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"Liberals' 'Progress' Means Subjugation By Any Other Name!

By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.

© Copyright November 20, 2010 - All Rights Reserved

Definition of INCESTUOUS
1: constituting or involving incest 2: guilty of incest 3: excessively or improperly intimate
or exclusive

Incestuous (definition 3 above) is the word that comes to mind when discussing the
political philosophy and actions for individuals and groups with names like George
Soros, Andy Stern, Van Jones and John Podesta, along with the Center for American
Progress, Media Matters, Move-On.org, the Tides Foundation, Huffington Post,
Democracy Alliance and a whole host of other organizations that are funded by or
associated with, financier/billionaire George Soros. (There are too many to list here)
But today we will focus on the Center for American Progress (CAP), run by John
Podesta, a Clinton administration insider. CAP advises the President on numerous
political matters and is as left leaning as they get. George Soros keeps it well funded
and George Soros has direct access to the White House. So far, he has been there
four times we are told. Now it's possible that he and the President only talk about
basketball, but it is highly unlikely.
Let's get back to CAP They just recently put out a position paper on November 15th,
2010, entitled "To Advance Progressive Change", recommending to the president
of the United States of America (the anointed puppet of the progressive movement) on actions he
can take in the wake of the drubbing the Democrats took at the polls on November
2nd, 2010, in order to continue the implementation of their socialist agenda, in spite of
the fact that it was their socialist agenda that resulted in the drubbing in the first
place. They are simply ignoring the conservative message delivered at the midterm
elections. We won't go into the details of the report but we have provided a link to it

Podesta opens the report with:

"In the aftermath of this month’s midterm congressional elections, pundits and politicians
across the ideological spectrum are focusing on how difficult it will be for President Barack
Obama to advance his policy priorities through Congress. Predictions of stalemate abound. And
some debate whether the administration should tack to the left or to the center and compromise
with or confront the new House leadership."

"As a former White House chief of staff, I believe those to be the wrong preoccupations.
President Obama’s ability to govern the country as chief executive presents an opportunity to
demonstrate strength, resolve, and a capacity to get things done on a host of pressing
challenges of importance to the public and our economy. Progress, not positioning, is what the
public wants and deserves."

"The U.S. Constitution and the laws of our nation grant the president significant authority to
make and implement policy. These authorities can be used to ensure positive progress on many
of the key issues facing the country through: • Executive orders • Rulemaking • Agency
management • Convening and creating public-private partnerships • Commanding the armed forces •

Podesta reeks of arrogance as do most folks on the liberal side, thinking that they
know what is best for all mankind and by God, they aren't going to take NO for an
answer, even if that NO comes from a large majority of the American people. They
are right no matter how many people say that they are wrong, or how many freedoms
you have to give up, or how many taxes you have to pay to fund their being right.

But let's talk about Executive Orders that Podesta thinks Obama should employ, as
there is and has been considerable question as to their constitutional authority.
Article 1, Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution says: "All legislative Powers herein
granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist
of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Nowhere in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution, wherein it discusses the powers

and duties of the President, does it say anything about Presidents MAKING law,
which is what most contemporary Executive Orders do. Nevertheless, Executive
Orders have been used by every President since George Washington and it has been
generally accepted that the authority of an Executive Order has been construed to
come from Article I, Clause 1 of the Constitution. If you read the Clause, to extend it
to Executive Order authority is a REAL stretch. Most concerns around Executive
Orders are that they could lead to a dictator. Here are two links that discuss this
The Impact of Executive Orders on the Legislative Process: Executive Lawmaking? William Olsen, Cato Institute
Executive Orders A Blueprint for Dictatorship? Tanya L. Green, J.D., Concerned Women for America

Rule Making authority, on the other hand, comes from the President controlling the
federal bureaucracy, as the President's cabinet is made up of directors (called Secretaries)
of most, or all of the massive federal agencies, such as the Environmental Protection
Agency. Abuse of the federal bureaucracy by the President is not only a real
possibility, it is a reality. If a President can't get his pet legislation passed by the
Congress, all he (or she) has to do is to direct the director (Secretary) of a federal agency
to promulgate a "rule", which has the same effect as a law passed by Congress. Or if
that doesn't work the President just issues an Executive Order. So much for Article I,
Section 1 of the U. S. Constitution.

