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[Puntuación máxima: 7]

Sean f ( x) = 6 x 1 − x 2 para −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 , y g ( x) = cos (x) , para 0 ≤ x ≤ π .

Sea h ( x) = ( f ° g) ( x) .

(a) Dé h (x) en la forma a sen (bx) , donde a , b ∈  . [5]

(b) A partir de lo anterior, halle el recorrido de h . [2]

2. [Puntuación máxima: 7]

Sean u = −3i + j + k y v = mj + nk , donde m , n ∈  . Sabiendo que v es un vector unitario

perpendicular a u , halle los posibles valores de m y de n .

3. [Puntuación máxima: 6]

Una competición consta de dos sucesos independientes: disparar a 100 dianas y correr
durante una hora.

El número de veces que un participante da en la diana es la puntuación S . Estas

puntuaciones S siguen una distribución normal de media 65 y desviación típica igual a 10.

(a) Se escoge al azar a un participante. Halle la probabilidad de que su puntuación S sea

menor que 50. [2]

La distancia en km que corre un participante en una hora es la puntuación R . Estas

puntuaciones R siguen una distribución normal de media 12 y desviación típica igual a 2,5.
La puntuación R es independiente de la puntuación S .

Un participante queda descalificado si su puntuación S es menor que 50 y su puntuación R

es menor que x km .

(b) Sabiendo que el 1 % de los participantes quedan descalificados, halle el valor de x . [4]

4. [Puntuación máxima: 7]

Una partícula se mueve en línea recta. Su velocidad v m s−1 al cabo de t segundos viene
dada por

v = 6t − 6 , para 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 .

Al cabo de p segundos, la partícula se encuentra a 2 m de su posición inicial. Halle los

posibles valores de p .

5. [Maximum mark: 6]

The fifth term of an arithmetic sequence is equal to 6 and the sum of the first 12 terms is 45.
Find the first term and the common difference.
6. [Maximum mark: 6]

( )
The following diagram shows the curve y = a sin b(x + c) + d , where a , b , c and d are all
positive constants. The curve has a maximum point at (1 , 3.5) and a minimum point
at (2 , 0.5) .


(1, 3.5)

(2, 0.5) x
–1 0 1 2 3 4 5


(a) Write down the value of a and the value of d . [2]

(b) Find the value of b . [2]

(c) Find the smallest possible value of c , given c > 0 . [2]

7. [Maximum mark: 4]

Find integer values of m and n for which

m - n log3 2 = 10 log9 6
8. [Maximum mark: 7]

The following diagram shows triangle ABC. The point D lies on [BC] so that [AD]
ˆ .
bisects BAC
diagram not to scale

2 5

A x C

AB = 2 5 cm , AC = x cm , and DACˆ = θ , where sin θ = 2

The area of triangle ABC is 5 cm . Find the value of x .
9. [Maximum mark: 8]

Let f (x) = 3 tan4 x + 2k and g ( x) = −tan4 x + 8k tan2 x + k , for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 , where 0 < k < 1 .
The graphs of f and g intersect at exactly one point. Find the value of k .

10. [Maximum mark: 15]

6 − 2x
Let f ′( x) = , for 0 < x < 6 .
6 x − x2
The graph of f has a maximum point at P.

(a) Find the x-coordinate of P. [3]

The y-coordinate of P is ln 27 .

(b) Find f (x) , expressing your answer as a single logarithm. [8]

(c) The graph of f is transformed by a vertical stretch with scale factor . The image
ln 3
of P under this transformation has coordinates (a , b) .

Find the value of a and of b , where a , b ∈  . [4]

11. [Maximum mark: 15]

Let f =
( x) 4 x + 5 , for x ≥ −1.25 .

(a) Find f ′(1) . [4]

Consider another function g . Let R be a point on the graph of g . The x-coordinate of R

is 1 . The equation of the tangent to the graph at R is y = 3x + 6 .

