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ABOGADIE, Mark Anthony M.

11 / 13 / 19
IE 56
1. Define Divine Law
Divine law is any law that, according to religious belief, comes directly from the will of God, in contrast to
man-made law. Like natural law it is independent of the will of man, who cannot change it. However, it may be
revealed or not, so it may change in human perception in time through new revelation. Divine law is eternal
law, meaning that since God is infinite, then his law must also be infinite and eternal. In Thomas Aquinas's
Treatise on Law, divine law, as opposed to natural law, comes only from revelation or scripture, hence biblical
law, and is necessary for human salvation.
Examples of divine laws are:
 Ten Commandments of Christian Religion
 Sharia of Islamic Religion
 Dharma for Hinduism

2. What is “Juridical”?
It pertains to the law or rule of law, legal; judicial, related to the administration of justice (as to jurisprudence,
or to the function of a judge or court).
This follows the laws of man for the sake of civilization. Humans in geographical factions have enacted rules
to maintain order, most of which have evolved to what we now know as laws of states or countries. Each of
which specific and dependent to the country’s own culture and beliefs. We now have what are so called as the
Constitution, which obviously changes over-time according to the need to do so.
 Constitutions – a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or
other organization is acknowledged to be governed

3. Define Natural Law

Natural law is the philosophy that certain rights, moral values, and responsibilities are inherent in human nature,
and that those rights can be understood through simple reasoning. In other words, they just make sense when
you consider the nature of humanity. Throughout history, the phrase “natural law” has had to do with
determining how humans should behave morally. The law of nature is universal, meaning that it applies to
everyone in the same way. To explore this concept, consider the following natural law definition.
Natural law is a philosophy that is based on the idea that “right” and “wrong” are universal concepts, as
mankind finds certain things to be useful and good, and other things to be bad, destructive, or evil. This means
that, what constitutes “right” and “wrong,” is the same for everyone, and this concept is expressed as
As an example of natural law, it is universally accepted that to kill someone is wrong, and that to punish
someone for killing that person is right, and even necessary.

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