USA in the
a - Made
b - Make
c - Did
......sure everything is in
order. a - Make
b - Do
c - Is
28) I have................the decision of going back to teaching again.
a - Do
b - Done
c - Made
29) She is always........................friends.
a - Doing
b - Made
c - Making
30) My daughters..................so much noise!
a - Do
b - Make
c - Making
I............some cakes for my
guests. a - Did

b - Made
c - Maded
32) What are you..................? -Just reading the paper.
a - Making
b - Doing
c - Make
33) The doctor always .................wait a lot.
a - Does
b – Makes
c - Making


1. C 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. B 23. C 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. B
31. B 32. B 33. B

Las oraciones exclamativas pueden tener alguna de las siguientes

What a. What a yacht.

Se usa con sustantivos. Qué yate.

También con adjetivos What a pretty girl.

Qué chica tan guapa.

What. What pretty girls.

Se usa con plurales e incontables. Qué chicas tan guapas.

What horribe films.

Qué películas más malas.

What weather.
Qué tiempo.

How. How beautiful.

Se usa con adjetivos y adverbios. Qué guapa.

How fast.
Qué rápido.

Oraciones interrogativas
negativas. Isn’t he the perfect
football player?
¿No es él el perfecto
jugador de fútbol?

Describen situaciones hipotéticas. Podemos distinguir básicamente tres
tipos de oraciones condicionales: el primer tipo plantea situciones
reales. El segundo, indica hipótesis, deseos difíciles de conseguir pero
posibles. El tercer tipo, hace referencia a situaciones e hipótesis irreales
e imposibles en el pasado, imposibles de conseguir.


Acciones probables que Acciones improbables y Acciones imposibles.

se refieren al presente o situaciones hipotéticas.
al futuro.
Si llueve me mojo. Si lloviera me mojaría. Si hubiera llovido me
habría mojado.

No importa qué oración se pone primero, pero sí la condición es la primera

se deben separar entre comas.

If you play tennis, buy good tennis shoes.

Si juegas al tenis, cómprate una buenas zapatillas.

Primer tipo: If + presente +

presente. If I eat chocolate, I get fat.
También podemos tener: Si como chocolate engordo.
If + presente + futuro.
If I eat chocolate, I will get fat.
Si como chocolate engordaré.

Segundo tipo: If + pasado simple

+ If I ate chocolate, I would get fat.
conditional simple. Si comiera chocolate engordaría.

Tercer tipo: If + pasado perfecto If I had eaten chocolate, I would

+ have
condicional perfecto. get fat.
Si hubiera comido chocolate habría

En el primer tipo se trata de una referencia al futuro donde cualquiera de
las dos acciones puede ir en primer lugar. Indica verdades universales y
consecuciones lógicas de acontecimietos. Son acciones que pueden

If he doesn’t pay, he’ll have to face the music.

Si no paga, tendrá que afrontar las consecuencias.

Existen otras posibles combinaciones:

If + presente + modal. If I finish early I can go.

Si acabo pronto podré ir.

Should you see her give her

should + imperativo. my
Si la ves, dale recuerdos.

Imperativo + conjunction + clause Stop shouting or I will get angry.

Para de gritar o me enfadaré.

Unless se suele emplear en lugar de

if We won’t go out unless you pay.
not. No nos iremos a menos de que

If you are hungry, eat

Con imperativo. something !
Si tienes hambre, come.
Travel the world if you want to
be wise.
Si quieres ser sabio, viaja.

Cualquiera de las dos oraciones puede ir colocada en primer lugar, pero si

la subordinada que empieza con if va la primera, debe ir seguida de

Las oraciones del segundo tipo expresan acciones que pueden

Expresan deseos y anhelos.

If el Fari came here, I would ask for an autograph.

Si el Fari viniera le pediría un autográfo.

También se usan para dar consejos.

If I were you, I wouldn’t go out with him.
Yo de tí no iría con él.

Were se puede usar en lugar de was. No hay diferencia en el significado,

pero were es más formal, y se usa para posibilidades remotas:

If I were rich, I would not buy a yacht.

Si fuera rico no me compraría un yate.

También expresan esperanzas y deseos.

If I could, I would go to Mexico.

Si pudiera, iría a Méjico.

Este tipo suele referirse al presente.

Could y might se pueden usar en lugar de would.

Las oraciones del tercer tipo hacen referencia a acciones imposibles de

realizar, pues son hipótesis en el pasado, lamentos, etc.

If I had met her, I would have told you.

Si la hubiera visto, te lo habría dicho.


Suppose you are rich, would you
Suppose. live
in a big house?
Suponiendo que fueras rico, ¿Vivirías
en una casa grande?
Suppose he comes, would you
Supón que viene, ¿le visitarías?

Supposing you find a wallet

Supposing. with
money, what will you do?
Suponiendo que encuentras una
cartera con dinero, ¿Qué harías?

You could go as long as you pay

As long as. your
Podrás ir mientras pagues tu parte.
On the condition that you pay
On the condition that. you can
be with us.
Con la condición de que pagues
puedes estar con nosotros.

Provided you want it I will give it

Provided. to you.
Si lo quieres te lo daré.

1) If you eat all these cakes you...............................................ill.
a - Are
b - Will be
c - Is
2) If I want to go with you I ...............................................you
a - Would telephone
b - Will telephone
c - Had telephoned
3) If you had read Mortadelo you.........a good time.
a - Would have had
b - Will have had
c - Will had have
4) If you clean my bike I .............................you to go to the
a - Invites
b - Invite
c - Invited
5) I .........................you my car if you pay the petrol.
a - Would lend
b - Will lending
c - Lend
6) If you say that again she...........................................crossed
with you.
a - Is
b - Will be
c - Would be
7) Unless you study everyday you ....................................able to
pass the exam.
a - Would not be
b - Will not be
c - Shall be not
8) If you put ice in the sun it..............................................to
a - Turn
b - Turns
c - Turning
9) If the house...........................................on fire call the
a - Go
b - Going
c - Goes
10) If you...........................................this one I'll bring you
a - Doesn't like
b - Didn't like
c - Don't like
11) British people .....................................to Alicante because of
the climate.

a - Come
b - Comes
c – Coming

12) If I had money I.........................................a new computer

and a Harley.
a - Will buy
b - Would buy
c - Would bought
13) If he ...............................................eating chocolates he will
get fat.
a - Don't stop
b - Doesn't stop
c - Didn't stop
14) If I ................................................studied I would get a
better job.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Had
15) If it ............more we could grow more trees.
a - Rain
b - Rained
c - Raining
16) If I had known that you wanted to eat out I ......to book a table
in a
a - Will has telephoned
b - Would have telephoned
c - Will have telephone
17) I.............................you something if I had known that you
wanted a drink.
a - Would have brought
b - Had brought
c - Will bring
18) If I had known that you had a new house I..............................to
visit you.
a - Will have gone
b - Would have gone
c - Would have went
If the boss had been a good one, this shop.................................
a - Wouldn't have closed
b - Would has closed
c - Will have close
20) If you had studied more you.......................................your
degree last year.
a - Would have got
b - Would has got
c - Will had got

21) If you...........................here this morning you would have seen
my new car.
a - Had been
b - Had being
c - Had be
22) If I had bought lottery yesterday, today
a - Would have being
b - Will have been
c - Would have been
If they had offered him to be the President of the club
a - Would have accepted
b - Will have accepted
c - Had accepted
24) If I had known that they were in Elda l...............them to have
lunch in La
a - Willl have invited
b - Would have invited
c - Had invited
If I had known that Penelope Cruz was invited to this party I
a - Would have come
b – Have tohave came
c - Will had come
If I had know that Benidorm had so many discoes I.......................
a - Would has gone b
- Would have went c
- Would have gone
27) If you ........the bean, it means you are going to pay "the
roscón ".
a - Find
b - Found
c - Had found
28) Well, you have to study a lot, if you ...........to get into a good
a - Want
b - Wanted
c - Wants
29) Don't ring ...........................there is anything you need.
a - Unless
b - Or
c - Both
30) If I could, I ......................go to Continente with you, darling.
a - Went
b - Must
c - Would
What ....................if you won the
lottery? a - You do
b - Would you do
c - Had you done
If I were you, I .............work in that bank
anymore. a - Would
b - Wouldn't
c - Can
If I were you I ........buy the house
today. a - Will
Would c -

If you study, you...............pass all the subjects with

flying colours. a - Will
b - Can c
- Would
If you ...............worried, tell your mother about it.
a - Were
b - Are
c - Had been
If you................earlier tonight, we could go to the
cinema. a - Come
b - Came
c - Comes
If I ............too much chocolate I get fat.
a - Eat
b - Ate
c - Would eat
......he rich he would buy a
Mercedes. a - Was
Were c -
......you tell me the truth you will be
punished. a - As long as
b - Unless
c - In order to
I paid a lot of money......that you repaired
my car. a - On condition that
b - With the condition that

c - At the condition of
......you pay there is no
problem. a - As long as
b - So
long c -
With as
.........Antonio had won the elections what would have
happened? a - Suppose
b -
Supponing c -
........that Pepe were rich he would not be here.
a - Provides
b - Provided
c - Providind
..........Manolo the Mayor, nothing of this kind would
happen. a - Is
b - Are
c - Were


1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C
11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. B 16. B 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. C
31. B 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. A
41. A 42. C 43. B 44. C

Se usa para resaltar más la acción que el sujeto. Puede que
desconozcamos al autor de la acción o que no nos interese.

La voz pasiva en inglés se usa mucho más que en castellano. Se forma con
el auxiliar to be en el mismo timepo que el verbo de la forma activa y el
participio pasado del verbo que se conjuga.

En la transformación a pasiva se produce un cambio de sujeto, que

lógicamente, debemos hacer concordar con el verbo.

Presente Simple

I eat bread with olive oil. Bread with olive oil is eaten.
El pan con aceite es

Pasado Simple

I ate bread with olive oil. Bread with olive oil was
El pan con aceite fue

Futuro Simple

A car will be
I will buy a car. bought.
Un coche será comprado.

Condicional Simple

I would eat a sandwich. A sandwich would be eaten.

Un bocadillo será comido.

Presente Perfecto

I have made a photograph. A photograph has been

Una fotografía ha sido


I had found a wallet. A wallet had been found.

Se había encontrado una

Futuro Perfecto

I will have seen the sea. The sea will have been seen.
El mar habrá sido visto.

Condicional Perfecto

A Cadillac would have been

I would have bought a bought.
Cadillac. Un Cadillac habrá sido comprado.

Usamos la preposición by para indicar el complemento agente

It was done by my mother.

Fue hecho por mi madre.

Los siguientes verbos llevan complemento directo e indirecto. Con estos

verbos se puede usar el complemento indirecto como sujeto al
transformar las oraciones a pasiva. Esto no ocurre en español.

Give. Lend. Offer. Pay.

Dar. Prestar. Ofrecer. Pagar.

Promise. Refuse. Send. Show.

Prometer. Negarse a. Enviar. Mostrar.

I gave Mary a kiss. Mary was given a kiss.

Le dieron un beso a María.

I showed my friend my house. My friend was shown my house.

A mi amiga le fue enseñada la casa.

Si el complemento es un pronombre complemento. Him, them, her, etc.,

en la oración pasiva, éste complemento pasará a la forma de sujeto.

He gave her a rose. She was given a rose.
Se le dio una rosa.

También se suelen usar los siguientes verbos en estructuras pasivas:

To know. To believe. To think. To consider. To say.

Saber. Creer. Pensar. Considerar. Decir.

It is said that he is going to be promoted.

Se dice que le van a ascender.
The book ..........by Emilio
Maestre. a - Was write
b - Was written c
- Was to written
Those pictures .....................by my
mother. a - Were taken
b - Took
c -
The streets ...........decorated.
a - Are
b - Is
c - Will
Shoes are traditionally .............with
leather. a - Made
b - Makes
c - Mades
Ham in Spain is .......as a starter.
a - Eat
b - Eaten
c - Ate
I was........a very nice present in my last
birthday. a - Gave
b - Given
c - To
The boy is .........Pepet and his sister María.
a - Calles
b - Called
c - Calling
8) "The Roscón " has things ..........in it.

a - Hide
b - Hid
c - Hidden
It's very difficult to get ...............in a
school like that. a - Accept
b - Accepted
c - Accpeting
When we stay up late studying we phone and have one pizza ..........
a - Delivered
b - Deliveres
My brother-in-law Jesus wrote this article. It ...................by him.
a - Is witten
b - Was wrlte
c - Was written

Plaza Mayor .......in

1996. a - Was built
b - Will be
built c - Built
Barcelona scored seven goals yesterday. All ........by
Ronaldo. a - Were scored
b - Scored
c - Will be scored
She's .........to watch TV on Friday.
a - Allowed
b - Alloweed
c - Alowed
All the shoes were........during the shoe fair
in Milan. a - Sell
b - Sold
Many boxes are..........due to bad handling.
a - Damaged
b - Damage
c - Damaging
People from Elda are........to be very
hardworking. a - Say
b -
Says c
- Said
The best shoes are......here in Elda.

a - Make
b - Making
c - Made
The fire was......by an electrical
fault. a - Causing
b - Causes
c - Caused
The leathers were.........from Italy as
usual. a - Import
Importted c
- Imported
Hotels for the shoe fairs must be......well in
advance. a - Book
Booked c -
Someone has......................the book from
the library. a - Steal
b - Stole

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. A
11. C 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. C 19. C 20. C
21. B 22. C

Para contar lo que dijo alguien, podemos hacerlo de dos maneras,
repitiendo las palabras exactas, o usando el estilo indirecto.

Como se utiliza para contar lo que sucedió, los verbos suelen ir en pasado.

En estilo indirecto la frase suele empezar con un verbo como:

Say. Tell. Ask. Inquire. Think.

Decir Contar. Preguntar. Solicitar. Pensar.

Explain. Complain. Warn. Point out. Remark.

Explicar. Quejarse. Advertir. Señalar. Remarcar.

Declare. State. Announce. Protest. Claim.

Declarar. Afirmar. Anunciar. Protestar. Reclamar.

El tiempo de lo narrado da un salto hacia atrás y las preguntas dejan de

serlo. También debemos de tener en cuenta una serie de cambios: en
expresiones temporales, en los tiempos verbales y en los pronombres.

Presente Simple. Pasado Simple.

I live in Elda. He said he lived in Elda.

Presente Continuo. Pasado Continuo.

I am reading a book. He said he was reading a book.

Presente Perfecto Simple. Pasado Perfecto Simple.

I have bought a car. He said he had bought a car.

Presente Perfecto Continuo. Pasado Perfecto Continuo.

He said he had been working

I have been working with him. with
Pasado Simple. Pasado Perfecto.

I went to London. He said he had gone to London.

Pasado Continuo. Pasado Perfecto Continuo.

He said he had been writing a

I was writing a letter. letter.

Pasado Perfecto. Pasado Perfecto.

I had been there. He said he had been there.

Pasado Perfecto Continuo. Pasado Perfecto Continuo.

He said he had been waiting for

I had been waiting for you. him.

Futuro Simple. Condicional Simple.

He said he would live in

I will live in Alicante. Alicante.

Futuro Continuo. Condicional Continuo.

He said he would be singing

I will be singing in a karaoke. in a

Can. Could.

I can swim. He said he could swim.

Shall. Should.

I shall do it. He said he should do it.

May. Might.

It may rain today. He said it might rain that day.

Must. Have To. Had To.

I must study. He said he had to study.

Now. Then.

I am happy now. He said he was happy


Today. That day.

I am sad today. He said he was sad that day.

Yesterday. The day before, The previous day.

He said he had gone to Madrid

Yesterday I went to Madrid. the
previous day.

Tomorrow. The next day.

The following day.
The day after.

He said he would go to Valencia

I will go to Valencia tomorrow. the
day after.

Next week. The following week.

He said he would be in Milan

Next week I will be in Milan. the
following week.

Last week. The previous week.

I cooked paella last week. He said he had cooked the
previous week.

A Week Ago. The Week Before.

A week ago I played tennis in He said he had tennis

Almeria. played in
Almería the week

This. That.

He said he was going to buy

I am going to buy this. that.

These. Those.

He said that those were his

These are my friends. friends.

Here. There.
I live here. He said he lived there.

Now. Then.

He said that then he wanted a

Now I want a coffee. coffee.

Las ordenes tambien sufren modificaciones: Debemos cambiar el

imperativo por infinitivo

Go out. He told us to go out.

Nos dijo que nos fueramos.

Drink the mik. He ordered me to drink the milk.

Me ordenó que me bebiera la leche.

Go out. He invited me to go out.

Me invitó a que saliera.

Las órdenes negativas generalmente se expresan con not + infinitive.

