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Pub li,i-.<cl by ,h, P, nguin Grou p
I'<nl:"in Group (USA) In,-, 17l Hud"'n ,;<,,,.,. N<w Yo,J,. ~,w Yo, k 1001• .
L'SA • I'<n~u in Group (Canoda), 'lll Eglin'on A"",", Eo", Su i" 700 ,
Toron 'o. On'"io M4 P In. Canoda (. di";''''n of I'=>on I'<nl:"in
c.n.d, In'.) • I'<nl:"in Ilool<> Ltd. 80 S"'nd. l<>ndon WClR ORL, En~", d
• I'<nguin 1",I",d, l ~ S, 5o.ph,n'. G",n. Du blin 2, 1",I",d (. divi ~on of
I'<ngnin Boob l , d ) • I'<ngnin Croup (A"""lia), 2~0 Camb<,-wdl Road.
Camb<<w<II. IT",o '" l 124. Au",.I.. (. d ivi, ion oH"',"n Aun ,..]i. Groop
r" l , d ) • I'<ngnin Boob Indi. Pvt Ltd, 1l Com mun ity C,n'", Pan<h>h<d
P"k, S<w Ddhi_11O 0 17, India • I'<nl:"in Group (NZ), 67 Apollo D, iv"
!loo«ki<. Nort h s l-.n",074~, Auckl",cl, ~<W 7.<.l.ncl (. cliv~",n of r..=n
N<w 7.<,I,nd ltd) • I'<n ~ uin Book>(Son,h Africa) (l'ty) ltd.
14 Stn"!" Avon"" Ro><bank, joh.n n"bu']; II % . Sou,h Mri<a
I'<n~ u in Book> Ltd, Rogi" ""d Of!K",
80 S,,,,,,J, wnclon ~"ClR ORL, En~a nd
Copy, ido' C 2007 by Don and Dd>,.. Maclrocl
All ,ight> ,. ",=! . No P-''' of ,hi, hook m.y b< "'proclu,«I, "'nn«l, m
di"ril."tod in any p ' int<d '" d""ron" fo, m wi'""n' f'<nn i"ion. Pb .. do no'
p;>rti<ip-'t< in m <nco u,,&< pi"")' of rop yrigh,«I nutorial, in viol"ion of ,1.. To An gela
. u, I-.n,' right>. Purrh= only ,u,ho,i=! «1i, ,,,",

Mo., T",!=ll'<ngnin hook>.", av<il.b i<., 'f'<,ial q<Un ti'y di""un" fo, b ulk Yo u were right----a shol of o il does stop the squeak.
p u,ch... fo, ..I" promotion" p", minm " fu nd _ "';~ n ~, and «1u",ional n=k
Sp«ial hoob 0' hook <><=pt. a],o can h< m at«! '0 fi, >p« ific no«!. . Fo'
cl«ail, . writ< I'<n~ uin Gronp (USA) In'- Sp«..1M"k<t,. 17l Hod"", St"",.
~,w Yo, k, ro;y 100 14

u h",v of Cong''''' Ca ..loging_in_Pu bli"''''n 0."

Mock",!, Don, d,,,,
wh< job. , a wom,n, ~ ui<l< '0
1:"''' main t..,.nc. ",,/ Don and [)d,,..
, <-
ISBN,I _4l9l--4S ,ll-O
L Sn in<truction fo, worn.n. 1. Sn. I. M.drocl. Dd>", da",. II. ra,
HQ4 6.M IS6 z007 l007(1t)9S80

&ok "'9'" ., A...""" D<wry

N, i,h" ,1-.0 pu bli,h" ""' ,h, .u,""" = en~ in =<I< , in~ prof=ional ad_
vri 0' "" vi<" to ,h, ind ivKhul ",<1<,. The Kk... , procodm<>. and_ion,
<ontain«! in ,hi, bool..'" no' in t<ncl<cl ... ,"ho,i,u", foo- con,"I'ing wi,h ron ,
p h,.,"ian . All m"",,, "'lj',," n ~ yom h, .hh "'qni'" m«!ial >Up",;,ion . N<ith"
,h, au'""" no, ,h, pnbJi'l-.o, >lull h< li.bJ, 0' "" f"'",ibJ, fo, , ny k", m cl.ma&<
alleg«! ly ,,;' ing from ,ny info' m" ion 0' "'W"ion in ,hi, hook
Wh il, ,b, ' u,""" b, ve mad, """y dto" ' 0 provicl< ac,u"," td ' phon. nu mber>
",din",,",' add"""" " ,h, ' im' of pnbJieo'ion, n, i,1.., ,h, pnbJi'l-.o, no, ,1..
""ho" =urn, any "" pon,ih;)i'y fo, <>ro". '" fa< c h a n t'" ~ , hat ocr m aft« pnb-
lie.,ion . Fu"1.." ,1.. pubJi'l-.o, do<> no' h." "'y con trol ov« and do<> not ...
>Urn, ,ny ""f'Om ibilitv fo ' , u, l-.n,a< , hinJ_p;>rty a< , I-.oi, con"n'.

Infau xi
In trodu ction ""'"

. 'PaId 0 _ .
Manual Stimulation

Lube Joh #I . Spot-Fru Rinu 3

Lube Job #2. The Jump Start 14
Lube Job #3. P",ver Polish-For &ui Girls Only 24
Lube Job #4. Grab a GMr--Part I 3/
Lube Job #5. Backseat Driver 40


Lube Job #6. You~ Got M ale 47

Lube Job #7. The Hot-Oil CIJangc 59
Lube Job #8. Una~r the Hood 75
Lube Job #9. Grab a GMr-Part II: The Detour 83 • tpaIU [l"iPe •
Lube Job # 10. The Engine Soak 94 Maintenance Coupons

Lube Job #2 0. Hassle-Free Maintenance

• tpaIU u , " - , • Sex Coup,ms N I
Admowledgmmts 255
Lube Job # 11. The Roadside Check 107 lnd~x 257
Lube Job #12. Leather Seats 127
Lube Job # 13. Zero Visibility 135
Lube Job # 14. The Fast ana the Furious 140
Lube Job # 15. R~mote-Controlled P/~asurt' 149

• tpaIU [1"_ .
Sexual Intercourse

Lube Job # 16. RMding the M ap -

Written Erotica 163
Lube Job # 17. The Cht:CkJist-S~XUdl Positions 186
Lube Job # 18. The Backseat Drive-In-
Sex in the Car 202
Lube Job # 19. Fully Loaded-&....u.:1 Massage 217

o u 're writing a book about Ulhat? ~

Y "Urn, well, maintenance sex , ~ we sheepishly repeat
10 friends over a casual dinner.
We continue to speak, 10 elaborate on the book', credi-
bility and relevance in modern relationships, bur the faces
across the lable slare at us in mUle amusement as the words
maintmanct: ux hang in the air. One of our friends swirls
the wine in her glass, then interrupts us with a la u gh .
" Re m em ber Brad?" she asks everyone. " H e was al me
six or seven nights a week." She shakes her head. " He was
definitely oversexed.
"Yo u should be f1atlered,n counters a male friend .
"'Wha t's wrong with six or seven limes a week? That's nor-
mal for some guys. H e wasn't oversexed, he was just
healthy. ~

"Yo u only need 10 exercIse three tlmes a week for

health," s.ays another woman . "T h e same should go for
..,x. "'bybe b" even. Q uality is mo re imponant than ""hat d.. you picture when you rhin k of maint..nancr
q uanti ty." ..,x1 An n hau. trd. wom an lying dutifully under h..r man
The n'en arou nd Ihe table vocalize a lo ud collective in Ihe m i..ionuy posirion1 Perhaps she reach"" out her
groan of ~ Not nC'CC..a ril y. ~ arm, 10 mu ndandy read a book 01 no nchalandy amwer a
Mean wh ile, we mur,gk fo brin g fhe focus back 10 th e ringing Idepho n.. while, wirh grear boredom and heary
book', ph ilosoph y. Maintenance is an imponanl i", ue, sigh. , . he endurn his rwo minutes of grunt'S and t hnue,
we say; ii" nOI a joke. BUI it'. no u Th e f100dgat"" have Maybe .he Ihrows in an around-the-wo rld eye roll for ef-
ope ned. and the opinion. and pund.l in"" are pou ring out. fect as he announces Ihe approach of his mom en r of gloty.
A co nversalion formerly I1Ued with im ellig<'m discourse How roma lllic,
on ......uaIity and the differences belWC'rn men and wo men Well. ;KuuJly, it can be romantic ... if you kr il be. l r
is now nddled wirh sarc:asm, laugh ler, and a srcady slram all depcn<h o n your al1i N de and yout relarions hip with
of horridly too- personal anC'C dofes regarding Ihe too- your panncr, lf bor h are posirive, rhere's no I'Ca'On an oc-
Illlrfullihidos of J>M1ncn ~h pasl and prescn l. casional n urs-and -bollS SC'lf ..... io~ an inequirable
~'e kam , for cumpk, 1f...1when ~ Br.o<I wantal. onc---can'l be pan of a dcrply loving and murually satisfy_
rrnding. he would spray copious amounts of cheap coIogIK ing SC'll life. In fact, maintenaner SC'lf ....ved ou r marriage.
"down t~· in the hope of Inn pring his gid~nd to go Anyone who .... ys having children doesn't kill rhe TO--
sourh. ~Iy for him , thi. multal. in more skin rash... than mancr cirhcr doesn 't ha.... kids o r Jon,.~ htrw 1rUh. Try
......ual attention. Donovan lowcn the standard. of co nver- Ih inking sexy though rs whcn your len-mo nth--old i, pass-
sallon more by l"CV'Caling his scun main l"nan<:c" regimen: ing g.as in his crib like, an over'Stuffal. pigl~ . Tty , ummon-
he waits until his wilhholding wife is askep, th en slips in ing enough energy 10 climb o n lop of your J>M1ner at two
a por no and usn her body for frictio n, stating af the KrcnI o'clock in rhc morning after your th"",-~--okl has
until h..'s finishrJ or me wakes. ~ ~'h ichcv.,r com ... fi...r." man:hal. you imo the bathroom for his {Vo'elfth ~ I thought
he says wirh a 'mirlr. H i. wi& Ioob at him. "Thanks fo r I had to go" ..... ion of rhc nigh l. Tty getring in rhO' mood
nol malting mr g<'1 up," she d ron..... when you r 11""-,,...ar--old has ~n 11. 0' faintest traer of a
Mainlenanc........ h.as a bad ",putalion, und..... rvcJ, in f~r. And th.u', ..",e1uding the mu ch -feared lar.....nigh l un·
our opinion. And whe n il isn'l being o penly ridicu lrJ , it. expected and inrerru plus calls of ~ Mom, Dad. whar arc
bring otherwise sland..red as rhe bane of a woman', sexual you laugh ing abo ur in rhere1" followed by a fran tic ...ard.
..",isrencr. Unfo nunaf dy, lhe te is a S1.. rrotypical image of for your balhrobes as you h....r the pirter-p:m erof lil1le f 1
mainl..nancr sex rhae, <kspir.. rh.. jok..., is boll. sexb and co ming down the hall al speed.. you never d reamed a . iz.....
joyl...... three frog -slippered fool could travel.

_II p•• roe. pr.roe. . ,"

All parents experience this child-induced celibacy to back home to work. Don visited on the weekends and of-
some degree . Increase the number of kids, and the degree ten during the week, making the trek back home at one or
creeps upward as well . We have only one child, so you'd as- two o'clock in the morning to be back in the office by six.
sume we're hanging on somewhere just above room tem- Debra spent her days and nights at our son 's side, cringing
perature, and today that's probably true. But it didn't start every three hours at the Danh Vader-like suction sounds
out that way. of the breast pump, and dreading the constant bing-bings
We were married less than a year when Debra became of the baby's monitor as it announced even the smaIlest,
pregnant. It was a normal pregnancy, healthy and sex- most benign change in his hean rate or breathing.
filled, until one afternoon at seven months when every- We made it through those months and prevailed. l\Iore
thing changed. D ebra's blood pressure skyrocketed to important, so did our beautiful little boy. But as you can
stroke levels, and she was confined to a hospital bed with imagine, our relationship took a backseat to everything
preeclampsia-without warning, preparation, or negotia- from baby medications to money worries . Sex was a vague
tion. Without even being able to head back to the office to memory.
tie up loose ends or explain the circumstances to the boss It was the end of a frozen November when we were fi-
or angry dients. Suddenly, it was bed rest twenty-four nally able to bring our son home from the hospital, right
hours a day, seven days a week. As it turned out, we didn't in the middle of a particularly nasty winter during which
even make it a week. time every co ld and flu virus known to mankind seemed to
Only three days later, at three o'dock in the morning, be thriving. For the next few months , we lived in a state of
the fetal heart monitor showed the baby was in distress, perpetual fear, for we had been warned by our son's neona-
which, incidentally, is a more genteel way of saying it was tologists and pediatricians that contact with the common
dying. Less than an hour later, Debra lay postoperatively cold could lead to pneumonia in his delicate lungs.
in the recovery room while Don stared at his two-pound Both mom an d baby were under medical house arrest-
son, his bony limbs splayed apart and his red, tissue-thin for six months , Debra was unable to take our son to any
translucent skin pulled tight over his tiny chest. At [east he public place. And her prepregnancy plan to put the baby
stared at what he could see of him, for with the tubes and in day care so she could continue to pursue her career as a
cords wrapped around him he looked more like an insect lav.yer? T hat disappeared faster than a p"ycheck in th e
dinging to life in a spiderweb than a child lying in an in- baby aisle. The risk of pneumonia made day care out of th e
cubator. question , and D eb ra lost her job. Within the space of sev-
Our son spent two months in the neonatal intensive- eral weeks, she had gone from being a professional woman
care unit. Because we lived in a city two hours away, Debra with a day-timer to a stay-at-home mom with daytime tele -
had to stay in the hospital with our son while Don went vision.

." prefa ce p, er a c e
But back to the sex. ing for her (although D on has qui te fond memories of
You'd think that after havi ng suffered through two them) . It wasn't for another week that she began to feel
months of forced abstinence we'd be back at it the first those old tingles resurface and the cravings begin To return .
n ight we were in the privacy of ou r own bed . N ot so. N ot It was as though the m aintenance sex was an appetizer that
the second, third, or fourth nights , either. When Don had whelted her sexual hunger, and soon we were enjoying
came ho me after work, D ebra didn't greet him at the door fine dining like never before.
wit h a kiss; she ordered hi m to the sink and hovered as he We also fou nd that our physical closeness was a catalyst
scrubbed his hands, elbows to fingertips, whi le sim ul tane- to reestablishing our emotional closeness as husband and
ously assuri ng her that nobody at th e office had sneezed all wife . Fo r us, m aint enance sex was a way to co nnect physi-
day. He was no longer her husband but a potential germ cally and emotionally during a time we felt particularly
vector. disconnected. In the mids t of our distractions and d is-
Fear that your five-pound baby is goi ng To get pneumo- tance, m ainten ance sex was a lifeline that revived our inti-
nia is an antiaphrodisiac. We weren't husband and wife macy as a couple. Of course, it's possible that we would
that first month home, and we certainly weren't lovers . We have found a nonsexual way to reconnect, particularly
were just tw o people trying to keep a third person whom since we'd always had excellent communication, but that's
we hardly knew alive . Almost immediately, we fell into a not how it happened .
sexless paltern of hand washing and worry. l\hintenance sex ca n play an important part in any
It wasn't until a month after the baby was home, some long-term loving rela tionship. Per haps you and your part-
three months since we'd been intimate, that something ner ha ve just brought yo ur first child home and you're feel-
shifted. Debra recalls wa tching a daytime te levision show ing overwhelmed and overworked. Maybe you' re going
about unfaithful husbands and how important sex is to a through a stressful period at work, or m aybe things ha ve
man and a marriage . As if by design, D o n brought flowers simply cooled off over time . O r maybe things are as hot
home and arranged for Grandma to babysit so we could and heavy as ever, and you're just practici ng a little preven-
have a heart-To-heart about how we hadn't been inti mate tati ve care . It is remarkable how many of us share the same
in m onths, how he w as feeling forgotten, and how we were experiences and emo tions, and perhaps you'll get a sense of
losing "c s." D ebra didn't wait for another sign . Ar med this solidarity by reading so me of the couples' stories In

wi th her disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer, she once this book.
again ventured into the populated world outside her front Regardless of your situation, we hope you'll come to
doo r, in the direction of the nearest lingerie shop. think of maintenance sex as we do : as a legitimate and ro-
Debra admits that our first few nights of sexual inti- mantic aspect o f a co mmitted rela tionship. We also hope
macy after that period o f sexlessness were less than satisfy- that you will find enough ideas, information, and advice in

prefa ce p, era c e
this book to help you explore new aspects of your sexuality
as a couple and to enjoy each other's sexual company in
undiscovered ways. A good sex life is fundamental to a lov-
ing partnership, and great maintenance sex is a splendid
and sustaining show of love.


ven the most mechanically disindined woman knows

E that a car requires regular attention if it is to remain re-
liable. It needs to have its tires rotated, its radiator Rushed ,
its brakes checked, and its oil changed. Ordinarily, a
woman recognizes the imporlance of this full-body, full-
engine attention and is happy to set aside the time and ef-
fort to lake her vehide to a full-service garage. She loves
the smooth ride she gets as a result, and she and her car can
continue their love affair, dodging bumps in the road and
exceeding posted speed lim its with blissful impunity. Un-
like other motorists, she never has to worry about being
stranded on the side of the road, hood up, engine steam-
ing, pride and hope fading.
But what about those occasions when a woman is too
busy, too tired, or simply too btoke to indulge her beloved
vehicle in the full-service treatment? W'hat is a woman to
do when the sticker on the corner of her car's windshield
warm that the oil needed to be changed a thousand miles

._11I prefa ce
before, but she doesn't have the time to ramper all of her and desire, even when you're busy or not in the mood, you
car', mechanical parts for a full day at a lu x u ry German car show him that his sexual contentment is a priority for you .
spa? Well, she doe, what all smart, busy women do. She Lub.Job, supplie, a woman with a spicy menu of imag-
takes it to the corner drive-thru lube station and spends inative maintenance sex options she can have at her finger-
ten minutes in the driver's seat with her tall latte and a tips when she's running low on creative energy. Using
courtesy copy of n- Time< while the techies perform a spontaneity and variety as main ingredient', each lu be job
quickie on the oil filter. offers a fresh way to satislY a man's sexual appetite without
Your man is not so different from a machine. He too serving him a dish of bland bed ro o m predictability. Some
needs full servicing on a regular basis: he needs his motor are no-nonsense , no-frills maintenance quickie, with no
revved and cooled with care, his gears greased, and his tim- props or prep time whatsoever, whereas others are more
ing belt changed. Fortunately for you, he doesn't require elaborate, requiring more time and effort.
this level of care every day. Sometimes all he needs is a top- Lube jobs also boast full -spectrum content, including
off of gasoline, a quick wipe with a clean cloth, and a slap seductive scenarios, naughty sexual techniques for hand
on his hood to send him on his way. Lub. Job, is for those and oral stimulation, and tips on the use of sexual aids and
times, times you want to keep his engine running smoothly toys. Some may use visual sexual imagery, w h ile others of-
with drive-thru speed and efficiency. It ', for those times he fer written erotica. One may rely on a sexual frenzy of dif-
wants sex, but you want ,Ieep. ferent positions, while the ne xt may suggest the serenity of
Even in the healthiest and happie't of relationships, sensual massage and hot-"one therapy. A number may
many women find that their parmers crave sex more often take place in the bedroom, but the closet , car, and office
than they do. T he lube jobs in this book are a great way aren't off-limits. Several lube jo bs can even be incorporated
to provide regular maintenance sex. They keep your man into your daily routine---from the shower to the supper
satisfied during those times you'd prefer to pass on the pas - table---so that you can get the jo b done without veering
sion while at the same time sustaining your sexual connec- off schedule.
tion as a couple. Cutout maintenance sex coupons have also been in-
'When it comes to performing maintenance , attitude is cluded . Place them in your man', keeping, and let him re-
everything. It must never be considered a chore: your part- deem them at his pleasure. With each new chapter, you
ner will catch those vibes and will feel self-conscious, guilty, can expect a unique, e xcit in g , and practical way to main-
and eventually resentful. Ins tead of dismissing mainte- tain your man.
nance sex as an obligation, embrace it as an opportunity to 'While it is true that maintenance sex i, blatant body
show your man how deeply you care for him and how im- servicing and your man is the one having all the work
portant his pleasure is to you. By satisfYing his carnal needs done, there', no reason you can't have fun while on duty.

"" In trod uction In tr od uc tion ".,

Lube jobs work besl when performed wilh enthusiasm and sure he'll be even more eage r to please when yo u're the one
a good sense of humor. Rather than lying dutifully in the feeling frisky.
missionary position and stating at rhe clock, dive into the It is important to recognize that Lube job, is intended
moment . Challenge yo urself to pleasure yo ur partner in new for devoted co uples in slrong relationships w ho already en-
ways an d places . Even if your efforts don't always arouse you joy a mUlUally fulfilli ng love life. It is for the sexually
sexually, they will likely arouse feelings of tenderness and af- healthy wo man who is dt time5uninteres ted in o r unable to
fection that will slrenglhen you r relationship . have sex when her parlner is nevenheless keen . Perhaps
T he m et hodology of main tenance is simple: rhe job she's endured a particularly grueling day with the kids, per-
should be performed when you're feeling alert, in a way haps it's her time of th e m onth, or perhaps she'd simply
lhat's co nvenient, and it should entail a great deal of diver- rather finish that nagging report she brought home from
sity. Fatigue, dislraclion, and routine are l hree reasons lhe office before wa tching a hal f hour of m indless televi-
wo men view m aintenance sex as a chore. Too often, a sion to relax. O r perhaps, as was with us, an appetizer is
wo m an climbs into bed al midnighl, drained from her day need ed to wher the sexual hunger afler a lapse in sexual ac-
and wanti ng nOlhing m o re than to succumb to sleep, only tivi ty.
10 find that her partner is reaching for her even as her All couples experience sexual ups and downs during
heavy eyelids close. O r she's finally found rhe time to various times of thei r life toge ther. Such phases are com-
lac kle a nagging project, and he swaggers into lhe roo m pletely natural, and a lube job m ay somelimes be enough
like a domestic D o n Juan, hoping for some action . It is un- 10 ju mp-start a slalled engine or at least to keep it idling
derstandable then, maybe even inevilable, that sex becomes during a difficult srre rch . Lube job , is nol the book for cou-
one more thing on her seemingly endless "ro do" list . ples in rela lionship distress, nor is it intended for women
Happily, the solution is an easy one. By planning a who have prolonged apalhy toward sex, who suffe r from
playful sexual encounter in advance---when yo u have the sexual dysfunclion, or who are experiencing serious prob-
time and the energy-you can treat you r man to a fan ras- lem s in their personal lives.
lic release and avoid the dreaded "get it over with" mental- We'd also like to say that we are in no way suggesting
ity that can wea ken a couple's love life and build damaging that maintenance sex replace the joy and bondi ng that
resentment . 'Why leI your m an suffer through his days, come from mutually fulfilling or long-session lovemaki ng;
feeling sluggish and neglecled? By setling aside even a few however, lube jobs are a terrific way to keep rhe embers
shorl m in utes (lo nger if you like) for his needs and treating smoldering when the fire can't burn all n igh t. The occa-
him to one of these ready-made lube jobs, you can send sional short bur intense sex session, even a one-sided one,
him o ff, feeling rejuvenaled and adored. And yo u can be can be a powerful r-« of a co uple's love life. The thrill and

In trod uctio n In t rod u c ti on

anticipation of your next encounter---of when or where it
will happen and what you will d o--will keep your partner
guessing and grateful.
The lube jobs in this book will add an invigorating
spark to your sex life, while bringing a stronger, deeper di-
mension to your relationship . You'll be amazed how much
smoother your love life will run after just a few quick
twists of the wrench. It doesn't take much to keep that en-
gine purring, and the ride is worth the effort.
~ 1=
tpallJ, One
tl ~
, ' ,
, .-

•• Iv In trod uction
!Lube !Job #.
Spot ·Free Rinse

lo se your eyes for a moment and visualize your typical

C day.
The alarm sounds. You heave yourself oU! of bed,
.hower, drive the kids to school, and batde the rush·hour
traffic to get to the office on time. You work, have lunch,
work some more, pick the kids up, and drive back home ,
again racing against a city of road-raging, rush-hour driv-
ers who are all fighting the dock as desperately as you
are. You cook supper, clean up, pay some bills online,
watch a half hour of tel...... ision, set the alarm, and hit the
pillow, and in less than a minute you're Rat out, only to be
awakened too soon by the six o'dock alarm.
Notice something missing?
\Vhere's your rartner?
Presumably he's running somewhere alongside yOll In

this ral race, but the chances are good that when yOll visu-
alize a typical day, the time spent with him doesn't take up
much of the picture. Pe rha ps you overlooked him some-
where between dearing lh" , upper dish... and payi ng the sdvi.... Co lin, Angela', husband of seven years. "Ir
bill•. O r maybe he ,l ipped your mind b=.u~ he', down - ohouldn'l jU' 1be aho ur who', going ro tale th e n ash out o r
stairs fixing the wash ing machine wh il" you'", up"airs put - who'. going to mow the lawn . It has ro he abo ur therwo of
ting the lids to bed. % y is il that Ihe most precio us and you nperiencing life toget her, nor jusr divid ing up the la-
beloved pan o f ou r Ii"", ""'01' 10 blend inlO the back- bor.H you can ger into that m ind -set, yo u've gar it made."
grou nd o f o ur day'. routine, almo " as though it doesn't ex- Angela and Colin, rho ugh happ ily married, ad mi r
i" at all? lhal for ycan th")' ,u/kred fro m the cu..... o f modern
Well, the answer i. as .imple as it i, sad: The daily grind cou plehood-thac passion . layr r--<:a1led rhO' room mate
has a way of annihilat ing any ""raps of ' pa", or mean ing- rue. Perh...ps iIi inevirabl" that every couple d ips into tha r
fUl lime we mighl inad""n"nrly ' tumble across &om onleu d itch every now and rhen. Con. idering rbe counr-
wnup to .undown . And as il don, il .ilently chiP5 away at less mundane de mand, we all mu st deal with every day, it',
the couple time thaI every ",Ialion,hi p nenl.. 10 maintain no wonder th...1 we often find ound"", reachi ng for a ring-
intimacy. Too often, 1h...1 lealing dish washer takes pra:e- ing {d cpho nc 010", o ften than for our pann....
del>« over cou pk lime (somnimcs evnl when th e ",b- · 1(1 go days wilhoul """n IoolU.ng into Colin', eyes, ~
lio n.hip ~ in as poor condition as the appliancr!l. lhat', ....ys Angela, "h ', nOl t hat I didn't Im'e him---I\'e always
why every now and rben, we need to push a t......,1 und... fdt veery.kcp love for h im-hut sometimes I go t so caught
lhe dishwasher and kt ie leal n will, as we lake our pan- up in all l!lC Ih ings I had to do, thaI I jun jooked right past
ner by the hand and.how him ""', mo", imponanl than a him. He'd be leaning against t!lC count... wit h his:urn. out
.mall puddle on the litchc-n f1oot. ro hug me, and I'd walk right pasl him to phone my son'.
Fortunalely, when il comes 10 couple time, quality is ceech and find ou l wh...1 rime !he game was scheduled for
mo", imponanr {han quantity. Thar ' mall but mighty real- ont Saturd.ay:
izalion was something that Angd.., a rw..nty-cigll1-yar-okl "There was uro sponta neity, ~ Colin adds, kif I wan ted
wife and mO(M of JWO sma ll child",n, says has made aU on, llmw t"" routi ...., and I !mew I would n'r get ir unless
the difr<'nO« in her marriage: ~ I used to th inl we needed a everyrhing was don,,: Ihe IUd, had 10 be sleeping, the cof-
vacation , a physical bnal from our dai ly rourine, to recon- feemaker had 10 be program med. lund"", had ro be in t!lC
necr and get {he .park back," saysAngela. "Bur now I lrnow fridge for Ihe nnt d ...y, t"" car had to be out, thebundry
ir', rhe everyday liule mo men ts thac co un! mo", th an th e hamper had to be "m pty, and An gela'. d o rh... had to be
yearly coupk'. g(1away, ...pc:eially , ince rhO' yeorly getaway bid OUI for morni ng, and Ihen . he had ro brush and Boss
tends to , lip a few yeolS once you have kids." her teeth and wash her face. If that routine was co mplered,
· Ir', im porlanr for a cou pl" to incorpo rate their own in o rder, l srcod a remote chance of gelli ng lucly. It d idn'r
. pc:eial, int imare routine inro Iheir larger daily routine,~ hOlppe n nearly a, much as I wanted it 10. "

l u b e jo b . ,

tha t. It was completely out of character for me, but I felt
No I;n,e for couple lim e! Go through like I was at the end o f my rope. ~
your daily dUlies to see which chores Stunned by her husband's angry outburst, Angela .tood
might he more enjoyable will. con'pany. Share a outside the shower and stared at the closed door. She felt
lon ger sit-down b reakfasl, work oul logelher, her own anger Rare in re'ponse to his word. , and she knew
walk Ihe dog hand in hand, o r wash Ihe supper the situation could easily spiral into a majo r battle if she re-
dishes . ide by side. acted in kind . She struggled to keep her cool a. she quickly
analyzed the situation. Her husband, whom she knew she
had been neglecting for weeks, had been reduced to a
"We really were like roommates for a whi1e,~ says An- covert mastu rbatio n session in the shower.
gela. "When Colin would come ho me after work, I'd hand She pictured the unfolded cloth es in the laundry ham-
him a bag of garbage instead of greeting him with a kiss. per. She though t about her imperfect oral hygiene. She
He was just a helping hand, not a husband . ~ visualized Colin sneaking off to gratify hi mself while she,
T he turning poi nt came one night when the almigh ty oblivious and preoccupied, folded socks in the next room .
routine was unexpectedly broken. As she stood in the bed- She decided to d o something drastic, something big,
room folding laundry, her teeth still unRossed and her face something so far out of character that she was almost un-
«m unwashed, Angela heard the strangest, most unusual recognizable to herself Without giving herself ti me to
sound: running water. Colin was in the shower, but it was change her mind, Angela quic kly too k off her clothes and
late evening, and his routine was to shower in the morn- left them in a heap on the Hoor as she stepped into the
ing.1t made no sense. Angela went to investigate. .hower.
"I slid the shower door open and my jaw dropped,~ says ~ I literally could not believe my eyes when Angela got
Angela. "Colin's back was to me and he was leaning against In the shower, ~ says Colin. "I remember her exact wo rds.

the wall with one hand. The other hand was occupied ... She said, 'N ever send a man to do a woman's job.' She
he was masturbating. It was the first time I'd ever caugh t pre.sed up against me and proceeded to give me the best
him doing it, and I was really shoc ked." hand job I'd ever had . I went from red-faced anger to pure
"I was mortified, ~ admits Colin. "Totally hu miliated. joy in seconds flat. It was like all my stored-up frustration
Then that feeling gave way to intense anger. I .lammed the just went dow n the drain with the water."
shower door closed and yelled at her to m ind her own "T hat was a real eye-opener for me, ~ says Angela. "See-
fucking business. I don't even know what that meant; I just ing Colin like that. I felt like the worst wife in the world ,
know I was embarrassed and frustrated, and furious . That and my heart just broke for him . In that moment I realized
was the first and only time I've ever spoken to Angela like how much I'd been neglecting him. I reme mber just forc-

• lu b . jo b l l u b e jo b I . ,
ing myself to get into the shower, to forget about the UAnd that's the beginning of the end, ~ warns Angela.
things I hadn't done yet , and to do the most important Angela and Colin, though burdened with the same
thing of all, which was to be available when my best friend daily demands as many other couples, realized that they
needed me." did not need a physical break from their routine to reestab-
Showering together has now become part of Angela and lish their loving connection. Ultimately, they found their
Colin's daily routine. Every morning, they grab their towels way out of the roommate rut by working with their rou-
and head into their private suite---which they had reno· tine instead of working against it. Since they both had to
vated to include a large walk·in shower stall-and lock the shower in the morning, not only did they reduce the early
door behind them, leaving the kids to pour their own morning stress of fighting for the bathroom, but they also
breakfast cereal. It's their quality couple time, and they have found a way to transform this ho-hum function into a fun,
it every single morning, before they have their coffee. intimate activity that each day served to reaffirm their
emotional and physical connection before they headed off
in their separate directions.
'When it comes to maintenance sex, this couple's shower
When you finally find that p recious
but elusive coupl e tim e, don'l wast e il solution holds particular potential: it', fast, it's fun, and it's
lallcing about work, Ihe kids, or (egaJ!) Ih e bills. effective. And there's no clean.up! The shower can be a very
Keep the convers alion focused. on you as a co up le, sexy spot to share some quality couple time. The sight of
such as how yo u mel , yo ur favor ite vacatio n, and soapy water running over his woman's bare breasts and be-
your d ream s for Ihe future. tween her legs can work a man's libido into a rich lather,
while the nakedness, warmth, humidity, and calming at -
mosphere make it a space that', charged with sensuality.
uSo met im es we foo l around, sometimes we're all busi- For best effect, lower the lights. You can either light the
ness. Either way, it's our special rime together. And quite room with candles or install a dimmer switch for those wet
often it's the only time we have all day to enjoy each other's erotic encounters. For better or worse, many women find
bodies and closeness, u explains Colin. "It's important. It that they are most at ease with their bodies when the light.
reminds me that Angela is a sexy woman, and I want her ing is soft. And since you'll really be working those femi-
more than I ever did. And it keeps us feeling close, so she's nine curves of yours in this lube job, you want to be as
interested in sex more than she ever was. Once you stop confident as possible in your own soapy skin.
being physically close, you don't see the other person as a In the shower, be sure you have soap, a thick washcloth,
lover, and you start drifting apart emotionally.~ a loofah, and some hair conditioner. There are some mint

• lu b. jo b l l ube jo b I . ,
bodylshower gels that leave a delightful tingling effect on by gliding your hands over the curves of your breasts, then
the skin, and if you can find one of those, so much the bet- slipping a hand between your legs to clean your most pri-
ter. This lube job is highly sensual and the more textures vate area. Most men haven't spent a lot of time watching a
and sensations yo u and your partner can play with , the wom an wash herself udown there," so prepare for yours to
more yo u'll both enjoy the experience. be mesmeri""d by the sight. Play it up for full effect by
keeping one hand between your legs while the other con-
tinues to glide over your breasts.
A shared shower facilitates total body Stand under the water to rinse the soap off your body
con ta ct, so me lhing that many won,en and again reveal your naked skin. If you have a detachable
need in ord er to feel intimate and become showerhead, you can prolong the rinse cycle by moving
ar oused.. the showerhead all over your body, both to wash away the
soap and to let your man soak in the sight of the w ater
spray on you r skin. Spread your legs (you can even lift one
'When yo u sense your man's gears are grinding too hard leg onto the side of the tub) and bring the showerhead
and you know he's in need of a little maintenance, either close to your vagina, letting the spray cascade over you r
join him uninvited in the shower or take the initiative labia while your partner watches. If you're feeling particu-
and ask him to join you for one. Yo u'll get him aroused larly exh ibitionist , slip a finger into your vagina .
just from that! As he stands at attention in the shower Ask you r partner if he would be kind enough to give
and waits for you to hop in , give him a preview by slowly you a second wash , back and front; you're just so-o-o d irty!
peeling off your clothes in an impromptu striptease . Not only wiIlthis prolong your showe r session, it' ll kick
Don't worry about pulling any fancy pole-spinning antics his libido up another notch as he delights in the feel of
(o uch!), just let him enjoy the sight of his wo man's naked your soapy skin under his hands . Ask him to wash you r
body being tantali~ingly revealed in front of him. H e'll be breasts and between yo ur legs and tell him how good it
an easy audience to impress, so snake oUl of those panties feels to have his strong hands touch you in those soft
as naughtily as you can and have some fun being a one-
woman show.
Step into the shower and, wit h great exhibition, reach If you're tired of yo ur man'. immed.iate
for the soap or shower gel and begin to lather up your post coital ca t nap , t ry a cool after-sex
body---every inch of it---as your man eagerly watches the shower to rejuve nate rather than relax. It'll keep
sudsy wa ter cascade over your breasts, down your stomach, him up for round two .
between your legs. Use you r warm, soapy body as sexy bait

'0 lu b . jo b l l ube jo b I. u
places. Rinse yourself off under the water or give your man Rinse your partner off. If you have a bottle of mint
the detachable showerhead and ask him to do the honors. shower gel, now's the time to use it. Rub it all around his
Now it's your man's turn to get squeaky clean. Have groin area and then rinse it off to let him experience the
him turn around and face the shower wal l while you stand tingling effect for as long as it lasts. A word of caution: Be
behind him and lather up his back. Move from his back to careful when you apply any new product to your man's
his shoulders, then down his arms. Wash his bum and skin and/or genitals. If your man has sensitive skin, stay on
down his legs to his feet, then ask him to spin around so the safe side and use his regular soap or a personallubri.
you can wash the front of his legs, moving up to his groin cant in the shower.
but not yet touching it . Soap up his chest, shoulders , and
arms, taking your time to let him fuHy enjoy the feel of
your hands moving so seductively over his wet body. Use A silico n e· based lube is necess ary for
the loofah to give him an invigorating body scrub before watery sex play, since the more popular
rinsing him off. wa eer -based Iubeica nts will di sappear in the w at er.
Once his body is spot.free, lather a thick washcloth
with soap and get busy scrubbing his man parts. Use the
soapy washcloth to clean his upper and inner thighs, then The final cycle is now about to begin. Give your man a
his pubic hair, and finally his testicles. Lift his scrotum wet kiss on the mouth and then take another handful of
with one hand and gently scrub underneath it with the the hair conditioner and use it as a lubricant to finish this
other. Move the cloth very lightly over the shaft and tip of lube job. T igh ten your hands around his shaft and pump
his penis until he is hard . Rinse his genitals off-again, a him at a pace and rhythm that will bring him to orgasm, at
handheld showerhead would feel exquisite on his penis as his pleasure.
the stream of water pounds it ever so tenderly at point. This lube job is a great choice for women who want to
blank range. find a convenient yet sensual way to incorporate quality
Now that your man has experienced the relatively couple time into their daily routine. It's up to you whether
n you use shower power for spontaneous, as· needed tune·
Uro ugh sensation of the washcloth against his penis, a
smoother touch is in order. Ta ke a handful of hair condi· ups, or whether these sexy sessions become regularly
tioner and slowly, very slowly, stroke his shaft from tip to scheduled events to prevent relationship erosion. Mainte·
base and back up again. Squeeze as hard as he likes and nance sex has never been so steamy!
gradually pick up the pace until you've reached a good
pumping action . When you see he's getting caught up in
it, slow down and let up on the pressure around his shaft.

" lub . jo b l l u be jo b I. "

into bed at night and share some sweet pillow talk. Now
they talked about the rising cost of their son', tuilion, the
birth-control pill. Naomi found in their {eenage daugh-
ter'. purse, and Kurt's dad's latest laboratory results.
BUI thej r growing cares didn't cause Kurt's testosterone
levels 10 decline, and Naomi began to sense that he was
feeling sexually neglected, although neither of them seemed
10 have the energy 10 do anything about it. Often when
they lay in bed together at the end of a long, demanding,
Th e Jump Start emotionally draining day, Kurt would appear affectionate
bur would fade off to sleep before an equally exhausted
Naomi clued in to his sexual cues.
Although she did no! feet the same drive during this
aom i and Kurt are a couple who find themselves in the time as Kurt did (in fact, sex was the last thing on her
N sandwich generation of people caught between caring mind) , Naomi came to realize that her husband', sexual
for children and aging parents. They're both in their midfor- needs were nor being met. Knowing that Kurt would never
ties, together for over eightee n years, with two teenage kids pressure her, particularly after all she was already doing for
at home, another away at college , and two sets of parents in him, Naomi decided that the kind est and most loving
dec lining health. Although their relationship was a happy thing ,he could do was to take the initiative and give him
one, their sex life had in recent months come to something what he didn't have the heart or the energy to ask her for.
of a standstill: the consuming distraction of Kurt's acutely Naomi decided to take matters into her own hands, so
ill father and the financial stresses of his medical and hos - to speak. In addition to th e emotional turmoil she and
pice care had put an understandable damper on romantic Kurt were experiencing, she knew that their lack of sex was
thoughts. It's a situation many long-term, middle-aged cou- largely due to simple exhaustion. Since the day drained too
ples are either currently facing or will eventually face. much of their energy, ,he knew that she would have to get
Because Naomi worked part time and bocause the tasks a jum p on it; that i" ,he needed to jump-start the day if
were too emotionally painful for Kurt to carry out, the she was going to jump-start Kurt.
many details surrounding Kurt's father's care fell to her. It The next morning, Naomi woke up early and sprinted
was a busy time for them, and caring for both parents and into the bathroom for a quick shower before diving back
children left them little time to focu, on them,elves or under the sheets, wearing nothing but skin and perfume.
their intimate relationship. It used to be that they'd crawl She whistled suggestively to wake up Kurt and then asked

l ube jo b U 15
n...v...r perform...d. any sexual act or activity .h... was not com-
Whil e 51....... is unavoidabl e (so me of it fortabl... with. O n the mornings that she .imply didn't want
i. eve n good), a ch ro nically hi gh level of intercourse, she instead treat...d. KUrlto the best hand job .he
sUe•• can act like a cold . hower w he n it co me. to could perform---and he never complain...d..
•ex. D on't ado pt stress as your lifestyle. Find ways Of course, maintenance sex didn't solve all their prob-
to in corporate 51ress-b usting routine. into your lem s. It didn't .top Kurt'. father from passing, it didn't stop
relationship: exerci.e or practice yo ga to gether,
them from worrying about their teenage son driving too
. hare a bath, give each other back rub. , or p ick a
fast, and it didn't stop the bills from coming. But it did en-
good b ook t o re ad and discu•• in your own book
.ure that during this difficult but temporary period in
dub for two .
their live., their friendship endured and sexual intimacy
didn't slip through the cracks. And, a. naturally as a rive r
flow. to the sea, their live. eventually slowed, their worries
in her most sultry, .un'.-up voice if hed Iike to work up hi. lifted , and the early morning quickies gave way once again
appetite before breakfas t. It took a moment for her day- to the late-night marathon. they had alway. enjoyed.
break temptation to dawn on him, but when it did, a Naomi'. winning logic-to get the job done befo re the
bleary-eyed Kurt sprang to life even before the automatic .un comes up--i. a. practical as it is effective. Exhaust ion
coffeemaker did. i. the enemy of many couples, and if you 're one of them,
Naomi', efforts, though minimal, meant the world to why not make use of that precious A ,M . energy for sexual
Kurt. H e realized that hi. wife still noticed. him , .till cared purpose.? As we all know, fatigue is one reason women of-
for him, and was srill willing to take the time to pleasure ten regard maintenance sex as a chore. But by taki ng care
him de.pite their hectic schedules and the fact that .he of business firsr thing in the morni ng, before your day
wasn't experiencing the same sexual drive that he wa •. For takes over, you'll have the energy 10 show your man a good
KUrl , the maintenance quickie. were escapist moment. of ti me and to make .ure he wake. up on the right .ide of the
.heer sexual pleasure and a much-needed break fro m hi. bed. H i. m otor might be more in need of a ju mp starlthan
care. and grief. Because th ey usually occurred in the morn- you or he realizes .
ing, before their days exhausted them , they were brigh t in- As we all know, me n often awaken in a sta te of parlial
terludes duri ng a dark time. arousal. What could make a quickie ea.ier? Your job i.
For N ao m i, maintenance sex was not a chore or a duty; it half-done for you, so you might a. well take advantage of
was a gift oflove and understanding from a wom an to a man . it and pluck him wh ile he', ripe for the picking.
She never approach...d. it as an obligation, and she never acted On the evening prior to rhis morning quickie, .et your
as though it was too much work. And, ju.t as importan t, she alarm for fiftee n minute. earlier than usual and .tash some

.. lub . jo b l lube jo b U
tion of the fabric to yo ur advantage. When you wish, you
Th e easiest way to fight 51ress is also th e can ask him to snake oUl of his underwear so he is com-
mo st enjoyable. Sex ..,lelL'i es powerful pletely na ked .
endorp hins th at ..,lax th e body, soothe the mind, Lavish your partner's shaft with feat herlike strokes from
and improve th e quality of o ur sleep. your fingertips. Stroke the entire length, then stop and
ligh tly m assage it with tiny circles. Your strokes will have
to be very gentle, since you don't yet have any lubrication
personal lubrica nt nearby. (Water-based lubes are the mos t to be firm . Stop st roking and si mply apply pressure to var-
popular, since, among other reasons, t hey feel natural and ious points along his hardness with the pads of your fin-
wash off easily.) The moment the buzzer sounds or the m u- gers. Since you don't want him to become accus tomed to
sic blares, cli mb out of bed to prevent the ever-tempting anyone feeling or motion, make sure th at your touches
snooze bulton fro m seduci ng you back to slumber. Turn and his sensations are u nex pected and unpredictable .
off the alarm and let your man drift o ff back to sleep while Place your palm on the gkm< (head) o f you r partner's
you freshen your breath and body in the bathroom. Scrip penis and press down gently. Now turn yo ur hand, as if
off your rajamas and stand completely naked in th e bed- unscrewing the lid off a jar. D o this only a few times before
room doorway, looking as stri kingly sultry as possible as turning yo ur attention elsewhere. To change what he's ex-
the sunlight filters through your bedroom window. Yo u're periencing, lighdy rug at the soft pubic hair at the base of
going for sexual shock value . his shaft. You want his entire groin area to feel alive.
Wa ke your partner with a suggestive "good m o rn ing ." Now take his testicles in yo ur hand and bounce them in
'When he notices your gorgeous form in the doorway, saunt- your palm. Tickle and scratch the perineum (the area under
er toward him, pull back the sheers, and ta ke m atters- his scrotum, between the sac and his anus) . Apply gende
that is, his manhood-into yo ur own hands . As he lies pressure as you pull his scrotum away fro m his body and
ama""d on his back, tease and tickle his penis and test icles then roll it up the underside of his shaft. Squeeze to apply
(over th e lOp of his underwear, if he's wearing them) jus t heartbeat-like pressure pulses of pleasure to his testicles ,
briefly before dragging your fingertips up over his stomach and, as you d o, be sure to tell him how incredibly good his
and chest and down each of his arms. genitals look and feel.
Rerum your attention to yo ur man's groin . Gently Retrieve t he lube from under your pillow or wherever
pinch the shaft of his penis and cup his testicles in your you've stashed it, and warm some between your ralms . For
hand, again over his underwear. Rub his penis and test icles an unexpected sensation, you ca n add a sexy twise to your
wit h the palm o f yo ur hand: if he isn't wearing any under- hand job by using a warming lubricant to heighten you r
wear, you can slip the sheet ove r his genitals to use the fric- man's experience. These are available at all sex shops and

