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Another look at “Exercise is Medicine”



The article is about obesity referred to the condition as a disease requiring both
treatment and prevention. Since obesity rates have skyrocketed over the past 20
years. The American Medical Association established various designs and programs
to fight this health crisis, based from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
reports that 35.7% of U.S adults and 17% or children and adolescents are currently
considered obese. Their one of the combats to obesity are planning to spread
awareness regarding the medicinal qualities of physical activity. Thoreau spoke of the
place of physical activity in his daily routines; he realized that movement provided
much more than accomplishing health-related fitness goal. And there is also
Kretchmar reminds us that movement provides qualities of life such as delight,
meaning, identity and freedom. We swim and dance, not only because doing so
improves our overall health, but perhaps more importantly by the qualities because
sports and physical activity become not only something, we do but who we are.


Upon reading the article “Another look at “Exercise is Medicine” by Douglas R.

Hochtetler I can say that I would have to agree to his arguments on his article about
exercise being a medicine to cure obesity. In his article he said that a research
conducted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that the number of obese
people has skyrocketed, and that exercise is the most prominent way of countering it.
I can say that exercise would really work against being physically unhealthy. This is
because by doing exercise you train your body to be physically fit as well as it puts
your mind into a new mindset of being productive and will help you counter obesity.
Exercise has been proven by a lot of examinations to be great counter against being
unhealthy by a lot of people who have partaken physical exercise. And in my own
opinion on my current state right now exercise did really help in taking away some
unnecessary fats in my body and somehow makes me able handle more of the daily
routines that I do and that still having extra energy for me to do other chores. Sample
exercises like walking, and jogging are the exercise that I currently do right now and
that it only not boosted my energy but through this exercise I was also able to expand
my air capacity, and that my body was able to counter illness through the boost of my
immune system as well through exercise.

This slogan of Douglas R. Hochstetler aims to promote exercise being an alternative

to taking medicines. It aims to encourage people to exercise daily, if possible, which I
believe is right. I do believe that exercise would best help our body to be in good
condition and be ready for any activity we are intended to do. Millennials as we are,
we are fond of using newly invented gadgets and to adapting anything that is on trend
which, I believe, are the primary factors driving us away from being engaged to
physical exercises/activities and basically, the reason why our bodies are weaker
than those of the others. With just a little pain we feel, we immediately take medicine
to have it cured where in fact, we could do son other things to relieve it without having
to take scientifically processed medicines that could probably have components that
is harmful for the body. Exercising regularly would best help us condition not just our
bodies but also put minds for us to be able to complete tasks which needs both
physical and mental capability to be done. Such slogan would serve as an eye opener
for the youth of today's generation to encourage them to engage in any exercise or
physical activity to improve their health.

V. Submitted by

Aguinaldo, John Louis A.


PE 104

PE 205 – basketball
FRIDAY 9:30 – 11:30


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