(b) Write down g ′(1) . [2]

(c) Find g (1) . [2]

(d) Let h (x) = f (x) × g (x) . Find the equation of the tangent to the graph of h at the point
where x = 1 . [7]

12. [Maximum mark: 6]

Let f (x) = x2 and g (x) = 3 ln (x + 1) , for x > −1 .

(a) Solve f (x) = g (x) . [3]

(b) Find the area of the region enclosed by the graphs of f and g . [3]
13. [Maximum mark: 6]

A random variable X is distributed normally with a mean of 20 and standard deviation of 4.

(a) On the following diagram, shade the region representing P (X ≤ 25) . [2]

(b) Write down P (X ≤ 25) , correct to two decimal places. [2]

(c) Let P (X ≤ c) = 0.7 . Write down the value of c . [2]

14. [Maximum mark: 7]

The following diagram shows three towns A, B and C. Town B is 5 km from Town A, on a
bearing of 070˚. Town C is 8 km from Town B, on a bearing of 115˚.

N diagram not to scale

70˚ 8

(a) ˆ .
Find ABC [2]

(b) Find the distance from Town A to Town C. [3]

(c) ˆ .
Use the sine rule to find ACB [2]

15. [Maximum mark: 6]

In a geometric sequence, the fourth term is 8 times the first term. The sum of the
first 10 terms is 2557.5. Find the 10th term of this sequence.
16. [Maximum mark: 6]

The mass M of a decaying substance is measured at one minute intervals. The points
(t , ln M ) are plotted for 0 ≤ t ≤ 10 , where t is in minutes. The line of best fit is drawn.
This is shown in the following diagram.

ln M



2 4 6 8 10 t

The correlation coefficient for this linear model is r = −0.998 .

(a) State two words that describe the linear correlation between ln M and t . [2]

(b) The equation of the line of best fit is ln M = −0.12t + 4.67 . Given that M = a × b t ,
find the value of b . [4]

17. [Maximum mark: 8]

Note: One decade is 10 years

A population of rare birds, Pt , can be modelled by the equation Pt = P0 e kt , where P0 is

the initial population, and t is measured in decades. After one decade, it is estimated
that = 0.9 .

(a) (i) Find the value of k .

(ii) Interpret the meaning of the value of k . [3]

(b) Find the least number of whole years for which < 0.75 . [5]

18. [Puntuación máxima: 7]

Una variable aleatoria X sigue una distribución normal de media 3 y varianza igual a 22 .

(a) Halle P(0 ≤ X ≤ 2) . [2]

(b) Halle P( | X | > 1) . [3]

(c) Sabiendo que P(X > c) = 0,44 , halle el valor de c . [2]

19. [Puntuación máxima: 6]

La suma del segundo y el tercer término de una progresión geométrica es igual a 96 .

La suma de los infinitos términos de esta progresión es igual a 500 .

Halle los posibles valores de la razón común, r .

20. [Puntuación máxima: 6]

Los pesos, W , de los bebés recién nacidos en Australia siguen una distribución normal de
media 3,41 kg y desviación típica igual a 0,57 kg. Un bebé recién nacido se considera que
tiene un peso bajo si pesa menos de w kg.

(a) Sabiendo que el 5,3 % de los bebés recién nacidos tienen un peso bajo, halle w . [3]

(b) Hay un bebé recién nacido que tiene un peso bajo.

Halle la probabilidad de que el bebé pese al menos 2,15 kg. [3]
21. [Puntuación máxima: 6]

En esta pregunta todas las longitudes vienen dadas en metros.