.. lu b . jo b l lube jo b U
wrap completely arou nd this area. The idea is to steady his
That's a powerlU l pepp ermint! II'. genitals and provide a sort of natural penis ring that will
. .
believed th at pepp ermint can improve th e Increase sensatJon.
mood. and rejuvenale Ihe body. The next tim e you As one of your hands steadies your partner's penis, use
feellhose late-day .I umps coming on, pass on th e your other hand to apply upward-only sttokes to the shaft .
caffeine and reach instead for a cu p of peppermint As his .haft becomes more turgid and sensitive, add variety
lea. And to fighl exha ustion in th e bed room! Try to your upward sreokes by occasionally sliding your thumb
pepp ern'int aro matherapy instead o f floral or
or palm over the glans. For additional sensation, with your
frui ty .cents and a light peppe rmi nt body . pray in
stroking hand in the shape of a claw, hook your fingertips
place of your usual perfume.
under the coronal ridge (the ridge around the head of his
penis), and pull up.
'When you're ready, release the ring around his genitals
even some drugstores. They're also the perfect first pur- but maintain the 0 of your index finger and thumb. Begin
chase if you're new to adult novelty .tores-they're inex- to sttoke hi. shaft up and down with the 0 ring . 'When
pensive, nonthreatening, and you won't need to ask the you're on the downsttoke, use your other hand to twist the
salesperson how to use them. head of his penis , again a. if you're unscrewing the lid of a
Downstroke your partner'. shali: with warm, well-lubricated jar or turning a dia l. It takes a little clXIrdination, but you'll
hands. T hi. initial stroke should be strong, slow, and pur- get the swing of it. And practice make. perfect .
poseful. It'. the first time this morning that his penis has re- Vary your motions and rhythm to keep your man guess-
ceived this level of direct and sustained attention, and the ing and gasping. For example, you can rub his penis be-
effectshould be a powerfUl one, particularly when the warm- tween your palms as if starting a fire . 'When you downstroke
ing sensation kicks in , Wait a moment to get the full effecl, him , be sure to press down on his .crotum as you reach the
and then pump his penis a few times using both your hands. base o f hi. penis. And don't forget his testicles. Many men
Stop stroking. Make an 0 with the index finger and love to have them stimulated at the same time the penis is
thumb of one hand and place the 0 on the head of your
partner'. penis. Push down so the glans squeezes thtough
the 0 of your fingers and then slide your fingers down his Feelin g sluggish! Sit up slra ight. Th e
shaft until your index finger and thumb form a tight ring more you slo uch, th e harder your body
at the base of his penis . If you wish, you can slide your fin- must work 10 deliver oxygen 10 your brain; p roper
gers over and then under his testicles to form the ring un- postu re can rheeefoee fighl fat igue.
der his scrotum instead, although your fingers may not

'0 lu b. jo b l l ube jo b U
being tended to, so use your free hand to softly squeeze his nigh t be fore, stas h so me lube w ith in your reach but out of
scrotum and fondle the underside with your fingers . sight. The moment the alarm goes off, turn your back to
'When you're ready to make your partner's orgasm your partner and discreetly warm some lube between your
build, adopt a regular, predictable rhythm to stroke by. palms. Roll back over to face him and plant an innocent
Use the pace and amount of pressure that he likes , and good-morning kiss on his cheek while simultaneously slip-
pump his penis up and down . You don't need to do any- ping a guilty hand down to his penis. Your partner won't
thing fancy at this point; slow and steady can make his be expecting this rush of pleasure, and it won't take much
buildup very intense. As you stroke , slide your hands all effort for you to gently caress him to full attention .
the way up and down his shaft from the head to the base.
If your hand coordination and aim are good, let his pe-
nis pop oUl of your grip entirely on the upstroke, then Studies show that men have their sex ual
slide it back in for the downstroke. T h is will m im ic the feel peak in the early morning ho urs , while
of total vaginal withdrawal and penetration. H owever, if wo me n peak at night. H ow abo ut a com p ro m ise!
you 're not completely confident you have the coordination Wh en yo u find yourself in th e throe. o f th ree-A.M.
to slide his pe nis back into your grip without missing the in.o mn ia, t ry in itiating sex with yo ur p artner
mark, don't risk it; stop at the head of his penis on the up- instead o f wa tc hing late-night televi.ion. H e'll
think he'. dreaming, and yo u'll power d own
stroke, then go down again . You don't want an ill-timed
eno ugh to fall asleep.
uoops~ to interrupt the wonderful momentum he's build-
ing at this point.
Allow your partner to climax and keep stroking him as
he comes. Kee p st roking afterward as well, although with If you like, you can bring your man to climax under the
less pressure. H e mayor may not want you to touch the warm th of the sheets; you won't even have to suffer the chill
head of his penis, as some me n are ultrasensitive here just of the early morning air to get this lazy lube job done. Tell
after they come. Gently sq ueeze and massage his testicles, him to loo k down and watch the blankets m ove over his
then lift them and scratch the area of his perineum to let groin as yo ur hands are hard at work under the hood. Afte r
him bask in the afterglow of his early-morning orgasm. all, sometimes what we don'tsee is as erotic as what we do see.
There , the job's done. Now congratulate yourself on a lube job well done and
However, if even the negligible amount of preparation head for the coffeemake r and the croissants. With only
and effort this scenario entails is to o demandi ng before minimal effort, you've managed to jump-start your rela-
you 've had your three compulsory cups of caffeine, you tionship and you r day. And no doubt it'll be a day full of
can try another A.M. approach . Before you go to sleep the fond m emo ries of your erotic early riser.

lu b. jo b l l ube jo b U
,t r. "101 aqnl
-"p ""[ AU" l! -r MOH n "si", UA["l":>I. "'ilu!p".iI,,p ApU"."1j .\EW uew e 1jiln0'll[Y "WOCUP"9 '>Ill U! '"il"l~IlO JC[ndod
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grading than letting him come inside? It all depends on they want it all: during daylight hours, they want a good
your relationship . I do think some women let men degrade girl whom Mom would approve of, but when night falls ,
them, but that's something in them that's lading, and they want her to morph into a bad girl whose sexual
some women are so hypersensitive about sex that they find boundaries can't be seen with the naked eye . So why not
anything but the missionary to be immoral. I don't feel de- push some boundaries and explore the various facets of
graded w hen my husband uses my body for sexual plea- your and your partner's sexuality?
sure. Women should be more concerned with whom they're This lube job is ideal for a night you 're feeling naughty
doing it instead of what they're doing. Any sex act with but not in the mood for oral or vaginal intercourse. En-
someone who doesn't love you is degrading, but if you're couraging your man to ejaculate on your body adds a nasty
with someone who respects you, anything goes. ~ visual and mental twist to the standard hand job, thereby
uT here's something really taboo about doing tr," adds elevating regular maintenance sex to rapturously raunchy
Frank, thirty-nine, Katelyn's husband of ten years. "It heights. Combine the money shot with some dirty talk
sounds dirty, but there's something about watching it to really play the bad girl and bring out the bad boy In

come out of me and land on her skin that really turns me your man.
on. It adds an incredible visual dimension to the sensation
of an orgasm that you don't usually have. I especially like it
when it lands on her breasts ... It rolls down the sides, A cream pi e is a money shot in which a
and ma kes her body look shiny and so erotic. Nasty!" man ejaculates ins ide a woman's b ody-
Without a doubt, the "nastiness~ element factors in her vagina o r anu_ ralher Ih an on it. The
greatly into the money-shot debate. After all, if the bad ca mera ca p lures rhe magical moment wilh a d ose-
girls of porn are doing it, should I, a respected wife and up of Ih e seme n dripping out of her body.
mother who doesn't let her bra straps show in public, be
doing it, too? Only you can answer that question, but it's
one that at least warrants consideration. If your loving Climb into bed naked, lube hidden nearby, and sum-
partner wants to watch the hidden mysteries of his ejacu- mon your parmer to the sack. When he joins you, spend
lation unfold on your tummy, why not watch with him? some rime complimenting him on his impressive sex drive,
You might be surprised just how sexy the show can be. and tell him you're longing to give him some well-deserved
You've heard this kind of thing before: uMen want to go pleasure. You know he's a man who has needs, and you can't
to bed with a virgin and wake up with a whore. ~ ''A man wait to fulfill them. Kiss and caress him for a while, moving
wants an angel on his arm but a devil in his bed." Basically, your hands all over his bare body before focusing on his

lub . jo b l l ube jo b 13

Adobe Diait al Editions Lube Jobs

groin . Commem on how go..d his cock (...,1.. how big and add a twi.t to the head of the pcnis; as your other hand
heavy his W ls are. and how mas=l ine his pu bic hair {...,Is. reaches the ba.... of his penis, rub your palm against his
As he harden., respond by touch ing him more e~erly. scrotum. Th is is kind of a pat-your-head-and-rub-your-
Td l your man how lu~ky you bl to have m~h a """y .tomach move. so do n't fret if you can't perfo rm it with to-
man in your bcd, how so many women would love to be tal .ynehronidry; you won't hear any com plaining.
lying be.ide him. and how hi. body makes you want to do 'IX'hen you're ready 10 make you r man climax, change
all kinds o( nasry things you n.......r rhoughr you'd be will- you r strokes so rhey are more pred ictable and rhythmic,
ing ro do. He really brings o ut rhe bad girl in you. If you and do n', break the rhyt hm as he ncan orgasm. As he gns
wam to give him a tasre of o ral pkasure before you begin dose, ask him to COme on you r body, and don'l be shy in
the lund job, dis.appc.ar under the ~n and In your your Kqunt. Tell him you wanr 10 fcd his hot come Iarwl
mouth work iu magic for a while. on your skin. you wanr 10...., it glisten on your body, and
\X'arm some lubncam ~n your hands and smorhcr you wam to rub il into your flesh. Come on, you can s.ay
your man'. penis and tnticb with il un til he's slick, Kttp it. \X~ tk... you.
your hands moving allover his gcnilal.. Move Ihem <J\"CI" You can decide when: you want him to ejaculate, or you
lbe head of hi. penis, around rhe <11'''' ..... (rhe ridge of flesh can kt him ehOOSC". \X'e'll give you a few suggestion.. Uc
where the head of the penis mens the shaft ). th e shaft, the on your Mek and have your partner straddle your body so
baso., the SCl'Ol:um, the .fi'ro."J"", (rhe strip of flesh on the rbr you can stroke him with you r hands and he can come
undcnide of lhe penis, where the hc:od mens Ihe shah), on your belly o r bR'aSu. O r, pump his penis berween your
and the perineum. Altemote bo-tw...,n strokes and hand breasu so he can COme o n your neck (or your faa- if you're
squcncs as he lies McIr ro b.asI< in Ihe scns.arions that an: really game), Arch you r Mek and lell him how hot it fcd.
bringing hi. genita.lia rO life. Now rub his shaft bo-tw...,n on your .lrin as he ejaallarn to maximize rhe men ta] and
your palms like you're sraning a nre, then SlOp q uickly and visual ekmenu of his orgasm, and f1aner him on the amaz-
tightly stroke downward. ing amoum!
Sianing at rhe base of hi. peni., '"" you r wcll-Iubed You r man may nnd ir pleasurable to pu mp himstl£ He
lunds to . uoke upward o nly, one hand immediately after can qacuhr" on your vagina or you can get onto you r
the other, then <wi reh and suoke downward. apin o ne hands and kncn and kt him come on you r bu m o r kk,
bnd q uickly follO\llTd by rhe o rher. Now usc the /lngen of doggy style. \X'h alcver pmition you chOOSC" :lnd whoever
each hand to form an 0 (index nngen rouching thumbs) does rhe work, jusr remember to react wirh c:Tger bliss as
and strok in opposite direcncns al rhe s.ame rime, so that hi. ejaculaee lands on your body.
one ring .lides up 10 the head while the other moves down !+. nna! suggntion ... but only for rhe rrally bad girls
to the base. As your one hand reaches the lOp of his shall, among us. To rival rhe antiu of those XXX starlns, why

21 h.b . Jo b l lub. jo b 13 29
Want to let your man pretend you're
bathing in his juices but don't really
want to do the deed1Whil e he's in .ide you , take
a handfUl of body lotion and rub it over you r
throat , breasts, and belly as he watches, tellin g
him to imagin e it'. hi . semen. He'll get a ru.h, ~ub,,!Job #4
and you'll get moisturized..
not throw YOUt man into the middle of a money shot and Grab a Gear-Part I
let him give you a facial? (Hey, we said it was only for the
really bad girl•.) H ave him sta nd up as you kneel by hi.
groin and ask him to stroke his cock and watch as he
ave you ever had to work alongside a negative co-
come. in your open mouth. Ju.t like the leading ladies ,
lick him dean a. he finishe•. Obviou.ly this isn't for all H worker? You know, one of those people who are chron-
women . If you feel it's a degrading act, or if your partner ically irritable. They never smile, never lighten up, and
make. you feel degraded during the act , simply don't do it; never have anything nice to .ay about anything or anyone .
however, the facia l i. a fanta.y for many men, and if your No doubt someone in the office has commented, "Wow,
man is worthy of having his fanrasies fulfilled, you're the that Sean guy really has to get laid." We might bugh in re-
woman to make it happen. 'pon.e, but we're probably nodding at the same time, for
A money shor is a sexy way to dress up an everyday most of us recognize the connection between .ex and
hand job, but don't rely on it exclu.ively. Although the vi- mood. And cold, hard .cience can back u. up.
.ual and mental a'pect. are powerfully erotic, part of the Sex, especially when combined with love , has remark-
eroticism comes from the novelty and .pontaneity. To keep able effect. on emotional well-being. The act of .ex causes
this lube job an effective maintenance .ex tool, reserve It the brain to release a number of neurochemicals, such a.
for occasional and unexpected u.e only. endorphin., dopamine, and oxytocin, which create a natu-
ral high, no prescription required. When we engage in lov-
ing sex, we experience intense feelings of contentment, joy,
and b.ting affection toward our partner.
Regular sex has other important emotional and p.ycho-
logica l benefits. Not only doe. it reduce mess level. , it also

30 lu b . jo b l
help. us manage stress better a. we go through our day. Sex do it almosl anywhete. I've been doing them for years in all
and sexual intimacy can even alleviate depression: endor- kind. of place•. The firsl one I ever did was in rhe car,
phins result in a rush of euphoria, and the loving rouch of which I guess is kind of fitting."
a partner generate. feelings of security, acceplance, and As Jacqueline relales, the iniliation of rhe Happine••
happiness. And as Sean's co-workers know, sex is a fun and Hand Job occurred on rhe morning of Tony'. parents
effective way to reduce irritability. Ihirty-fifth wedding anniversary: «We were having a .ur-
prise anniversary party for his parent. in our backyard. It
had started out a. a small occa.ion, bur soon friends and
Regular sex improve. mo re th an family were coming in from all over the country and we
enlOtional mood; it also increase. had all kinds of preparations ro make on really short no-
phy.ical well-bein g. Under-the-. heelS .e••ion. lice. The party was ro start at fiveo'dock, since that's about
help in. prove circul ation and lower both Ihe lime his parents Right was getting into town. It was
cholesterol level. and th e ri.k of hean disea. e. in mid-July, and the temperature was over eighty-five de-
gree., so we had rented Ihis huge outdoor canopy to pro-
lect everyone in rhe backyard from the sun. We were
The connection between sexual .atisfaction and happi- .upposed to pick it up at the rental .Iore just before noon,
ness i. dear in long-Ierm relation.hip•. All else being which would've given u. plenty of lime to set it up, but
equal, couple. tend to be happier, both in the relation.hip when we showed up 10 collect it, they didn't have it in
and in general, when Ihey are sexually satisfied . This i. par- .tock."
licularly so for the man in rhe relalionship, since men of- - t shouldn'l have been surprised, ~ says Tony. "Every-
len have a greater need for sexual desire than women do. Ihing seemed ro be going wrong. The relatives I couldn't
That's where maintenance sex come. in. The woman who .tand had decided 10 save a buck and crash al our house,.o
help. her man slay sexually satisfied is going to have a hap- Ihe ones I liked had ro .tay in hotels . One of my aunt. fed
pier partner than Ihe woman who doe.n't. T he formula our miniamre poodle this huge solid chocolate bunny left
really i. that simple. over from Easter, and it made him sick. We had 10 rush
Jacqueline and Tony, togelher for ten years, are one him to the vet clinic early on a Sunday morning, and that
couple that has discovered the formula. In facI, Jacqueline meant a vet bill we could hardly lift. Plus, the kid.
has refined it. wouldn't .top crying because they were .0 worried about
"T he ea.iest way to make .ure your guy i. always sati.- Ihe damn dog. Then we couldn't get the barbecue to work.
fied is what I call the H appiness H and Job," says Jacque- I gave my brolher my debit card and had him run out to
line. "It', a quick fix, nothing more----a tune-up. You can buy a new one , which he did . . . for seven hundred dol-

lu b. jo b l l u be jo b 14
" "
lars. I had to pay for it, of course, even though we didn't fortunately, mid-July was prime wedding season, and the
have that kind of money to spend on a barbecue." search was proving to be fruidess .
T he sweltering heat didn't help, either. ''Tony w as in UEvery store we went into just laughed at us," says
the worst mood I'd eve r seen him in," says Jacquel ine. Jacqueline. UEverybody in th e state was getting married
UT ho ugh nobody could blame him. It was a stressful day, that weekend, so there weren't any outdoor canopies left to
and nothing was going our way. 'What should've been a rent. It was horrible. We were hot, irritable as hell, and th e
fun time was just miserable. Some of his relatives we re day seemed to be getting worse by th e second. After we left
really demandi ng and expected us to wait on them hand th e last rental store empty handed, Tony slapped the steer-
and foot, in addition to taking care of all the prep for the ing wheel in anger. I felt terrible for him . It should've been
party. The heat was a kille r, too. It made everybody extra a happy day, but it was just frustrating. ~
testy, just because they felt so u ncom fortable. Tony can't Jacqueline knew something had to be done if the day
handle the heat at all, so he was particularly grumpy. was to be salvaged.
'When they told us the ca nopy wasn't available even " I said, 'Tony, you need to calm down .' H e said, 'Jackie,
though we'd prepaid and booked it, I thought Tony was I need to get laid.' ~

going to completely lose «." To Jacqueline's amazement , they proceeded to have an

argument about, of all things , sex.
- t couldn't believe it. We had a houseful of people wait-
Many studies have de monstrated Ihe link ing for us, all kinds of errands still to run, and there we
berween sex and longevity. The nlOre tin' e were , parked in front of the rental store, having a fight
you spend doing it, Ih e mo re tim e yo u'll have about how lo ng it'd been since we'd had sex . I told Tony we
10 spend. had more important things to worry about at that mo-
ment, but he wasn't listening to me. ~
" I was so mad that I was just venting all my [nasrra-
UI don't know when I've been so pissed off," explains tions, u says Tony. " I was letting it all out. I thought about
Tony. -r can still remember how angry I was . I was just the last few nights that I'd tried to initiate sex but had been
miserab le. I wanted to go back and tell eve rybody the turned down for whatever reason . I was more pissed off
party was off and they could . . . you know what. about that than I was about not finding a big umbrella. I
So, with the sun beati ng down on them in the car and didn't care who got healstroke , I really needed some relief.
the air conditioning blasti ng out on high, Jacqueline and -c , didn't have rime to go home and have sex,n ex-
Tony began to drive around the city, hitting all the rental plains Jacqueline. ~AnY"'ay, we had a houseful of guests
shops in their desperate search for an outdoor canopy. u-. wandering around, so there was no privacy. But I knew I

lu b . jo b l lu b e jo b 14
had to do something, or the whole day was going to be ru- way more relaxed, and I got my sen.., of humor back. I'm
ined. Tony's attitude really needed adjusting. Past." not exaggerating when I say it saved the day.n
Jacqueline thought. She remembered the plastic bag ly- Needless to say, the anniversary party was enjoyed by
ing on the backseat, the one from the drugstore, and all ... even jam canopy. But there's no reason you have to
reached around to grab it . Then she instructed Tony to wait for a special occasion to treat your partner to a Hap-
drive around the back of the rental store and to park in a piness Hand Job. Chance. are, this quick fix could be a
secluded spot behind a dump.ter. Sensing something good valuable part of regular maintenance. It's a fast, conve-
was in the air, he followed orders no-questions-asked . nient, and exciting way to pleasure a man, and it has posi-
uJackie started rummaging through the bag,n recalls tive effect. on both his physical and emotional well-being.
Tony. "She pulled out a bottle of her face dean..,r and a While a hand job can be performed in many locales ,
pack of baby wipe., then told me to un~ip my pants. I had from your private bedroom to a public bathroom, the car
them open before .he finished the sentence. I felt like I had is a great place to start exploring terra incognita. By park-
wo n the lon ery.u ing in a secluded area, you have the best of both worlds:
You get the thrill of doing it in different public spaces, yet
you have the safety of your own ..,cured space. Plus, being
Sex ca n al so improve overall filn ess. A ..,xually serviced in the car is one of a man', greatest fan-
half hour of vigorous mattre .. maneuvers tasies. It lets him toy with the idea of indecency, which
ca n burn two hundred calo ries and can ge t that in itself can boost a man'. libido. Yet when it come. to car
hean ra te up. So walk r ight by Ih e lreadmill and
..,x, don't let your excitement compromise you r common
wo rk up a sweat w ilh yo ur panner in n ead.
..,nse. Lock your doors and choo.., a spot where there's no
chance of passersby, be they innocent, dangerous, or on
"T har was the first H app iness H and Job I'd ever given,"
say. Jacqueline . "Even though it was improvi..,d, it was
probably one of the best. Although there have been some Want t o fighl Ih e Ru! You ca n do nlOre
runners-up in the years since." than pop ech inacea an d was h your hands;
Ult took about three minutes, but it was three minute. sex als o help . t o nre ngrhe n the im m u ne system.
that changed my whole mood . It was like somebody had And if o ne of Iho se nasty cold bug. does slip
released the pressure, and my frustration just dissolved through, sex ca n still help ; the adre nal ine rel eased
into the air . I felt almost giddy from the relie f, and all the d uri ng the act is a natural ant ihinam ine.

thing. that were up..,ning me started to ..,em funny. I was

lub . jo b l lube jo b 14
To make sure you're always prepared to perform an on-
the-go lube job, keep a stash of lubricant either in your There's n,ainten ance SeI. and then
glove box or in your purse. A travel pack of baby wipes or there's m edicinal SeI. The neIt lime yo u
at least a box of strong tissue is convenient for deanup. If strain Ih at t ennis elbow, reach for yo ur patl ne r
you prefer, there are postcoital wipes available at sex shops inSlea d of the ib uprofen . H av in g SeI releases
and online that are nice and thick for janitorial purposes. endorp hins thaI offer nat ural p ain relief.
You'll probably be most at ease performing your first
few in-car hand jobs in totally secluded areas; however, your
courage may grow with time and experience. As far as car your man when he needs it most, and he won't be expect-
sex goes, hand jobs are relatively low risk. You're not in an ing that. Men are accustomed to waiting ... and wait-
overly compromising position, and if some nosy passerby ing ... and waiting for sexual release, but this lube job
does peek through the windshield, you can quickly put that brings him to the front of the line . Second, there's the nov-
empty fast-food bag over your partner's lap to cover your elty of a sexual experience in the car. Since the vast major-
tracks . ity of sexual activity happens in our bedrooms, it's an
After the car is safely in park, tell your man to put his intensely erotic-and taboo--experience to feel sexual
seat back a little and prepare to be serviced. Unfasten his pleasure beyond the bedroom walls. Third, sitting upright
pants and push them and his underwear down so that he may be a somewhat uncommon position for your man to
can sit back and enjoy the process of having you expose receive a hand job, with lying or standing being more fa-
him like this. If he wants, let him undo his own pants so miliar.
he has a sense of power; he may want to pretend he's pay- Put these three elements together, and you've found a
ing for the encounter! fantastic, on-the-f1y way to perform maintenance sex. You've
As always, warm the lube between your hands before also discovered a simple yet fim way to add a few sparks to
you apply it to your partner's penis. Scratch his pubic hair your sex life. But perhaps most important, you've realized
with your fingertips, fondle his testides, then hook your the connection between sexual satisfaction and emotional
fingers into the daw position to pull up on his penis. well-being, and you've taken the time to ensure that the man
'When he's hard, you can begin to stroke him in a way that you love has plenty of both. And why not? The happier you
pleases him. Tell him to lean back in his seat, put his hands make him , the happier he will make you, and the more ful-
on the wheel, and brace himself for impact as you bring filling your relationship will be.
him to orgasm.
This lube job has three things going for it. First, there's
the spontaneity. You're sei~ing the moment and gratifYing

lub . jo b l l u be jo b 14
is only bland if yOll let it be, and we hope these chapters
have inspired you to revisit and revamp thi, maintenance

To con vin ce your n,an that you're

!Lube !Job #5 enthusiasti c abo ul satisfying him , make
the first move and initiate maintenance sex more
ofren . Why wail for him to b.,r. Beal him 10 ,he
Backseat Driver punch and show him ,hat his pleasure is your

obody seems to take the poor hand job seriously. Another advantage of the hand job is that you can see
N There are books on fellatio, intercourse, anal sex, etc. , exactly what you're doing, and, with a little direction from
bur what about the traditional tug many of us first plea- your partner, you can use your viewpoint to learn a lot
sured our partners with? It seems it's been banished to the about his body and what pleasures him . In this lube job, he
outskirts of a couple's sex life, only occasionally called out is the quintessential backseat driver, and you're at the
of exile to perform ultra-utilitarian, get-it.done duty sex. wheel as he guides you on a journey of sexual exploration.
Yet as the chapters in this section have shown, it rakes only The next time you're uninterested in sex but YOut man
good technique and creativity to make this faithful standby is making the moves, have him lie back on the bed, naked
a new favorite. It's time the ancient palm practice of man- and relaxed, with his hands leisurely behind his head. He's
ual manipulation was revived to challenge modern woman a passenger on this ride, albeit the one holding the map, so
to get her hands dirty once in a while . he can kick back while you play chauffeur. H ave some per-
The t ruth is, the hand job is a versatile yet simple way sonal lubricant close by. Straddle his body backward, so
to make the most mundane maintenance sex session into a that he's looking up at your back and you're looking at his
memotable sexual experience. Using your hands has defi- feet. Flash him a smile over your shoulder, and tell him
nite advantages: you can manipulate your man's genitals in that you want to please him ~xact!y the way he wants to be
precise ways; you can apply very different degrees of pres- pleased, that you want to learn what turns him on, and
sure, rhythm, and sensation; and you can do it quickly, you want him to teach you .
easily, and discreetly in all types of locations . A hand job Warm some lube between your hands, but before you
apply it to his genitals, ask him where he'd like to feel it tighter or raise up to his penis? What does it look like
first . D oes he want it on his balls first? The shaft of his pe- when he's coming? Lean over to get a closer look, in the
nis?The head? Now ask how he'd like you to apply it . With process giving your man a delicious view of your backside
long strokes? With your fingers, like you're rubbing lotion as he ejaculates .
into his skin? A combination? 'When you show this intense level of interest in your
After he's slicked up, ask him to lead you through this man's genitals and pleasure, you appeal to his sexual ego
hand job. H e should direct you where and how to moke and increase his arousal. Unfortunately, men are often all
and for how long; where to squeeze or twist, when, and at too aware of when they're receiving pure maintenance sex,
wha t pressure and pace. l\hke sure he keeps tal king which can't be much of a turn-on . Would you feel com-
th roughout, even if you're prompting hi m every few mo- fortable exposing your sexual needs or seeking satisfaction
ments by saying "D o you like it like this or like that? from your man ifhe seemed distracted while he was plea-
Should I stroke harde r or softer? Fast er or slower? Would a suring you?
twist feel good now? H ow does it feel w hen I put pressure " I always knew when my girlfriend was doing it for
here or tic kle th ere? D o you want me to stroke you to or- maintenance,n says Trevor, twenty-seven . "She'd start out
gasm, or do you want ro let it build longer? n okay, but a couple minutes into it and she'd tune out. The
stroking wo uldn't be rhythmic , and her face would be
wrinkled up because she was thinking about something
Ca t got yo ur t ongue? Pillow talk is one else. I'd close my eyes and not look at her. I'd just live out
thin g, but talking Juringsex is anot he r. some fantasy and try to get what I could out of it. No, it
So m e love it, ot hers fin d it downright d istract ing. wasn't a really good time, and it was hard to stay aroused at
Talk to your panner about what yo u wa nt to hear times . The orgasm jus t too k the pressure off. It w asn't ever
in the throes o f p assion. At th e very least , an " I great.
love yo u" or " Th at feels wo uderfu l" should n't be
too ve rbose.

Even if yo u're t he silen t type during

sex , always speak up wh en yo u wa nt to
Be sure ro keep your man ta lking as his orgasm m ounts
gu ide yo ur m an to bener p leasure you. An d m ake
and even as he co mes . Tell hi m yo u want to learn all you
sure he knows the flow of co m municatio n goes
can about what he's feeling at every point and that you both ways.
want to watch his cock and see how it changes when some-
thing feels good . Does it twitch or swell? D o his balls get

Despite the importance of tuning in to your man's plea-
sure, it's sometimes difficult for a woman to fake sincere
interest and enthusiasm when performing maintenance
sex, especially if she', tired, irritated, or has other things on
her mind . If that's the case with you, this lube job is ideal.
By following his directions, you focus on him only. And
each time you ask him a question about his body- Does it
feel good when I do this? -you show him how important
his pleasure is to you. Chances are, his gratitude will touse
your affection for him, and your mood wiIJ improve. At J:I t
the very least , any guilt you have about not satisfYing his tpaJd, £Two-
sexual cravings will be alleviated.
Letting your man be the backseac driver is one more b. r
way the simple but versatile hand job can outperform the
competition when it comes to maintenance sex. Fellatio
, ' ,
' ,

. lub . jo b l
:Lube !Job #6
You've Got Male

,. I ' v e been th i n king abou t you a ll d a y.

a bout ho~ you t aste a nd what I ' d li ke t o do
t o you .
» What wouUyou !ikl! to do to me?
,. I ' d li ke t o k n e el down in fro nt o f y ou and
pu t my ha nds o n your hi ps . I ' d li ke to s wal_
l o w t ha t h ard, gorgeous c oc k o f y our s and
Buc k a nd l i ck a nd suc k unt i l I Ca n f e e l t he
ve i ns i n the s ha ft s well a nd t hrob u nd er my
t ongue a nd I know you' re re ad y t o COme .
» And thm what wouUyou do?
,. I ' d s wallow " B mu ch o f your coc k " 8 I cou ld ,
l e tt i n g t he swo llen h e ad stay de e p in my
t h roat u nt il I hea r yo u moa n a nd I f e e l t he
hot COme jet o ut of y ou and b u r n d own my
t h roat . . .
» I'll k homl! in fifteen minutd
,. I ' l l p u t t he baby down f or her napl
U7/uw.' Although parts of the above co nversation m ight Jen n to haul out the breast pump and duti fully produce.
read like an anonymous exchange in the m urky backwa ters No longer did Tyler co me firsr. N ow in her early th irties,
of an online chat room, it', no such thing. In reality, the Jen n w as all about the baby. Now, maintenance sex, which
above dialogue is the cheeky electronic sex script between had always been a part of thei r sex life, was more impor-
two loving, longtime partners. tant than ever.
Tyler and Jen n were high school sweethearts who have
managed to dodge the sta tistics by recently celebrating
their fifteenth wedding an niver,ary. M arr ied young ( Jenn • THE B REA ST -F EE DI N G B A BY B L UES
was only eighteen when they exchanged I do's), their rela- The honnones released by b reast feed ing
tionship and their m arr iage has had to grow and change ca n lead to vaginal d ryness in m any women. If
and mature just as they themselves have had to . Like all this unco mfo rtab le side e jfec t of good mothering
lo ng-term couples, their sex life has gone th rough more is p reventing you from ge tting back in th e sex ual
ups and downs than they can remember. Like all success- .addle, ask yo ur n,an to .tim ulate yo u wi t h a well-
ful and happy long-term couples, they've ma naged to ride lubed fin ger befo re yo u auto ma t ical ly p ass on the
the ri,es and fall, like kids on a roller coaster: they throw pl easu res of intercourse.
their ar ms up and sh riek with joy when things are fun and
hold on tigh t when things are scary.
Unlike many co uples, Tyler and Jenn were married Having chosen to stay home with their new daughter,
almos t twelve year, before they had their first child. Tyle r Jen n soon found herself feeling insecute for the first time
took over the family transportation business right out in her m arr iage. For years, she had left for work, dressed
of high school , and Jenn pursued a career as a teacher be- smar tly in her business suit and pu mps, at the same time
fore becomi ng the principal of an elementary school. A in the m orn ing as Tyle r. Now, she kissed him good-bye at
self-described power couple, they 'pent years earning and the door in her ba throbe, the ,ame one she was often In

traveling before finally deciding it wa, time for baby- when she welcomed him at the door th at evening.
makes-three statu,. She admitted it. She was ge tting the fru mp' , Wo rse,
As all new parents quickly discover, baby starts with a Jen n felt as though motherhood was replaci ng her wo ma n-
capital B. For Boss. No longer could Tyler and Jen n actu- hood and that in the ptocess ,he was losing her sexuali ty.
ally finis h a m eal without a wail from th e nursery. N o l\.h ybe it was somewhere in the backsea t of her car under
lo nger could they watch a m ovie without having to hit the cru,hed box of teething biscui ts. M aybe it was hiding
pause for a diaper change. N o lo nger could they enjoy a under the top drawer of her dresser under her extra stash of
cuddle on the couch without having to stop halfway for breast-feeding pads. O r maybe it had sprinted away at the

. lu b . jo b l lu b e jo b 16 .
sight of the heavy black bags of babyhood that now hung was not receiving the level of sexual attention he needed .
under her eyes . 'Wherever it was , it was moving further And so began an electric affair of sorls between a husband
away from ever being found, and lenn knew she had to do and wife. Gradually, the innocent uI'd love to kiss you right
something to rec laim it. She knew that of all the changes nows~ turned into hardeore uI'd love to Tasle your come in
her marriage had survived over the years , this would be the my mouth right news." Happily, the baby's gastrointesti-
biggest and the most rewarding. nal status was no longer discussed online.
Strangely enough, the change came about by electronic Despite the flurry of regular and increasingly raunchy
accident . One morning, after Tyler had left for work, Jenn e-mail Jenn began 10 exchange with her husband, she ad-
was checking her e-mail on her home compmer. As she mits thaI she ofren participated in this sexy correspon-
shufHed her slippers on the floor underneath the desk and dence for the express purpose of keeping Tyler's sexual
slurped her fourth cup of coffee, she received an e-mail interest focused on her. Instead of succumbing to the
that she thought was from Tyler's new address at work. frumps-the emotional, physical, and sexual frump s-she
'When she opened the e-mail, it became dear to Je n n would tease him with an e-mail describing the sexy bra she
that this message had originated from neither her hus- was sporting. W'hen he came home, she would of course
band's compmer nor from his mind. T he e-mail was of the
Ulo n ger, harder, thicker variety and was accompanied by a
short but provocative testimonial from one of the ques- Fi ght the frumps with fitness. Exe rc ise
tionable product's very satisfied customers. D esp ite herself, n ot only in.proves o u r mood b y releas ing
Jenn found herself reading the explicit nature of the testi- en dorp h ins, it also incre""es blood £low to th e
monial and becoming almost ... aroused! ge n itals, which leads to a rousal. Don't n eglect
Feeling suddenly very inspired-and frisky---she fired your n ether regions during your workou t; Kegel
off a flirtatious e-mail to Tyler at work. Instead of respond- exercises strengthen the vagina a nd make it b elter
ing hours later as he usually did (for example, when she a ble t o g r""p th e p eni s du ring sex.
e-mailed to share news of the baby's noteworthy bowel
movements), he replied almost immediately.
To lenn's surprise and delight, Tyler's e-mail had upped be wearing it , regardless of whether she was really in the
the ante and was even racier than hers. lenn knew imme- mood to lift and separate.
diately that she had tapped into a deep well of erotic 'What followed may have been maintenance sex , but
potential. She also rea lized that her husband's almost too- nobody peering through the bedroom window could have
eager response to her flirtatiousness was evidence that he guessed it. Not only did lenn's efforts ensure that her hus-

.0 lub . jo b l l u be jo b _6
b..nd remained intere.ted in her and W:15 onually sati5hed, ccunu for ne!l of you, reserved exdusively for the ex-
but they 01.100 inspired her to k.,.,p her though ts and actiom change of t!l...., very penon al mosages.
onu.al. As main tenance on 00 ofte n don, it helped k.,.,p the If !Ie d unn't !lave a= to e-mail (o r if you don't wan t
ernbers of her own on uality going u nlil she had learned to 10 riJ<. the bo.. intercepti ng this naughty non-busino . -
merge mo lherhood and womanhood, and could again related connpoodencc)• •lip a ""'Y note into your man'.
wat,h her flames shOO( h igh into the sky. poekcr befo,." he leaves for work, or leave a suggestive mn-
Ler', lale Ih i. opporruniry to tap inlO Jenn's well of sage in hi. lunch box o r brier~ insresd . You <:an cvcn
ele<;tronic ereeicjsm. It's a limely method of foreplay, and lnl-mcuagc a 10,,", note o n !lis u-1I phone.
mml: men are more dun lechno-savvy enough 10 play Ikgardlcso o f how they're delivertJ, thnc messagn will
along. ~'hen Ihey're nol checking lhei r odometers, it make your man feel genuinely wanted..Just :15 women long
o.ccnu that many men are busychcdJng th cir e-mail. Most to feel rn..ured and chcriohcd, men thrive when they fcd
of us arc regular users of a rompuler, aod it'. likely that needed and desired. For men, the fcding of being needed
sometime during your evening you11 find yoursel f .laring by a woman otlen lead. to or enhances hi. onual f.,.,ling'
at tIw: sc:!'ttn, working, surfing, or checki og lboor end! .... for her. Usc thi. instinetu.al conllC'Ction to your advan-
e-mail mcuaga. And lha,'. a good Ih ing, .ioee that'. n- Iagc. f-lanC1" him, In him know you need and wan t him,
aetly wh~ you need 10 be 10 g<:"I lhi. strictly main tenance and In hi. desire for you build th roughout the day. By the
lube job done. lime he gcn home, hell be rnc:Iy to hunt forth at your
Before you perform Ihi. lube job, and if drcumstancn louch.
permil, send your partner a few provocat ive e-mail mn- W'hcn you and your panncr are at l:I5t at home together
s.agn during hi. workday. Don'l be bashful. If you're at and you're -.vtking on t!le com puter. p ull up a blank
home, d~ribe the """y pontin you',." wearing (lie if you screen and diocfft"lly comp""" a raunchy message to your
mus!), or tell him about the hot and steamy bath you just ponnc:r. Again, don't be shy. Type something like:
took, hot and .teamy beau"" of ,!Ie t!lin!>, you were
thinking aboUI doing wit h !lim. If you're at wotk, describe I 'v. boten tll1nkin9 ebou t you .11 day .
how you're .iuing at you r desk wit!l you t lev crossed to ebout tekin9 your cock in . , ""utll a nd e ..c k_
stimulate yourself while you think abou t all the th ings you in9 it until you buret in . , ..... tll . I've boten
wan t to do 10 !Ii. body ton ight. Say the thin!>, you know t.a9inin9 your cock pr.teed a9alntt .y lipt,
will {urn !lim on and let him stare at the d "",k, willing it to tll1nkin9 .bout IIov wonderful and lia rd i t
rele",," him 00 he Can rome home to the delight tha t so ea- t .. l . wh.n you p"tll it pas t my lip' and it
gerly await5 h im . You can cvcn ,reate alter ego e-mail ;K- .ink. into .y moutll. I can· t wait t o s t r o ke

52 h.be JOb ' lube jo b 16 U

a nd suck until I f ee l you erupt down my ner'. manhood before asking him to .pread his legs and re-
throat. I can't wait to feel your h i p s roc k lax. As he does , .lip down onto your knee. in front of him:
bac k and f o r t h and you r hands clutch my hair if you want, yo u can unfa.ten yo ur top few bultons to al-
as you come hard a nd fast • . . low him a delicious bird's-eye view of your sexy bra-dad
brea.ts. Gently fondle your man'. perineum and massage
Remember, you're trying to get him aroused quickly,.o hi. test ides until he is at least semi-erect. H ook your arms
don't write about rose petal. and your feelings . Use the behind hi. bum as if locking yourself to him, and bring
power of dirty talk to turn him on. Write about how des- your mouth do.e to hi. groin. Blow hot breath onto hi.
perately you want to plea.ure him and about how good the genitals and moan to show how anxious you are to take
ru.h of his orga.m wiII feel. him in your mouth.
Next, casually call your partner into the roo m and non- Ifhe's .oft or if you want to torture him a bit lo nger, be-
chalantly a.k him to read the message as if it were a frivo- gin with some teasing tongue move. before putting hi. r--
lous forward from a mutual friend. A. your man'. mind ni. in your mouth. Nuzzle your face into his perineum and
registers the content and he reali""s that he'. the lucky re- lick it. Use the tip of your tongue to trace around hi. gen-
cipient, .pin around in you r chair and offer him a wicked ital•. Starting at his perineum, circle hi. scrotum and then
grin. Reach out to fondle his genital. (over his pants) to drag your tongue over hi. testides to the base of his penis.
c-a, the base of his peni., then Aalten your tongue and
lick the underside of his .haft from the base to the frenu-
W riter'. block? Since yo u're on Ih e com- lum . Because the frenulum is an exceptionally sensitive
pUler anyway, .can a free online ero t ica area, don't use too much pressure the first time you stimu-
. ite to in crease your sex ual vocabulary. Ju.t late it. Point your tongue again, flick the tip against the
make . ure you do il o n yo u r own lime and with frenulum, and then trace a complete circle under the ridge
your own p c, nol rhe co mp any'.! of the glan •. Finally, Ralten your tongue once again and
lick the head of his penis like an ice-cream cone. This ex-
quisite process should make hi. penis erect, or at least
arou.e him . When you feel hi. bulge, unzip hi. pants and semi-erect, in record time.
pu.h them and his underwear down to ju.t below hi. 'When your partner is hard enough for fellatio, slowly
bum. You just need access to hi. genitals, you don't need take about half the length of his penis into your mouth . At
him completely undressed. Such is the convenience of a the same time, dutch and caress his buttocks to make what
quickie . you're doing even naughtier and to increase his arousal.
Spend a moment in blatant admiration of your part- Suck and lick his penis very gently for a few moments ,

. lu b . jo b l l u b e jo b 16 .
hands free, kneading his buttocks and roc king his groin fingers and tightly stroke his shaft while simultaneously
into your mouth. performing fellatio: hold your hand dose to your mouth
'When you're ready to rev his engine harder, allow just and continue to suck his penis while you milk and squeeze
the head of his penis to pass through your lips and then it with your fingers . Adopt the pace, pressure, and rhythm
dose your lips tightly around the shaft. Treat the head of you know will make him come, and let him ejaculate in
his penis to a good tongue-lashing while it's inside your your mouth .
mouth: swirl your tongue around it, circle the ridge, and
then slide the bumpy underside of your tongue over top
of the glans ro vary the sensations he is experiencing inside Spit or swallow! Check the menu
the wonderful warm wetness of your mouth. before d eciding. Many women claim that
Now take as much of his shaft as you can into your a man'. sem en tastes different afte r he's eat en
mouth, making a show of just how big he really is. Suck certain types of foods.. D airy products, meat, and
firmly as you slide your mouth up and off his penis , let t ing alcohol are ge ner ally thought ro wo rsen taste, while
your lips pop over the ridge of the glans . To begin the fruit and vegetahles are believed ro im prove it.
downstroke, purse your lips and press them against the
glans, offering slight resistance before allowing the head of
his penis ro break through the barrier of your lips and sink 'Whether you swallow your partner's semen depends on
into the depths of your mouth. Stroke his penis a few you: if you're reluctant to , it's no malter. Simply have a tis-
times in this way and be sure that your moans and move- sue nearby to strategically rid yourself of the evidence.
ments express how wonderful he tastes . 'Whatever you do, don't make a spectacle of this . The last
Srop stroking for a moment and direct your partner to thing your man wants to think is that you find his body or
hold his penis with one hand, at the base, and to push your his juices in any way distasteful. If you have to spit, you
mouth onto it . This will give him a powerful and grilty can always tell him there was just too much to swallow.
sense of sexual control that will add to the «d irt iness" of Many men see the volume of their ejaculate as an indica-
what you're doing. Let him be as forceful as both your tion of their virility, so this may be one way to spare his
comfort zones allow. feelings and flatter him at the same time. Be discreet and
'When you want to bring your man to orgasm, hold his respectful, while still honoring what you are willing to do
penis at the base with one hand while with the other hand and not do.
you squeeze and tug his testicles, gently pulling them away Of course, there is a wealth of fellatio techniques avail-
from his body. To begin a momentum-building rhythm able in this handbook (as well as on the Internet and on
with good pressure around his penis, form a ring with your video), and while skill is important and helpful, a good

