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Nerissa de Matta

C101 Class Saturday AM

Mikka Acbay

WIL Project or What is Love Project is basically a project conducted by students from equip classes in
which they roam around their surroundings to win seven souls (per person). Its purpose is to share and tell what
the true meaning of love is. The flow of this project is stated below:

To start the conversation, students are tasked to ask the WILees what is their own definition of love.
Right after they answer, they will be enlightened what love really is with the verse 1 John 4:8 "Anyone who
does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Next is the demonstration where they will share how Jesus Christ sacrificed himself which was
mentioned in 1 John 3:16 “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us and we
ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” Jesus Christ gave himself to redeem our sins and
because He has plans for us. It was clearly stated in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you’ says
the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” A question for
WILees, ‘aren’t you wondering, if God truly love us, why did He let us suffer and fail?’ The answer is very
simple, it’s because humans commit sins. It says in Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory
of God”. The sins are the wall that hinders us from experiencing God’s plans. The hardest thing is that the
wages of sin is death, from Romans 6:23. The sinners are bound to die because of our sins but praise God; Jesus
sacrificed himself to take our sins and place. The grace and forgiveness has been free for everyone. We are
saved because He died for us.

The last and most crucial part is the decision in which the WILees had to decide if they are going accept
God as their personal savior and if they want to experience God’s plans for them. If they said yes, then they
may proceed to the prayer of acceptance where they acknowledge God, admit that they have sinned and that
they have accepted Jesus with their lives.


‘Love is blind’, ‘love is family’, ‘love is a living sacrifice’, ‘love means acceptance’; the things
mentioned were answered by many when we asked them what is the meaning of love on their own perspective.
Before, my definition of love was the same as what the people answered when I asked them but it says in 1 John
4:8, ‘Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.’ It hit me, maybe, I don’t really know
what love is although I know the word love. Thankfully, through this project, I have been enlightened with its
real definition.

This project helped me boost my confidence to start a conversation with a person unknown for me. It
was indeed hard for me to approach and talk to people unfamiliar for me but praise God, this experience made it
easier. I am glad to serve God through sharing His words and helping people to have a deeper relationship with
Dana Alyssa Guiriba

Aimon Villa

Princess Joy Talaboc Stephanie Cuizon

Prencious Aira Talaboc

Annarhea Evangelista
‘Tyreze Monroe Hale’
Sherlyn Mae Gallaza

Estella Garchitorena

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