Sea f (x) = −0,8x2 + 0,5 , para −0,5 ≤ x ≤ 0,5 . Mark utiliza f (x) como modelo para crear un
barril. La región delimitada por el gráfico de f , el eje x , la recta x = −0,5 y la recta x = 0,5
se rota 360˚ alrededor del eje x . Esto se muestra en la siguiente figura.

f (x) = −0,8x2 + 0,5

−0,5 (0 , 0) 0,5 x

(a) Utilice el modelo para hallar el volumen del barril. [3]

(b) El barril vacío se empieza a llenar con agua. El volumen V m3 de agua que hay en el
( )
barril al cabo de t minutos viene dado por V = 0, 8 1 − e −0,1t . ¿Cuánto tiempo tardará
el barril en estar medio lleno? [3]

22. [Puntuación máxima: 7]

Sea f ′(x) = sen3 (2x) cos (2x) . Halle f (x) , sabiendo que f   =1.
23. [Puntuación máxima: 7]

Sea f ( x) = m − , para x ≠ 0 . La recta y = x − m corta al gráfico de f en dos puntos
distintos. Halle los posibles valores de m .

24. [Maximum mark: 6]

Jim heated a liquid until it boiled. He measured the temperature of the liquid as it cooled.
The following table shows its temperature,  d  degrees Celsius,  t  minutes after it boiled.

t (min) 0 4 8 12 16 20
d (°C) 105 98.4 85.4 74.8 68.7 62.1

(a) (i) Write down the independent variable.

(ii) Write down the boiling temperature of the liquid. [2]

Jim believes that the relationship between  d  and  t  can be modelled by a linear regression
(b) Jim describes the correlation as very strong. Circle the value below which best
represents the correlation coefficient. [2]

0.992 0.251 0 -0.251 -0.992

(c) Jim’s model is  d = -2.24t + 105 , for  0 ≤ t ≤ 20 . Use his model to predict the decrease
in temperature for any 2 minute interval. [2]

25. [Maximum mark: 8]

The first three terms of a geometric sequence are  ln x16 , ln x8 ,  ln x4 , for  x > 0 .
(a) Find the common ratio. [3]

(b) Solve ∑2
k =1
5- k
ln x = 64 . [5]

26. [Maximum mark: 5]

Ten students were asked for the distance, in km, from their home to school. Their responses
are recorded below.

0.3 0.4 3 3 3.5 5 7 8 8 10

(a) For these data, find the mean distance from a student’s home to school. [2]

The following box-and-whisker plot represents this data.

0.3 3 p 8 10

(b) Find the value of p . [1]

(c) Find the interquartile range. [2]

27. [Maximum mark: 6]

The following diagram shows the graph of f ′ , the derivative of f .


0 x
–4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(4 , –2)

–6 A




The graph of f ′  has a local minimum at A, a local maximum at B and passes through
(4 , -2).

(a) The point  P (4 , 3)  lies on the graph of the function, f .

(i) Write down the gradient of the curve of f at P.

(ii) Find the equation of the normal to the curve of f at P . [4]

(b) Determine the concavity of the graph of f when  4 < x < 5  and justify your answer. [2]

28. [Maximum mark: 14]

A quadratic function f can be written in the form f (x) = a (x - p) (x - 3) . The graph of f has
axis of symmetry  x = 2.5  and  y-intercept at  (0 , -6) .

(a) Find the value of  p . [3]

(b) Find the value of  a . [3]

(c) The line  y = kx - 5  is a tangent to the curve of f . Find the values of  k . [8]

29. [Puntuación máxima: 5]

 1 
Halle el término independiente de x en el desarrollo del binomio  2 x 2 +  .
 2 x3 
30. [Puntuación máxima: 16]

Sea f (x) = cos x .

(a) (i) Halle las cuatro primeras derivadas de f (x) .

(ii) Halle f (19)(x) . [4]

Sea g (x) = xk , donde k ∈ + .

(b) (i) Halle las tres primeras derivadas de g (x) .

(ii) Sabiendo que g (19 ) ( x) =
(k − p )!
( x k −19 ) , halle p . [5]

Sean k = 21 y h ( x) = f (19 ) ( x) × g (19 ) ( x) . )
(c) (i) Halle h′ (x) .

−21! 2
(ii) A partir de lo anterior, muestre que h′ (=
π) π . [7]

31. [Puntuación máxima: 22]

Sea y = exsen x .