. lub . jo b l l u be jo b 16
knowledge of whar turn. your particular ma n on i. far
more valuable. It isn't nece. sary to concern yourself with
using a wide variety of profe••ional porn-sanctioned tech-
n iques during a lube job. In Ihe end, these mai ntenance
quickies work because, fro m your partner's perspective,
Ihey are completely spontaneous and perhaps somewhat
oUl of character for you . His spike of arousal and quick d i- !Lube !Job #7
max don't come fro m Rawless textbook maneuvers; Ihey
come from th e .heer Ihrill of th e experience ilself.
The Hot-Oil Change

Whal an eyefUl! When you 're performing

fell alio on your n,an , glance up al him
and m ain lain eye co nta ct while yo u suck. o men don't always understand the ma le preoccupa-
It'. a !Urn -on for n,any guy•• W tion wit h The Penis. Is it too small? Too skinny? Too
crooked? Do wom en find it attracti ve? It seem. as if men
are far m ore concerned with these penile issues than
Now thaI you've satisfied your partner, send him into women are . Yet the fairer sex ca n certainly sympathize, for
rhe ki tchen on shaky legs to prepare a po.tfellalio snack in this age of airbrushed beauty, surgical nips and tucks,
while you power-down Ihe compUler. Working through all suctions , injectio ns, lift s, and enlargement., women suffer
Ihal e-mail may have worked up your appeti te•. from a constant and beural onslaught of culturally im-
posed and co mpletely impossible srmdards of bodily per-
fection and elernal youth .
Popular culture and its co nnivi ng twi n siSler, advertis-
ing, send out a common message to both sexes--your
body jusl isn't good enough. T h e insecurities these calcu-
lating beasts spread 100 often spill into our intimate rela-
lionships, causin g prob lems where before there were none
or few. So where is one 10 find sheher from a storm of
heartless criticism? In Ihe arms of one's beloved, of course.
Now more than ever it is vital to the health and happi ness

5a lu b . jo b l
of a couple', sex life for each partner to know that his or was, how it was more desirable Ihan any I had seen on th e
her body is desirable 10 rhe other. Sincere sexual Aattery is lelevision, and how I felt so lucky to be married 10 such a
essential to maintaining a good love life. fine specimen. Little did I know it, but my Iigh thearled
Just days before starting this chapter, D on and I were penis praise had actually had a profound and lasting im -
channel-surfing when a major beaury pageant, in rhe full pact on Out marriage. 'While this may seem absurd at first,
rheoes of rhe swimsuit compelilion no less, Rashed across if you really think about it, there was great wisdom in my
Ihe screen. Don had the remole control, and inslead of approach.
slowing 10 watch he passed by without missing a beal, say- We all know that the betler you make someone feel
ing "Those plastics have nOlhing on my wife." I thought about himself or herself, the betler that person will feel
10 myself, 'What woman wouldn'r want a husband like about you. In friendship, we're all drawn to people who
Ihis? Snuggling doser to him on th e couch, I told him build us up, and we avoid those who lear us down . That
how much his reaction meant to me : how it made me simple logic extends to our intimale relationships . No
feel loved, confident, and very, very, frisky. Most impor- one in the world has more power over another person's
lant, it made me feel protected from the weapons of mass sexual confidence than does that person's spouse or inti-
demorali""tion that our culture is constantly firing at mate partner. By consciously deciding to shield each other
women . from the sexual insecurities that can so ruthlessly invade
Den's response 10 my expression of gratitude was an en- our psyches , a couple builds a fortress around their sexual
lightening one, and it actually provided th e impetus for relationship that nothing can break through . They also
Ihis lube job. As it turns out, his female-friendly reaction reaffirm the love, devotion , and admiration they have for
10 the beauty pageant was in part caused by an incident each other in olher areas of their life logether. Praise is
that had happened a few years earlier. He reminded me of power.
a television program we had seen, and allhough it took a
while for me to remember it, it was obviously still front
and center in his memory. It is b ener to give Ihan to receive.
The program was a documentary of sorts, on penises. Giving co m plime nu 10 o ur pannen ca n
Human penises of every size, shape, color, slant, length, rem ind u . of their po.ilive trai u and in cr e,""e o ur
width, and appearance were shown, some hanging down, su ual d esire for them.
some standing up al full attention, a few somewhere in be-
tween , According 10 Don, I responded by watching for a
few minutes with mild amusement and then turning off Of course , the real issue isn't whose penis is slraighter or
Ihe television and gushing about how perfect his manhood better looking (or whose breasts are fuller or nicer). The

00 lub e jo b l lub e jo b 17
...,..1i...ue is good Slcwar<hh ip. We give rna ..., rh..n just our So what caused the <;hangc?
bodics to o ur part ner<, We give ou r heans ..nd souls, too , "Peer prC'Ssu re,~ ..d mits Nicole. "I'u", ..nd simplc. It's
..nd whcn th ose aren't handled with ..s much love ..nd ure emba er....ing now, but I st..n ed h..nging ..round some
u ou r bod ies, thc rel..lio m hip suffen. We women thrive in WOmen who ..II bil<;hed nonstop about Ihe men in Iheir
...,Ialionshipo when men Iake the lime 10 compli men t us, lives. ..nd before I knew it, I beg..n thi nking like them, I
whelher ii's 10 tell us Ih.a t we look sny in a d ress, tha t w e're wu no belter th..n ..n imp...,..io n..ble leenager: they'd
sm..re, Ihar our .xi n fcd. >oft, o r Ihat o ur h...,uts ....., beau- shm their n -husb<.nds o r bo,friend" and I'd be right
tiful. These compliments nee only give us personal con fi- alonpide them , joining in. AI lin t il was just Iall, bUI
dence, Ihey ..Iso suengthen our feelings of comm itment then it st..ned 10 t .. ke root, ..nd my whole ..lti rude dCln-i-
and love for our m..re. OUted:
Yet Ihere is somet hing of .. double S1andan!. when it "It Was like Jekyll and Hyde,~ says Nicole', husban d,
comes 10 R..nering men , Fot some reason, rhere isn't rhe Many. "Fo r the first fi..., o r six ~ of our marriage she
same lendeney 10 com pliment a man u the..., is .. woman , w:as ...doub le ..nd ..Iw..p said the ni<;est thi ngs.. 1'hcn we
even Iho ugh-slt any man-a sincen- <;omplimenl c:I.I1 seemed 10 hil a brkk wall. 1 callrh..1 brick wall 'Mommy's
nu.Iu: rhe sun shine hrigh tn- on even rhe darkesr d..~. new friends: ·
Quile often, .. wom..n will make a menial note of how Mommy'. nC'W fnc mls we..., .. grou p of women Nicole
hand.ome or ony her man looks hut will nonClheless f.UI mn when her younger daughter beg..n I'"""hool. 1bnc
10 vocaliu rhe com plimml. perhaps .....uming th..1 sud> mom. seemed h.annlns enough at lim . so Nicole was
praise isn'r u imperean e 10 him as it is ro her. happy when they invited her 10 their~:U" Friday movie
Unfonun.;ud y• the f..ilul't'to R..n er our men isn't always night , which Was hd d ..lone of tIK 'ingle mom', houses.
an innocent oversighl' Nicole. a twcnty-cigh t-year--<>k1 For the fim scvcnl Fridays., the ouring< w e..., .. w deam e
wife ..nd mo, her of twO, carne 10 Ihink of com plimcnring bl't'ak from her roul ine, ..nd she looked fo rward 10 the <:;1-
her husban d u .. wmnno, Rcg.. rdless of how good. he m..uderie of having girlfriends around for Ihe lin l lime
looked or how hard he . tied '0 please her, she with hdd since her collegedap. The girl talk, l..ughter. and common
prai"". fe..ring lhat it migh t go 10 his had. And praise isn'l intCTC'SU reminded her of her single dap . before Ihe hus-
allthar she wilhhdd. Sex soon followed. band and kids.
· 1 used 10 throw the compliments ..round like they · Mosl of Ihe moms w en- divorud o r never m....ried, so
we", going out of S1yle: Nicole sa~ · We w e..., in love, in the girl 1..11. was diffen-m rh..n with my happ ily m....ried
the ho neymoo n phase:. ..nd I W U forever Id ling him how friend.: says Nicok. "( h..d .. sense of independence and
sweel he w:as.• frttJom . hat reminded me of whe n I w:as single. Don'l gel
me wrong, they were terrific mothers to their kid., but be- Soon, the tiny seed of doubt began to grow into a big
cause most of them weren't tied down to a man, the con- change of behavior. "'When I'd get home after a Friday
versation .eemed a lot more colorful -youthful-to me, movie night, I'd always walk through the door with a chip
and I felt more youthful just being there." on my .houlder, ~ admits Nicole. "If Marty had fallen
But gradually, the girl talk gave way to unadulterated asleep on the couch waiting for me, I'd think, What an as.-
man bashing. One woman told of how her ex-husband hole! Those women are right . Ifhe'd deaned the house and
cheated on her, while another revealed the sordid detail. of was waiting up for me, I'd think, 'What a suck-up. What's
her own string of infidelities. An unhappy wife told of how he trying to hide?~
her current husband spent more time playing with his And of course , their sex life began to be affected as
video games than he did with his own kids. Yet another Nicole's attitude toward sex changed, too. "Sex was always
woman complained that her live-in boyfriend was more a hot topic of conversation on these movie nights. My
concerned about his ex-wife than he was about her, even friends were always saying how they weren't put on the
though they were planning to marry and he had been di- planet just to .atisfy some man'. needs, and I wondered if
vorced for years. that 's what I was doing. Marty's always had a really strong
'When Nicole sheepishly admitted that her husband sex drive, and I often did it when I wasn't in the mood, just
was both faithful and very involved in their children's live., to satisfY him. But now I had the idea that satisfYing him
her comments were met with derision and ridicule: "'When- was beneath me. If he hinted that he wanted sex , it just
ever I said I was happy in my marriage , they'd all laugh and made me angry. ~
treat me like I was a naive schoolgirl. T hey'd say the ax Over the weeks, the situation grew worse. Nicole be-
would fall any day and I'd realize all men are alike. I man- came increasing intolerant, critical, and un loving. Marty
aged to ignore them for a wh ile and just told myself they withdrew to the basement and began to play soliraiee on
were bitt er, but it was like they managed to plant this tiny the computer instead of engaging with his family. "I didn't
seed of doubt that really .tuck." want to be anyv.·here near her, ~ .ays Marty. "Bad vibes
were alII got from her and lots of them. I wouldn't be sur-
prised if we went two months without her .aying a .ingle
Peer pressure can be po.itive too . kind word to me. Sex was out of the question. Unless
Surround yourself with happ y, fulfilled, Nicole was "ally in the mood, I didn't stand a chance. It
and well-balanced peopl e to reap th e benefits of didn't matter how affectionate I was to her; she wouldn't
po.itive peer pressure . reciprocate in a sexual way, although she knew full well
what I wanted. ~

. lu be jo b l lu be jo b 17 .
"Marty wou ld avoid me all n ight, the n c raw l into bed right and that I wa. an a..ho le, just like ""cry olher man
al mid nighl and start rea" hing for me," ""Y" Nicole. ~ I ou t there."
knew wha t he wanted , h ut I d eliberately withheld il. "I tu rned arou nd and man:hed oUl of Ihe hou...," ""Y'
Look ing back, il was very cruel, but al the lime il seemed N ico le. "I headed tighl ba" k to my friend'. house. The
toully ju ui ficd. l l ho ugh t, 'lX'hal am I, you r""" . Ia",,? I'd ot her women were " ill there, and 1 n aned cryi ng an d
never rho ughl aboux main lenan"e """ like that in Ihe yelling, Id ling them whal had happened :
pul, bUI I w;u ju>! foeuo«! o n "7 ncnJs. no l h i•. The mo re Mom my" new friend. n:Ktcd exKtly ... :-':icole amici-
I knew he needed me, the bigge r the ch ip o n my .houl- pared they would. TI.cy told her that Marty "'..... a pen-en ,
dee gOI: a sexual dmam , and that he . houldn·t even be aro un d h i.
Thi••immering .itu.llion finally CTUpled o ne nigh t in <J'Wn kid... They to ld her that .he w... too good fo r h im and.
the mo<.l di'lurbing way. Nicole Ume home fro m a Fri- tlut he ohviou.ly wun't aluaaed to her anymore, 00 .he
day movie night to find Many ...Jecp on Ihe down.tai.. might ... well lea...,. They told heT th at if.he Iud any ...If-
couch, rhe plaa where "'" n<J'W 'p"m mo<.t of hi> time and rt:""f'CC! '''''' wouJ.d djvcece him ; orheewise she wu noth ing
oomctim"" even 'pem rhe nigh r. ~ide I"'" couch. Ihe mere than a ¥onk and fooli>h wo man. They told heT to
OCn:n1 "'vn on ehe compu reT Kn:n1 f1icJ.erC'd. For oome pack up hi> cloth"" , kk k him out, and not let him see h i.
n:aoon, Nicok reached OUt and clicked I"'" mou.... H eT jaw kKh umil he'd ~vnJ. t""'... py. They IOld h.....he dncrvcd
dropp<d. better dun a >cx -addia hlUband.
"Porn , porn, porn: "'Y" Nicole. " h w;u Ihe home page "l think tlut in my hean I knew it w ... wrong,· "')"5
of a porn .ire. wilh a doun WQmCTl in n:ally gnphic do...- Nicok, "bul t"'" whok mcu seemed 10 rake on a life o f in
up' and. a fLubing 'Jo in Now' ba nner ouoIling K ...... the own . It had in own mo mem u m. 1 wntl back home. bue I
ocrttn. It wu ridiculous, In a split >ea>nd , my married life b.mi..haf Many 10 I"'" ba.emem. I even implicd that he
k=>e a parhctic dicho!. There ( wu, out wit h the gin. .houIJn'l be left alone with hi> kid ..--thal" the part 1 still
while my hlUba nd was h iding in t"'" baxmen l, . urling can't fOrgive my>cl f fOr. 1hcre are oome things you ...y tha i
porn o n Ihe Web. I remember kk kin g t"'" com pu ler desk you can'l take k k; oom e Ihings change the Wily you Ittl
;u hard ;u 1 could to Wilke him up. Ma ny jumpnJ. up o ff about younclffOn:ver, and tlul w ... one of them. I still fttl
rhe couch, an d when he ....w Ihat 1 had discove red h i. di ny overwhelming . hame fOr tha I. I do n'l lhink 1 co uld·..., for-
li[lle OC'tret, he jlUt seared at me. He didn't apologize o r ex- given Many if he had ...id those th ings aho UI m e. so I don'l
pbi n o r anyth ing. It w;u like he did n't even u re: know how he'. fOund il in hi. hcan 10 forgive me. 1 still
"It'. nor tha t 1 d idn 't care," Many explains. "I jlUr can't believe thal I [cr mysclflosc so much perspect ive:
w ... n't up for the fight. I knew it W ;u the ammu nitio n . he h w;u d uri ng th i. lime--wilh 1I.h ny seque. terC'd in Ihe
w;u wairing fot. h was the ploof that her girlfriend.. ....ere basement and N icole ruling wilh a heavy hand--that an
unexpected houseguest added herself to the vo latile silUa- soft-core pornography. T he re was nothing violent, under-
tion. Nicole's mother showed up on their doorstep, unan· age, or otherwise overtly disturbing. There were only
nounced and completely oblivious to the hostile territory pictures-no online chatting or friends--and nothing had
she was entering. She had been waiting to see a medical been actually saved onto the computer. Basically, Marty was
specialist in town for some time and had been offered an looking at a few dirty pictures, and, according to Nicole's
appointment after a last-minute cancellation. mother, that wasn't a hanging offense.
Nicole told her mother everything that had happened, - t {old my mom ,hal men shouldn't be looking at porn
but her mother', reaction wasn't what she had expected. online and that l\hrey was a sex addict. She laughed in my
Instead of automatically joining in her anti.l\.hrty tirade, face and said that if looking at pictures of naked women
Nicole's mother asked a question that took her daughter made a man a sex addict, then my father and grandfather
completely off guard. were sex addicts too. She lold me my dad used to have a
UMy mom asked, 'W'hy is he looking at pornography? subscription to a skin magazine and my grandpa had a col-
Aren't you putting out?' H o nestl y, I didn't even know my lection of direy playing cards . I couldn't believe the way my
mom knew the phrase 'p u tting out.' But her question hit a mom was talking since she was always very conservative
sore spot, and I started ranting about how it didn't matter when it came to sex. She obviously knew I needed the hard
whet her or not I was putting out, he shouldn't be hiding in line to get my thinking back on track.
the basement looking at porn on the computer."
But Nicole's mother was unmoved by her rant and con-
tinued to question her about what was going on in the Pornographic images rea ch hack to
marriage. a n t iq uity, g racing walls and vases, a nd
- t was so mad at her. I told her that she was my mother, also have found exp ression in scll ip ture. It ..,ems
and that if anyone should stick up for me, it was her. I told o llr a ncesto rs felt the same d esire 10 sneak a peek,
her about how my friends had stuck up for me and what hilt they jll st cOllld n't download stone pielll res!
they had said, and she started shaking her head . M aybe it
was a sixth sense or maybe it was just mother', instinct, but
my mom was instantly suspicious of my new friends. She Nicole's mom was even so hold as to ask about her
ke pt saying 'Misery loves company.' u daughter's sex life, and she was unimpressed when she
Unlike Nicole's newfound friends , her mother was lea rned her daughter was w ith ho ld in g sex.
d ea rly invested in her happiness and genuinely wanted UMy mom said, ''What do you expect, N icole? If you
wha t was best for her. She sat N ico le down and calmly as· turn the taps off upstairs, he's going to go downstairs for a
sessed the situation. T he images on the computer we re drink.' I hated her for being so rational and especially for

. lu b. jo b l lub e jo b e 7 .
~in g'" ngl". I had turned th" rap' olf. and I wasn'r "w n fed ings uf desirah ility. As w,,'ve said , the wor ld h.., a w..y
sure why. The more 1 thuu ghl about how I'd been Ireating of making all o f u, feci inadcquale. You hav" Ihe po wer ro
him , rh" mo r" I slarr«l lo pa nic. Th" hue: sran «l to clear, co nvince yo ur man orh..rwi"".
and I realiuJ how mi""rahl" I'd b.",n to him . He'd b.",n Ask yoursclf Ih i. qu n lio n: Wh..n was th.. I..st lim.. you
rrying"" hard to plea .... m", hu t I'd b.",n mean to h im for 101.1 you r pa n net what a truly wonderful m..n h.. is? When
absolUiely no reason, I was rem fied the: ", was no going was the [asr lime you 101.1 him how fun ny h.. is or how w..11
k k. My mom o.aid, 'SIan k ing nice. Ir', Ihal .i mple.' " h.. bu ilr that bookshelf in rh.. d C"fl ? 'IX'h..n did you last R..r-
So N icok S1an«l k ing nice. When Friday cam e along, l..r hi, """ ual .kill. and d esirab ility ? If it's been .. while,
she . u y«l home an d . pent l he: movie: nigh l wilh her hu.... do n't pan ic. Thislube job i. a qu ick fix fOr those m..n who
I»nd. · 1 rem ed hi, favorire movi", pul ",,"ra bun"r on the are running low o n .....ual compl im..n". Through .. pI'<>-
pop«>rn , aed showe red h im with pra ise: as ~11 as apolo- ecu of Ran" ry, fondl ing, and fellario, you'D ,""ure your
gies. My mo m was righi , il Was l hal . imp l". In on" night I moUl lha t h i. jewels shine b right... Ihan all th .. OIhe..... and
started 10 undo a 101 o f Ihe da mage Ihat I had d on e. I told in so doing, yo u'll ..,..ffinn your love oUId adontion for
Many bow foolish I'd been act ing, bow I'd gon"n caught h im as a pan nct, bo lh in an d ou t of Ihe bedroom.
up in cvaything. and bow I'd nevn take him fOr granted FUl1cry, pan icula.-ly ..... uaI Ran..!}; i. a powc-rfUI
again. 1~lIy lcJd him how won<InfuJ. he was and bow aphrodisi.K, Be: honest with yoursc lf. Don't you feci more
lucl<y I was 10 have a man like him. I wem th rough all his desira bl" oUId mo re anran...l. to you r p<ll1n..r when he-
wondcrful qualities.. from good p«M<Jer to F..nusric Ico.=. cemmenes o n the- "" ftons o f you r skin or th e pc:rfC"Cl shoo.pe
H is ~ just: lit up. and I fd l like I cou ld bu m into lean. H" of your breasts? Be: genc-rous wirh your prai"" and he..rt-
was likc a lirde boy who<J been ignored for a long time. and fclr in you r actions. When your partOC"l is in need of..wn-
now ""md>ody w;u being kind to him." tenence sex, alwap rna with adrnjrarion inseead of
"And ,he pUI OUI: adds Many. · Rc:ally well, if I re- ieriraeicn. Ralhe:t lhan act ing lik.. his nceds are oUI incon-
memk r ck arly. I have on " h,,11 of a mother-in-law," vemeeee eo you , . mo lh", him wilh co mplimC"flts ..bout his
Som" of us will nevn lose as much pcr.ipccriw as . trong libido and lell h im how happy you are ro h..ve such
Nicole d id, ..nd ""m" may have a kCCn<:T ""n"" of when .. hO( -bloodc:d ma n.
lhey're bcing led down a d..rk path . Srill, ~ can all cm- Remember Ihar you have Ihe powe-r 10 build your man
p:uhizc wilh bcing swept up in ""m",hing, and , fOr ..ny up o r 10 rear hi m down , "" choose: wisely. It'. all in your ..r-
numkr of r.,..5005, we'ee ..II guilty of occasionally ov"r- rieude. If you find you r anirud.. i. negati ve, c"x;lIJIine why
looking our p..emer's qu ..lil i.,. ..nd nq;lecring h is needs. and co rrect Ih" prob l"m.
Som"lim.,. it', jU'1 a m.nrer of k ing busy, bUI now and I\: ni. pra i"" i. Ihe most d irect way 10 boose your nun'.
th"n w" need to slow down and ", infO rc" our p<ll1 n"r's ....xual ego, a nd rhi.lube: job is rh.. pe-rfC"C1 vehicle 10 d eliver

h. b. jo b J7 71
those much-needed compliments. This quickie is also a Fondle his penis and testides for a m oment, then grab
great way to perform mai ntenance when you're too tired to his buttocks again and pull his groin down toward your
expend a lot of energy; you get to lie on your back the face u nti! you can take the head of his penis into your
whole time you play mechani c! mouth , Suck and tongue jus t the head. Put your hands on
This lube job begins before bedtime. Sprinkle some your m an's hips and keep them there so you can cont rol
compliments throughout the day, perhaps admiring your how m uch of his penis goes into you r m outh.
man's broad shoulders or commenting on how sexy he Bit by bit, take mo re of you r man's length into your
looks when he shaves. 'When it's ti me to turn in, lie on mouth . Pull down on his hips, giving h im permission to
your back on the bed and unexpectedly pull your partner thrust deeper into your m out h. If hes too eager or goes too
down on top of you . Treat him to a long, deep, enticing deep, gently push up on his hips to have him ease up. By
kiss to catch him off guard and ge t th ings started quickly. allowing your m an to actively penetrate your mouth rather
Gradually move your kisses down your parmer', body, than just passively receive oral sex, you'lJ give hi m a nasty
from his mouth to his neck to his chest, either lifting or re- feeling of sexual control that he'lJ love; however, if you
moving his shirt as you slither downward . Place feathery don't trust his discipline to obey you r hands-on-hips guid-
kisses down the centerline of his body and over his bare ance, have hi m crouch , unmoving, above you wh ile you
stomach until you reach his groin . Reach up to rub his bring your mouth up to him .
hips and outer and inner thighs before turning your atten-
tion to his genitals. Give them a massage while they are
underneath his dothing, com menting how good they feel Come on, try just a bile. Some men
agains t your hands . N ow grab his buttocks, using them as love the feel of so h nibbles along the
leverage to pull your face up to his groin to kiss his geni- length of Ih e shaft an d on the head of the peni•. If
tals , again while they are still underneath his pants. you haven't tried this m outh move before, wa rn
'When you feel him harden , unzip his pants and push your man in adva nce and, once you have hi s okay,
them down jus t far enough so that yo u can d o your job . treat hi. peni. like the del icacy il is.
l\Iouth the bulge over the fabric of his underwear, and
then push them down out of the way as well. M ake a spec -
tade of the unveili ng. Squirm undernea th him and tell Take a break every now and then to praise your part-
him how delicious his genitals look . If you can, use a little ner's man parts. Tell him how sexy he looks crouched
dir!)' talk; it's a far greater tu rn -o n for a m an to be to ld his above you, how hard and thick he feels in your m out h, and
cock is beautiful, than his genitals. how yo u can't wait to taste him when he comes.

lu b e jo b l lu b e jo b 17
Pick up the pace by letting your man thrust as deeply as
you're comfortable with and at a speed and rhythm you
both like. If you're confident he won't lose control and gag
you, you can let go of his hips and use one or bo th hands
to squeeze his penis as he pumps into your mouth and
nears orgasm.
You can either let him ejaculate into your mouth or, if :Lube !Job #a
you prefer, take his penis out of your mouth and stroke it
with your hands when you know he ', close to climaxing.
(Yo u may feel like you're going ro choke if you're Rat on Under the Hood
your back and he comes in your mouth; only you can de-
termine this. ) At the very least, lift your head or otherwise
shift your position so you aren't lying completely flat on
th e bed when the moment comes. Your man won't notice o me n lo ve romantic dinners. We lo ve the soft music ,
some minor last-m in u te adjusting. W the sweet ta lk, the cheesecake, and the sparkle in our
Compliment your man on his superior performance but lo ve r's eyes as he admires us from across the private, can-
save a little room for self-flattery, too. You deserve it, for dlelit, linen-draped table for two. Men love what comes af-
you're a woman who does more than maintain her man in ter dinner. Indeed, there's some truth ro the expression
the bedroom, as important as that is. You're also a loving ut he way to a man's heart is through his stomach,n and this
partner who understands the power you have over your tasty lube job puts a new spin on that old saying by chas-
man's sexual and personal confidence, and who has decided ing a sexy dish with an even sexier dessert that'll have your
to use that power to build him-and your relationship-- man licking his lips in satisfaction.
up to towering heights. Barb and Gordon are a busy middle-aged couple who
own a thriving restaurant in a trendy district of a large city.
Their restaurant's enviable lo ca tio n means that they not
only have a highly successful business, but also that they
cater to a wide and sometimes very unique customer base.
It was the exploits of two of their regular customers that
demonstrate just how sexy a supper can be .
As Batb relates, this particular couple dined in their
restaurant once or twice a month , always late at night and
always at a reserved private table in the back of the estab- and I'd want to have sex , but I knew Barb', mind was else-
lish m e nt. T hey would specifically request that the waiter where. She handles a lot more of the business side than I
not disturb them during their meal, and although Barb as- do. She does the works, everything from counting eggs to
sumed this was just to emure a quiet meal, she eventually hiring and firing. I'd fed guilty that I was asking for sex, so
discovered the real reason. One night, as she stole a quick I wouldn't push it, but then I'd be kind of frustrated that
glance beh ind the drawn curtain that separated their table she didn't offer. T he night she first went under the table
from the rest of the restaurant, she was only mildly sur- was like something from a movie. I could hardly believe it
prised to see just her male patron at the table. He was sit- was happening. It was fanrasric."
ting back in his chair with the long tablecloth moving "I thought I'd reel like an idiot doing it," says Barb,
below him. Ubut I didn't, not at all. It was exciting. Even though we
Because the couple always acted discreetly (and left knew the restaurant was aJl locked up and empty, we could
large tips), Barb respected their privacy and let them con- still pretend we were a couple taking that risk in public.
tinue to get their thrills at her restaurant. In fact, she ulti- Sometimes I'd be giving Gord a blow job under the table
mately decided to serve up a little of what they were having just for maintenance purposes, bur then I'd get stimulated
at her own table. doing it and we'd end up having intercourse right there on
uG o rd and I spend almost all our time at the restau- the Roor, like a couple of newly"..eds."
rant, U says Barb. -e, usually eat our suppers there after Barb and Gordon's under-the-table trysts are evidence
closing and then don't get home until midnight or one of a simple fact: one of the easiest and most exciting ways
o'clock in the morning. By that time I'm too distracted to to spice up your sexual routine is ro have sex in an unusual
think about sex. Gord's usually game, but I'm still balanc- place. A change of scenery is sometimes enough to recharge
ing the till and scheduling employees in my head, so I'm a waning sex drive, but this doesn't mean you have to join
just not into it . He can turn it all off easier than I can." the mile-high club or go down on each other in the local
So, one evening after the restaurant had closed and movie theater (please don't) . For many of us , an unusual
Gord was sitting alone at a corner table, munching on place is any place outside the bedroom, and the kitchen is
some cold Zllcchini sticks and reviewing the new lease a great place to start.
agreement, Barb served a dessert that wasn't on the menu. With a little preparation, even the most utilitarian
She slipped under the table, and, well, you know the rest . kitchen table can become a romantic table for two. T h row
" I always knew I went into business with the right girl," a nice tablecloth over it ro hide any telltale crayon marks,
says Gordon, "bur when Barb did that, I knew I married add a few candles and some low classical music ro the mix,
the right girl too. T here were many nights we'd get home and serve up a libido-enhancing meal that will satisfy your

lub. jo b l
" "
man's hunger in the best of ways. Why limit maintenance out, no malter. Order anchovies and shrimp on your pizza
sex to the mattress? That kitchen table of yours holds a lot and call it seafood.
of erotic potential you can use to pleasure you r man.

Mo ney m ay not grow o n lree s, but

Ca n'l lake another bite? In stead of an avocado _just pi cture them- are known
u nde e-rhe-rable b low jo b, give yo u r jaw a as the fruit of the leslicle t ree and are believed to
rest and t reat yo ur man 10 a h and job in st ead. P UI have aph rodis iac q ualilies.
so me lu be in a b owl and use il as a fri sky fin ger
dish 10 st ro ke him 10 climax und er the laMe.
As you dine by candlelight (perhaps wearing only lin -
gerie), explain the aphrodisiac qualities of your meal to
There's a strong association between food and friskiness your parmer. H e'll be thinking sexy thoughts with each
that almost every culture recognizes, and you can use this and every bite. Tell him that seafood, including the oysters
connection to your advantage. Certain foods are believed he's eating, is believed 10 increase a man's lib ido because
to have aphrodisiac qualities, though whether or not they Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was born of the sea. 'When
actually possess such powers may be irrelevant. The power he bites into that juicy steak, tell him how the protein in
of suggestion is often enough to get the juices Rowing. steak also increases a man's sexual energy. Then hold up a
Belter still, some of the most sensual foods are blissfully piece of that oh-so-phallic asparagus, and lick the butter
easy 10 prepare, wh ich means you can save your creative off the tip as you throw him a flirtatious wink. Ta ke a sip
energy for what you serve under the table rather than ex- of wine, and tell him how alcohol is the most common
pend it on what you put on lOp of it. aphrodisiac. It lowers inhibitions and sets desires free. Tell
For an easy model menu, serve oysters as appetizers , him how the ancients used 10 have sexual orgies, baccha-
steak as the main course, and steamed asparagus dressed in nals , where they'd drink and have sex with whoever they
bulter or olive oil on the side . For dessert, have apricots, wanted , all thanks to the god of wine, Bacchus.
strawberries, and/or bananas dipped in warm chocolate or As you're delighting in the tastes and smells of your sex
co ol whipped cream. Serve wine with supper, and coffee supper, flirt often and openly with your parmer. Play foot-
with dessert. Keep the menu simple but sexy. Of course, sies under the table and lean over to let him sneak a peek
you 'll amend this menu to your tastes, convenience, and at the curves of your breasts. Kee p the dinner conversation
cooking ability. If you're a gourmet, the sky's the limit. If, focused on sexual aphrodisiacs to increase his arousal. It's a
however, your cooking ab ility is limited to dialing for take- fun topic, so you shouldn't have much. difficulty holding

lub . jo b l
" "
his attention. You can talk aboUl the millions of dollars his groin area, from his thighs and hips to his penis and
that are spent every year as people search for that magic testicles, ro arouse him.
love potion in everything from creams ro perfumes to uFood can give a person so many enjoyable feelings, U
power drinks. says Barb, "and I learned to use it under the table, too.
Sometimes I'd pur a warm dessert sauce on Go-d's penis
and lick it off, then I'd pur something coolon it, like whip-
ping cream, just to give him different feelings down there.
Abstinence can be an effective ap lu o-
It's an erotic thing to do."
disiac. Every now and then, negl ect yo ur
m aintenance duties for an ntra ni ght to let If you wish , you can follow Barb's lead and use the
your n,an's d esire for yo u really build. J ust don't whipping cream and/or chocolate to complement oral sex.
sh irk yo ur respons ib ilit ies too o fte n , or yo u'll go Just remember that the skin on a man's penis is extremely
from arousing t o aggravat ing. And make su re sensitive, so be careful and don't apply anything that is too
your partner knows yo ur hands-off ap proach is warm or too cool. Experiment by going slowly at first and
foreplay, not forgetfulness. only proceeding if your partner likes what's going on un-
der the hood. Spread the sweets of your choice over his pe-
nis and take your time licking them off. 'Why rush a good
'When it's time for dessert, dip your fruit in chocolate meal?
or whipped cream and teasingly lick it off as your partner
watches. If you're having bananas, dip a whole one in
cream and suck it off. H e'll get the idea. To press the point,
If yo u don't want ro use food on yo ur
you can dip his fingers in cream and suck them clean as partner's p ri vat es, purchase a select ion of
well. Twirl your tongue around the palm of his hand to ex- f1avoreJ. l ubri cants and put th em on the table a.'i if
ploit this very erogenous area. Ask yOUl partner ro empty th ey were on the m enu. Let him choose th e flavo rs
his coffee cup, since caffeine is a stimulant. Tell him that you ge t to sam ple.
you want him wide awake for what comes next.
If you're still in the mood for sweers, take the whipping
cream and/or chocolate with you, and, with a devilish 'When this down-below dessert is finished, you can
smile, disappear under the table . Run your hands up your bring the meal to a delicious end by proceeding to full-
partner's legs, over his thighs, to his groin . Unfasten his blown fellatio. Receiving oral sex in this unusual and in-
pants and expose his genitals, then place soft kisses around tensely erotic w ay will be a real thriII for your man, so let

.0 lub . jo b l .
him sit back and lose himself in the sensations. Let him
ejaculate in YOUt mouth to make this the finest dini ng ex-
petience he's ever had, start to finish.
"Ir's a tota l fantasy, there's nothi ng like ir," says Gor-
don . UHaving all those feelings going on down there but
not being able ro see them just takes your breath away. I
can't tell you how good it feels. I sit back in the chair, !Lube !Job # 9
spread my legs, and I'm in heaven . It's fairly dirty, too, and
I can't say that doesn't turn me on . My mind wanders, and
I sometimes pretend we're out in public and she's gone Grab a Gear-Part II: The Delour
down on me. That makes the whole experience even more
unbelievable. She's done it lots of times, but every time is
like the first. I can't get eno ugh of it, and I think those are
the strongest orgasms I have. ~ s sexual boredom inevitable in a long-te rm relations hip?
But what about the hardworking chef, you ask. 'Where's I Does familiarity, as the saying goes, breed contempt?
the tha nks for making such a mouthwa tering meal?Accord- Ult was the socks that did it," says I\ Iirriam. "Right
ing to Barb, the gratitude you'll receive goes well beyond there , in the middle of the kitchen Roor. He was standing
the standard twenty-percent gratuity. sockless by the stove, slurping the last of the white wine
uReal gratitude isn't a few dollars left behind by a sauce right from the po t."
stranger, ~ she says. uReal gratitude is the way your husband l\Iirriam and Nicholas had been living together for ten
looks at you and hugs you when you do somethi ng like years, and over the past decade things had become a bit ...
this for him . In my opi nion, maintenance sex isn't a tha nk- urn ... relaxed.
less job, not if you have a good man. And if you're fortu- "I made a romantic 'ten years together' din ner, and we
nate enough ro have a good man, like I do, you get back ate by candlelight, ~ explains M irriam . "I wanted to take
way more than you put into it." the evening slow, but N ick knocked back his food like he
was late for a Right. After the feeding frenzy I excused my-
self to slip int o something more comfortable, and when I
came back in a garter, he was standi ng barefoot beside the
stove, holding the pot to his lips, guzzling my gourmet
sauce like a cold beer. T he socks were there, lying in a heap
in the middle of {he Roor, almost symbolic .u

&2 lub . jo b l
Her partner's fau x pas notwithstanding, Mirriam was Fo r some wo men, this is the li me in their long-term re-
determined to stay in a sexy mood. She asked Nick what lationship when maintenance sex becomes particularly la-
movies he had rented for their special anniversary evening. borious, not necessarily because they don't want to do it
uTwo kung fu movies and a horror Btck," recalls M irriam. but beca use they simply don't ha ve the sexual motiva tion
" I felt like 1 was trapped in a bad sitcom. The only thing they once did. Plainly said, th ey aren't as turned on by
missing was the fake laugh track. N ick finally put down their partner as they used to be . This ti me can be fraught
th e pot and noticed me standi ng there wearing th is garter with other dangers as well, fro m emotional and physical
thing. I suddenly felt ridiculous, like 1 was trying to be disconnection to rela tionship ambivalence and infidelity.
twenty years younger than 1 was, but he whistled like a
co nstruction worker and swept me off my feet . He was all
over me , but as hard as 1 tried, I just could n't get into it. -.' GONE B UT N O T F O RG O T T E N
Than k goodness for lube . The hormon e-charg ed honeymoon
T he ne xt day, Mi rriam w as rela ting her anniversary an- ph ase ca n lasl from wee ks 10 years, but don't
tics to her female co- workers, sharing and laughing about lan,enl its loss w he n it's go ne. Instead , keep it
th e Hames-ro-hzzle progression that seemed to characteri"" alive by fondly rem embering Ih e early feeling- ,
long- term relatio nsh ips. excite me nt , and experie nces yo u and yo ur panner
" h was unanimous,n M irriam says, "all my colleagues shared du ring this swee t and special t im e in yo ur
relationsh ip.
felt the same way: very much in love, totally devoted to
their partners, but losing those sparks of sexual attraction .
l\Ios t of us had partners o r husbands who were stiII sexu-
ally attracted to us, but we had lost the mo tivation to ful- UI knew my rela tionship was strong,n says M irr iam. "I
fill their need s. I used to get butterflies w hen Nick would knew exactly what was happeni ng. Those sex hormones,
touch me unexpectedly, but that wasn't happening as th e adrenaline rush of a new lover were gone, and we were
m uch . You do your bes t to ge t the spark back, whether it's settling into each other.
buying sexy teddies or going away for a weekend, but it's But Usettling into each other" isn't necessarily a bad
hard when your reali ty is socks in the middle of the floor. thing. As a relationship progresses, th e erotic tingles of
You're just so familiar with him---and his underwear- new ness may lessen, but other more valuable and enduring
that it's hard to see him as the stud you first fell for . N ow quali ties, such as security, comfort, and deep love, thrive .
he's your life partner and you love him, but you miss those If a couple is aware of w hat is ha ppeni ng in their relation-
butterfJies . ship and why it is happening, they can take steps to ensure

. .
that their sex life remams healthy and happy and that
those tingles don't disappear. Sadly, however, not everyone Rather than flining wi th that suave
IS so astute. new co -worker, reserve yo ur efFons for
uAlicia was a young w ife in our office who was married your man . Flirting doesn't have t o go Ih e way o f
for just a year, ~ says l\.I irriam. " Ic seemed soon, but she was Ih e dodo once the honeymoon's over. Touch your
always complaining abourlosi ng sexual interest in her hus- man often, pl ant unexpect ed ki sses on the back o f
hi s neck, lell him you love him, and lift your . ki n
band. N obo dy was surprised when she began to Hire with
10 give him a sassy pee k. Keep playfuln ess in your
a mal e co-worker. ~
long-Ierm relationship, and lei him know h e still
According to M irriam, the new wife's Airta tion started
turns yo u on, eve n afte r all these years . What a
innocently enough, with a warm smile, a wink, or a sassy
st ud he muS! be!
text message . But just as the older women in the office pre-
dicted, the play grew more serious until th e couple was
stepp ing out for long lunches together, exchanging linger-
ing looks across th e room, and finding any excuse to visit of N ick and me for reaching our tenth anniversary and still
each other's office-behind dosed doors, of course. being in love, socks on the floor and all. I had renewed
-c , all knew exactly what was happening," says M ir- motivation . I wanted to get those bulterflies back and to
ria m , uand we knew why. We had all felt the sizzle fade a feel excited by him . He wasn't asking for =< a. much as he
bi t in our relationships , but we were smart enough to used to, although I knew he "ill wa nted it . He was sensing
know it was natural. We warned Alicia that she was play- my indifference, and that mus t have been hurting him . H e
ing a dangerous game, but she jus t waved us off. We to ld deserved bet ter, and I wa nted to give him better. ~
her the sizzle will fade no matter who you're w ith and tha t Bur how to get those butterflies back? For M irr iam , it
you 're w iser to keep it goi ng ins tead of starting it up some- was a ca.ual t rip to the mall that showed her the way.
where else . She said she was just looking for a little excite- Valentine'. D ay was a few weeks away, and the .hops were
ment and a way to pass th e rime at work. She said her sex advertising their "For Him" wares in abundance. As she
life was better with her husband because this guy at work strolled down the aisles of her favorite department store ,
gave her a thrill . Bur jus t like we warned, it turned into an something ca ugh t her eye or, ra ther, her nose.
affair. The whole thing got m essy and very sad . " I went down t he fragrance aisle , and I was enveloped
Yet th e young co-worker's m isery became Mirriam's by the scent of men's cologne,~ .ays Mi rriam . ult smelled
motlvallon . so good, so sexy. I put so me on my wri.t, took a good
UWatch ing Alicia's experience made me appreciate m y whiff, and within moments I was becoming aroused think-
rela tionship all the more,~ says M irr iam. " I was so proud ing about it on N ick. I've always been turned on by a man

. "
weari ng cologne, bur I realized it had been years since N ick partner, bur for many women in otherw ise healthy rela-
had worn any. He didn't even own a borde anymore. ~ tionships, the "downs" can be lifted with jus t a li ttle effort.
l\.Ii rria m bought the cologne, bur she didn't stop there . For M irriam , it was as simple as seeing (and smelling) her
She also bought Nicholas a closet full of new clothes, in- partner in a new way. H is wardrobe ma keover was enough
clud ing a trendy hoody, a good suit, stylish jea ns, and a to remind her how handsome and sexy he was and to bring
nu m be r of shirts she knew he'd look and feel handsome in . back the tingles .
~Nick's not the kind of guy to shop for himself, ~ Mir-
ria m says, "bur like any of us, he likes to look good. H e
loved the clot hes and was very appreciative that I'd taken To keep your relations hip dynamic,
the time to shop jus t for him . This was just icing o n the bring new beginnings into it. Fo r
cake, because when he was all decked our in his new exa m ple, start a new h ealth reg ime together, buy
clot hes, smelling so sexy, I w as incredibly attracted to hi m . din bik es and take up the fun spo rt, sign up for a
I remembered how gorgeous he was and how sexy I found cooking or wi ne-tasting d ass, or learn a second
him. Just seeing hi m in new clothes and smelling him in a langu age t ogether.
new scent was enough to kick-start my libido. For me, it
really was that easy."
As an extra bonus, N icholas's makeover had an une x- If you're in love with your partner yet so meti mes feel
pected effect on their relationship. Feeling good abour ambivalent abour sex , consider trying the M irr iam M ake-
himself and appreciative of his woman, Nicholas too be- over yourself. Like irs na mesake, you m ay find that th is
gan to feel a resurgence of romantic attraction to his long- simple strategy is enough to rekindle your attraction to
time partner. D ate nights beca me w eekly events. O nce, he your man . That in turn may give you the sexual motiva-
even passed righ t by a newly released kung fu movie to tion you need to kick-start your love life and satisfY all your
pick a ro mantic comedy o ff the shelf. partner's sexual needs. But don't stop with new clothes or
Bur what abour the socks? different cologne . You r approach to m aintenance sex may
~T hey're still on the f1oor,n admits M irr iam, «and with need a wardrobe change, too .
any luck, they'll be there for m any years to co me. Too often m aintenance sex is performed wi thour any
'While fam iliarity may not always breed contempt, it variety: in bed, late at night, either Rat on our backs or
can lead to a loss of sexual interest in one's partner, partic- with tired hands tugging away. No wonder women dread
ularly in long-term rela tionships . Most women experience it, and m en don't ge t any satisfaction beyond basic relief.
ups and downs in thei r sexual attraction to thei r longtime Instead , save the warm comfort of yo ur bed for long love -

