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Table 1.

Levels of Lipid Fraction Before And After Giving Soursop Leaf Extract,
simvastatin and placebo
Cholesterol Triglyceride LDL HDL
(mg / dL) (mg / dL) (mg / dL) (mg / dL)
Before After Before After Before After Before After

1 150 122 133 119 93 82 21 24

group I 2 103 98 82 71 85 75 23 26
3 184 132 71 63 102 89 26 30
p Leaf
Extract) 4 143 105 94 75 92 76 25 31
5 332 224 157 124 98 83 29 33
1 276 134 102 72 86 78 25 33
2 403 186 214 86 163 119 19 24
group II
(Simva 3 348 95 115 74 97 90 20 28
4 405 201 165 115 138 102 17 21
5 265 123 134 87 106 89 22 30
1 157 145 78 63 110 98 30 30

group 2 173 139 78 75 88 89 21 24

3 209 157 80 82 93 95 27 25
o) 4 159 136 103 105 91 98 23 19
5 133 124 91 87 82 80 28 31

Lipid fraction levels before and after the treatment of soursop leaves and simvastatin for
3 weeks are presented in table 1. It is followed by a test of normality to see if the data is
normal distribution with a value of p > 0.05 which means data is normal distribution. After
finding out that the data are normally distributed then proceed with the Paired T test to
see if there is a comparison before and after the treatment (P < 0.05) as shown in table
2. Conducted a Post HOC Test (LSD) to perform comparisons of each group as in table
Table 2. Paired T Test

The p-value

Cholesterol triglycerides LDL HDL

group I 0:05 0018 0000 0002

group II 0001 0028 0040 0002

Table 3. Post Hoc Test (LSD)

Group The p-value
Cholesterol Triglycerides LDL HDL

I III 0705 0028 0094 0015

II III 0001 0009 0007 0001

I II 0003 0016 0186 0089

The given of soursop leaf extract (Annona muricata L) may improve lipid fraction levels
in the blood, as there are various metabolic compounds in soursop leaf extracts. Based
on the qualitative identification of compounds in the soursop leaves found some metabolic
compounds are tannins, glycosides, saponins and flavonoids that can lower cholesterol
levels and as antioxidants.13,14
In this study, we used a mouse model to test the effects of soursop leaf extract
supplementation on total cholesterol levels as well as lipid profiles in
hypercholesterolemic rats and compared the efficacy of the results between soursop leaf
extract and Simvastatin. There is quite a significant difference between experimental
groups and control groups such as on total cholesterol levels and triglycerides. There is
considerable decline though not so big as in HDL and LDL levels.
Based on analysis of statistical tests observed a considerable reduction in total
cholesterol and triglycerides in soursop leaf extract to rats hypercholesterolemia. This is
consistent with research Lelly et al (2016) in Bandung that get results that soursop leaves
have the same effect as simvastatin in reducing cholesterol.18
From the results of the research, HDL and LDL levels are significant results in rats
that are given the extract of soursop and simvastatin, there is a considerable decrease in
LDL levels and slightly increased levels of HDL. However, there is no significant
comparison between the use of soursop leaves and simvastatin. According to Wulandari
et al (2015) in Semarang which gains insignificant results in comparing soursop and
simvastatin leaf extracts, perhaps a longer time will be able to give a significant impact.19
However, different results are found in the Tugianty et al (2016) in Purwokerto which
received significant results on elevated HDL levels while insignificant results in
decreasing total cholesterol levels, LDL and triglycerides.20
This research has shown that the extract of soursop leaves can inhibit the absorption
of cholesterol so that it can lower total cholesterol levels and to increase lipid profile levels.
The results show that soursop leaf extracts with a comparison of simvastatin have
significantly lowered the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels as well as decreased
levels of LDL and less significant increases in HDL levels.

In conclusion of this study we get significant results on changes in total cholesterol
levels and triglycerides after a given of soursop and simvastatin leaves, but we do not get
significant results on HDL and LDL levels to compare between soursop leaf extract and

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