Don’t smoke in the corridor. He ordered us not to smoke in

the corridor.
Nos ordenó que no fumaramos en el

Las sugerencias con let’s se intoducen con el verbo suggest que puede
tener dos construcciones. Seguido de gerundio o con una oración
subordinada introducida por that.

Let’s take a taxi. He suggested taking a taxi.

Él sugirió coger un taxi.
He suggested that we should
take a
Sugirió que deberíamos coger un

En las preguntas, además de cambiar los tiempos se omite el signo de

interrogación y se usa el orden de la afirmativa.

What does she do? He asked what she did.

El preguntó qué hacía.

He asked me when I had

When did you go to Petrel? gone to
Me preguntó cuándo había ido yo a

Cuando en el estilo directo se hagan preguntas, en el indirecto debemos

utilizar inquire, wonder, want to know, etc.

Where's Mary? He asked where Mary was.

Me preguntó dónde estaba María.

He asked me how he could go

How can I go to Elche? to
Me preguntó cómo podría ir a Elche.

He wanted to know why I

Why do you smoke? smoked.
El quería saber por qué fumaba yo.

Cuando no empleemos un pronombre interrogativo usaremos if o


Is anyone interested in coming?

¿Está alguien interesado en venir?

He asked whether anyone was interested in going.

El preguntó si alguien estaba interesado en ir.
 En inglés se puede usar como

Sujeto de una oración. Swimming is very good.

La natación es muy buena.

Complemento directo. I like reading the paper.

Me gusta leer el periódico.

Con ciertos verbos. I avoid going out at night alone.

Evito salir solo por la noche.

I keep on dancing on Saturday.

Sigo bailando el sábado.

En prohibiciones. No cycling.
Prohibido ir en bicicleta.

Detrás de las preposiciones. I gave up smoking in 1998.

Dejé de fumar en 1998.

Detrás de after, before, since, when, Before eating I have a coke.

while. Antes de comer tomo una coca-cola.

After eating I sleep siesta.

Después de comer duermo la siesta.

1) There's sure ................a long line for the concert.
a - To be
b - To have
c - There is
2) Wasn't it worth .................all those cars?
a - Washing
b - Wash
c - Washed
...............in a pub or a pizzeria is good
for me. a - Work
Working c
- Works
4) It was difficult at first..........to live alone in England.
a - Have
b - Has
c - Having
5) I don't mind ............the same clothes everyday.
a - Wearing
b - Wear
c - Weared
6) I hate going ............on Saturday.
a - Shops
b - Shopping
c - Shopper
7) I will get ............to living in Alicante very soon.
a - Use
b - Used
c - Uses
8) I just love ..............all the people and listening to the music.
a - Watching
b - Watch
c - Watched
9) I will not get ...........to living in England in winter.
a - Use
b - Using
c - Used
10) Imagine .........to work in the Sahara.
a - Have
b - Having
c - Has
11) I've got ...........to it.

a - Used
b - Use
c - Using

I am going to get ............to getting up early

willy nilly. a - Used
b - Use
I like........in the kitchen.
a - Help
b - Helping
c - To helping
My wife has never liked .........to the
opera. a - Gone
b - Going
c - Went
I like........
a - Read
b - To read
c - Reading
She hates.......
a - Wash
b -
Washing c -
I prefer......
a - Swimming
b - Swim
c - Going swim
I went to
England.............English. a -
To learn
b - Learn
c - Learning
My sister wants......a cottage.
a - To buy
b - Buy
c - Buying
They have nowhere........
a - To go
b - Go c
- Going
My sister is not easy .......

a - Convincing
b - To convince
c - Convince
May I.......
a - To go
b - Go c
- Went
Does she ......chocolate?
a - To like
Likeing c
- Like
Do........home now it's very
late! a - Go
b - To go
c - Goed
Paco Claros ........me laugh.
a - Makes
b - To make
c - To made
We'd rather.........home.
a - To stay
b - Stay c
- Staying
Why .......him about the
accident? a - To tell
b - Tell
c - Telling
My keys are ........found.
a - Be
b - To be
c - Beeing
There are many
letters........written. a - Be
b - To be
c -
I went to the disco.......
a - To dance
b - Dance
c - Dancing
My family couldn't...................to buy
a car. a - Afford

b - To afford
c - Affording
32) I ...............................to buy the house for a cuartelillo.
a - Agree
b - To agree
c - Agreeing
33) You ..................to go tomorrow to the meeting.
a - Are
b - Be
c – Was

34) I have decided .................a new bike.

a - Buying
b - Buy
c - To buy
35) They deserve.......................treated better.
a - Be
b - To be
c - Being
36) My brother happened .......................Paloma in the cinema.
a - Meet
b - To meet
c - Meeting
37) I have planned....................on holidays to Menorca In spring.
a - Go
b - To go
c - Going
38) She pretended not ........................them in the street.
a - To see
b - See
c - Seeing
39) I refused.............the bill because it was very expensive.
a - Paying
b - Pay
c - To pay
40) In court you must ........................the truth.
a - Swear
b - Swearing
c - To swear
41) Please remind me...................the new customers.
a - Call

b - Calling
c - To call
42) You had better...........................the car now. Next year the
prices will go up.
a - To buy
b - Buy
c - Buying
43) She can ............better than last year.
a - Swim
b - To swim
c - Swimming
44) He must......................hard if he wants o pass the exams.
a - To study
b - Study
c - Studying
45) She would rather........................the night in Alicante than in
a - Spent
b - Spend
c - Soending
46) Yo must avoid........................to him.
a - Speaking
b - To speak
c - Speak
47) He admitted.......................the jewels.
a - Stealing
b - Steal
c - To steal
48) We can't help.....................chocolate after lunch.
a - Eat
b - To eat
c - Eating
49) My sister hates..........................to the beach.
a - To go
b - Go
c - Going
50) I finished................the novel last summer.
a - Writing
b - To write
c - Write
51) I don't mind..........................to wait.
a - To have
b - Having

c - Have
52) She misses..........................to the mountains now that she is
a - Go
b - Goes
c - Going
53) I suggest.............................to a good restaurant.
a - To go
b - Going
c - Go
54) I am used to............................at night.
a - Drive
b - Driving
c - To drive
55) They boast of.............................the best beaches in the
a - Have
b - To have
c - Having
56) It consists of.............................many problems.
a - Solve
b - Solving
c - To solve
57) She dreams of.................................an actress.
a - Becoming
b - Become
c - To become
58) I gave up......................last year.
a - Smoking
b - To smoke
c - Smoke
59) They ended by...........that the goal was scored when the match
a - Say
b - Saying
c - To say
60) We are looking forward to........................to Madrid.
a - Going
b - To go
c - Go
Refrain from...........................
a - Smoke
c - To smoke
62) We are thinking of...........................a bigger flat.
a - Buy
b - To buy
c - Buying
63) I will never forget........................in London.
a - Walk
b - Walking
c - To walk


1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B
11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. A 19. A 20. A
21. B 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. B 29. B 30. A
31. A 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. A 39. C 40. C
41. C 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. C 49. C 50. A
51. B 52. C 53. B 54. B 55. C 56. B 57. A 58. A 59. B 60. A
61. B 62. C 63. B

 Se emplea

Detrás de algunos verbos: afford I learnt to drive in 1977.

(permitirse), agree (estar de
acuerdo), Aprendí a conducir en 1977.
learn (aprender), want (querer), wish
(desear), prepare (preparar).

Detrás de adjetivos como: sad,

ready, It is difficult to translate Latin.
easy. Es difícill traducir Latín.

It is sad to say
Es triste decirlo.

It is easy to memorize.
Es fácil de memorizar.

He has enough to live on his

Detrás de “enough”. own.
Tiene suficiente para vivir por su

They invited me to parade

Con: order, invite, tell, etc inVillena.
Me invitaron a desfilar en Villena.

Con los verbos modales. I can swim.

Sé nadar.

I must go.
Debo ir.

Como sujeto. To walk is good.

Andar es bueno.

Algunos verbos siempre van en gerundio y otros siempre van en infinitivo.
Otros como: advise (aconsejar), allow (permitir), permit
(permitir), begin (empezar), continue (continuar), intend (tener
la intención de), love
(amar), prefer (preferir), hate (odiar) etc, pueden ir seguidos de
gerundio o de infinitivo sin cambiar el significado.

I started smoking at 17.

Empecé a fumar a los 17.

I started to smoke at 17.

Empecé a fumar a los 17.

Otros, como: stop (parar), remember (recordar), forget (olvidar),

regret (lamentar), pueden ir seguidos tanto por un gerundio como
por un infinitivo, pero con sentidos diferentes.

Stop. I stopped to smoke.

Paré para fumar.

I stopped smoking.
Dejé de fumar.

Forget. I forgot to post the letter.

Olvidé echar la carta.
I will never forget visiting my
Nunca olvidaré visitar a mi tío.

Regret. I regret doing this.

Lamento hacer esto.

I regret to tell you this.

Lamento tener que decirte esto.

I remember swimming in the

Remember. lake.
Recuerdo cuando nadaba en el lago.

Remember to buy bread.

No te olvides de comprar el pan.

Try. I tried to buy it.

Intenté comprarlo.
I tried working as a lawyer but I
like it.
Intenté trabajar de abogado pero no
me gustaba.


Afford. Arrange. Care. Decide. Forget.

Permitirse. Preparar. Cuidar. Decidir. Olvidar.

Agree. Ask. Claim. Deserve. Hope.

Estar de Pedir. Reclamar. Merecer. Desear.
Appear. Beg. Consent. Expect. Manage.
Aparecer. Suplicar. Consentir. Esperar. Arreglarselas.

Mean. Offer. Pretend. Refuse. Remember.

Querer decir. Ofrecer. Fingir. Negar. Recordar.

Need. Stop. Swear. Wait. Want.

Necesitar Parar. Jurar. Esperar. Querer.

Seem. Wish.
Parecer. Desear.


Admit. Avoid. Dislike. Enjoy. Finish.

Admitir. Evitar. Disgustar. Disfrutar. Acabar.

Advise. Complete. Forget. Miss. Quit.

Aconsejar. Completar. Olvidar. Echar de Abandonar.
Anticipate. Delay. Regret. Resist. Understand.
Anticiparse. Retrasar. Lamentar. Resistir. Comprender.

Se utiliza para recabar información sobre el aspecto físico de alguien pues
para saber cómo es alguien de carácter usamos how.

What is your girlfriend like?

¿Cómo es físicamente tu chica?

She is very pretty.

Ella es muy guapa.

How is she?
¿Cómo está ella?

Very well, thank you.

Muy bien gracias.

Las siguientes estructuras nos serán de utilidad a la hora de formular

deseos, quejas etc.

Wish. I wish I had lived in America.

Expresa deseos, para su traducción
se Ojalá hubiera vivido en América.
debe usar el subjuntivo.
I wish you would be rich.
Ojalá fueras rico.

I wish you were quiet.

Ojalá te estuvieras quieto.
Would like. I would like to go to Paris.
Me gustaría ir a Paris.
I would like you to come with
Me gustaría que vinieras conmigo.

I would like a sandwich.

Me gustaría comerme un bocadillo.

Would prefer. I’d prefer a coffee.
Preferiría un café.

I would prefer to go with you.

Preferiría ir contigo.

Prefer. I prefer tea to coffee.

Prefiero el té al café.

I prefer swimming to running.

Prefiero nadar a correr.

I prefer to stay at home.

Prefiero quedarme en casa.

If only she would stop

If only. complaining.
Con tan sólo que dejara de quejarse.
If only he would do what he has
to do.
Con tan sólo que hiciera lo que tiene
que hacer.

Would rather. I’d rather not go.

Preferiría no ir.

I’d rather not go now.

Preferiría no ir ahora.

Had better. I had better go to have a drink.

Preferiría ir a tomar una copa.

It's time. It's time to eat.

Es hora de comer.

It's time for us to eat.

Es hora de que comamos.

It's time we ate.

Es hora de que comamos.

It's about time. It’s about time he came.

Ya es hora de que venga.

Used to. He used to drink quite a lot.

Él solía beber mucho.

I used to wear glasses, but now I
contact lenses.
Yo solía llevar gafas pero ahora uso

To be used to. I am used to reading the paper.

Estoy acostumbrado a leer el

Enough. I have enough money.

Tengo suficiente dinero.

I am rich enough.
Soy lo suficientemente rico.

She is too old to climb the

Too. mountain.
Es demasido vieja para subir las

Fairly. He speaks English fairly well.

Él habla inglés bastante bien.

Quite. He speaks English quite well.

Él habla inglés muy bien.

Rather. He speaks English rather well.

Él habla inglés muy bien.

Pretty. He speaks English pretty well.

Él habla inglés muy bien.

Esta estructutura se usa para indicar que el que realiza la acción no es el
sujeto sino otra persona. Se usan los verbos causativos have y get .
Indica acciones como cortarse el pelo, hacerse un empaste donde
lógicamente el sujeto no se hace un empaste ni se corta el pelo, sino
que contrata un servicio.

I have my hair cut every month.

Me corto el pelo cada mes.

I have my car repaired when it breaks down.

Me reparan el coche cuando se estropea.

Esta estructura se puede usar en todos los tiempos.

En la interrogrativa y negativa utilizan los auxiliares, do, does, did.

Did you have your tooth fill?

¿Te hicieron un empaste?

Do you have your carpets cleaned every year?

¿Te limpian las alfombras cada año?

Muchos verbos ingleses van acompañados de preposiciones o adverbios.
Si observamos por ejemplo el verbo look y sus posibles combinaciones
nos daremos cuenta de que en muchos casos nos sería difícil averiguar
el significado.

I'm looking for a new job.

Estoy buscando empleo.

I am going to look up a word in the dictionary.

Voy a buscar una palabra en el diccionario.

We are looking forward to the festivities.

Estamos esperando con deseo que lleguen las fiestas.

Los verbos con preposición se pueden dividir en: separables e

inseparables. Serán separables si podemos colocar los complementos
entre el verbo y la preposición.

I am going to put my coat on.

Me voy a poner la chaqueta.

I am going to put on my coat.

Me voy a poner la chaqueta.

Algunos ejemplos con el verbo to come.

across. Come along. Come off. Come out.

Encontrarse. Venir. Desprenderse. Publicar.

Algunos ejemplos con to get .

Get on. Get up. Get over. Get into. Get at.

Llevarse bien. Levantarse. Recuperarse. Entrar. Llegar.

Look up. Look after. Look forward Look for. Look into.

Mirar el Cuidar. Esperar con Buscar. Investigar.
significado de deseo.
una palabra
en el


Muchos verbos y adjetivos van siempre seguidos por una preposición:

He is always dreaming about

About. being
Siempre sueña con ser rico.

He is worried about the future.

Está preocupado por el futuro.

He is always looking after his

After. daughter.
Siempre cuida a su hija.

At. He is good at Maths.

Es bueno en matemáticas.

He is bad at History.
Es malo en historia.

Look at me please.
Mírame por favor.

Don’t shout at me.

No me chilles.

For. I am ready for the party.

Estoy listo para la fiesta.
He is responsible for the
Es responsable de los daños.

In. I believe in God.

Creo en Dios.

Of. He is fond of running.

Le gusta correr.

She is afraid of spiders.

Le asustan las arañas.

She is proud of her daughter.

Está orgullosa de su hija.

This consists of three parts.

Tiene tres partes.

I will remind him of his duties.

Le recordaré sus obligaciones.

On. That depends on you.

Eso depende de ti.

He insisted on going.
Insistió en ir.

To. He was married to Helen.

Estaba casado con Helen.

He was polite to the old man.

Fue educado con el viejo.

You must listen to me.

Debes escucharme.

With. He was angry with me.

Estaba enfadado conmigo.

I was satisfied with the work.

Estaba satisfecho con el trabajo.

I agree with you.

Estoy de acuerdo contigo.

Normalmente se usan en el lenguaje hablado. Recuerda que “-s” puede
corresponder a to be o to have pero sólo seguido de got o participio.

He’s a boy. He is a boy

Él es un chico

He’s got a car. He has got a car.

Él tiene un coche.

Del mismo modo “-d” puede ser la contracción de had o would.

I’d gone there. I had gone there.

Yo había ido.

I’d like to go. I would like to go.

Me gustaría ir.

I’m. I am.

I’ve. I have.

I’ll. I will.

I’d. I had o I would.

You’re. You are.

You’ve. You have.

You’ll. You will.

You’d. You had o you would.

He’s. He is o he has.

He’ll. He will.

He’d . He had o he would.

She’s. She is o she has.

She’ll. She will.

She’d . She had o she would.

It’s. It is o it has.

It’ll. It will.

It’d. It had o it would.