. .
ma kin g .es.io n. and thi nk ouuide Ihe bedroom box wh en tu rned-on you r p an ncr will be. Th e novelry and d irt iness
it co mes to maint en ance. G ive your ...lation. hip a mai nte- of what you're doi ng, com b ined with th e muffled sounds
nance <ex makeover. H ow, you ask~ H it t he roa d. in Ihe car and t he pot ential for expos u.... should have your
Thi< lu be joh ea plcirs t he exd le ment of <ex in t he car, hurts poundi ng with pleasu,..,.
hUI unlike Pari I, Pan II u ps the ante by ad di ng oral <ex to c,...... your man's groin with yo ur fingenips an d Ihen
the jackpot. Car <ex i. g...at fOI maintenance since ii's fan, lean OVer int o hi. lap. Breathe hotly o nto the head o f his
spon la nco lU, raunchy, and loIS o f fU n. Receiving a blow pe n", then trace around it wit h the ti p of yo ur tongue.
joh in the driver's <eat is oomething t hat ~ery man with a Lick d .....n h is shaft t.....ard the ba se of h is penis. Don't u<c
dri ver .licen <e hu fantas iud abou l. so ii's an ideal way 10 you r hand.: jlUl n imulate him wit h your ton gue a nd lips
t urhoch.ugc your maintenance <ex rou ti...,. You may ~en by licking a..d kissing alon g h is k ngth. M aki ng su ,.., thai
fi..d lhal performing mai nlen..nce <eX in d iffe... nt ways your lips are covering your IC'CI"h . lake the head of his penis
and p lace< will thrill you as much u your panne r d oes. in your mou th and suck o n it befo... swallowing as much
If you have a long road tri p coming up, sa>.., this lube of his shaft as you can. Sud.. as you move your lips bac k up
job for lbe jaum, Othnwi<e, proposition your partner for his kngth . but don'l pu ll your mo urh off as you =oc.h Ihe
a late-n ight d rive. Choose a n igh t when you kn ..... hell be lOp . In>lead . keep jlUl t he head of his penis in you r mou th
loo king for love, Somerimes the simrJ""l th ings in life a,.., and spend some lime .udung and licking ir befo ,.., agai n
lhe <",",cst: an unplanned even ing drive wit h your man stroking downward.
can be mo,.., romamic tha n an daborate nigh t out. It givn Now for l he detou r. Sil back up in your scat and tell
you the opponunily 10 'f"C3k privalely. wilhou t intcrrup- your panner to d rive 10 a I«Ond loca tio n. Or. if h" mi ..d
lion, and the p hysical doseness ca n be very special It'. dis- is no longet focused o n t he road, hop into the driver 's seal
rurhing jlUt h..... link time we aetua.lly spe ..d shoulder to yourself and chauff....r him to the next d""rinarion. It
shoulder wilh ou r t rue [oves. As you',.., d riving alo ng.. reach doesn'l mailer whelC-whether it'. a . pecific add ms o r an-
down to cal"C<& your pa nner's th igh . gradually moving your othe r secl uded d""lination--h ut ler h im know tha i when
finger< loward h" gro in. Lean dose to h im and rub your he getS 111<,"" you'll be ready to finish what yo u've S1arted .
palm ove r h" bu lge until he beg ins to hard en . The dercur will delay hi. gratifica tio n and inc......., the
R.,member, if your man is becoming aroused he. also >I,..,ngt h of h is olgasm. It'll also give you time to anticipate
getting diserscred. Find a safe. secfuded Spo l to park an d going back down on h im .
pu ll over befo,.., you grab h is gear. Ask him 10 p ush his sal Let the sexual ten.ion mou nl as yo u drive to the ne xt
back ;u you unE...ten his pants and pu .h down hi. under- locale. Vou can make Ihe trip a cha llenge by choosing a dif-
w... r. F<><.:IU On h is aro........1 and the exd tement of what ficult add ...... to find . hUI if you',.., mo,.., mercifUl, select
you're doing. The mo re you enj oy the expe rience, the more somcw hc"" quick and easy. As always, use com mon sense

.0 h.b . JOb' t ub. job n 91

and discretion when selecting a spot for car sex. It's hard to look in the mirror and see if your relationship is in need of
feel sexy if you don't feel safe. Moreover, the thrill of being a maintenance sex makeover.
watched should always remain a fantasy. The reality would
be em barrassing at best and criminal at worst. Secure, un-
populated areas are your best bet.
H you think an unpopulated area diminishes excite-
ment , think again. Total privacy gives you th e freedom to
open the door, quite literally, to added fun. 'When you're
parked in a quiet spot where you're confident you won't be
busted, jump oUl of th e car and go to the driver's side door.
Open th e door and ask your man to sit sideways in his seat
so that his feet are planted on th e ground, and then kneel
down between his legs to pleasure him in this exposed po-
sition. You'll both love the erotic sense of exhibitionism.
This road trip can take as many detours as you wish to
prolong the pleasure, but don't overdo it. l\hking your
man wait too lo ng for release can go from foreplay to frus -
tration before you even realize it. 'When you're ready to
end the journey, find the sucking and stroking rhythm that
will build your partner's orgasm, add your hands to the
mix for extra friction and pressure, and don't let up until
he comes.
See? Wasn't that more fun than that old why-is-this-
taking-so-long duty tug at bedtime? You had some fresh
air, a nice drive, pleasant conversation, gave a great blow
job, and maybe even had some drive-thru onion rings on
th e ride home. Best of all, you showed your man that you
don't regard fUlfilling his sexual needs as a dreaded chore,
bur rather as an opportunity to have fUn, satisfY him, and
strengthen your loving relationship. So take a good long

" "
lao would lake the olXasiondl sexual rejection personally, I
had to s.ay yes, desp ite hi. wholehearted assurances that
any number o f things could temporarily distract him from
sex. He said I was being paranoid. I {old him I was being
normal. So, what was it : no rmal o r paranoid?
As usual , I began to make some calls. After all, a con-
sensus among like-mi nded girlfriends holds more weigh t
than a month.long, jury-deliberated, DN A-backed not
guilty verdict. As Don sighed and shook his head, I
The Engine Soak phoned every woman I knew: all ages, married , single, di-
vo rced, kids, no kids, pels, no pelS , piercing', no piercings.
Yo u get the picture. I asked each w o m a n the simple q ues-
tion "If your partner sexually rejected yOll to n igh t , would
he n we were writing the proposal for this book, we you take it personally?"
W spent a lo t of ti me thinking about which issues neg- The results of my inherently Rawed, completely infor-
ativelyaffect long-term relationships, love lives , and main- mal, a nd embarrassi ngly unreliable supper-hour telephone
tenance sex. In the process, we visited a few online message survey? Fi fteen women said yes, they'd take it personally. A
boards where women meet to discuss com mon relation- co nfident six-the sexually sage , perhaps----said no, not
ship problems (everything fro m video-game-addicted boy- necessa rily, since other factors may be to blame. One hang-
friends to u nfai thful husbands) . O ne topic really had us up. I guess that translates to my being seventy-one percent
talking, no t because it complemented our book', focus, normal, twenty-nine percent paranoid. Actually, I think
but because it challenged it . 'Whe n we think of disparate that's pretty damn accurate .
sex drives , we usually assume the man wants m o re a nd the Since I don't believe in coincidence, I shouldn't have
wo m an wa n ts less; however, we were surprised to find a been surprised when a short ti me later my m usings we re
n u m be r of discussions where women were lamenting their put to the test . We had just so ld the book, and I w as busy
male partner's lac k of libido . scribbling a fim draft. Don was working a grueling over-
It seemed that the majori ty of the women discussing ti me stretch of twenty-one fourteen-hour days in a ro w:
this to pic took their mate's drop in desire personally. They gone at six A.M ., back a t eig ht or ni ne P.M . Our son came
feared t hat their partner was not a tt racted to the m a ny- down wi th a nasty stomach bug from his preschool; my
more; that they had gained weight, become too boring or mother needed surgery; and o ne of D o n', dearest friends
familiar, or weren't good lovers. 'When D on asked me if I passed away. It all happened within a short period of rime,

lub e job e l 0 95
and for the first time since we broughl our son home from couldn'e try to help the process along, though. I thought
rhe hospital four years earlier, our sex life began 10 fade about the many times I had felt overwhelmed, whether be-
into the background. ThaI's right, smack in the middle of cause ofschool, work, or the baby, when Do n had come to
writing a sex guide. my rescue by sharing my stre••. Whenever I was extremely
But there was one difference between the dry spell four distracted, he would do the simplest but s~xi~,t Ihing : he
years ago and Ihis sudden dro ugh t. This lime it was Don would run a hOI bath and sit in the lUb wilh me while I
who was too distracled 10 rhink dirty. Ouch, I was right; I soaked my cares away. (This has to be one of the top five
loo k it one-hundred-percent personally, despi te his asser- reasons I love this man!)
lions that he was just feeling overworked, exhausted, Even though he's a devout shower man, I decided to
stressed out, anxious, and a little depressed . It would pass, give Don a dose of his own rub the rapy to help him
he lold me. It was no thing 10 d o with me; he just couldn't Ihrough this stressful but sexless time . Just before we were
flip the work swilch in his head 10 off. By nexI week, he ready to turn in for rhe nighl, I slipped into the bathroom
said, we'd be back to normal and I'd be beating him away and ran a hot bath. I dimmed Ihe ligh ts and set his favorite
with a stick. car magazine by the side of the lUb. When he asked if I was
having a bath, I said y.... and asked him to join me; how-
ever, I said I wanted just 10 relax and wind down, not do
Give th e man . ome elbow room. Ifhe anything sexual.
con,e. home . tre•• ed or in a foul mood , We lay in the balh for some time, while Don read his
give him ' pace before you . w....m in with magazine to me and I feigned interest in rhe many advan-
q ueslion. or word. of . up pon . Ou r girlfriend. lages of air-cooled Volkswagen engines. I didn'l want him
might want to . hare and "t alk about it" right 10 think about work, loss, and especially nol sex. I wanted

away, b UI our men ohen want .ome alone tim e to him to relax in a completely undemanding and nonsexual
ruminale before d i.c .....ion period begin•. Tell way. H ad he felt any pressure 10 perform sexually, I knew
him you'll he Ihere 10 listen wh en he'. ready 10 my attempts 10 calm him would have had the opposite ef-
lalk , Ihen back off. You'll have hi. app reciatio n fect. As I expecled, his mood improved. He began to
and hi. confidence. breath easier, laugh easier, and the world beyond the d osed
bathroom door seemed to d isappear.
Taking a risk, I reached for some papers on the sink and
I knew he was right. lr was an u ncharacleristically casually handed Ihem 10 him . "This is a rough draft of
stressful time, and we both knew it would soon pass and an erotic slOry I'm working on for the boo k,n I lold him .
our sex life would relUrn to normal. That didn't mean I "Do you want to take a peek? It can wait if you're not in

. l ub e job el 0
Instead, focus on relaxing your man's mind and body. If
Take care of yourself. Do your best to sex follows, great; if it doesn't, it will soon enough. Just
maintain a healthy body weighl and don't let on that it's your goal. Think about maintenance
life.tyI e, and encourage your man 10 d o th e . ame. sex in a larger sense. 'While it's u.ually about satisfying hi.
Health grea tly affect. an individu al'. level of sexual abundance, it can also be about watering his .exual
sexual de.ire, which in lum can affect th e q uality drought., sheltering him from feelings of inadequacy, and
of a couple'••ex life. managing his stress. Like exhaustion and insecurity, .tre••
is a deterrent ro sexual arousa l. 'When your man's mind i.
preoccupied with work or worries, sex is the last thing he
the mood." As I lay bad on hi. body, he began to read it. has on the brain . That's why you have to do the thinking.
'What happened from there stays behind closed doors . You know how to best alleviate your man's stress. Doe.
The truth is, men are under a lot of pressure to perform he like golf? Encourage him to .pend a day on the green
like .exual machines. lr', a bit of a double standard. If a with a buddy. Does he like movie.? Pick up tickers for the
woman goes through an occasional period of being unin- latest guy Rid and cuddle in the theater and during the car
terested in sex, it's no big deal. In fact, it's considered com- ride home, but let him initiate anything more intimate.
pletely normal and expected. But if a man is uninterested, Or, send him down to the basement ro hide out and enjoy
well, let the guessing game. begin: Is he impotent? Cheat- a James Bond marathon on his own. You can even try a
ing? Do I rum him off? I. he looking at too much porn? soak in the rub, whether solo or partnered. If a hard-core
Is he getting old? 'What's the problem, dammit? What'. shower man like Don can gear down in the water, maybe
wrong with you? 'What's wrong with mr. your man can, too. Just don't girl-out on him: skip the
If your man is going through a period where he seem. bubble bath and don't even try to put sliced cucumber on
less interested in sex, try not to jump to self-conscious con - hi. eyelids.
clusion•. Instead, step back and take a look at the big
picture . 'What'. going on at work? Has he just had an argu-
ment with his brother? I. he worried about your finances or Curh th e compla ining. Ifhe'. irrilaled
his health? If so , the best thing to do might be nothing at and .ays Ihe hms i. naggin g him , make
all. Good communication is essential to a strong relation- su re he doesn't mean you. Suppress that female
.hip, but sometime. the best communication i. silence. If nag gene (unless it '. really warranted) and bile
you're anything like me, that's an excruciating order, but your tongue wh en he yet again ignores th at
the last thing you want to do is compound your man'. stress drip ping tap in Ihe hathroo m.
by adding sexual pressure to his list of problems.

. l ub e job el 0 .
Sharing a barh is a delighrful way ro spend so me soorh- If you'd like, set tw o glasses ofwine or cups of herbal tea
ing yer sensual downtime with your partner in rhe sereniry by the tub. Yo u can even have ready chocolate-dipped
of you r own bathroom, and its advantages are many. It 's an strawberries or another sweet, sexy favorite. A stack of you r
effective stress buster that'll ger you through those une x- man's favorite magazi nes should also be close by, and it
pected life crises, but it's also an equally effective way to would n't hurt to have this book within arm's reach, too;
keep stress at bay on a regular basis by preventing those the erotica from chapter 16 ca n heat up th e wa ter if it
everyday worri.... and irritations from Raring out of con- starts to cool off. Ru n a hot bath (place a towel under the
trol. Like the practice of sensual m assage (see chapter 19) door to retai n the room's humidiry) and slip into the sea
shari ng a bath can also sustain your emotional and physi- with your m an.
cal connection as a co uple and provide you with an oppor- Don't rush the festivi ties. Lie bac k on your m an while
tunity to perform so me exq uisitely erotic maintenance sex he soaks, relaxes, reads, unwinds . Talk about the things
on your man. that interes t him . In all likelihood, the mood may natu-
To get the most oUl of this steamy lube job, you should rally turn from sensual ro sexual , whet her he reads the
first ma ke your bathroom a suitable venue for the event. erotica or not; the warm th of the wa ter and the closen....s
This doesn't mean ins talli ng heated imported Italian tile of his wo man's naked body may be more than enough to
Roors or elaborate artificial rock wa terfalls . Even the mos t stir his desire.
unadorned bathroom can be transformed by switching off
the harsh hundred-walters and ligh ting so me scented can-
dles . A few tea ligh ts placed at va rious spots in yo ur bath-
If your partner'. drop in .exual d e.ire
room will create a comforting, alluring ambience that is as becom e. worri.ome, boo k him an
romantic as it is relaxing. Bat h kits come complete with appoinlment wilh hi . physici an and, jf necessary,
everything fro m ca ndles to milk soaks and ca n be con ve- drive him to the clinic yo urself. Th e cau•.". and
n ient one-stop shopping. treatm ents of sexual problem. are many, .0 lea ve
Also, inves t in a thick, RuffY bath mat . It'll feelluxuri- Ih e diagno.ing 10 rhe pro••
ous under your and yo ur partner's bare feet . Countertop or
wall-mounted wate r fountains are also widely available
and inexpensi ve and, when lit by candlelight, can make 'When you sense your man is getting aroused, m ove
your powder room a priva te heaven . If you don't ha ve a jet your body agains t his and let your hands slip under the wa-
tub, there are low-cost portable jet uni ts that ca n be te r ro care" him . If he seems to want more, ask him to sit
moun ted to your bathtub ro add the luxury of pulsing wa- up on the edge of the bathtub and open his legs. Kneel in
ter ro the experience . the tub, between you r man's spread knees (you ca n ha ve

l ub e job el 0 '0'
him stand up in the tub if that's easier) and wash his geni- into a nearby washcloth or even into the water, and then
tals. Put your hands on his thighs or hips and hold on to clean your own mouth immediately afterward. As lo ng as
him as you begin to kiss his groin area, particularly his in- you do this with respect and discretion, he shouldn't mind
ner thighs, perineum, and scrotum. Nuzzle your face in his too much, especially if his blow jobs are few and far be-
pubic hair, brushing his penis with your nose, before plac- tween. With all its health benefits and pleasure possibili-
ing wet licks along the sensitive underside of his penis, ties , you may find this watery lube job has you and your
right up to the frenulum. man skinny-dipping on a regular basis.
Ta ke the head of his penis in your mouth and swirl
your tongue around it. Using the warm wa ter and your
own saliva as lubrication, stroke his penis with your
mouth. Hold the base of his penis with one hand and con-
tinue to stroke the shaft with your mouth while you caress
his testicles and perineum with your other hand, even
inching back to stimulate his anus. D rag your fingers
down the sides of his waist, brush your hand across his
lower belly (the small area between his penis and just be-
low hi, belly button), then reach around to caress his bum.
These are very sensitive spots, and if you touch them with
feathery finger strokes you'll increase his arousal.
'When you're ready to release his stress in a big way, use
a hand-and-mouth combination to stroke and suck him to
relief. As his orgasm bui lds , apply steady pressure to either
his anus, if he likes that, or to his perineum. Don't let up
on your stroking, sucking, or pressure until well after he's
finished coming. You don't want to lower his speed until
he's reached his destination .
A bath time blow job is a very sensual form of stress-
busting maintenance ,ex. It's also a good way for women
who do not usually perform oral sex to spoil their man.
Because you're in the water, you can clean your partner's
genitals to your satisfaction. You can also spit his ejaculate

'0' lub e job el 0 '0'

~ 1=
tpaJd, EThJI£e
tl ~

, ' ,
:Lube !Job # n
Th e Road sid e Check

mise control is a handy thing on a lo ng road trip .

C Push in that little button, and your car glide, effort-
lessly down the highway. All yOll have to do is keep one
hand on the steering wheel and watch the road . Since we 're
responsible car owners, we know that the {ires have good
air pressure, the tank has enough fuel, and the brakes are in
good working order. Through regular maintenance, we've
ensured that our car is mechanically sound. If a dee. sud-
denly darts across the highway, we're confident we can lap
the brakes to slow down and that cruise control will turn
off, thereby returning cofltrolto u•.
Unfortunately, we sometimes use cruise control in our
intimate relationships and often far less responsibly than
we do on the road. T hings are going well enough, so we
push in that little button and let our rarmership roll along
on its own momentum. And while this is safe enough in
the car, it's an accident waiting to happen in a relationship .
'When was the last time you pulled YOUt telationship over Often , our intentions are noble, but our actions aren't
to the side of the road ro ensure it is completely sound? equal to the task. Most of us in committed relationships
This lube job gives you the opportunity to do just that: want our partner to be happy, but life has a way of pulling
to pull over, lift the hood, and check that everything is us in so many directions that we don't ever stop to give our
working. Aftet all, your man may be in need of mainte- partner our undivided altention or to ask whether he's
nance w ithout your even knowing it. truly satisfied with things the way they are. Are there areas
Some of the couples' stories featured In this book are that need work? It's simple maintenance, but when we're
based on material we obtained through a questionnaire. flying along on cruise control, it never seems to get done .
The questionnaire was designed for couples in marriages Well , it's time to take your relationship off cruise con-
or long-term relationships, and was in three parts: part I trol, pull over, and perform a thorough roadside check. Be-
was for partners to fill out together; part II was for the low, we've included a selection of questions based on those
woman; and part III was for the man , T he questions dealt in our original questionnaire. Although some of the ques-
with common relationship issues, many of which focused tions have been modified and we've obviously omitted
on the role of maintenance sex in the relationship, such as those regarding demographics and personal history, we've
the frequency of, the attitude towards, etc. T he answers we retained the three-part format of the questionnaire. Nor all
received were extremely helpful in writing this book, but of the questions may be relevant to all readers, so focus on
the questionnaire had an unintended but positive side ef- the ones that apply to your circumstances.
fect : it encouraged couples to openly discuss how mainte- Tonight, instead of surfing the channels on lV, open
nance sex factored into their relationship. the channels of communication with your partner by sit-
Both female and male respondents expressed gratitude ting on the bed and completing this sex questionnaire to-
for having been given a reason to stop and examine their gether with honesty, with no holds barred, and with no
sex life in a direct way. T hey also said that the question- fear of repercussions.
naire gave them a reason and the means to examine their If you give your man the opportunity to express any
relationship in general. By answering honestly and then dissatisfaction he has with your sex life-and if you do so
sharing their responses, they gained both insight into and with a kind heart and loving spirit-you'll be able to see
sympathy for each other's feelings, stressors, and behaviors. which parts need work and then to fix any damage long
Some couples even said the questionnaire was a bond ing before it's irreparable. This questionnaire will also give you
exercise . As they worked through the questions , they felt a the chance to express your feelings to your partner in a
sense of emotional and sexual solidarity that they hadn't nonthreatening way. Of course, it's up to you whether you
felt in a long while. want to complete parts II and II I in each other', company.

'0' lu be job .1 1 '0'

It doesn't maner, as long as yo u give each o ther permissio n 5. What is the averag e lengtl\ of tim e you spend l\a v-
to be brutally hones t in yo ur answers and you agree to ing se x, includi ng for epl ay?
share them wi thout prejudice or punishment.
H ere are the quest io ns: 6 . What time of the day Or night do you usually en-
gag e In sexual activity? What is your usual pr esex
routin e?

( PA RT I ) 1. WIlat l orm does loreplay usually take (e.g~ erotic

massa ge, k issing, sl\owering togeth er)?

8. What are the mos t sign ific ant issues 1""1, nOW Or
I . Sma ll cl\i ldre n and/o r bu sy sc l\e dules can Interf ere in the pa st, l\a ve I'\tIgali vely aff ec ted your relation-
with a co uple's Sex lile. How do you wo rk In li me lor ship (e.g., money wo rries, Job stress, an ex~pouse)?

se x In IlgM of c l\ild ren and/o r bu sy schedules? can you deta il any spec ific Incidents?
Have you made any un U'Sual efforts to ensure you
l\av e time lor se x? 9. WIlat are the mos t significa nt issu es that, now or In
the pas t, have negatively allected your Sex I~e

2. All long -t erm couples experience ups and downs in (e.g., birth of a child, Infide lity, po or health, an argu -
their sex lives. W""t do you do to get the spa rk men l)? Can you d e18il any specific inc ident s?
back ?
10. How did you resolve the abov e issuers) to get your
3. How many times a w_k, on ave rage, do you en- Sex I ~e ba ck on track?
gage in:
11. Other than the bed room, wh ere are you m ost likely
(a) sexual lntereou rse to l\av e sex? can you relay a lavorit e experience
(b) oral Sex that took pla ce outsi de I"" bedroom?
(c) l\and Jobs
(d) mutual mas turb ation

4. Who usually initiat es se x?

lub e jobl lube jo b . 11

18. On ave rage , how ma ny times pe r week d o yo u per-
( PARTII ) form maintena nc e .ex? What doe. maint e nan ce
'ex usual ly Involve (e.g., fe llatio, intercourse, hand
Job s)?

12. Do you ev er l eel overwllelmed by your da ily de- 19. Do you aver l eel your partner wants Sex too oIten?
mands, Including work and/or c hild ren? Specifica lly, How d oe s this make you fee l (e.g., irritated , Ilat-
what overwllelms you? ter ed )?

13. Do you lee l the da ily g rind negatively imp ac ts your 20. What is yo ur attituda toward maintena nc a Sex in
.ax life? II so , a ra th er a th ings you r partner could ge"",ral? Would you enc ou rage Or d iscourag e ot her
d o to increasa you r sexual d esire? (Ves, ttwlt can in- women to pe rform it? Why or why not?
c lude housew ork!)
21. Do you ever refuse your partner w hen you know he
14. Who Is more In control of whether and w hen you wants to hav a sex? How oIten and wIlat Is hi s usual
e ng a9" In sex, you Or your partner ? reactio n?

15. What are some 01the m ai n o bstacles to Sex In your 22. Do you ever fee l gu ilty lor not having sex with your
ralationship (e.g., rel ationship problems, d iff e r- partner w hen he want s to? Why Or why not?
e nCaS In lavel oIsaxua l d es ir a, religiou s Issues)?
23. Overall , how d o you fee l about your sex lile (a.g.,
16. In terms oI l requency, how m ltCh Sex would satisl y satisfie d, d issa tislled )? Why?
you (a.g., three times a week , onca every two
weeks , never )? 24. Hav a you and your partner ever fought about sex?
II so , wtwlt specillca lly did you light a bout (e.g~ fr e-
11. Do you ever perform duty or maintenance 'ex just q uency, trying so mething naw)?
to p lease your partner ? II you do, how d oe s It make
you l eel (e.g~ used, loving, indiffarent)? W you d o 25. Sexuall y spea kin g, wIlat most di spleases you
not, what are you r rea SOnSlor not p erforming ma in- about your partner (e.g~ he initiates sex too oIten ,
te nance sex? doesr'l't spend enough time In l oreplay)?

lub e jo b l lu be job . 11
'" '"
26. The task of sp ic ing th ings up in th e b edroom often 32 . How d oe s your partner's attitudll affeet your sexual
fa lls to th e woman in a relationship. Do yo u agree attraction to her?
with this statement, a nd how d oes it make you
feel? 33. Do you ever fe el that your Sex lif e Is c ontrolled by
you r partner? In what way (e.g~ her mood swi ngs ,
27. Hav lI you live r tried to spi CII th ings up In th e bed- lev el of sexual de sir e, fatigue , d istraction, etc.)?
room? If so, t.ow (e.g ., sex boob, adult films, n_
lingerie, s ex toys)? What was the result? 34 . Do you feel more loved when your partner ex-
pre ss es he r appreciation for all that you do? Do
28 . Do yo u live r worry a bout your partner e ither be ing you liver wi sh she would exp ress her appreciation
attracted to another woman Or b eing un fa ithful? n»rll?

29. Do yo u liver feel that yo u are not doing e noug h to 35. In te rms of freque ncy, how much Sex would satisfy
keep your partner sexually satisfied? How does you (lI.g., every day, th ree times a week, onCe a
that ma ke yo u feel (e.g ., resentful, worried, Ind if- month)?
fere n!)?
36 . Do yo u liver wi sh your partner would e ngage In sex
30. Does your partner vi_ pornography? If so, what more often? If so, do you ever mast urbate In lieu of
kind (e.g ., Int ernet, magazines, adult films)? How do sex: (a) never, (b) rar ely, Or (c) regularly?
you feel about th is?
37. Are you aware wh en you partner is eng ag ing In so-
c alled mainteNlnce sex? What tips you off?

38 . Wllat is your attitude toward mainteNlnclI sex? Do

( P ART Ill ) you think a woman sl'tould regularly practice it to
keep her man s atisfied? Why Or why not?

39. How often do you think a bout Sex (e.g ., livery day,
31. Do you ever feel overwhelm ed by your da ily de- several times a day)?
mands, suc h as work and/or chi ld re n? What over-
whe lms yo u? How is your libido affected? 40. Wll at is your favorite sexual position Or activity?

". lu be job Sl l ".

41. Do you wish your partner would initia te Se x m ore 49. WIlat tllings doe s yo ur partner d o that tum you
ofte n? How would It ma ke you I_I il s he d id? 011 (e .g., talk about th e kid s , lack s e xual enthu -
si eam, na g )?
42. When yo u're ' _ ling s tress, do you wa nt mOre Or
le ss lex? Why? 50. How do you thin k your Se x lile could be imp rOlled
(e .g., more a dventurous, le ss pred ictable , more Ire -
43. Does you r partnlll" ever rllfuse you when you want q ue ncy)?
s e x? H so, how d oes this make you ,_ I (a .g ., angry,
rllsentluf, hurt, rejllCted)? Once you've completed the questionnaire, get set to
share your answers for Parts II and II I. The insighl you
44. Have you and your partner ever lought a bout sex? gain by doing so will make you more sensilive and symra-
II so, wIlat specificall y did you figh t about (e.g ., fre- Ihic to the nonsexual stresses (such as work, kids, and fi-
q ue ncy, try ing l omething na w)? nances) that indirectly affect each other's sexuality. Your
man may be surprised to learn how much more sexual en-
45. Do you e va r ,_I sexua lly Irustrated o r u nfullllllld ? ergy you'd have in the bedroom if he would help clean up
II 10, ho w dollS th at afflICt your mood Or llmo- in th e kitchen . And you may be surprised 10 learn how
tion l (a .g ., I_ I more Irrita b le Or s tress ed, le ss much his stress level at work is reduced when he is sexually
lOlled)? salisfied al home. The more you discuss your answers, th e
more you wiJIunderstand each other's perspective, and Ihe
46. Saxua lly s paa king , are th."e thingl you want to try more you can negotiale changes in your sex life Ihal will
but ara hesitant to s ugg ast? II so, what are th ay please both of you.
(e .g., a naw position, lex toys, adu llll lml )? Now that you and your partner have entered into this
new and exciting era of sexual openness, you can safely
47. In your opi nio n, how importa nt II a good Sa x I~e proceed to the next phase of this lube job, that is, the sex
to a fas ting re la tionship? Do you I_I llmotiona lly itself. After you 've finished discussing what may be some
cl oslll" to your partner w he n you r s e x lile Is l a tis- heavy answers, you can lighten Ihings up by reaching un-
lying? der the bed and pulling out your own personalized tool-
box . W'hat's inside? W'hy, sex tools, of course. T here's no
48. What things d oel yo ur partnlll" do that turn you on point identifying those body parIS that need work if you
(e .g., IlIlIatio, wllllr s a xy ling e rie , flat ter you )? aren't going to rerair them .

lu b e jo b I II
'" '"
Tell your partner that all this talk aboUl m ainten ance can buy adjustable or nonadjustable, and even disposables
sex has e« you in the servicing mood . Open yo ur sex tool- that vibrate. Regardless of the options, the standard model
box with him and explore the lusty contents. Use a real is a ring that fits snugly around the base o f the penis, or
toolbox. It's a fun idea and the perfect shape for stowing under the scrotum if your man prefers. The ring helps a
away sex toys. Your toolbox can contain anything you'd man maintain his erection by stopping blood flow oUl of
like, from a simple feather to high-tech sex toys. Since other an erect penis. It also adds a significant sense of pressure to
lube jobs in this book feature a penis sleeve , a straight vi- his erect penis , making it feel tighter, more engorged, and
brator, blindfold and restraints, a remote-conttolled bullet generally invincible.
vibrator, as well as different types of personal lubricants, If you're using a nonadjustable penis ring, pul it on
massage oils , and bath kits, you may want to include these when your partner is soft ; you can use adjustable straps at
Items. any point during an erection. Use some lube around the
O ther items to consider are: a penis ring, nipple clamps, inside of the ring and on your partner's genitals to help
a dildo, novelty condoms, sweet treats, and adult vide os and place it around his penis or under his testicles and to avoid
skin magazines , Slightly more adventurous toys include pe- pulling his pubic hair (ouch!).
nis pumps and a host of anal toys from butt plugs to anal Once Y0ul man's erection is at high tide, his penis and!
beads. These will be discussed in turn, below. or testicles will feel ultrasensitive. If the ring vibrates ,
waves of pleasure will wash over his entire groin region . In
addition, your touches, licks, suc ks, and strokes will be all
Water -based. lubricants are recommended the more intense, so go slowly at first to let him get used to
for nlOst sex 10 YS since Ih eir in gredients it and enjoy it to the fullest . Start with ligh t fondling
won'l damage lalex or silico ne. They 're also the around the perineum and testicles, then move up the shaft
mo sl pl easant and wash off easily with soap and to brush against the head of his penis. Don't rush it; a pe-
water. And eve n though the bener brands are long nis ring can help delay ejaculation, so work with it .
last in g, if they do dry o UI, they ca n be If yo u're going to perform fellatio, start with lazy licks
recon Siitute d wi lh wa le r.
and delicate sucks until Y0ul partner asks you to go harder.
If you're going to use you r hands, warm some lube be-
tween your palms and then gently stroke his shaft with
A penis or coc k ring is an essential for any sex toolbox . upward-only fingertip st tokes before fist-pumpi ng him up
This common male toy can be as simple as a rubber circle and down . And be sure to openly admire his gorgeous
or as elaborate as a softly flexible vibrati ng ring with exten- girth as you wo rk on him , H is penis may look larger than
sions to tease a woman's cli toris during intercourse . You usual , so caress him with compliments too.

lu be job .1 1
'" '"
Of course, penis rings can als o be used during imer-
course . To increase your own pleasure, in vest in a vibrating You ma y wan t to avo id oil-b ased.
ring rha t is designed to sti mulare a woman's cliroris during lubricants , . uc h as pelrole u m jell y a nd
love m ak ing. These ha ve grea t erotic appeal and add signi f- baby oil, . ince their chem ica l. ca n b rea k down
icam sensation for bo th partners duri ng sex. H ave your co ndoms a nd.ex to ys . Oil-base d lu be s d o n't wash
par tner vary the speed and angle of his rhrusrs umil you away as well as their waler-based cou nlerpan.
eit he r, a nd can leave a coating on Ihe vagi na o r
find the co mbination that maximizes the rin g's vibrating
reclu m that ca n increase your chance o f infeclion .
effect . M a ny men reporr that ejaculation and orgasm are
intensified by rhe increased pressure the penis ring pro-
vides , so hold on tighr as he cli maxes .
A final word abour penis rings: If your partner has never you and an erotic visual fo r your man . If yo u're havi ng in-
used o ne before, don'r leave it on too lo ng-probably nor te rcourse in the girl-on-top position, he can look up to
more than several minures--and don't pur it on too watc h your breasts bounce as never before. Some nipple
tightly. A misused ri ng can cause serious damage. Like any clamps co me with a chain, others with tassels, and srill
new toy, go slow and steady until you ge t the hang of it . If o thers vibrate . He won't be ab le to take his eyes o ff of you .
your partner experiences any pain whatsoever, remove the To move beyond m ere appearances , consider including
ring immediately. Adj ustable straps are great for beginners, a dildo or strap-on dildo in your toolbox . Some men are
since th ey can be quickly and easi ly removed a t the first very tu rned on by usi ng these on their woman andlor by
sign of disco mfort . The last t hing you need is a tw o A .M . watchi ng their woman pleasure herself with them . Let him
trip to the emergency room ro have his new solid-s teel penetrate you with a dildo or fas ten a strap-on one around
cock ring sawed offby a troop of lip-biting n urses trying to his thigh, and let him lie back and watch you lower your-
avoid eye contact. self o m o it to m asturbate. To really set his bad-boy side
As most women know, men are visually sti mulated . free, ask him ro use the head o f the dildo to stimulate your
l\hny men are highly aroused by the sight of their partner anus. You don't have to put it imide since just the idea of
in the throes of ecstasy, so yo ur sex roolbox should contain fo ndling you in th is way will spike his arousal. As with all
a few female-friendly toys with which to give him a sexy sex toys, dildos come in as many shapes, sizes, textures ,
show. D o n't underes timate the power of girl gadgets, since co lors, material, and appearances as you can imagine.
they're often as or more emicing to men than male toys. Novelty condoms als o have appeal to both men and
'Who knows, maybe they bring out the voyeur in them . wo men , and they too come in a host of colors, textures ,
Nipple clamps (they're not all as pai nful as they sound!) scents, a nd Havoes . If you're regular condom users, why
d ip on to yo ur ni pples to create both a tingling effect for not tuck those standard-issue drugs tore rubbers into the

l ub e job .1 1
back of your sock drawer now and then, and surprise your zines are very effecti ve erotic aid., and they are immensely
man by using somelhing with more flair. He can walCh as useful when it comes 10 m aintenance sex. For Ihose times
his bumpy blue neon manhood thrusts into you . If you you want to pleasure your man but don't have Ihe energy
and your parmer don't normally use condoms, slide one 10 bring him to full arousal, pop in a skin flick and let Ihe
onto him once in a while, just for a change. Yo u don't have pros do the work for you. Your man can lie down on Ihe
10 keep it on for your whole session. Use it in foreplay by bed or .il back on the couch and watch the screen while
sliding it over his penis and performing fellati o (use a fla- you perform fellatio or give him a hand job. For many a
vored condom if you like) so he can watch himself being man, this is pure .exual bliss. Watching pornography while
sucked in a different way. You can always remove it w hen his own woman pleasures him is like a big, juicy bile of
you want 10 gel back 10 nature . forbidden fruil . H e'll love Ihe taste . Adult magazines are
similarly useful, though somewhat less intense.
If you want to venture into more adventurous lerritory,
Silicone-based lubes are the longest see how your man re.ponds to a penis pump. This is a
lasling and will st ay sli p pery even under- popular male masturbation toy that delivers a wonderful
water. They 're good to lL'ie with latex co ndo m. or suction .ensation to a man'. peni•. To use, inserl your patt-
IOYS but may d egrade silico ne . ex loy• . They're nee's penis into rhe cylinder and use the hand pump to cre-
also a little harder to wash o lr Ihan wa ter -based ate a vacuum inside rhe cylinder. Having you work on his
lu bes, but if yo u add a bit more .oap Ihey'll manhood in this way, particularly with this type of tool,
di . appear down the drain. may be a very sexually compelling experience for your
man. Although they're fantastic solely for pleasure pur-
poses, penis pumps are somelimes used to temporarily in-
Sweet treat. are another fun item to include. Of course, crease the size of the penis, and the facI that you r man may
Ihere are the classic edible panties, bUl olher options are far briefly appear larger after use may be a bonus turn-on for
sexier. For example, Ihere are some deliciously alluring both of you .
body dUSI., paints, and gels that smell a. exquisite a. Ihey Okay. Sit tight. It'. lime 10 talk about anal play. Notice
laste. You can let him walch while you spread them ove r we didn't say anal ,ex; we just said anal pldy. This raboo ter-
your body, Ihen let him lick them off. O r, cove r his body ritory has real erotic potential for men and women, but it
with them and give yourself a sugar rush . As an appetizer, isn't necessary to engage in anal intercourse or 10 insert an
Ihere's nOlhing sexier than a bite of rich dark chocolale to enormous dildo to enjoy what this playground has 10 offer.
awaken the sense •. As we suggested earlier, the mere idea of stimulating a
'While not technically sex toys, adult videos and maga- wom an in this way may be enough to excite your man . But

lu be j ob . 11
Eventually, you should be able 10 insert more of your fin-
Ar e you the sens itive type! If yo u've ger. The prostate is located a couple of inches in, toward
purch ... ed a new Iype ofl uhe, put a dab the front of his body-turn your palm upward and curl
o n th e in side of your ar m and wait a day to see if your finger as if calling someone over .
there's any reaction before u sing it in m ore 'When your man is ready to graduate from your finger
so uthern climes. to a full.Aedged anal toy, consider starting with anal beads.
Because they're less intimidating than a butt plug and less
phallic than a dildo, he may be more wi lling to experiment
he too can enjoy the sensations the anal region can provide with them . A string that offers graduated beads---small to
without the experience becoming too invasive, at least not larger- is best for beginners. M ake sure that each bead is
in the begi nning. well·coated with a good-quality lubricant and ask your
For many men, anal play is associated with homosexu- man to exhale and relax as you gently push the first bead
ality and therefore strictly ofl-limio, If you want to explore into his anus . Follow his cues: if he wants you 10 insert
anal play or anal sex with yo ur partner, you may first have more or larger beads, d o as he wishes .
to reassure him that the pleasurable experiences he feels Once the beads are in place, it's more or less business as
uback there~ do not mean he's gay. The pleasure comes usual and you ca n turn yo ur attention back to your man's
from biology, not sexual orientation. Just as a woman's penis. Regardless of how you pleasure him (w hether via
G-spot is stimulated via her vagi na, a man's prostate is fellatio, hand job, or intercourse) the way in which you use
stimulated via the anus, and it's every bit as pleasurable to the anal beads wiIJ depend on your parmer's preferences.
find. Once he's convinced of that fact, he may be more re· Some men like the beads to remain in place as they reach
ceptive to the idea, but don't expect too much ; this is a orgasm , while others like the stri ng 10 be removed at the
squirmy issue for many people, particularly straight men . same time that they clim ax. Part of the fun is finding out.
If your man doesn't want to d o it, don't push the issue . Now that yo u're a fully certified sex lOy specialist, tuck
Now that he knows yo u're game, he might surprise you
and bring up the topic again after he's had some time to
think about it. Always, always, always use lots ofl u l>e
If yo ur man is willing 10 explore anal play, start off d uring an al play. There are thicker
slowly by simply touching his anal region or inserting the wat er - o r silico ne-based lubricants formulated.
tip of a well-lubed finger. Tell him not to worry about be· specifically for anal sex, and so me even incl ud e a
coming aroused but simply to experience the sensations so desen sitizer as an ingredient.
he can become familiar with them and learn to relax .