(a) Halle una expresión para . [2]

d2 y x
(b) Muestre que 2 = 2e cos x . [2]

Considere la función f , definida mediante f (x) = ex sen x , 0 ≤ x ≤ π .

(c) Muestre que la función f alcanza un valor máximo local en x = . [2]

(d) Halle la coordenada x del punto de inflexión del gráfico de f . [2]

(e) Dibuje aproximadamente el gráfico de f , indicando claramente la posición del punto

máximo local, del punto de inflexión y de los puntos de corte con los ejes. [3]

32. [Maximum mark: 7]

∫ xe
x 2 -1
(a) Find dx . [4]
(b) Find f (x) , given that f ′(x) = xex -1  and f (-1) = 3 . [3]
33. [Maximum mark: 15]

A factory has two machines, A and B. The number of breakdowns of each machine is
independent from day to day.
Let A be the number of breakdowns of Machine A on any given day. The probability
distribution for A can be modelled by the following table.

a 0 1 2 3
P (A = a) 0.55 0.3 0.1 k
(a) Find k . [2]

(b) (i) A day is chosen at random. Write down the probability that Machine A has
no breakdowns.

(ii) Five days are chosen at random. Find the probability that Machine A has
no breakdowns on exactly four of these days. [3]

Let B be the number of breakdowns of Machine B on any given day. The probability
distribution for B can be modelled by the following table.

b 0 1 2 3
P (B = b) 0.7 0.2 0.08 0.02

(c) Find E (B) . [2]

On Tuesday, the factory uses both Machine A and Machine B. The variables A and B are
(d) (i) Find the probability that there are exactly two breakdowns on Tuesday.
(ii) Given that there are exactly two breakdowns on Tuesday, find the probability that
both breakdowns are of Machine A. [8]

34. [Maximum mark: 17]

A line  L1  passes through the points  A (0 , 1 , 8)  and  B (3 , 5 , 2) .

(a) (i) Find AB .

(ii) Hence, write down a vector equation for  L1 . [4]

 1   p
   
(b) A second line  L2 , has equation
= r  13  + s  0  .
 -14   1 
   

Given that  L1  and  L2  are perpendicular, show that  p = 2 . [3]

(c) The lines  L1  and  L2  intersect at  C (9 , 13 , z) . Find  z . [5]

(d) (i) Find a unit vector in the direction of  L2 .

(ii) Hence or otherwise, find one point on  L2  which is 5 units from C. [5]
35. [Puntuación máxima: 16]

Fred fabrica un contenedor de metal abierto con forma de ortoedro, tal y como se muestra
en el siguiente diagrama.


El contenedor tiene x m de altura, x m de ancho y una longitud de y m . El volumen es

igual a 36 m3.

Sea A (x) el área de la superficie externa del contenedor.

(a) Muestre que A (=
x) + 2x2 . [4]

(b) Halle A′(x) . [2]

(c) Sabiendo que el área de la superficie externa tiene un valor mínimo, halle la altura del
contenedor. [5]

(d) Fred pinta la parte externa del contenedor. Una lata de pintura da para cubrir una
superficie de 10 m2 y cuesta $20. Halle el costo total de las latas que se necesitan
para pintar el contenedor. [5]

36. [Puntuación máxima: 5]

Los términos 1.o, 4.o y 8.o de una progresión aritmética cuya diferencia común es d , d ≠ 0 ,
son los tres primeros términos de una progresión geométrica cuya razón común es r .
Sabiendo que el 1.er término de ambas progresiones es 9, halle

(a) el valor de d ; [4]

(b) el valor de r . [1]

37. [Maximum mark: 7]

The magnitudes of two vectors, u and v , are 4 and 3 respectively. The angle between
u and v is .
Let w = u - v . Find the magnitude of w .
38. [Maximum mark: 14]

A particle P moves along a straight line so that its velocity, v ms−1, after t seconds, is given
by v = cos 3t − 2 sin t − 0.5 , for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5 . The initial displacement of P from a fixed point O
is 4 metres.