We’re. We are.

We’ve. We have.

We’ll. We will.

We’d. We had o we would.

They’re. They are.

They’ve They have.

They’ll. They will.

They’d. They had o they would.

Let’s. Let us.

Isn’t. Is not.

Aren’t. Are not.

Wasn’t. Was not.

Weren’t. Were not.

Don’t. Do not.

Doesn’t. Does not.

Didn’t. Did not.

Haven’t. Have not.

Hasn’t. Has not.

Hadn’t. Had not.

Can’t. Can not.

Couldn’t. Could not.

Won’t. Will not.

Wouldn’t. Would not.

Shan’t. Shall not.

Shouldn’t. Should not.

Oughtn’t. Ought not.

Mustn’t. Must not.

Needn’t. Need not.

Mightn’t. Might not.

Daren’t. Dare not.

El plural de las palabras que terminan en “-y” se forma cambiando la "-y"
por "-ies" cuando va precedida de consonante.

Lady. Ladies.

City. Cities.

Si la “-y” va precedida de vocal no se producen cambios.

Boy. Boys.

Day. Days.

Lo mismo sucede a los verbos que acaban en “-y” al formar la tercera

persona del singular del presente de indicativo.

Carry. He carries.

Study. She studies.


Play. Mary plays.


Annoy. John annoys.


Las palabras que terminan en “-s”, “-ss”, “-zz”, “-sh”, “-x” añaden “-es”
para formar el plural si son nombres o la tercera persona del singular si
son verbos.


Bus. Buses.


Glass. Glasses.

Dish. Dishes.

Church. Churches.


Pass. Passes.

Buzz. Buzzes.

Wash. Washes.

Fix. Fixes.

Algunos nombres acabados en “-o” añaden “-es” para formar el plural.

Potato. Potatoes.

Tomato. Tomatoes.

Piano. Pianos.

Biro. Biros.

El pasado y el Participio Pasado de los verbos regulares se froman

añadiendo “-ed” al infinitivo. Solo se añade “-d” si el verbo acaba en “-

Answer. Answered.

Listen. Listened.

Ask. Asked.

Live. Lived.

Practise. Practised.

Love. Loved.

Si el verbo acaba en “-y” precedido de consonante se cambia por “-ied”. Si

acaba en vocal se añade “-ed”.

Carry. Carried.

Study. Studied.

Play. Played.

Die. Died.

Dye. Dyed.

Al añadir “-ing” al infinitivo la “-e” desaparece excepto en dye.

Live. Living.

Practise. Practising.


Dye. Dyeing.

Cuando el verbo acaba en “-ie” la “-i” se convierte en “-y”.

Die. Dying.

Lie. Lying.

Cuando los verbos acaban en “-y” se añade “-ing”.

Try. Trying.

Study. Studying.

Play. Playing.

Buy. Buying.

Al añadir cualquier sufijo “-ful”, “-ness”, “-er”, “-est”, la “-y” se convierte

en “-i”.

Beauty. Beatiful.

Steady. Steadily.

Happy. Happiness.

Pretty. Prettiest.


Sly. Slyly.

Los adjetivos acabados en “-al”, doblan la “-l” al formar los adverbios.

Practical. Practically.

Economical. Economically.

Historical. Historically.

Lo mismo sucede con los acabados en “-ful”.

Beautiful. Beautifully.

Faithful. Faithfully.

Las siguientes palabras pierden una “-l” al tomar un sufijo

Skill. Skilful.

Well. Welcome.

Will. Wilful.

La terminación “-re” pertenece al inglés británico y “-er” al americano


Centre. Center.


Theatre. Theater.

La terminación “-our” pertenece al inglés británico y “-or” al americano


Favour. Favor.

Honour. Honor.

Colour. Color.

Algunas palabras cambian.

Británico Americano

Aerial. Antenna.

Angry. Mad.

Anywhere. Anyplace.
Cualquier parte.

Autumn. Fall.

Bill. Check.
Cuenta del restaurante.

Car park. Parking lot.


Chemist’s. Drugstore.

Film. Movie.

Holiday. Vacation.

Label. Tag.

Lorry. Truck.

Mad. Crazy.

Motorway. Freeway.

Nappy. Diaper.

Petrol. Gas.

Queue. Line.

Rubber. Eraser.

Shop. Store.

Single ticket. One way ticket.

Billete de ida.

Sunglasses. Shades.
Gafas de sol.

Sweets. Candy.

Taxi. Cab.

Tin. Can.

Trousers. Pants.

Underground. Subway.

Wire. Telegram.

Algunas palabras usan “-c” en el nombre y “-s” en el verbo


Advice. Advise.

Practice. Practise.

Licence. License.

Los monosilabos acabados en una sola consonante y precedidos de una

sola vocal, doblan la consonante final al añadir un sufijo.

Plan. Planning.

Dad. Daddy.

Let. Letting.

Beg. Beggar.

Sit. Sitting.


Put. Putting.

Fat. Fatter.

Star. Starring.

Stir. Stirring.

Fur. Furry.


Infinitivo Pasado Pasado Traducción
Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, presentarse
Be Was Were, Been Ser, estar
Bear Bore Borne Llevar, soportar
Beat Beat Beaten Batir, golpear, latir
Become Became Become Llegar a, ser, hacerse
Begin Began Begun Empezar
Bend Bent Bent Doblar
Bet Bet Bet Apostar
Bid Bade Bidden Mandar, ordenar
Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar
Bite Bit Bitten Morder
Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar
Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Break Broke Broken Romper
Bring Brought Brought Traer
Build Built Built Edificar
Burn Burnt Burnt Arder, quemar
Burst Burst Burst Estallar
Buy Bought Bought Comprar
Catch Caught Caught Atrapar
Choose Chose Chosen Escoger
Come Came Come Venir
Cost Cost Cost Costar
Creep Crept Crept Arrrastrarse
Cut Cut Cut Cortar
Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar
Dig Dug Dug Cavar
Do Did Done Hacer
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar, sacar, tirar
Dream Dreamt Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Fall Fell Fallen Caer
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar,
Feel Felt Felt Sentir, palpar, tocar

Fight Fought Fought Luchar
Find Found Found Encontrar
Fling Flung Flung Lanzar
Fly Flew Flown Volar
Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
Freeze Froze Frozen Helar
Get Got Got Conseguir, obtener
Give Gave Given Dar
Go Went Gone Ir
Grow Grew Grown Crecer, cultivar
Hang Hung Hung Colgar
Have Had Had Haber, tener
Hear Heard Heard Oir
Hide Hid Hid Esconder
Hit Hit Hit Golpear
Hold Held Held Sostener, agarrar
Hurt Hurt Hurt Hacer daño, doler
Keep Kept Kept Guardar, conseguir
Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse
Know Knew Known Saber, conocer
Lay Laid Laid Poner
Lead Led Led Guiar
Leap Leapt Leapt Saltar
Learn Learnt Learnt Aprender
Leave Left Left Dejar, salir
Lend Lent Lent Prestar
Let Let Let Dejar, permitir
Lie Lay Lain Tumbarse
Light Lit Lit Iluminar
Lose Lost Lost Perder
Make Made Made Hacer
Mean Meant Meant Querer decir,
Meet Met Met Encontrar
Mow Mowed Mown Segar
Pay Paid Paid Pagar
Put Put Put Poner
Quit Quit Quit Abandonar

Read Read Read Leer
Ride Rode Ridden Montar, cabalgar
Ring Rang Rung Sonar, tocar el timbre
Rise Rose Risen Levantarse
Run Ran Run Correr, dirigir un
Say Said Said Decir
See Saw Seen Ver
Sell Sold Sold Vender
Send Sent Sent Enviar
Set Set Set Poner, establecer
Sew Sewed Sewn Coser
Shake Shook Shaken Agitar
Shine Shone Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
Show Showed Shown Mostrar
Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse
Shut Shut Shut Cerrar
Sing Sang Sung Cantar
Sink Sank Sunk Hundir, sumergirse
Sit Sat Sat Sentarse
Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
Sling Slung Slunk Lanzar, tirar
Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear, hechizar
Spend Spent Spent Pasar el tiempo,
Spill Spilt Spilt Derramar
Spoil Spoilt Spoilt Estropear
Spread Spread Spread Extender
Stand Stood Stood Ponerse de pie
Steal Stole Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar
Sting Stung Stung Picar
Strike Struck Struck Golpear
Swear Swore Sworn Jurar
Swim Swam Swum Nadar
Take Took Taken Tomar, llevar
Teach Taught Taught Enseñar

Tear Tore Torn Rasgar
Tell Told Told Decir, contar
Think Thought Thought Pensar, creer
Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar
Understand Understood Understood Comprender
Wake Woke Woken Despertar
Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto, usar
Win Won Won Ganar un premio
Wind Wound Wound Dar cuerda al reloj
Write Wrote Written Escribir


A la hora de redactar un texto necesitarás usar palabras o expresiones

que te permitan unir ideas en forma de frases y organizar el texto.

Primero debes tener claro qué te piden y haz un esquema donde

aparezcan las ideas que quieres desarrollar. Usa un papel y anótalo
todo. Luego tacha las ideas que no te gusten y ordenalas y

Recuerda que puede ser una buena idea que la composición tenga tres
partes diferenciadas: introducción, desarrollo y conclusión.

A continuación encontrarás algunas expresiones que te pueden servir

para organizar tus ideas.

Para introducir.

In the first place. En primer lugar.

To begin. Para empezar.

First of all. Lo primero de todo.

It is obvious. Es óbvio que.

It is certain that. Es cierto que.

It is a commonly held belief

among Es una creencia bastante extendida
people that. entre la gente que.

It goes without saying that. Ni que decir tiene que.

A controversial question facing

our Un asunto controvertido que afecta
society is. a nuestra sociedad es.

Whether we like it or not. Nos guste o no.

As regards. Por lo que respecta.

Expresar opinión.

In my opinion. En mi opinion.

In my view. Tal y como yo lo veo.

Personally. Personalmente.

As far as I’m concerned. Por lo que a mí respecta.

From my point of view. Desde mi punto de vista.

I would like to point out a couple

of Me gustaría puntuaalizar un par de
things. aspectos.

I believe/consider/think. Creo que.

I feel very strongly that. Estoy convencido de.

I’m absolutely convinced that. Estoy absolutamente convencido de.

I’m inclined to believe that. Tiendo a pensar que.

I am totally opposed to. Estoy totalmente en desacuerdo con.

I am in favour of. Estoy a favor de.

I strongly disagree with. No estoy nada de acuerdo con.

It seems/ appears to me that. Me parece que.

There is no doubt that. No hay duda de que.

One thing that is sure is. Algo que es seguro es.

It is true that. Es cierto que.

I very much doubt that. Dudo mucho de que.

We should all have to take into Deberíamos tener en cuenta que.

account that.

Every now and then. De vez en cuando.

A favor y en contra.
One of the strongest arguments
in Uno de los argumentos mas sólidos a
favour of... Is that. favor de ...

On the other hand. Por otra parte.

There are several arguments Hay varios argumentos en contra

against... de...

Yet there is another side to the

picture. Aunque hay otros aspectos que se
deben tener en cuenta.

There is bitter controversy over. Existe gran controversia por lo que

respecta a.

On the one hand. Por una parte.

On the other hand. Por otra parte.

While there are many supporters

of the Mientras que hay mucha gente que
idea, there are also people who
have apoya esta idea, hay otros que
reservations about it. ciertas reservas.

There are valid arguments for... Hay argumentos muy validos a favor

There are also other good

reasons Aunque también existen buenas
against. razones en contra de.

...has both advantages and ...tiene tanto ventajas como

disadvantages. desventajas.

Para expresar la opinión de otros.

An increasing number of people Un gran número de personas cree
believe that. que.

Today many people are worried Hoy en día mucha gente está
about. preocupada con.
Half the population are in favour/ La mitad de la población está a
against of... favor/en contra de...

These people firmly believe Estas personas creen firmemente

that... en...

Para continuar.
In the second place. En segundo lugar.

Secondly. En segundo lugar.

Next. Después.

Besides. Además.

In addition. Además.

Apart from that. Además de.

Moreover. Y además.

What is more. Además.

Futhermore. Además.

Another aspect to be considered

can Otro aspecto para tener en cuanta
be. es.

Para expresar contraste.

On the one hand. Por una parte.

On the other. Por otra parte.

While. Mientras que.

Whereas. Mientras.

In spite of the fact that. A pesar de.

Although. Aunque.

In spite of. A pesar de.

However. Sin embargo.

Given the differences between. Teniendo en cuenta las diferencias


At the same time Al mismo tiempo

Para comparar.
At the same time. Al mismo tiempo.

Similarly. Del mismo modo.

Likewise. Del mismo modo.

Para expresar causa.

Because. Porque.

Because of. A causa de.

The main purpose of...is... El propósito principal es.

The reason is very simple. La razón es bien sencilla.

For this reason. Por esta razón.

Para expresar resultado.

Therefore. Por lo tanto.

As a result. Como resultado.

Consequently. Como consecuencia.

In consequence. En consecuencia.

Thus. Por lo tanto.

So. Así.

Para ejemplificar.
A good ilustration of this is. Un buen ejemplo de esto es.

Nothing could better demostrate

this Nada podría demostra esto mejor.

We have an obvious proof of this

in... Tenemos una prueba clara de esto
This is best exemplified by. Esto está muy bien explicado con.

This is best shown in the

following Esto se puede apreciar mucho mejor
example. con el siguiente ejemplo.

In other words. En otras palabras.

That is to say. Es decir.

For instance. Por ejemplo.

For example. Por ejemplo.

Para incluir datos y estadísticas.

Recent studies have found that. Estudios recientes han demostrado
Researches claim that. Los investigadores afirman que.

According to recent studies. Según estudios recientes

Para narrar.

When. Cuando.

While. Mientras que.

Before. Antes.

After. Después.

By the time. Por esas fechas.

During. Durante.

It all began when. Todo empezó cuando.

It all happened. Todo ocurrió.

Once upon a time. Érase una vez.

Suddenly. De repente

All of a sudden. De repente.

First. Al principio.

At first. Al principio.

Later. Más tarde.

Afterwards. Depués de todo.

Meanwhile. Mientras tanto.

In the meantime. Mientras.

Finally. Finalmente.

In the end. Al final.

Para concluir.
The conclusion to be drawn from this is La conclusión que podemos
sacar es.

We can conclude by saying that. Podemos concluir afirmando que.

To sum up. Para resumir.

Summing up. Resumiendo.

In brief. En breve.

In conclusion. Como conclusión.

In short. En breve.

Finally. Finalmente.

All this suggests that. Todo esto nos sugiere que.

We should all work elbow to

elbow in Creo que todos deberíamos trabajar
this respect. de forma conjunta en la misma
In conclusion. Como conclusión.

Although there are two sides to

a Aunque hay dos caras de la moneda
picture I believe that. yo tiendo a creer que.

All things considered, I am in

favour Teniendo en cuenta todos los
of/against... aspectos, estoy a favor/en contra de.

Lastly. Por último.

As was previously stated. Como ya se ha dicho.

Son palabras que pueden fácilmente inducir a error. Muchas son de origen
latino y han cambiado el significado. Un buen consejo es no dejarse llevar
por las apariencias y comprobar siempre el significado en el diccionario.
Pues en la lengua inglesa las apariencias engañan.

Abuse. Insultar.

Actually. En realidad.

Advertise. Anunciar.

To advise. Aconsejar.

Agenda. Orden del día.

Anxious. Nervioso. Deseoso.

Apology. Disculpa.

Apparent. Evidente.

Application. Solicitud.

Argument. Discusión.

To assist. Ayudar.

To assume. Asumir.

Avocado. Aguacate.

Cabinet. Gabinete de ministros, vitrina.

Career. Carrera.

Carpet. Alfombra.

Cartoon. Dibujos animados.

Casual. Informal.

Casualty. Baja militar.

Character. Personaje.

Collar. Cuello.

Collector. Coleccionista.

Complexion. Color de la piel.

Conductor. Cobrador de autobús. Director de

Conference. Congreso.

Conservatory. Invernadero.

Constipated. Estreñido.

Disgust. Asco.

Embarrassed. Avergonzado.

Eventually. Finalmente.

Exit. Salida.

Fabric. Tejido.

Firm. Empresa.

Idiom. Expresión idiomática.

Insane. Loco

Intoxicated. Borracho.

Large. Grande.

Parents. Padres.

Physician. Médico

Policy. Política

To presume. Suponer.

To pretend. Fingir.

Quiet. Callado.

Rare. Poco frecuente.

To remove. Quitar.

Sensible. Sensato.

Signature. Firma.

Spectacles. Gafas.

Suburb. Barrio residencial.

Success. Éxito.