,,. lu be job .1 1
your tool box away, bUl make sUle your partner knows
where to find it and give him permission to pull it oUl
whenever he feels that he's in need of a tune-up. You can
even let him pick and choose which tool he'd like you to
service him with . An on-demand, strictly maintenance lube
job is one of the best ways to keep your man sexually satis -
fied . It's also a great way to emure your relationship doesn't !Lube !Job # n~
inadvertently spend too much time on cruise control.
Leather Seats

t wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The strippers

Iwere pretty but not supermodel gorgeous, and Conner
spent as much time checking th e score on the b ig screen as
he did staring at th e dancers . ~ Such is the confession of a
peeler-bar initiate , Trina, a thirty-four-year-old wife of five
years and mother of a ten-month-old baby.
uCuriosity made me go," Trina sa)" . "The whole stripper-
dub scene is a subculture I'd never had any exposure to.
I probably never would've gone just with Conner, but
friends of ours told us they'd been going and invited us .
That made it okay, since those wives were going. Safety in
Ult felt really weird having Trina there, " says her hus-
band, Connor, thirty-four. "It felt like I shouldn't be look-
ing. She kept whispering it was okay, and once she even
whispered that it turned her on to watch me looking at the
girls . That made it a lot easier. Then it seemed like we were

126 lub. jo b l
doing it as a couple, and I didn't feel guilty. It was jus t fool- But what about jealousy?
ing arou nd, like foreplay.u "T he strippers are jus t eye candy, UJessie insists. "I'd be
- t don't know if I'd go again, ~ Tr ina admits . "Maybe I more jealous if my husband were at the bar Ai rti ng with
wo uld , but not for qui te a w hile. It'. a lit tle too up dose some dru nken tart trying to get into his jea ns . T here'd be
and personal for me . I think that kind of arousal should way more chance o f cheating then . We ha ve a 'look but
happen between two people in privacy, no third partie• . don't touch' rule, and that works for us . People have differ-
I'm glad I went just so I know what it'. like, but I don't ent comfort level. and ideas about what cons titu tes cheat-
think I'd want to make a habit out of it or use it as our reg- ing, but I don't thi nk looking is cheating. A m an is going
ular form of entertain ment . I prefer dinner and a movie . to look no ma lter what, no m atter where. You might as
We did have fantastic sex when we got home, though . ~ well be with him so you know what he', looking at . An y-
Women d o all sorts of th in gs to add side to thei r sex way, it can ha ve its advantage• . My husband is the wildest
lives and arouse their m en . Watching pornography, read- lover whenever we get back from a st rip club. It lights up
ing erotica, role playing, sporting new lingerie, using sex his libido like the Fourth ofJuly.u
toys, and b uying books like this are common efforts. Fre - Other couples reserve the feather boas for special occa-
quenti ng strip dubs may not be as popular a choice, but sions only.
it'. certainly nothing new, and many couples make the UMy wife and I go once a year on my birthday," says
peelers a regular part of their sex life. Jonathan, thi rty-two. "I don't care to go otherwise . It
UMy husband and I go at least once a month ," says doesn't do much for m e if I'm there with th e guys , but it's
Trina's friend Jessie, thirty-.ix. «I find it erotic to watch the fun to go wi th Lisa, It's good to d o erotic things outside
girls move, and the whole atmosphere is really charged th e bedroom so your sex life doesn't get in a rut, and that's
wit h .ex. I'm not attracted to the women in a sexual way, why couples go to the dubs . It's different w atch ing strip-
but w atch ing them take off their dothes always gets me in pers than porn because it'. right there in real time, but
th e mood to do the same thing. They always look so sexy." what turns m e on m ost is the outfi ts the girls wear, all that
leather and lace . I'm more turned on when they're dressed
or partially dressed . My wife know. that , which is why my
Pole-dancing classes are the lat en craze, birthday gift always includes some skimpy ne w thing .he's
but th ey are n't witho ut cont roversy. bought for hetself. I know I'm going to see it when I get
Advo cat es .ay they ca n help a woman gain home, and I look forward to it all night . Great anticipa-
confidence and .e n. ual ity, wh ile cr itic••ay they 're tion . I get to have stripper sex with my w ife."
just anot her way for a wom an t o p lease a man . ult's all part of the seduction proce..,n explains lisa ,
thirty-five, Jonathan'. wife of five years. "l\.I en are visually

lu b e jo b l l u b l jo b 112
aroused . T hey see a wo man in a sexy outfit and wonder really begin. Think you need a pole and a black vinyl bra-
what she looks like naked, and th at whole process turns and-panty policewoman's uniform to seduce your man?
them on. It', part of the chase. I like it when Jon watches T hink again . There's a wo rld of gorgeous lin ger ie out there
the girls peel it off, because I know he's wo ndering what that will m ake you feel as ftmme ptale as you look.
frilly teddy or lace bra i, waiting for him at home . H e likes Too often, wom en look at the covers of li ngerie cata-
it so much that I leave it on d uri ng sex." logu es and think, What's the point? I don't ha ve that kind
Srill not comfortable with your man being entertained of body. The fact is, you don't need that kind of body to se-
by the sultry gyrations in a gentleman's dub? You're not duce yo ur m an. All yo u need is a new razor blade, a mois-
alone, and your discomfort doesn't m ean you're insecure or turizer, a ,plash of good perfu me , and a sexy so mething to
prudish . It just means that , like Tr ina, you don't want to wear . Women know that m en are visually aroused, yet it's
subcontract that side of your sex life. But th ere', more than astoundi ng how m any of us let our partners.see us with leg
one way to achieve this type of arousal and to let your man hair thicker than the trees at Yosem ite and dressed in
experience a voyeuristic sense of "the chase." Fo r example, clothes we wouldn't send our kids to the playground in.
you can tap in to the raw exci tement of a one-night stand Sure, we all have days where we want to slum in our
by parking outside a bar on a Saturday night, jus t before swea tpants, but don't make it a habit. H ere's a thought : use
closing, and doing some mischievous people watching. As the buddy system. My sister and I have a b ru tally honest
couples leave together, you can imagine how they hooked arrangement that keeps us in check. If I notice she's been
up inside, what he said to proposition her (or vice versa), remiss in he r plucking duties and her cursed monobrow i,
where t hey're going, and what they'll do when they get silen tly d osing in on her, I hand her the tweezers . If she's
there. The fiction yo u create together can be great foreplay suddenly blinded by my gray roots reRecting the sun , she
and ca n give your partner a flashback feel of the chase. It's suggests I dia l m y stylist. It', easy to slack off, and so me -
harmless two-person fun . O r, park in front of a seedy ti mes it helps to ha ve an hones c compatriot sound the
hotel----the charge-by-the-hour kind----and study the people alarm . Women need maintenance, too, so kee p your body
coming and going, imagi ni ng the illicit affairs going on feminine.
wit hin . Play voyeur and pretend it', the two of you hook- 'When you're plucked, shaved , scented, and soft, pre-
ing up for a half-hou r ro mp. As Jonathan pointed out, do- pare to ice the cake wi th some lingerie before you offer
ing erotic things outside the bedroom is a good way to your man a slice . 'When you dress for sex, yo ur partner
ensure yo ur sex life doesn't fall into a rut of predictability, feels desired as a man, and he sees you as a woman, not just
routine, and co mplacency. his wife or the m other of his kids. Sexy lingerie shouldn't
'When you get home from your voyeuristic wanderi ngs, be jus t for those long roman tic evenings; it's a must for
wherever they may have led you, the sed uction process can regular main tenance sex too. If a man i, given two op-

lub e jo b l l ub l jo b 112
for bad-gir l sophisticate. Bra"and-panty sets come in more
Is your skin .0 whil" thai il glows in cuts than you can count and are ideal for women who need
th.. dark ? For a healthy, year-round breast support. Shelf bras are the she-devil's cut of choice
.umm..r glow, u... a moi.turizer Ihat com... with a since they lift the breasts nom underneath but don't cove r
.kin-darkening com plex. These are I... . dramalic them up--talk about titillating! Push"up bras create volup-
Ihan self-lan nen, .ince the glow develops over lUous cleavage, and strapless bras are very enticing. Open-
.everal days. Th.. hint of color will even oul ski n
cup bras (a sexy version of the nursing bra) allow you to
lone and make your skin look firmer, Ihereby
shamelessly Aaunt your stuff, second only to the infamous
increasing your confidence down th.. catwalk.
nipple covers so often jostled about in pee ler clubs.
Select a panty that similarly complements yo ur body
type. T here are skirt-type pa nties for those thigh ha ters out
tions, (a) be pleasured by a w om an in an old T-shirt and there as well as low-rising/high-riding panties for those
wo rn slippers or (b) be pleasured by a woman in a lace whose best assets are their buttocks. Boy-style panties are
shel f bra and high heels, wh ich route do yo u thin k most very cute, as are the traditional bikini-cut panties. Thongs
guys would prefer to travel? Our breasts, curves, hips, are always popular (for those of us who can resist tuggi ng,
and legs are powerful too ls with which to please our men, that is) and open-crotch panties are as carnal as they come.
so put them to maximum use when performing m ainte- Choose a matching bra-and"panty set with rumes or
nance sex. lace to go ulreafeminine and pull on a pair of thigh-high
Lingerie is available almost anY"'here, from major de- stockings, preferably with a garter belt to combine the per-
partment stores to specialty boutiques, and even racier, fect amounts of vamp and class. Other options include
stripper-approved items can be found online. Plus-size snug bustiers and corsets, wh ich also can be used with
shops carry equally ero tic items, so there's a size and style stockings and garters . O h, yeah, don't forget to toss those
to suit everyone. If you don't have a respectable drawerful churchgoing pumps and slip into a pair of shiny black
of saucy wares from wh ich to draw-for shame!-hit the high heels to complete the look of lust .
shops before sundown. D on't was te another night waiting Finally, don't be in a hurry to lose the erotic effect of
to lose th ose extra pounds or lamenti ng the gravitational your li ngerie. Since men are so visual , why not do what
forces at work on your breasts. Use what you have and find Lisa does and remain at least partially dressed during love -
something that Aatters your figure. making? Crotchless panties make penetration easy, but any
T he classic baby doll is a good option for many figures pair ca n be pushed to the side to allow entry, and the sight
as it co mes in all styles, fabrics , and fashions. Go red-hot for of his penis disappearing into your panties ca n be a sala-
a vixen look, virgin whi te for innocence incarna te, or black cious show for bot h of you . Yo u can also wrap your legs

lub e jo b l l ub l jo b 112
'" '"
~ube !Job #'3
Zero Visibility
around him, still dressed in fishnets and heels, to accentu-
ate an otherwise bare body and let him feel the sexy fabric
against his skin. oW that we've spent the last chapter urging you to vi-
Remember, clothes might ma ke a man, but lingerie
makes a woman. Dress for sex this evening, whether it's
N sually arouse your man, we're going 10 spend this one
telling you to close his eyes . 'When sight is restricted, other
maintenance night or not, and give your visual man a real senses become more acute: lOuches feel more exciting, ca-
eyeful. resses more consuming, and orgasms surprisingly intense.
A blindfold may therefore be one of the most powerful
and useful sexual aides you can employ. Add sex lOys 10 a
sightless sexual experience, and the body buzz can be elec-
'While any toy can be used in a blindfolded sex session,
the simple straight vibrator is one of the most versatile and

Use a sexy st oc ki ng with a . p ritt of

perfum e o n it 10 blindfold yo ur man.
Stocking. are great for restraints, 100, unl ess you
prefer the harder touch of handc uffs.
can bring a real charge to maintenance sex. If you're look- ovet hi. hall., up and down his shalT, over the head of his
ing for an easy way to grease yo ur guy's gears withoUl actu- penis--as you lick and suck him with YOUt mOUlh. Again,
ally having to climb underneath the vehicle, you can use a hold the vibrator against hi. perineum as you stroke and
vihrator on his genital. during a hand job or blow job for suck him to cl im ax. Yo ur mOUlh, the vibrator, and the
dramatic results. blindfold will work together to give your guy an exqui-
W rap the bli ndfold around your man'. eyes, kiss him sitely erotic orgasm. If your partner likes to have his anus
deeply on the mOUlh, and then ask him to lie back on the stimulated, you can also press the vihrator against this sen-
bed while you apply some personal lubrica nt to the vibra- sitive spot as you suc k or stroke him .
tor and his genitals. Turn the vihrator on low and lightly To use the vihrator during intercourse, get in the
roll it over his scrotum, then up his shaft and over the head woman-on-top position. Remember: it's maintenance sex ,
of his penis. Slide it back down and hold it under hi. scro- so you're doing the work tonight. When he'. inside you,
tum .0 that it presses agai nst his perineum. Check with slip the vibrator between your bodies so it touches your cl i-
him to make sure the vihration is at a pleasurable level, toris. Once you've done this, you may find the experience
then hold the vibrator in place against his perineum with goes from maintenance to mutual. Reach around and roll
one hand while you stroke hi. penis to orgasm with the the vihrator over his halls and under his scrotum, again
other hand . stimulating his perineum with deeply felt vibrations that
If you're performing fellatio, you may wish to use your may reach all the way to his prostate. Pum p his penis with
own saliva rather than a lubricant. In that case, use your your hody as you, the hlindfold, and the vibrator bring
mOUlh to slick up your man'. genitals before you touch him him to a hody-shuddering orgasm. 'What a menage a trois!
with the vihrator. Move the vihrator in the same fashion- To add another guest to the party, you can use restraints
to really keep your man in his place. H elena, twenty-seven,
found that restraint. helped her to overcome her main ob-
When yo ur n,an is lying hack on the stacle to effective maintenance sex.
hed, occasio nally . hili: the po.ition of hi . UMy problem would've made most women jealous,"
legs w hile you u. e the vi hrato t on hi. p enis and Helena admits. "I found it difficult to do maintenance sex
testicles. H ave him lie with hi . legs . traight on my boyfriend hecause he wo uldn't let me . H e'. a very
to gether, th en . pread apan, and then knees bent. sensitive lover, very considerate, bur there are times when
By cha nging the position of hi . legs, yo u can a woman just doesn't want to have sex no matter how good
. uhtly affect th e way the vibra tio n. feel on hi . her lover is. I still wanted to satisfy him during those times,
ge nita l•• bur he was so preoccupied with pleasing me that he
would n't ever relax and just receive pleasure. It sounds .illy

lub . jo b l l u b e jo b 1 13
'" '"
Yo u can also perform th is lube job while
your man . its o n a chair. Bind his arm.
te th e ar mrests and hi. legs to th e legs of th e
chair. He'. now in rhe perfect po.ilion to feel your
mouth, hand. , and th e vib rator work th eir
wonders o n hi. gro in.

but that can be frustrating, e.pecially .ince I sometimes

had 10 fake an orgasm just so he'd let me do my part.
Okay, you don't have to share H elena's altitude, but her
frustration was as real as her solution was effective. should be a hot spot of vibrating, .ucking, and stroking
" I was trying to give him a hand job one night, but he sensations. Make him come at your whim , or climb on top
kept pushing my hands away and kissing my nipples and and finish with woman-on-top intercourse. 'Whatever way
what not, trying 10 arouse me . The harder he t ried, the you bring him to orgasm, he won't .ee it coming.
more irritated I became because I just wanted to .atisfy
him and go to sleep . I wasn't interested in .ex. Then I had
a revela tion . H is tie was on the floo r, so I rolled over to
grab it, then tied his w rists to the bedpost. like I was a pro.
His jaw dropped, but he didn't SlOp me . l lOld him that he
was at my mercy and I was going to ma ke him come my
way. It .olved the problem. H e was turned o n, hi. hands
didn't roam, and it was all over in about ten minutes . H e
thought I was being sexy, but I was being pranica1.
Now that's maintenance.ex done right .
To keep the use of restraint. exciting, wrap the bli nd -
fold around your man'. eyes while he'. tied up. You can
also tie hi. ankles to the footboard. 'When he's bound and
blindfolded, use the vibrator to stimulate his genitals as
you alternate between hand and oral pleasure. His groin

lub . jo b l lube jo b 1 13
'" '"
pick up some water-based lubricant to use with your new
Since you'll ultimately be using the penis sleeve in the
dark, you'll want to acquaint yourself with irs shape and
where it will require lubrica tion . When action is immi·
nent, you'll be squirting some of the lube inside the sleeve
itself as well as lubricating the opening through which
your partner's penis will pass, so you may want ro do a dry
run just for practice.
The Fast and the Furious Now that your toolbox is equipped and you're ready to
perform some regular maintenance on your man, choose a

ong sleeves, shon sleeves, three-quaner.lengrh sleeves-

L your closet probably has them all, bUl for this lube job,
Penis sleeveo are sometimes used as prac-
tice for the real thing-you! So me men
you'll need a sleeve of a very different sort in your closet: a find Ihis t yp e of sex to y is a good tool to fin e-
penis sleeve. In case you've never seen one, a penis sleeve is l une Ih eir ejac ula l io n co nl ro l.
a sex toy for men, a rype of artificial vagina (or anus or
even mouth) that is available in a host of sizes, shapes, and
sryles. Some even vibrate. 8Ul whether it's battery powered suitable location. A spacious closer is best, although any
or not, a penis sleeve is the right tool for this fast and furi· dark, en closed nook will do. To avoid mattress monotony,
ous lube job, and an accessory that no closet should be it's wise to surprise your man with a quickie outside of {he
without. bedroom whenever possible. Lube jobs often exploit the
Penis sleeves are a favorite male masturbation toy that exciting unfamiliarity of a spontaneous sexual encounter
you won't have any trouble finding at any sex shop. The beyond the bedroom walls , and this racy closer quickie
belter models boast natural.feeling materials and various may be the best of the bunch.
textures to heighten sensation during thrusting. They're The timing of this quickie is entirely up to you. You can
also adjustable to increase the suction and friction on a perform it just before bed, in the middle of a lazy weekend
man's penis. Because there are so many brands and options afternoon, or the moment your man gets home from
available, shop around until you find the one you think work. Stash the penis sleeve and lube under the linens in
would arouse your partner the most . And don't forget to your closet, and you'll be prepared for action anytime you
please. Just make mre your mother-in-law isn't staying spread it on your partner's penis. As you practiced, insert
over, or you'll have questions to answer when she reaches some lube into the sleeve and apply some to the opening.
in for a bath towel. Turn your back to your man and place the sleeve be-
'When you're ready to tune up your man, lead him with tween your legs with the opening facing backward, toward
a wink into the doset and dose the doors. Make up a sexy him. Ask him to stand dose behind your body and pene-
story to tell him as you undress the both of you. For exam- trate you. As he gets into position, reach around and slide
ple, tell him that he's at a party when you, a seductive his erect penis into the sleeve. Again , don't tell him what
stranger, take him by the hand and lead him into a dark, you 're doing or using, just let him bask in the new sensa-
hidden doset. You undress yourself and him, and then take tions and wonder what you're up to. Tell him he's inside
his hands and run them allover your body, over the the sexy stranger, perhaps inside her uass ,u and ask him to
mounds of your breasts and hard nipples, down to the slip- start thrusting. As he does, hold the sleeve as securely as
pery softness between your legs. You reach down to squeeze you can between your legs, using your hands to hold it in
his cock, gasping at how hard and thick it is. Finally, you place as his excitement grows and his thrusts intensifY.
turn your back to him and press your ass against his groin. Remember that it's the diversity and unexpectedness of
Desperate, you beg him to enter you . . . from behind. these quickies that will enraprure your man, not the flaw-
Sure, this is dirty talk, bur your goal is to make your less positioning of the penis sleeve or a Pulitzer-quality
partner as hard as possible as fast as possible, so don't waste erotic story. Don't get caught up in perfect choreography.
time reciting love poetry. If you really want to rev his en- Just relax, hold on to the sleeve , and let your own story-
gine and if you think your partner would be game, tell him telling unfold as you like . Take your cues from your part-
the stranger wants to have anal sex. This will be particu- ner. If you say something that makes him groan and grab
larly arousing if you and your partner don't normally prac- your hips, elaborate. If you experience mechanical prob-
tice anal play; simply toying with the idea of a taboo lem s with the sleeve, laugh it off and begin again. Should
activity can be a great way to experience escapist sex and the sleeve prove undoable, it', no big deal . T h row it to the
forbidden fun . floor and have your man thrust into your tight-fisted
l\.I ove your man's hands over your body and between hands. Adapt, have fun with it, and nothing can go wrong.
your legs. Tell him how good it feels to have him touch There are several forces at work in this lube job that will
you, then reach out and caress his body and genitals ever so likely compel your partner to reach orgasm with fast and
light ly. 'When he's hard, retrieve the lube and penis sleeve. furious intensity. The spontaneity of the encounter, the ex-
He'U know you're up to something, but don'tteU. Let him citement of the unusual location , the standing rear-entry
guess in the dark. Warm the lube in your palms and then position, and the taboo idea of anal sex with a stranger, all

lub e jo b l l ub l jo b 114
'" '"
combined with your di rty .tory, is a potent formula for a maimtream, and the sectecy associated with purchasing
fantastic quickie. these items is a thing of the past.
Of course, the most powerful feature of this mainte- Nonetheless, if you'te still he.itant about visiting a sex
nance quickie is the innovative and unexpected me of a shop, hete'. an idea: befote you go , do an Internet search
sexual aide . If you and your partner don't usually use toys, for ". ex toysu to familiarize yourself with the appearance
or at least not this type of toy, the surprise and novelty of and usage of some of these adult items. A little sex-toyed-
the experience w ill be just as arousing to your man as the ucation in the privacy afforded by your own computer
flood of new sensations the penis sleeve will provide. This may boost your confidence before you stroll down the sex
lube job won't last long, so don't worry if dinner's in the aisles, eye level with the double-ended dildos and butt
oven. And, conveniently, you probably won't be too far plugs. If you're still too uncomfortable to take that vibrat-
from a towel for postquickie cleanup. ing cock ring you really like to the counter, you can pur-
chase it online and have it delivered to your door in a nice,
safe, anonymous brown box. Your neighbors will never
AM OR O U S A N C ESTO RS know what's imide. Unless their anal bead. are being deliv-
Upper Paleolithic art d ating back J O,OOO ered the same day, that is.
yea rs depicts people using dildo. to pl easure One couple who would never dream of ordering their
Ih em. elve. and others. That m eans mankind sex toys online i. D avid and Amy. Together for seven years ,
inve nte d sex to ys long befo re the wheel. The time one of their favorite foreplay p<!stime. is to visit the sex
line . peaks t o our p rioritie. , doe.n't it! shop arm in arm and to take their sweet time browsing the
inventory and choosing the perfect erotic accoutrement to
their evening'. planned festivities .
As your man catches his breath, tuck the .leeve away at "We call it retail foreplay,« says Amy. "We take our time
the back of the closet but not too far back. It might be walking up and down the rows, looking at all the different
back in fashion sooner than you think. toys and pictures , and talking about what we'd like to use
As we've said, variety is one of the most important in- on each other. The whole process is a wicked aphrodisiac."
gredients in a good sex life. The inclusion of a few erotic "We're so turned on by the time we get home, " adds
toys in your sexual repertoire is an easy and effective way to David, "that we barely have time to insert the batteries be-
add a new dimension to your lovemaking. To prove the fore we're clambering to undress each other. It'. very pow-
popularity of .exual aide., notice the number of .ex shops erful. "
that have sprung up in all major (and not so major) urban According to David and Amy, the most crucial require-
centers. Sex toys, along with adult videos, are now in the ment of their particular love life is comtant va riety. They

, lub . jo b l l u b l jo b 114
SEX SEllS Watch your body language. Nonverbal
The sex-toy in du 5try i. big bu.ines., me. sages are a powerful part of a cou ple's
and new erotic acce.so rie. are conSlantly communication. Be aware of th e signal. you're
hitting the shelves. Shou ld you find yourse lf .e nding your partner and keep them po. itive.
hold ing a hot-pink, buzz ing, mini pitchfork made Make eye contact during conver:satio n; . mile
of .ilicone and feathers, ask th e .ale.perso n abou t when he comes in the room; and flirt atiou sly play
in use and whether th ere'. been any feedback with your hair when you look at him.
befo re you buy. If you're too . hy to ask in front o f
an a udience, vi.it th e 5Iore on a weekday nlOming
when it . hould be relatively emp ty.
That understanding extends to maintenance. While
Amy i. sated by her three-time.-a-week average, she .ays
that her man rum most .moothly on five or even six rime.
both admit to becoming quickly bored-that'. just their a week. She proudly admits that maintenance sex i. e.pe-
nature-and they rely on the changing inventory of the cially easy for her to perform since she already has a toolbox
sex .hop. they vi.it to prevent .exual predictability and with enough toys to stock any sex .uperstore to the rafters.
routine from creeping into the bedroom. Equipped with this arsenal of .exua l aides--from penis
uWe do get bored quickly," explain. Amy, Ubut it pump' to fingertip vibrarors-c-she i. able to keep her sexu-
doe.n't take much to get the .park back. Even experiment- ally driven but easily bored partner more than satisfied.
ing with a new brand of lubricant or ta.ting a Aavored "I make .ure that I don't rely too much on one thing for
whipping cream i. enough to .end u. over the edge again. too long,~ .ays Amy. ulf David'. really into it for a long
I guess we're lucky that way." stretch, I alternate the toys I use on him . O ne day I'll use the
Fortunately, most couple. don't get bored as readily or pump. Another day ru use a vibrator while I suck him off."
a. often as David and Amy, but their tried-and-true ap- - t never know what .he'. going to pull on me," David
proach to keeping their sex life dynamic and IUlfiliing reveals, "e.pecially after we've been to one of those .ex
works for them, and that's what maners. In fact, it's a bless- trade .hows that come around every couple of years. Those
ing they've found each other and that they are both willing are total windfall. for me. I give her the credit card, a big
to do what it take. , together, to keep their relation.hip brown bag, and tell her to put us in as much debt a. she
thriving. Their communication skill. as a couple are excep- wants to. Money can buy some kind. o f happine••, you
tional , and they have a profound understanding of each know.
other'. sexual needs and de.ires. As we've said, and as Amy and David obviously recog-

... lu be jo b l l u b l jo b 114 .,
nne, va riety i, one of the mo,! important features of a
healthy and happy love life. It is equally important when it
comes 10 the specific issue of maintenance sex . J USl as Amy
has done, yOll should st rive to pleasure yo ur man in new
ways when hi, sex drive slips into overdrive. So the next
time you a nd he pass one of those neon-lit sex shops, why
not take a quick detour inside to see what they might have !Lube !Job #.5
in store for you?
Remote-Controlled Pleasure

id you ever see someone yawn and then yawn your-

D self? It', contagious. I'm yawning JUS! thinking about
it, and yOll might be too. Well, wake up; I'm trying to
make a point, not send you off for a sies ta . Feelings can
also be contagious, and rhis is especially true when it
comes 10 sexual arousal. A low moan fro m the downs tairs
apartment or the neighboring hotel room ca n often be
more of a turn-on than the graphic sight o f frantic porno
pu mp ing. The sigh ts and sounds of another person's
arousal can be a powerful aphrodisiac, and we'll be putting
that face to good use in this lube job. We'll also be putting
to use another accessory from your sex toolbox- a remote-
controlled bullet vibrator.
As with most sex toys , there are infi nite variations of
the bu llet vibrator, sometimes called a vibrating egg m as-
sager. The bullet is inserted into the vagina, and its rype
and speed of vibration is adjusted via a remote control.
T he b ulle" ca n be of varying shapes a nd sizes, a nd some

l~ a lub . jo b l
unItS even come wi th interchangeable bullets . Cordless ues 10 manipulale your body. Not only will the visual of
models are widely available, and the number, speed, and seeing your body in this way lurn him on, but his sense of
variety of pulse setlings also vary from model to model. Ihe sexual power he has over you will also ignite his desire .
You'll also want to ensure that the unit you select has a Ask him to undress, then have him join you on the bed
good cange and low volume . and touch your naked, writhing body as the bullet pulses
The ne xt time you're getting dolled up for dale night, inside you . You want you r man to lose himself in rhe erotic
insert the bullet vibralor before you pull on your panty- control he has over your body. When you're ready, ha ve
hose. Sometime during the evening, perhaps righ t afte r him get into whalever posilion he'd like to receive fella lio
dinner, pass the remote control to your partner and en- in , whether iI's lying on his back, kneeli ng, sitti ng, or
light en him on its features. Tell him he's at the wheel. sta ndi ng. G ive him oral pleasure as he continues 10 stimu-
Close yo ur eyes in ecstasy and m oan under your brealh late you via remole conttol. N o doubt the two of you will
whenever your partner exercises his control over your plea- find your own rhyth m : perhaps the m o re pulses he delivers
sure. Circle you r hips and lick your lips to leI hi m enjoy 10 you, the harder yo u suck on him .
Ihe sounds and sighls of your arousal, thereby becoming It's up to you and yo ur partner whether yo u bring him
aroused hi mself. D on't be surprised if he wants to head 10 orgasm with fellatio or w het her yo u want to move on to
home before the dessert menu arri ves. intercourse. If you do want to have intercourse, remove
Ihe bullet and let yo ur partner walCh as you tease your cl i-
loris and nipples with its vibrarions-c-wirh his fingers on
Remote-control panties are an all-in -one Ihe dial, of course. When your partner final ly penetrates
aher nalive t o an inte r nal bullet vibrat or. you (the good 01' missionary position is great for Ihis ), slip
The vibr.lIor is buill inlO the panty il..,lf and there- Ihe bullet between your bodies so that it will continue to
fore stays outside the body, providing vih ralions stimulate your clitoris as he Ihrusls . Yo u'll bolh feel the vi-
10 Ih e c1ilor is and outer vagina. brations , and many women find they achieve very intense
orgasm s this way. M ake sure Ihe remote control is at your
partner's fingertips at all times so that he can play with the
'When you 're bac k in your bedroom, tell your man to controls as he wishes, Ihereby changing rhe pulsations you
stay at the controls wh ile you u nd ress. Let him watch you both feel during sex.
peel off your clolhes as he rando m ly sends pulses and This red-hot lube job is a devilishly fun way to recharge
waves of pleasure through yo ur body. 'Whew! Your man's rhe bat reeies in your love life. It s etoticism co mes in part
heart will be pounding, and his other body parts will be ftom sexual contagion, since Ihe more atoused your part-
100. When you're naked, lie back on the bed as he contin- ner sees you, the more aroused he becomes . But rhe erotic

lu b . jo b l lube jo b . 15
charge in thi' lube jub abc COme, from .., mething else: the wan ted to d o. All in all, the arrangement wa. working
§cn,., tha ' he has comrol---sn:ual power-over you , even if well , , , u mil rhe down.izing, that i•.
it', only make-k lic:ve:, It was a regular Monda y morn ing w!len Ben d isco"" rcd
NowaJaY" then: an: prt'Ciou. fC'W pla.:n when: a man thaI his cmploycr had sold thc con.truction company and
can S1ill exercise hi, primal masculiniry and con trol. Let'. that his high.paid posit ion d id nor fi t inro the ph m the
face it. Wo men have hOld '0 I1ght IOm h and nail to .i, in new owners hOld for thc company. By noon he was back
the drive r', seal, and we're somnim... n:luctan' to . Iide home with a sevcnncr package in hi. han d and a sinki ng
into Ihe pHSCnger'S scat and In ..,mcone d,., uk the f«ling in !Ii. Slomxh. H e and Mercdith need ed a new
wh«1. pa.rlicularly if thar ..,lllC'One dsc i, a man. Th i. luk plan, and rbey n«<lcd it f....t . They both kgan job hun r-
job is therefon: a gn:a' ~hick fOl lcningyour panner play ing, and rhey were both .urpriscd when Meredith struck
wirh a sense of power. Let him hold ,he controls o ncr in a carttr gold first . Withi n rwo weeks rhey had switched
while; he11 fed powerful, and you'll k pampered. pUen.: McTcdith Was a working mom, and Ben was a .tay-
I'owcf slruggles are common in rdalio n,hips. and n:- ar-hcme dad.
ganUcu of how ,hey begin or whar fuel, ,hem , they in- - It was a drcam job.- ""Y' Mcrcdi th. -My univeniry de-
evitably find a way 10 slip undc-I 'k bedecom door and gree was paying olf. my rimc in the fn:dance tn:n<:h.........
cause pmblenu in a couple's on: life. But by king aware of paying off. l.nd I }ud the job l }ud dr=m.cd offor ycan.. Ir
and addn:uing the power issu"" in your ",Iarion.hip, you happencd .udd m ly, but I w:L\ rcady 10 do it. The kids wen:
can prevenl ,h;' lug-of.wa l from ,ncaking undc-r the bed. a lirde oldcr, out of diapen at lcast. and I ....... starring to
"'~. miss wotking oulOidc the !lomc. Pi"'" I knew Ben could
The power ,truggle bu .. cu, MC'Kd ith anJ Ben, a m - handle rk kids. Hc'. alwaY' bccn a s-« dOld.-
rial couple with rwo prncnool-age child",n, iU"",.... t a - It wu a da.ss.ic caoc of OCC"mcd-li kc-a-good-idca-ar-cltc-
POW" issue IIlOlt ;. increasingly COmmon in tn;. ...·OI'ld of lim",- says Bcn. -Thc fint fcw monrhs wen: grear. I didn'r
the successful working woman. For ,!lc fi"" fom ~ of Ita...e to race our of thc house at ott A. M., I didn'r have to
their marriage, Meredirh worked from !lomc ... a frcclance take call. through cvcry mc..!, and I d idn't have rite Slrcu
g....p!lic artist , making a mod...t ""Iary that did no' com- of big.buc k job. hanging ovcr my head. The kKl.s wen:
pare to Ben', high -salary position as fon:"",n a' a h~ aweoom". \11;'" hxl lou offu n and d id all kinds o f things to-
commen:ial con.trucrion com pany. Ah!loug!l !lcr car=r gerher: .....immi ng, bicyding. flying kit"" in the park. you
wasn't as successful as she imagincd it wo uld k , !lcr abiliry nam" il. I was a glos>Y postcr for t!lc fulfillcd, well-ad jllncd
to wo rk from horne nevcn!ldcss gave Meredith the oppor- , ray-at.hom" dad:
m niry '0 "ay a, hoene with hct child",n, which she had But hew d id r!li. con5truction fon:man rurned do mes--

15 2 h.b t JOb ' l u b t jo b . 15 IU

tic figurehead handle the household duties of cooking and felt like she'd only give me sex when I'd performed every -
cleaning? thing up to her specs. Worst of all, I started to feel like a
"He's a better dad than housewife, u jokes Meredith. kept man, a financial dependent. That doesn't exactly fire
-n., kids had never been happier---everyday they did up a man's libido."
something different-but the house, frankly, went to hell.
I'd come home at six o'clock, and supper would be spilling
out of pots on the stove. The table was never set. T he laun- Be careful what you wish for. When a
dry waited until the weekend, when I did it, and I don't drone (a male hon eyb ee) fin ally m al es
think the bathtub was scrubbed for a month . Sometimes, with a qu een bee, in ah dome n is r ip ped open
as a hint, I'd take the vacuum out before I left for work in d uring copulation , and it di es soo n afterward.
the morning, but it would stilI be standing in the same
place when I got home. The Roor was still crunchy. He
didn't seem to do any cleaning at all, and that really got UH e's right, I was the queen bee for a while, ~ Meredith
on my nerves . I hated coming home to a dirty house day admits. «Ben had never questioned me on the cost of
after day. ~ things I'd buy for myself or the kids, hut I'd grill him. And
Eventually, l\.I eredith's silent irritation with Ben's lax he knew I wouldn't have sex unless things were done
housekeeping turned into voca l frustration . If she came around the house . Our love life definitely starred to go
home to a sink full of dishes, she'd sigh loudly and remind downhill. For the first time, I was the breadwinner, and I
him that she had managed to both clean the house and was keenly aware of that. I was going full-speed ahead in
care for the children. If the kids were wearing mismatched my career, and I was scared to slow down or I'd lose my po-
clothing, she'd shake her head at his fashion fau x pas. And sition. It was all new to me , and I had a sense of power, in-
if Ben bought something, whether a new pair of shoes for cluding sexual power, which I wasn't above Raunting to
the kids or a small television for his weight room, she'd Ben. I starred to see my marriage almost as a parent-child
raise her eyebrows and ask how much it cost. relationship, and that obviously wasn't a rum-on for either
uM ered it h did get a touch of the queen bee syndrome," of us . ~
says Ben. -t can understand it, since she'd spent many 'While many arrangements involving working women
years struggling to get her career off the ground. T hen she and stay-at-home men are happy and successful, Meredith
got this dream job, and for the first time in her life was and Ben had a difficult time making the transition, largely
making really good money and actually getting the recog- because of Meredith's sudden rise to power. T here's no
nition she deserved. But I can't say she didn't start to treat doubt that women have fought to overcome economic, so-
me a bit like a drone. Our sex life slowed to a crawl, and I cial, and political oppression, and that fight is far from

... lu b. jo b l l u be job . 15 .
over . In fact , th e figh l is deeply ingrained in both rhe mod- way,Usays Meredi th . -a-, and I were lying in bed, and he
ern woman's psyche and reality. Sadly, however, this banle was doing his best to ini tiate sex. I was peeved that he
oflen crosses the work field to invade the bedroom. hadn't go tten gtoceries that day, so I ignored his advances
Wo men use skill, determination, and hard work to and asked why he didn't go shopping. H e told me he didn't
achieve equal power in the business and polilical arenas . have enough money in his waIlel , and asked if I could leave
Yet they often use sex to co ntrol the power balance in thei r him so me tomorrow. I co uld «n he was humiliated .
personal rela lionships, where they sometimes strive for su· " I fell like somebody had castrated me, u continues Ben.
periority rather than m ere equality. Who knows, m aybe - t wouldn't be surprised if! acmally looked down 10 ma ke
Ihey're unconsciously punishing rheir well-inrenrioned sure my bal ls were slill there.
men for the sins of their suffrage.withholding forefathers .
Regardless of th e reason, when a woman uses sex as a power
1001, as Meredith did, a couple's love life will suffer. Rela· Pusry whipp~J is a Slate all m en dread.
lionship repair comes with empalhy and understanding. We mi ght la ugh at the term , but if we
Once each partner is able 10 empathize with Ihe other's think about the m eaning of the phrase-to be
struggles and understand the other's emotional needs, the defeated., punished, con tro lled., conq uered.,
damage can be reversed. dominated-it loses so me of in humor. In.prove
Women slruggle with issues of unequal pay, chauvinis- your vocab ulary and your rel at ionship by focusing
on the n.eaning of words like support, p raise,
lie employers, and the guill.ridden boxing maleh between
~quality, i<>,,~, a nd rupeet inSlea d.
rhe stay.al.home and working.mother camps. Even today,
women are often judged by their cup size earh er than thei r
credentials, and Ihe pressure to have it all-successful ca·
reer, perfect kids, handso me husband, greal body-is al- -n,« obviously broke the mood,~ says Meredith. "I
ways on. But jus t as society snubs rhe wo ma n who doesn't felt like his mOlher, givi ng him lu nch m oney. And I can't
uhave it all,u so does it demean the m an who doesn't climb even imagine how he mus t have felt."
Ihe ladder of institutional and financial success. Never - t felt like a loser,u Ben clarifies, "and I did not feel like
mind that he's a devoled husband and loving falher, whal's havi ng sex.
his job title? H ow much did he m ake last year? T his can be ult didn't take more than thaI m oment for me 10 under-
an emasculating cul ture for men . Just as popular culture sta nd how he had been feeling, ~ says Meredith. "I could
belittles women who aren'r a size two, il also marginalizes «u just by Ihe look in his eyes . H e'd always been an excel·
men who don't m ake a six.figure income. lent provider, and, to be honesl, I'd always been atlracled
"M y queen bee days came to an end in an eye.opening 10 that . T hat part of his identity had been taken away, and

, lu b . jo b l l u be jo b . 15
I began to rea lize jus t how much his sense of manhood was stud in bed. I g uess there'. some wisdom to letti ng the man
being threatened, especially since I'd been withholding sex. be on to p once in a while!"
We didn't have sex that night either, bur we did talk a lot l\hintenance sex is about more tha n dealing with d is-
about our insecurities and how we could support each parate sex drives . It'. als o about maintaining the integri ty
other emotionally. I told him how scared I was to lose the of the inti mate relationship as a whole, about recognizing
job I had worked so hard for. I'd fought so long to be taken the differences no! only in the sex ual needs between men
seriously that I had to focus on mrning off my domineer- and women but also in the emotional needs. Just as a
ing 'boss' side when I got home." woman lo ngs to feel loved, secure, and beautiful in her
Ult was an excellent talk,n says Ben. uNo rmaHy I can't man's eyes, a man longs 10 fee l needed, powerfUl, a nd ap-
stand to talk about my feelings and all that, bur it felt good preciated by his woman . If your man makes you feel emo-
to get it off my chest . I told Meredi th how difficult it is for lions that fulfill you, why not return the favor?
a man who's always had a sense of control to hand over
the reins. I told her tha t I loved being with the kids but
tha t her complaints about the housework made me feel -.' SI G N ED , S EA LE D , DE LI VE RE D

whipped. We talked a lot about how it was affecting our Mail a th ank-you card to your man at
work, exp ressing your gratitude for all th e things
sex life, too. I still felt the urge to have sex, bur , ro be bru-
he does for you. Tell him th e many reason s you're
tally honest, I was losing sexual altraction to her. She doled
thankful for havin g hin. in your life. It'. th e male
ou! sex like a miser doles out money, and I had to beg for
equivalent of a love lener and a d ozen long-
it. I didn't feel like she needed or appreciated me, and that S1emmed red roses.
did affect how much I desired her,"
"l concent rated on giving Ben a feeling of empower-
ment in his life and in his decision to stay home with the 'While the remote-controlled bullet vibrator in this lube
kids," Meredith explains, «which is something he'd always job is a fun way to give your ma n a playful sense of sexual
done for me when I was a stay-at-home mom. I left the control, be sure ro remember that nonsexual feelings also
queen bee at the office. At home, I was his wife and my affect his pleasure between the sheets. 'Whether he's a
kids' mot her. I really had to work on keeping those roles highly paid executive or an underappreciated worker bee,
separate at first, but it's easier now and we're both happier. you have a great deal of control over how he feels about
I made him feel apprecia ted, and I showed him how much himself both inside and outside the bedroom. And if you
the kids and I needed him. As for the housework, we com- fulfill his emotional needs as well as his sexual needs, you'll
promised and hired a cleaning service ro come in twice a be the object of his affection as much as of his desire.
week. As for the sex, I made him feel like an irresistible

.. lu b e jo b l l u be jo b . 15
~ 1=
tpaJll, [TouJI,
tl ~

, ' ,
:Lube !Job # . 6
Reading the Map-Writt en Erotica

rotica, a word derived from the Greek rro< (love}, is a

E style of w riting that is intended to evoke sexual desire .
Generally speaking, erotica is more tame, tasteful, and
egalitarian or female-friend ly than wrinen pornography,
although the distinction between the two is ofren hazy.
The erotica in this chapter is meant to appeal to an intelli-
gent, mainstream readership who can use it as a 'ort of
aphrodisiac or form of foreplay: by reading these erotic
stories together, a couple can increase their sexual arousal
in a fun, exciting, and nonthreatening way.
For some couples w h o d o not watc h adult movies, w rit-
len erotica is an ideal alternative. Sandra and Bill, a young
couple who found the sounds and vocalizations in adult
movies 10 be nothing shore of thigh-slappingly hilarious ,
weren't opposed to pornography in principle; in fact, they
often enjoyed looking at pornographic magazines to-
gether. However, whenever they tried to watch a skin Rick,
the array of grunts and slaps and oohs and ""I" doubled
them over with laughter. Turning down the volume didn't tional connection while reading erotica rogether than they
help. T hey soon became so preoccupied and distracted by did while viewing pornographic material. This sentiment
even imagining what sounds were being made, that they is echoed by many erotica lovers who find the fantasy
simply couldn't separate the visual from the audio. Fo r the worlds they explore together in books highly conducive to
time being at [east , adult movies weren't destined to playa connecting not only sexually bUl also emotionally.
big part in their sex life. For those couples who either regularly or on occasion
Eventually, Sandra began to read aloud the erotic letters do enjoy adult films (including the grunts and slaps and
that were featured in their pornographic magazines. To oohs and Mhs), wrinen erotica is a perfect way to add even
their surprise, reading these letters often aroused them more variety to their sexual repertoire. Ero tica can enhance
even more than looking at the images in the magazines or a co uple'. sexual experience by providing new ideas and
on-screen . As Bill explained, the arousal came from a com- bringing fantasy to lovem aking. Good erotica should be
bination of hearing the erotic words spoken by his girl- as escapist as it is arousing, allowing the mind to wander
friend, bei ng immersed in the alluring storyline, and using to forbidden and sexually exhilarati ng places, people, and
his imagination to flesh oUl the enticing details . It wasn't possibilities.
long before they graduated from ama teur letters to quali ty
published erotica.
Fanny Hill, M nn"irs ,,/ a WOman 0/
PI~tlSUJY i. widely ccmidered t o be the
W ritten erotica con,es in both fiction first erol ic novel . Written by Jo hn deland in
and nonfiction. If yo ur liter ary lasl e. lean 1749 , rhe novel was hanned in the U nited Slates
loward the voye ur iuic, choo. e nonfiction to .ee unlil 1966. And alt h ough it was for m any years
wh al you r neighbors have been up t o. So m e revi led as pornogr aphy, iI's now co n. idered a
nonfiction erotica co llection. focus o n a lilerary classic.
com m itted coup le'• •es u al adven lu re. lo gelher,
w hic h m ay be p articularly appeal in g 10 readers.

The three erotic stories we have incl uded here are the
ultimate in escapist erotica. They are also highly explicit
Al though both Sandra and Bill admitted that they and share a common plot element: an individual perform-
wo uld continue to view pornography and eventually try to ing an intensely provocative sex dare a. an initiation rite
watch. adult films again, it i. worth noting that both of for m em be rship in a secret sex sociery. Each sex dare is a.
them expressed feeling grea ter sexual intimacy and emo- erotical ly thrilling as it is taboo, and each initiate has an in-

... lub . jo b l lu b e jo b 1 16 .
cred ible story to tell following his or her particular chal-
lenge. Want to give your eyes a break? Give
Al though you will likely discover yo ur own way to use aud it ory erOli ca a Iry. Sexy CDs
these stories, many couples find that this type of written featuring ero t ic Slories and the sounds of coup les
erotica is best used as foreplay to sexual intercourse, and having sex are quickly gaining popularity. Slip
we'd ha ve to agree . Men and wo men find this m aterial one into your bedside CD pl ayer, snuggle next 10
your man , and press pl ay. It 's foreplay yo u ca n
equally arousing, and once the storyline captures the sex-
actually hear!
ual attention, there's nowhere to go but to the bedroom.
'When it comes to m ai nt enance .sex, written erotica can
be especially useful. A literary lube job is a fu n and effort-
less way for a woman to increase her m an's arousal wi thout likely have yo u combing th e bookstore she lves for the
havi ng to exert a lot of time or energy herself. We've all thickest vo lu mes of erotica available. So, dog-ear this chap-
heard it said that the m ind is the larges t sexual organ, and te r and tuck this book under you r pillow, and the next
there's a great deal of truth to that . These edgy stories will ti me you need an easy way to kick-start your man's m oto r,
have your man's sexual imagination in overdrive in record- dare yourself---or him-to start reading.
breaking time .
As a suggestion, try surprising your partner as he lies in
the bath. Sit on the edge of t he rub while he bathes and The Tru ck Slo p
read him a story. By the time you're finished and he's clean ,
Fem ale, thirty
you·U both be ready to get dirty agai n . O r, hide under the
bed covers and have so me fun reading a dare toge ther by
flashlight. Once you've turned the last page and are ready TIJ~ clJauffeur drov~to tlu out,kirts oftoum and then contin-
to turn to each other, you wo n·t have far to reach . u~d on to tlu highway. Evmtual!y, WI' pu{{~d into a hug~
You can also combine this erotica with sensual massage, tWl'ntyfour-lJour truck ,top. Tlurt" Wd5 a digital dock in the
perhaps caressing your man wh ile he reads to let him bask limoU5in~. and J ,...m~mb~r that it was exactly 3:17 A.M. J
in both pleasures at once. Better yet, have him m assage had n~wr b~m to on~ oftlJo,~ big truck ,top, heft,.... tlu rt"ally
your body while you read a story to him . It's a win-win sit- 'prawling kind, and wlun WI' drow around the building. J
uation: he gets fantastic foreplay, and you get a free deep- was amaud at th~ numher of,emi>in th~ parking lot. There
m uscle massage . wert' row, and row, of them with all kind, of trai/~N and

Regardless of how you perfor m these literary lube jobs, load,. most Wl'aring out-of,tate p!at~,. Som~ wert'idling. but
they offer effortless sexual foreplay at its finest and will many Wl'rt" qui~t.