(a) Find the displacement of P from O after 5 seconds. [5]

The following sketch shows the graph of v .


0 t




(b) Find when P is first at rest. [2]

(c) Write down the number of times P changes direction. [2]

(d) Find the acceleration of P after 3 seconds. [2]

(e) Find the maximum speed of P. [3]

39. [Maximum mark: 6]

Consider the function f (x) = x2e3x , x∈ .

(a) Find f ′ (x) . [4]

(b) The graph of f has a horizontal tangent line at x = 0 and at x = a . Find a . [2]
40. [Maximum mark: 16]    
 −3  6
The points A and B lie on a line L , and have position vectors  −2  and  4  respectively.
   
 2  −1
Let O be the origin. This is shown on the following diagram.
L diagram not to scale


(a) Find AB . [2]

→ →
The point C also lies on L , such that AC = 2CB .
 3
  →
(b) Show that OC =  2  . [3]
 
→ →
Let θ be the angle between AB and OC .

(c) Find θ . [5]

→ →
Let D be a point such that OD = k OC , where k > 1 . Let E be a point on L such that CED
is a right angle. This is shown on the following diagram.
diagram not to scale

θ C

→ →
(d) (i) Show that DE= (k − 1) OC sin θ .

(ii) The distance from D to line L is less than 3 units. Find the possible values of k . [6]

41. [Maximum mark: 8]

 πx 
2sin  
Let f ( x) = e  2 
, for x > 0 .

The kth maximum point on the graph of f has x-coordinate xk where k∈+ .

(a) Given that xk + 1 = xk + a , find a . [4]

(b) Hence find the value of n such that ∑x
k =1
k = 861 . [4]

42. [Maximum mark: 7]

( )
Consider the expansion of x 2 + 1.2 where n∈ , n ≥ 3 . Given that the coefficient of the
term containing x is greater than 200 000 , find the smallest possible value of n .
43. [Puntuación máxima: 14]

Una partícula P sale del punto A y se mueve a lo largo de una línea recta horizontal.
Su velocidad v cm s−1 al cabo de t segundos viene dada por

 −2t + 2, para 0 ≤ t ≤ 1

v (t ) =  4
3 t + t 2 − 7, para 1 ≤ t ≤ 12

La siguiente figura muestra el gráfico de v .

1 12 t

(a) Halle la velocidad inicial de P. [2]

P se encuentra en reposo cuando t = 1 y cuando t = p .

(b) Halle el valor de p . [2]

Cuando t = q , la aceleración de P es igual a cero.

(c) (i) Halle el valor de q .

(ii) A partir de lo anterior, halle la celeridad de P cuando t = q . [4]

(d) (i) Halle la distancia total que ha recorrido P entre t = 1 y t = p .

(ii) A partir de lo anterior o de cualquier otro modo, halle el desplazamiento de P

respecto de A cuando t = p . [6]

44. [Maximum mark: 7]

Consider f (x) , g (x) and h (x) , for x∈ where h (x) = ( f  g) (x) .

Given that g (3) = 7 , g′ (3) = 4 and f ′ (7) = -5 , find the gradient of the normal to
the curve of h at x = 3 .
45. [Puntuación máxima: 16]

 −1  4

  →
 
Sean OA =  0  y OB =  1  .
   3
4  

(a) (i) Halle AB .

(ii) Halle AB . [4]
 −1
 

El punto C es tal que AC =  1  .
 −1
 
(b) Muestre que las coordenadas de C son (−2 , 1 , 3) . [1]

La siguiente figura muestra el triángulo ABC. Sea D un punto perteneciente a [BC], siendo
el ángulo agudo ADC = θ .

la figura no está
A dibujada a escala

θ C

(c) Escriba una expresión en función de θ para
(i) el ángulo ADB;
(ii) el área del triángulo ABD. [2]
área ∆ABD BD 3
(d) Sabiendo que = 3 , muestre que = . [5]
área ∆ACD BC 4
(e) A partir de lo anterior o de cualquier otro modo, halle las coordenadas del punto D. [4]

46. [Maximum mark: 13]

Let f (x) = 2 sin (3x) + 4 for x∈ .