Sympathy. Compasión.

To pretend. Fingir.

Tramp. Vagabundo.

Vicious. Malvado.

Saludos y Felicitaciones.

How do you do? How are you?

¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo estás?

Very well thank you. Fine thanks, and you?

Muy bien gracias. Bien y tú?

Good morning. Hi.

Buenos días. Hola.

Good afternoon. Congratulations.

Buenas tardes. Enhorabuena.

Good evening. So long.

Buenas tardes- noches. Hasta luego.

Good night. See you.

Buenas noches. Nos vemos.

Hello. Happy birthday.

Hola. Feliz cumpleaños.

Good bye. Happy Christmas.

Adiós. Feliz Navidad.

How are things? Well.

¿Cómo te van las cosas? Bien.

See you tomorrow. So long.

Hasta mañana. Hasta luego.

Happy anniversary. How is it going?

Feliz aniversario. ¿Cómo te va?

Up and down.
Así así.

Para dirigirse a un desconocido.

Excuse me. I beg your pardon.

Disculpe. Disculpe.


Peter, this is Mary. Mary, do you know Michael?

Pedro esta es María. ¿María, conoces a Miguel?

Let me introduce my friend Paul.

Permíteme que te presente a mi
amigo Pablo.

Cuando no entendemos algo bien

Can you repeat it please? Can you speak more slowly?

¿Puede repetirlo por favor? ¿Puede hablar más despacio?

I’m sorry I don’t understand

Lo siento, pero no lo entiendo.

Para preguntar la hora

Would you mind telling me the

time? What’s the time please?
Me dice la hora por favor? ¿Qué hora lleva?

Hablando por teléfono

Hello, could I speak to Manuel?

¿Hola, podría hablar con Manuel?

Para agradecer algo

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Gracias. Muchas gracias.

That’s very kind of you. Thanks.

Es muy amable por su parte. Gracias.

You’re welcome. Don’t mention it.

De nada. No hay de qué.

Expresiones de cortesía

Excuse me. Sorry

Disculpe. Lo siento

I beg your pardon.


A diferencia de en español en inglés se escriben en mayúsculas.

Wednesday Thursda
Monday. Tuesday. . y. Friday. Saturday. Sunday.
Lunes. Martes. Miércoles. Jueves. Viernes. Sábado. Domingo.

Día del
Día de la Tiw era un Día de Día de Frig era la Día de sol.
luna. dios de la Odín. Thor. esposa de Saturno.
guerra. Odín.

Easter. Whitsun. Halloween. Christmas day.
Pascua. Pentecostes. Día de navidad.

Boxing day. New year’s day. New year’s eve. eve.
26 de diciembre. Día de año nuevo. Nochevieja. Noche de san


Al igual que los días también se escriben en mayúsculas.

January. February. March. April.

Enero. Febrero. Marzo. Abril.

May. June. July. August.

Mayo. Junio. Julio. Agosto.

September. October. November. December.

Septiembre. Octubre. Noviembre. Diciembre.

Autumm. Fall
Spring. Summer. (USA) Winter
Primavera. Verano. Otoño. Invierno.

North. South. East. West.
Norte. Sur. Este. Oeste.

White. Black. Pink. Green
Blanco. Negro. Rosa. Verde.

Orange. Purple. Yellow. Red.

Naranja. Morado. Amarillo. Rojo.

Brown. Blue. Navy blue. Beige.

Marrón. Azul. Azul marino. Beige.

Chestnut. Colored. Grey. Lilac.

Castaño. Coloreado. Gris. Lila.

Blond. Dark.
Rubio. Oscuro.

Big. Cheap. Clean. Easy.
Grande. Barato. Límpio. Fácil.

Good. Long. Nice. Fair.

Bueno. Largo. Agradable. Justo.

Fat. Hot. Cold. Short.

Gordo. Caliente. Frio. Corto.

Angry. Happy. Ill. Thirsty.

Enfadado. Feliz. Enfermo. Sediento.


Aquarius. Pisces. Aries. Taurus.
Acuario. Piscis. Aries. Tauro.

Gemini. Cancer. Leo. Virgo.

Geminis. Cancer. Leo. Virgo.

Libra. Scorpio. Sagittarius. Capricorn.

Libra. Escorpio. Sagitario. Capricornio.

Usamos el verbo to be para indicar las horas junto a las siguientes

Para preguntar la hora usamos

What’s the time?

What time is it?
Could you tell me the time please?

O’clock. En punto. Proviene de la It is 8 o’clock.

expresión of the clock.

Half past. Y media. It is half past 9.

A quarter to. Menos cuarto. It is a quarter to 6.

A quarter past. Y cuarto It is a quarter past 7.

To. Menos It is twenty to 4.

Past. Y It is twenty past 4.

Usamos a.m y p.m para indicar antes del mediodía y después del
mediodía. También podemos usar

In the morning.
In the afternoon.
At night.
Midday= 12.00 am
Midnight= 24.00

Los horarios de los medios de transporte se rigen por el sistema de 24


I took the 18.30 plane to London.

One. Eleven.
Uno. Once.

Two. Twelve.
Dos. Doce.

Three. Thirteen.
Tres. Trece.

Four. Fourteen.
Cuatro. Catorce.

Five. Fifteen.
Cinco. Quince.

Six. Sixteen.
Seis. Dieciséis.

Seven. Seventeen.
Siete. Diecisiete.

Eight. Eighteen.
Ocho. Dieciocho.

Nine. Nineteen.
Nueve. Diecinueve.

Ten. Twenty.
Diez. Veinte.

Thirty. Eighty.
Treinta. Ochenta.

Forty. Ninety.
Cuarenta. Noventa.

Fifty. A hundred.
Cincuenta. Cien.

Sixty. A thousand.
Sesenta. Mil.

Seventy. A milion.
Setenta. Un millón.

Se usa un guión entre los números comprendidos entre el 21 y 99. A

partir del 100 se usará and.


One hundred and three.

Ciento tres.

En Estados Unidos 1 billón equivale a 1,000,000,000.

En Europa 1 billón equivale a 1,000,000,000,000.

Hundred, thousand, million y billion como son adjetivos no añaden “-s”

I paid three million pesetas in 2001 for a car.

Pagué tres millones de pesetas en el año 2001 por un coche.

Las fechas se indican de dos en dos

I was born in 1962.

Nací en en el año 1962.

My grandmother Berta was born in 1900.

Mi abuela Berta nació en (nineteen hundred). El 00 es hundred.

Los números de teléfono de uno en uno

My phone number is 965436789.

Mi número de teléfono es...

Se usa coma con los números: 1,000.

Se usa el punto con los decimales: 4.5.

En las horas se pueden usar uno o dos puntos: 3.45 o 3:45.

El 0 se pronncia /ou/

Con la excepción de first , second y third, los números ordinales se
forman añadiendo “-th” a los ordinales.

Existen algunos que sí que se ven modificados:

5th 8th 9th 12th 20th

Fifth. Eighth. Ninth. Twelfth. Twentieth.

First. Eleventh.
Primero. Undécimo.

Second. Twelfth.
Segundo. Duodécimo.

Third. Thirteenth.
Tercero. Decimotercero.

Fourth. Fourteenth.
Cuarto. Decimocuarto.

Fifth. Fiftteenth.
Quinto. Decimoquinto

Sixth. Sixteenth.
Sexto. Decimosexto.

Seventh. Seventeenth.
Séptimo. Decimoséptimo.

Eighth. Eighteenth.
Octavo. Decimoctavo.

Ninth. Nineteenth.
Noveno. Decimonoveno.

Tenth. Twentieth.
Décimo. Vigésimo.

En las decenas “y” cambia por “-ie”. Hundred, thousand y million añaden

Twenty. Thirty. Forty. Fifty. Sixty. Seventy.

Twentieth. Thirtieth. Fortieth. Fiftieth. Sixtieth. .


En fechas. November 30th.

Capítulos. Chapter III.

Monarcas. Juan Carlos I. ( The first)


1 ounce. 28,35 gramos.

1 pound. 454 gramos.

1 inch. 2,45 centímetros.

1 foot. 30 centímetros.

1 mile. 1.610 metros. Milla terrestre.

1 mile. 1.852 metros. Milla marina.

1 pint. 0,57 litros.

1 gallon. 4,54 litros.

1 stone 6’356 kilos.

12 inches = 1 foot. 30,48 centimetros.

3 feet = 1 yard. 91,44 centimetros.

1760 yards= 1 mile=. 1,61 kilometres.

16 ounces= 1 pound 0,454 kilos.


Brazil. Brazilian.

Britain. British.
Gran Bretaña.

Canada. Canadian.

China. Chinese.

Denmark. Danish.

Egypt. Egyptian.

Europe. European.

Finland. Finnish.

France. French.

Germany. German.

Greece. Greek.

Holland. Dutch.

Ireland. Irish.

Italy. Italian.

Japan. Japanese.

Mexico. Mexican.

Norway. Norwegian.

Poland. Polish.

Scotland. Scottish.

Spain. Spanish
España. Spaniard.

Portugal. Portuguese.

Sweden. Swedish.

Switzerland. Swiss.

Turkey. Turkish.

Wales. Welsh.

Ancestor. Grandfather. Grandmother.
Antepasado. Abuelo. Abuela.

Relative. Father. Mother.

Pariente. Padre Madre.
Twin. Son. Daughter.
Gemelo. Hijo. Hija.

Mum. Brother. Sister.

Mamá. Hermano. Hermana.

Dad. Husband. Wife.

Papá. Esposo Esposa.

Cousin. Uncle. Aunt.

Primo. Tio. Tia.

Nephew. Grandson. Granddaughter.

Sobrino. Nieto. Nieta.

Niece. Brother-in-law. Sister-in-law.

Sobrina. Cuñado. Cuñada.

Widow. Father-in-law. Mother-in-law.

Viuda. Suegro. Suegra.

Widower. Son-in-law. Daughter-in-law.

Viudo. Yerno. Nuera.

Lawyer. Teacher. Actor. Farmer.
Abogado. Profesor. Actor. Agricultor.

Bricklayer. Mayor. Artist. Housewife.

Albañil. Alcalde. Artista. Ama de casa.

Barber. Librarian. Waiter. Singer.

Barbero. Bibliotecario. Camarero. Cantante.

Butcher. Carpenter. Surgeon. Conductor.

Carnicero. Carpintero. Cirujano. Cobrador de
Driver. Janitor. Accountant. Priest.
Conductor. Conserje. Contable. Sacerdote.

Headmaster. Economist. Nurse. Chemist.

Director de un Economista. Enfermera. Farmacéutico.
Manager. Blacksmith. Researcher. Jeweller.
Gerente. Herrero. Investigador. Joyero.

Judge. Cleaner. Sailor. Typist.

Juez. Limpiador. Marinero. Mecanógrafo.

Dressmaker. Baker. Hairdresser. Painter.

Modista. Panadero. Peluquero. Pintor.

Secretary. Soldier. Grocer. Shoemaker.

Secretario. Militar. Tendero. Zapatero.


Bedroom. Hall. Door. Bathroom.
Dormitorio. Entrada. Puerta. Cuarto de baño.

Kitchen. Corridor. conditioning. Lift.
Cocina. Pasillo. Aire Ascensor.

Central heating. Water heater. Diningroom. Garage.

Calefacción Calentador de Comedor. Garaje.
central. agua.

Curtains. Study. Loft. Attic.

Cortinas. Despacho. Desván Ático.

Stairs. Doorbell. Letterbox. Aerial.

Escaleras. Timbre. Buzón. Antena.

Garden. Roof. Window. Chair.

Jardín. Tejado. Ventana. Silla.

Shelf. Wall. Light. Toilet.

Estantería. Pared. Luz. Aseo.

Heating. Corridor. Basement. Ceiling.

Calefacción. Pasillo. Sótano. Techo.

Tin opener. Refrigerator. oven. Sink.
Abrelatas. Nevera. Horno Fregadero.
Spoon. Knife. Fork. Toaster.
Cuchara. Cuchillo. Tenedor. Tostadora.

Saucepan. Freezer. Pantry. Broom

Cacerola. Congelador. Despensa. Escoba.

Oven. Tap. Washing Washing up

Horno. Grifo. machine. liquid.
Lavadora. Liquido para
fregar los platos.

Dishwasher. Iron. Saucer. Corkscrew.

Fregaplatos. Plancha. Platillo. Sacacorchos.

Ironing board. Cup. Mug. Telephone.

Tabla de Taza. Tazón. Teléfono.

Teapot. Cloth. Glass. Dishes.

Tetera. Trapo. Vaso. Platos.

Litter. Coffe pot. Pan.

Basura. Cafetera. Sartén.

Toilet. Towel. Mirror. Washbasin.
Taza del WC. Toalla. Espejo. Lavabo.

Bath. Bidet. Shower. Plug.

Bañera. Bidé. Ducha. Enchufe.

Soap. Towel. Toothbrush. Razor.

Jabón Toalla. Cepillo de Maquinilla de
dientes. afeitar.

Toothpaste. Comb. Shower. Emergency kit.

Pasta dentífrica. Peine. Ducha. Botiquín.

Brush. Shampoo. Hairspray. Comb.

Cepillo. Champú. Laca. Peine.

Dryer. Cologne. Compresses. Makeup.

Secador. Colonia. Compresas. Maquillaje.

Sponge. Lipstick. Tissue. Nail polish.

Esponja. Lapiz de labios. Papel higiénico. Laca de uñas.

Eyeliner. Eyeshadow. Comb. Eye-shadow.

Rímmel. Sombra de ojos. Peine. Sombra de ojos.

Lipstick. Mirror. Nail varnish. Perfume.

Barra de labios. Espejo. Esmalte de uñas. Perfume.

Aftershave. Hairbrush. Deodorant. To shave.

Loción. Cepillo. Desodorante. Afeitarse.

To have a
To have a bath. shower. To dry. Showergel.
Bañarse. Ducharse. Secar. Gel.

Sanitary towel.

Alarm clock. Bed. Duvet. Bedclothes.
Despertador. Cama. Edredón. Ropa de cama.

Sheet. Dressing table. Alarm clock.

Sábana. Tocador. Despertador.

Television. Telephone. Lamp. Sofa.
Television. Teléfono. Lampara Sofa.

Bokcase. Window. Ashtray. Fireplace.

Librería. Ventana. Cenicero. Chimenea.

Cushion Picture. Rocking chair. Table.

Cojín. Cuadro Mecedora. Mesa

Carpet. Wallpaper. Lampshade. Clock.

Alfombra. Papel pintado. Pantalla. Reloj.

Chair. Sofa.
Silla. Sofá.

Chest of
Wardrobe. Sideboard. drawers. Bed.
Armario. Aparador. Cómoda. Cama.

Airport. Bus station. Car park. Cinema.
Aeropuerto. Estación de Parking. Cine.

Hospital. Hotel. Market. Police station.

Hospital. Hotel. Mercado. Comisaría.

Post office. Toilets. Restaurant. Station.

Oficina de Aseos. Restaurant. Estación

Bank. Beach. Book shop. Library.

Banco. Playa. Libreria. Biblioteca.

Chemist. Church. Petrol station. Phone box.

Farmacia. Iglesia. Gasolinera. Cabina de

Sea. River. Supermarket. Street.

Mar. Río. Supermercado. Calle.

Cathedral Cementery. Building. School.

Catedral. Cementerio. Edificio. Escuela.

Sculpture. Stadium. Statue. Fair.

Escultura. Estadio Estatua. Feria.

Art gallery Hospital. Garden. Monastery.

Galería de arte. Hospital. Jardín. Monasterio.

Museum. Pavilion. Palace. Park.

Museo. Pabellón. Palacio. Parque.

Square. Bridge. River. Ruins.
Plaza. Puente. Río. Ruinas.

Theater. Zoo. Cinema. Baker.

Teatro. Zoológico. Cine. Panadería.

Butcher. Drugstore. Delicatessen. Fishmonger.

Carnicería. Droguería. Pescadería.

Greengrocer. Grocer. store. Newsagent.
Verdulería. Ultramarinos. Ferretería. Prensa.

Off-licence. Post office.

Bodega. Oficina postal.


Eye. Mouth. Nose. Hair.
Ojo. Boca. Nariz Pelo.

Chest. Leg. Elbow. Knee.

Pecho. Pierna. Codo. Rodilla.

Stomach. Head. Ear. Chin.

Estómago. Cabeza. Oreja. Barbilla.

Foot. Arm. Hand. Throat.

Pie. Brazo. Mano. Garganta.

Fist. Thumb. Finger. Mouth.

Puño. Dedo pulgar. Dedo. Boca.

Moustache. Tongue. Brain. Heart.

Bigote. Lengua. Cerebro. Corazón.