... lub . jo b l l u b e jo b 1 16 ..,

Th~ chll..jfr"r drow "p a"d do..'" tIN roWf slowly, II,"" I ,hn~ t....clu .....r r from fitr au"'y, a"d thAt I war---a"d wtJuU
loolud ""t my wi,"""", lit t/~ I'''gr trucits 1lS,.,., pasud by. Fi- " "",ifl---,Jl It"""grr: lfsom~b<xIy W dra ion Iltu",io" ", m~.
""Uy, ,IN /im"usin~ IflJPpnJ, Il"d Ik driwr t"",,d aro..,"" t" I u",..Un; haw b«" abb t" h.rndb it. I "utkJ 10 stdy"n""r
faa m~. smili"lllS k lV'Vt'alrJ my dAlY: "Thnr aIYpmsti- mous.
tu,n , " k wid, W cllllrJ lot liunls. Thry K" am","" to tntclr Finally Afaa rmrrgrt/ from tINl!«/'" .ndpmrd o..t""
I"'Pl n.vry"ilh, II,"" tliPr S<'X f<) ,Jvdri,,",. H~ smib J ...uJn
W wi"J.u' at m~. 1i> my ""rror. it .."" a wtJ""'''. SIv IoolrrJ
.Ni wid, -c... " H~ h,r"Jd ~ a pagrr. At bllSt I thi,,1r it WIll ronf..mlftr a momntt. "'"' "" r.o:prrssum (hanled UJ a"gn:.
• /",p, .Ni u.U ~ 14 prm tk b.. tt,,,,ifl IlUJd bdp. H~ I Ir.""", ..,J"rt sk ..." mAd Abo..t. She the..pt I uw" hooInr
wid k'J ~ a..u. rominl ttl hit .." "" husbAnd "r ""B"nrJ, .NI,k ..."
I K'" o'd tlf Ik limo..n..... ANi Ils _II Ils I Jt«HI 0 " tk pitsrJ. / lvarJ ""ycIl t/,r""p tiN glass. ANI / j ..mpcJ do..",
/",wmnrl, tlv "Aliry of..,J"rl l ...... J.i"l,tntclr ho~. It WIll ftom t"" fnlclt.
Ils rho..p "'"Jthi"l in tk .. "ivrnf''''''' ,.,."h"l to IN tt>h..t My bu.,., ....... rwi"lfro'" rmbArnwmnrl. yet / ak felt
I _..Y do. T1v h..1t tntclrs I-lrrJ '" S"""gr ANI tIA..nti"K. nrr~ '" t"" ~. It hod go.... btsJJ, ht NIt IU
np«iAUJ ill rJ..,..",;rJ Jvu thAt ..." ",mnlJvrr bro.,"" Lzu '-'JJ IU it C'tJtIU h,rw. aNl_ I At blUt Imcw t""l / ro..JJ
"ip, ANi t'Ari] - ....inl, ."" I fit /..Irr I ..." i" ." a1Inr do it. T1v wry _ lnIcIr. a b'- ......, IooltrJ.. /ltrb oJJn
_1'iJ. T1v IhU .i,.,
rJv _nlltkt ..flrcti"l tliftlv ebro~ of l/wn Ibt rrJ .......NI ....... 'f"ite dirty. /t I-W lilt~ it hod
rJv ,,,,,Irs .Ni hmf"J. • ..J tJ.r twUh"K "..,..,.,us"ns tlf "!1 IJw" tin tlv roaJfior .lo"K h ...e. u-hie/, ~."t thAt rJv Jriwr
JlolllJUh .u m.uk ~ ftd a.mpfnd, JUn."","rJ from "!1 ..." from fitr .u""J' I liW ,httt. MJ hni14ti.." u......btlti"g,
rrJ 11ft.
" f] jwmupl «I-J tliftlv f'lwmnrt tlfrJv If"Ut /",rIri"l
.""1".. . '14"'i"l f<) I n tlv u>bob thi"g IU • (h.r1Intg~. I gwu
rJ..I; whttt i, i '''ppoocJ u~. To ~ "".....t. rJv " .urn. in?
lo, Ils I .pp.-.hrJ tlv ji..,t tntclr. It .. ws Trti. ..,jth ....4 .""tlv te.rrhfior tlv right fnlclt was tJ.r molt punl fiorrpLz,
bil'!«f" "" rJv b.Wr. F-lrJ '" ad"""',..... NI tinirr. I I ii rwr ~ Thcrr WfII " .. p"m",« I u.vnJJ ,Ot««J,
t;N"'-' "" to tlv """"b arulpwt mJfHt ""to rJv maJ'tq, .Ni ,/wt wwJc me ,.,.,,,t t.. "U tiN _rr.
,hnr p,JJ,J mpdf..p 14 p«Ir "Nilk IIv winkw. It .."" Jarlr I dlmJ,rJ ..p tJ.r bI_ trudr aNi t.ppnJ .." ,Iv window. I
'NUb.NI h.rrJ UJ IN. / ivY"" 'tl tIv h.rNlb ..,jth "'J rip' ilU14n,ly hearJ mowmntt i" the ,,"per; .nd .gai" I 114nd
""NI . "" 14ppnJ :mtly tin tlv wiNl"w. Nothi"l' / tapp~J 10 ""'", ..>hat tl.e Jriwr .....p t Ioolt lilte. A ....." i fAa .p-

.g.i". lo",,"" JlCarrJ. , ,"" wi..J....... He ltArrJ "ut bltmltlyfior A momnrl,

I k.rJ ...... ,/inl from iNUb tlv tntclr A"J kY "'J brr. ,h. ,hnr Wt I ,,"" doi..g tlvrr ..._ h.rw rrgistnrJ. H~ mlbJ
I w,mdnrd wh..llk l"Y "",../J Ioolr liln. ..>hat k'J tit., A"J down,k window .nd ,,,,irlnd a I.e'/o.
wh.., I ii do. / WIll U> U"llrrJ kii lhe"t At m~ "r u>m~how dmw I smik d IU l..ggntivdJ;U I (ouu. To ~ romplnely he.....t,
attnt,io" '0 m~. My (o..""1t was comi"l from tINfitct thAt it WfII ~.uy si"u IfiouNi him anmctiw. H~ WIlS Ahig "",n, ""t

161 h.b e Jo b, l u b e jo b ' 16 It,

fill. t-« hig: t~ typt Ihat ca" throw you around tht INJ, and slnpi"g i" his r/"Ihn (J~ had Jm...d /I..hm / k"oclrrd. Ou r
I lilu that. Ht hada "iN' faN'. IO<J. N(JI txMlly handso"". but bodi.., I(J..../".J " J"." fI'r bell. di",h..t! i" list btUk, anJ / fll
ht U'ill rim fu~ "" p U'1'<'st. I Ir" ..... tht J«tJnd I <aw hi", lilrt my slri" fI"'UJJ b"Tlt i"fo jla....., il W<>J so hut. }= Ir ",Iud
lhat ~'J IN u,iUing. Ht JiJ,,~ look u'rirJ (J~ cr«PJ or or m.. if / "'il"''''' t(J u..trls a ",o"i... anJ I _tiN'd 1st h"" a
,hi"g; ht jUJt IooW lilrt t~ rypr (Jf hut-hIooJnI p ! "k s"",U u"'"isi(J" srt i" tlst d«/'". IIr" t"UI it was j llSta" r.aN.l<'
_..u,,; turn Jou'" mt:. I saiJ, "I;" ki".u "t"UI at Ihis, ~ anJ 10 l'" clcl<'. iO / "oti.kJ anJ saiJyn.
~ "plinJ, "Su" thi"l> lri~1/.. N....,is,,-J. w;.11 talu it dow. " H.. I/ipprJ" DVD i" anJ tunu-d (J" tht IT My ,'om4Ch
Ht ..W"" 10ttl .Iou'" ~ ht wuJJ ..p" thtJ-r; and I ftipprJ u.;,..." a F"' ftashttl " , " , I I list KT«1/. It was a" i"",p
JiJ. Ht p",htJil 0p". a".1 I rli",brJ b.uk lip i,,10tht ....h of ..f a " ..ma"i 0p" "'r fI,it/. a Ma"i IN.''''' roa",i"S Ixtw«n
tht m.&. s/"",,,,i,,S Iht Jo"..rltnnI lx},inJ nu. It ItW "wrm thnr.. / .. k"" him ifbr Irtpt this kinJ of"",,,j, wi,h hi", aU
i...Ub tht ..ab, pirl, clt..". A"J s...dkJ ""PA, Iilu bo" tlst ti", e. Hr 14iJ. itU tbr tim.., bo,,? /t o« Iondy (J" list
......ftnhmtr. H.. Jid,,~ ..It"'t a",t/.i"to but I ftlt ((JmpdJnl ..-I. Ii Ma" j l"t......Js. - H.. "';,,W
111 ...J""UYT' ",,,,..,hing. I tri""
111 j"",p i"111 th.. rok. l ..knJ. I ~"sht Ab-t hi", "..,,.bi"t thn.. movin and .....,tur_
-HAW,.... """ ",.,,,ti,,S 111m#' tv",!""") to"i~" AnJ h.. bAti"S klr Ih....r 6y hi_If /v.. aI_p """ tunu-d"" 6y
rrpli..J. -Y,Ah. I ..... """." tht..-l A /""S ti",... sa ((Jm!""", tlst UbA ..f A "",,, Jtr(Jki"S birrudf anJ I i""'fifU"d 1m roush.
_,JJ Ix rrJ "i«.• rAU""'" ""...Is JUli"S ....... tbr _,Imns (Jf his ......Jr. / fm
TI.nr.......... J",J,t "'r bot/. k..... , "J",t ...... pi"S to IN.p- lilrt / bnng ,u",prJfi.U ..f I<':'CfUI1 tini" anJ ,IN.t al a")
p". TIN Inun.J..Jp......k nu"'-. anJ lstartnl to ....jtry it ",..", t I'J"""""... frulr told __ that brpu rnJJ, tunu-d (J"
,.,.." ""'fT. TIN «>1;Ii"" that Int "",,JJ happ" anJ that wr ,.J".,. Isti In,,;,,s fur Io"S ,17rtd.n. TIN vibratio" of tht I<'At
bo,h _"t"" il ...... A "'it[ NOU' I C"fIUJJjUJt ID4k i" Ih..t/sriU mAffl his /.alit arhr, a..J I,.,. al.. vrys ...;"'" up thi"ki"S AIHr..t
ofit aIL TIN hanl !"",., "WI"""" I had.fi=..J mysdfto Jo K:Jt. H.. Lt"PJ a"J..a lln/ it "Jind dk-k. ~

IOnuthi"S I """"' J,.,am"" I tvuJJ Jo. tU,J "OU' I "WI "ap- / tk,,~ k"" " ,by "'r Jid.. ., jUJt j"",p ..ad. ..u".,. rit,h,
i"t tis.. sru,.,nI.. Snt " ,it/." tolal '''''''t." i" a pi.ur I'J " ........ A",? H.. had Uka how tunu-d"" I ...... pm"S 6y jl<Jl
,.,.." i""'fi"""- M, "J..>k """" "......" fi" ,,';th A"ti";/",tio", ,1st Uba qf "J",t / "W- doi"t. Hr «JI<1d" ., """" Imoum..
,1st b..Js of hanl "ippln " ......prrui"S asai...t,.., bra anJ If,," ,robably sF " t ''''' or fiji"" ",i",,'n just chatti"S anJ
,.., rlit ...... al""", lta"';"S t.. swrI/. u."'uhi"lilst m(Jvi... dl if "'r ,.,...... (In a dat<' or inlnnuJ i"
TIN imUb ..f tlst t....& " .... " ..t .. rramprJ .. I thuutfl it list""" .
_ "JJ Ix. TIN t"'Jo his tWnu,.,.. f.uk, ..k"" nu ifI ""lnuJ It W4t fairly ""pli"';t po...., "or "aUy my ,ty/<'. uu ..f firl-
t.. Ii.. dow" i" list b.ulr " ,ith hi",. H.. <7'tlwJ..J i",o tlst ,In,..... ..,,-tirl stuff a" J harJ. fdlt jU<-lri"S' I [;U"" that's u>hat [;Up
anJ I p/"mJ ,Ist /"'S....0" list J..h '"10" / ftllowrJ hi",. Hr ..,..tIt-rigJ,t t(J tJ".poi"t and tlst di,.,i....tlst brtt<'1'---iJut / v..
...... drru"" i" y am a1ld a T-J,i,.,. I Jo,," k"ow if 1st WdJ "Iwayl b«" 1",."rJ0" by II,.,. idra (Jflnt jUJtas mu..h .. by ,lst

170 h.b e JOb' l u b e jo b ' 16 171

physical act. n- mental dJpect hdJ alwa}' ~xcit~d m~, bP~­ pull~d my ,hirt offover my h~ad, then reach~d und~r my back
cidlly if 1m doing it <omehow or som~whn-e I shouUn't b~. to unfdJten my bra and ~xpm~ my bred5ts. It fit wond~rfUl.
Maybe thatJ why I was invited to do tl,iJ dare. I wdJ just revt'ling in the ~xposure when his mouth came
I kn~w Jack wdJ ready becauu hiJ breathingwdJ changing down on on~ofmy nipples. H~ start~d bitingat it, and it hurt
and he wdJ 5pending more tim~ staringintently at th~ IT At just enough to mdk~ the pl~a,ure buiU ft't and strong. I
fir't h~ hadjust glanc~d at it, kind of~mbarrtlwdto kup his loohd down when his lip< cam~ offmy nipp~ and <dw how
ry~5 on it. But now, lik~ m~, h~ was g~tting so turn~d on that longand hard it wd5. I fit <0 filthy, just lik~ a prO<titut~, but
his desire wastaking owr. H~ Wds lying b~hind m~ on hiJ sid~, I'd newr fIt bett~r. In that moment I I~arn~d <om~thing
5pooning m~, wben he finally began to touch m~ in a uXUilI about mys~lf I learned that I'd havt' don~ anything that guy
way His han'" 51id down my arm b~fir~ moving to my elmt. want~d just to fUck his body.
I remember I~tting out a sigh and just lying back dJ lu ~x­ His body wasso unftmiliar that his heavybreathingin my
plored m~, offiring my bredJts to him, just giving in to what- ~ar mad~ my hip< o-o- imlOluntarily. It mad~ it bett~r that
~vt'r he wanted and IJOwt"vt'r he want~d it. God, it Wd5 so he wd5 a strtlng~r. Ewrything wdJ n~w and un~xp~cted. I
powt"rfUl. I don't remember ~v~r wanting-nuding-----sex so didn't know how h~'d kiss, what hiJ cOt:k wouU look like, or
badly, and I,~re I was, pretending to b~ som~ indiffn-ent how he'dfUck, but I couldn't wait to find out. While I,~ wdJ
hook~r who, uen it all, don~ it all. 5ucking hard on my nipple, I p usbedmy hip< up toward him
Then I,~ d5k~d m~ how much. n- qu~,tion caugM m~ off and presud against his hardnm. The fa ofthat u,ond~rfUl
gwlrd, and I had to remind myselfulhat I wdJ pretending to bulg~ so dou to my pussy drench~d me instantly, and I toU
be. I dJkedhim ~xactly what I,~ wanted to do, and h~ <did, ~I him <0.
want it all. " I had no idea what to 5ay or what to charg~. I H~ lik~d h~aring m~ talk lik~ that, and be <dt up quickly.
toU him I thougM lu was hot, so I'd give him a di,count: a 5niZking out ofhisjeans and shorts d5 fdJt dJ he could. I sat up
hundred dollar5. H~ grinn~d. I didn't know ifI wdJ charging and pant~d, 5taring at his cock and liding my lips. It wdJ
too much or too littl~, <0 I just grinn~d back in tbe 5am~ way huge, thick and long and n-ect, and more than I ~vt'r couU
H~ reach~d into hiJ wa/~t, which was tuck~d into th~ 5id~ of havt'hopdfir. I'w newr really bought into the ~big iJ bmer"
the matfre>s, and took out <ome twenties. H~ put th~m on th~ thing, but in th~ beat ofit all, I want~d to set: fir mys~1fifit
dd5h b~,id~ th~ pager. wdJ true.
Then, in a jld5h, all th~ pretens~ wdJ gone. He began to H~ push~d m~ onto my bad and lift~d up tlu ,hort skirt I
rub my bred5ts, squ~ujng th~m in hiJ han'" and moving wdJ waring, pulling down my pantib with a firc~ and db-
them around, then quickly sat up and pul~d offhis "[:,hirt. p~rtltion that mad~ m~ squirm. H~ wdJ moving fd5t, which
His body look~d <0 good to m~. I stayd on my bad dJ he nOrnldl1y migM ha,,~ scared m~, but I want~d him to tak~ me

In lub . jo b l lube jo b 1 16 173

and UJ" ",.. '0"..' hims.-If(Jjf H.. fn'uch..d ,"tUYt'" my!..gs. hardflnh as I could. ,Iidi"g my lip' dow" th.. .Iip"..., .haft
thn. gnIb,"d my J/tIff'S and .p,...ad th (Jpm. My P"<JY- andlappinXth.- thiclt tip u,ith my to"XU". H.. tdst..d J..li";oUJ.
pinlt. w.-t. andi,,><J1kn-u'as t(JldUy (Jp.... t(J him. Th..air hit and / cou/J"~,,..t ....(Juth (Jfhim. Hi, IIU" was <WlJl!.." .znd
it, and I ('O"IJp ..1hu "J<'t m(Jv;nx all (JvtT' itsptats. I" a" i,,- ,...ad,to a ploJ... I SlJu...-ud his balls and r..ggd at th.- IIU" as
It.znr. I pu hu mouth swlrinX and liclti"X and bitingat it. I S'UC1mJ his .....-It. "ou!Ipu his ,,>hot.. body .halr...zbo.... ",.. i"
I gnIbh.-J th.- ibms and duX t"'" baclt (Jfmy h.-ad inw"" ,,"pom...
""'tn'nS. "yinx n(Jt w ('0"''' 0 .. hisflU'.-. N(J XUY has.."..,. do.... I U<tU l!'inX'" k t /,;m co.....i" my mo"th. bur"'" sudJnJy
th..t w ..... 18 ..ax.-r/, b..fi>..... . . . 100uIJp..i his stro"X to"g>« pUJIwi",y hnuI "u'"'y and p<niti(J"..J ..... (J" my h.znJ. and
tirrk my dit.znd sup inw my p",? Jarti"g i" ",""out" ft'w Im...-s. H..UliJ"... "w"tnl ,., h.z.... .....frr'm Mind. I puu..J
timn.. n.....".. -Jr i, tluland ,weltd"'yeli' t"'" Ul.........y h.- m, slti,., up aou!"'" ....bb..J my oW " ,ith his hand,/«II"X .....
'-' .....Jr..J "'y tilS. Ilntil il IlOU thiclt ","" Is"g• .z,"" .zg"i" I ...d. H..puskJhishaNi brluwn "'y!..gs a"';.....It tW<J fi"X"'
rhoutfr I "",uIJ ""nt. <ktp iNW ...... / J,,,,/,/... J ANi gAspnJ at th.. ftJi"x ..f s..J-
H.. Ult IIp fi'r ..,tlm....t 'o 'oud! "'y b,...astJ., ","" I ...zutht J.." pnsm>ltill.., find I fir ",y uWn.-1:J ru" down my thixln.
a".,,1- tJi",~ ofhi! NAutifiJ .....-It. 1Jv"...ad It-'4J s"."o..", n..... u·ith 0"" fast ,hrust. "... pUJIwi his whoi.-. huX".....-1t i,,-
and I i.....xi...-J ht.w p..J ir ,,_/Jfiri "ohm it finAily split sUk. I IlOU" ~ ap«tinx it. ",""IftU fu"""'''' (Jnw t"'" "",mns.
..... opns A"'; ,...It i..to my bo.? H.. " ....t baeIr doum. And With his ........tiUi",Uk. "... X""bh.-J my hip< a"';p..JI..J .....
,.",.." hiJ,....g>« Jipp.-J i ..,.. my,susy 11Ift..J my hiJn,........., J..cIt "p tI",., my Im...-s. H.. ..ou 18 biX sh.zt I COll/J ftd 1m
it. lin hi", ronxw-fuclt fi'rA ,,'/'if... t'- gr<M...-Jfur hi", 1v..J_ jiU......., i>lehofmy,....,. srrrk'hinxaNi.tim..latinx
lO ....... ojfb«a/lNI JiJn~ " t t...........]d. it lilt.. b..fi>rr.
H.. SlOp"",, And I. .."..J '--It. t'- gnIbb..Jmy h.zir.znd H ,.,,.,..Jp.",.pi"X 18 fllSt tM it wsu aU I couIJ do to
p..JI..J my""'.uJ tou",'"hi! <Wi. I _It as ",,,d, ofit asI anJJ su ad, ...,...IfaNI sUy 0" my Jr....n, r"'" w .. nd of1m X"'''U
i"to my _uth.z,..; .....1mJ lilt.. ........... b..fi>,.... H.. It..pt uz:P"X "'ouI i" my ........ H........ wry slro"x. .z,"" h.. U<tU 18 hI",,",J0"
-Oh,..ah. oh"";'. "and t!murinX i"lO my _utI,. ,,,mpi,,x thaI"" nt""'" diJ" ~ It_ fir didn ~ ..A,... how h.z'" h.. U<tU ,k..
hi! dicit sh.zfi bm.wn my titht lips. H.. u,",,,t..J it 18 bad that inx i, lO ",... H.. ,..."..h..J"p ",""X""bh.-J bothof,." J",uIdns,
hi! J..si........... hlmi"x ..... tin ...,.... ""',.... H.. stArt..J tdllrinx UJinx tht-m as kv..r.l".. t.. dri....himsdfdnpnand ""rrbr i,,_
""AUy dirty. Ul,;nx thi"t' lilt.- "lin f...-Itinx pr "",wh".znd sUk ...... It IlOU 18 jiuhy. f...-Jring lilt.. that, lilt.. a"imals. I
·,in !!,inx to co..... dow" 1""r IhnUlt." "nd his WlJrds mad.. U,",,,I..J it,., Imt jVrrwr. / ..w gmi"X 18.... from how hard"...
",..frr'"ti... U<tU hitti"X m... fI ..d my brrasfJ .'-'It ...,ith ... uh "f his thrusts.

I X'"I" him t"'" bnt bkwjob "ny "",,, co..1J aslt fur, .z,"" I AUI co../J hu, ......... m, 0,.", m....1IS, hisX"'"ts, "nd th..ll.z,.
.z1x..I..tdy Iowd Joi"X it. I su..It..J h.z,J. , uUi"g hi! It (Jut pi"X "f"ur bodin comi..x t<>g.-thn: I Itn.-w nnt,," 0 .... ofIII
ofmy mOllth with a loud pop, th.-n sWdllow.-das m h ofth.- "",.../J Imt mweh Io"X.....
H~ let out a low, longgroan, and lJiJ rapidthrusts changed
to ,low and delibmlte as he erupted imide me. I could fiel
waws o/come jet out ofhis cock and fili me up . It wdS warm Th e Mu si c St ore
and UHf, and as 500n as I fit it ,lideowr my elit, J had dn in-
Male, th iny-one
tmu 0'X"'m that ,u med to cripple my body with plea,urt'. It
lingm·Jftra long time, and he kept ,liding in and out ofme,
milking himselfto the last drop and letting mt' mjoy him to Th~ chauffeur park~d in font of a large mu,ic 5tor~ and
the vny end. turned around in his ,eat to hand m~ two CD,. My instruc-
w;. lay down be,ide each other and caugM our b"ath. tions wert: to go to tlu back of th~ <tore, where tlu listming
Jaek told me how good I had filt, and thm got a couple of 5tations we"", and to 5tand k<id~ a womdn listming with a
hm from d 'mall.fridge he had back theN:. J don't think a headut, The chauffiur toU m~ to put on~ ofhi< CD, into th~
drink hdJ ever ttlJted that good. and WI" just lay back and player and listm to it, and then to remoll~ whater!<!r di,c the
drank, with flu porn ,tillplayingon the 7Y. I told him I had woman waf li<tming to andput the oth~r CD into lur play~r.
to go, thm grabbed the cash and flu pager and got out ofthe I a,k~d th~ chauffiur what waf on th~ CD" and h~ <aid it
truck. The sun wdS jU5t 'tarting to com~ up. was ,ounds ofpro1'/~ hailing ,ex. Whm th~ ux CD, were in
Tlu limou<in~ waf waitingfOr m~ ju<ta few yard5 away. both player<, I was to initiat~ mutual ma,turbation with the
and I collap'ed into tlu back5~at. n- chauffeur congratu- woman, riglJt there at th~ li,tming <tations.
lated m~, tlun a,k~d me to writ~ out my ~xp~rienu in d~tail. Th~ consequmus cam~ flooding into my luad, and I was
H~ <aid that I Wd5 now an initiat~ and that my dart: wouU rt:ally clos~ to backing out. It wtlS way too risky. What ifthe
k ,hart:dulith tlu rest ofth~ group, He abo ,aid that now I'd woman 5<:ream~d or called the poliu? Th~ chauffeur took on~
g~t to rt:ad oth~r initidtd <tori~,. I can't wait fOr that. of th~ CDr out of my hand and put it into tlu limo's CD
Right now, I fellik~ 1m wakingfom a drt:am ora tranu play~r. Th~ sounds ofs~x-----groam, moan<, grunt<, and 5igh5-
and I hall<! '0 many qu~,tion<. I <till know II~ry litt/~ about ,ul<!lled imid~ th~ car My fl~,h ting/ed, and I fit a stir of
thi< organiwtion that I am now a part of, and I c~rtainly aroU<al betwem my kg,. I thought how good hand< wouUfi~1
don't know how I had th~ co urag~ to do what I did. I hall~ no on my groin, and I fit brawr
idea what to exp~ct now or ulhats ex1'ect~d of m~, but 1m up Th~ promis~ of5ex can make you do anything. Th~ chauf
fOr another challmge, anytim~, anywlwy, ftur~j~ct~dth~ CDand hand~dit back to me, I took itandgot
Tf,ank you fOr this in=dibl~ ~xp~rimu. I truly hop you out of th~ limo. It waf warm out5id~, 50 I took offmy jack~t
mjoyed rt:ading my initiation dar~, becaU5~ I lowd doing it. and sta""d at th~ ,tort:font. I filt more alill<! than I had in
year< and more viri/~ than ~lJt"1". It wouU be worlh th~ ri<k.
My ball< r=rt' tight as I ent~""d th~ stort:, and walking wtlS

". lub . jo b l l ube jo b 1 16

uncomfortabk . The li5tening ,tations were at the back, j"'t the 0Plm;t,. dirution. ~ltl1 newr be risk fee. ~ J told mJ5e/f
like the driller had described: six stations with 5toob and "Irll newr Ix completely ,aft. "That was the point. That wdS
headuts. The ,tore Ulas moderately bury, and I wandered the the dalY. I rtln my hand down my thigh and thm back up to
allks until a woman went to the listening stations andput on my groin. Tlu woman watched d5 I touched myu/f, rubbing
a headset. She had ,hort blond hair and was attractive my bulge and toying with my zipper
enough. She was lost in her music, obli,tio", as I came and I Mw herbite her bottom lip as Ifinillly unzippedmypants
5tood right beside her andput my CD in. The JOund hit me. and ,lipped myfinger> imide. Theftel ofmy jingm agai",'
The50und ofa ulOman gasping in my ear, climaxing. My cock my throbbing cock wd< electric, and the thr;li ofpublicly n;-
twitched. posing my>clf to a ,tranger made flu , em ation ellen ,tronger.
I lifted one of the Mrphone5 offand kaned toward the The luad ofmy cod pushed through, and the cool air of flu
woman to catch Jurattention. She smiled and took her head- room hit it. Tlu womdn ,ta"d at it but ,till didn't mor~.
5et off "Try this, " I 5aid in a friendly ,mice, as I inurted the I foreed mysclfto redch out and touch the zipper of her
5ff ond CD into herplayer "It's what I'm llltening to, and its jearn. J expected he to rt'dct in , orne Wd)\ either to ",is! or to
great. ~ help, but ,Iu did ncither. Shejust ,food tkand ,ta"dat me,
"Sure, thanks, "5he 5aid and 5tarted to li,ten. her expm,ion totally bldnk. With both hands, I unbuttoned
I held my breath, waitingfor butfaring Jur reaction. She her jMns and un:dpped them. She didn't stop me. She was
drew in a 5harp breath. I 5toodfoun, waiting to see if ,he wearing white cotton pantie5, and a lightning bolt ofpleasure
would run or call ucurity. but ,he didn't mow, and in that 5truck my cock when I .aw them.
5econd I knew I had her I knew it. My cock got hard, and my The heavy breathing and moaningin my Mrs and in hers
erection ,trained against my pants. She kept li,tening. was irresi,tibk. I don't think anyone could've llltened to it
I fixed my ryes on her, and she glanced back, shing me up and kft without rekase. I could hear the slapping ofbodies
and weighing the situation. I looked down at the bulge in my comingtogether, the thr",t5 ofa man penetrating a WOmdn,
pants, and she followed my gau. Then the incredible hap- the uncontrolledgroans ofecstasy, and the wet sound, ofsuck-
pened: Shegrinned. It was barely noticeable, but it was ddn- ing. It wa, too much.
gerous, and I knew she wasgame. Just like that. Driwn on by the wunds, I 5howd my fingers down the
That was the single mmt incredibk moment ofmy lift, the font ofherjeans and pmsed them against herpussy. I could
most incredible realhation I'w eoer had: that I could walk feel the mOllture ofher juices soaking through her panties. I
up to a complete ,tranger and appealto that part ofher and felt her clit through the ftbric and maS5aged it with myfin-
that I could win her It was a rU5h ofexcitement, power, and gertip. Pa,t thepoint ofturning backor caring ifI gotcaugM,
pleasure. I twi,ted my wrllt and mowd the crotch ofher panties a,ide
I looked upfor security camelW and saw two pointing in to 5ink two fingers deep into herpUS5J-

lub . jo b l lube jo b _16

'" '"
The woman couldn't keep up her ,tonefitu anymore, and though 1 don't know how he knew I'd actUdl1y completed the
,he rocked her hip> toward me, She lowered her body to push dare. He told me to write down what happened in the ,tore,
myfinger, deeper into her, and then reachedout and ,queezed and that ,omebody from the group would be in contact JOon.
my cock. My God, it was all 1 could do to not bur,t come into The whole thing only took fille or ,ix minute,. Yet without
her palm rig'" then. The pleasure bordered on pain. The a doubt, tho,e were the most incredib"', potent minute> ofmy
filthy ,ounds and the ri,k ofgetting caught made it the most lift, I'm ,0 glad 1 went through ulith it. 1 look fOrward to
powerfUIsl'XUal encounter anyone could ewr experienu. hearingfrom the group and to what come> next.
The woman ,pooned my hand with /Jerown until/Jerfin -
ger, werejuicy. Then ,he grabbed my cockand made my,haft
,lick with /Jer juice>. She dipped herJelfa feul more time>,o The Train
her hand ,troked ,moothly, uJ/Jile all the while, 1 teaJedher. 1
Male, fony, and Female, thirry-seven
tapped her clit,fingered the wet lip, of/Jer pu,sy, then pushed
my finger> up into her
She then ,tarted the most paralyzing rhythm r,le everfit. My wift and I were out fir dinner when the waiter ap-
Her left hand ,queeud the base of my cock hard enough to proached us at about ten P.M., and told us that a limousine
hurt, befOre ,he pulled up with a pinch on the head. Barely was waitingfOr us out,ide. We couldn't be/iew the time had
letting me penetrate her closedIllt, ,he again went down my really come. w;. drove around in the limo fOr a while, until
,haft. Then again. And again. Again. the chauffeur suddenly pul"'d owr next to a train ,tation. He
It took less than a dozen of her ,troke, to make it build. ,aid, "Your instruction, are to get on the train, find a woman
Only a fw more, and I erupted. The come rocketedout ofmy ,itting alone, and propo,ition her fir a threesome," He ,aid
cock like netlCr befOre. It racked my body, making me arch my there werea number ofmote" in the area Ule could use.
back and almost groan out loud. 1 knew ,he was coming, too. I could tell by the way my wife was laughing and mOiling
She gyrated her body down onto my fingeN, mOIling her hip, her body that ,he wa, excited by the idea. I definitely was, w;.
in circle, and breathing heallily. She kept ,troking me the got out ofthe limo and took the next train , There were ,ewral
whole time, ,quee"ing out every drop. 1filt the extra moi,ture women on it, but none turned my wife on. Ewn looking
run down my finger>, and 1 knew ,he wasfinished, around like that was amazing, and my dick , tarted to pound
She did her pant, up and left quickly without looking hard in anticipation.
back. I thougM about taking the CDs, but the Jecurity cam- w;. satat the back ofthe train and talked about /IOW Ule were
eras were turning and 1 didn't want to look ,uspicious, '0 I going to approach ,omebody. How do you ask ,omebody that?
didn't. Ilefi the 'tore, and the chauffiur congratulated me, al- "Hey, how'dyou like to get a room and haw JeX with u,r Or

lub. jo b l lube jo b 1 16
"Hey, my wife think,you're hot, and its my birthday. . . .~\Vto and my "lift chuckledandp ut her hand on the lady, back. W'to
didn't have a clue to what u~'d »r when the right woman opened flu door to the room, and that broke flu iu: All ofus
came along. kmghrd, ,incr the room wasexactly like the onesyou,et' in flu
After a few ,top" a woman in a ,hort ,kirtgot on the train moviu. It was 5mall and dirty, with an old INd---no box
and ,a t down ahead ofus. I knew by the way my wife watched 5pring-----and a du"pi! black-and-white IV in the ronur
her that,he could be our girl. \Vto rkcided that it mig'" be bet- Yet th~ was something about the room that wa, turning
ter if my wife went up to her, ,0 I ,at back and watched a, ,he ali of us on , Stranger5 togetfur in a jeedy room fir only ont'
mor~d to the Jeat next to the UiOman. It made me ,0 hard rt'aJon. The room was dirty, but JO "1m our intention, and wt'
watching my own Ulife do that,just knowing that ,he UldJ try- wnY: aligetting mort' turned on by flu second. At lemt I know
ing to find me another woman tofUck. My wifi tried to ,trike I was. What guy ham't drt'dmrd about doing it with two
up a conversation, but the girl didn't ,eem to be into it, ,0 ,he women? We all exchanged g1dnu5, nervou, at fint, but 500n
gave up Prt'ttyfdJt. The girl got offat the next ,top. wt' wt'rt' mort' arouud than anxioU5. We couldn't wait to be-

\Vto were determined to try again. It made u, bra,~ to do it gin. but nobody wa, SU/7how to start or what wt''d actually
that first time . After ali, even though the lady didn't go fir it, do. ~x iJ a niltural thing, but it's awkward to get something
nobody had noticed anything and everything wa, ,aft. At the like that ,tarted.
next , top, a woman in a bu,ineH mit got on and <at aero" My wift took the lead and unbunoned her blou,e, then
from us. It wa, pelftet. She wa, pelftct. My wife , truck up a rt'achedout and ,tarted to undre" the lady. The lady didn't rt'-
friendly com!t'r,ation, and soon we U!eTe at! chatting. The , i, t, and her head feli back on her ,houlders, JO we knew ,he
woman d5ked where we wert' heading, and my wife ,aid, wasgeningoffon it. Soon they wert: both undreHed, and I was
"\Vto're j ust lookingfir a little harmleH fUn, but we need an- ' tanding thert' looking at two naked UiOmen. My wife hd5 a
other player for what we have in mind . . . Do you have any curvy body with a ,mat! patch of dark pubic hair, but thi,
plans?" woman had ,mat! bred5f> with a triangle of blonde hair be-
It took a ,econd to regi,ter, but then the lady got it. She tween fJer leg" and I liked that they wert'' 0 different. It felt,o
kept blinking and ,moothing down thefront ofher pant,. My wrong to be looking at them, and that turned me on even
wife <aid, ''Ifyou're not in a hurry, why not get a room ulith more.
us, and we'lljust see what happen,?" The lady nodded, and I My wife threw herself on the bed and opened fJer leg<,
, tarted vllualhing myselfpounding her with my wife on the winking at me. I took my clothe> offand held on to my dick,
bed rig'" be,ide us. \Vto jumped off at the next ,top and which was 'tanding out from my body like a flagpole by that
cheeked into the fint ,cummy motel we came aero". point, waiting fir what came next. The uJ/JOle thing wd5
The three ofus climbed a rickety flig'" of'tain until U~ mind-blowing to watch. My wife ,pread her leg<, and the lady
arrived at room number ,even. "Lucky number seven,"I <aid, , tarted to eat her out. My wife wd5 ,qu irming and moaning

lub . jo b l lube jo b _16

'" '"
and grabbing the lady's head, pU5hing her mouth onto her You couU afmm! ta,t~ tlJ~ ux going on in that room. J was
PU5SY. I ,tood looking riglJt overtop and got a close-up ofher brt'dt!linghard and doing that wom"n harder than l'wever
getting tongued. Her clit was more ,wolkn than I've roer,een done it befim·. She let out d yll as ,Iu orga,medand herpUj'y
it, and the lady kept sucking on it, making her groan really contracted around my cock. BetuYm thatfeling and my wift
loudly. My wife wd5 rubbing and pinching her own tits, a 5quu:dngmy ball" I couldn't ,topfrom coming. J relca.<cd my
,iglJt that made me lose control. loadinto her body. It fit like hot lava,hootingout ofme, bet-
I climbed on top ofmy wife in the ,ixty-nine po,ition and ter and ,tronger than J could eWT haw imdgined.
toU her to suck me whik I watchedthe other woman eat her My wift and I collap,ed onto flu bed, but the womdn only
out. I wm pU5hed my fingers into my wife's pU5SJ uJ/Jile the galkd lue clotlm and almo,t ran out ofthe room , W'to tried
lady tonguedit at the sametime. w,. did that ftr a whik, all to tel! her to jtily and",ffir a moment, but ,he took off I
ofuspoking and sucking, with my wifej hot mouth around don't know ij,he wa, embarrassed or ij,he jU5t got what ,Iu
my cock like never beftre. Each time I ,lid myfinger into my came fir and thert: wds no rt'd5on to ,tid around. We doud
wife, ,hea'suck even harder. I wd5 ,urprisedwhen she let out awhile but wt'17 woken up by a knock at flu door. It wa, flu
a sCrt'dm and camehard, but I couUn'tblameherftr coming chauffiur. He asked U5 to /Ycount thc details ofoue th,.u,ome,
'0 p,t. and that i, what U~ ha,~ done,
My wifepu,hed me offofherand toU me tofUck the other HopefUlly whoet£r reads this will get ,ome pled5ure out of
woman. I'd been achingto hearher,ay that. I pulled thelady it. W'to definitely don'thave any regret, for accepting this dare,
onto her knees and ,tartedpounding herfom behind d.< hard even though we've nroer done anything like this beftre. W'toa'
d5 I couU, not really becaU5e I wanted to go that hard on her, be happy to do anotherone, d5long d.< were together.
but becaU5e I couUn't ,top myself It felt '0 different ,inking
my dick into another woman. The sight ofher bare d5s riglJt
in font ofme, with my dick going in and out, wd5 too much
to bear.
I came close to coming a few time" and had to ftrce my-
,elfto slow down, but that tiglJt pussy hugging and'queezing
my dickfelt '0 good, and my wife kept urging me to go harder.
I plungedinto heragain and again, and each time I got closer
to orgd5m. The woman wdS getting closer, too. I couU tell
by the way,he pushed her dSs back into me, My wife reached
under me and 'queezed my balls while I pumped the other
woman's pU5SJ

... lub. jo b l l ube jo b _16 .

10 our knees in exhaustion rather than admiration . Bm
it wasn't just one list, for Lyd ia had perfected he. own
complex system of independent and interrelated lists tha t
covered every aspect of her home, family, work, and recre-
ational life. This accomplishment had earned he. the tide
of Lydia the Lis! Lady, and it was by this name that her
!Lube !Job # .7 friends and family often referred to her.
To the dis may of her husband, Neil, forry"four, and the
five teenage children under their roof, Lyd ia's list rampage
The Checkli st-Sexual Position s had a long reach. Every morning, she would hand each
member of the family hi, or he. own list of things to do,
clean, buy, fix, finish, and so forth . Every nigh t, she would
collect al l the lists and amend them based o n what was ac -
f you've ever ta ken your vehide to a drive-thru lube sta- tually accomplished or on whal new items needed to be
Ition, you were probably handed you r car's checklist when added. In the morning, the lists were redistributed to their
the job was done: it's the ite mized list of services , from the rightful holders. Sound effective? Pro bab ly, to some ex-
hot-oil change to the brake fluid top-up, the techs per- tent. So und fun?
formed on the e ngine. This checklist not o nly informs you Lydia a nd N eil had been married for eight years. It was
of what's been done, it also reminds the tech of w ha t he or the second marriage for both of them, and they shared
she has to do . Pe rso nally, I don't seem to ever leave the their ho me w ith the children from their first marriages :
house without a list in my pocket: buy a birthday present Lydia's three daughters were thirteen, fifteen, and eighteen,
for my nephew, pick up Dons contacts at the optometrist's wh ile N eil's daugh ter a nd son we re thirteen a nd sixteen,
office, return my son's lib ra ry books, drop off our taxes at respectively. Both Lydia and Neil expressed great satisfac-
the accountant's, find those drops that are supposed to heal tion with their marriage as well as with the blended-family
the fish's eye infection. N o , it doesn't get any more exciting sltuaUon.
than that, not even for sex wri ters. ULyd ia would do anything for my kids, and I would for
l\.I odern life is lived in the fas t lane, and almost all of us hers, too,n says Neil. "Neither one of us did a very good
rely on lists of so me sort, fro m the weekly grocery list to job picking our first spouses, bur we both wised up with
the everyday «to do" list ; however, some of us have lo n ge r our second . I ca n't complain about how Lyd ia treats my
lists than others. Lyd ia, forty-five, a wife, working mother, kids. Even when she's going crazy w it h her lim , she doesn't
and stepmom, had a list that would m a ke most of us drop bark orders or act like a dictator. I thi nk she's just over-

lub e job e 17 1&1

whelmed since she's started back to work full-lime, and their ages, n she says. -ra push a list into their hands every
she's desperate to find a way to gel all the little things done . single morning, and they'd JUS! grit their teeth and "'y,
Everyone adores Lydia and tries to stick to his or her list, 'Th a n ks .'~

bur she does go overboard sometimes. ~ In fact, it was Lydia's kids and stepkids who inadver-
~ I like things to be in order," says Lydia, -r like the tently Jed her to examine he. own list of priorities.
house to be dean; I like the fridge to be full of healthy ult was l\.I other's D ay, and we were all sitting at the
food; I like the kids to be on time for all their different dining-room table having de..ert. I was opening presents ,
sports and activities. When you have a house full of five and when I opened one of the cards, a really long list fell
teenagers you're always alwaY5 alwaY' hopping. Your life is oU!. T he kids had all gotten together and made a list of the
in the details . Yo u have to maximize every second, and you things they loved about me, and how much they appreci-
have to prioritize, which is why I keep lists for everything. ated me. I couldn't hold back the tears. It was probably the
It's the only way to make sure everything gets taken care of. most beaUliful gift I've ever been given, and I remember
As soon as you start slacking off, things get missed . ~ exactly how jt felt to be noticed Uke that."
Like sex, for example .
~NeiI's been known to add 'sex' to my list when I'm not

looking,n says Lydia. "I'd usually laugh and ignore it. I Th ank. 10 Ihe elTo r" of a woma n
used to think he was just joking and that he was doing it nanle<! Anna Jarvis, Presidenl Woodrow
just to get a laugh more than anything. I never really Wi lson declared Mother's Day a holiday in 1914.
stopped to think aboUl the fact that he wasn't getting BUI AnnaJarvis soon beca me outraged by Ihe
much sex, and I'd say I definitely underestimated how im- commerdalism of th e holi day and was arrested
portant it was to him . I wasn't missing it, so it wasn't on for distu rbing th e peace at a convention where
my list. That meant it wasn't on his list, either. ~ wh ile carna tions-her own mOlher's favorite
"O f course I missed it," says Neil, «and there were times flower-were being sold for profil.
I'd feel bent our of shape about not getting it as often as I
want ed. I'd jot 'sex' down on her list and cross my fingers
she'd get the point, bur she just shrugged it off. Then she'd The list did more than make Lyd ia cry; it also made her
be off doing something for one of my kids, so I'd feel like realize how far oUl of order her priorities really were. "I
an ass for getting mad at her." had such a feeling of validation and importance when I
Somehow, Lydia's listmania didn't alienate her from read that list. I wanted Neil to have that same feeling of
her children or stepchildren, although she wonders how importance, bur when I started to think about it, I realized
that was possible. «T hose kids had a lot of tolerance for that I wasn't treating him as a priority. I read the two lists I

... lu be jo b l lu be jo b 1 17 .
was working on for him. One was called House, and the " Learn more abour your goals for the furure
other was Yard. Spring break was coming up, and since all " Save some time and energy at the end of the day
the kids would be gone to their other parents' houses, I was jus t for you
planning to get a lot done around our house. The lists in- " Always treat you with respect in front of the kids
cluded things like buy new garden hose, check sump " Look my best for you
pump, paint the downstairs baseboards. It suddenly seemed " Treat you as a person, not just my husband
insane. We had five days together without tlu kids, and I
was thinking abour the sump pump?n UI wanted to remind Neil and myself that we were in
So Lyd ia the List Lady started two new lists for Neil. love,n says Lydia. Ult's scary how you can almost forget
The first was called Love, and the second was called Sex. that, even if you're happy. Yo u have to remember that
The Love list contained all the things Lydia would concen- you 're lovers and partners as well as parents. Our kids are
trate on to show her husband that he was a priority in her going to be gone in just a few short years, and I don't want
life. The list read as follows : us to be one of those couples who stare at each other across
the table, thinking 'N ow what do we d o? Now what do we
talk abour? Who the hell are you, anyway?' A couple has to
The Love List
focus on staying in love in the midst of all the distracting
" Kiss you and tell you I missed you when you get details oflife.
home The Sex list was less sentimental, but just as moving.
" Thank you for working so hard and being a great "T he Love list was all about emotion,~ explains Lyd ia,
husband and dad "bu c I knew Neil was feeling forgotten in a physical way,
" Focus on giving you more love and fewer lists too. He was a man in need of some serious maintenance
" Let you have time away with your friends when- sex. I remembered all those times he'd scribbled 'sex' onto
ever possible my lists, so I decided to give him what he wanted in a big
" Be less critical way. I w anted him to be turned on just by reading it, so I
" Rela x and let you relax made it a list he'd w ant to get to work on right away.u
" Get my priorities straight To that end, the Sex list contained a list of sexual posi-
" M ake time for date nights (without the kids!) tions that Lydia and Neil used to practice or had yet to try.
" Ask what you'd like to do, instead of always Being a creative woman, Lydia even crowned some posi-
telling you what to do tions with thei r own unique titles . And although it's any-
" Remind myself often how much and why I one's guess how some of these names looked in action, the
love you list read as follows:

lube jo b l lube job . 17

We 're not being pigs; it', just how we are. 'When Lydia is
The &x List
sexual with me, I feel much more loved. And I almosl hate
cf The Battering Ra m 10 say it, but I'm more aware of my love for her. ~

cf Rear Entry -n,«, a big difference between men and wom en , ~ says
cf Leaning Tower of Pisa Lydia. uFor me, the love list is far more meaningful than
cf Sideways Slam mer the sex list, but I realize that isn'l necessarily so for men .
cf Doggy Style Keep ing them satisfied in the sex department inslead of
cf Sta nding just saying how we feel shows lhem how much we love
cf Sitting rhem . M aybe it's as simple as actions speak louder than
cf The Scissors words for men . That's why I now think maintenance sex is
cf The Rocking H o rse a lot more important than I used to . It never used 10 be on
cf Bucking Bronco my Iisl al all, but now it', always at the top. 'What do I care
if lhe garden hose has a hole in it when my husband isn't
"T he Love list meant a lot to me , says N eil , "but I
U feeling loved or satisfied? It's a ma lter of getting YOut pri-
m ust admit it didn'l ge t my altemion like her Sex Iisl did . oritie, sl raigh c.
I already knew Lyd ia loved me , but I was begin ni ng to Well , if a hard-core liSl maker like Lydia can reconsider
think that she wasn't tha t interested in .ex wilh me any- her priorities, so can the rest of us. H er checklist approach
more. It wasn't merely a turn-on to read the Sex Iisl, it was is a wonderful way for a woman to show her m an thaI he
also a huge relief. It w as proof that she hadn'l abandoned is the mosl important part of her life and to give him a
me sexually. And I couldn't wait to find o ut how so me o f strong sense of worth. Why not make your own Love list ,
lhose moves worked. ~ lailored to suit your life togel her, and give it to your part-
According to N eil, many women don't truly appreciate ner? If you're always on lhe go , lell him you'll try to slow
lhe fundamental co nnection between love and sex that ex- down and be more affectionate . If he never has any time to
ists for men . uLol Sof guys can go out and have slrictly sex- himself, tell him you'Hlry to give him more time to un-
ual affairs and love isn't parI of tha t, but in a marriage or a wind , whether it's playing video game, or shooting pool
lo ng-term monogamous relationship, sex and love go hand with his friends. Make sure your li, t lets him know how
in hand . Once the sex starts to disappear, feeli ngs of inti- appreciated, needed, and re'pected he is as a m an, nol just
macy and love also starr to go away. When Lydia and I as your partner.
wo uld go two or lhree weeks wilhout sex, ra feel our con- Jus t when he thinks things can't gel any belter, give him
nect ion slretching lhin. Sex is kind of the glue that holds a a seco nd list- a list of sexual positions-and teH him you
man to a wom an and makes rhe relalionship stick together. can't wait to start checking off the positions with him!

lub e jo b l lube job . 17

'" '"
Even if your relationship is a happy one, your man may on you go. 'When you give your man the list, you provide him
occasion feel more physically forgotlen than you realize . A with a straightforward yet guiltless way ro express his needs
Sex list is an erotically effective way to show him that and ask for sex. T hat's a bigger gift than you might think.
you've remembered his needs and that you're commitled to The positions described below are fairly lame (so rry, no
fulfilling lhem. It's also a wo nderful way 10 emotionally swinging from the chandeliers or Olympic-gymnast back-
and sexually validate you r man and 10 bulletproof your re- flips); however, they should be enough to please or at least
latio nship. 10 inspire you 1o explore a few new angles on your own. Of
This lube job describes a number of sexual positions course, only you can judge your physical abilities , and if
you may wish 10 include in your Sex liSl, but don't be lhere are moves you don'l feel comfortable trying, skip
afraid 10 jot down a few zigzags yo u'd like to tesl drive. The rhem or adapl rhem to suit your abilities and preferences.
excitement of a new or unusual sexual position is an easy Consider some of the following moves in your sex list.
way 10 add a sexy twist 10 lovemaking. M en find it very If you're feeling creative, you can give each one your own
arousing to see and feel a w om an's body move in different personali=:! tirIe, as Lyd ia did.
ways and especially to experience penetralion at different
angles . 1. From behind: M an lying on top ofwoman.
Lie facedown on the bed, and have your partner lie o n
lOp of you. To help him penetrale you, place a pillow un-
C lea r the d uner off the dresser so your der your body to lift your bum off the bed. This w ill also
man ca n wa tc h in the mirror as he make your vagina feel tighle r as he enters you. Your man
penetrat es yo u in d iffer ent positions. To make can thrust while lying f1al on lOp of you, or he can sit up
your bedro o m an erot ic fun hou se, position a and straddle you r body while yo u lie facedown . When he
number of mirrors aro u nd the bed .0 he can ge t a sits up, ask him to grab your hips or squeeze your buttocks
J60-degree view of all the act ion . H e'll be the . tar
as he thrusts into you; you'll both love it. And since this
of hi . own . how.
position is a greal one for stimulating the G -spot , you
won't be bucking him off.