(a) The range of f is k ≤ f (x) ≤ m . Find k and m . [3]

Let g (x) = 5 f (2x) .

(b) Find the range of g . [2]

The function g can be written in the form g (x) = 10 sin (bx) + c .

(c) (i) Find the value of b and of c .

(ii) Find the period of g . [5]

(d) The equation g (x) = 12 has two solutions where π ≤ x ≤ . Find both solutions. [3]
47. [Maximum mark: 16]

Let f ( x) = . The line L is tangent to the graph of f at x = 8 .
(a) Find the gradient of L . [2]

r   + tu .
L can be expressed in the form=
 2
(b) Find u . [2]

 1
The direction vector of y = x is   .
 1
(c) Find the acute angle between y = x and L . [5]

(d) (i) Find ( f  f ) (x) .

(ii) Hence, write down f -1 (x) .

(iii) Hence or otherwise, find the obtuse angle formed by the tangent line to f at x = 8
and the tangent line to f at x = 2 . [7]

48. [Maximum mark: 6]

Six equilateral triangles, each with side length 3 cm, are arranged to form a hexagon.
This is shown in the following diagram.

diagram not to scale

The vectors p , q and r are shown on the diagram.

Find p  ( p + q + r) .

49. [Maximum mark: 6]

Two events A and B are such that P (A) = 0.62 and P (A ∩ B) = 0.18 .

(a) Find P (A ∩ B′ ) . [2]

(b) Given that P ( ( A ∪ B )′ ) =

0.19 , find P (A | B′ ) . [4]
50. [Maximum mark: 16]

There are three fair six-sided dice. Each die has two green faces, two yellow faces and
two red faces.

All three dice are rolled.

(a) (i) Find the probability of rolling exactly one red face.

(ii) Find the probability of rolling two or more red faces. [5]

Ted plays a game using these dice. The rules are:

• Having a turn means to roll all three dice.
• He wins $10 for each green face rolled and adds this to his winnings.
• After a turn Ted can either:
◦ end the game (and keep his winnings), or
◦ have another turn (and try to increase his winnings).
• If two or more red faces are rolled in a turn, all winnings are lost and the game ends.

(b) Show that, after a turn, the probability that Ted adds exactly $10 to his winnings is

The random variable D ($) represents how much is added to his winnings after a turn.

The following table shows the distribution for D , where $w represents his winnings in the
game so far.

D ($) -w 0 10 20 30

1 2 1
P (D = d) x y
3 9 27

(c) (i) Write down the value of x .

(ii) Hence, find the value of y . [3]

Ted will always have another turn if he expects an increase to his winnings.

(d) Find the least value of w for which Ted should end the game instead of having
another turn. [3]

51. [Maximum mark: 15]

The first two terms of an infinite geometric sequence are u1 = 18 and u2 = 12sin2 θ ,
where 0 < θ < 2π , and θ ≠ π .

(a) (i) Find an expression for r in terms of θ .

(ii) Find the possible values of r . [5]

(b) Show that the sum of the infinite sequence is . [4]
2 + cos (2θ )

(c) Find the values of θ which give the greatest value of the sum. [6]
52. [Maximum mark: 15]

The following diagram shows a triangle ABC.

5p 6

0.7 4p

 = 0.7 radians , AB = 4 p , AC = 5 p , where p > 0 .

BC = 6 , CAB

(a) (i) Show that p 2 (41 − 40 cos 0.7) = 36 .

(ii) Find p . [4 marks]

Consider the circle with centre B that passes through the point C. The circle cuts the
 is obtuse. Part of the circle is shown in the following diagram.
line CA at D, and ADB


(b) Write down the length of BD. [1 mark]

(c)  .
Find ADB [4 marks]

(d) (i)  = 1.29 radians, correct to 2 decimal places.

Show that CBD

(ii) Hence, find the area of the shaded region. [6 marks]

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