Lung. Kidney. Muscle. Neck.

Pulmón. Riñon. Músculo. Cuello.

Biscuits. Cakes. Chewing gum. Sweets.
Galletas. Pasteles. Chicle. Golosinas.

Fruit juice. Milk. Sugar. Tea.

Zumo. Leche. Azúcar. Té.

Eggs. Butter. Bread. Cheese.

Huevos. Mantequilla. Pan. Queso.

Rice. Spaghetti. Chips. Meat.

Arroz. Espaguetis. Patatas fritas. Carne.

Fish. Chicken. Sandwich. Meatballs.

Pescado. Pollo. Bocadillo. Albóndigas.

Lambchops. Fillet. Hamburguer.

Chuletas de Filete. Hamburguesa.

Sugar caddy. Bottle. Cafetera. Glass.
Azucarero. Botella. Coffepot . Vaso.

Tablecloth. Bread. Salt. Napkin.

Mantel. Pan. Sal. Servilleta.

Cup. Fork. Teapot. Vinager.

Taza. Tenedor. Tetera. Vinagre.

Oil. Garlic. Cinnamon. Hot pepper.

Aceite. Ajo. Canela. Guindilla.

Butter. Mustard. Parsley. Pepper.

Mantequilla. Mostaza Perejil. Pimienta.

Salt. Vinegar. Smoked. Grilled.

Sal. Vinagre. Ahumado. Asado.

Breaded. Fried. Boiled. Rare.

Empanado. Frito. Hervido. Poco hecho.

Well done. Medium. Baked. Roasted.

Bien pasado. Al punto. Cocinado. Asado.

Acid. Bitter. Hot. Sweet.
Ácido. Amargo. Caliente. Dulce.

Fresh. Cold. Tasty. Spicy.

Fresco. Frío. Sabroso. Picante.

Water. Tap water. Mineral water. Sparkling water.
Agua. Agua del grifo Agua mineral. Agua con gas.

Tonic water. Black coffee. Short coffee. Decaffeinated

Tónica. Café solo. Cortado. coffee.

Coffee with
Espresso. Long coffee. milk. Tea.
Café exprés. Café largo. Café con leche. Té.

Beer. White wine. Rose wine. Red wine.

Cerveza. Vino blanco. Vino rosado. Vino tinto.

Orange juice. Hot chocolate. Soda. Gin.

Zumo de naranja. Chocolate. Gaseosa. Ginebra.

Whisky. Rum. Draft beer. Soft drink.

Whisky. Ron. Caña. Refresco.

Coke. Juice.
Coca cola. Zumo.

Apple. Musrhroom. Broccoli. Asparagus.
Manzana. Champiñón. Brécol. Espárragos.

Tomato. Artichokes. Escarole. Cucumber.

Tomate. Alcachofas. Escarola. Pepino.

Cabbage. Endives. Lettuce. Avocado.

Repollo. Endivias. Lechuga. Aguacate.

sprouts. Peas. Carrot. Apricots.
Coles de
Bruselas. Guisante. Zanahoria. Albaricoques.

Spinachs. Radishes. Potato. Plums.

Espinaca. Rábanos. Patata. Ciruelas.
Leeks. Onion. Banana. Coconut.
Puerros. Cebolla. Plátano. Coco.

Carrot. Orange. Zucchinni. Date.

Zanahoria. Naranja. Calabacín. Dátil.

Raspberries. Strawberries. Lemon. Mandarin.

Frambuesas. Fresas. Limón. Mandarina.

Mango. Peaches. Quince. Orange.

Mango. Melocotones. Membrillo. Naranja.

Pear. Pineapple. Watermelon. Melon.

Pera. Piña. Sandía. Melón.

Raisin. Aubergine. Celery.

Pasa. Berengena. Apio.

Pudding Icecream Custard. Marmalade.
Pudin. Helado. Natillas Mermelada.

Honey. Honey. Cake. Yogurt.

Miel. Miel. Tarta Yogur.

Chocolate. Cookies.
Chocolate. Galletas.

Anchovy. Elver. Octopus. Shrimps.
Anchoa. Angula. Pulpo. Gambas.

Angler. Hake. Oysters. Sole.

Rape. Merluza. Ostras. Lenguado.

Clams. Herring. Prawn. Squids.

Almejas. Arenque. Langostino. Calamares.

Cockle. Lobster. Razor clam. Sword fish.

Berberecho. Langosta. Navajas. Pez espada.

Cod. Mackerel. Salmon. Turbot.

Bacalao. Caballa. Salmón. Rodaballo.

Crab. Mussels. Sardine.

Cangrejo. Mejillones. Sardina.

Cuttlefish. Norway lobster. Sea bream.

Sepia. Cigala. Besugo.

Bacon. Deer. Hen. Partridge.
Tocino. Ciervo. Gallina. Codorniz.

Chicken. Goose. Lamb. Pork.

Pollo. Ganso. Cordero. Cerdo.

Cow. Hare. Ox. Rabbit.

Vaca. Liebre. Buey. Conejo.


Almonds. Hazelnuts. Chestnuts. Pinenuts.
Almendras. Avellanas. Castañas. Piñones.

. Pistachios.
Pipas. Pistachos.

Car. Bus. Taxi. Ship.
Coche. Autobús. Taxi. Barco.

On foot. Plane.
A pie. Avión.

Wake up. Get up. Have a shower. Get dressed.
Despertarse. Levantarse. Ducharse. Vestirse.

Have breakfast. Go to work. Have lunch. Watch TV.

Desayunar. Ir al trabajo. Comer. Ver la TV.

Buy the Go for a walk. Have dinner. Go to bed.

newspaper. Dar un paseo. Cenar. Irse a la cama.
Comprar el


Go to the
Meet friends. cinema. Go to the Go shopping.
Reunirse con Ir al cine. mountains. Ir de compras.
amigos. Ir al campo.

Go to the pub. Go to the disco.

Ir al pub. Ir a la discoteca.


Coat. Cap. Pocket. Skirt.

Abrigo. Gorra. Bolsillo Falda.

Belt. Clogs. Purse. Sleeve.

Cinturón Zuecos. Monedero. Manga

Bikini. Dress. Pyjamas. Stockings.

Bikini. Vestido Pijama. Medias.

Blouse. Dressing gown. Ring. Tie.

Blusa. Bata. Swimming trunks. Corbata.

Boots. Handbag. Sandals. Trainers.

Botas. Bolso. Sandalias. Zapatillas de

Bow. Hat. Shirt. Trousers.

Lazo. Sombrero. Camisa. Pantalones.

Bra. Jacket. Shoes. T-shirt.

Sujetador. Chaqueta Zapatos. Camiseta

Bracelet. Jeans. Shorts. Umbrella.

Pulsera Vaquero. Pantalón corto. Paraguas.

Braces. Knickers. Size. Underpants.

Tirantes. Bragas. Talla. Calzoncillos.

Vest. Slippers. Jacket. Wellingtons.

Camiseta. Zapatillas de ir Chaqueta. Botas de agua.
por casa.

Socks. Cap. Raincoat. Zipper.

Calcetines. Gorra. Gabardina. Cremallera.

Scarf. Glasses. Gloves. Watch.

Bufanda. Gafas. Guantes. Reloj de pulsera.

Ear-rings. Bracelet. Necklace. Handkerchief.

Pendientes. Pulsera. Collar. Pañuelo.

Jacket. Scarf. Socks. Vest.

Chaqueta. Bufanda. Calcetines. Chaleco.

Belt. Zipper. Slip. Gloves.
Cinturón. Cremallera. Enagua. Guantes.

Bracelet. Brooch. Earring. Necklace.
Pulsera. Broche. Pendiente. Collar.

Watch. Ring. Chain. Pendant.

Reloj. Sortija. Cadena. Colgante.

Acrylic. Cotton. Leather. Knitted.
Acrílico. Algodón. Piel. De punto.

Wool. Corduroy. Silk. Velvet.

Lana. Pana. Seda. Terciopelo.

Cloth. Fur. Glass. Leather.

Tela. Piel. Cristal. Cuero.

Oil. Silver. Stone. Wire.

Aceite. Plata. Piedra. Alambre.

Bronze. Canvas. China. Corduroy.

Bronce. Lona. Porcelana. Pana.

Iron. Linen. Porcelain. Steel.

Hierro. Lino. Porcelana. Acero.

Vervet. Aluminium. Brass. Clay.

Terciopelo. Aluminio. Latón. Arcilla.

Clay. Denim. Marble. Plaster.

Arcilla. Tela vaquera. Mármol. Yeso.

Suede. Tinfoil. Wax.
Ante. Papel de Cera.



Tall. Round. Long. Straight. Bright. Pale. Humble.

Alto. Redonda. Larga. Liso. Brillantes. Pálido. Humilde.

Short. Oval. Flat. Wavy. Large. Tanned. Proud.

Bajo. Ovalada. Chata. Rizado. Grandes. Bronceado Orgulloso.

Promine Flecked
Stout. Long. nt Tangled. Small. . Greedy.
Robusto. Larga. . Enredado Pequeños Con Avaricioso.
. pecas
Thin. Small. Brown. Blue. Selfish.
Delgado. Pequeña. Marrón Azules. Egoista.

Athletic. . Auburn. Grey. Miserable.
Atlético. Arrugada. Castaño. Grises. Triste.

. Golden. Merry. Honest.
Musculoso. Rubio. Alegres. Honrado.

Silky. Mean.
Sedoso. Tacaño.

Blonde. Stubborn.
Rubio. Cabezota.

Boring. Pleasant. Cheerful. Ambitious.
Aburrido. Agradable. Alegre. Ambicioso.

Adventurous. Greedy. Bright. Loving.

Audaz. Avaricioso. Brillante. Cariñoso.

Gossipy. Sympathetic. Polite. Careful.

Chismoso. Compasivo. Cortés. Cuidadoso.

Determined. Amusing. Boastful. Childish.

Decidido. Divertido. Fanfarrón Infantil.

Clever. Crazy. Proud. Vain.

Listo Loco. Orgulloso. Presumido.

Wise. Stubborn.
Sabio. Testarudo.

Book. Desk. Blackboard. Paper.
Libro. Pupitre. Pizarra. Papel.

Teacher. Bulletin board. School. University.

Profesor. Tablón de Colegio. Universidad.

Pen. Notepad. Notebook. Sheet of paper.

Bolígrafo. Bloc de notas. Cuaderno. Hoja de papel.

Pencil. Eraser. Paste. Ruler.

Lapicero. Borrador. Pegamento. Regla.

Sharpener. Chalk. College. Essay.

Sacapuntas. Tiza. Universidad. Trabajo.

Exam. Fountain pen. Holidays. Lecture.

Examen. Pluma Vacaciones. Conferencia.

Homework. Lesson. Map. Mistake.

Deberes. Lección. Mapa. Error.

Question. Reading. Rubber. Schoolbag.

Pregunta. Lectura. Borrador. Cartera.

Timetable. Break Dictation Janitor.

Horario. Recreo. Dictado. Conserje.

To pass. To fail. Term. Blot.

Aprobar. Suspender. Trimestre. Borrón.

Canteen Calculator. Spelling. Nursery school.

Cantina. Calculadora. Ortografía. Parvulario.

Primary school. Infants school. Junior school. High school.

Escuela (5-7
Escuela primaria. años) (7-11 años) Instituto.

school. Secondary University. Polythecnic.
Instituto de modern school. Universidad. Universidad
bach. Formación prof. politécnica.

Playground. Geography. Chemistry. Mathematics.
Patio. Geografía. Química. Matemáticas.

Physics. Exam. Degree. Teacher.

Física. Examen. Licenciatura. Profesor.

Principal. To revise. Subject.

Director. Repasar. Asignatura.

Letter. Envelope. Computer. Label.
Carta. Sobre. Ordenador. Etiqueta.

Printer. Keyboard.
Impresora. Teclado.


Tennis. Football. Handball. Basketball.
Tenis. Fútbol. Balonmano. Baloncesto

Swimming. Ice hockey. Billiards.

Natación. Jockey sobre Billar.

Headache. Toothache. Backache. Sore throat.
Dolor de cabeza. Dolor de muelas Dolor de espalda. Dolor de

Break a leg. Temperature. Stomachache. Measles.
Romperse una Fiebre. Dolor de barriga. Sarampión.

To do the To do the
To do the washing ironing. To do the
washing. up. Planchar. cleaning.
Lavar la ropa. Lavar los platos. Limpiar.

To do the
To make the dusting. To do the To tidy.
beds. Quitar el polvo. gardening. Ordenar.
Hacer las camas. Arreglar el jardín.

Fine. Sunny. Hot. Wet.
Bueno. Soleado. Caluroso. Humedo

Warm. Windy. Swony. Frosty.

Templado. Ventoso. Nevado. Helado.

Freezing. Centigrades. Sunny. Degree.

Mucho frio. Centígrados. Soleado. Grados

Foggy. Hot. Cold. Cloudy.

Con niebla. Caluroso. Frio. Nublado.

Rainy. Windy
Lluvioso. Ventoso.



Cow. Calf. Horse. Duck.

Vaca. Ternero. Caballo. Pato

Bull. Pig. Goat. Chicken.

Toro. Cerdo. Cabra. Pollo.

Dog. Bitch. Hen. Tortoise.

Perro. Perra. Gallina. Tortuga.

Goldfish. Pelican. Swan. Seagull.

Pez de colores. Pelícano Cisne. Gaviota.

Cod. Herring. Shark. Sole.

Bacalao. Arenque. Tiburón. Lenguado.

Trout. Hake. Crab. Mussel.

Trucha. Merluza. Cangrejo. Mejillón.

Prawn. Squid.
Gamba. Calamar.



Daisy. Tulip. Carnation Thistle.
Margarita. Tulipán. Clavel. Cardo.

Oak. Elm. Ash. Pine.

Roble. Olmo. Fresno. Pino.

Palm. Cedar. Geranium. Jasmine.

Palmera. Cedro. Geranio. Jazmín.

Orchid. Rose. Violet.

Orquídea. Rosa. Violeta.


Prime minister. MP. Parliament. Cabinet.
Primer ministro. Diputado. Parlamaento. Gobierno.

House of House of lords. President. Governor.

commons. Cámara de los Presidente. Gobernador.
Cámara de los lores.

Congress. Senate. Mayor. Council.

Congreso. Senado. Alcalde. Ayuntamiento.

Councillor. To vote. Conservative Liberal.

Concejal. Votar. party. Liberal.


Faith. God. Virgin Mary. Angel.
Fe. Dios. Virgen María. Ángel.

Devil. Saint. Priest. Vicar.

Demonio. Santo. Sacerdote. Vicario.

Bishop. Monk. Nun. Heaven.

Obispo. Monje. Monja. Cielo.

Abbey. Cathedral. Monastery. Church.
Abadía. Catedral. Monasterio. Iglesia.

Temple. Synagogue. Mosque. To pray.

Templo. sinagoga Mezquita. Rezar.

Prayer. Holy.
Oración. Sagrado.

Bank. Account. Withdraw. Savings.
Banco. Cuenta. Reintegro. Ahorros.

Cash. Profit. Loss. Loan.

Dinero en Beneficio. Perdida. Préstamo.


As agile as a monkey. Muy ágil.

As bitter as gall. Más amargo que la retama.

As black as coal. Más negro que el carbón.

As blind as a bat. Más ciego que un topo.

As brave as a lion. Más valiente que un león.

As brown as a berry. Muy moreno.

As busy as a bee. Ocupadísimo.

As clean as a new pin. Más limpio que el jaspe.

As clear as crystal. Más claro que el agua.

As cool as a cucumber. Más fresco que una lechuga.

As cunning as a fox. Más astuto que una zorra.

As dead as a doornail. Completamente muerto.

As deaf as a doorpost. Más sordo que una tapia.

As different as chalk to cheese. Diferente como de la noche al día.

As dry as a bone. Más seco que la mojama.

As easy as ABC. Muy fácil.

As fit as a fiddle. En forma.

As flat as a pancake. Liso como una tabla.

As fresh as a daisy. Más fresco que una lechuga.

As good as gold. Muy bueno.

As green as grass. Verde como la hierba.

As happy as a king. Más alegre que unas Pascuas.

As hot as fire. Muy caliente.

As light as a feather. Ligero como una pluma.

As like as two peas. Como dos gotas de agua.

As mad as a hatter. Más loco que una cabra.

As old as the hills. Más viejo que Matusalén.

As pale as death. Más blanco que la pared.

As patient as Job. Más paciente que el santo Job.

As poor as a church mouse. Más pobre que una rata.

As proud as a peacock. Más orgulloso que un pavo real.

As quiet as a mouse. Más callado que nunca.