To use yo ur Sex lise for maintenance purposes, place it 2. Woman on top: Ma n lying on back,
In your man's keeping and «u him 10 present it 10 you woman straddling him.
when he', in need . If yo u're energetic, you can complele l\Ien love this one, since they get 10 lie back while you
rhe list in one sweaty sex session. Or the two of you can do all the work. Have your man lie on his back, lhen slrad-
wo rk down lhe list over time, checking off each position as die his erect penis and lower yourself onto it, guiding it

.. lub e jo b l lu be job . 17
int o your body wilh your hand. If you'"" tall, it might be head, which will in tu rn facilirare . ome delicious deep Peo-
.uffici~n l for you to lift and low~r yourso'lf wh il~ on your errarion.
Im..,s; hoWC'V~r, if you'"" pcli l~, you may have to ""j1Ll1 and After a whil~, you may wi. h to ",turn to your original
u.., l"'g powe-r 10 rai.., and low~r yourso'if. Mak~ a .peetad~ d ose-kgg«l po.irion. H a"" you r man kn..,1 back up, the n
of p umpi ng your man in th i. posilion, .in"" rh~ mo"" =- bend you r knees and tuck Ihem in d ..... to you r chest.
thusiasric you are-Ihe more you bou n"" and grind---the Your pan ncT can u.., your kn~ for . uppan as he
rna"" tu rned on he'll be. Lcr him really ger o ff on the . ight thrusl' into you. Be .u"" to k""'Pyour 1m""" bent and your
of your naked b""asu and body toweri ng above him: play l"'gs ligh tly tognhn-. Slight chang.... lik~ th is :oR" eaoy and,
wirh your nipples , arch your hack to tnlly gn rh..... b ream if made midst ride, will affect th~ way pene lration f..,l. for
001 rhere. and slide a hnge r down to enjoy the fed o f hi. ~h of you and k..,p your C'l[citMn~nl 1n"'1 up.
penis =t~ring you.
To add "'me K'Xy variny, lean hack un til your body i. 4. Sundin:: WOmllni baclt ataimt tIw w.J1
resring on euenerched arms. MO'VC your feet up dO!itr to If you'"" abk to pull il off, thi. 0""" nasty. (In the best
your partner's head for otability, lhen u.., your ann. and way, of courso'.) 'l: 'rap you r I~ around your man and ei-
kgs to mek up and down , pumping your man', peni•. Thi. tber hold on to hi• .hould"n rightly o r """"p your arm.
Inn-had; position chang." th" angle of pennration and around his n«1t to . top yuur body from .liding down his.
....rin se......rion. Your hack .hould be otr.>igh t again" Ik wall. and. if he
presses your body again" the w:oll hard "nough whik ""
J. WOmlln /yint on boult, mIln Jrnnlint. thruou, Ihat will also help you from .lipping. Ttll him to
Lie on your back and uise your kgs otraighl in tk air. lift you by your bUllOCks u he thrust•. Dont wa rty if you
with your feet resting on your man', .houldn-o. To hodp =- CUI't Juswn thi. position for too long or un til orgasm; you
try and make your vagina fn.llight~r, place a Ihick. pillow CUI always r ralUf~r rhe, fntivi tin to th" floor and h nish. in
under your bum. If you prrlC1". k..,p yuur kgs dOKd and anorher posilion.
"",t holh your f= on one of your pannc's shoulders in-
ste2d. He can wr.>p his arm. arou nd you r l~ to .teady 5. Miu irma'].
your body as he thrusts into you. He Un CVC1"l lift up you r l lo" mi..io nary position-with the, woman lying on
lcgs (whether they'"" (10.«1 or open) to r.>ise you r bod y h" r back and Ih" ma n lying o n top of h~r. fac"..to-fac..-
highe r and play even me re wilh th" angl" o f pennration . hu an un d"",rv..dly bad ""putalio n, nor unlik~ mainl"..
To delou r into an easy variation, opcn your kg. so your nan", K'X ir.df. Ao long as you don't lie the re like a cold
man un l~an forward ever your bod y to ....1 on hi. o ut- dead h.h, th" mi..io nary po.irion has g""al erotic poten-
"""[ch«l arms. Th is will bring your I~ up o"" r your tial. You can look into you r man's eyes to show him your

106 h.b s Job s l.. bs j ob ' 17 107

Or reach underneath to squeeze his testicle. or fondle his
-.' G ET O UT O F BED petineum. You can also ask him to lift one of your legs and
Try new .exllal po.ition. o n th e floor of hold on to it by the thigh as he thrusts. This w ill let him go
yo ur bedroom, bending over yo ur dre••er o r even deeper and will ma ke your clitoris easier to reach for stim-
hanging off the edge of the bed. The sce nery i. ula tion .
different from every point, and this . n,all change
ca n bring bi g excite me nt to the experience. 7. Sitting: Man and woman faCt!-to-ftCt!.
Like the missionary position, this one lets you and your
man enjoy intercourse while facing each other. H ave your
enraptured expression; you can kiss his mouth, neck, face man sit uprigh t on the bed (or on the edge of the bed with
and shoulders; and you can ru n yo ur hands all over his his legs hangi ng over the side) and swing one of your legs
back, shoulders, and even his chest when he lifts his body over his lap so that you're silting on top of him, face-to-
up a bit. So don't slander this position unnecessarily. Wrap face. Use YOut hand to guide his penis inside you . Either
your legs atound your man's body, run your nails down his hold on to his shoulders or w rap your arms atound his
back, kiss his thtoat, and whisper sweet nothings (or dirty neck to help lift your body up off his penis and then lower
thoughts) into his ear as he thrusts. it bac k down . You'JI have to do most of the work, but th is
For an easy on- the-Ry change, alternate between open- is such a sweedy intimate position that yo u won't mind .
ing YOut legs wide and squeezing them tightly d osed as he Take advantage of this face-to-face time by kissin g your
penetrates yo u ftom above . Or, keep yo ur legs together man deeply on his mouth, neck, and shoulders. Gyrate
and tw ist YOut body until you're more or less lying on your hips to add extra sensation.
your side.
8. Front to back: M an lying on back, woman
6. Doggystyle. lying on top of him, on her back.
Ah, don't you jus t love the classics? Of course, In this This is another one the boys really love. Have YOut man
time-tested favorite, you're on all fours as yo ur m an kneels lie Rat on his back, then lie Rat on top of him, on your
behind yo u and penetrate. you from behind. H e can grab back, with you r head over his . H e can now reach up and
onto your shoulders or hips for leverage if he wants to go around to feel your naked breasts and body on top of him .
harder or faster. To add to your pleasure, have your man It may take so me minor maneuvering to slip his penis in-
reach around to stimulate your clitoris while he thrusts . To side, but it's worth the effort. Thrusting is best kept slow
increase his excitement, as he thrusts push your bum back and sure in this exquisite position.
against him to show him just how good he feels inside yo u .

... lu b e jo b l lu be job . 17
9. W'oman on top: Woman straddling man,
facing his feet.
Have your man lie Raron his back with his legs .traighr
OUI. and then straddle his body, facing his feel. This posi-
lion allows him to enjoy Ihe sight of your naked back and
bum on lOp of him and is a great spin on the slandard
wo man-o n-top. By facing his feet, you change rhe angle of
penetration and the feel of his Ihrum. To play with the an-
gIe srill more, lean forward (Ioward his feer) and push
yourself back onro his penis , pumping. AI; a variation, have
your man spread his legs. Squat between them with your
knees rogether and your hands on his knee., and use his
knees as support to raise and lower yourself onto his penis . The feel and sighr of your bodie. rogether in differenr
ways-moving, touching, thrusting, watching-is what
10. The wheelbarrow: Woman standing on her ramps arousal. So gear your man up for a night of sharp
hands, man standing on his fiet. !Urns.
This one isn't as difficulr as it sounds-hone.tly! (A l-
Ihough it's more of a challenge if you're a 101 shorter rhan
your parmer.) Gel onto your hands and knee. on the Roor,
and then have your man lift your legs up unr il he's holding
you by your Ihigh•. AI; you support yourself on your
hands, he pulls your vagina onto his penis. 'While this
mighl sound like a lot ofeffort, it really isn't, as long as you
aren'r too heavy. And sex doesnr always need ro be a leisure
activity. Don't be afraid to work up a sweal now and then.
AI; you work rhrough this or your own list of sexual rv-
siriom, don'r become preoccupied with perfect form. The
excitement comes from rhe novelty of the effort, not Raw-
less positioning. If you can't bend rhat/hold thatllift rhat!
do that, then Iry something else. If a move jusr doe.n't d o
anything for you or your parmer, slide into rhe nexI one .

'00 lub e jo b l lube j ob .17

night you shared a ravaging stand-up quickie against the
refrigerator of your first apartment?
Sadly, sexual spontaneity fades from a long-term cou·
pIe's life as the routine of work, home, kids , worries ,
chores, bills, whatever, takes over. Often, it disappears
completely, and the loss is one to be grieved. Fo rtu na tely,
we can resurrect this pale memory from our past and
breathe new life into it. Al l it takes is a playful spirit and a
willingness to throw the almighty routine into the back-
The Backseat Drive -in-Sex in the Car seat once in a while. And nowhere is this attitude more
useful than in the performance of maintenance sex.

o m e of the most special times a couple shares are the

S result of a last· minute change in plans, a spur-of.the.
moment decision, or an unplanned whirlwind vacation.
Is sex mo re a n noying than arousing? It
might j us t be bad timing that h as yo u
growling. Practice "pla n ned spontaneity" b y
Spontaneity is freedom . It reminds a couple that they have lelling yo u r man know the best a nd wor.t tin'es
some control over their lives, that they aren't slaves to their to initiat e . ex with you. After date night . good.
routine, and that they exist as man and woman indepen. On the phone with M om . bad.lfhe make. the
dently of their children or other responsibilities . 'When a m ove. when yo u' re a p t t o be recep tive, hi. odds
couple takes an unplanned detour they sometimes find not will improve.
only that the experience is fim, but also that it creates a
lifelo ng memory that strengthens their history together.
l\.I ost of us have these kinds of memories: that wrong Darren and Jenny were a bu.y working couple com-
turn that brought us to the best cheeseburger joint we'd plete with two adult children, two child·substitute spaniels,
ever found; that movie we rented by accident that turned matching laptop., and a frighteningly comprehensive
out to be hilarious; that garage sale we decided on a whim knowledge of mutual funds who were admitted kiss-your-
to stop at , only to find the rare stained.glass window that feet slave. to a brutal dictatorship routine of work and
now adorns the front door to our home. Spontaneous sex· play. Sex, however, wasn't part of the regime .
ual experiences can also be the most memorable. Remem· - t was going through early menopause and just wasn't
ber the first time your man leaned in to k iss you or the that interested in sex," admits Jenny, forry.six. "Combine

l u b e jo b _ 18 203
that with a recent job promotion and an extra ten or fif- shouldn't have been worried . T he fact that I was worried
teen houes a wee k at the lab, and ( really couldn't have been sent my red flags up, and I took a good look at my marriage .
less interested in lovemaking. D arren would bring it up at I realized that I, and my marriage, had become boring, pre-
times, mostly asking if I need ed hormone replacement to dictable, and celibate. D arren was a forced celibate ."
get back in the mood. It was my decision to go through
menopause without medical intervention. Looking back, it
was a somewhat selfish decision . I went months wi thout Many wom en nperience a loss o f
wanting sex, and D arren's needs jus t fell off my radar screen ." seI Ual d esire during n,enopause or
So what brough t the blip of D arren's sexual needs back perim enopau se, primarily du e 10 hormonal
onto the screen? im bala nce. of estrogen, pro geslerone, a nd
U( was in his e-mail account for an innocent reason leslOsTerone. Vaginal dryness, mood . wi ngo, and
when I noticed a subject li ne that read 'Fly away with me!' fatigue are also common , which ca n further lowe r
Ih e libido and p UI a strain on you r sex life. H elp
I opened it and found it w as from a neighbor of ours. She
i. ava ilable, 5O .ee yo ur doctor.
was laughing about an occasion when they'd bumped into
each other w hile dog walkin g. They'd taken the alley back
to our street and srumbled across some kids trying to get a
kite out of a tree . I guess D arren dimbed up and got it Jenny deleted the e-mai l, added the na ugh ty neighbor
down, and then they went back to the park and flew the to the blocked sender's list, and didn't bring the issue up
kite with the kids for a while. It sou nded like they'd had a with Darren. Instead , she sprang into immediate action .
lot of fun. I could n't rem em ber the last time Darren and I "Talk is cheap, ~ says Jenny. ''I'm all about results . Any-
had tha t kind of experience, and ( felt jealous I hadn't way, it wasn't conversation that we needed to engage in . I
shared it with him . He hadn't m entio ned any of it to me, stopped D arren on the stairs. H e w as heading to the base-
and I must admit ( felt insecure about it. I didn't even ment to work out, but I asked him to come with me in-
know she had his e-mail address." stead. We got into the car and ( d rove straight to the adult
Jenny had reason to be concerned; the wom an her hus- video store. I parked outside, and he starred laughing so
band had bumped into was well known among the wives hard ( tho ught he was goi ng to have a stroke on me . H e
in the neighborhood for having had an affair with a mar- was grinning like the cat who ate the canary. I told him to
ried man . She was no t the type of neighbor the ladies on go in and pick something and to hurry; it was showtime."
the block had over for an afternoon coffee. Darren returned to the car carrying his bag of eye ca ndy,
"H er reputation preceded her,n says Jenny, "bur I and Jen ny bega n to drive home. It was early evening, the sun

lu b . jo b l l u b e jo b 1 18 >0.
w;u ...r ting, ..nd the couple was fully enjoyi ng the ...m.. of socc..r ball- fiU..d, eooki e-. m....red miniv..n cquipped with
liberty their _pon lanrou. t rip to th.. XXX movi.. store had th..t eh ild- fricnd ly pottable DVD player in th.. b..cbc..r
gi....n Ih..m when ..n u nnp«1..d d..tour presented. it...lf. can play host to " .i nful night of adult vicwing and m..mory -
~ D ..rren was Ia ughing a nd re..d ing th.. hack of th.. making mai m..n..nce ..." .
DVD coven," rec.. lls J.. nny. · W.. w...... gett ing turned. o n Once your in-c.ar movi.. so;; ...... n (",fo....h..r .. bplop or ..
..nd h..ving a g rea r eim.. wh..n h.. reac hed 10 the Roor of rh.. DVD) is ready 10 ligh t up rh.. d ashbo...rd, ;uk your man 10
hadu....1 ..nd gra bbed my laplOp . I h..d fo rgott..n it w;u in tak.. a mid night d ri..... You might w..nt 10 stash oom.. lube
th.. car. He wink ed.and took it o ut o finca5e, Ihen inoened. and penonal cblUing wipe> in rh.. gIovc box.. Aft..r you find
the DVD. He asked. me wh..n I laol W<"nt 10 .. driv ..-in a oaf.., secluded spot, pa rk, lock Ih.. doo..., an d press pl..y.
movie. Befon: I knew il W<" W<"re dri ving down th.. road
wilh Ih u porno playing:
Instead of Id ling him to tu m il off ..nd wait until they Th e fin! movie . ........ i n a drive-in
gO! home, Jenny q uic:kly ~niud. Ih.. C"Iperi..nce for theatn _ as calln!. Wif e &-I..... It pl..yed
what il was: an nci ling opponunil)" for OC"Iual . po ntan..- ;n Camden. N...... l eney. in 19JJ.
il)". Wi thout giving he ndf ..nough time 10 recomid..r, .h..
pu lled into lhe b.lck parXing 101of an oul....f-bu.ineso..1.-.:-
Im ni<,:s 'lon:. It's up 10 you whc1h..r you t to . tan th ing>offin Ihr
"\'I;'e wen: in rh e middle o f the city, bu t the re ....... n0- from onl and Ih..n migr:u.. 10 t hac k, or whcth..r you
body around US, . 1.1lY" Jenn y. " \'1;'.. climbed inl O the hac k- wam 10 amp out in t backsea t from the beginning. If
.....1 wilh the Iaplop and had our own priv..r.. showi ng . I you u,," in Ih.. from , h.:a you r man pu.h hi. onl all the
can 't hdiev.. wh..e 1've beecn mi ing. bu t th..l th.. fi...1 way back, lean into h i. hody, and ki.. him deeply o n the
tim.. I ever had imC'TCOUlW in t car. I n even mad.. moulh, kiting your h.:ando C"Iplore his chest be fose moving
ou t in .. car whe n I was a leenage-r. Now, at forty-.Ix . I'm down to his groin. Knad h is in n.... thighs with yow fing.....
doing il in Ih.. haclueal of a luxu ry .n!"n wilh my husband ..nd then ru b h is penis ..nd teslides, m..,be adding .. gen -
an d .. porno. Th..t's u yl..! Aft..r IWe'nl)"-OOffiC" yean of mar- d.. "'{u«U to gn their full ..cr..nlion. Tell him how badly
riage, W<"'n: kids again , and W<"'re loving ir. ~ you wane h im as yo u unfasten hi. panlS and nepos.- his
Jen ny's sl0 ty is a gmt o n.., bu t I....re.. no reason you genitals. Take a h..ndful of lube ..nd ..pply il to h i. peni.
h...... 10 ",..it for your man's ..." ....1 needs 10 F.oll off your and testicks. rubbing it into h i••kin ..nd pubic hair.
radar screen be fo re you Ire..1 h im 10 r he X-ratn!. driv ..-in Sit hac k and und ress you .....lf as your man wal ches by
the..ter experience . Yo u don'l n...,.j .. luxury ...d..n or .. lap- the ro m..n ric glow of Ihe int..rior light. Swing your lcog ove.
top compu ter. eithe r. Even rh.. mo. t utilitari..n , unsexy. h i. lap anJ .[.addle him. lower you .....lf onto hi. pen is jus t

20 6 h.b . Jo bs lu b. jo b tl& 20 1
a little, just enough to feel him against your vagina. Circle
your hips and press down as if you're going for penetra- Can't find a babysitted You do n't have t o
tion, then lift yourself back up, teasing him. Let him antic- leave home to go to this dr ive-in. Park t he
ipate how good it will feel before you finally let him sink ca r in t he garage, wa it until the little d ar lings are
into you and start pumping. If you 're slim enough, tell him asleep, and then slip into the garage for a quickie
to reach around you and hold on to the steering wheel for performance at yo ur own theater. This i. also a
great al te rnative for th ose who , w he n il comes 10
leverage as he thrusts up into you. You can also spin around
so that you 're holding on ro the steering wheel whi le you
'eI, p refer privat e prop eny 10 public parki ng.
pump him.
Climb off your man and clamber into the back of the
car. Pull the rest of his clothes off and lie on your back on tie approach . That being said, there are many couples who
the backseat with your legs open and ready for him. As he do enjoy pornography and who have managed to success-
lies on top of you and penetrates you, tell him ro look at fully integrate it into their sex lives.
the screen. T he sights and sounds of a dirty movie playing If you're a porn virgin, why not consider dipping your
inside the car, combined with the intensity of this sexual toes into the adults-only waters just to see how they feel?
experience, may bring him ro the finish line faster than Today's pornography industry offers viewers a great deal of
you expected. choice in terms of content and style. You don't have to dive
'While this drive may have started out as a pleasure trip into hard-core orgies and unsavory close-ups. A warm
designed for him only, its raw eroticism might have you wade into soft-core sex-perhaps a film by a female pro-
asking YOut man to slow down and make the ride last ducer/director-may be a sexier and more female-friendly
lo nger. Such is the benefit of spontaneous maintenance choice, especially for beginners. Many adult films are
sex. It's powerfully effective, and, before you know it, you aimed at the couples' market, offering big-budget, high-
might be the one who needs servicing. Eit her way, you've quality movies with entertaining stoty lines and tasteful,
acquired a sexy memory that neither of you will soon for - egalitarian sex scenes.
get. And the next time you pop a cartoon into that DVD Still, some women have concerns about using pornog-
player for the kids, you'll be able ro share a saucy smile of raphy in their intimate relationship. There's no doubt
remembrance with your man . pornography, including the widespread practice of Inter-
'While we've suggested you choose an adult film as your net sex surfing, has the potentia/to lead to a serious physi-
drive-in movie, not all couples may wish ro do so. If you 're cal and emotional breakdown in a relationship, but it
not comfortable with pornography, you can always choose certainly doesn't always do so. As with anything, the best
a love story, perhaps one on the racier side, for a more sub- approach is moderation and communication.

>0. lu b. jo b l l u b e jo b 11 8 >0.
We all know there are some men who take pornography wouldn't matter who I was with, I'd still want to
(in any medium) to extremes and become obsessed with it, look every now and then .
alienating their significant other in th e process. T hin k of WIFE : But if you look at those wo men, with their
that guy who risks his job by downloading porn onto his fake bodies and the best lighting, you'll expect
wo rk compu ter, or the man who destroys his personal life me to look like that .
by spendi ng hours downstairs on his home compu ter, HUSBASD : I love the way you look . I'm more at-
printing volumes of XXX ma terial instead of engaging tracted to you than to any wo man in the world,
wi th his wife and fam ily. In those instances, the issue may or I wouldn't be with you . I know what I see in
have less to do with porn and more to do with personali ty porn isn't real. I know t heir breasts are implants ; I
or psychological problems. T hat's another book. know their skin is covered in makeup; and I know
We' Jllimit our discussion here to the committed man they don't really make those sounds when they're
who rents the occasional skin flick or sometimes views having sex. So no, I don't expect you to look like
porn online (no chat rooms or cybersex, no underage, no that. I don't even want you to look like that. In
violence) but wh o still engages in regular and mutually sat- the same way, I hope you don't expect me to look
isfYing lovemaking with his woman. Basically, we're ta lk- like or last as long as the guys in porn films .
ing about the guy w ho might take the «free tou r" before Why do you sneak off to look?
bed but who misses no opportunity to ju mp between the HUSBASD : Because it's fun to look, but I don't want

sheets with his woman . H e sees porn as harm less, but she to hurt your feelings and I don't want you to
sees it as cheating. These polarized opinions usually stem think you're not good enough. I also feel that
from the differences between male and female sexuality. you'll judge me if I look at it.
Co mmunication is t he path to finding that elusive middle WIFE : But if I let you watch it too much, you'll get
ground where both people in the rela tionship are respected addicted to it.
and understood. HUSBASD : Everyt h ing in moderation . It', no different
Let's eavesdrop on a couple's «po rn" talk: than eating a chocolate bar. Most people will have
one once in wh ile but won't overeat until they're
WIFE : Why do you need to look at porn? Aren't I six hundred pounds. There are those guys who de -
enough for you? pend on porn to get off, but they're the extreme
HUSBASD : Yes, you're enough . You're beautiful, but and mos t men aren't like that and don't want to be
guys like to look at naked women . We're hard- like that. Most of lIS just want to get our kicks now
wired that way, it has nothing to do with you . It and then by looking at porn but think it's pathetic

lu b . jo b l l u b e jo b 1 18
to be jerking off in front of the computer instead WIFE : There aren't any naked pictures of men in ro-
of making love to our own woman . You can't mance novels.
judge all men by a few insensitive and warped HUSBASD : No, but there's romance and hidden dirty

guys. It makes the rest of us look just as weird, scenes , because that's what turns women on. In
when we're not , and that's not fair to us. porn, there's naked bodies and grunting, because
WIFE: What about what's fair to me? I feel unattrac- that's what turns men on. Each medium appeals
tive, unloved, and inadequate when you look at to its gender. Let me ask you something. Afrer
porn. you're finished reading a romance novel, do you
HUSBASD: All I can do, as your loving partner, is put fall in love or become obsessed with the musde-
my arms around you and tell you how beautiful bound, poetry-reciting hero?
I think you are. But there are differences between WIFE : Of course not.
men and women: we like to look, it really is that HUSBASD : Do yOll compare me to him ?
simple. It doesn't mean we want one of those WIFE : No.
girls or that we feel anything toward them . In HUSBASD : Do you need to think about him to get
fact, I could never pick one of the girls I'd seen in turned on?
a porn out of a lineup. I watch it, get a thrill, WIFE : No.
then it's over. I'm not thinking about it anymore. HUSBASD : It's the same thing. It 's escapist.
Women think there's more to it than there is. WIFE : Do yOll want me to look at porn with you?
\l;'IFE: Don't you think it's cheating to be looking at HUSBASD : I'd like to try it, just like we try other
another woman's naked body? things like sex toys or different positions. There
HUSBASD: No, I don't. T hat', a matter of personal are lots of couple-oriented films and websites that
opinion, belief, and spirituality, but when I look we might find exciting to see together. Maybe
at porn, I'm still devoted and faithful to reo . If then you'll understand that it's just a small part
one of the stars were to jump out of the tele - of my sexuality and that you're the woman who
vision and beg me to dimb on top of her, I keeps me coming back for more. And if we
wouldn't do it. watch it together, I can reassure you how much I
WIFE: SO what', the draw to porn? love you.
HUSBASD: It ', just the idea of watching other people
have sex. It 's kind of voyeuristic, and it turns me Adminedly, this is an idealized conversation. That's
on. It's no different than the romance novels okay, since it', intended to be as instructional as it is in -
women read . formative . Communication is the antidote for almost any

lub. jo b l l ube jo b 118

ill in a relation,h ip, an d Ihat inclu des th e issue of pornog- indulge in Ihis side o f h i. sexuality wichout YOUt fecling
raphy. If yo u and your pan ner are sn uggling wich porn, sidelined. If you a n both agr« on the rul", (the type of
you need to have an honen hearl-l o- hean , fr« of judg- maler ial you view and how o lle n you wacch), you'll . how
menC and pu ni.hmem. On o ne hand , you can not expec l you r man Ihal cwo-player porn i. a Ixnet game than sex-
Co overrule you r man's natural sexua liry an d dole a m only ual w lilairc: . You migh l also find chac you acrually like
the material you see ht wichouc co mpro mi"" . He's an indi - p laying alo ng on ce in a wh ile.
vidual, not ju.t you r p artner, and thar milicari"ic anitude Imrodudng sen,uaI to uch inlo Ihe porn experience
may bac kfire:. Ac the same time, your pannn cannal Ix in- may creare an au ra ofi ntimaccc exploralion where a woman
""m ilivc 10 or di. miosiveo f YOUI ~Ii ng> .... a woman. You who is unce reain about her putnn', pro-porn acrivities
need to know Ihal you are: loved , d ....ir«!, ad ored, and p re- can be com fon abk join ing in. And .... for you porn veler-
ferr«! OVC1" any o lhC1" wo man in the wOlld, and Ihe maCe- ;m. OUllhcc"" wh y nm watch Ihe wholccvideo for achange?
ria] hc view> m ust nOI viola ee YOUI values. Slow down , louch each other (not like that!), and ddigh l
Sow llut you an d yout ma n ha.... asanded [Q Ih i. lofty in each o chn 's bodi....bd'o re you n an p laying monkcy-«<,
plan e o f high" co mmunication , we a n gn back [Q Ik monkcy-do with chcc Ran on Ihe scr«n.
maner al hand, lhal is, maintenan ce sex a nd pornography.
Rtm.,.....bet lhal mai nlmance on i much about mai n-
taining che . uccngth of the "'lalion ip .... it i. ahoul man- Th e word ponotlfl""pby <Xlmes from tlse
aging d i/Tccren c sex dri vn. \X'cc'", talking ahom rrLtliDrrship Gftck word fo r prosritule. 11H Scboo/.f
mai n cenance .... of'P""""d 10 j 1 _ .. mai nte nance. If you W1r....J. i:nttnlh-ce1"lrury po rnograp bic
an d your ~n net ;(ft' bot h Ii-hcd with a decision [Q go 0_1 ....-inen b y Pietro Amino. who is
porn.fttt, you're K"I for sexU.lI RlCCC50. Bm if your m;m i. «u..idend as the fath.... of European porno-
cravi ng a p«k and you'roe covrn ng h i. eyes. you may be in p phic ....-iti ng, In Ih i. witty book, a mot"....
for problems. ...-ho is an experienced <XlUn ....... leacbes her
daughl.... h..... 10 please .. man,
Here'. an ide_ in'lead of allowi ng porn 10 divide you ,
why no C«< if it can b ring you d .....l! In the next cha ptet,
you'll «< how sensual m_gcc a n be u...d [Q bridge the
emocio nal, p hr-ical, and sexual d iOlancc IxlW«n partner.;. Purnography ca n al.., Se1"YC" a. d fo n leso forepla y 10 a
By engaging in ""n. ua1 rn.u.....ge while you wal ch an ago=:!- no-frill, ma imen an"" quickie. Wcc've all experienced ch.....
upon X· rated movie o r . urf a sexy . ice Iogc"chccr, you' ll be areused ....rsu. n hausr..d nigh n when we want 10 telicve
able Co explo it rhe emlids m o f the imago bur snll main- our parmer's sexual pre..ure hu! don'l have the enetgy 10
tain your inrimaee ce n necuo n. Ic's a way [Q lec your man fu lly rev h im up, O n II...... occa.ions, a few min uc..,. of

lube jo b al& 21$

pornographic viewing pleasure may be all that is required
10 gel him ready for sexual release. Adding the lusty sights
and sounds of an adult movie 10 even Ihe most dutiful
hand job can turn maintenance into magnificence. Choose
an "emergenc{ adult film 10 buy with your partner and
keep it handy for fasl-and-easy maintenance sex purposes.
'Whether you need to ease into the Xvrared experience ~ub e !Job #' 9
Ihrough sensual {ouch or you're ready to throw yourselves
into the backseat of your car and watch a skin Rick in an
abandoned parking lot, well-chosen pornography has the Fully Loaded-Sen sual Ma ssage
potential 10 add an exciting and fulfilling dimension to
your love life. Choose material you're comfortable with,
view in moderation, and press play. l\.I ost important, be
sure 10 use pornography in a fun and spontaneous way. It's ike I am most mornings, I was running Iale. My son
a thrilling, adults-only way to happily maintain a long- L was dawdling 10 hair-pulling extremes, and we had al-
lerm intimate relationship. ready missed the school bell. It had snowed the nighl be-
fore , and my car was frosted. H alf a foot of snow was pi led
on lOp of the roof, the windows were ice, and rhe driveway
was packed with heavy snow that was still falling. I
wrapped a scarf around my son's neck, grabbed his back-
pack, and raced to the car with my breath freezing as it hit
Ihe cold air. T he car's engine turned over---barely-and af-
ler I strapped my son into the backseat, I did a makeshift
job of scraping the ice and snow away before jumping be-
hind Ihe steering wheel and rubbing my hands togelher
for warmlh.
I looked oUl Ihe windshield. The car's defroster was
clearing the frost from the glass, but pounds of snow still
salon Ihe hood of the car, extending all the way up 10 Ihe
windshield 10 cover Ihe wipers. As I put my hand on Ihe
wiper control 10 brush rhe snow away, I heard Den's voice

216 lub . jo b l
in my head: «Don't use the wipers if they're packed with many, the following story is a good example of how sexual
snow, or you'll burn the motor out. Brush all the snow off problems can factor into a stereotypical workplace affair.
before you turn them on. That motor's expensive to fix. ~ In their midthirties and married for two years, D ean na
'What does he know, I thought. I'm cold. I'm late. and Marcus had spent more than halfof their short marriage
I turned on the wipers, and the ftozen motor groaned trying to have a child. Deanna had battled endometriosis
under the weight of the packed snow. For a moment, it in her twenties and was now fighting infertility in her thir-
looked promising: The wipers moved a quarter of an inch ties, and although she had managed to get pregnant twice,
and I had visions of them sweeping upward, brushing the both pregnancies ended in early miscarriages. T he loss
snow off the windshield to free me from my zero-visibility and the continued disappointment of negative home-
vehicular igloo. All would be well. The groaning grew pregnancy tests took their toll on their relationship : love -
louder for a moment, then silence. Not normal silence, making disappeared; baby making took over,
mind you, but that special type of silence that accompa- Happier skies seemed to be overhead when D eanna
nies an indefinable sense of defeat. T he wiper motor was conceived a third time. The pregnancy, although burdened
dead; the snow continued to fall. with around-the-clock morning sickness, was a strong one,
And the motor was expensive to fix, after all. What's and Deanna's obstetrician assured her their unborn daugh-
more, the wipers have never worked as well since the mo- ter was fat and fabulous. Despite the baby's healthy
tor was replaced. Sometimes they come to our rescue in a progress , however, Deanna was preoccupied with her past
downpour; sometimes they force us to pull over until the miscarriages and sidelined by green-faced, unrelenting
douds pass . As some of us learn the hard way, a little pre- nausea, a combination that resulted in a very stressed
ventative maintenance can avoid a lot of repairs later on, mom-to-be. Sex became even more unimportant, at least
not to mention money, time, and frustration. to Deanna.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. We " Por over a year, sex hadn't been about feeling good; it
hear this cliche so often that we fail to take it seriously, but had been about conceiving, ~ says Marcus . uProcreat ion ,
nowhere is this truer than in our intimate relationships. not recreation. She'd take her temperature , and if it was
l\hintenance sex is about more than managing disparate right, we'd do it . If not, we wouldn't. After she did get
sex drives; it's also about maintaining th e relationship as a pregnant, sex wasn't as important to Deanna. As far as she
whole, and that's the focus of this chapter. For once a rela- was concerned, the goal was accomplished. For the first
tionship has suffered a breakdown , particularly infidelity, couple months of the pregnancy she wouldn't do it at all
it's a long and sometimes endless road to repair. T hough since she was afraid it would jeopardize the baby. I knew
th e whys, whens, with whoms, and hews of infidelity are why she was so scared, but it was frustrating. T here was no

". lub . jo b l l ube jo b 1 19

medical reason 10 abstain, but she still wouldn't have sex. I I just put it on the back burner and told myself I'd make it
look it personally." up to him later. Plus, I had resentments of my own. I was
As the pregnancy progressed, and Deanna's nausea the one w ho was getting fat, throwing up all the time, and
wo rsened , M arcus began to feel even m o re sexually unsat- worrying mysel f sick over the baby. And he wanted m~ to
isfied . ~ I did my best to reassure her thaI the pregnancy take care of him? H e wanted me to perform obligatory sex
was going to be all righ t. H er belly kept getting bigger, when I couldn't go an hour without th towing up? The
righl on schedule, but she was still worried . I understood more I thought about how immature and selfish he was
why, but as time went on, I gOI angry that the sex had being, the less I wanted to give him any pleasure. I knew
stopped. I would've appreciated a ha nd job, and I wo uld've that he was seeing me in a different light, too, and that
bowed down at her feet for a blow job, but it wasn't hap- made me feel totally asexual. ~
pening. Sexually speaking, she was completely tuned out." The discord grew unti! the relationship was stretched to
its limits. W'hat should have been a happy, bonding time
in their marriage became a time of resentment and d is-
Spoon ing i. a greal po.ition for inter- tance as the couple becam e physically and emotionally dis-
course during pregna ncy. It keep. rh ar connected from each other.
growing belly out of the way, len yo u stay intim al e, ~We were livi ng in one house but in two different
and doe.n't requi re 100 much energy. If yo u're worlds,~ says M arcus. ~We were ca ught up in our own
worried abo ut having .ex during yo ur pregn ancy, frustrations and we ren't thi nking about the other person. I
talk 10 yo ur ob5letr ician to ease your fe...... O nce know that's true for me . It's bizarre, since we'd finally got-
yo ur mind is at rest, your body ca n pl ay.
ten what we'd always wanted, which was a viable preg-
nancy. I have ma ny regrets about the w ay I acted during
Deanna's pregnancy. I was selfish a lot of the time, and I
As if Deanna's lack of sexual desire weren't enough to know my attitude led to the affai r.
co ntend wit h , l\hrcus began con tending wilh his own It was a Friday morning. Feeling sexually frustrated and
block: As Deanna's belly grew, so did his ~mo m myn iden- forgotten, M arcus lett the house. Feeling emotionally ne-
lity issues . "On Ihe rare occasions that D ean na was willing glected, Deanna watched him go . Marcus drove to work,
10 have sex, I'd look at her belly and think, Wow, there's a parked his car, and walked into the office. The Other
baby in there. It became really difficult 10 see beyond that Woman was already there .
and remember she was stiII my wife." -sr, usually worked downstairs, but she 'd recently
"M arcus is right that I did tune out,~ Deanna concedes. been transferred to my department,~ M arcus explai ns . "I'd
~I knew that he was feeling neglecled in the bedroom, but known her on a casual basis for a couple years, and she'd al-

lub . jo b l lube jo b 1 19
" 0
way" kind of Hirred wirh me, though I hadn't retu rned. her ber siand ing on rh~ . t~p and rhinking about what I was
a1t~ntion. She Was a hig Hin, and t h~R' Wl're rum o n; sh~'d going to do, I know all cheater.; say it. but I'd do anything
sl~pt with more than o ne guy in I h~ office:. but this morn - to have that mom~n l back. 10 rak~ back what I did, AlI I
ing sh~ wa< paniculany fl in u io ul with m~, At I~a<t il tho ughl aboul was inSlam gratificatio n."
....,med. Ihal way 10 m~, bU I mayho. .h~ wam·t. Mayho. I W"-' Th e gratification may !lave 1>«n instant. bu t it d idn'l
;"'1 Otting what I war ned to Ott." 1a<1 long. "I foun d oul from ano ther wife,: says D....nna.
According 10 Marcus . l h~ fl inuiou. d~rIt kgan 10 dish -{he wife of Marcus'. busil\C'S.S associal~. Th ~ gos.sip got
ou t some of the a ll~m ion hi. wif~ W"-' n'l ~ ng, Wh~n back 10 her a WC'C'k ot so lal~r. and o ne morning sh~ j"'t
he'd walk in'o a room • •he'd .lOp whal lhe, W"-' doing and sho~ upon m y doont~, She was in lears. SIK said she'd
nuke ~ contact wilh him and li.. ~n i m~ntly 10 n'n)' 'f'<'nl days agonizing oY~r wltct!l....10 1~1I m~, I kn~ whu
word Ihal carne OUt of hi. mouth. She, was a fresh face and she was going to ""y bdorc she got the, words o ur, Marn.os
always Imiling. unlike Deanna. who gr«t...! him fro m rhe haJ been acring S1l:1ng~ silKC' il happ"n...!. and I Irncw
<;:ouch. b.athrohcJ . grttn fKed . and growling, And lhe something ....d chang...!,-
orher woman exuded. on:ualiry. whik !Ii. wife K=...! Like many worn..... Dean na had always .worn tlur if a
impending motherhood, man cheat"'! on hn . shc,'d leave. BUI with h.... fin;t child
"The orM woman always has that a<h:..magc: says onl y twO mom h. away. it wasn'l ehae easy anymorc. She
Man,:",. "She gcu to put he,r hoi face forward, and you kn~ he,r deci.ion 10 stay or go would aff~ rhe I'C'St of her
don'l '" all the b.tggagc. It'. unfait. unrea li.ric. and I wa< lifc and her daugh r....•• life. so .IK fo rced "'=df 10 think
100 ..,If.absothcd 10 Ott rhro ugh it, She'd Imil~ U me and lhe siruaeio n ou l.
chn;k me out with het era like I W"-' Ihe hom"l guy "I h.ad 10 do some real soul seacching," ....ys Deanna.
around. By lunchtime, I Wa< I!linking t!linp I shouldn'l "and I didn'l like rveryt hing I found. I realized thai our
have 1>«n. and I was ..,nd ing viho back 10 !I....: problenu were nor hing flC'W and rlur I'd always Iud a t~n­
H aving ck ared !lis dnk ....rlier rhan antici pal...!, M....- deney 10 push Man:'" 10 Ih~ .iddine!l of m y life. I realized
CUS decided. 10 Ilan the ,.....·.,J.~nd ....r1y and I........ rhe offic~ I had a !li.tory of using him for w....11 n=d...!, IIKn push -
by mi<6fternoon, L inle d id he, know that the n~ derk ing him ... id~ when I didn'l n=d hi m. That Wa< th~ <:aSC'
Wa< rracking hi< path. wilh on: even be-fore I beam~ pregnant. but it was Ihe .....,..
" S!I~ .ropped me in IIIe srairwell on 11K way d own ro in etbe r are.... too. I'm not making exCU5C'!i for him. but
tIK p....king 101 and a<ked me if! wan red ro go for a drink ." when tile", are o:wo people in a rclalionship. both have 10
says Ma rc",. "You know r!le ....I p"n ~ At rhe moment s!l~ look al ehe lOin they play, w~ talked a 101 abour the, kind
SlOpped me. I was t!lin king abou l .urprising D....nna by of marr iage and family Wl' want"'! and how we could get
coming hom~ early and raking !In for k~ c~m. I rcmem- there."