But we digress. The subject of this article is the "Progressive" agenda and how it is
all about subjugation of the American people. The agenda has four (4) distinct

1) Buy off a large segment of the American people with "promises" from the public treasury to
make them dependent on the government and secure their undying loyalty and their vote so that
progressives remain in power. (A man will very seldom bite the hand that feeds him)
2) Use compassion, guilt and propaganda to get the rest of the population to agree to strategy
number 1.
3) Create or use crises (climate change, environmental catastrophes, natural disasters) as a rationale
for their actions.
4) Exceed the limits of all constitutional authority to accomplish numbers 1, 2 and 3. (i.e.
unconstitutional legislation, bureaucratic rule making, or court decisions that have no basis in the intent of
the Founders of the Constitution.)

Unfortunately, buying someone off strips them of their dignity, their pride and their
self-worth, provided they had any in the first place. Duping people into acceptance of
a wrongful action by resorting to irrational compassion, strength-robbing guilt, telling
outright lies and exploiting crises to gain power, is not only corrupt but should be a
crime, punishable by heavy fines and lengthy jail times. But exceeding one's
constitutional authority is treasonous and acts of treason should be subject to
expulsion, if not death, because treason from within is so heinous and so damaging, it
will destroy a nation if allowed to persist.

But the Progressives' agenda, encompassing social justice, radical environmental

protection and benign global governance, is just a dodge. The real agenda is
absolute control over all the people, using executive power, specific directed
legislation, arbitrary judicial decisions and unstable monetary policy as the
mechanism to achieve that goal. The elite have learned that they don't need to use
guns any more to conquer a nation. All they have to do is to manipulate the system
and make the people think that it is all legal.

The Progressives' enemy is free, independent and self-reliant people who think for
themselves, are cognizant of what goes on around them and dig into and investigate
the actions of those that govern them, in the context of the governors' legal authority.
They recognize corruption when they see it and want to right a wrong when it
presents itself. In their hearts these people are free in mind and spirit and question
and then challenge those who would attempt to rob them of that freedom. Many of
those freedom-loving individuals took the time to vote this November, in order to bring
a halt to a growing national cancer ...... the Progressive agenda.

But for over 100 years Progressives have been quietly building an infrastructure in the
American society, based on their four (4) strategies and that infrastructure is now fully
embedded in the culture and the legislative and legal system. To uproot that
infrastructure and render it impotent is going to be a monumental task and they know
it. They still think they have power and from all indications, they still do. Globalists
like Soros, Rockefeller, Rothschilds, other national and international money changers
and power brokers and the all-complicit American government, are working in concert
to tear down America and American sovereignty, re-distribute her wealth and
resources to the rest of the world and rob us of our liberty and they are doing it with
malice afore thought. Their goal is to subjugate all the peoples of the planet under
world government, where just a few of the elite rule, from the top down.

In short, Progressivism and the advance of "Progressive Change", as promoted by

the Center for American Progress and supported by academia, the press and a large
segment of those in government, is, by any other name, subjugation.

Subjugation, according to the dictionary means, "1) to bring under control and
governance, as a subject; or 2) to make submissive." Subjugation is the antithesis of
freedom and liberty, but it is the Progressives' prime objective.

Which are you? A submissive subject under the control of a government who has
broken its sacred bond with the people, or instead are you a free spirit with certain
unalienable rights that are a gift from your creator and you are willing to defend those
rights with your life, your fortune and your sacred honor, as were those who sacrificed
it all to give birth to your freedom?

Ron Ewart, President

P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA 98027
425 837-5365 or 1 800 682-7848
Website: www.narlo.org
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