As red as betroot. Más rojo que un pimiento.

As right as rain. Más derecho que una vela.

As round as a barrel. Más gordo que un barril.

As sharp as a razor. Muy ingenioso.

As silent as the grave. Más callado que una tumba.

As slippery as an eel. Escurridizo como una anguila.

As slow as a tortoise. Más lento que una tortuga.

As smooth as velvet. Más suave que un guante.

As sweet as honey. Más dulce que la miel.

As thin as a rake. Más delgado que un palo.

As timid as a mouse. Más tímido que nadie.

As white as snow. Más blanco que la nieve.

As wise as an owl. Muy sabio.

A bird in the hand is worth two
in the Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento
bush. volando.

A cat may look at a king. Nada es imposible.

A friend in need is a friend

indeed. Un amigo en la necesidad es un
amigo de verdad.

A man is known by his friends. Dime con quién andas y te diré quién
A stich in time saves nine. Quien no arregla la gotera, arregla la
casa entera.

Actions speak louder than words. Obras son amores y no buenas

All roads lead to Rome. Todos los caminos conducen a Roma.

All that glitters is not gold. No es oro todo lo que reluce.

All work and no play makes Jack

a Debe de haber tiempo para todo.
dull boy.
Among the blind the one-eyed is En el país de los ciegos el tuerto es
king. el
An apple a day keeps the doctor Una manzana al día, mantiene al
away. doctor en la lejanía.
Barking dogs seldom bite. Perro ladrador, poco mordedor.

Better be alone than in ill

company. Más vale solo que mal acompañado.

Better late than never. Más vale tarde que nunca.

Birds of a feather flock together. Dios los cría y ellos se juntan.

Blood is thicker than water. La familia es lo que más tira.

Constant dripping wears the

stone. La constancia lo puede todo.

Courtesy cost nothing. La amabiliad no cuesta nada.

Cut your coat according to your Amóldate a tu presupuesto.


Don’t count your chickens until
they No hagas como en el cuento de la
are hatched. lechera.

Early to bed, early to rise makes

a man Acostarse pronto y levantarse
healthy, wealthy and wise. temprano hacen al hombre sano, rico
y sabio.
Example is better than precept. El ejemplo es el mejor precepto.

God helps those who help

themselves. Dios ayuda a los que se ayudan a sí
He who laughs last laughs
longer. El que ríe el último, ríe mejor.

He who pays the piper calls the

tune. El que paga manda.

It’s no use crying over spilt milk. Agua pasada no mueve molino.

Look after the pence and the

pounds Cuida de los peniques y las libras se
will look after themselves. cuidarán solas.

Make hay while the sun shines. Disfruta mientras puedas.

Never look a gift horse in the

mouth. A caballo regalado no le mires el
One good turn deserves another. Un buen favor se paga con otro.

Out of sight, out of mind. Ojos que no ven, corazón que no

Practice makes perfect. La práctica hace maestros.

Such a father, such a son. De tal palo, tal astilla.

The early bird catches the worm. A quien madruga Dios le ayuda.

Too many cooks spoil the broth. Demasiados cocineros echan a

perder el caldo.
Two heads are better than one. Cuatro ojos ven más que dos.

What’s worth doing is worth

doing well. Lo que vale la pena hacer, vale la
pena hacerlo bien.

When the cat is away the mice

will Cuando el gato está ausente, los
play. ratones se divierten.

Where there is a will, there is a

way. Querer es poder.

You can not have your cake and No puedes tenerlo todo.
have it.

A close shave. Por los pelos.

A crying shame. Una vergüenza.

A day off. Un día libre.

A dish. Estar como un tren.

A slip of the tongue. Un lapsus.

All alone. Más solo que la una.

All in all. En resumidas cuentas.

All over the world. Por todo el mundo.

All the same. A pesar de todo.

April fool. Inocente.

As a matter of fact. De hecho.

As good as done. Dar algo por hecho.

Be in a hurry. Tener prisa.

Be in the red. Estar en números rojos.

Be moody. Estar de mal humor.

Be the talk of the town. Ser la comidilla del pueblo.

Be your age. No seas niño. Compórtate.

Brand new Nuevo.

By heart. De memoria.

By the way. A propósito.

Call a spade a spade. Al pan pan y al vino vino.

Crack a joke. Contar un chiste.

Every now and then. De vez en cuando.

Feel homesick. Sentir morriña.

First things first. Lo primero es lo primero.

Follow suit. Seguir el ejemplo.

Get rid of. Librarse de.

Give someone a cold shoulder. Dar de lado a alguien.

Give someone the sack. Despedir a alguien del trabajo.

Go out on a spree. Irse de marcha.

Go to hell. Irse a la porra.

Goodness. Cielos.

Have a good time. Pasarlo bien.

Have a sweet tooth. Ser goloso.

Have forty winks. Dar una cabezadita.

Have fun. Pasarlo bien.

Have the knack of. Tener habilidad para algo.

Hit the jackpot. Tocarle a uno el gordo.

I don’t give a damn. Me importa un bledo.

If the cap fits wear it. Si te pica, te aguantas.

In black and white. Por escrito.

In the twinkling of an eye. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

In time. A tiempo.

Inside out. Al revés.

It goes without saying. Ni que decir tiene.

It’s up to you. Depende de ti.

Jump to conclusions. Sacar conclusiones.

Keep one’s fingers crossed. Tocar madera.

Last but no least. El último pero no por eso menos

Love at first sight. Amor a primera vista.

Many happy returns of the day. Que cumplas muchos más.

Mind your own business. Métete en tus asuntos.

Off the beaten track. Fuera de lo común.

On leave. De permiso.

On second thoughts. Pensándolo mejor.

On time. Puntual.

Once and for all. De una vez por todas.

Once in a blue moon. De uvas a peras.

Once upon a time. Érase una vez.

One’s cup of tea. Santo de devoción.

Out of the blue. De repente.

Over and over again. Una y otra vez.

Owe someone a grudge. Tenérsela jurada a alguien.

Play host. Hacer los honores.

Rack one’s brains. Devanarse los sesos.

Ring a bell. Ser familiar.

Show off. Presumir, ostentar.

Sleep on it. Consultarlo con la almohada.

Talk shop. Hablar del trabajo fuera de horas.

The coast is clear. No hay moros en la costa.

The last but one. El penúltimo.

There’s no accounting for taste. Sobre gustos no hay nada escrito.

Third time lucky. A la tercera va la vencida.

Time is money. El tiempo es oro.

Time is up. Ser la hora.

To be like a bull in a china shop. Ser un desmañado.

Turn over a new leaf. Borrón y cuenta nueva.

Two heads are better than one. Cuatro ojos ven más que dos.

She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore, and the shells she sells are sea-
shells, I’m sure.

What kind of noise annoys an oyster?. A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.

When a doctor gets sick, and another doctor doctors him, does the
doctor doing the doctoring have to doctor the doctor the way the
doctor being doctored wants to be doctored, or does the doctor doing
the doctoring of the doctor, doctor as he wants to doctor?

Work while you work, play while you play. That is the way to be
cheerful and gay

Whether the weather is cold, or whether the weather is hot, we have to

put up with the weather, wether we like it or not

Even God can not change the past. Agathon.

Eureka. Archimedes.

Man is by nature a political animal. Aristotle.

The price of wisdom is above rubies. The Bible.

A living dog is better than a dead lion. The Bible.

There is no new thing under the sun. The Bible.

When thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know
what thy The Bible.
right hand doeth.

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be

also. The Bible.

Veni, vidi, vici. Julius Caesar.

Cogito, ergo sum. Descartes.

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has

data. Sir Arthur Conan


Good fences make good neighbours. Robert Frost.

It is better to die on your feet than to live on your

knees. La Pasionaria.

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for

there is in Samuel Johnson.
London all that life can afford.

One should eat to live, and not live to eat. Moliere.

All animals are equal but some are more equal than
others. George Orwell.

Brevity is the soul of wit. Shakespeare.

Neither a borrower or a lender be. Shakespeare.

a.m. Before noon.

A/c. Account.

AD. Anno Domini.

B.A. Bachelor of Arts.

B.C. Before Christ.

B/E. Bill of exchange.

B.B.C. British Broadcasting Corporation.

Bros. Brothers.

c.a.d. Cash againts documents.

C.O.D. Cash on delivery.

C.W.O. Cash with order.

Cfm. Confirm.

CIA. Central Intelligence Agency.

Co. Company.

Dept. Department.

e.g. For example.

FBI. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

G.M.T. Greenwich Mean Time.

GCE. General Certificate of Education.

H.M. Her Majesty.

H.R.H. His or Her Royal Highness.

I.O.U. I owe you.

IBM. International Business Machine.

IRA. Irish Republican Army.

ISBN. International Standard Book Number.

K. A thousand.

K.O. Knock-out.

L/C. Letter of credit.

Ltd. Limited.

m.p.h. Miles per hour.

MP. Member of Parliament.

NASA. National Astronautic and Space


NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

NHS. National Health Service.

o.n.o. Or nearest offer.

P. Pence.

p.a. Per annum.

P.T.O. Please turn over.

Pls. Please.

POB. Post Office Box.

R&D. Research and development.

R.S.V.P. Répondez s’il vous pliat.

Rgds. Regards.

SOS. Save our souls.

Thx. Thanks.

U.N.O. United Nations Organization.

U.S.A. United States of America.

U.S.S.R. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

UFO. Unidentified Flying Object.

V.A.T. Value Added Tax.

V.I.P. Very Important Person.

Y.M.C.A. Young Men’s Christian Association.



Our father, who art in Heaven

Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trepass againts us
And lead us not into tempation
But deliver us from evil


Hail. Mary, full of grace

The Lord is with Thee
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary. Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death. Amen


Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear….
Happy birthday to you

For he’s a jolly good fellow

For he’s a jolly good fellow
For he’s a jolly good fellow
And so say all of us
And so say all of us
And so say all of us
For he’s a jolly good fellow
And so say all of us


Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright
Round you Virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night, holy night

Son of God, oh how bright
Love is smiling from thy face
Peals for us the our of grace
Christ ous Saviour is born
Christ ous Saviour is born


Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way
Oh what fun is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob-tail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight. Oh

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way
Oh what fun is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh

1) Mary.........a German boyfriend.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Are
2) We .....................a nice park near Sagasta Sqaure.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Is
3) Yesterday Mr García .......it was going to rain.
a - Say
b - Said
c - Tells
4) They were....................a fire yesterday.
a - Made
b - Making
c - Doing
5) My grandmother was always.................home.
a - At
b - In
c - On
6) Monforte is .................the road to Alicante.
a - On
b - In
c - At
7) He is very good .............music.
a - In
b - On
c - At
8) He is always ......a bad mood.
a - In
b - On
c - At
......the moment things are very
different. a - In
b - At
c - On
10) He was ........the Navy.
a - In
b - On
c - At
11) She drives ........full speed

a - At
b - In
c - On
I am .............working there but I will change
very soon. a - Still
b - Yet
c - Already
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido diferente?
a - Three
b - Sheep
c - Ship
El verbo "to be " significa .......
a - Tener
b - Ser o
estar c -
Si hablamos de un perro usaremos el pronombre........
a - It
b - He
¿A qué categoría gramatical pertenece: " My, your, his, her, its,
our, your y their "?
a - Pronombres
personales b -
Pronombres posesivos c -
Adjetivos posesivos
¿Qué preposición debemos usar cuando hablamos de los dias
de la semana?
a - On
b - In
c - At
El verbo to have se usa para formar los tiempos.........
a - Simples
b - Continuos
c - Perfectos
do? a - Do
b - Am
c - Is
Let me introduce..........
a - Me b
- Myself
c - Mine

I hope you
enjoy..........stay. a - You
b - Your
c - Yourself
Here you..........
a - Are
b - Is
c - Am
He.........a boy.
a - Am
b - Is
Isabel...............a chocolate
cake. a - Is eating
b - Is
eat c -
Is ate
You..................too much.
a - Are work
b - Are working
c - Are worked
María Teresa................a new
book. a - Are writing
b - Is
writeing c -
Is writing
My sister is ..........doctor.
a - An
c - Something
Is Salinas............big
city? a - A
b - An c
- These
I went to the swimming pool.......hour
ago. a - An
- The
He has ........cat.
a - An
c - Many

31) I don't work............Sunday.
a - In
b - On
c - At
32) I wake up.........8.00.
a - At
b - In
c - On
33) I look at the stars..................night.
a - At
b - In
c - On
34) I ......................like liver.
a - Does
b - Doing
c - Do not
35) Where...........you from?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
36) What........your brother do?
a - Do
b - Does
c - Is
37) How old ........you?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
38) What languages ........you speak?
a - Does
b - Are
c - Do
........were you
born? a - Where
Which c
- What
40) He............to the University.
a - Goes
b - Go
c - Is go
41) My wife.............at a High School.

a - Teaches
b - Teach
c - Is tiching
42) In summer, my daughter ...........her friend Marta.
a - Miss
b - Misses
c - Is missed
43) He............the best player in Elda.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
44) I ..................................a shower.
a - Am having
b - Has
c - Has having
45) I ................................at the moment.
a - Am smoking
b - Smokeing
c - Smoking
46) He .....................................fat.
a - Get
b - Is getting
c - Gets
47) My sister ............................................a chocolate cake for my
a - Has been making
b - Has be made
c - Has been makeing
48) They are.....................playing football.
a - Yet
b - Still
c - Already
49) He has.....................come back from school.
a - Already
b - Yet
c - Still
50) She ..................................with us next April in Cazorla.
a - Will fish
b - Would fishing
c - Would been fishing
51) They ................................her at the airport tomorrow
a - Meet

b - Are meeting
c - Meets
52) I ...................................a Harley in November.
a - Am driving
b - Is driving
c - Driving
53) I ..............................him a María Callas CD for his birthday.
a - Give
b - Giving
c - Am giving
54) The new teacher.................................at seven.
a - Come
b - Is comeing
c - Is coming
55) We ...........................some money to charities.
a - Gives
b - Are giveing
c - Are giving
56) They ...........................to Majorca with all their friends.
a - Are going
b - Goes
c - Are go
57) He ...............smoking next year.
a - Give
b - Is giveing up
c - Is giving up
58) I ..........................her a new Polo for her birthday.
a - Buys
b - Am buying
c - Buy
59) The sun ...............................................this afternoon.
a - Shine
b - Is shineing
c - Is shining
60) The waiter ..............................................a bottle of Rioja wine.
a - Bring
b - Bringed
c - Is bringing
61) Barcelona............against Manchester United in June
a - Will be playing
b - Will play be

c - Will be played
62) Alejandro Sanz ...............................................a new album in
a - Release
b - Is releaseing
c - Is releasing
63) What .................................................for a living?
a - Does you do
b - Do you do
c - Do you does
64) I ...............................that this President will win again.
a - Does not think
b - Do not thinks
c - Do not think
65) He .............most of the homework with his mother.
a - Does
b - Doing
c - Do
66) I have ..................................................paella every Saturday for
a - Ate
b - Eat
c - Eaten
67) They have just ............................................around Spain.
a - Travel
b - Traveled
c - Travelled
68) Flavio has ............................................his girlfriend.
a - Forgave
b - Forgive
c - Forgiven
69) Toni has ...............................................fireworks for the summer
a - Buyed
b - Bought
c - Boughting
70) Cayetano has ..........................................a new house for his
a - Build
b - Built
c - Boughts
71) Mario has ........................................................the beers in
the bar.
a - Paid
b - Payed
c - Paying
72) My mother............her new portrait next week.
a - Will have paint
b - Will be paint
c - Will have painted
73) We ............................in this house since 1997.
a - Lived
b - Have being living
c - Have been living
74) He ......................a book for a long time.
a - Writes
b - Is wrote
c - Has been writing
........these books
interesting? a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
76) The baby.......eating the food.
a - Am
b - Is
c - Are
77) Cats.........black or white.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
78) Pepita ........three daughtres.
a - Has
b - Haave
c - Having
79) Carlos is in Elche. .............works there in a shoe factory.
a - Him
b - He
c - His
80) ..................says that Isabel is her best friend.
a - She
b - Her
c - Hers
81) I haven't ......................................money.
a - Some
b - Any
c - Something

82) Would you like .........................chocolates?
a - Any
b - Will
c - Some
83) Have you seen ................love film lately?
a - Some
b - Any
c - No
84) There are.....................................boys playing football outside.
a - These
b - Some
c - Any
85) Is there.........................................cinema in town?
a - Any
b - Some
c - Six
86) I've got ....................................books on computers.
a - Any
b - Some
c - Me
87) ..........................there a bus from Alicante at 7.00?
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
88) There...........two trains to Madrid every day.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
................there a supermarket near
here? a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
90) There.................a parade next Saturday.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
91) There...............many restaurants in Benidorm.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
92) There.............a concert next June in Santa Pola.