222 h. be JOb' l u b e jo b . " 22~

UN o man has begged for forgiveness like I dtd," says For D ean na and Marcus, the physical and emotional
!\1arclLS. "On my hands and knees. I did everything she disconnection in their relationship seemed irreparable.
said, and for the first time in my life I did it without think- Despite their desire to stay together and work things out,
ing about myself. The other wom an transferred. I talked to they simply couldn't find a way back to intimacy. Yet
our priest; I kept my cell phone in my jacket pocket so she the path was about to present itself in the most effortless
could call me at any time to find out where I was . It took of ways .
almost losing it all to make me realize how much I had and uWe were sitting on the couch watching television,"
to ma ke me grow up. I don't know who was more broken- says Deanna. "I was worrying, as usual, when Marcus slid
hearted, me or her. I'd totally betrayed her, but looking at closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders.~

my wife's face also broke my heart. There she was, out to -u-, face was tense, and I could tell she was off in an-
there with my baby, and I was screwing around. That's not other world, worrying about the baby or us. I wanted to
how my parents raised me. That's not how I want to raise make her relax. It seemed like a natural thing to do, so I
my child. started to rub her shoulders. I wasn't asking for anything. I
Eventually, D ean na decided to give Marcus another just wanted to touch my wife and make her feel better. ~
chance. She knew that he was remorseful and truly be- Touch can be very healing. Whether the pain is physi-
lieved he would not make the same mistake again. It was a cal, psychological, or emotional, human touch has the po-
conscious, deliberate decision to stay, but her emotions tential to lessen suffering. Physical touch can also act as an
wouldn't fall in line. emotional bridge, a way to cross the distance between two
"I wanted to make it work,~ says D eanna. "On the one people and bring them closer together. That's what it did
hand I wanted to have sex with him because I knew he was for Deanna and Marcus.
missing it, but whenever we'd get dose, the tape in my head
would start playing. I'd see them together, having sex. I'd
hear them groaning. It was graphic, and I was obsessed with
St ud ies have .hown that th e sleep
the details. 'What was she wearing? 'Where did they do it? In panem., we ight gain, and mental
what position? Did they do it more than once? Did she deve lo pme nt of in fan IS are im p roved by early
suc k him? I can't tell you how disgusting it is to have those to uch . Kangaroo Care is a special form of to uc h
pictures in your head. My emotions swung to extremes. designed for premature babi e. , where a naked
One minute I'd want to hold and forgive him, and the next p reemie is n estl ed against the bare . k in of in
I hated him. If I thought about pleasing him sexually, even parent. Thi••pecial form o f touch ther apy faci l-
with a quick hand job , it seemed like I was betraying myself itates ch ild-parent bonding and . oothes the infant.
or that I was saying everything was forgiven. ~

lub . jo b l l u be jo b 1 19 n.
"Ir felt good having his hands on me again,n says D eanna.
uWe went into the bedroom, and he gave me a full-body course agam .
. .
wasn't too long after that thaI we started to have Inter-

massage. It was the first time in months that I felt com- - t couldn't have intercourse right away, U admits
pletely at ease, not just in my own mind bur also in his Deanna. " I wasn'l ready for lhat, bur I wanted to make
presence. The rest of the world didn't exist. It was just us, him feel as good as he was making me feel. That in itself
louching and talking quiedy. u was a big turning point in our relalionship. If both of us
- t could feel Deanna's body relaxing. I could even see had worked at slaying connected in the first place, the af-
her expression softening. The nexl day I stopped at a holis- fair wouldn't have happened . Touch now keeps us dose
lic store and bought some massage oil they recommended physically and emotionally. We hug a lot more than we
for calming pregnant women, and I started to give her a used to, and erolic massage is a big part of our love life.
massage every night. I knew after the firsl massage that it Now I feel like nobody can get through the wall we've built
was going 10 be our way to reconnect." around our relationship. n
Like lovemaking, physical touch can be a powerful way 'Whether you're on the road to relationship repair or
10 foster affection between two people. Oxytocin, rhe so- you 're just practicing preventative maintenance, set aside a
called bonding hormone that is released by the brain dur- night to experience sensual massage with your man. Choose
ing sex, is also released during physical touch. A prolonged a nighl lhal you don'r expect any distraclions. To begin,
sensual massage session between disconnected lovers is empty the house. Send lhe kids to Grandma's (oka y, at
lherefore an ideal way to Rood the body with feelings of af- least send them to bed) , turn off th e phone and lhe lighls,
fection, intimacy, and love. and break out the candles. Turn up the thermostat so your
uAfter several nighls of Marcus loucching me, I slarled bedroom is toasry. If you have an electric blanket, set it to
10 feel drawn 10 him, and drawn to his body again, U ex- low-m ediu m and cover it with a sheet or towels for your
plains Deanna. "It all progressed very naturally. The doser partner 10 lie on. Toss rowels or sheers into the dryer to
we got to each other, the furl her away everybody else, in- warm them up and have a couple of rolled towels ready for
duding the other woman, gOI.n head, neck, and knee support.
Eventually, the sensual louch turned sexual.
" D ea n n a was lying on her back, and I was touching her
stomach," says l\.hrcus. "She was so sexy, and once in a If yo u don't have an electric bl anket 10
while I could feel the baby move against my hand . I'd lie on, dig out thaI old heating pad and
never felt so in love with her. She started caressing my tu ck il under Ih e h edsheels inSlead. It 's an easy
groin, and then stroking. I wasn't expecling it, bur she gave way to bring cozy w armth 10 a m a.s.sage.
me a wonderful hand job. T hat was the beginning, and it

n. lub . jo b l l u be jo b 1 19
For a more romantic a mbience, play some classical m u- An easy option is to purchase a complete massage kit,
sic. You want to be connecting with yo ur partner, not again from a lo ve shop or online. If you have the chance,
singing along with a top-ten pop song. If you wish to incor- it 's best to shop in person so you can be nefit fro m a n hon-
porate pornography into the sensual massage experience-- est face-to -face recom mendation from the salesperson. A
as we suggested in chapter I S- have a movie or even a basic massage kit will include a selection of essential oils
we bs ite ready for viewing in your bedroom . There are and sometimes a lubricant, but o thers also include sensual
many adult mo vies that fall under the guise of "sensual massage videos , fea thers, and massagers and vibrators .
massage for couples,n and they're a tarne way to begin . If Some eve n boasc altachments to caress your partner inside
you don't want o r aren't ready for the visual aspect , co ver and our.
the televisio n with a towel a nd jus t listen to the sexy sounds Now that your bedroom is a passion parlor, yo ur bed is
as backgrou nd until your curiosi ty co mpels you to peek. a sexy spa table , and all your accessories are ready for action,
T he rype of product you use to m assage your partner ask yo ur man to have a q uick shower---solo or parmered-
depends on the amount of ti me and money you wish to in- and to brush his teeth before he joins you in the bedroom .
vest in sensual to uch . At the very least, yo u should have a If he has all his personal grooming done before you start, he
ligh t ly scented lo t io n (ta nge rine and green tea are two of can drift off to sleep after the massage is o ver. 'When he's
our favorites) to use on your man's body and a personallu- squeaky clean, ha ve him lie na ked , facedown , o n the
bricant to use on his genitals (th is is a n opportune time to warmed blan ke t or towels. Tuck a pillow o r a thick, rolled
use that warming lu be ). If the body lotion is unscented, towel underneath his upper body to raise his shoulders off
b urn incense or a scented candle. the bed . T h is will let him res t his head on his forehead and
To kick thi ngs up a notch and get the most out of th is kee p his head straight , ra ther than cranked to th e side . It'll
erotic encoun ter, stock aromatherapy in your arsenal of also m ake it easier for you to wo rk on his shoulders . You
arousal. Because essential oils co me in all scents and fla- can also tuck rolled towels under the front of his ankles to
vors, stop by a holistic store and ask for advice if yo u're a similarly support his feet a nd help him relax his legs.
newbie . Staff in these shops are characteristically helpful Remember that yo u're going to perform sensual m as-
and extremely knowledgeable, and you'll find the presence sage, not th e ra pe utic massage, so don't become preoccu-
of scents can ha ve a more powerful impact on mood than pied with text boo k technique, sequencing, or the strength
you anticipated . Fo r example , grapefruit is refresh in g , o f you r st rokes . If your man has a sore bac k or muscle in-
while lavender is calming. An essential-oils specialist can jury, he needs a certified massage therapist . Otherwise, he
also mix different oils to create one that perfectly suits your need s his wo m an , and you don't need a certificate to touch
needs and tas tes. Our lo ng ti m e personal favorite is a m - him in an erotically relaxing way. Use your instincts to get
brosia . D elicio us. a sense of what he likes. Concentrate on slow, purposeful,

lub . jo b l lube jo b 1 19 n.
sensual strokes and use artistic license with the directions With a slow and deliberate motion, begin to knead the
suggested in this chapter. Different men will prefer differ- top of your man's shoulders with as much pressure as he
ent things, so be sure to communicate during the session. likes or as you're comfortable using. Tell him to close his
After all, this lube job is about connecting. Finally, be eyes, exhale, and consciously focus on relaxing his muscles.
aware of your own limits and use your body weight to lean (I sometimes tell Don to visualize a tight ball of string
into your man's body as you stroke rather than rely on your slowly loosening and then unraveling .) Fan your flattened
upper-body mength. hands outward and rub his shoulder blades and upper
Ready to rub? First, find a position that you're comfort- back with smaller circular strokes. Use palm strokes and
able in. This depends on your preference and on your rel- thumb strokes to relax his shoulders and shoulder blades.
ative body size. Youcan kneel by his side, maddle his body Lean into his body and slide your flattened hands
panty free so he can feel your nakedness, or kneel by his downward on either side of his spine to his lower back. Be
head. In any case, you'll likely be changing positions as the careful not to apply pressure directly on his spine. W'hen
massage progresses. Start by synchronizing your respira- you reach his buttocks, fan your hands outward to his sides
tion until you and your man are breathing in time. This and pull your hands back up along the sides of his body.
may not last long, but it'll slip you into the same groove Repeat this pattern---down his back and up along his
and force you to consciously relax. Next, place your finger- sides-as many rimes as you wish.
tips on your parmer's scalp and lightly rake them down his Starting at the top of his spine , make a peace sign with
head, neck, and back, continuing down over his buttocks your fingers and place the pads of your index and middle
and legs to his feet. Start at the top again and rake your fin- fingers on either side of his spine. Rake your stiff fingers
gertips down his arms. This first contact simply awakens down his back in this V shape, with a finger pad on each
his body as a whole, so repeat it as many rimes as you wish. side of his spine and again being careful to not apply direct
Stiffen your fingers and rub your parmer's scalp harder pressure on his backbone. Go all the way down to his but-
to get his circulation going. Pretend that you're giving him tocks. Make smaller circling strokes on his buttocks with
a power shampoo. Gently scratch his scalp with your fin- your flattened hands, then use your fingers to knead them.
gernails. Now take some of your massage oil and rub it be- Be aware of how smoothly your hands are moving over his
tween your hands to generate warmth. You're not going to skin and use more oil if there's any friction .
stroke with any pressure yet, you're just going to apply the Because limbs are usually massaged upward, toward the
oil to his body. Smooth the oil over the top of his shoulders, heart , don't continue down his thighs. Instead, begin at his
all the way down his back, buttocks, and legs, then back up ankles and move upward to his thighs, moking and knead-
to his shoulders again. Spread the oil down his arms. ing the back of his legs until you reach his buttocks. Slide

lub. jo b l l ube jo b 1 19
both your hands up over hi. buttocks and keep stroking hi. neck and another under both hi. knee. for support.
upward over his back, on either side of hi••pine, finally Starting at the top of his shoulders, smooth warmed mas-
reaching his upper back and .houlders. Rather than contin- sage oil down his arms to hi. hands, then down his chest
uing down his arm., .tart at hi. wri.1S and move upward to and abdomen. Spread the oil over his hip. and down hi.
his shoulders with stroking and kneading motion•. legs to hi. feet. Don't touch hi. groin area yet, even if he
Treat your man to a few more broad .troke. down hi. hint. you missed a spot. Sen.ualtouch wiIl.Iip into .exual
back and up along his .ide., perhaps again raking the mu.- soon enough.
cles on either side of hi. spine with .tifffingers. Becau.e we Begin by massaging his face. Move up along hi. jaw line
hold so much of our stress and ten. ion in our neck and with your fingers to his temples and massage them in a cir-
.houlders, you may want to return to the top of his shoul- cular motion. Use your thumb pads to lightly stroke out-
ders and knead them for a while longer as well. Keep re- ward over his cheekbone. to hi. temple., then put your
minding your man to breathe regularly and to visualize hi. thumbs together between hi. eyes and .weep your thumb.
mu.cle fibers relaxing. (That ball of .tring .hould be com- up and over his forehead. Pinch his eyebrows softly along
ing apart by now.) And, as always, be con.ciou. of how their length. Don'. favorite move is the one in which I hold
easily your hand. glide over him . A good lube job is fric- hi. ears and very gently pull on them. First, I pull outward
tion free, so don't be thrifty with the oil. on the lobe, and then I hold the top of his ear between my
Finish this facedown ma.sage by applying long, feath- thumb and fingers and move the entire ear in small circles.
ery fingertip .troke. from head to toe. He .hould barely be You can also finger-stroke the groove behind the ear. Fol-
able to feel these. low the face massage by rubbing and scratching his scalp.
Drag your fingertip. down the sides of your partner'.
neck and knead the top' of his shoulders. Slide your hand.
If your panner like. a more invigo- down and gently stroke his chest outward to his sides,
rating ma......ge, add a chop ping motion moving down hi. rib cage as you go. Now place your
(u. ing th e . ide. of your hand.) or a pun.mel- hands on one side of hi. body and pull upward. T his i. eas-
ing mol ion (using loose fi.ts) 10 loo. en up hi. iest if you're kneeling on the bed oppo.ite the side you're
back mu scle•. Again, never work di rectly over hi. working on, leaning over his body. A. you pull up on hi•
•pin e. .ide, .it back down on your heels. Finally, place your hand.
on his che.t again and .troke outward to his .houlders with
gentle pressure, using as much oil a. i. necessary.
'When you're ready for the Aip .ide, ask your partner to Now take each of your partner's hands and arms in turn
roll over and lie on his back. Place one rolled towel under and massage in an upward direction. Hold his hand in

lub . jo b l lube job 1 19

yours and use your rhumbs ro srroke from his wrist to his Okay, it's the moment we've all been waiting for : the
fingertips. The palm of the hand is particularly responsive genital massage. The lubrication you use on your partner's
to massage, so spend some time stroking and kneading this genitals will depend on what you've stocked. Some prod-
spot. Slide your fingers between his so you're in an inter- ucts are fine for genital use, so you can continue on your
locking handhold---this might be a sweet time to give him current course; however, if you're at all uncertain, clean
a deep kiss on the mouth-and then continue up his arm. your hands and use a standard personal lubricant. Warm
Use a combination of long strokes and a wringing motion the lube between your hands and apply it first to your part-
to massage his arms up to his shoulders. ner's testicles, massaging his scrotum and gently pulling it
Drag your hands down his chest to his abdomen, and away from his body.
massage his belly with large circles in a clockwise direction, Caress your man's perineum, then slide your hand un-
using plenty of oil. Run your hands down along his hips. der and over his scrotum, continuing in a single stroke up
You're forgiven if you accidentally brush against something along the underside of his shaft. Place your hand or fingers
you shouldn't. around the base of his penis and lightly stroke upward on
To massage the front of his legs, start at the ankles and his shaft. When he's hard, you can adopt a down-and-up
use long, well-oiled upward strokes ro his thighs. Again, if stroke, maybe adding a twist to your wrist when you get to
your fingertips were to inadvertently touch his testicles or the head of his penis. (Incidentally, I've found this to be an
perineum, he probably wouldn't request another masseuse. ideal point in the massage ro casually mention any large
So practice a little malpractice. purchases you may have recently made.) Don't forget his
Now apply sexy squeezes to each of his feet in turn. Use testicles as you sttoke his shaft---bounce them in one hand
your thumbs to stroke his soles, moving from heel to toes. while the other strokes. Putting pressure on his perineum
PuH each of his toes and then slip your fingers through his during stroking also increases pleasure, so push a thumb
toes so tha t your fingers and his toes are interlocking. Slide against this sensitive spot while your pumping hand moves
your fingers out, then slip them through again before re- up and down his penis.
rurning to stroke his soles with your thumbs. Cradle his foot Delayed gratification is the guiding principle of genital
in your hand and teH him to relax his ankle as you gentlycir- massage. The more times you can bring your partner close
cle the joint through its range of motion. Return to rub the to orgasm but stop before he actually climaxes, the stronger
sole again before serring his foot down on the bed. his sexual release will ultimately be. Accordingly, the pres-
Finish this face-up massage the same way that you fin- sure, rhythm, variety, and pace of your strokes depend on
ished the facedown: by applying long, feathery strokes how well you can read your man and how long you want
along the length of his body and limbs, using just your fin- to make this lube job last . It also depends on how you
gertips . want this massage session ro end. D o you want ro bring

". lub . jo b l l ube jo b 1 19

him to orgasm with a hand job, or do you want to give be placed on the back, on the limbs , on the face, in the
him the full-body treatment and proceed to intercourse? If palms of the hands, and between the toes . As t he heat from
you choose to finish with a hand job, instruct yo ur man to the stone penetrates the body, muscle knot s and tension
maintai n a deep and regular breathing pattern during his are d issolved. But stone therapy has more than a physical
orgasm to increase its intensity and immerse himselfin the effect, as the heat and presence of the stones ca n lull a per-
wave of pleasure. son into a deep sta te of emotional tranquillity and peace.
If you decide to complete his experience with sexual inter- The practice therefore creates an ideal sta te of body and
course, straddle his body (facing his head or his feet) in the mind in which to co nnect physically and emotionally with
woman-on-top position, and l""'er yourself onto him . Tell your man .
him to relax, breathe through it, and lose himself in the feel- Like sensual-massage kits, complete hot-stone-therapy
ings as you do all the work. It's all part of the sensual mas- massage kits are also available. Some come with just the
sage package, and yo u're a very comprehensive masseuse . basics (a number of smooth basalt stones); others may in-
After your session is over, spend some rime lying qui- clude a warmer and to ngs for the stones, essential oils, and
etly next to your partner. If he wants to drift off to sleep, either an instructional book or video that will show you
let him . There are few states of mind and body as perfectly exactly where the stones are to be placed on the body. Or,
blissful as that following a sensual massage, so let yo ur man you may wish to visi t a rock and gem specialty store and
soak in the serenity. choose your own stones individually. Considering the
Addi ng sensual massage to your love life has great po- popularity of hot-stone therapy, the staff are likely well
tential to strengthen the intimate con nection between you versed in t he practice and will be able to advise you which
and your man. It also offers opportunities for ongoi ng va- stones to selecr .
riety. There are countless m assage oils and lubricants you Although you should be able to buy a decem starrer set
can use in yo ur sessions to keep them as fresh as they are of stones (whether in a kit or individually) for the price of
familiar. Another way to ad d some thi ng new to the experi- a nigh t out for two , don't be too frugal with your purchase.
ence is to incorporate hot-stone therapy into sensual mas- Stones of lesser quality, such as those in cluded in inexpen-
sage . 'Wh ile this ancient healing therapy has recently sive kits , ca nnot hold heat nearly as well as better-quali ty
enj oyed a revival in spas ac ross th e world, it's an easy and stones. Take our word for it, these gems are worth the in-
exquisite way to bring a new di mension to your intimate vestm ent . If diamonds are a girl's bes t friend, hot stones are
massage sessions at home, too. her lover's.
Hot-stone therapy is the process of placing heated As we've seen in this chap ter, sensual touch is a power-
stones on specific places on the body, either directly on the ful tool. N ot only ca n it bridge the emotional, physical,
skin or on a clot h . Fo r example, stones of varying sizes may and sexual distance between two lovers, it can also help

lub . jo b l l ube jo b 1 19
heal a broken relationship. Bur perhaps most important,
sensual massage can help a couple maintain rhe strength of
their loving connection to prevent a breakdown from hap.
pening in the first place.
We certainly don't mean ro oversimplify intimate emo-
tional and physical issues, whether the problem is infi-
delity, arguments over pornography, or something else
altogether, bur the fact remains, it is far better ro prevent
this type of relationship damage than it is to repair it. And
sensual massage may be one way to bring and keep you ~ 1=
dose as a couple. Remember, an ounce of prevention is tpaJd, ETiIJe
worth a pound of cure. Take the time to dear the snow
tl ~
from the wipers before you turn them on. Take the time to
stay connected to your partner before your precious bond
is compromised. Maintenance

"'" '0'
, '

, .-

lub . jo b l
!Lube !Job #20
Hassle ·Free Maintenance Sex Coupons

h ro ug ho u t thi, handbook, we've tried to redeem main-

T tenance sex in principle . Now it 's your man's turn to
redeem it in a more practical sense.l\hintenance coupons ,
which can be exchanged for sexual favors at his pleasure ,
are a straightforward ye, sexy way for your partner to indi-
cate his needs are in need. Cur oU! these reusable, strictly
maintenance sex coupons and give them to you, man. Or
create and customize your own coupon book by induding
the quickies or all-nighte" he likes best.
If it so happens that your man wants to cash in a
coupon (or a combination of coupons!) you'd rather not
honor at that particular moment, don't panic. Instead, of-
rer him a friendly rain check and negotiate an alternative
exchange: maybe a slow blow job as he walChe. hi, favorite
television show for that 6bor-intensive precoital massage
or a quickie hand job in the car for that doggy-style romp
on the kitchen floor. The compromise is as important as
the currency. As long as your man has the means to com-
mun k 'll" hi. needs and an assurance th a t his needswill be
met o ne way or another, he'll be s miling all the way 10 the ,:
~ s= c~
Red _mabie lor lexua l lnterco urse, Initiated by you, I
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wa nt to lovingly satislY them, and that you sincerely care , ,
Redeemable lor One Iong-Ia sling genital massag e :

about m a inta in in g your emotional and physical connec-

tion as a couple .
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I Redeemable lor one hand job In the Car wh ile

listening to the mu sic 01 my choice

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Re<l_mablelor one long French kiss

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'" lu b a job l ,------------------------------, '"
n'l.a.uti..tI1lll.Ce- S= ClHJnn.L
~ T~
Red eema ble lor one afte r-d inne r blow job
under Ille k ilcllen table

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:,--------------------------- , ,---------------------------~-,
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Redeema ble for One blow Job plll10rm ed o utdoors


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I :
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Red eema ble for o ne lla nd job ptIrlor med out doors I

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: ,,
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: : ,
Red eema ble for on e u x-toy (of my c lloice j playtime I

I I ,------------------------------,
------------------------------, '"
r ~-----------------------------
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s=r- ..-- -
: : ,I Red_ mabie~
I, """P""
,I I,

: ,I lor one "Manneq uin Woman " ussion,
I I ,I wllere you st e nd or lie com plelely sti ll and
------------------------------, , leI me d o w","tever I want to you
,------------------------------ I ,------------------------------~


: r,--------------------------~-,
: ~ s.: eo..,u-

: Redeema ble lo r one XXX-rated movie nig llt I

I ~----------------------------- ,------------------------------~
: I
I r ---------------------------~--,
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I ~ s=r- """P"'-
..- -- -
: : ,
I Red eemable lor s uper slick sexual Intercou rse,
-- ----------------------,
-0'-·--'···_'··· ••
I wiltl bolh Our bodies covered in baby o il


I --
I 1
: :
I t
~ s=r- ..-- -
I I ,I
I, """P""
, I,

------------------------------, , ,
Red_ mabie 'or One X-ra ted slory time session I

,~---- ----- ---------- ,------------------------------,

: r ---------------------------~--,
~ s=r- ..-- -
: : ,
I, """P""
, I,

: --- - - -- - - ---- - ---- - )

Red _ma bie lor tile c lla nce 10 watch I

you mestu rb a te I

I ,------------------------------~
: ,,--------------------------~-,,
I ,
I, ..-- -
~ s=r-
, I,

------------------------------, ,
Red _ma ble lor one bedroom striptease I

,,,------------------------------ ,,
,, ,,
I ~ s<'X- ~ :
,, ,, Red _mabie lor One blow job per/ormed I

,, ,, ,I while you li t on the l ide 01 the tub

, , ,------------------------------~
------------------------------, ,---------------------------~- '
,,,------------------------ -,, --- ,: ~ S<'X- ~ :

,,, I
Red _mable lor One "power po lish"


,,,------------------------------ ,, ,
: ~ S<'X- ~ :

,, ,, ,
I Red _mabie lor sexuel interco urse In the

,,, ,, ,II laundry roo m, with you on top 01 the weshing I

, , machi ne (on the s pin c yc le)

,,~----------------------------- .
,, - ,I

~ S<'X-~
Redeemable lor sexuallntereou rse

------------------------------~ ~----------~~~~-~~:~----------~
,,,,------------------------------ ,,, ,
,, ,, ,:I ~ s.: eo..,u-
, :
,, ,, ,I Red _mabie for One blindfold

------------------------------, , al'K:llor re straints Sex session


,,,----------------------------- , ,------------------------------~
,, ,,
,, ,,
------------------------------, ".
,------------------------------ ,---------------------------~-- ,
,: ~ s""" c~ ,:
I I ,II ,
I ,
R"d""mabl" 10' you to _ a, on "


I , I
ling" rie it"m 01 my clwlc:"


------------------------------, ---------------------------~-- ,
: ~ S=C~ :
I Red_ma bie 10' hands-fr_ H xua llnt",cou rl".
I , I I
wh..... we ""ve s" x without using ou , hands to h" lp
------------------------------~ ,------------------------------,
,------------------------------ ,---------------------------~-,

• I
I I : m.a.u.u..tt.aJl.Ce- S= C~ I
, ,
Red_mable lor One prolo nged necking session :
I, I

I , I
------------------------------, • I

,------------------------------ :
~ S=C~ I
II ,
Red_ mabie lor a long look at your naked body :
, ,------------------------------,
,---------------------------~-, ,
------------------------------~ II ~ S=ClHJnn<t.
~ T~ ~


I Red_mable lor One hand tob in the show" r I
I , I

I ,------------------------------,
, ,
: m.a.u.u..tt.aJl.Ce- S= C~ :
------------------------------~ I I
Redeemabl" 10' on" closet quick i" I

,,,------------------------------ t ---------------------------~-~

I ,,
I ~ S""" CtHJniH1
~ .~ .~


I ,I Red _m a bie lor one lap danee

, I
I '--------------------------~-~
t --------------------------- --~
------------------------------~ ~ S=
,------------------------------ II
Red eema ble lor an o p portunity I

I to try something n_ in bed
, I

I I ,------------------------------~
------------------------------~ • ----------------------------~-,
~ S= C~

,------------------------------- I I

I , I

II , ,------------------------------~
------------------------------- ,---------------------------~--,
II ~ S= CtHJniH1, II
------------------------------- I ~ T~

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,------------------------------~ I mww..~ S= C~ I
, I
------------------------------~ ,-------------------------------
r,-------------------------- ,,

~ I

r ,------------------------------'
- -- ---
- --,:
II Rcknowledgments

-- I
, lI-hny thanks go out to Susan Raihofer, literary agent ex-
traordinaire with the David Black Agency in New York.
r ;-------------------------- Yo ur advice, efforts, and sense of humor have been invalu-

I II able to us.

------------------------------,• T hanks also to Sara Carder and Kathryn Kimball at

,,----------------------------- Tarcher/Penguin USA for their support and exceptio nal

editorial direction.
,I I

(--------------------------- I
,I I

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d u , ;n ~ p",~".n 'l·. 2 19-2 1 . mm"hmp·", 20 . 22>1
«xu.1 ", j«t;on by m.n . 94-% ,,,d;lo')' emt;',," lb7
d u , ;n ~ " ,,,,ful ' ;me, %--97
.du lt vid<o. md n,,~,,; n,,_ ,," b..bi", . nd , hild","
p' ''"''I!''ph;' celib.')' , ...d. • ;i;_xiv, '"
.If.. .... .~ ,,,foddi'y won",, ', h, of ",•••1;,,· .nd.
,n,l pl.y 49-51 '
.n.1 b..d.. 12i b..by_do Ulin!"" " 1] 2-33
di kl<K, 12 1 b..d-g;~ f"",o,_S" dirt;" ...
«pJo"tion of. 124-2 ,
p<n i, , I~ . 141--44
E",om .. I~ fo<. 103
"'""''''ol o, 1 2 .1--2 ~ 0,,1 ><x in . 101- 3
vib,ot"". 137 p"l""tion of b",hroom. 1t~ H Ol
. phrodi,;'" to ",Ii= """" 97 -9~
.botm,,,,,, ~O oh• ...,.j •• d,".n"~", of. 100
'v<>c,do.. 79 ldruom ""k«""". 9 3. 194
d inn « monn ot~ 7~- ~ 1 b1;n dfo ld. . 13,-]9
ob. ..,,," ;on 01 p.rtn,.,:• •mn",!. 121. blow job.. .w. folht ;o
IN- \1 boJ.,. j , w,hy. 1J~
«xu.1 ~""")" H 71 bod" I..n f<" '~". 147
bo=lom with « x co m pu"" ,mo ,io",1" ..U_b<in g " " " of <j" ul"<. '7
m « x 10,. 90-9 2 < n~" m.... ~ ... 4 7 -4 ~ . '>(H4 fulf,lIm <n' of n<ed ,. 1,9 un de-<_th ,,_tobk 7b-77. l«Hl2
in lon g -<e-<m ", I"io",h ip. ~ 3- ~ o nlin< p urr h", of ""',.1 4' I><~ _"on< th m P"l. 23 7 f<mi ni n i'y. uuin'on.nco ",', 131
,i,it to « x ,h op 10,. 14 >-40 co ndn m,. n = h 121-22 phy<i,,1 <>om",. '>I f,m"", ",. 10, im p"""m on' of. 31>
w",lrub< nu k"""" 10,. ~ 7- ~ 9 co n'n~. nun " " ".'" o f. 56. 73. phy<i,,1 to u<h. 22 , -2" fl" ' ' 'j' .... com pli m on... 43 . l>(I--<,2.
b<. _.nd_p.nty «to. 132 1,1-52 ",,,,,I,, ,,, x , .11-3 2 7{)-7 1. N
b ", . ,,_ f« J in g b OO'm on «. 49 coro "". d d ;n iti,,,, of. 2 ~ .~ aI,., " "''' ",Iiof flit<in g. in k ", ~ _ '",m ",L tio m hil' >17
bu ll<t vi[,.,,,o,,. 14'f--, 1 coup!< tim < ,rot", ~
« ",,,,,,tio n . ~ . udi,,,,,'. 1"7 . p brod i, i. c m"nu , 7>1-79
<ok" i« bu med J u"n~ ,ox..1b imp<,,' m « o f ,-=,'doy m om <nt<. 4 Mmy I IiU (Cld. ndl . 1", "'>cod<", 79
cu .« n ow ,h,=I "" ti,';,i". ~9 " ,o.,<ploy. 1103. 1.... <J ibl" '''' .~ 10, ",x 'oolbm . 122
h.mJ job.. 37- .1~ , h,,,,J ,1><>= . 0 M u, ic StOO'< "' '''y. 177-~1 on l"n i•. ~ 1
" ho m<. 209 , h,,,,J ,h",,=,. s- 13 ",,,,f>c, ion , 11>4 IO"'PI..,.
0",1 ' ox . 90-9 2 .~ .,), o w m m u nic" i,,,, ""u< p<"n"l" "' O;" 1" .1 . uJ ito')" , ru tic•. l 07
with p<>m"l""' O;" 20"-~ ", .dm ~ . Ioud . 1l>4---<> , d d.,d ~,"if,,"ion , 9 1- 92. 2.J,
c,J ib.C)'..<;", .botin .,,,< d "l". J i n~ ",xu..l " t<. 2'>---20. 30 wi,h ",n, u,1 m . ", ~<. I.... n"""lty co"'",m. 122
chootin g. .~ infoddi'y d"LyoJ ~ ,"i f"ot i o n . 91-92. 2.1 , .<;,1-1 of I ~ ~,, ",J_ . n.- (Amino) . p< >mo ~" phy. 21 \ - 10
d", i", . Jo.. of..~ lib i<!tx J rop in
eli" "i,. <timul" ion of
,<m o,,--<ontrul bu ll<t vib,,,,,,. di ld,~ . 121 '"
T",in " my. 1 ~ 1 -~ ,
vi.i"o ",x .h"l' 14 i
vi.i"o " "p d ub. 127-3<)
1s I dirtin... T, uc k , to p ,to'y. 1"7-7" '''Y''m i, ,," 13<'
p.nti« ...d . 1, 0 b.,j_~i d f" " ,,-. in 'i "u J.tion o n fo, u'" in b" h. 10 1 w,itt<n ,rotic•. 10.1. 1""
"",ight vib,,,,,,, 1.J7 wonu n '. body. 2 b-2~. 30 .~ al", po mo~" p hy IT<nul um , dofm ition of. ~
,ib,,'ing pon i, , in g. 120 CO< ",x. 9 1 ,rotic m " ,,~, . S.... ",m uJ m " ,,~,
w kk . ' ox ...d. 37 < n ~ic ....uuil m..... g« . 47- 4 ~ . " hi!>i,i,,,, ..'i...- vi,u.1" i", ul " i, ,,,
w mm um c""", ,0--5 ~ " hi!>i,i,,,,i,m. c u ",x . n d. 92
. bo ut in«emi ti« . 1, ~ ind<<<ney .. boo.t '0
libidn . 37 h . ndjobo
. bo ut p<>," ''W. p hy. 210--14 dom in"ion.13 '>---.1" f"", . , j"ul"ion on. 30 ..dv.n"~«. 40·-41
. bo ut ocxu J J i...,i,f"",ion. 111+--10 d"",m~ fo. ",. , S" l in ~e-< i < Nn")' 11"1 (C1<J..nJ) . I", w i, h b li"'fold , nd ,ib",o,. Lib
.phrodi<.i" di n n« com ..",tio n . d,i",,_in « x. 2< ..... ~ f. n,,, i,,. m,n' in ",. _39
7 'f-- ~0 b<i n~ w", h ed J mi n ~ ",x , 92 mm_J i,,<ted. 41-42
",up l, _'i m< co n" ,.."ion . ~ edibl" «<". 10, ocx too1l><,.. m ' ox . 37. 90 money ,h o'. 2 ~ -29
<roti, , _m.il n "" " ~ ,,. 4 7 -4 ~ . 122 <j" ul" i,,,, o n wo m.n ' f,,<. mo," in ~ j u",p "' ;t. 1>1-22
0<)-, 4 "!<!< ,"".,, ~ e-< I""uo k _con trol bu ll" so wi,h p "n i, , in g. 119
ILtte-<". 27- 29. H 00--<>2. 7{)-7 1. , ';b,"",) .149---51 fotigu ' .I,. 17. 21 wi,h pom "",.ph". 123
"j""ul"". ,,," "'~ ,7
imight !>,ined by. 117 "j""ul"ion on wonu n '. body
in b" h, u1>. 101 - 3
du , ing « n," J m. ...g' . 23'>---.10
in . h",,= , 12- 13
m.n --di«ct<d h,n d job. 41-42 b.,j _~ i " d , m on' of. 2b-27 wi, h b lindfo ld mJ vib,,,OO'. 1_.17 un de-< " bk 7 ~
~u io nn,i", lO«oupl... 11{)-l1 m.m p i< , hot. 27 in c u . 90-9 2 h<ol,h. 1"",,1 of d",i", ..... q ~
~u io nn,i", 10, "un. 114- 17 "d"l',.dmg ,cc 2 ' -21>. .1() <_m,il invi",i,,,, fo.. , 4-\7 hoHton< ,hmp". 2 3b---37
qu io nn,i", 1O"", m.n . 112- \ 4 money ,ho'. 2 4-2, OJ'' co n" " du ,i ng. , ~ ho'_",,, n nJl«. 1.J9
",..din<<< '0 " Ik. % p<~i ' i on, md lon,io,", 10,. 2 4. m.n _, 1x"." po<ition. 72-74
",J..t io m h'p-bui IJ ing voc.bul"y. 1,7 N-30 n ibblin g , nJ . 73 in f,dd i'y
Ju, ing " ,..42- 4.1 , i", ul" i,,,, of. 30 wi,h I"ni, , in g. 119 p<>mo ~" phy " ch<" ing. 210--14
w mp l, int<. 9'l "vi,".1" i", ul " i,,,, . 2 4. 21>. wi, h p< >mo ~" phy. 123 ...,ip d ub. " ch,"ing. 129
w mp l imon~ .nd fl" te-< j'. 27-29. H ~ wi, h «m"'<--con ' rol b ull<t ,i[,."to,. wo "'pl"" .ff. i" . ~ ". 21'f--2 ,
,,_m.iL <ro,i , . 47-4>(. ,O--';~
1>0-62. 71)-7 1. N
'" ini,i"ion of <ox. 41

". Inde. IndeN

," '«cou " o k ",~",i,,·. « x . nd . 34 nil'p lo cL m!". 12<>-21 qu ee n hot, ",,,, dru m,. 1, 4- 19
in w. 20"- ~ k ",~ _ «,m ",L tio mhipo n"",I,,·. ,~ 10<.1«. om,i" '0''' 'f"" ii, ~u " ' i on n , i ,,, 10, ...... m en ' of
p<n i, ,i ng. 120
pmi'iom. 19 2. 1 95 -2< ~ I . 220
cot.<x '0 ,...kindl, ""'cOon. 90-9 2
h on e« <xp<=ion of di,,,, i,f,,,,tion .
"'" ~ , ... ", I"ion,h ip
,0-, co u plo. 110--11
,omott-<ontrul bul let ..ib , ,,,,,. 1;1 109-10 h on « ty in , n,w"ing . 109---10
IOliowing "mu,1 m.", ~, . 2.10 intt, ,,,L tio m h ip b o,,-,-c<n I"", , nd in,i f<h ' f"in <d. 117
"" pillow,. 2<'1 ",x. 19 2-93 P« ' p""'"'<. • "i",<1<, md. ,o-, m . n . 1H - 17
" " if<h t ..ib " , ,,,, 137 '0 k« p "'nom ic. >l9 .~, ,0-, wouu n . 112- 14
in' « <" in ,ex. 1000 01 ,~ li bido. I"" 01' 'I""'tonei'y. 2(J.J pen i,. p"i« of. 7 1
drop in pl..,.fuln", in . ~ 7 pen i, l'u ",1' 12.1 ",m ott_control bu llet vib,,,o, . 149--,1
q u« tionn. i", fo, coupk l HH 1 pen i, , in g. 1 1~ -2< 1 I' ,n' i« . nd . 1, 0
K",, ,I o«IT;""" . ,1 q u« tionn. i", h uu n , 114- 17 pen i,,1, ....,. HO'--44 ......u "n'. ,011.tio in , 7fr- 77
k itch , n . f,lI " io in , 77 -~2 q u« tionn. i", h wom.n. 11 2-14 p«in oum. det, ni,ion 01. 19 ....."m'" 13,. 137-.19
",",o ll<etiom of h on oymo on I' h.« . phy, ic..d o""",i«. • m "",d . nd . , 1 m u nn «
libido . dro p in ~, phy, ic..dh"l,h knet,to of <e x . 32. 34. Lck of cou plo ,imo. 4---t>
di' b", ,,,i, 01 "xu .d probl, m,. «xu.1b o ", do m. ~ .H" 36.37.39 1m , of 'P"""noity. s. 203
wmlrob< n"ke",,,,,. ,7- ~ 9
h"l,h. 1....,1 01 d"i", md , 01' k~ion. '0
,i mu l"o oj"" uL to. ., 0
phy, ic..d'o u ch. S" ",n, u .d nu"'g'
p i ll ",,~ 10, ",x. 20 1 ,.douuoochi,m.13'>---39
du , ing n"n0l"u«. 21J.!.-' L""" Ii<t. 1'Il1---'J1 . 19 .1 pl,,« . ,<;", 10<..1«. < n~ic _o;"ho,,/ of W1wmI"," , 11.. I"«tin o ). 2 1,
"" u.1 bo «Jo m. ~ 3- ~ " lub,i" nto pol< d,nci ng. 1 2~ ,...j uet io n with lin g«i<. 13 1-.l--1
from " n,,,. %----')7 h . n .d p l. ~ 12 , pm"''!<''l'h, · ",,,,u.1 m...... go
,u'picio n. ,u,mu nding. 9, fl ....'m!. ~ 1 in .n'i ~ uity. "9 h eolin g 1""'= of to uc h . 22,
wom ",·, ,en,",",ty conc er omg- oi l_bo«J. 121 CO< « x md. 20. ,- , h ot-tt<m, th..,.py. 2.Jfr- 37
~% , ilicono_b",'d. 13. 12 2 choic« of. 2<09 I'0mog"phy ot < n~ico .nd. I"".
linge , i, , h n_,en,i'ivity '0. 124 c",.m I' io ,ho'. 27 214- 1,
.<c"~ ,, iut i o n ot~ 134 w"m", ~ l u b , i " n ~ . 19--2(1 & .oOom 'o-" with . 2< l ~-14 I' ''l'',''i,m fo.-. 227 - 29
h" . • n d- f"n ty « to. 132 w,,« · b ....d.ll ' om,i" """"'. 163 " connec ti,m th rouf<h. 22fr- 27.
", l<c,io n of. 131- 33 " f"" pl')'. 21 I - I " 237- 3>1
"",ki n!" " blin dfo lolo 0.- ..... "in~. uu""in«. '~ I'''''''W'l'hy money ,hot. 2 4-2" tec h niq uo. 229--.' "
13, uu k""",., with 0,,1",x o.- Iund j o!>. 123 Sox Ii". 192. 194-9';
10, ,~ " m il' clu b ,i,i,. 129--30 l><droo m. 93 with ",n, u,1 m".. ~<. 2 14-1 , . "" ,hop'. 14';--4>l
u" of. 133-34 m.mttn,ne< ",x ",,,,,m,. _ l zzs "" "'0k S.... ''''''
li« ,..,. wo ,", wm lrob<. ~ 7 ->l9 in ",x tooJho x. 122-23 "" u.1 fl"" ,,". 27-29. 43. f>()--<,1.
F",my lIiIlICl ol.nd). 1", uu nu .d ,ti m ul"ion . ,~ h , nd job. ,~ aI,., om,i" lU-71. N
_o;"WofW1wmI",", lI" I" ,«ino) . m..... ge.,~ , en,u.1 m.....ge p"'itio n, 10, in' « cou" o. 192. "" u.1 in' « cou" o. ,~ in « ITou""
m u",tutb",ion , 121 19'>---201 .ll\1 ,h""~,,. >h• ....J. >l-- B
10<. 1«. < n~ic n" ",>p' u«. 20.l-, pow " . nun ', ",n« of..i". 73 . ,1<'<1' q u , lity. ",x . n d. 1 ~
hcJruom.93 m,nu of .p hrudi,i ,,~ 7 ~ -79 1'> 1-52 S"·M. ,~ ...do n",ochi,m
w . 37. .1' , _92.
2(><>---9 m i, m " in hcJruom. 194 POW" " ,uW «. 1, 4- 19 'P"""noity. 202 - 3
clooct 0' ,nd "",d nook. 14 1 n ~ m "i oh<~. S.... , j""uL tio n on p" i« md fl.tlety. 27-29. H. f>()--<, 2. "oek in!,>" hlind foldo '" ""',,m~. 13i
kitc hon , 77-~ 2 wonu n·. body 70--7 1.74 " o , i«- erotic. ,~ "utic>
o u"ide bo, ot hotol. 130 mood . ,~ om otion.1 ,,~II_being p"l"',nCJ' ""I'_on dildo.. 12 1
......u"n'.7t>-77 M",ic ' '''''' ero tic "0')'. 177-1H .b<tin,nce. 219--21 """ . lib ido . n d. %-99
"" ,hop. 14 <;--4<, ",tt;cou "" p""tHm. 2 20 ",," ",li, f
,h",,~,. 9--13 n' AA'ng. '19 ,en,u .d m....ge. 226 b" h,. 97 _
m il' club. 127- 3<' n . u ~ h ' i n " , . _0;",di " in... pub lic p l. ",. ,~ Io< .d« . < n~ic b" h_, im o hlow job.. l(~I--103

Inde. Inde ..
.."" , d id (""',.) v_gin"! dry n.... 49
Ip"'m ...J". 103 w ;«y. ,..... 10<. 1<-.. ,ruDC; 00)" 'f"C"p,
f""' ;to "riv;ri... . 99
H . pp in, ,, H . nd Job. 3<>--37
",!-",1" .<>.3 1-32 . n"! p i..,.. 13 7
m,..-bu" ing m u tin .... 16 blindt" lded <ex. 13 <;-39
.., ip d ub.. 127-30 foll,,;o. 131>-37. 1, 1
.., ipt<...., bd" ", ,h"wo" 10 h .nd job.. I lb
. u bm ;";,,n , 13,-39 ;n" rro u " o. 1.17. 151
m.n' l o~ p",irio",. I lb About the Authors
" lk , . .... mmmm ;c";o n m.n' , en", of control. 1, 2
" , ,, o f oj" ul",. ' 7 mppl, d .",p<. 121
th . nk _y" u conk 1, 9 p,ni, ,;n",. 11>1-20
tot..! bod>, contoet. 10 p,ni, ,1« =. 140

'. .'0 .1 b<.d,. 12, ",n ~~<-<ontro l bu llet vib" t"".

14'>-\ I
. nc;on' u", of. 1 4 ~ p.>nti" _n d. 1 \<)
co ndom, . 121- 2 2 vide<>. , ...... po m",," phy
d;ldO<, 121 vi," .1 """i"ion
ediblo , ,,,.t< . 122 h ei,," " n in ~ or "'n.... 135----39
ho , _,.,.," conJl«. 139 <ex ;n d " l d """ . 14 1---44 Maintenance ,ex >ave<! Don
lu b,i " n" f",. 11 ~ . 12 1 vi," .1 .n m ul. ri"" and Debra Macleod's mar-
n, ,.,. in",nt;o n, . 146 d i1Joo . 12 1
n ippl, d.m p<. 121)-21 . oj" ul. rion o n wo m.n' body. 2 4. riage, and LUM Job> i, inspire<!

no vd ty '"of. 1 4~
2h . Z9
linW';,. 13 1- 3 4
by lheir journey back to amo-
rous intimacy after the sexual
I"n " pu m p' . 12.1 m ;",,,, ;n b ed mom. 194
I"n '" i n l". I I ~ -20 mppl, d.",p<. 12')-2 1 , talemate that folJowe<! the pre-
I"n " d" ..... 140---4\ n "",lty co ndo m,. 121- 2 2
purrh"" o f. 14 4---4 , p ,,'no" 'ru u,,1. 12 \ . 14'>-,1 mature birth of their ,on. They
,omo" --contrul l.,,net ..ib , " m . p' "n""''I' h;-. 122- 23 are also the aUlho" of TIv
149---51 ;n .bow " . I ()- 13
p.nt;« m d . 1;'() " , i pd u b. 12 ~- 30 Frmch Maid, which ha, been
,h o pp ing f",. 1 4 <;- 4 ~ voreuncu fealure<! in USA Totky, in the
""ight ..ib ,,' m , . 135----39 .. p.t< o f ,h,oeduc rion proce ss. 13"
' oolb"" f",. 117-1 " 126 p' "n""''I' h;- 2 12 Style section of Thr Nrw York Timr>, and on lhe "Borders Recom-
T,,;n om,i , ""'y. 1 ~ I -W; w n~en , m~ n 1M mend>" li'l , Th e Macleods live in Albena, Canada.
Truck Stop em, i, ""'y. Ih 7-76
"",bo;to 'ourr .... , 4
und«_th,_..blo fdl . rio . 71>-71 . ""m kp l.« . If. ;" . "". 21'>-2,
!It )-~ 2 ,.,.,itt, n ero ri". ,..... ero ti"

262 Inde.

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