a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
.... swim very fast..
a - Do
b - Does
c - Do
94) .................
........ you like football?
a - Does
b - Do
c - Are
95) .............
...... Pepe read the paper?
a - Do
b - Does
c - Is
I .........................
... eat meat.
a - Do not
b - Does
c - Will do
97) I want
two ...................... of Fanta.
a - Glass
c - Glasses
98) This tree has
many ..................................................
a - Leafs
b - Leaves
c - Leafss
99) In the zoo I saw four .....
a - Sheep
b - Sheeps
100) She has many .............................
a - Worries
b - Worrys
c - Worryes
101) There ........schools in Salinas. Only
are two.
a - Little
b - Few
c - Much
102) I
have ......................... money left.
a - Little

b - Few
c - Many
103) We have to study.........................books.
a - Much
b - Many
c - Any
104) Not ...................people smoke in this University.
a - Manys
b - Many
c - Fews
105) They pay Zidane .......................money.
a - Much
b - Many
c - Few
106) There aren't ..............................towns in Teruel.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Little
107) They asked me ...........................questions.
a - Many
b - Little
c - Much
108) I don't have ................................time.
a - Much
b - Many
c - Little
109) Everybody says that Jorge is ..............................than his
a - More clever
b - The more clever
c - The most clever
110) I am .............................teacher here.
a - The oldest
b - Older
c - Olderest
111) This exercise is .......................................than the previous
a - Easier
b - Easyer
c - Easiest
112) When I was young Agustina was the
.......................................swimmer in Elda.
a - Fastest
b - Fatesr

c - The ffasterest
113) This book I have ever
is ........................................ read.
a - The goodest
b - The bester
c - The best
114) You should
eat .................................... chocolate.
a - Littler
b - Less
c - Littlest
115) The picture
is ....................... the wall.
a - At
b - In
c - On
116) We go to
church ...................... Sundays.
a - At
b - In
c - On
117) The
milk's ......................................
. the fridge.
a - In
b - At
c - On
118) They
sat ........................... the wall.
a - On
b - At
c - In
119) They made the
film .................... Petrel.
a - In
b - At
c - On
120) Mary's not here -
she's.................... the office.
a - On
b - In
c - At
121) The ham the shelf in the
is................................... kitchen.
a - On
b - In
c - At
122) They are
all...................................... the garden.
a - At
b - In
c - On

123) The papers are................................my desk.
a - In
b - At
c - On
124) He's not..........................................work today.
a - On
b - In
c - At
125) I'll see you ........................................Monday.
a - In
b - At
c - On
126) They came to visit us ....................my birthday.
a - In
b - At
c - On
127) Did you have a good time ......................Christmas?
a - In
b - At
c - On
128) School finishes ..................................three o'clock.
a - On
b - In
c - At
129) I'll meet you............................the station.
a - At
b - In
c - On
130) He's still..........................................school.
a - At
b - In
c - On
131) That picture....................the wall was painted by Vladi
a - In
b - At
c - On
132) We're meeting...............................7.00 on Tuesday.
a - At
b - On
c - In

I ..........................
.. to the swimming pool every day at 5.00.
a - Going
b - Goes
c - Go
134) ...................
......... what he's saying?
a - Do you understand
b - Does you understand
c - Did you understand
Horatio ....................................
...... a shower at the moment.
a - Is has
b - Is having
c - Has
... to us.
a - Is listens
b - Listens
c - Is listening
.. to go home now.
a - Is wants
b - Is wanted
c - Wants
138) How
often ........................................ a magazine?
a - Do you read
b - Does you read
c - Did you reads
a new street to Alberto
139) The Town
Hall ........................................... Navarro.
a - Should dedicate
b - Shall dedicating
c - Should to dedicate
I ...............................................
........ in Aspe tomorrow.
a - Will be
b - Will is
c - Will am
I ....................................
..... my cousin in Madrid next week.
a - Visited
b - Will visit
c - Visit
They .........................
.. a new road in 2007.
a - Build
b - Will build
c - Builded
I ................................... to the Yelmo Cineplex cinemas
..... tomorrow.

a - Went
b - Go
c - Will go
144) They ...........................in La Sirena next Saturday.
a - Will be having dinner
b - Will dinner have
c - Will be dinner
I..........to Berlín in
August. a - Will flying
b - Will flying
be c - Will be
They .......................... a lot with that
... teacher.
a - Will learnt
b - Will have
c - Will have learn
He ............................ many countries in
... April.
a - Will have seen
b - Will seen
c - Will be seen
I ........................... everything before
.. 12:00.
a - Will eaten
b - Will have eaten
c - Will be ate
149) Next summer
he ............................................ a new car.
a - Will bought
b - Will buying
c - Will have been driving
150) In May
he ....................................... with a new team in France.
a - Will played
b - Will have been playing
c - Will playing be
We.................................... many good films but this is the
..... best.
a - Has see
b - Has seen
c - Have seen
152) some shoes to his
He ............................ brother.
a - Has bought
b - Has buy
c - Have bought
153) The
food ...........................................
. horrible.
a - Am

b - Was
c - Are
154) The French ...........................Spanish very bad in the past.
a - Speaks
b - Spoke
c - Speaking
155) Inmita .......to a swimming pool in the evenings when she was 3
years old.
a - Went
b - Go
c - Went
156) When we lived in Alicante my wife ....................her mother
every night.
a - Phone
b - Phoned
c - Phones will
157) My aunt ............................gazpachos in the Culebrón.
a - Ate
b - Eat
c - Will eats
158) We.....................................a lot in England last summer.
a - Enjoying
b - Enjoys
c - Enjoyed
159) Lady Hernández...............................her old boyfriend in a
a - Met
b - Meeting
c - Meets
160) I ...............................more than ever last summer.
a - Swim
b - Swimming
c - Swam
161) They .................................to Alicante when they were
a - Will go
b - Goes
c - Went
162) The doctor .......................us hat it was nothing important.
a - Tolds
b - Telling
c - Told
163) The bus ...........................................in every city.
a - Stopped

b - Stopping
c - Stop
164) It ..........................................during the festivies.
a - Rained
b - Raining
c - Raineing
165) The alarm clock...............................................but I couldn't
stop it.
a - Ringing
b - Rings
c - Was ringing
166) He has............................................on weight since he got
a - Puts
b - Put
c - Putting
167) Pepe has...................................a new apartment in Santa
a - Buying
b - Boughted
c - Bought
168) My brother-in-law has...................................football in
a - Plays
b - Played
c - Playeding
169) Manuela ..........................................................aspirins for a
long time.
a - Is takes
b - Is took
c - Has been taking
170) Alberto Navarro ...........................his last book for over fifteen
a - Has been writing
b - Has be writing
c - Has being writing
171) There's nothing in the fridge. They..............all.
a - Must have eaten
b - Must has ate
c - Must had eaten
172) My parents .............................me some money when I got
a - Giving
b - Gaven
c - Gave
173) I ............................................that she had won the lottery.
a - Have knew
b - Have known

c - Has know
174) Last summer they .......................................siesta before
a - Was sleeping
b - Sleep
c - Were sleeping
175) I .........................................................how to get to
a - Am explaining
b - Explains
c - Does explain
176) I' ve worked in Elche ...................six years.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
177) I've lived in Elda ...................I was a child.
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
178) We have not been in Rome ...........we were married.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
179) I've known them ................years.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
180) She has been working here ...................she left school.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
181) He has been in prison..................nine years.
a - Ago
b - Since
c - For
182) Pepica has lived in Salinas.............................she was ten years
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
183) He has been ill .........a long time.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago

184) Pili is in her office. She's been there ..............7 o'clock.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
185) The bus is late. We've been waiting .........................20
a - Since
b - For
c - Ago
186) Laura is studying Medicine ............................1987.
a - Ago
b - For
c - Since
187) I've been learning English.............................January.
a - For
b - Ago
c - Since
188) I've only been cycling to work......................two months.
a - For
b - Since
c - Ago
189) If you put ice in the sun it..............................................to
a - Turn
b - Turns
c - Turning
190) If you...........................................this one I'll bring you
a - Doesn't like
b - Didn't like
c - Don't like
191) If I ................................................studied I would get a
better job.
a - Has
b - Have
c - Had
192) If it ............more we could grow more trees.
a - Rain
b - Rained
c - Raining
193) If I had bought lottery yesterday, today
a - Would have being
b - Will have been
c - Would have been
194) If I had known that they were in Elda
l............................................ them to
have lunch in La Sirena.
a - Willl have invited
b - Would have invited
c - Had invited
Indicativo, Subjuntivo e Imperativo
son: a - Modos verbales
b - Formas del
adjetivo c - Tipos de
¿Qué nombre reciben los siguientes verbos: "to be, to have y
to do "?. a - Auxiliares
b - Modales
197) My wife
is........ the kitchen.
a - In
b - On
c - At
198) I
was ....... the station.
a - In
b - On
c - At
199) The water
is.......... the fridge.
a - On
b - In
c - At
200) The book
is .......... the table.
a - In
b - On
c - At
201) My mother
is......... home.
a - On
b - In
c - At
202) My house the road to
is.............. Sax.
a - In
b - On
c - At
203) The football at
match ................................ 6:00.
a - Starts
b - Are starting
c - Is starting

204) We ....................................some books to the Public Library.
a - Are giving
b - Gives
c - Giving
205) He................................................smoking next year.
a - Is give up
b - Is giveing up
c - Is giving up
206) They ............................... "the cuartelillo ".
a - Are clean
b - Are cleanig
c - Are cleaned
207) I like ..........................................fresh air in the mountains.
a - Breathes
b - Breathing
c - Breathed
208) Pleased to meet ............
a - Yours
b - Us
c - You
209) I'll try .............English tea.
a - Some
b - Many
c - Any
210) Don't ...............to him.
a - Listened
b - Listen
c - Listening
211) You must .........it for us.
a - Make
b - Makes
c - Made
212) How long have you ....................learning English?
a - Be
b - Being
c - Been
213) That's .............
a - Enough
b - Enougher
c - Enoughing
214) Teresa's ...........the phone.

a - In
b - On
c - At
Please hurry .............
a - Down
b - In
c - Up
How ..............shirts are you going to
buy? a - Many
b - Much
c - Often
a - In
b - On
c - At
card. a - By
With c -
Shut up and mind your
........business. a - Our
b -
Ours c -
The streets ...........decorated.
a - Are
b - Is
c - Will
Come ..............about ten
o'clock. a - At
b - In
c - On
Let's ..............a good restaurant, I am very
hungry. a - Finding
b - Found
c - Find
There has ........a car crash in Juan Carlos I.
a - Be
b - Was
c - Been
What ................happened to him, he is
very sad. a - Is

b - Has
c - Have
A little boy called Jaime ......been knocked off by a
bike. a - Is
Have c -
That ........be enough.
a - Should
b - Can
c - Must
Thank ......very much.
a - You
b - Yours
c - Youm
You'll need it when it gets ..........
a - Coldest
b - Colder
c - Colding
I ..........hope you've got everything now,
Pepe. a - Did
b - Do c
- Does
I'm really looking ...............to the concert!
a - For
b - Forward
c - Up
Wasn't it worth .................all those
cars? a - Washing
b - Wash c
- Washed
I intend to get a job
........weekends. a - In
b - On
c - At
I don't mind, .......................the hours are reasonable and the
pay is good. a - Long so
b - So long
as c - As
long as
It was difficult at first..........to live alone in England.
a - Have
b - Has

c - Having
............all cars here are
automatic. a - Nearly
b - Near
c - Close
This is celebrated ......the fourth Thursday of
November. a - On
b - In
c - At
Give.............regards to your family.
a - Me
b - My
Everyone ...........paella and ham in
Spain. a - Loves
b - Love
It says .......diving!
a - Not
b - No
c - Any
I don't mind ............the same clothes
everyday. a - Wearing
b - Wear c
- Weared
I'll bring you a present ........the journey.
a - In
b - Up
c - On
I suppose .......
a -
As b
- So
c - So as so
That is the ............compliment you can pay to a girl
like her. a - Great
b - Greater
c - Greatest
José Luis says you are a very good .........
a - Cooker
b - Cooking
c - Cook

245) 5.900 ...............insurance and unlimited mileage.
a - Including
b - Includes
c - Include
a - What
b - What
an c - How
247) I was .................sorry that I felt ashamed.
a - So
b - As
c - So as
248) You can ..............a taxi and go sightseeing.
a - Spend
b - Hire
c - Look up for
249) Can I .........a bike?
a - Hire
b - Spend
c - Renting
250) Imagine .........to work in the Sahara.
a - Have
b - Having
c - Has
251) People of your age ............not drink beer.
a - Shall
b - Will
c - Should
252) The place I enjoyed .............was the museum of Moder Art.
a - Most
b - More
c - Little
253) At what time did you .......................to the cinema last
a - Go
b - Went
c - Going
I play football with.........
a - He
Him c
- His

255) She is ..................secretary.
a - Me
b - My
c - Mine
256) My wife eats ..................oranges.
a - Many
b - Little
c - So
The umbrella is..........
a - He
b - Her
258) If I could, I ......................go to the cinema with you, darling.
a - Went
b - Must
c - Would
259) Girls, you ......................say those things about your friends.
a - Haven't to
b - Mustn't
c - Mustn
Have another chocolate. No, thank you very much
indeed, ....................too much.
a - I've
eaten b - I
c - I at e
261) I think my brother ..................to come next month.
a - Cans
b - Could
c - Will be able
262) Mr. Martínez ......................for a loan, but then, he won the
a - Was asking
b - Asking
c - Askeing
263) That girl is ............................pretty.
a - As
b - So many
c - So
264) How .......................you go to Sax tomorrow?
a - Does
b - Shall
c - Will

265) My daughter hasn't ....................from school yet.
a - Comed
b - Coming
c - Come
266) Haven't you done it ....................?
a - Ago
b - Yet
c - For
Manolo, .................go to the disco
tonight. a - Let us
b - We
let's c -
We let
268) You have to be much .....................when you use this.
a - More careful
b - Carefuler
c - Carefulest
269) It was nice to see him again. I .........him for ages.
a - Haven't seen
b - Haven t see
c - Saw
270) Those are the ones .................came yesterday.
a - Who
b - Whom
c - Whose
271) It ...........for ages in Almeria. Said the weather forecast
a - Doesn't rain
b - Did rain
c - Hasn't rained
272) I was going to write but the computer ...............down.
a - Break
b - Breaks
c - Broke
273) Oscar always ...................tennis
a - Play
b - Plays
c - Is play
......you born in Elda ?
a - Had
b - Are
c - Were
Jesús you'd like to go to buy a new computer, .............you?

a - Would
b - Wouldn't
c - May
My grandmother died at the .......of
89. a – Age
b - Years c
- Years of
Hey...........a look, Rocio Jurado is there with her
husband. a - Have
b - Take
c - Put
Plaza Mayor .......in 1996.
a - Was built
b - Will be built
c - Built
What ....................happen if we didn't go to
work? a - Will
Would c -
The local Council ...........do something about those
houses! a - Must to
b - Have
to c - Must
All these children are nice, but ours are ................
a - Niecerest
b - Nicer
c - Nicest
The shop was open this morning. It ...at
4:45. a - Open
b - Was open
c - Opened
It ..............a lot in winter in Bocairente.
a - Snows
b - Is snowed
c - Is snowing
We haven't seen the new Harry Potter film ...
a - Yet
b - Already
c - Still
It's late and Juan is ...........in bed.
a - Already

b - Still
c - Yet
I think that "The Pillars of the Earth " is .........book I have
read in my life. a - The best
b - Best than
c - The
If I were you, I .............work in that bank anymore.
a - Would
b - Wouldn't
c - Can
Come on, boys. We .........win them this
time. a - Must
b - Have
to c - Have
She is very pretty but my girlfriend is ........
a - Prettier
b - Prettiest
c - The pretty
I was listening to the news ...........TV when the baby began to
scream. a - On
b - In
c - At
This is the boy........father is the President of "The Moros
Musulmanes ". a - Whose
b - What
c - Which
I ..........to London since 1993.
a - Haven't been
b - Haven't gone
c - Haven't go
She doesn't live in Novelda,
...she? a - Do
b - Does c
- Doesn't
It........rain tomorrow.
a - May
b - Must
c - Can
I am .............tall as Paco
Cabrera. a - As
b - So

c - So as
This is the restaurant.........we celebrate our anniversary
every year. a - Where
Which c
- What
We........some money to buy a new fridge. Can we borrow
from you? a - Need
b -
Must c
- May
What's your new girlfriend like ?
a - Very nice
b - Very pretty
c - Demanding
It's very late and your brother is......
a - Still in bed
b - Still in the
bed c - Already in
There is......milk in the fridge.
a - No
b - Some
c - Many
.........very nice car is a
Mercedes. a - What a
b - How c
- How a
I want you to .................to my
party. a - Came
b - Coming
c - Come
She gave him four .........of
bread. a - Loafs
b - Loaves
She had .......money that she didn't know what
to do. a - So much
b - So
many c -
He got married on the ...........of May.
a - 3rd
b - 3nd
c - 3st
My uncle has never been to Jamaica.
a - Neither has mine
b - Neither has
me c - Neither
has I
I never listen to...radio at night.
b - The
Why don't you
eat..........breakfast? a - A
The c
Before......lunch we played
ATAJOS. a - The
...........Vinalopó is the only river we
have. a - -
The c
.......wine is good if you drink
properly. a - -
The c
........wine from Rioja is my favourite.
b - The
I went to.......hospital to visit my friend Enrique who had a
heart attack. a - The
Sarah goes to......church every Sunday with my wife.
b - The
There is .......which is not very clear in
this. a - Something
Anything c
- Nothing
The indians had many.......
a - Chiefs
Chieves c -
My favourite.........were a ball and the
Scalextrix. a - Toys
Toyes c
- Tois
A famous English king had six........
a - Wifes
b - Wives
c - Wivess
The plural of goose is...
Gooses b
- Geese c
- Gees
.........live in Elda.
a - Us
b - We
c - Our
La casa de Manoli. a -
House's Manoli
b - Manoli's house
c - The manoli's house
El coche de mi amigo. a -
The my friend's car
b - My friend's
car c - Car's my
La casa de los Torres.
a - The Torres' house
b - Torres'ss house
c - The house of Torres'
We were.......the theatre last
night. a - In
b - On
c - At
I studied ........don Emilio's school from 1968
to 1975. a - In
b - On
c - At
I met her ..........a lecture.
a - On
b - In
c - At
She studied........Oxford.
a - On
b - At
c - Of
She lives.....Oxford.
a - In
b - On
c - At
Elda is ......the road to
Albacete. a - In
b - On
c - At
I live ......the second floor.
a - In
b - At
c - On
I was born......Elda.
a - On
b - In
c - At
We have a house......the
coast. a - In
b - On
c - At
I met her..........the
croosroads. a - At
b - In
c - On
We arrived .......France in
1990. a - At
b - In
c - On
We arrived ........Paris in
1991. a - At
b - On
c - In
......lunch time we drink
coke. a - In

b - On
c - At
......the beginning of the book I didn't like very
much. a - In
b - On
c - At
........first sight I fell in love with her.
a - At
b - In
c - On
We became
friends.......last. a - In
b - On
c - At
........Christmas day my family come
home. a - In
b - On
c - At
You must be ......time for the plane.
a - In
b - On
c - At
Holidays in Spain are.......July to
September. a - For
From c
- At
All the trains come......Alicante.
a - From
b - For
c - Up
We are going .................the cinema
tonight. a - At
b - To
c - In
The safest way to travel is.......road.
a - On
b - In
c - By
We got.......the bus at
8.00. a - In
b - On

c - By
I go to
work........foot. a -
b - On
c - By
¿Qué forma verbal expresa
intención? a - Going to
b - Must
c - Need
a - Her
b - She
c - Hers
Los advervios de frecuencia se colocan .......del verbo
to be. a - Detrás
Delante c -
The thief........he had robbed all the jewels.
a - Adnited
b - Admitted
c - Admitedd
I ................to London in
1987. a - Go
b - Went
c - Gone
She hates.......
a - Wash
b - Washing
c - Washed
She never..........lies.
a - Says
b - Tells
c - Speaks
........long have you been studying
English? a - Where
b - How
Novelda is.......than Monóvar.
a - Far
b - Further

c - Furthest
Pepe is .......rich as
Manolo. a - So
b - As c
- Than
..........does she want?
a - Where
b - What
c - Who
.......is this old car?
a - Whose
b - Who c
- Whom
.........was that pretty girl who was with you in the
Plaza Mayor? a - Who
b -
Whose c
- Whom
She play tennis.
a - So do she
b - So does she
c - Does she so
Are they.........waiting for the
doctor? a - Still
b - Yet
c - Already
I haven't read the book about Garzon......
a - Yet
b -
c - Already
I haven't written my Christmas cards......
a -
Still b
- Yet
c - Already
How much is two + three?
a - Five
b - Six
c - Seven
We have.................magazines and books about
Elda. a - A lot
b - A lot
of c - Lots

a - Ivining b
- Evening c
- Evenning
Thank you very much indeed. -You're.......
a - Welcome
b - Welcomed
c - Welcame
.......Christmas Eve we have dinner
together. a - In
b - At
c - On
.........way, how is your family?
a - In
b - By
c - Upon
You never know........he is happy or
sad. a - Whenever
Wheather c -
My factory passed ........the hands of my
uncle. a - In
Into c -
If you ...............worried, tell your mother
about it. a - Were
b - Are
c - Had been
If you................earlier tonight, we could go to the
cinema. a - Come
b - Came
c - Comes
We never understood......he wanted to say.
a - Who
b - Which
c - What
......mind, I have another one. I will
repair it. a - Never
b - All

If you work for......you will not have to suffer
a boss. a - You
b - Yours c
- Yourself
Many people nowadays live by.......
a - Them
b - Themselves
c - Their
We enjoyed ..........in our
honeymoon. a - Us
b - Ours
c - Ourselves
My friend Tomás is a .........driver.
a - Carefully
b - Care
c - Careful
He is always very......and sends me a Jabugo ham on November
the 30th. a - Kindly
b - Kaind
c - Kind
We never speak..........about our friends.
a - Badder
b - Badly
c - Worse
......Lent people many people don't eat
meat. a - At
b - On
c - In
In the middle ....................August we organise
many BBQs. a - From
b - Of
c - On
People .......the beach should drink water all the time.
a - In
b - On
c - At
We ought not to visit her.
She........study. a - Has
b - Must
c - Have
I went for a walk........Castelar Square.

a - About
b - Afloat
c - Around
......your mouth close all the time, only answer if the teacher
asks you. a - Keep
b - To keep
c - Keeps
My father-in-law arrived...........Alicante airport from Italy
yesterday. He went to Lineapelle.
a - In
b - At
c - On
I haven't finished........
a - Yet
b - Already
c - Still
If you can't water the plants, I ........do it
for you. a - Would
b - Will
All the shoes were........during the shoe fair in
Milan. a - Sell
b - Sold
Hallowen is......
a - October 31st
b - October 1rd
c - October 1nd
........faithfully. a
- Your
b - Yours c
- Yourself
Everybody..........to make the
beds. a - Has
b - Have c
- To have
There are.......good and bad methods of learning a
language. a - All
Neither c
- Both
No smoking.........be allowed in all the premises.

a - Will
b - Shall
c - Is to
When my mother was young my grandmother ........look
after her. a - Used
Would c -
Why......you want to buy this? if it is of no use.
a - Shall
b - Will
c - Should
He........his wife he had had an affair with her best
friend. a - Said
b - Told c
- Spoke
He ...........to the waiter that the wine was not
very good. a - Told
b - Said
c - Sayd
Life is not easy. You can never..........what is going to
happen. a - Say
b - Tell
c - Knows
"It has been the best day of my life "......my sister.
a - Told
b - Said
c - Gueses
It goes without........
a - Telling
b - Saying
........stupid of him!
a - What
b - How c
- What a
I like swimming.
-.......too. a - I
b - My
c - Me
........that Pepe were rich he would not be
here. a - Provides

b - Provided
c - Providing
It was.............understood by all the
students. a - Easy
b - Easily
c - Easier that
The party was.........planned.
a - Wonderfully
b - Wonder
c - Wonderful
I don't think so......
Personally b
- Personal c
- Personaly
The man with the moustache and the golden watch........be his
father. a - Must
b - Can
c - Need
Do........home now it's very late!
a - Go
b - To go
c - Goed
Why .......him about the
accident? a - To tell
b - Tell
c - Telling
I went to the disco.......
a - To dance
b - Dance
c - Dancing
Is Real Madrid going to win the league?- I think.......
a - Such
b - So
c - Some
.......to speak.
a - So
b - Such
c - As
She lives ........
a - The fifth floor
b - On the fifth floor

c - On the fivefth floor
418) English people celebrate ..........................twelve days after
Christmas' day.
a - Twelfth's night
b - Twelve night
c - Twelves nights
419) He ...................arrive late yesterday.
a - Do
b - Does
c - Did
420) He has...................away because he was a little bit tired.
a - Go
b - Went
c - Gone
421) Before my daughters were born I visited
many....................with my wife.
a - Countries
b - Countryes
c - Cauntries
422) Please.......................on the lights.
a - To switch
b - Switch
c - Switching
423) Don't forget ...............the letters.
a - Posted
b - To post
c - Posts
424) The park is......................the hospital.
a - Next
b - Next to
c - Next about
425) Someone has......................the book from the library.
a - Steal
b - Stole
c - Stolen
426) She is always........................friends.
a - Doing
b - Made
c - Making
427) My daughters..................so much noise!
a - Do
b - Make
c - Making

428) What are you..................? -Just reading the paper.
a - Making
b - Doing
c - Make
429) I have finished the book.- He said .................finished the
a - He has
b - He had
c - He having
We always arrive...............
a - Early
c - The earlier
My parents work..............
a - Hard
b - Harder
than c - The
432) It .................rain tonight. It is very dark.
a - May
b - Mays
c - Mights
At 9.00 am you must say good...................
a - Night
b - Afternoon
c - Morning
434) American people often say..................instead of bye
a - So long
b - So long as
c - As by
435) We eat ...............fish.
a - Many
b - Much
c - Few
436) I smoke..........................cigarettes than before.
a - Few
b - Fewerst
c - Fewer
437) ....................wife's name is Inma.
b - Me
c - My

438) They said he was a ...................teacher.
a - Bored
b - Boring
c - Borerst
439) I was .....................because the film was boring.
a - Boring
b - Borest
c - Bored
In a couple of hours the factory was.........
a - Ablaze b
- Ablase c -
He always says that ll the Chinese look..................
a - Like
Alike c
- Likes
442) His .....................brother works in Perú.
a - Elder
b - Old
c - Older
Sometimes she drives me.............
a - Madder
b - Mad
c - Madest
444) Many peole are....................during the Moors and Christians
a - Drink
b - Drank
c - Drunk
445) The....................age of pop was the 60s.
a - Gold
b - Golgind
c - Golden
446) I have decided .................a new bike.
a - Buying
b - Buy
c - To buy
447) They deserve.......................treated better.
a - Be
b - To be
c - Being
448) You had better...........................the car now. Next year the
prices will go up.

a - To buy
b - Buy
c - Buying
Yo must avoid........................to
him. a - Speaking
b - To
speak c -
I don't mind..........................to
wait. a - To have
Having c -
¿Qué clase de conjunción es "so
"? a - Consecutiva
b - Copulativa
c - Adversativa
¿Qué clase de conjunciónes son "if, unless, as long as, provided
that "? a - Condicionales
Causales c -
¿Cómo se llaman las palabrass que llevan acento?
a - Átonas
b - Tónicas
c - Agudas
¿Cómo se llaman las palabras que no llevan
acento? a - Átonas
b - Llanas
c - Esdrújulas
¿Cómo se llaman las palabras que llevan el acento en la última
silaba? a - Agúda
b - Llana
c - Esdrújula
¿Cómo se denominan a los verbos ser y estar?
a - Transitivos
b - Copulativos
c - Modales
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Paul
b - John
c - Four
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido diferente?

a - Had
b - Head
c - Said
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Pen
b - Bed
c - Pan
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - At
b - Art
c - Hat
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Pat
b - Match
c - Part
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Shop
Sport c
- Fox
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Full
Fool c
- Pull
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Bat
b - But
c - Cup
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Run
b -
Rung c -
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Heard
b - Turn
c - Debt
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Place
b -
Plays c
- Prize
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Bus
b - Once
c - Buzz
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Seat
b - Sell
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Thin
b - Sin
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Ham
Hum c
- Bun
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Was
Wash c -
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Swan
Bald c
- Ball
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Want
Wallet c
- Salt
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Scar
b - Party
c -
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Daughter
b - Fault
c - Because
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Beans
b -
Bread c -
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Dry
b - Big

c - City
¿Qué palabra tiene un sonido
diferente? a - Bore
b - Canoe
c - Shoe
Yes, they........interesting books.
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
I...........a teacher.
a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
You.........the limit.
a - Are
b - Is
I ....................tall.
a - Is
b - Am
c - Are
Horacio ......in Elche.
a - Am
b - Is
I.........in the
classroom. a - Am
b - Is
a - Is
b - Are
c - Am
Tres. a -
Zrui b -
Tree c -
a - Faif
Five c
- Fife

Diez. a -
Tenn b -
Tent c -
Trece. a -
Thirten b -
Therteen c
- Thirteen
Dieciséis. a -
Sixten b -
Sisteen c -
Diecisiete. a -
Seventeen b
- Seventen c
- Seveteen
a - Sister
b - Daugher
c - Mother
494) Abuelo.
a - Father in law
b - Grandfather
c - Granparentes
Abuela. a -
b - Grandmother
c - Mother inlaw
a - Daughter
b - Sister
c - Mother
Pariente. a -
Relative b -
c - Parenting
Chaleco. a -
b - Waistcoat
c - Tie

Vaqueros. a -
b - Jeans c
- Troussers
Macarena lives........Ronda.
a - In
b - On
c - At


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. A 13. C

14. B 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. B 21. B 22. A 23. B 24. A 25. B 26. C
27. B 28. A 29. A 30. B 31. B 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. C 39. A
40. A 41. A 42. B 43. A 44. A 45. A 46. B 47. A 48. B 49. A 50. A 51. B 52. A
53. C 54. C 55. C 56. A 57. C 58. B 59. C 60. A 61. A 62. C 63. B 64. C 65. A
66. C 67. C 68. C 69. B 70. B 71. B 72. C 73. C 74. C 75. B 76. B 77. B 78. A
79. B 80. A 81. B 82. A 83. B 84. B 85. A 86. B 87. A 88. B 89. A 90. A 91. B
100 101 102 103 104
92. A 93. B 94. B 95. B 96. A 97. C 98. B 99. A . A . B . A . B . B
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
. A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . A . B . C . C . A
118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130
. A . A . C . B . B . C . C . C . C . B . C . A . B
131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
. C . A . C . A . B . C . C . A . A . A . B . B . C
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
. A . C . B . A . B . C . B . C . A . B . B . A . B
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
. A . C . A . C . C . C . A . A . C . B . C . B . C
170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
. A . A . C . B . C . A . B . A . B . B . B . C . B
183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
. A . C . B . C . C . A . B . C . C . B . C . B . A
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
. A . A . C . B . B . C . B . A . A . C . B . B . C
209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221
. A . B . A . C . A . B . C . A . A . A . C . A . A
222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
. C . C . B . C . A . A . B . B . B . A . B . B . C
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247
. A . A . B . A . B . A . C . B . C . C . A . C . A
248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260
. B . A . B . C . A . A . B . B . A . C . C . B . A
261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273
. C . A . C . C . C . B . A . A . A . A . C . C . B
274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286
. C . B . A . A . A . B . C . B . C . A . A . B . A
287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299
. B . A . A . A . A . A . B . A . A . A . A . B . A
300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312
. A . A . C . A . A . A . A . B . C . B . B . A . B
313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325
. A . A . A . A . A . B . B . B . B . B . A . C . C
326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338
. C . B . A . B . C . B . B . A . B . C . C . C . A
339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351
. C . B . A . B . A . B . C . B . B . A . A . A . B
352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364
. B . B . B . B . B . B . B . A . A . B . A . A . B
365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377
. A . B . B . A . C . B . C . B . B . B . C . A . C
378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390
. B . C . C . C . B . A . B . B . B . C . A . B . A
391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403
. B . B . A . B . A . C . B . B . C . B . B . B . B
404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416
. B . B . C . B . B . A . A . A . A . B . A . B . A
417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429
. B . A . C . C . A . B . B . B . C . C . B . B . B
430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442
. A . A . A . C . A . B . C . C . B . C . A . B . A
443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455
. B . C . C . C . B . B . A . B . A . A . B . . A
456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468
. B . B . A . C . B . C . B . B . A . C . C . A . C
469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481
. C . C . A . A . A . C . C . C . A . A . A . B . B
482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494
. A . B . B . A . B . C . B . C . C . C . A . C . B
495 496 497 498 499 500
. B . A . A . B . B . A


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